What to do to become popular

Many girls want to become popular among classmates, friends and schoolchildren. If you are one of them, know that anyone can achieve their goal. You just need to know how to become the most popular in school and class.

If you can’t boast of beauty, relaxedness, charm or intelligence, it’s possible to become the epicenter of attraction. Believe in yourself and follow a few simple rules.

Before I tell you how to succeed and become popular at school, I’ll tell you what not to do. Wrong actions, instead of getting results, will doom your efforts and attempts to become popular to failure.

  1. You should not gain favor with classmates and friends through flattery.
  2. Even if friendship with a certain girl or a group of schoolchildren will benefit, do not humiliate yourself to create friendly relations.
  3. Copying behavior popular girls and imitation of manners will lead to nothing good.
  4. Don't date boys in order to appear worthy and interesting.

Schoolchildren, seeing that you happily fulfill their wishes and follow their lead, will communicate, but such friendship cannot be called sincere. Do not forget that by sacrificing pride and dignity, you will not be able to gain real popularity in school or class.

Step-by-step action plan

  1. Communicate with all your peers without trying to join a specific group. You will achieve popularity if your circle of friends is unlimited. Talk to everyone and don't neglect anyone.
  2. Remember, the key to popularity is goodwill. You will not be able to achieve your goal with the help of aggression and anger. If your character is complex, try to become kinder and focus on nice talking and sincere friendship.
  3. Support good mood. A smile will help attract the attention of children from school, provoking them to communicate. Go to school in the mood.
  4. Will help increase popularity and attractiveness. During school years, boys fight for attention beautiful girls. Take care of your skin, nails and hair. Choose stylish, beautiful and clean clothes.
  5. Meet older students. Friendship with high school students is perceived by peers as an indicator of coolness. Once you gain their trust, you will stand on Right way to the top of popularity.
  6. Do something fun and interesting. With the help of an unusual hobby, you will attract attention and attract interest. Having chosen an interesting activity, be it dancing or wrestling, try to achieve success. As a result, there will be an incentive to share achievements with peers.

Here's how to become popular in school. When moving towards your goal, do not behave extremely defiantly, do not impose yourself and forget about embarrassment. Otherwise, instead of popularity, you will gain a reputation as a frivolous schoolgirl who thinks only about herself.

Video tips

Be a relaxed and natural person. As a result, your peers will consider you interesting person, spending time with whom is very pleasant. Don't copy an existing school star.

How to become the most popular in class

All girls dream of becoming popular among their classmates. Nevertheless, some girls are invited to holidays and given gifts, while others are ignored.

If you think that your popularity among your peers is minimal, try to correct the situation with step by step instructions. By following the recommendations, achieve your goal and climb to the top of popularity, which can even go beyond the classroom.

  • Take care of your appearance . Even if you don’t shine with exceptional beauty, pay as much attention to your image as possible. Keep your nails and hair clean, wear neat clothes and take care of fresh breath. Agree, greasy hair and torn tights will alienate your classmates.
  • Find your style . It is not necessary to go to extreme measures, which involve dyeing bangs in green color, using a large amount of cosmetics and accessories. It's better to dress properly. Only the right items will help hide figure flaws, and a fashionable haircut will highlight the beauty of your face.
  • Actively participate in class life . Alternatively, you can publish school newspaper, participate in extracurricular activities, keep a diary, come up with skits and quizzes. If you're not good at acting, try becoming a school director.
  • Use your talents . If you know how to embroider, sing, dance or draw, use your talents to win over your classmates. Invite them to the next concert or competition in which you intend to participate. As a result, your classmates will be able to learn something new about you. None of the school competitions, exhibitions or concert programs should take place without your participation.
  • Be interested in history and the world . You will be able to gain popularity among your classmates if you can interest them. Knowledge about sports, music, fashion trends or the latest in cinema will help. Talk to your classmates about interesting things, trying not to let the conversation become a one-sided lecture.
  • Hospitality and generosity . If a classmate asks for a book or CD with an educational video, don’t be greedy. Invite your classmates to visit, entertain and treat them. If it's your birthday, try baking your own cake and treat the whole class. Demonstrate your culinary skills and attract attention.
  • State your point of view . Regarding events that happen in class or at school, you should have your own point of view. Express it with reason. Treat other people's opinions with respect.
  • Special attention pay attention to developing a sense of humor . A girl who is constantly serious and gloomy will not be popular at school or in class. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise, instead of a school star, you will become a jester. Watching humorous TV shows, reading jokes and anecdotes will help develop a sense of humor.
  • Unexpected action . You can make a huge impression on your school colleagues with the help of an unexpected act. For example, ask a handsome friend to meet you after school or drive up to the school threshold in the side seat of a nice car. Making an impression by using cigarettes, hard liquor, or psychotropic substances not worth it. They will only bring bad fame.

Agree, the steps that I propose to take to achieve the goal are as simple and understandable as possible. At the same time, they are very effective and have repeatedly demonstrated their effectiveness in practice.

During their school years, all children try to gain popularity among their peers. Especially in high school, when they begin to rapidly mature physically and mentally. When trying to get the desired status, the main thing is to avoid making a serious mistake. In an effort to gain popularity, you can commit rash and ill-considered actions, which you later have to be ashamed of.

What is popularity and why is it needed?

While studying at school, children study various disciplines every day in order to gain knowledge. They constantly make attempts to gain status among classmates and friends. There is nothing wrong if a girl strives to gain popularity. Each person needs to get to know each other for the sake of exchanging opinions and useful data, which has a positive effect on the development of communication skills, which will definitely come in handy throughout adult life.

Communication skills - the ability to talk to by different people without hesitation. During such communication, a person learns to understand psychology, which helps in school, at work, and even in creating relationships.

In the article, I shared methods for achieving popularity at school and in the classroom, which are widely used by teenage girls. Surely at school you saw how friends, in order to gain popularity and attract attention, use bad habits. Remember, for teenagers, alcohol and cigarettes are forbidden things that have nothing to do with real popularity.

Before you take action, think carefully about whether you need great popularity. Identify the reasons why you are still unpopular. It may turn out that popularity is not needed; a couple of good friends are plenty.

Don't try to change to please your peers. You will achieve success if you can live in harmony with yourself. Time will pass, the environment will change, but you must remain yourself. Each new change will make you better and more natural.

Methods - tips that will definitely help you achieve popularity.

  1. Fall in love with yourself handsome guy area (city) or celebrity.
  2. Date this guy, go to various parties with him. Popularity, believe me, will not keep you waiting!
  3. Win a huge amount in the lottery.
  4. Almost all newspapers will know about you! They will “spin” your popularity to a crazy level.
  5. Write the lyrics to the song.
  6. Give it to someone or sell it. It's great if you sing it yourself, strumming guitar chords.
  7. Start a blog.
  8. First come up with a topic that will be interesting to a lot of people. Comment on what others have written (on blogs), respond to comments…. Do everything to ensure that your blog is noticed and not missed.
  9. Win some famous competition.
  10. Take first or second place so that they don’t forget about you. Then you will often appear on television screens. This “flickering” is the path to your popularity.
  11. Write a novel.
  12. Write a book! Even if it's not a novel! The first thing that must be present in it is the attractiveness of the plot.
  13. Become a mother of many children.
  14. In this case, popularity will definitely not pass you by! Let you have, for example, eight or ten children.
  15. Sing at a karaoke bar.
  16. Sing! Do not be shy! Sing even if you have no voice at all. You will still become popular.
  17. Get involved in some story.
  18. The main thing is that it shouldn’t matter to the police! Don't be rowdy or hooligan! You can, for example, gain popularity through parkour...
  19. Perform a feat.
  20. Ask the life of a child or an adult. Believe me! This will be an invaluable feat.
  21. Break the record.
  22. You can go to the mountains. In general, this is not the only record that you can break.
  23. Invent something.
  24. Think about what would be useful to a person and humanity as a whole. Develop a plan. Well, proceed according to the plan itself!
  25. Get active in apps.
  26. There are tons of them on the Internet! You will, however, get tired of clicking buttons. And this activity may seem boring to you.
  27. Leave a lot of messages on forums.
  28. Perhaps it is your message that will help the person solve the problem or problems.
  29. Become a regular customer (client) or visitor (visitor). What exactly? We answer: Beauty salon. Hair salon. Dentistry. Clinics. Club. Restaurant. Cafe. Taxi. The list could go on, but our goal was just to give examples.
  30. Call the radio.
  31. Tell us what worries you. Or just congratulate someone on the holiday in an original way. You will be remembered!
  32. Go to a concert of a singer you love and sing on stage with him.
  33. They will broadcast reports about you, they will come to your home... You risk getting tired of popularity!
  34. Post your photos online regularly.
  35. Update them, comment on them, change them. The photos will attract a lot of attention.
  36. Be sociable and positive.
  37. Such people have always been “in value”. Wherever they are! Positive mood and interesting communication – something that is very often lacking.
  38. Date several guys at once or change them frequently. Cruel! But if you want to achieve popularity in any way, act and don’t stop!

There are girls (and guys) who achieve popularity in the following way:

  1. They create a “left” page on a social network.
  2. They choose a “victim”.
  3. They write all sorts of obscene nasty things or crazy lies on her “wall”

You can't do that! Because the page of “trolls” (as those who do such bad things are called) can be “frozen” or blocked. But the main thing is different! You can’t “play” with human feelings, you can’t trample them like dirt. In life, absolutely everything comes back like boomerangs. But the return “hits” much more painfully!

How to be popular in your team (at work):

  1. You can dress nicely.
  2. Look after yourself.
  3. Be super interesting in conversation.
  4. Prove that you are a responsible person.
  5. Help out your colleagues if they ask.

How to be popular at a disco:

  1. Be sexy.
  2. Dance beautifully.
  3. Take the initiative in communicating with the opposite sex.
  4. Invite young people to dance.
  5. Have fun from the heart.

How to be popular at school (if you are still studying there):

  1. Flaunt your organizational skills.
  2. Take part in various activities.
  3. Let's copy lessons if you're asked.
  4. Dress fashionably to keep up with your classmates.
  5. Do everything you can to be inundated with Valentine's cards on Valentine's Day.

How to become popular on the street:

  1. Walk beautifully.
  2. Smile sincerely.
  3. Attract mesmerizing looks.
  4. Do not refuse to meet the opposite sex.
  5. Do everything so that your neighbors - grandmothers who sit on benches at the entrances - talk about you.

Advice to girls who managed to become popular:

  1. Beware of the “star disease.” Remember that there are ups and downs in life. And then it will be very painful to fall if something goes wrong.
  2. Be friendly to people. Being popular doesn't give you the right to treat people badly.
  3. Don't humiliate someone who isn't popular. You, too, were not always the person you are now!
  4. Help others become popular. Give recommendations, advice. Don't be afraid of competition!
  5. Stay human! This is the most difficult and most important. It’s a pity that few people think about this (especially in Lately).
  6. Regulate your self-esteem. If it is constantly too high, people will turn away from you, and you will remain popular alone.
  7. Never gain popularity by using anyone. You can't do that under any circumstances! You will bring trouble upon yourself because all actions come back. These are not fairy tales, but the “justice” of reality.

Instagram can distinguish real users from automated bots. If you are caught using a bot, your account may be shadowbanned. This means that your posts will only be visible to your followers, but will not be found through hashtags and recommendations.

The user does not immediately notice the changes. Owners especially suffer from this. You can find out if your Instagram is in a shadow ban through special programs.

2. Post no more than one post per day

Posts on Instagram are no longer shown in chronological order, but depending on the interests of the user. That is, first we see the most interesting entries, according to special algorithms. They may appear in the feed for a longer period of time.

Some users check their feed once a day or even less often. And at the top of the feed, those posts that they have not yet seen are displayed. If you post several photos a day, they will compete with each other. This means that there is a possibility that not many people will see both posts.

If you want to share with the world more often what is happening in your life, use.

3. Choose the right time to post

This will determine how much response your post will receive. Choose a time when most of your followers are likely to be online.

Often this is 8:00-9:00 - the time after waking up, around 13:00 - a lunch break, and 18:00-20:00 - rest after a working day.

4. Identify popular hashtags that suit your account

Hashtags allow your posts to appear in the recommendations of other users - they may turn out to be your potential followers. Therefore, approach this choice more thoroughly.

Identify the 15–30 most popular ones. Instagram has a limit on using more than 30 hashtags. In addition, spam like #likeforlike can easily result in a shadow ban. Don't write thoughtlessly. Based on the interests of your and potential audience.

5. Join groups with other users

Such groups (English: Instagram Pods) bring together people who want to get more likes. In Instagram chat they share their posts. Each group member likes the photo and leaves a meaningful comment.

Typically, a like from an account with a large number of followers is highly valued by other users. A person becomes interested in what good such a popular user found in this account.

6. Use a call to action

Very few users like to leave comments on posts. Therefore, in the posts under the photo, call your subscribers to action. Ask them questions, ask for their opinion, discuss something.

7. Hold a competition

Contests are a great way not only to “wake up” old subscribers, but also to acquire new ones. To attract attention, you can use a photo of some expensive product or beautiful resort. Make it clear that this is a free competition. Make the rules clear. This usually means liking, following other accounts, and commenting to tag a few friends. The winner is selected at a certain time among those who have fulfilled all the conditions.

Don't wear a mask. People can tell right away that you're faking it. You have to be authentic, so be who you are and be proud of it. Think about your strengths. By the time they start college, most people have outgrown the person they were in high school. If you haven't already, you need to do a good job of growing up. Your time in college is ideal for getting to know yourself better. And by the time you decide on the choice of your specialty, you should be proud of it because it can become a determining factor in the development of your personality and career.

Please. Open doors for people, don't hesitate to help carry books, offer to help with homework, help a person find their way around college. Only your kindness can help you do this.

Be friendly. Try to spend time with everyone small talk. Make an effort to talk to someone or help someone you wouldn't normally do. Don't be bone man. Try to chat about things like: weather, sports, studies, student life, travel, hobbies, weekend or vacation plans, movies, music and favorite TV shows. Stay up to date with the latest celebrity gossip, news and sports, so you'll always have something to talk about. Talking about the weather gets boring really quickly.

Have a good sense of humor. Don't tell stupid, ingrained jokes. Be witty. Search for funny material online or watch funny TV shows or movies to get ideas.

Dress in fashionable clothes. You don't have to imitate Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian to look stylish, but you don't have to dress like you just rolled out of bed (which is what some students look like). After all, some could be seen in pajamas even at school. For guys good option could be a button-down shirt, T-shirt, pullover or sweatshirt with jeans or shorts. A hoodie with a hood will also work. For girls - interesting top, beautiful hairstyle, modest makeup. Try to dress appropriately for the climate and terrain. Many students, having decided on their specialty, begin to dress as they would at work, for example: business clothes- for business specialties, more elaborate clothes - for artistic specialties. This rule is observed especially carefully during internship, practice, etc. Many students wear their work clothes to college, especially if they work after school. Some specialties will require you to wear a special uniform, for example, a robe and cotton trousers for nursing and dental specialties, a police uniform for law enforcement, etc. There are some girls who have been wearing attractive dresses and skirts to school recently - if you have such a good and attractive dress, then don’t be afraid to wear it to college.

You are not required to attend parties. Only amateurs attend parties all the time. Drinking alcohol is a sign that you are insecure and therefore turn to alcohol to feel confident. A truly stylish and “cool” person does not need this doping. Attend a nice party once in a while (like a relative's wedding), but don't make it a lifestyle choice. Typically, students who celebrate parties the way Toby Keith does in his "Red Solo Cup" video get laughed at all the time.

Don't join too many clubs. Joining too a large number clubs is a sign that you are desperate and just want to be well received everywhere. Only participate in clubs and activities that you are genuinely interested in or that are related to your major. Do not join a nursing club unless you plan to continue doing so in the future.

Don't try to hide your shortcomings. College is exactly the place where they cannot be hidden. Don't be afraid to do something that you will later regret because it was "not cool." No one has yet defined a standard by which to judge what is “cool” and what is not. Everyone has their own idea of ​​what is "cool" and there are many other aspects that determine that, such as where you live. So, don't try too hard, relax. Who cares if you like Justin Bieber, or like watching Tom and Jerry, or even listening to Lawrence Welk in your dorm. If you like Justin Bieber, don't be afraid to blow up your speakers with his compositions. College students today like to be "ironic" anyway.

Earn good grades. Grades are not an attribute exclusively for “nerds”. Grades will make you “cooler”: after all, this is a future job that will allow you to earn money to buy cool cars, houses, etc.

Don't be addicted to Facebook and others social networks, such as MySpace. Time spent on Facebook is usually wasted time. When you are on the Internet, listen to music, enjoy funny jokes and photographs, watch YouTube, and if you get tired of all this, start studying.

You don't need a girlfriend/boyfriend or sex to look "cool". Sometimes having a girlfriend/boyfriend in college can distract you from other interesting activities, or from achieving your main goal - getting an education for a future career. But if you find someone you like, don't be afraid to make the first move. But remember that you may well expect dramatic consequences.

Don't be afraid to express yourself. Don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in and do what you think is right, even though it may not be popular. Every person has their own opinion, so be sure to respect other people's differences and treat everyone equally. If you don't think that sex or partying is "cool", or that voting for a certain political candidate is not "cool", then act in accordance with your beliefs.

Even if we don't always admit it, most of us dream of finding the answer to the question of how to become popular. Why do some girls easily manage to be popular and be liked by others, while others cannot become so, no matter how hard they try? How to earn the recognition and respect of others? Here are some secrets that will help you become a popular girl.

1. Don't try to be popular!

It would be a mistake to artificially try to become popular. When girls try to impress others and somehow capture their imagination, it inevitably makes them act unnaturally and think about what they should do or say to be liked. When we behave In a similar way, we hide our real selves behind a created mask of an imaginary ideal. Of course, this behavior may temporarily impress some people, but in the long run it will not guarantee our success. It is much better in friendship to be based on your real qualities and avoid eccentric attempts to increase your authority.

2. Quality, not quantity

When dreaming of popularity, you should not chase the number of friends. Their quality is much more important.

Of course, any of us would not refuse an endless list of reliable, faithful and true friends. But the reality is much more prosaic, no matter how rich, famous and influential you are. Most friends, over time, become just acquaintances. Some of them disappear from our lives much faster than they were found. Others don't mind exchanging pleasantries and chatting, but they will never be ready to rush to you in the middle of the night to listen to the latest drama from your personal life.

Choose people with a light, sympathetic character, who know how to be faithful and fair, in whom you see kindred spirit who will always come to help you in difficult times.

3. Get out of your comfort zone

This step is most important for shy girls who dream of becoming popular. Take a step out of your comfort zone, even if you are an incorrigible introvert.

Practice shows that it works! Pay attention to those around you, understand their interests, make them feel important, tell them funny story, inspire others to join you and do something unexpected and even outrageous together... Be nice and friendly to those who want to communicate with you. However, it is better to stay away from manipulative people who are accustomed to using others solely for their own interests.

People value those who think not only about themselves, but also about others. If you only talk about yourself and your own achievements, people around you will simply start trying to avoid you. On the contrary, people who are willing to spend their time listening to others are respected. This rule applies to absolutely everyone, and not just a select few who have a high social status.

5. Be yourself

By impersonating someone else, you will be in constant voltage. We are not sincere when we try to please others by meeting other people's expectations, and people can quickly see this. On the contrary, by remaining who we are, we allow our natural talents to reveal themselves, which naturally attracts other people, making us popular.

6. Kind heart

Learn to be generous in your relationships with other people and forget their little mistakes. People around you really appreciate this positive outlook on the world. This is very important factor in building a new image! Criticism and judgment make people feel disadvantaged. If we find a way to appreciate the merits of other people, they will be very pleased with our generosity.

7. Shrink your ego

If you intend to impress other people, it is wise to drop various titles, surnames and achievements in conversation. By increasing your ego, you can only become popular in your own eyes. If you don’t chase recognition and praise, people will appreciate your modesty. Let your real actions speak louder than words! If you do good things, there is no need to act as your own PR manager - you are not a politician who runs for office and achieves popularity through personal presentations.

8. Humor

To gain popularity, we must evaluate ourselves realistically, but we should not be too serious. Humor is one of the most important attributes that is valued by people from all over the world.

According to psychologists, humor is one of the most important qualities, which influences the choice of a partner for a relationship. This, of course, does not mean that we should be like the heroines of Comedy Woman, but good joke will help create the right atmosphere in communication.

9. Goodbye pessimism! Optimism is a new lifestyle

Small clouds of pessimism overhead gradually become thunderclouds, turning some girls into eternally dissatisfied, embittered, arrogant and unhappy creatures. Try to avoid pessimism at all costs if your goal is to be popular with other people. In every challenge we overcome lies opportunity, so try to always find reasons for optimism in your life.

10. Learn to listen!

Contrary to what your logic may dictate, listening to other people is essential to winning their hearts. To be popular, learn to listen and understand their ideas, questions, problems and feelings. People love to talk about themselves and what is on their minds. Try to get on the same page with your interlocutor and pay attention to him, despite the fact that this seems counterintuitive, given the topic of this article. In the future, it will almost certainly pay off!

11. Calmly achieve your goal!

People pay attention to those who have a strong character, possessing other virtues such as honesty, kindness and patience. In fact, these ideals are more often talked about than possessed. We often meet people who tell others what others should do. It would be much better for these critics to focus on their own behavior and actions rather than lecture others. The secret to popularity here is to be honest with yourself and not make comments to others unnecessarily.

Now you can become popular, but don't try to dive into these tips right away! Instead, master each secret gradually, viewing them as stepping stones to your future popularity.
