So precludingly safe days. The safest of pregnancy days: how to calculate? Calendar Method of Pregnancy Prevention: Secure Days

There are many ways to organize traditional and alternative medicine to help avoid unwanted conception. Particularly popular various techniques helping to calculate dangerous days To conceive. This is quite simple but effective techniqueswho help to avoid unnecessary conception either, on the contrary, calculate the most suitable time For pregnancy. It is quite convenient, since such techniques allow women to keep a cycle under strict observation and timely notice the presence of deviations, disorders, unusual signs, etc.

Tighten the dangerous days for conception can be guided by various principles: making basal measurements, calculating the unsafe periods of the monthly cycle, observing changes in cervical mucus and other signs. But one hundred percent contraceptive protection of these techniques, unfortunately, cannot be guaranteed, because the results of such calculations are only approximate. In the period of the most dangerous days, for conception, the pair will have to abandon unprotected sexual proximity, and if they wish to start a baby, then, on the contrary, it is recommended to live an active sexual life these days.

Natural contraception has undoubted advantages, if only because it is possible to calculate safe and dangerous time, and you can absolutely free, and negative influence on the female organism because of such methods does not arise, unlike oral contraception. Although there is natural contraception and undoubted cons. For example, you need to conduct a variety of records, marking the days of ovulation, measure the rectal temperature. All this must be done everyday.

In addition, such techniques work only in those patients who have a stable cycle, only in this case can be calculated on the efficiency and error of the methods. Also undoubtedly disadvantage natural Prevention is the absence of barrier protection against the likely transfer of genital infections. Therefore, calculating the safe / hazardous periods of the cycle of similar methods can be seized with married couples, which, in case of error and unwanted conception, will retain a child.

How to calculate unsafe days

So, there are several popular methods of natural contraception:

  • Billings methods;
  • Calendar method;
  • Basal schedule.

Each method is characterized by its shortcomings and advantages. But with any calculation techniques, the knowledge of the cycle parameters is important. After all, the accuracy of calculations can be expected only if the female cycle is stable at least for the last half of the year.

Such a method of contraception is relevant only for women of 20-45 years of age. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that in the last month the woman was not subject to stressful effect, did not experience psycho-emotional overload, did not change the climatic zones, he did not sit down or threw a diet, did not start sports training And did not do other transformations in the traditional lifestyle.

Methods Billings.

It is necessary to conduct a calendar, and celebrate the start date of menstruation

This method is to calculate unsafe days, according to experts, is considered the most inaccurate. Created his Australian married couple. The essence of this technique is to monitor the nature of cervical mucous drugs, which during the cycle, on the various phases, change their character. Everyone knows that the female cycle begins from the first day of menstruation. When menstrual bleeding stops, they will replace transparent, mucous, cervical, minor selections to change. By the time of the occurrence of the ovulatory period, these allocations will be similar to egg whiteAnd their intensity will increase to the volume of the tablespoon. These mucous sellomes are needed so that the spermatozoa is better advanced by sexual paths.

According to the methods of Billings spouses, it is these days when a woman will notice a noticeable increase in the abundance of discharge, and it is necessary to be particularly protected from unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to refuse unprotected sex During these particularly abundant days.

When the danger of conception will disappear, cervical discharge changes to the consistency on thick, their shade will be a bit white and mute, and the character is scanty. Such cervical selection will remain up to the most menstruation. The technique would seem safe, but she has a lot of minuses. They are that the discretion of a variety of factors like milkways, cervicitis, vaginosis, etc. In such a situation, the results of observations will be able to have an impact on the selection of women. In such a situation, the results of observations are unreliable.

Calendar method

  • The essence of this method is to understand the mechanism of menstruation, because it is possible to use this technique only after long-term monitoring of the cycle, at least for several months.
  • Specialists argue that the viability of the spermatozoa is maintained in the uterine paths for 3-4 days.
  • Egg fertilization can occur during a 2-day period after the exit of the female cell from the ovary.
  • Ovulation occurs at a 28-day cycle for 13-14 days, and at 30 days - for 15-16 days. Determine possible time The conception of this technique is possible by such a formula: the alleged occurrence of ovulation is added a couple of days before and after it began. As a result, it turns out that with a regular 28-daily female cycle dangerous periodWhen the pregnancy is almost inevitable, there will be 11-16 days of the cycle, with a 30-day - 13-18 day, etc.
  • For maximum security, it is recommended to add another 4 days on each side. The resulting segment of the cycle will have a red level of danger. On other days, as gynecologists say, the probability of conception is almost impossible.

It is impossible to unconditionally rely on this technique. Before you take advantage of similar calculations, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, how much such a way is suitable for you.

Ovulation offensive for each woman individually

Doctors believe that the calendar method is reliable only by 30-60%, so it is completely impossible to rely on it. One of the shortcomings of the calendar technique is considered the need for a regular cycle in the patient. For irregular cycle Calculate an accurate day of ovulation is impossible. Practice shows that ideal regular cycles There are only units. For example, young girls are often experiencing ovulation in different periods time, because they have ovaries at all unevenly.

In addition, ovulation can shift in any direction due to random fall, any disease, nervous breakdown or psychological experiences, climatic conditions, physical overloads, etc. Therefore, it is not necessary to rely on the accuracy of the calendar technique with one hundred percent confidence.

Basal fashion

An equally popular way to calculate certain days dangerous for pregnancy is considered the temperature method. Each lady is the owner of his own menstrual cycle. To determine exactly what days in this cycle are unsafe to conceive, you need to know for sure when the ovulatory period comes. It is on this day that the cell ripens, which will serve as the beginning for a new life.

Life eggs lasts a little more than a day. If during this time she meet with sperm, it will happen in fertilization and a pregnancy will come. To correctly calculate this time, it is necessary to measure basal indicators daily, which are defined in the rear pass.

It is necessary to perform measurements daily, every morning, lying on bed. Thermometer is inserted B. anus On a 5-centimeter depth, there holds about 10 minutes, then take it carefully and read the results. On Safe Days, temperature indicators do not exceed the mark at 37 ° C. And when ovulation occurs, the temperature rises slightly.

Note similar measurements at least for three female cycles, Only then can be reliable. Due to permanent hormonal changes Thermal indicators in the rectum are constantly changing. With menstrual discharge, the temperature drops below 37 ° C, it is still dropping to the offensive, but when the egg is out of the ovary, it happens sudden jump. Until the one-month temperature indicators are stored at a mark at 37 ° C. When menstruation occurs, the temperature is falling again.

How effective methods of calculation

It is impossible to consider the above-described techniques as indisputable and accurate, because the reliability of the calendar method, for example, does not exceed 60 percent. With such indicators it is quite difficult to talk about the accuracy of the results. Therefore, it is not necessary to rely on physiological contraceptive techniques.

  1. The main disadvantage of such methods for determining dangerous for pregnancy is the presence of a strictly regular menstrual cycle.
  2. That is, every month of the girl menstruation should come with the same interval, for example, 28 or 30 days. Only under such conditions can rely on the results obtained and not worry about accidental pregnancy.
  3. Moreover, even when regular menstruation It is impossible to exclude probable errors, because on the offensive of ovulation, as already indicated above, there may be quite a variety of factors.
  4. If the girl has long worried, survived the stressful situation, something was very much frightened, he was rednecking in the fitness center, sat down on the strictest dietary dietthen all this can easily reflect on monthly cycleshifting it in any direction.
  5. As a result, menstruation can begin before the deadline, or it will come with a noticeable delay.

All these conditions must be taken into account when carrying out the calculations of unsafe days.

Monthly - security guarantee?

The daily menu must contain fresh fruits and vegetables.

Many girls believe that during menstrual bleeding, the offensive of pregnancy is considered impossible. But experts do not exclude the possibility of such a phenomenon, the little percentage of probability still exists. Doctors believe that in the first day of the monthly conception is absolutely excluded, because in the uterine body there is an active detachment of endometrial tissues, and abundant bleeding Also interfere with penetrating sperm into the uterine cavity, destroying them.

But the conception may occur if a surge of hormonal substances occurs in the body, as a result of which an unscheduled ovulatory period occurs during menstruation. Therefore, the theoretically the onset of pregnancy during menstrual bleeding is quite possible, although it is unlikely.

Any girl can take advantage of these contraceptive techniques, but it is necessary to really assess the situation, given that the results obtained will be only approximate. Of course, with the help of such techniques, it is quite possible to minimize the likelihood of undesirable pregnancy. It is simply no need to forget that these techniques are not 100%, they can be wrong, especially, no girl is insured against various hormonal transformations, stress, psycho-emotional experiences, etc.

It is impossible to rely in case, so if you are not categorically ready for the birth of a new family member, it is worth using more real and reliable contraceptive means. Then unsuccessful surprises will be avoided.

Today, traditional I. alternative medicine They offer many ways to contraception. In order to avoid undesirable pregnancy, doctors invented and the so-called "conception calendar", according to which they are calculated and not favorable days To conceive a child.

What is a conception calendar?

It is called the Ohino-Claus method or the calendar method of calculating safe for sex days. It is based on the understanding of the mechanism of the menstrual cycle of a woman, so it can be used only after studying the menstrual cycle, at least, for a year and within a few months after some breakdown - illness, pregnancy, etc. What is the essence of this method of protection against unwanted pregnancy?

It is believed that spermatozoa in female sex tract (in uyatar pipes) It remains viable about three or four days. The egg cell can be fertilized within two days after ovulation. Based on this, calculated purified time Conception: to the alleged day of ovulation (13-14th day for the 28-day cycle and the 15th and 15th day for a 30-day) add two days before and after. It turns out, for the 28-day well-established menstrual cycle from the eleventh to sixteenth days, pregnancy is likely very and very. For a 30-day sensitive menstrual cycle "Dangerous" are days from 13 to 18 and so on ...

In order to have a great security guarantee, it is recommended to add to four days on each side of three secure days. It is believed that at the rest of the time the pregnancy is impossible. Before relying on the conception calendar, it is better to consult a gynecologist in advance at how much this method is acceptable to you.

Dangerous days for conception: the reliability of the method

Doctors argue that the reliability of the calendar method as the contraceptive means is rather low and ranges from 30% to 60%. Therefore, to fully rely on the calendar as the only method of contraception is not worth it.

The main disadvantage and cause of a small reliability of the method of calculating "dangerous" to conceive the days of Ogino-Clausus is that it should have an ideally regular menstrual cycle for its application. And he, as reality shows, is only such in units.

For all women living in cities, in general, it is rarely talking about a "well-established" menstrual cycle: ecology provokes frequent failures. Even the most healthy there are situations when ovulation does not occur at all, and menstruation begins and ended when you please.

Young girls, ovaries often work irregularly, and therefore ovulation can occur a little earlier or later. Yes, and the reasons that can cause a change in ovulation cycle, there is more than enough: a blow, random fall, shock, disease, psychological or breakdown, accident, climate change or overexcitation, etc.

Therefore, it is impossible to fully rely on the accuracy of the calendar method for calculating dangerous days to conceive days. Physiological method contraception is not suitable for those women who take hormonal drugs. Nevertheless, many people quite successfully apply the Ohino method as the only method of contraception. Some combine it in a complex with other ways of contraception.

Measuring basal temperature allows you to accurately calculate the period of ovulation

Experts believe that the measurement method is more convenient and reliable to calculate the "dangerous" and "not dangerous" to conceive days.

The basal temperature is the temperature measured in the rectum. It is necessary to measure it in the morning, to lifting from bed. Data is recorded within three to four months at least. Normally at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the temperature does not reach 37.0 degrees (36.6-36.7 ° C). At the time of ovulation, the temperature decreases somewhat (up to 36.2-36.4 ° C), and then it is stable above 37.0 degrees. The sequence number of the day of the cycle, in which ovulation occurs, as we have already written, plusminus 3 days (the average duration of the existence of the spermatozoa) is and there are dangerous days for pregnancy.

You can make a kind of calendar in order to determine dangerous days for pregnancy. It will be recorded in addition to the duration of each cycle, the data after the measurement will also be recorded. basal temperature. You can make alleged errors here. For example associated with stressful situations, alcohol intake, etc.

By the way, such calendars are currently available in online mode. It is only necessary to introduce accurate data on the start. critical daysAs after a few seconds, you can get the necessary information. It is estimated to estimates the doctors, the degree of reliability of calculating the "dangerous" and "safe" days to conceive with the help of measuring the basal temperature is 55-60%. But this is only subject to the regular menstrual cycle.

Menstrual period - safe to conceive days?

The relevance of having sex during menstruation also causes many different opinions. Some consider it simply nonhygienic. For someone sex in menstrual period delivers additional sensations and pleasure. However, most disagreements arise about whether it is possible or cannot be pregnant during menstruation. And here medicine does not give a concrete answer. Nevertheless, according to the research of doctors, it is observed with many women who have sex engaged in the period of menstruation.

If the fact of pregnancy is obvious, and future parents decided that the birth of a child would not cause any problems now, it is important to remember that and when the fetus becomes threatened. On the words of the doctors, the most critical period is the entire first trimester, when contraindicated (extremely undesirable) any drugs.

Especially for Olga Borsuk

Calendar method Contraceptibility is not reliable, but you can calculate dangerous days.

Why it is important to calculate the cycle

  • the cycle is ideally stable over the past 6 months;
  • during the last period there was no strong stress, changing the climatic zone (travel to the sea), transition to another diet, the start of sports and other radical changes in lifestyle;
  • the age of women is not under 20 years old and not older than 45 years.

Unplanned pregnancy can cause a surgical abortion that is not necessarily health.

In order to find reliable contraception, you need to contact the gynecologist and get an appointment on oral contraceptives. Another solution: Use condoms or vaginal candles, for example, Pharmatex.

IN young age And before menopause, the menstrual cycle can suddenly change, which makes an accurate calendar calculation impossible. Also on the duration of the cycle, and, accordingly, the following factors affect ovulation:

  • change hormonal backgroundcaused by psycho-emotional overvoltage, strong positive or negative emotions;
  • power change, such as a solution to try a vegetarian diet;
  • changing the mode of operation, for example, the transition from intellectual labor to physical or from schedule 2 through 2 per five-day;
  • refusal of cigarettes or alcohol consumption;
  • the use of emergency contraception, such as postinora.

To date, the calendar method is used mainly financially insolvent women from developing countries that cannot afford to purchase effective means Contraception. Such women even developed special beads with beads different colorswhich denote fertile and non-efficient days. With the help of such beads, a woman can with some probability to calculate "flying" days. If you look at how the population of developing countries is growing rapidly, it becomes clear that some women still take pregnancy, no matter what they do.

Using a calendar method

How dangerous days are calculated for conception during a sustainable cycle:

  • for the 1st day, the date of the beginning of the last menstruation is accepted;
  • if it lasts 4-7 days, it is safe for only the last day of bleeding, after which there are days favorable for pregnancy;
  • for the 12-16th day, ovulation occurs, after ovulation, dangerous days are another week;
  • from 20 days before the end of the cycle, the days are considered safe for sex without prevention.

Calculations occur in such a way, because the egg cell and spermatozoa has a certain duration of life, during which fertilization can occur. Some women believe that immediately after menstruation, you can have sex for another 2 weeks, right up to the moment of ovulation. Such a solution can lead to pregnancy.

The following factors prevent fertilization:

  • the egg cell has not reached the Fallopiev pipe or has already died;
  • endometrial layer is not fat for attaching an egg, for example, immediately after menstruation;
  • during the life of the egg in the reach zone there are no spermatozoa that can pass it, for example, male infertility Or if spermatozoa has already died.

Count on these factors is an unreasonable solution, since some women have endometry after menstruation is restored very quickly. If menstrual bleeding is coming Burly and ends in 3-4 days, already by the 6-7th day Implantation of egg and the development of chorion is possible.

What days you can have sex without fear of conception?

  1. Directly in the period menstrual bleeding.
  2. 1 week before menstrual bleeding.

The calendar method claims that 1 week after menstruation can be safe, since the next follicle needs time for maturation. This is true, provided that only 1 follicle ripens for 1 cycle, and not more.

Changes in the menstrual period

In order to at least slightly increase the reliability of the calendar method, it can be supplemented with a measurement of basal temperature. If a woman uses a calendar settlement, it becomes more understandable which days are considered suitable for vaginal sex. It:

  • the first 7 days of the cycle;
  • the last 7 days of the cycle.

Provided that the cycle is ideally stable.

This means that only 14 days a month a woman can engage in vaginal sex. From this period, 4-7 days falls on menstrual bleeding. Non-health for health, because there is a great risk of infection in the uterus.

What days remain, if you exclude the time of menstrual bleeding? It:

  • only from 20 to 26-28 days;
  • if the cycle lasts longer than 28 days, then only for 1 week before menstruation.

This means that a woman is engaged in vaginal sex no more than 7 days a month. Such a decision may adversely affect the marital relationship, and in addition to this, to cause a large psycho-emotional stress at the woman itself. It is important not to forget that the duration and stability of the cycle affect:

  • start active sex life, for example, a new novel with an attractive man;
  • abstinence from sex.

The beginning of the relationship and a big hormonal splash, which accompanies love ,. Sometimes the cycle offset occurs suddenly. The proximity of ovulation can be felt on some signs. As for subjective sensations, determine what days will be dangerous:

  • vaginal discharges become more abundant, slippery and liquid;
  • the woman has a raised and cheerful mood;
  • the woman is located to Flirt and interested in sexual contacts;
  • the skin condition is improved, the face becomes young and shining;
  • improves the condition of hair and nails, blood vessels and joints;
  • woman tolerates easier physical Load And it looks great.

If several of the listed features appears and simultaneously with this for the last month there have been changed in life (for example, the beginning of the novel), the cycle shift can be suspected.

How conception occurs

To understand what period you can get pregnant, you need to know the lifetime of two sex cells, which are involved in conception:

  1. Egg. The ripening of the follicle occurs normally only in 1 ovary. On the other side where the active ovary is located, you can feel the feeling before ovulation. The output occurs quickly, in a few minutes, and is accompanied by a gap of the follicle. At this point there may be quite small uterine bleeding, Mazne. Since the output of the egg has 24-48 hours to meet with sperm. Usually, the egg cell lives less than 20 hours, but it is better to take 48 for security. After the expiration of this period, the egg is beginning to degrade, becomes genetically defective and dies with all the shells. One of the accompanying shells is an iron called yellow body. This iron synthesizes progesterone hormone. When yellow body Dies, the concentration of progesterone falls, and the uterus begins to shrink. Under the action of hormones and muscular abbreviation The separation of the upper layer of endometrial is beginning - menstruation.
  2. Sperm. Some women believe that spermatozoids die very quickly out of the body of a man, so if it's thoroughly to get sick after sex, there is no likely to get pregnant. From 8 to 19 days, the cycle can be pregnant, even if you treat the vagina with an antiseptic. Since spermatozoa is genetically programmed to move towards the uterine cavity and phallopy pipes, they only 31-41 minutes reach this destination. After that, it is impossible to remove them from there, because the cervix is \u200b\u200bclosed with cervical mucus. Washing the vagina will not give any result. In the uterine cavity, men can exist in genetically full-fledged form up to 1 week.

Information about the lifetime of sex cells is important in order to calculate what day will be safe before ovulation. Sperm cells can wait for the exit of the egg, and the fertilization will occur immediately after the follicle break.

Similarly, the egg cell can be 1-1.5 days to expect fertilization.

The ignorance of these facts was the reason for a variety of pregnancies in women who enjoy only the calendar method.

How to improve measurement accuracy

However, if the girl wants to improve the reliability of its calculations, you can use this way in order to understand what period you can get pregnant, and refrain from vaginal sex these days. How to measure:

  • purchase an accurate electronic thermometer;
  • enter it into the rectum or in the vagina daily, at the same time, not missing days;
  • for the measurement only the morning, immediately after awakening, is better until 12 o'clock in the afternoon;
  • all data are recorded in notepad to track changes;
  • if from 10 to 20 times the cycle there is a drop in temperature, it means that there will be ovulation in the coming day;
  • when ovulation, the temperature rises, and then decreases to normal;
  • if conception occurred, the temperature is not reduced, but continues to remain elevated.

Combining two ways does not allow one hundred percent reliability, but will increase the chances of a woman to avoid unplanned conception.

If you modern man And seriously take care of family planning, then this converter is what you need. A safe day calendar will make it possible to warn more accuracy about the days when you have a period of ovulation, and when the days are safe to conceive the period.

It is easy to work on it. The fact that any woman diligently calculates with a pencil, the calendar converter of safe days is instantly and accurately.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 Jan 29 January 31 January 31, October 2013 October 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 1st day of the last menstruation 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Medium length cycle 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Duration of menstruation

Family planning is a fairly fashionable term on this time And most often used when they mean kids fertility control. Many modern families It is seriously concerned about the temporary framework of pregnancy, and the desired number of children. In general, it is good enough, because we all want, whatever pregnancy proceeds calmly, and not during the session, the diploma or moving.

Family planning begins almost immediately after you decide to get married and live together. The most important thing is the understanding and consistency of the plan, this is a general desire. After all, becoming husband and wife, you are not always ready to become parents.

When the sacrament of the birth of a new life occurs, is a miracle and treat it should be pretty and ready to fully.

In what setting will the child grow, how to educate it - I think these thoughts are born in the heads of a young family as soon as they begin to think about children. And this is quite natural and responsibly towards the future child. Parents are not born, they become. It is just necessary to morally and materially prepare for the conception of the baby.

The calendar method of contraception is probably one of the most ancient and well-known. It refers to natural family planning and is based on sexual abstinence during the greatest probability of conception.

And, on the contrary, with the desired conception, the planning of sexual intercourse on the days most promoting it.

However, when planning the firstborn, the advice of doctors should also be taken into account. For women, the most favorable period conception - up to 30 years, and more later birth The firstborn can cause both problems with conception and the course of pregnancy.

In men, the time does not stand still in place and the most productive age to conceive a baby to 40-45 years.

So plan your family, but do not forget to include the timely appearance of the firstborn.

Calculation of the day of ovulation, menstrual cycle and favorable for conception and pregnancy days.

With this calendar you can calculate days ovulationThose when the probability of pregnancy is maximum and determine the most favorable child (boy or girls) days without pharmacy ovulation tests for determining days of ovulation. Calendar of conception helps women planning pregnancy, calculate the days of ovulation and make a personal calendar Conception. You can make a schedule of your female menstrual cycle a few months ahead! You will receive a menstrual calendar for 3 months in which will be indicated: ovulation Day, favorite days, days for conceiving a boy and girls. Do not confuse the duration of menstruation (monthly) and the duration of the menstrual cycle! Ovulation Calendar Interactive: Mouse over the day in the calendar and read more information.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 January 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

. When clarified on the days in the calendar, additional information will appear. The duration of the menstrual cycle and the duration of the menstruation itself (monthly) things are different. The duration of menstruation or "monthly" individual and usually lasts 3 days and does not affect ovulation Day. If a menstruation goes less than 2 or more than 7 days, you need to contact gynecologist. The average cycle duration is individual. (usually from 21 to 35 days) How to calculate the length of the menstrual cycle: from the date of the end of the previous ones until the bottom of the next "menstruation". As a rule, it is 28 days. The first day of menstruation is the first day of the menstrual cycle.

Color marked
ovulation Daychance to get pregnant high (boy conception)
the probability of pregnant average (boy conception)
the probability of pregnant average (girl conception)
probability to get pregnant just below
probability to get pregnant low (conditionally safe days)

Subject of this page: ovulation calendar free, ovulation test, ovulation, schedule ovulation, ovulation time, how to calculate "safe" days?, Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation (you can!). Ovulation - the willingness of the egg to fertilization - comes in about the middle of the menstrual cycle. The egg cell can be fertilized for a short time, this period that ranges from 12 hours to two days. All this time there is a movement of the female genital cell towards the uterus, where the development of the future fetus should occur, it is at this stage that a meeting with men's sperm should occur. Considering that spermatozoa, being in fallopian tubesmay remain capable until 5-7 days waiting for an egg, conception is possible even if the sexual act was a week before ovulation, and by the way, this day may be immediately after the month of ovulation - the most favorable time To conceive.

One of the planning methods is right choice of time conception - SHETTLS (Shettles) method. This method Based on knowledge of the life expectancy of men's sperm in the sex paths of the woman. The Sperma can remain active up to five days, so the couples can conceive a child by having sexual intercourse before the release of the egg (ovulation). If you want a daughter, plan a sexual intercourse a few days before ovulation, son planning sex 12 hours before ovulation. For irregular cycle Take advantage of other methods for determining ovulation, eg, BT (basal temperature). Please add this page in social networks and blogs.

You can also use alternative calculator ovulation.

Ovulation - the willingness of the egg to fertilization - comes in about the middle of the menstrual cycle. If menstruation occurs every 28 days, then ovulation It occurs approximately 14 days. If your cycle is shorter (for example, 21 days), or longer (about 35 days), ovulation can be expected by 8-11 or 16-18 days of the cycle, respectively. Our ovulation calculator will help you to accurately calculate the day of ovulation, and will also show the likelihood of pregnancy every day. We also read the notes at the bottom of this page. Days of the greatest fertility during each cycle (the days of the greatest probability of becoming pregnant as a result of unprotected sex contact) include ovulation Day And days before. These are the days of maximum fertility. High ability K. conception Also observed within a few days before. At this time you also have chances of pregnant. Outside this "Fertility window", is about six days, the chances of becoming pregnant are very low.

You may also be interested in online pregnancy test. You can also go through a test on our site. How many children will be or just playing onin in Tetris.

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