What to drink after unprotected. When does a woman need emergency contraception? Oral contraceptives while breastfeeding

Sex without protection can happen in the lives of many, but here we will not talk about diseases that can be “picked up”, but about an unplanned pregnancy, when the child is not included in the plans of both partners and panic begins. The first thing to do is to calm down for both, because there are no hopeless situations, and pharmacology suggests the use of birth control pills, which must be taken immediately after the act within 24 hours. They will help to avoid unwanted consequences.

Modern drugs designed to prevent unwanted pregnancies after unprotected intercourse are popular. Some of the most famous means:

  • mifepristone.

It is a mistake to think that drugs will be the perfect way to have unprotected sex. These are single use hormonal drugs. They affect the woman's body. Gynecologists say that the maximum allowable intake is two capsules per year. Taking pills by a partner will not affect men's health in any way, but it can deal a critical blow to a woman. To be more precise, not the whole body, but the organs responsible for procreation. Medicines are not kept in home lockers, as they are available at any pharmacy.

Hormonal anti-flight drugs block the process of ovulation, egg implantation. The female body undergoes a severe hormonal failure, so it is better to forget about planning a pregnancy for the next six months. Information is important for both partners if they dream of becoming parents of a healthy baby in the future.

Harm of "emergency" contraceptives

Partners who had joint unprotected intercourse resort to solving the problem without going to the doctors, on their own, fearing that the woman became pregnant. The best option would be to contact a gynecologist to save yourself from the need to use harmful chemical components of drugs. When the decision not to see a doctor is considered and invariable, the couple should carefully read the instructions for the drug, learn about side effects. It should be remembered that there are no harmless drugs in this category.

The body of a woman is exposed to negative effects and even danger. There are several reasons:

  • Taking birth control can lead to an ectopic pregnancy;
  • The use of the drug is often caused by bleeding from the uterus;
  • After using a contraceptive, the likelihood of successful conception is sharply reduced.

Contraceptive pills and other express means are harmful and dangerous for young women who have not given birth. The retribution for intercourse without the use of contraceptives is infertility. Before taking pills, the couple should jointly think over and weigh all the pros and cons, and going to the gynecologist will allow you to choose the compounds that cause the least harm, without greatly loosening the female hormonal system.

The list consists of popular drugs, where postinor is the strongest. The effect is comparable to hitting the female reproductive organs with a heavy object. It is known that taking the drug will prevent pregnancy by 95%, but will call into question the subsequent one. In addition, the remaining 5% leave a chance for conception, but how the pregnancy will proceed, what abnormalities may appear in the fetus after a severe hormonal shock. Statistics say that cases where the drug did not help are solved by the doctors' proposal to have an abortion, since complications are likely for both the mother and the child.

Both grandmothers and mothers know about the drug, all those who found the 1980s of the last century. But not everyone knows what price to pay. The tool consists of a mini-course, the reception is carried out for three days, and each package contains two tablets.

Contraception is not suitable for all women, but if you want to use it, it is important to know the date of the last menstruation. In case of menstrual irregularities, delay, other problems associated with critical days, postinor should be abandoned. Doctors say that after taking heavy prolonged bleeding will appear.

Tablets are not intended for women who have problems and complications associated with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, or suffering from diabetes. It is strictly forbidden to accept young people under 16 years old, as well as those who have not given birth.

Contraception is dangerous for those who are sick:

  • tuberculosis;
  • thrombosis;
  • or other inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Botkin's disease;
  • Has problems with high blood pressure;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Vascular and heart diseases.

The tool is intended for women who do not have health problems, but the pills taken can seriously undermine it. The consequences of admission are manifested:

  • In violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • The occurrence of vomiting and nausea;
  • headaches;
  • The development of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • In bleeding from the vagina;
  • infertility;
  • Sudden fainting, itching, swelling, rash;
  • Sharp pain in the lower abdomen;

An agent used in a medical clinic to prevent unwanted pregnancy, abortion, when the period does not exceed six weeks. Contraceptives are not sold in pharmacy chains, they are distributed and sold exclusively by prescription. It is used only in the conditions of the blade, so that the doctor can observe and control the process.

Among the contraindications, problems in women with the liver and kidneys are noted. It is necessary to inform the health worker about smoking or drinking alcohol if the patient often indulges in bad habits. The doctor must know if a woman is using, taking the drug with her is unacceptable. Three weeks later, a woman needs to do an ultrasound to make sure that there is no pregnancy, if she is, they have an abortion. A child cannot be born full-fledged, healthy if the person has taken an agesta.

Side effects are expressed:

  • In nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • bleeding;
  • fainting;
  • In violations of the menstrual cycle.

The contraceptive, which must be taken within 24 hours of unprotected intercourse, contains levonorgestrel, a component that prevents pregnancy.

  • Violation of menstruation;
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Apathy, headache.

Tablets that prevent a woman's body from unwanted pregnancy after intercourse without protection, containing the substance mifepristone, are a synthetic steroid drug.

The active substances block the effects of progesterone, the pregnancy hormone. In a couple of hours, an environment arises in the uterine region that is negative in relation to the fertilization process. The drug is highly effective.

Side effects:

  • In skin rash, itching;
  • Nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • An increase in temperature, a violation of the period of menstruation;
  • The appearance of bleeding.

Taking a contraceptive on the first day may not lead to side effects, which cannot be said about using it at a later date. There will be uterine bleeding, you will need immediate medical attention.


The contraceptive is a means for medical abortion. It is permissible to use contraceptive during the first day after intercourse without protective equipment. When it turns out that the pregnancy has come, mifepristone is used to terminate it.

The appointment of the drug in this period excludes independent use, you must consult a doctor. The uterus will gain tone, accompanied by contractile myometrium, which will lead to miscarriage. The fertilized egg will be destroyed due to the action of the drug that blocks progesterone. Contraindications make up a large list:

  • Excluded in renal failure;
  • With diabetes;
  • Suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • With inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
  • Anemia, bronchial asthma;
  • Infections, bad habits.

Two days after using the remedy, the woman remains under the supervision of a doctor, and after 14 days she returns to the clinic for an additional health check. The drug is dangerous, sometimes it does not have the desired effect, an abortion will be required. The side effects of the early stages and time after an abortion with the use of a medication are identical.

- Emergency contraception with 95% efficiency.

Pros: Pregnancy is avoidable.

Cons: 95% effect. A blow to the female body.

Good afternoon everyone! Let's talk about postcoital contraception.

What is postcoital contraception and when is it needed?

Of course, the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancy is to use contraceptives BEFORE or DURING sexual intercourse (a condom, for example). But it also happens that contraception is needed not BEFORE, but AFTER unprotected sexual contact. Cases are different, namely:

Unprotected intercourse and pregnancy is not desired

Condom broke during sex

The interrupted sexual intercourse was implemented incorrectly and the probability of pregnancy still exists

There was a rape

And similar situations.

In general, there is a chance of pregnancy, but the child is not planned at all. There are two methods of postcoital contraception - pills and an intrauterine device, delivered in the first five dashes of seven days after this sexual intercourse. Even if fertilization has occurred, the spiral will not allow the egg to gain a foothold in the endometrium of the uterus. But we will not talk about the spiral, let's talk about pills.


This is a steroid drug, the main substance is mefipristone. The package contains one tablet. It should be taken within 72 hours after questionable intercourse. The action of gynepristone is to prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium of the uterus. Also, this medicine inhibits ovulation.

For greater confidence in the effect of the pill, it should be taken either after 2 hours after a meal, or two hours before a meal. The effectiveness does not depend on the phase of the female cycle. It is contraindicated for pregnant women. Breastfeeding women should stop feeding for two weeks after taking the drug. Side effects can manifest as nausea, headache, weakness, discomfort in the lower abdomen. There may be spotting and disruption of the menstrual cycle.

It must be understood that this drug does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, from genital infections, AIDS. And you should also know that you can not use ginepristone as a permanent contraceptive. This is an emergency and very strong remedy that strikes at women's health.

Ginepristone prices are as follows. Online 358 р. (rigla), 424 rubles. (eapteka), but now this medicine is not freely available. You will not find it in the pharmacies of our city. After all, its main substance is mefipristone - and this is a means by which pregnancy is terminated in the early stages in stationary institutions. They cause childbirth during a missed pregnancy. Therefore, it has been removed from free access. Only with a doctor and under the supervision of a doctor.


This is a hormonal means of emergency protection against unwanted pregnancy. The main substance is the hormone levonorgestrel. The package contains two tablets, each of which contains 0.75 milligrams of this hormone. You need to drink them within a period of up to three days (the same seventy-two hours) after a dubious PA, and with a break of 12 hours between the first and second.

The action of the hormone levonorgestrel is as follows: transformation of the endometrium, and thus interference in the process of implantation of a fertilized egg; inhibition of ovulation; an increase in the viscosity of the fluid in the uterus, which means preventing the movement of spermatozoa. Postinor has contraindications - this is the age of up to 16 years, pregnancy, liver problems.

Postinor is a very strong blow to hormones, and young women who have not given birth are not advised to use it. It cannot be considered as permanent contraception. Even the description says that you can not use more than 2 times a year.

The cycle may go astray, spotting may occur between periods.

And with all the side effects, postinor may not be effective, especially if you take it late. During the first 24 hours after contact, the probability of pregnancy is estimated at 5%, if the postinor is taken on the second day, then this is already 15%, if on the third (48 - 72 hours) - then a high 42 percent.

The drug is produced in Hungary by the pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter. Prices for Postinor vary according to different sources. In online pharmacies, this is 390 rubles. (pipuli.ru), 363 rubles (apteka.ru), 361 rubles. (eapteka.ru). In city pharmacies, the price fluctuations are as follows - from 292 to 418 rubles. But I doubt that in a situation where you need to urgently take a pill, someone will compare prices in the city or order medicine on the Internet and wait for delivery. You can, of course, buy the drug in advance so that it lies and waits for "its case", Postinor's shelf life is five years.

They write that the drug is prescription, but you can easily buy it in pharmacies.

Also a hormonal postcoital contraceptive. The manufacturer is the same as that of Postinor, the Hungarian company Gedeon Richter. And the substance is the same - the hormone levonorgestrel.

I'll write about the prices right away. In the network, the cost of Escapelle is also different - 477, 504, 436 rubles. In the city, medicine is sold at prices ranging from 358 to 550 rubles. The difference is due to the location of the pharmacy and the mode of operation. 24-hour pharmacies are always more expensive. But such a drug may be needed very quickly, so you can buy it at any price if you feel like it.

Escapelle has the same effect as Postinor. But in its packaging there is only one tablet with 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel. If you need to drink Postinor in two doses, then Escapel in one, drank and forgot, as they say. This is his convenience.

It also inhibits ovulation and prevents the introduction of the egg (if fertilization has already occurred). Changes the structure of the endometrium. But it is not effective if implantation has already taken place.

Escapelle has the same features as the previous remedy. The sooner you take the remedy after a suspicious contact, the more likely it is that you will not "get pregnant". On the first day the effect is 95%, on the second day it decreases to 85%, on the third day it is only 58%. So you can not completely rely and have confidence that pregnancy will not happen.

Steroid emergency contraceptive that prevents the introduction of a fertilized female cell into the endometrium. Has one pill to be taken within seventy-two hours after suspicious sexual contact (condom fell off or torn, etc.). As part of mefipristone, so the drug is sold strictly by prescription, and now it is also withdrawn from free sale. But they do it gradually, you can hardly buy it online, but in the city it is still for sale.

Pregnancy is the most joyful and wonderful life period for a woman. However, not for everyone. In some cases, conception comes as a surprise and forces the fairer sex to take emergency measures. In this article, we will talk about what kind of anti-pregnancy pills are after an unprotected act. You will learn how these drugs are used and whether they can be used regularly. It is also worth mentioning what birth control pills are. The price of such drugs and their name will be indicated below.

Mifolian tablets

Mifolian tablets are a drug for medical termination of pregnancy. The action of Mifolian tablets is due to its main component - Mifepristone. It causes the exfoliation of the germinal membranes from the uterine wall and the expulsion of the fetal egg. This happens as a result of blocking hormone receptors ...

Mirolut tablets

Mirolut tablets are used in combination with mifepristone to terminate early pregnancy - up to 42 days of amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). Mirolut should be used exclusively as prescribed by a doctor, under the strict supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist, in specialized medical institutions ...

mifepristone tablets

Mifepristone tablets is an antiprogesterone drug for medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages, without instrumental intervention in the uterine cavity, which significantly reduces the possibility of developing complications of abortion, often leading to infertility. Synthetic steroid antiprogestogen...

Pencrofton tablets

Pencrofton tablets contain mifepristone, an antiprogesterone component that binds to receptors and blocks the activity of progesterone. As a result, the effects of progesterone are not realized, and pregnancy cannot be maintained in such conditions of hormonal imbalance. No gestagenic activity...

Tablets Postinor

The drug Postinor refers to contraceptives used by women immediately after sexual intercourse. The active substance is levonorgestrel, which exhibits pronounced antiestrogenic and progestogenic activity. If the contraceptive is used during a period when the possibility ...

Escapel tablets

The drug Escapel is a progestogen and refers to postcoital contraceptives. The action (gestagenic and antiestrogenic) is determined by the active substance included in its composition. Levonorgestrel inhibits ovulation, slows down the proliferation of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) and thus prevents...

Charozetta tablets

Charozetta tablets are a progestin-containing contraceptive drug that inhibits ovulation, thickens cervical mucus, and reduces estradiol levels to values ​​characteristic of the early follicular phase. The frequency of pregnancy when taking desogestrel is comparable to that when prescribing ...

Tablets Orgametril

Synthetic gestagen. It forms a complex with specific cytoplasmic receptors that binds to the chromatin of target cells and changes the synthetic processes in the cell. It has a pronounced gestagenic effect on the endometrium: it causes the transition of the uterine mucosa from the proliferation phase to the secretory ...

Tablets Lactinet

The drug Lactinet is a progestogen-containing contraceptive intended for oral administration. The main active ingredient is desogestrel. Since the drug does not contain other hormonal components other than progestogen, it is allowed to ...

Regulon tablets

Tablets Regulon Monophasic oral contraceptive. The main contraceptive action is to inhibit the synthesis of gonadotropins and suppress ovulation. In addition, by increasing the viscosity of cervical mucus, the movement of spermatozoa through the cervical canal slows down, and the change ...

Jeanine tablets

Janine tablets are monophasic oral contraceptives. It is used to prevent unwanted pregnancy in women of reproductive (childbearing) age. Due to the presence of ethinestradiol and dienogest as the main active ingredients, Jeanine dragees, with their correct...

Tablets Tri Regol

Tablets Tri-regol is an effective contraceptive contraception. The intake of progestin with estrogen (female sex hormones, predominantly released in different phases of the cycle) in such ratios corresponds to physiological processes and provides high contraceptive (contraceptive) effectiveness ...

Tablets Novinet

Novinet tablets are used for oral contraception, relief of premenstrual syndrome, restoration of the correct periodicity of menstruation. The drug can be used to prevent cancer of the uterus and ovaries. Also, the tool reduces the risk of colon cancer, treats acne, makes the skin ...

Tablets Logest

Tablets Logest refers to oral monophasic contraceptives, presented in the form of a round-shaped dragee with a characteristic white color. The main components are ethinylestradiol and gestodene. The drug acts on the activation of the secretion of pituitary hormones, slows down the maturation of follicles, resulting in ...

Jess tablets

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Yarina tablets

Yarina in tablets is a hormonal contraceptive that has an antiandrogenic effect. Produced in special blisters of 21 tablets. After oral administration, drospirenone is rapidly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After a single dose of the drug, Cmax of drospirenone in plasma is achieved through ...

Dragee Diane-35

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Triquilar tablets

Triquilar tablets is a low-dose, three-phase oral combined estrogen-progestin contraceptive drug. The contraceptive effect of the drug Triquilar is carried out through complementary mechanisms, the most important of which include the suppression of ovulation and the increase ...

Non-Ovlon Tablets

Non-Ovlon tablets are a hormonal contraceptive for systemic use. The action of the drug is determined by the inhibition of the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland. By suppressing the secretion of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, the drug prevents the maturation of the egg in the follicle and ovulation. Also affects the cervical...

Abortion pills

There are certain drugs for medical termination of pregnancy, unlike drugs that you can drink within 72 hours, the former are not commercially available. To get rid of the child, if a short period, antigestatens (antiprogestins) are used, active biological substances that can suppress natural progestogens at the receptor level.

What it can be preparations? For example, mifepristone. If the period is short, then you can get rid of pregnancy through such a medication. If a woman drank the drug, then she needs to be under the supervision of a doctor for the entire period of the embryo's release. Before you drink any drugs, you need to undergo an ultrasound.

Pregnancy term pills

Early termination of pregnancy with pills, that is, medical abortion, is currently used in a number of countries, such as the USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Sweden, quite widely. Currently, abortion pills are becoming more and more popular in Israel, Switzerland, Spain, Austria, Finland, Belgium and Russia.

For the first time, an abortion pill was introduced into medical practice in France, where the Mifegin drug was developed. Today, about 80% of French women have abortion pills for surgical termination of pregnancy. In the Russian Federation, Mifegin was first successfully used for medical abortion in 1999.

In Russia today, in addition to Mifegin, Mifepristone and Pencrofton, produced in Russia, and the Russian-Chinese drug Mifolian are also used to terminate pregnancy. According to sociological surveys, about 85% would prefer pregnancy termination pills if they need to terminate it.

Pills for terminating early pregnancy

Sometimes there is a life situation in such a way that there is a need to terminate the pregnancy. Today, several different methods of abortion are known, while medical abortion is beginning to gain the most popularity.

Medical termination of pregnancy is carried out using pills, which include misoprostol and mifepristone. These funds are used to terminate pregnancy in the early stages (no more than eight weeks).

The procedure for terminating a medical abortion follows a very simple pattern - first, the woman takes the first pill, which contains mifepristone, and after 24-72 hours, she must take the second, which contains misoprostol.

Misoprostol causes the uterus to contract, resulting in a miscarriage. Due to the combined effects of misoprostol and mifepristone, it is possible to terminate the pregnancy. The desired effectiveness of the pill is given only if they are used at an early stage, and subject to all the rules of medical abortion.

This procedure should take place under the strict supervision of a doctor, in no case should you take pills on your own, as there is a certain risk to the woman's health.

Over the past few years, medical abortion has been the most popular among women, because it is one of the safest types of abortion.

It is worth remembering that the pills used to terminate a pregnancy will only be effective during the first 49 days from the day of the last menstruation. Such medicines are taken under the supervision of a doctor who monitors the woman's health and, if necessary, will take action. The fact is that this type of abortion also has certain contraindications.

What pills can be taken during pregnancy

It is very important before using any medication during pregnancy to study all possible options for the effect of this remedy on the body of the expectant mother and on the body of the child himself. After all, pregnancy is such a period in the life of every woman, when another life develops in her body and at this time you need to be very careful about taking any pharmacological preparations. The process of organogenesis begins in the first trimester, and then the growth and differentiation of tissues continues, which also requires increased attention to taking any medication. The fetus is an agent alien to the woman's body, because it contains 50% of the information from the pope. The immune system of a woman perceives it as an antibody to some extent, therefore, until the formation of her placenta with an individual barrier and blood flow, a state of relative immunosuppression develops. This is especially true of the first trimester of pregnancy, when there is no placenta yet, as an individual protective mechanism, and the fetus is very vulnerable. This condition of a pregnant woman contributes to a change in all the reactions of the female body, which before that could be normal. That is, the reactions of the pharmacological transformation of drugs also occur in a different way, which thus can significantly affect the child. Unexpected allergic reactions to medications that were not there before may come to light. Therefore, the issue of a differentiated approach to the choice of medication during pregnancy is very important, and you must carefully read the instructions before using the medication.

There are cases in which a visit to a doctor is not always necessary, and a pregnant woman does not know whether this or that medicine can be taken. In such cases, for example, in case of headache or toothache, or in case of high blood pressure, there must be some medicine in a hurry as a rescue remedy, until a doctor can be consulted. In this case, you need to know some features that need to be considered and drugs that can lead to the least harm.

Pills for pain during pregnancy

Many women, in order for the medication not to affect the normal development of the fetus, try to endure even very severe pain. This should not be done, since at the moment there are completely harmless medicines.

Before purchasing them, if pain of various localization occurs, a pregnant woman should first of all consult a doctor and receive appropriate recommendations on which drugs are preferable in each trimester of pregnancy.

For some diseases (bronchial asthma, stomach ulcers, kidney and liver diseases), it is contraindicated to use pills for pain during pregnancy.

Permitted painkillers during pregnancy are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (analgesics), which not only reduce pain, but also relieve fever and inflammation. These include:

  • Paracetamol is called by WHO experts the safest drug that, when penetrating the placenta, does not pose a threat to the development of the child and does not harm the woman herself, does not cause an allergic reaction, bronchospasm or peptic ulcer attacks. A contraindication for the use of paracetamol during pregnancy is liver disease.
  • Analgin is a powerful pain reliever, but it should be used during pregnancy carefully, in small doses and for a short time, since this remedy causes disruption in the functioning of the liver and kidneys, and because of its ability to thin the blood, the level of hemoglobin in the blood is significantly reduced.
  • Nurofen is allowed to be used only in compliance with the dosage in the first and second trimester of pregnancy, but in the third it should be abandoned, as it negatively affects the blood and nervous systems and the development of the genital organs in boys, helps to reduce the amount of amniotic fluid, which can lead to a miscarriage.
  • No-shpa and riabal are strong painkillers that are most often recommended for use in the first trimester of pregnancy to relieve gastrointestinal, headache or toothache, as well as to eliminate spasms of smooth muscles.
  • Papaverine, like no-shpa, reduces the tone of the uterus and is used to relieve spasms. Since this remedy is available in the form of rectal suppositories and intramuscular injections, it is not very convenient to use. If there are problems with the stool and low pressure, this pain reliever and antispasmodic drug should be used with extreme caution.
  • Baralgin, spasmalgon are prescribed to relieve pain in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Similar drugs (antispasmodics) include maxigan, trigan and spazgan.

headache pills during pregnancy

In the first trimester of bearing a child, doctors advise to forget about headache pills. Many women manage to cope with it in a ventilated room, in silence, lying without a pillow. Often feeling better after sleep.

Self-massage of the temples, applying cold cabbage leaves or ice to the forehead helps some. You can apply compresses with fresh cabbage leaves, which need to be slightly crushed so that they give juice. The compress must be held until the headache stops. Sometimes a scarf or scarf, which is tightly tied around the head, can become an assistant.

Infusions of lemon balm, mint, chamomile have a mild analgesic effect.

If a woman has low blood pressure, then strong and sweet black tea helps to increase it and relieve headaches.

In the second and third trimester of the term, drugs based on paracetamol - Panadol and Efferalgan - will help stop headache attacks. These drugs are not addictive. Panadol Extra, in addition to paracetamol, also contains caffeine, so it can be used for low blood pressure.

Panadol gynecologists are allowed to use infrequently. It is necessary to adhere to the dose recommended in the instructions. No-shpa can also serve as a lifesaver.

It reduces vasospasm, lowers blood pressure, relaxes muscles.

As for Ibuprofen, it can be used as an analgesic during pregnancy only occasionally and up to the thirtieth week of pregnancy.

Sometimes during sexual intercourse such an unpleasant event as a rupture of a condom can occur, which will entail the ingress of seminal fluid into the woman's body. Also, during sex, partners may forget use a contraceptive. And some couples even have sex without a condom, while using coitus interruptus as a method of contraception.

Without being careful, all this can lead to unwanted pregnancy, which is a serious problem for both partners.

What is emergency contraception within 72 hours

One of the methods of emergency contraception is special pills for unwanted pregnancy, which you need to accept a woman within 72 hours. This medical method is aimed at suppressing the chances of getting pregnant through unprotected intercourse.

These are medications that contain a huge dose of the female steroid hormone - gestagen (progestogen), which suppresses ovulation by affecting anterior pituitary gland. Also, gestagen thickens the cervical mucus, which makes it difficult for the sperm to move towards the egg.

If fertilization has occurred, then under the action of steroid female hormone the endometrial layer regresses, thereby making it impossible for the zygote to attach to the fallopian tube.

In other words, the principle of action of these drugs is based on artificial stimulation of menstruation in women. A uterine contraction occurs, resulting in the egg is washed out.

Thus, emergency contraceptive pills can stop pregnancy at conception within 72 hours.

Name of drugs for emergency contraception

Nowadays, medicine provides a fairly large selection of pharmacological therapy for unwanted pregnancies.

Postinor- a contraceptive drug that includes the substance levonorgestel - a synthetic progestogen. The medicine prevents pregnancy in about 85% of cases. The drug must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse.

Ginepriston- the active component of mifepristone. Accept within 72 hours.

- the drug contains the same substance as the previous one. Accept within 72 hours.

Jenale- the active substance mifepristone is a synthetic steroid antiprogestogen. Causes inhibition of ovulation, prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg. Take the drug within 72 hours of having sex.

Such a drug as regulon not suitable as emergency contraceptive, but with long-term use, regulon provides a contraceptive effect.
Regulon is a combined contraceptive drug. Its pharmacodynamics is inhibition of the effect of gonadotropin, inhibition of ovulation and prevention of sperm penetration into the cervical canal.

Rules for the use of tablets

It is important to take emergency contraceptives early after unprotected intercourse, preferably within the first 12 or 24 hours. The deadline is 72 hours, after which the contraceptive will not work. Remember, the sooner emergency contraception is used, the greater the chance of successful drug action.

But this type of contraception is an extreme method. Emergency contraceptives can be used only twice a year due to the huge consequences for the body in kind of hormonal imbalance, which is very dangerous for women's health and can lead to a long range of diseases.

Side effects

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • headaches;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • rashes;
  • swelling of the limbs and face;
  • aching, pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • ectopic pregnancy - a complicated pregnancy when a fertilized egg attaches itself outside the uterine cavity. This is a medical emergency, a life-threatening condition;
  • mastopathy - pathological fibrocystic changes in breast tissue. In the mammary gland, the formation of painful fine-grained seals occurs. This is a good education. However, there is a high risk of their malignancy and transition to a malignant tumor process;
  • uterine bleeding is a serious condition that also requires emergency medical care. Life threatening;
  • infertility (emergency contraception is especially dangerous for women who have never given birth);
  • thrombosis - hormonal drugs can provoke thrombosis, which in turn can lead to pulmonary embolism, strokes;
  • Crohn's disease - hormonal drugs increase the risk of Crohn's disease by 3 times;
  • emotional lability.

It is worth noting that the choice of the drug is best done with a specialist doctor. Do not rush to take the first contraceptive that comes across without first consulting a gynecologist. Improper use of hormonal drugs is very dangerous for both health and life. The doctor will select a drug that is more suitable for you, tell you the risks that you can expect after taking the drug. Under the supervision of a specialist, the effects of taking these drugs are significantly reduced.

If for some reason you still cannot go to a gynecologist, then carefully read the instructions before taking the drug. This is important not only for the correct application of the pharmacological action, but also for your health.

After taking hormonal drugs, within two weeks, it is advisable to consult a doctor, even if you feel well and do not show any complaints.


For girls under 16 years of age, taking emergency contraception is contraindicated, since they have not formed ovulation and menstruation cycles. This can lead not only to infertility, but also to irreparable health problems. Other

Do not under any circumstances take oral contraceptives for confirmed pregnancy, there is a high risk of ectopic pregnancy.
The use of hormonal contraceptives is excluded in case of pathology of the liver, biliary tract, liver failure. In case of impaired glucose absorption or lactose intolerance, the use of these drugs is also prohibited.

It is forbidden to use drugs at the stage of breastfeeding. Don't breastfeed your baby for a day if the drug was taken.

An interesting fact is that in the body of a breastfeeding mother, the hormone prolactin is secreted, which, under certain conditions, practically excludes pregnancy for a woman at this time.

Hormonal contraceptives are contraindicated if a woman has had an ectopic pregnancy in the past, with tumors, with increased blood clotting, or with long-term use of corticosteroids, with anemia, Crohn's disease.

Any pathology on the part of a woman's body can cast doubt on the use of hormonal contraceptives. You should think twice before taking these drugs, weighing the pros and cons.

Each organism is individual, and especially female. It is difficult to say how a healthy body will react to a hormonal surge. In some cases, the consequences after taking oral emergency contraceptives do not appear, or they appear slightly, while in other cases, taking hormones can lead to serious consequences for a woman's health. There is a big risk that not only the reproductive system will suffer, but the whole organism as a whole.

Unwanted pregnancy can lead to social problems, especially at a young age. To prevent unwanted consequences, before taking emergency contraceptives, it is better to consult a gynecologist who will prescribe you a more gentle medicine.

Postcoital contraception is considered to be the prevention of pregnancy, which is highly undesirable. The need to take these funds arises if a woman forgot to take an oral contraceptive on time or a condom broke during intercourse. Often, postcoital contraception is used after sexual intercourse of a violent nature.

It should be noted that pregnancy prevention is only possible if the woman has taken an emergency contraceptive within 3 days of unprotected intercourse.

Levonorgestrel birth control pills

Emergency contraceptives that contain levonorgestrel in their composition prevent the fertilization of the egg. After taking the pill, ovulation is delayed due to cervical mucus, which prevents sperm from entering the egg.

Will these birth control pills help after the act, depends on the time that has passed since sexual contact:

  • up to 24 hours - 95% efficiency;
  • 25 - 48 hours - efficiency 85%;
  • 49 - 72 hours - 58% efficiency.

Consider which birth control pills based on levonorgestrel are by far the most effective:

NameHow long to takeInstructionA photo
within 72 hours

The use of emergency contraceptive is effective within 3 days.

It should be noted that the package contains 2 tablets, respectively, the emergency contraceptive must be taken twice.

The second tablet should be taken 12 hours after taking the first. Without chewing, drink clean water.

within 72 hours

Within 3 days after sex (unprotected), one tablet must be taken.

If there are side effects in the form of vomiting, a second dose of the drug is necessary.

Emergency contraception based on mifepristone

Thanks to the active substance (mifepristone), ovulation becomes impossible if you take the pill within 3 days of unprotected intercourse. In the event that more than 3 days have passed, mifepristone (increased dosage) is used as an early termination of pregnancy (up to 9 weeks).

NameHow long does it take to takeInstructionA photo
Ginepristonwithin 72 hours

1 tablet is taken with a small amount of water.

Jenalewithin 72 hours

It is preferable to take this drug 2 hours before a meal, provided that at least 2 hours have passed since the last meal.

Agestawithin 72 hours

1 tablet is taken with a small amount of water.

It is preferable to take this drug 2 hours before a meal, provided that at least 2 hours have passed since the last meal.

Combined oral contraceptives for emergency contraception (Yuzpe method)

The Yuzpe method is an emergency contraception based on oral contraceptives.

To effectively prevent unwanted pregnancy, it is recommended to take the pills within 24 hours after unprotected intercourse. This method is characterized by taking the following medications:

  • Marvelon.
  • Microgenon
  • Regulon.
  • Rigevidon.
  • Minisiston.

You can also use low-dose hormonal drugs such as Novinet, Logest or Mercilon. In this case, it is necessary to take 5 tablets twice with an interval of 12 hours.

Emergency contraception during lactation

Women who are breastfeeding can use two types of emergency contraception:

Installation of an intrauterine device

To prevent unwanted pregnancy, the insertion of an ectopic device must be carried out within 5 days since unprotected intercourse. In this case, you do not need to interrupt breastfeeding.

It should be noted that after the installation of the intrauterine device, the contraceptive effect will remain in the future.

Taking hormone pills

If a woman who is breastfeeding has decided to use hormonal drugs to prevent unwanted pregnancy, stop breastfeeding for 36 hours.

In order not to disturb the production of milk in a given period of time, a woman needs to express milk, and replace the baby's nutrition with milk formulas according to age. During lactation, a woman can choose any of the above types of medications. However, experts recommend giving preference to tablets based on levonorgestrel.

The most suitable option would be Escapelle tablets, which are taken once.

Non-hormonal emergency contraceptives

There are two types of emergency contraception:

  1. hormonal drugs;
  2. non-hormonal drugs.

Drugs that do not contain hormones include medications based on mifepristone. Let's list their names:

  1. Genale;
  2. Ginepriston;
  3. Agesta.

Preparations based on this active substance do not violate the hormonal background. It is believed that mifepristone-based tablets are more effective than levonorgestrel tablets.

Another advantage of non-hormonal drugs is the lower percentage of side effects.

What contraceptives are the safest

The Yuzpe method is considered the safest emergency contraception. Low-dose medications have a minimum of side effects. If you follow the conditions for taking pills, the effectiveness of this method is 90%.

These contraceptives can be purchased without a prescription.

It should be noted that vaginal contraceptives are not suitable for emergency contraception due to low efficiency.

Table: Comparison of efficacy and side effects of birth control pills after unprotected intercourse

Cost of emergency contraceptives

How much do pills cost to prevent unwanted pregnancy? Consider a list of pills and their average cost:

Please note that the price of drugs is an average. The cost may vary depending on where you live.

When is postcoital contraception acceptable?

Use of emergency contraceptives is possible if pregnancy is highly undesirable:

  1. Less than 2 years have passed since the caesarean section.
  2. Sexual intercourse was violent.
  3. Past attempts to get pregnant ended in fetal failure or ectopic pregnancy.

Before taking a serious medication, its contraindications should be considered:

  • Age up to 18 years.
  • Existing pregnancy.
  • Menstrual disorders.
  • Malignant tumors.

If you experience spotting after taking an emergency contraceptive, contact your gynecologist immediately.

If after 2 weeks after using the contraceptive, menstruation has not come on time, it is also necessary to consult a doctor.

How to choose birth control pills after the act (