How to receive a parcel from Aliexpress at the post office: step-by-step instructions and recommendations. AliExpress and Russian Post: how to pick up parcels correctly

Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who has not received a parcel at least once at the state post office. Young people, for the most part, may not have encountered such a phenomenon as Russian Post before, and, perhaps, never planned to do so. But, as they say, it’s better not to guess. After all, in Lately Cross-border online trading is developing rapidly, when buyers order goods on foreign Internet sites and receive them at the local post office.

This article will talk about how to receive parcels correctly, which arrived in your name at the post office, both from abroad and within the country. The procedure will be described using the example of Russian Post. But for some postal operators in neighboring countries, this reminder will also be more than relevant.

So, you have received a notification from the Russian Post that your parcel has arrived at the post office. Of course, if this shipment is expected, and you have a tracking number to track it, you can detect the fact that the parcel has arrived at the post office yourself before receiving such a notification. By the way, the latter may not be brought at all or it may simply be pulled out of your box by “well-wishers”.

What do the majority of people do who have no bitter experience of receiving parcels?

With frantic hope, you fly to the post office, abandoning all important matters, for such a long-awaited package. Stand in a long line, in which from time to time someone argues with a neighbor or a postal worker. But this doesn’t bother you, you are looking forward to your happiness.

Finally, you receive some paper from the postal worker, on which you are asked to leave an autograph. After a short bureaucratic delay, the department staff hands you the package with a sweet and friendly face (at best). You rush home to open the package and become the owner of... what? That's right, what we ordered!

But a favorable ending does not always happen. Some lucky customers have found, instead of a long-awaited product, something not quite right - for example, a pack of paper or a small brick. After this, the mood drops sharply, all sorts of thoughts pop into my head: how is this possible, why to me, why?

And the answer is simple, you were negligent in the receipt procedure, and this is your punishment.

The correct algorithm for receiving a parcel at Russian Post

There are several ways to proceed correctly in this matter.

The first method is conflict-free and the most problem-free. It is best to “appease” the most accommodating employee of the post office where you plan to receive your parcels most often. It is enough to “thank” a couple of times for a good attitude with the same chocolate, a small “contribution” (some people call it a dachshund). In this case, to resolve the unpleasant situation with the received parcel, you will have a lot of opportunities, up to the execution of acts retroactively, and we think you will also be allowed to open parcels before signing the receipt for receipt.

Moreover, you can arrange for the operator to call you immediately as the parcel arrives at the department, and the problem with the queue is resolved very quickly.

Note: at Russian Post, in branches where there are no windows for issuing parcels, people in need of postal services should be served with priority over those who pay utility bills or other types of payments. It is precisely because of payments that kilometer-long queues are most often created.

But if you are so principled and believe that a little gratitude for a service provided is a bribe, then the second method is suitable for you. Its essence boils down to the following steps:

  • Remember the last names and initials of the postal employees with whom you have to communicate. This will be useful in case of conflict situations.
  • Do not sign the postal notice until you can verify the integrity of your package. Under the signature box it is indicated that you received the parcel and have no complaints. If a postal employee asks you to sign first, do not agree, but suggest that you follow the regulations.
  • According to the regulations, the postal employee issuing parcels MUST (understand how must) weigh the issued shipment so that you can ensure that the actual weight of the parcel matches the data specified in the notification (as well as the tracking status by tracking number when passing through customs).
  • In addition to checking the mass, you must provide the parcel for visual inspection so that you can verify the integrity of the packaging and the absence of signs of tampering. This opportunity is also provided before signing the receipt notice.
  • If a weight deviation of 20 grams or more is detected, and/or traces of damage to the integrity of the outer shell of the parcel are detected, or signs of tampering, for example, breaks in the tape, absence of a customs declaration (for parcels from abroad), damage or absence of an address sticker , the department employee serving you must invite the shift supervisor and jointly open the parcel with you.

Note: film the process.

If you notice substitution or damage to the contents of the parcel, the responsible postal employee (shift senior) is obliged to draw up an “External Inspection Report” and an “Enclosure Report”, according to Form 51. Each report must be drawn up in two copies (one for you and for mail). It happens that the parcel arrives at the post office already with a certificate. Most often, this happens when customs reveals a significant deviation from the declared weight and draws up a “Weight Discrepancy Report”, and sometimes the parcel is opened (in this case there should be an “Opening Report”).

In any of these cases, the recipient has the right to demand that the parcel be opened together with a competent postal employee and, if a problem is identified, to draw up the above acts. By the way, even if you have no concerns about damage to the contents of the parcel, but there are signs of damage to the packaging, you have the right to demand an opening procedure.

If the integrity of the parcel was not compromised or an opening was performed, as a result of which you were convinced that everything was in order with the contents, then you can safely pick up the parcel and sign the notice. Otherwise (contents damaged or stolen), follow further instructions.

  • Sign only completed acts. Do not sign the notice.
  • If the parcel is from Russia (within the country), then pick up the parcel. Write a claim to the Russian Post (or its EMS division, if the parcel was sent through it). If you do not receive a response to your claim within a month, you can safely go to court with the signed documents.
  • If the parcel arrived from abroad (product from AliExpress), then it is better to refuse to receive it and indicate that you refused to receive the parcel due to its damage or substitution. Again, do not sign the notice. After this, the problematic parcel will be sent back to the sender, and the tracking number (if the parcel was properly registered) will indicate a new status: “Sent for export.” You can inform the seller that you did not receive the parcel, and it will be returned to him. It is not necessary to report the reasons for such a turn of events, and the seller will not be able to find out about this right away. Open a Dispute and receive money if you have not received it within the allotted time. If there was no tracking number, then there will be no problems with the seller at all - you will immediately open a Dispute.

Forewarned is forearmed"

Postal employees are ordinary people, who, like everyone else, want to simplify their work as much as possible and avoid unnecessary problems as much as possible. Therefore, they can persuade the recipient to take some actions that may subsequently complicate his situation.

Here is an example of such tricks and how to react to them:

Situation: You are required to sign the receipt before the parcel is inspected and weighed.

Solution: be persistent and disagree, citing established order.

Situation: you are refused to open the parcel with the drawing up of the relevant acts in form No. 51.

Solution: it is illegal. You can safely complain to higher authorities (the main post office of the city), call the call center and make an entry in the complaint book.

Situation: you are informed about the absence of forms in Form No. 51.

Solution: The forms are publicly available on the Internet, and you can bring them with you ahead of time (or when the need arises).

Situation: you are required to sign a notice of receipt of the parcel after drawing up and signing the acts.

Solution: do not agree with this illegal requirement, because if you sign it, then the chances of getting a refund from the seller in a Dispute on AliExpress as a result of non-receipt will be significantly reduced, and it will be difficult to prove damage or theft of the contents of the parcel (you will sign about receipt and absence claims).

Situation: you are informed that the parcel has traces of opening, as this was done during customs control. Therefore, you must sign the receipt document.

Solution: disagree and explain to the employee that when opened at customs, the parcel is sealed with special customs tape and a “Customs Inspection Report” is drawn up, which is signed by the responsible person (from customs) and two postal employees present at the opening. And even in this case, the recipient has the right to open it and draw up a report to make sure that what is described in the customs report corresponds to the real state of affairs. Re-taped tape, which differs from the branded/factory one, or an insurance postal flap with declarations, re-taped on the side of the parcel to hide traces of tampering, are good reasons for drawing up a report.

Situation: a branch employee informs you that Russian Post is not responsible for international shipments.

Solution: They want to deceive you. Do not agree, and explain to the postal worker that such responsibility is enshrined in both domestic and international laws. Naturally, responsibility begins from the moment the MPO enters the territory of the Russian Federation.

Situation: you are informed that you have no right to demand insurance compensation for damaged/stolen parcels. This, supposedly, can only be done by the sender.

Solution: This is not true. According to the law, after receiving the shipment, the recipient becomes the owner of the parcel and has the right to demand compensation in the country where he received such a shipment from the company that delivered it.

Influence measures in resolving controversial issues

As noted above, the best way To avoid most conflicts and complications with receiving parcels at Russian Post is to establish “friendly” relations with a post office employee.

It is worth noting that most often conflict situations do not arise from the fact that postal employees want to deceive you, steal your parcel, or out of malice. During the day of work, their mood is spoiled a hundred times by various capricious clients. Look no further than some pensioners who blame and curse postal workers for delaying their pensions. So sometimes even completely normal operators begin to behave inappropriately towards polite recipients of parcels.

And the salaries of their postal workers are far from the best. Of course, this cannot justify unprofessional service, because you (or the seller who sent the parcel, essentially at your expense) paid a lot of money for the delivery of the parcel. Whether or not to work at the post office is their own decision. But you can still understand them, so it’s worth finding a more delicate approach, thanking them in advance for their good attitude (and not always financially - often a simple “thank you” is enough). It's much easier and more enjoyable than getting into a tough confrontation.

If for some reason it is impossible to reach a consensus, you will probably have to use unpleasant, but necessary to resolve the situation, measures of influence:

  1. The first step is to demand that the head of the department come to you. Ask him to explain to his subordinates the rules for issuing postal items.
  2. If the first point did not help (the boss is not there, he himself does not understand this issue or does not want to help, taking the side of his subordinate), then you should call toll free number hotline Russian Posts – 8 800 20 05 888 or 8 800 20 05 055 (for EMS Russian Post). It is better to do this directly in the presence of department employees - most often this measure allows you to speed up the resolution of the issue.

The call center operator will need to provide your post office code and address. Next, it is worth explaining the essence of the problem: the requirement to sign a notice of receipt (waiver of claims) before inspecting the parcel, refusal to draw up reports, threats of non-delivery or sending the parcel back to the sender, etc. You can also turn on the speakerphone and invite the responsible employee (or shift supervisor) to comment on your situation.

  1. Depending on how the issue is resolved after the first two steps, you can make an entry in the book of complaints and suggestions, where you also describe the situation in detail, demand that the issue be dealt with and give a written response to established by law terms (30 days). Don't forget to include your full name and residential address.

If the recipient is confident that he is right, then the first 2 measures of influence are usually enough, but especially severe cases you have to make written complaints (3rd point), and also contact higher divisions of the Russian Post.

We wish you not to fall into difficult situations when receiving parcels.

Aliexpress is the largest intermediary between sellers from China and buyers from all over the world. It features great amount goods at very attractive prices. Let's find out how to receive a parcel from Aliexpress.

How does an order arrive from Aliexpress?

As soon as you have paid for the order, a certain amount corresponding to the cost of the goods is frozen on your account. The seller will receive it after the package reaches you and you are satisfied with the product received. Once you have submitted an order and it has not yet been sent by email, you have the opportunity to cancel the order.

Where do parcels from Aliexpress arrive?

So, you made an order, paid and are waiting for it to arrive. After the parcel begins its journey, the seller must send track number, this number can be viewed in your personal account. Using the track number you can find out the location of the parcel, you enter the number on the websites of postal services and find out where, on this moment, your goods are coming.

How to pick up a parcel from Aliexpress

When the parcel reaches the nearest post office, the postman must bring notification of parcel arrival. Having received this notification, you need to come up with your passport and pick up the parcel. But it often happens that the notification does not arrive for a long time, then you need to track the location using the track number, and when the parcel is at your post office, after waiting a few days, pick it up. When placing an order, you must accurately write down the delivery address, full name, and, most importantly, the post office code. If everything is done correctly, then there should be no problems with order delivery.

Delivery of parcels directly from China has gained immense popularity. The main shipper is Aliexpress. This trading platform provides an opportunity for Chinese manufacturers to offer their services to private clients around the world. Now anyone can order an item by mail from abroad, and without leaving home.

And the choice is huge - the website presents the products of a large number of companies. You just need to place an order, and very soon you will receive the long-awaited notification of the arrival of the goods, which are sent by both paid and free postal services.

Let's take a closer look, how to receive the goods and use the service correctly.

Delivery from Aliexpress is possible to any corner of the world. Millions of buyers from Russia and other countries use this service.

What is important to consider when placing an order? There are several such nuances.

  • Correctly indicate the delivery address and recipient contacts. In the absence of such data, you may simply not pick up the parcel. And postal workers have the right to refuse you.
  • You don't have to wait for a message from the mail. If you tracked on the Internet that your order has arrived, feel free to go to the branch. Employees are simply obliged to satisfy your request.
  • Be sure to take your passport. Without it, you will most likely be denied the shipment.
  • By registering on the AliExpress website, you can buy any item you like and, if necessary, argue.

How does an order arrive from Aliexpress?

Having paid for your order with Aliexpress, the exciting and not the most pleasant waiting time begins. Every buyer often faces a question: how to find out where the shipment is located? After the site has verified payment for the order, the seller is ready to send your package. This procedure requires 3 to 5 working days.

How can you track your shipment? Where can I find the data? To do this you need to go to Personal Area on the AliExpress website. In the section called “My Orders”, select the desired item and click on the inscription “Show details”. it will be revealed to you a large number of information. You need to find the “Logistics Info” item. This is where the tracker number for tracking is indicated, with which you can understand that the goods have arrived.

Important! The information appears only after the seller sends the parcel.

You can check the location of the sent item on the Russian Post website. She is the one who delivers orders from Aliexpress throughout the Russian Federation. When parcels arrive from Aliexpress, an alert is sent to the recipient.

Before arriving at post offices, parcels go through several stages. The process can take quite a long time, and the duration depends on the location of your region.

As soon as you realize that a package has arrived from Aliexpress, hurry up to get it.

When picking up your delivery, be sure to check whether the package is intact, as well as the contents. And only after that sign the papers. If the parcel arrives damaged or with different contents, you have every right issue a refund.

Where do parcels from Aliexpress arrive?

Where will the goods from Aliexpress that you have been waiting for so long arrive?

Before making a purchase, you should decide on the transportation option. There are only two of them:

  • paid;
  • free.

What are their differences?

Free way, has one advantage - they won’t take money from you. Although this is not entirely true. The fee is already included in the price of the ordered products. They can last longer than two months – up to 90 days. You need to come to pick them up at a Russian Post office. You can find out this branch on the website

Paid option bites. The cost of moving is quite impressive. But there is a greater chance that the contents will arrive, as they say, safe and sound. And much faster - the journey will take from one to three weeks. After the shipment is accepted, it will be delivered by courier directly to your home.

The last method is worth choosing if you are purchasing valuable things: a computer, smartphone, etc.

What companies deliver goods from Aliexpress in Russia? Most Popular -

  • Post office;

On their portals you can find information about how cargo is moved, by what transport, about services with discounts, and will also provide technical support and provide consultations.

Track item at paid service You can also visit the carrier's website.

We already discussed how parcels with free transportation are tracked and where to find the tracking number at the beginning of the article.

How to properly receive a parcel from Aliexpress?

So, you have received a notification that you have received a package from the post office. You can take your passport and go pick up your shipment. Also bring the tracking number. Once you've picked up the box, don't rush to sign the documents and leave. It needs to be checked first.

Look at the integrity of the packaging. It should not be torn or open. If such unpleasant nuances were discovered, you should not pick up the parcel at the post office. Draw up a return certificate. They must explain to you how to do this.

It is better to unpack the received box in the compartment. It wouldn’t hurt to videotape the entire process. This way you can prove that you are right if the item inside is of poor quality or is not at all what you bought.

It will be good if you leave your review about the product. It will be useful for future buyers. This will also be a plus for the seller, which forms your personal rating on Ali.

If you are satisfied with everything, you will need to confirm receipt of the parcel by signing the documents.

Sometimes there may be an amount exceeding the duty-free transport limit. In this case, you will need to pay the difference. But situations where you need to pay an additional duty are extremely rare for the average buyer.

What documents are needed, or is it possible to pick up a parcel without a passport?

When the shipment has already arrived at the department transport company, the postman issues a notice. They drop it in your mailbox, and you may think that this is a document and it gives you the opportunity to pick up the parcel.

But it is not so. The official portal of the Russian Post notifies citizens that the recipient can only pick up the item with a document confirming the person’s identity. You can use:

  • Citizen's passport Russian Federation(foreign passport is not suitable);
  • A temporary certificate if the passport is lost;
  • Refugee certificate;
  • Seaman's passport;
  • A foreign document that confirms identity (if the person is a foreigner);
  • Military ID;
  • Residence permit.

The child only needs a birth certificate.

Important! By using driver's license It will not be possible to pick up the goods, since they are not a document that confirms the person.

Who can pick up a parcel from the post office other than the recipient?

Let's say that you made an order on the AliExpress website. But it’s impossible to pick up the goods - an unexpected business trip. Can another person receive the shipment for you?

Yes, you can entrust this to another person: one of your family members or a friend. Then the department will require a power of attorney written by you for this person. But not just done by hand, but certified by a notary. This is necessary because anyone can write such a paper.

Such a document is produced only in paper form, and it states the right of receipt by the representative.

It happens that the document is formatted incorrectly. Then the postal employee can refuse to issue parcels from Aliexpress and has the legal right to do so.

What main positions should a power of attorney contain?

  • Full name, passport details of the recipient and authorized representative.
  • Number and full physical address of the post office.
  • Date and place of writing the power of attorney.
  • Signatures and wet seal of a notary.

What if you have the recipient's passport? This still cannot serve as a basis. Only a certified power of attorney will do.

What will happen to the parcel if it is not picked up from the post office?

What will happen to items that are delivered to the department but not picked up? This could happen, for example, if the order arrived unexpectedly quickly and was not tracked.

This question interests many. The shipment is stored at the post office for 30 calendar days. When they pass, employees will be forced to send the package back. Boxes that have already been delivered cannot be returned.

Aliexpress dispute is the main protection provided to buyers. If you don't know what to do, sometimes this option can come in handy. After all, this is where your money is stored until the shipment is received.

But is there an option not to send the goods to the seller? In some postal services It is possible that, for a fee, the shipment may lie longer than usual.

Permanent address of the article

Receiving parcels from AliExpress is the most desirable and important component of shopping in this Chinese online store. For experienced buyers, this is nothing difficult, but beginners may have a lot of questions. In this article you will learn how to receive a parcel from AliExpress, whether you need to pay for it at the post office and much more.

Do I have to pay when receiving a parcel from AliExpress?

The main question that concerns everyone: when receiving a parcel from AliExpress, do you have to pay extra at the post office? No, you don’t need to pay anything additional and it doesn’t matter whether you paid for delivery on AliExpress or it was free.

Only those who make large wholesale purchases or expensive purchases for personal use may encounter an exception to this rule. For residents of the Russian Federation, there is a limit per month for duty-free transportation from abroad per person - the weight of parcels should not exceed 31 kg, and the total cost of the goods should not exceed 1,000 euros.

Few people buy large sums on AliExpress. However, if this limit is exceeded, an additional fee will need to be paid. If the weight of the parcels is exceeded, you will need to pay 4 euros for each kg exceeded. Example: in a month, purchases were made in the amount of 800 euros, with a total weight of 40 kg. IN in this case The parcel weight limit was exceeded by 9 kg. The fee will be 9*4 = 36 euros.

If the limit on the amount of goods is exceeded, you will need to pay a duty of 30% of the excess amount. Example: in a month, purchases were made in the amount of 1200 euros, weighing 25 kg. In this case, the value limit is exceeded by 200 euros and the duty will be (200*0.3) 60 euros. These limits apply not only to residents of the Russian Federation, but also to all countries customs union.

However, some customs union countries have stricter restrictions. For example, in Belarus the maximum value of parcels that is not subject to duties is only 22 euros. If this amount is exceeded, you will need to pay 30% of the excess amount. If the total cost of the goods is more than 1000 euros, then the duty is paid in the amount of 60% of the excess amount. There is also an additional fee for customs clearance of the parcel of 5 euros.

For Ukraine, the total cost of duty-free parcels is 150 euros, and Weight Limit 50 kg. If this amount is exceeded, you will need to pay a duty of 10% of the excess + VAT of 20%, which is charged only on the amount of the duty.

If you are an active AliExpress buyer, then simply count the amount of purchases every month so as not to overpay. But still, these restrictions will not affect many, since most buyers make 5-10 purchases for small amounts every month.

Where to receive parcels from AliExpress?

Where to receive a parcel from AliExpress largely depends on the delivery method. Here you can read more about delivery methods on AliExpress. Let's list the main options where you can receive a parcel from AliExpress:

  1. Parcels from AliExpress are dropped into the recipient's mailbox.
  2. The recipient goes to the post office to pick up parcels on his own, having previously received a notification or a phone call.
  3. The parcel from AliExpress is delivered to the recipient by courier.

The cheapest goods, as a rule, are thrown into the mailbox, and if their size does not allow this, then they call the recipient and ask them to come for them in person. Most Parcels must be picked up at the post office in person with notification. Most rarely, parcels are delivered to the recipient by couriers of various private carrier companies (SDEK and the like).

How to properly receive a parcel from AliExpress?

And yet, how to properly receive a parcel from AliExpress? The easiest way is to receive a parcel that is not tracked. Most often these are goods costing up to $2. Such goods are dropped into the recipient's mailbox. If the size of the parcel is too large, the recipient will receive a call from the post office and be asked to pick up the parcel in person. To do this, you just need to take your passport with you and go to your post office.

Once your review is ready, click on the “Leave Review” button. This will complete confirmation of receipt of the parcel, and your review will help other customers make a choice.

If you haven’t received your parcel from AliExpress, what should you do?

Sometimes when shopping on AliExpress you can encounter negative situations. For example, the item received will be defective or damaged. In this case, you should write to the seller and tell him about your problem, and then open a dispute. We will discuss how to open a dispute on AliExpress in another article.

And if you haven’t received your parcel from AliExpress, what should you do? Sometimes delivery may be delayed through no fault of the seller. I still recommend being patient and waiting at least 2-3 months, unless of course the seller extends the buyer protection period on AliExpress. If, after waiting a certain time, the package from AliExpress is still not received, then confidently open a dispute.

Did you find this article helpful? Then subscribe to our site updates. We will have many more articles coming out in the future. interesting information, which may be useful to you. Enjoy the shopping!

We already have a detailed article on our website. Therefore, today is a short answer to a specific question about where the goods ordered on Aliexpress will arrive.

In 80% of cases, if a product is ordered with free shipping , then it will arrive at the post office of your state mail (in Russia this is Russian Post, in Ukraine UkrPochta, in Belarus Belposhta). We will not touch upon paid delivery by courier companies, as well as free delivery through SPSR, in this article. Their share is generally not significant, and if you consciously chose a courier, then you most likely have no questions.

How to receive goods from Aliexpress through the post office

  • The postman will bring you a piece of paper called a Postal Notice and drop it in your mailbox.

  • You will fill in your passport information (number, passport series, date of issue and full name) in the notification and go to this post office.
  • Stand in line at the post office and present your notice and passport.
  • The operator will check this data and compare the First and Last Name in the passport with the First and Last Name on the parcel. If there are no discrepancies, the operator will give you the package.

Will they bring a package to my home?

In 80% of cases no. The parcel will be waiting for you at the department. The Russian Post, if your post office has free postmen, may offer paid delivery of parcels to your home. In Moscow, now, such a service costs 100 rubles. In different branches this service may not be available at all or may cost different money.

Also, very rarely and only small things, if they were not sent by mail, can also be thrown into the mailbox. This happens with cheap watches, cases, cheap jewelry, etc.

When the package arrives will they call me, send me SMS, write me an email?

What address to indicate when ordering on Aliexpress.

People often ask in comments on the site “what address to indicate when ordering on Aliexpress”. Usually this question means “indicate your home address or post office address”. We answer - indicate your home address. It is to this address that the postman will deliver the Notice. If you indicate the post office address, you will not receive the Notice. And without notification, if the parcel is not tracked, you will never know that the parcel was waiting for you at the post office and returned to the seller.

Can I receive parcels at another post office?

Yes it is possible. You can specify any address. The main thing is that the address and zip code you specify match. There is no need to indicate the postal code from the post office at one end of the city, and the street and house at the other. The postman will not travel throughout the city. It only serves its own area. Therefore, if you want to receive a parcel at the department where your parents live, for example, indicate their full address and your full name. No one checks your registration at the department.

And once again, you do not need to indicate the address of the post office location. You need to indicate the address where you, your friends, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother or just live good man, your office address. The main thing is that there is a mailbox at the specified address, in which the postman could put a notice, and you could receive this notice in a timely manner.

If you simply indicate the address of the post office you like (which is along the way, for example), and the parcel is not tracked, then you risk simply not knowing that the parcel has arrived and is waiting for you at the post office. 30 days will pass and the parcel will be returned to the sender.

P.S.: Aliexpress also has other delivery methods. These may be SPSR, may be paid courier services, and indeed Aliexpress is developing and over time, other delivery methods not listed in the article may appear..
