Anovulatory monthly cycle: BT schedule, diagnosis, treatment. Periods (phases) of the menstrual cycle

What is the second phase of menstruation is not known to every woman, but it depends on her how much the body will be ready for bearing a fetus. During the second phase, the formation process takes place in the ovary corpus luteum, therefore, this phase is also called luteal. All phases of menstruation are under the control of hormones, under the influence of which the maturation of the egg and follicular apparatus occurs. If fertilization occurs, the woman carries the child. If fertilization has not occurred, then unnecessary tissue is rejected, which is called menstruation. But it is worth remembering that the second phase menstrual cycle- this is the period when the violations that have arisen can lead to pathological conditions.

Second phase: processes in the uterus

During the luteal phase, changes occur both in the ovaries and in other organs. reproductive system... The average duration of this period is 14 days, starting from the ovulation process. The day before the onset of the luteal phase, the percentage of hormones in the blood changes - the content of estradiol increases, which contributes to a sharp increase in the release of luteinizing hormone (LH). These hormones are responsible for the timely rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg. From this moment, the development of the second phase begins. In other words, we can say that the formation of the corpus luteum or gland internal secretion- this is what the second phase of the menstrual cycle means. The corpus luteum synthesizes a hormone such as progesterone, which controls the preparation of the mammary glands for pregnancy and suppresses uterine contractions.

Insufficiency of the second phase

Some may not know what the second phase of the menstrual cycle means and how it can affect the gestation. Experts clearly answer this question, saying that gestation suffers from the insufficiency of the luteal phase. That is, pregnancy will be under constant threat of miscarriage. Since hormones are the main ones during this period, doctors prescribe a correction hormonal background.
It is best to take natural progesterone analogues that will not harm the body. The most widespread is the non-hormonal drug "Remens". It contains substances that can not only restore hormonal balance, but also affect the entire process taking place in the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary system.
This drug was developed by the well-known Austrian company "Richard Bittner GmbH" and is used in complex treatment all menstrual irregularities. Its application does not cause side effects and guarantees achievement positive results... Knowing the processes that the second phase of the menstrual cycle entails and what it is, you can avoid many problems and not worry about a future pregnancy.

Menstruation is a consequence of cyclical changes in the hormonal background and physiology of a woman. In order for her to conceive a child, carry him out and give birth, the body provides a complex system transformations, hormone-regulated... The phases of the menstrual cycle normally follow one another, ensuring the development of the egg and preparing the body for conception and pregnancy.

A cycle in medicine is the period from the first day of regular bleeding to the start of the next.

How many phases of the menstrual cycle? Depending on what changes the uterus undergoes, there are three phases of the cycle. The ovaries also work cyclically, and each cycle is conventionally divided into

  • ovulatory

The first phase of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual phase begins on the first day of menstruation and externally manifests itself in the form of bleeding. This period brings the woman the greatest inconvenience, since the dying endometrial tissues are rejected, and they must be removed from the uterine cavity as soon as possible. Since they are rich in vessels, the process is accompanied by profuse bleeding and pulling pains due to contractions of smooth muscles.

The inconvenience lasts an average of 3 to 6 days. As such, the blood in the discharge contains no more than 30%, the rest is the dead tissue of the inner lining layer, as well as the mucous secretion of the cervix and vagina. Regular blood loss is so small that it does not significantly affect the level of hemoglobin.

At this time, changes occur in the ovaries. During the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the brain triggers the production of hormones that regulate the functioning of the ovaries. Several primary follicles begin to develop in them at once, normally from 5 to 15 pieces.

Within seven days, they increase in size by about 10 times and are covered with a multilayer cell membrane. Normally, at this moment, the most viable single follicle is determined, which continues to develop. The rest stop growing and atrophy. This behavior of follicles is due to the minimum content of FSH and LH, however, if the balance is shifted for some reason, then the follicle will either not develop at all, or there will be several of them.

The second phase of the menstrual cycle

In the second phase of the normal menstrual cycle, the body actively prepares the egg. The uterus has cleared of dead endometrium, the inner layer prepared and restored blood supply. New processes in the uterus are active cell division, which leads to tissue proliferation, which in medicine is called proliferation. The formation of the endometrium is associated with the action of hormones that are produced by the ovaries.

At this time, the first phase is completed in the ovary, it has already been determined dominant follicle... In the tissues of its shell, hormones begin to be produced. The production of these hormones is extremely high; they play a decisive role in the process of conception, gestation, childbirth and feeding. The system for the production of these hormones is usually called the follicular apparatus. During this period, the ovum finally matures and prepares to enter the abdominal cavity.

The proliferative phase ends with rupture of the follicular membrane. From the moment of the onset of menstruation, it can take from 7 to 20 days, the process of maturation of the follicles is very individual, for each woman it can change from cycle to cycle. This is influenced by general state health, stress and lifestyle. The body is designed in such a way that it tries to choose the most favorable moment for conception. There are cycles in which it seems to cancel the maturation process, and the follicles simply do not develop, so ovulation does not occur. This is also considered the norm.

The third phase of the menstrual cycle

At the beginning of the last, third phase of the cycle, ovulation occurs... By the time of release, the egg cell has increased almost 20 times. The follicle membrane is already fully formed, now it is a full-fledged organ endocrine system... After the emergence of the formed egg and its capture by hairs fallopian tube the follicle membrane turns into an independent organ - and begins to actively produce estrogens - hormones that prepare the body for pregnancy.

In this phase of the normal menstrual cycle, a woman feels a slight increase in weight, possibly an increase in breast size due to increased blood supply. The body prepares for conception, and the uterus can already receive a fertilized egg. The corpus luteum produces hormones that preserve the integrity of the endometrium - progesterone and estrogen.

If pregnancy occurs, they will start the process of placenta formation. If conception does not occur, after a short time it dies off, the production of hormones stops and the uterus rejects the endometrium, that is, menstruation comes. The life span of the corpus luteum is approximately the same for all women and is about 10 - 13 days.

The female body undergoes cyclical changes. Men cannot boast of this. Each representative of the fair sex should have an idea of ​​what the cycle of menstruation is, how long it lasts and what divisions it has. If you still don't know this, then it's time to get to know a woman's body better.

Menstrual cycle

To begin with, it should be said that this period has a beginning and an end. The duration of the menstrual cycle directly depends on the hormonal background of the woman.

The first menstruation occurs in girls from 12 to 18 years old. Since that time, every month the body of the fairer sex will undergo cyclical changes. This is due to the work of the adrenal glands and the pituitary gland. Also an important role in the duration female cycle ovaries play.

Length of the menstrual cycle

The female cycle can be of different lengths. Until a woman is planning a pregnancy, she rarely pays attention to the length of this period. However, your period should always be closely monitored.

It is worth noting that the first day of the cycle is the one when the bloody issues from the genital tract. The last day is the day before the start of a new female period.

Normal cycle

Have healthy woman the duration of the menstrual cycle is on average four weeks. In some cases, there may be deviations in one direction or another. Cycle times ranging from 21 to 35 days are considered normal.

At the same time, spotting in the fair sex is moderate and lasts no more than seven days. The minimum bleeding time should be three days.

Short cycle

A woman's menstrual cycle is considered short when the period between the onset of the first and second menstrual period is less than three weeks.

Quite often, women with a shortened cycle have hormonal diseases to be treated. Menstruation in this case lasts from one to five days.

Long cycle

A period that is more than 35 days in length is considered to be abnormally long. In this case, the fairer sex is often faced with problems of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Usually these ailments are expressed in hormone deficiency during this period. This leads to the inability to conceive a child.

The duration of menstrual bleeding in a long cycle can vary from a few days to two weeks. Correction in this case is necessary. Otherwise, more serious problems with health.

How is the cycle divided?

This period has two phases:

  • Phase 2 of the menstrual cycle.

There is also a third period, but it occurs only when conception occurs. The phases of the menstrual cycle are very different from each other.

The first part of the cycle

This period is called the follicular phase. This name is generally accepted and better known. There are also the following names: folliculin, polyferative period. This period of time lasts an average of two weeks. But this value can range from one to three weeks. All this is a variant of the norm and does not require medical intervention.

This period of time begins when menstruation begins. From this point on, the pituitary gland produces follicle-stimulating hormone. It has a beneficial effect on the endometrium and helps to restore the inner layer of the genital organ after menstrual bleeding. FSH also has a tremendous effect on the ovaries. In these organs, bubbles called follicles begin to grow. Approximately by the middle of the cycle, one (less often two or three) dominant vesicles are released, which will subsequently release the egg.

In the first phase of the female cycle, most hormones are tested. The material is taken from the third to the fifth day of this period.

It is worth noting that during this period, changes occur not only inside female body... A representative of the fair sex can note that the discharge from the genital tract is rather scanty and thick. Also at this time, the basal temperature is kept at a low level. The average value on the thermometer is from 36 to 36.5 degrees.

The phases of the menstrual cycle change exactly when ovulation occurs. During this period, the pituitary gland begins to actively produce luteinizing hormone. This substance affects the grown follicle, and the bubble ruptures. It is from this second that the second phase of the menstrual cycle begins.

Second part of the cycle

As soon as the ovum leaves the ovary, the pituitary gland changes its work somewhat. At this moment, it is the turn of the ovaries to secrete the desired substance. In the place where the dominant follicle was previously, a new vesicle forms. It is called the corpus luteum. Such a neoplasm is necessary for the normal course of the female cycle. The corpus luteum produces the hormone progesterone. This substance supports the vital functions of the egg and has a general effect on the entire body.

Also, after the change in the phase of the menstrual cycle, active growth of the inner lining of the genital organ begins. Blood circulation increases, and blood vessels grow. The endometrial layer becomes larger every day and reaches its maximum about one week after ovulation. During the same period, the level of progesterone has a maximum value. If it is necessary to pass an analysis and identify its quantity, then this should be done exactly one week after the rupture of the follicle.

Vaginal discharge during this period is creamy, and there are a lot of them. This is all completely normal and does not require treatment. The only exceptions are those cases when discomfort: itching, burning, or pain. You also need to see a doctor if mucus has acquired bad smell or an unusual color. Basal temperature in this period rises from the moment the follicle ruptures. This is due to the effect of progesterone on the body. The average thermometer is 37 degrees. In addition, the woman notes an increase and increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands.

In the event that fertilization has occurred, the third phase of the female period begins. In the absence of pregnancy, the periods of the menstrual cycle change again, and menstruation begins.

The duration of the second phase is ten to fourteen days. It does not affect the duration of the cycle. Different variations may be due to the divergence of the first half of the female period. If the progesterone phase has fewer days than 10, then this indicates a hormone deficiency. In this case, the woman needs to undergo an examination and begin a course of taking corrective drugs.

Violation of the duration of the female cycle

As mentioned earlier, the cycle can be long or short. Any deviation from the norm must be treated.

It is also worth noting that the female period should always be stable. The discrepancy in the duration of the cycle should be no more than three days. For example, if a woman has a period of 25 days, then this is normal. But if next month this period is 32 days, then this is already a deviation and failure in the body.

Sometimes the failure in the cycle can be due to the formation functional cysts... There is nothing wrong with that. Most often, these tumors resolve on their own. If this phenomenon occurs quite often, then the woman needs to investigate the phases of the menstrual cycle. This can be done with a blood test. Laboratory technicians will determine the level of hormones in your body and give the result.

Treatment of violations of the duration of the female cycle

Most often, hormonal drugs are chosen for correction.

If a woman is planning a pregnancy, then she is prescribed medications to support the second phase. They also have a beneficial effect on hormones produced by the pituitary gland. Most often, doctors recommend progesterone injections, vaginal suppositories"Utrozhestan" or pills "Duphaston".

In the event that a representative of the fair sex does not plan to give birth in the near future, an appointment may be recommended to her oral contraceptives... Depending on the results of the study of the hormonal background, the doctor may prescribe tablets "Diane-35", "Logest", "Novinet" and others. Similar drugs in our time, a great many. A competent specialist will select what is right for you.


If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, do not waste time, but go to see a doctor. You may need only minor hormonal adjustments right now. In the event that the disease is started, irreparable problems with women's health can begin.

In the case of planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to know in advance everything about the phases of the menstrual cycle, their duration and properties. In this case, your baby will not be long in coming, and conception will take place in the near future.

Monitor your well-being and be always healthy!

Normal indicators in the second phase of the cycle basal temperature point to healthy state reproductive system, as well as the possibility of pregnancy. However, deviations are possible, which are often associated with pathologies in the reproductive system. Measurement of basal temperature is a long-standing method that helps in identifying the causes. various pathologies or the development of pregnancy.

Already in the 19th century, it was noted that temperature readings fluctuate throughout the entire menstrual cycle. It depends on the amount of hormones and the state of the reproductive system. In the first phase, the temperature decreases, and in the second, it rises. The temperature indicators usually determined the development of pregnancy, as well as possible pathologies.

All women can take measurements, keeping a special BT schedule. After its multiple compilation within six months or a year, you can identify the individual characteristics of your own body. There are norms that are considered the most ideal indicators in a given period. However, each organism is special, so you should study it.

Basal temperature measurements can show the day of ovulation. In this way, a woman's fertile period is measured when she can become pregnant. Also, this indicator can be used as a method of contraception. After all, a woman is not always able to get pregnant, even if a sperm cell gets into her body.

Basal temperature is the most low temperature, which is celebrated at night. It is measured after waking up, when the woman is still in bed. This technique requires discipline as certain measurement rules must be followed.

The essence of the technique

To study your reproductive system and the periods when you can get pregnant, you should at least keep a BT schedule for 0.5-1 years. The identification of constant indicators speaks of the characteristics of the organism. Also, this graph can reveal pathological disease even before it appeared. To properly keep the BT schedule, you should familiarize yourself with the essence of the technique.

It lies in the fact that a woman, after waking up immediately from sleep, measures her body temperature with a digital or mercury thermometer... Basal temperature is measured in three locations to choose from:

  1. In the rectum.
  2. In the oral cavity.
  3. In the vagina.

The most informative indicators of BT are measurements taken by the rectal method (in the rectum).

Discipline is needed here, as the basal temperature passes quickly. Here you should follow the rules of the method:

  • Measure the temperature with a thermometer at the same time.
  • Measure BT after sleep immediately. After an hour, the readings will be incorrect. The temperature rises every hour, especially if the woman is moving.
  • Measure the temperature after sleep immediately, when the woman has not yet got out of bed.
  • Take readings exclusively in the supine position. You should not sit or get out of bed.

You should be aware that there are factors that distort the basal temperature data. It:

  • Sexual intercourse.
  • Stress.
  • Alcohol.
  • Diseases.
  • Bowel disorder.

When measuring body temperature in the presence of such factors, they should be noted on the graph.

In the second phase of the cycle, BT usually rises. This is due to the release of hormones (progesterone) that act on the center of temperature - the hypothalamus.

  1. In the absence of pregnancy for 1 year, when attempts are made.
  2. For determining favorable period conception.
  3. With hormonal disruptions.
  4. To identify possible deviations and pathologies.
  5. For warning unwanted pregnancy when there are regular menstrual cycles.

In some cases, the woman herself can interpret the BT readings. However, if you do not know and cannot decipher the readings of your schedule, you should contact your gynecologist, who will study the table and make assumptions.

Why create a basal temperature chart?

  • To find out if hormones are secreted correctly by the ovaries in phases I and II of the cycle.
  • To determine the onset of pregnancy even before the delay.
  • To determine the period of ovulation.
  • To reveal inflammatory processes that can occur in the ovaries or uterus before the first symptoms appear.

Normal temperature readings in the second phase

The site introduces the site to the readers with the normal temperature indicators, which should be manifested in the first and second phases of the menstrual cycle. This will help to independently identify a healthy state of the body.

If you pay attention to the graph, it seems to be divided into two parts - the first and second phases. The line that separates them is called the ovulation period, when an egg is released from the ovary, for the life of which other temperature indicators are needed.

The first (follicular) phase of the cycle is marked by the following basal temperature readings: from 36.4 to 36.7 ° C. The temperature is considered normal or slightly cold. The day before ovulation, BT decreases even lower. However, on the day of ovulation, it rises sharply, which is felt by a woman as a fever.

Basal temperature in the II (luteal) phase of the cycle after ovulation is elevated and lasts until the onset of menstruation - 12-16 days. Before menstruation, the temperature decreases slightly and during bleeding, it stays at no more than 37 degrees.

Normal temperature readings in the second phase are 37.2-37.4 ° C. BT above 37 degrees is normal in this phase. In some cases, temperatures may be below 37 ° C.

The indications are pathological when they differ by less than 0.4 degrees between the phases of the cycle or if the BT in the second phase is 36.9 degrees and below. V this case you need to see a doctor to check your health.

As already noted, in the second phase, the woman's basal temperature increases. Unlike BT in the first phase, it differs by more than 0.5 ° C. This is considered normal - such a difference in temperature. The pathological difference between the phases of the cycle is 0.4 degrees.

In the second phase, the body temperature rises due to the production of corpus luteum hormones. It is he who is responsible for what the low temperature will be. You should carefully monitor and note deviations from normal performance... So, a low production of the corpus luteum hormone leads to a slow increase in temperature, which provokes a miscarriage if a woman becomes pregnant. The body cannot cope with its functions, therefore it is not able to fix and hold the fetus.

You should also pay attention to the fact if BT lasts more than 14 days in the second phase. This may indicate an inflammatory process in the small pelvis or the formation of a cyst in the corpus luteum.

Reasons for deviation from normal temperature

The normal temperature that occurs in the second phase indicates that the woman is pregnant or preparing for the onset of menstruation. Otherwise, when deviations from normal temperature, we can talk about various reasons development of pathology. Consideration should be given to what can provoke too low or too high temperatures in phase II:

  • Progesterone deficiency (luteal phase failure). In this case, the difference in temperatures between the phases is less than 0.4 degrees, and the BT itself rises very slowly (within 3 days). There is a short duration of the luteal phase (about 10 days) or an increase in temperature for a short period of time (no more than 1 week).
  • Inflammation of the appendages. In the first phase, BT is increased and then decreases. Basal temperature is significantly higher in the second phase than in the graphs, where reproductive system was healthy. During menstrual bleeding, BT is noted above 37 ° C.
  • Endometritis. If a woman has this disease, then a few days before menstruation, BT decreases to 36.8 and below. During menstrual bleeding, the temperature rises to 37 ° C.
  • Pregnancy. On this phenomenon indicates a basal temperature indicator, which adheres to 37 or more degrees for 2 or more weeks. At the same time, there is no menstruation, and the temperature does not stubbornly decrease. If we went scanty menstruation and BT shows 37 ° C, then the threat of miscarriage is possible. In this case, you should contact your gynecologist for help.

Also, you should consult a doctor if such situations are noted:

  1. If there is no increase in temperature during ovulation, and BT indicators in both phases differ slightly. It is normal for a woman to have anovulatory cycles a couple of times a year, when she cannot get pregnant, the egg comes out, but is not ready to conceive. However, if there are much more such periods, then you should use medical services if the reader wants.
  2. Constantly low or high temperatures are noted, especially in the second phase.
  3. In the luteal phase, BT is increased, but there is no pregnancy.
  4. The cycle lasts more than 35 days.
  5. The difference between BT in both phases is below 0.4 degrees.
  6. The duration of the luteal phase decreases every month.
  7. BT rises sharply in any of the menstrual phases.
  8. BT is normal, but the woman cannot get pregnant. Here infertility can be identified.


Basal temperature measurements help identify possible pregnancy, infertility or pathological changes even before the first symptoms appear. In any case, the prognosis is favorable, since there is a chance to quickly solve all emerging health problems. Also, a woman can avoid unwanted pregnancy if she is not ready to conceive.

This method allows women to solve many intimate problems. The observation of the basal temperature has been carried out for more than one century. If BT rises in the second phase and does not fall, while there are no menstrual bleeding and the mammary glands of the breast hurt, then you can buy a pregnancy test. A positive result is quite possible.

1. During menstruation, BT does not decrease, but increases (and these days there was no flu, no diarrhea, no severe stress), then this is one of the clear signs chronic ENDOMETRITIS(inflammation of the lining of the uterus).

Well, endometritis will not allow even the most beautiful egg, fertilized according to all the rules of love, science and technology, to gain a foothold on the wall of the uterus. Thus, an increase in BT during menstruation is a symptom of one of the reasons female infertility, the presence of inflammation, which is sometimes difficult to identify with other methods.

2. In the first phase, BT is high - 36.6 degrees and above. This could be a sign low content estrogens (female sex hormones), malfunctioning of the ovaries. Little estrogen - the egg does not mature, there is nothing to fertilize, the woman is infertile (at least in this cycle).

3. The rise of BT in the middle of the cycle is smooth, gentle, lasts more than three days. This may mean that the egg is either not matured or not viable. Pregnancy in this cycle is questionable. It is necessary to measure BT further in order to find out if such a picture is accidental or if weak ovaries cannot turn around and give normal level hormones.

4. The second phase is shorter than 12-14 days. A clear sign failure of the second phase, low level progesterone, which is produced to maintain pregnancy (if any). The egg is either not ripe or weak, and therefore fertilization is a big question in this cycle. It is necessary to measure the temperature in the future in order to find out how this state is inherent in a woman.

5. In the second phase, BT has one or more depressions (the temperature drops below 37.0 degrees). Alas, this may be evidence that the egg has died; under the depression, you can draw a bold cross. At the time of the death of the egg, the level of hormones sharply decreases, which is reflected in the graph.

6. The decrease in BT before menstruation lasts more than 3 days. This means that the egg was weak, it was hardly possible to fertilize it, and therefore conception in this cycle is doubtful.

7. Menstruation is delayed, and BT stays above 37.0 degrees FOR MORE than 2 weeks. This is a very likely sign of pregnancy. It is necessary to carry out pregnancy tests, run to the gynecologist with joyful (or sad) news, in a word, work out the situation.

8. Menstruation is delayed, but BT decreased below 37.0 degrees. Despite the delay, pregnancy is very doubtful, most likely, we are talking about ovarian dysfunction. But pregnancy tests will say more accurately, ultrasound procedure and your own intuition.

9. Menses scanty or unusual, and BT is above 37.0 degrees. The situation is suspicious: a pregnancy is possible, which from the very beginning really wants to end. Pregnancy tests, the help of a gynecologist, etc. are needed. In addition, an ectopic pregnancy is also possible.

10. The difference between the average value of BT of 1 and II phases is less than 0.4 degrees. The sad fact is that it is possible that the egg does not mature, pregnancy is impossible.

11. In the middle of the cycle, there is a double rise: BT rises, for example, to 37.1 degrees for one day, then decreases to 36.8 degrees for 1-2 days, and then rises to 37.2-37.4 degrees and holds to end. Usually this is a sign of extraneous influence during the first ascent (illness, diarrhea, etc. - see "special notes").

12. Another variant of a double rise: in the middle of the cycle, BT rises, for example, to 37.2 degrees for 2-3 days, then decreases to 36.8 degrees for 1-2 days, and then rises again and stays above 37.0 degrees but not as stable as usual. Perhaps the egg died immediately after maturation.

If your cycle is longer or shorter than 28 days, then the first phase is generally lengthened or shortened (before the temperature rises), and the second phase in any case should be at least 12-14 days. For example, with a cycle lasting 21 days, the egg matures very quickly - on days 7-8, and the second phase is still 14 days.

By the way, sometimes basal temperature allows you to change an old diagnosis, find the right solution to a woman's problems, prescribe correct treatment... Often women complain about irregular periods, against the background of which pregnancy does not occur. However, temperature measurements show that each such irregular cycle on the eve of menstruation, and sometimes during it is accompanied by high temperature... This means that the pregnancy was conceived, but was interrupted during the period of menstruation - this also happens.

Contraception (or planning) using basal temperature is 90-95 percent effective, if you are not guided by the days of the calendar, designed for a fantastic " average woman"(You are not average, but very individual), but on objective indicators.

For calculation " dangerous days"(Or favorable for conception), it is necessary to measure BT for at least 3-4 cycles without interruption. If you are capable of such a feat, then the reward will be the high reliability of the method and the birth of a desired, not an accidental child.

Favorable days for conception are calculated as follows: from the day on which the temperature crossed the line of 37.0 degrees, they are counted 6 days ago and 6 days ahead.

Favorable days are made up of two factors: sperm cells trapped in the uterus can live there for up to 6 days, waiting for the egg to mature. And the egg cell lives for a day or two, waiting for fertilization. According to various sources, the life time of the egg cell is indicated differently: from several days to several hours (!). Probably, the truth is that she lives for a long time, but is capable of fertilization only for a short time.

And now a little about the options for the phases of the menstrual cycle themselves according to BT charts.

1. HIGH TEMPERATURE in the first PHASE (for example, 36.8 degrees in the usual second phase - 37.2-37.4 degrees) may indicate a LACK of estrogens, which must be taken if you want to get pregnant (for example, microfollin, 1 tablet in day from the 1st day of the cycle until the temperature rises).

2. LOW TEMPERATURE in the second PHASE (for example, below 37.0 in the normal first phase - 36.3-36.5) may indicate a LUCKY BODY INSUFFICIENCY, which is compensated for, for example, by progesterone (1.0 1% solution intramuscularly through day), turinal (1 tablet a day before the onset of menstruation, and in case of pregnancy - up to 10-12 weeks) or more modern drugs: Utrozhestan / Dufaston.

3. HIGH TEMPERATURE in BOTH PHASES (for example, 36.8 and 37.6 degrees) while maintaining a difference of at least 0.4 degrees is not a pathology. This condition is called hyperthermic and is a normal individual symptom.

4. LOW TEMPERATURE in BOTH PHASES (for example, 36.0 and 36.5 degrees) while maintaining a difference of at least 0.4 degrees is also a normal individual phenomenon.

A completely useless activity is sometimes invented for themselves by women who measure BT while taking oral contraceptives: the temperature will be approximately the same throughout the entire cycle, which depends on the concentration of hormones in the pills, but not on their own hormonal activity.

In conclusion, I would like to note that today this survey method is not only the cheapest and most accessible, but also the most unreliable. And the use of BT graphs is categorically not recommended for making any kind of diagnosis or (even more so!) For prescribing treatment. Don't look for disaster at every extra or missing degree on your graph. There are more reliable methods for this in our time.

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