Yellow eyes and body cause. Why does a person's eyes turn yellow? What is the cause of the symptom and can you get rid of it yourself? Tumors of the organs of the biliopancreatoduodenal zone

When a healthy complexion is replaced by an unhealthy yellow skin tone, it is necessary to see a doctor for further clarification of the reasons. Yellow complexion means not only abuse medicines, excessive consumption of carrots or orange, cumin, vinegar.

The skin can turn yellow as a result of pathological processes in the body. First of all, the hands, tongue, face, especially the eye sclera turn yellow. In addition to an unaesthetic appearance, yellowness means serious violations work of the thyroid or pancreas, liver, the presence of oncological pathologies.

What processes in the body provoke a yellow complexion and how to deal with it, read on the site.

Yellow complexion: common causes

When there is an excess of bilirubin in the bloodstream, the skin begins to turn yellow. Bilirubin is a breakdown product of the protein (iron-containing) hemoglobin. Bilirubin does not accumulate in the body, but is excreted in the stool. BUT yellow spots lie down in the process of accumulation of this product in the body.

Another reason for yellowing of the face: an increase in the amount of carotene in the blood. Carotene enters the body with such foods.

What foods are a source of carotene

  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • celery;
  • carrot;
  • rose hip;
  • apricots;
  • mango;
  • broccoli;
  • pumpkin.

Excess beta-carotene is associated with overuse these foods for food.

Yellowness, pallor and dullness of the skin on the face can provoke:

  • excessive physical exercise, or their shortage;
  • enough sleep;
  • depression and stress;
  • emotional stress.

If, nevertheless, the yellow complexion is associated with the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood, then we are talking about jaundice as a pathology. There are three types or types of jaundice.

Hemolytic jaundice occurs in the process of accelerating the breakdown of hemoglobin and excess bilirubin, the liver cannot cope with the load and does not have time to process bilirubin. This type of jaundice is characterized by an increase in not direct bilirubin.

Hepatic jaundice is associated with liver damage, the development of hepatitis, or the influence of alcohol. This type is associated with an increase in direct bilirubin in the blood stream. Cholestatic jaundice is characterized by dysfunction of the bile ducts, which are blocked and this prevents the excretion of bilirubin.

During liver damage, yellowing of the skin is accompanied by the following whole complex of changes.

What changes in appearance accompany the symptom of yellowing of the skin

  • dark urine (like beer);
  • pale stool;
  • abdominal pain;
  • chills;
  • weight loss and appetite;
  • vomit.

With such symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance.

If yellowness borders on pallor, and in addition, the whites of the eyes turn yellow, cholecystitis develops in the body. With the oncological development of the disease, the skin becomes not just yellow, but becomes "waxy". In case of orange skin- we can talk about hypothyroidism - impaired functioning thyroid gland and disruption of hormone production.

The eyeball is an indicator of the state of internal organs. A change in the color of the protein indicates possible violations occurring in the body. If the eyes are yellow, it is necessary to pay attention to the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes observed additional symptoms: nausea, bitterness in the mouth, dizziness.

Each disease is characterized by a specific clinical picture. It is important to understand in time why the whites of the eyes turn yellow. This affects the health and quality of human life.

Causes of yellowing eyes

In addition to hepatitis, yellowing of the whites of the eyes is observed with such liver pathologies as:

  • Ziwe syndrome;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • echinococcosis;
  • amoebiasis.

yellow squirrels eyes are observed in diseases of the blood. Due to hemolysis of red blood cells in the body, the amount of indirect bilirubin increases. The liver does not have time to neutralize this substance. Excess bilirubin results in yellow eyeballs. Color change is provoked the following diseases blood:

  • malaria;
  • babesiosis;
  • membranopathia;
  • enzymopathy;
  • hemoglobinopathy;
  • autoimmune hemolytic anemia;
  • poisoning with hemolytic poisons.

Yellowing of the eyes is possible with diseases of the biliary tract. biological fluid yellow-brown color enters the blood. The amount of toxins increases. The liver is unable to neutralize harmful substances. Direct bilirubin, acids, metals, cholesterol penetrate the mucous membranes. Because of this, yellowness appears in the eyes. Clinical picture complemented painful urination, loss of appetite, fever. Yellow sclera of the eyes are noted in such pathologies of the biliary tract as:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • primary sclerosing cholangitis;
  • opisthorchiasis;
  • tumors of the organs of the biliopancreatoduodenal zone.

Yellow whites of the eyes are one of the signs of a metabolic disorder. With improper metabolism of copper, iron and bilirubin, toxins accumulate in the body. If the whites of the eyes are yellow, possible cause is intoxication. Metabolism is disturbed in hemochromatosis, amyloidosis, Crigler-Najjar syndrome, Gilbert's disease, Dubin-Johnson syndrome and Wilson-Konovalov's disease. Yellow eyes are only one of the symptoms of these pathologies. The real consequences of diseases are much more dangerous.

The appearance of yellowness due to diseases of the visual organs

If the proteins have changed color, this indicates possible serious ophthalmic pathologies. It is important to understand what such symptoms are a sign of. If the patient complains of a yellow white of the eye, the cause is conjunctival melanoma. This is a malignant lesion of the mucous membrane. The disease is formed on the spot age spots. The protein becomes yellowish. Melanoma progresses rapidly and may short time deprive a person of sight.

Yellowed sclera indicates a possible squamous cell carcinoma conjunctiva. The patient complains of yellowness of the eye proteins, sensation foreign body, increased tearing, growing neoplasm, soreness of the sclera. The tumor is aggressive and grows rapidly in eyeball. At untimely treatment blindness sets in.

If the eyes turn yellow, the development of a pathology such as pterygium is possible. This is an overgrowth of the conjunctiva on the cornea. The disease develops along the edges of the cornea and gradually passes to the pupil. In the people, the disease is called pterygoid hymen. Pterygium appears due to the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation, dust ingress, eye irritation by strong winds. The hereditary factor plays an important role. The pterygoid hymen develops slowly, and vision does not always deteriorate.

If the vitreous body turns yellow, the cause is sometimes a pinguecula. This is a wen that affects the eyeball. Pinguecula occurs due to changes in lipid metabolism in the body. The neoplasm is subject to surgical excision. In most cases, a pinguecula is not dangerous, but is purely a cosmetic defect.

Bad habits that provoke yellow eyes

If a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle, it affects the state of internal organs. Health indicators are skin, hair, nails and eyes. Proteins change their natural color to yellow tint if a person is prone to such bad habits as:

  • abuse of fatty and fried foods;
  • smoking;
  • alcoholism;
  • the use of narcotic drugs;
  • fast food consumption.

A yellow vitreous body is a sign that the liver cannot cope with the load placed on it. Due to malnutrition, smoking, alcohol abuse, the blood is saturated with cholesterol and poorly cleansed of toxins. An excess of toxins provokes the yellowness of the sclera of the eyes. This symptom also observed in people leading an inactive lifestyle. The lack of movement leads to a lack of oxygen. The tissues of the eyes do not receive the necessary nutrition and turn yellow.

If the mucous membranes of the eyes are yellow, this is the result of prolonged work at the computer. This problem especially relevant for people who, as a matter of profession, constantly sit in front of the monitor. The tension of the visual muscles provokes a malnutrition of the eye structures. This is the main cause of yellowing vitreous body. In this case, daily walks in the fresh air, regular exercise and special gymnastics for eyes.

How to eliminate the yellowness of the sclera?

The causes and treatment of pathology are closely related. Therapy is prescribed taking into account the factor that provoked yellowness eye shell. In most cases, these symptoms are associated with diseases digestive system. Therefore, if yellowness occurs in the eyes, it is first necessary to contact a gastroenterologist. This is especially true for those whose face and other parts of the body have also changed their natural color.

Liver disease should be treated with medication. The patient must completely abstain from alcohol, fatty foods, smoking. With pathologies of the blood, a combined treatment is prescribed.

Efficiency has the introduction of erythrocyte mass. This is necessary to replenish hemoglobin. It is necessary to restore the metabolism with the help of plentiful drink, choleretic drugs, barbiturates, immunosuppressants. AT without fail hepatoprotectors are prescribed.

If the symptoms indicate the presence of ophthalmic pathologies, a person should definitely contact an ophthalmologist. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe a course of treatment. Malignant neoplasms are most often subject to surgical excision.

It is important to normalize nutrition. To restore the natural color of proteins, you need to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, lean varieties meat, cereals, dairy products. Full sleep plays an important role. During a night's rest, the liver recovers and copes better with stress. Lotions help with yellowness of the eyes herbal decoctions. However, upon occurrence severe symptoms you cannot self-medicate. The main thing is to contact a specialist in time.


Our eyes are an indicator of vital health important organs and well-being of the person as a whole. If you have found such alarm symptom like the yellowness of the whites of the eyes, this fact should not be ignored. Yellowed eyes may indicate the presence of serious and dangerous diseases various body systems. The first thing to do when you find yourself with such a symptom is to consult a specialist.

What causes yellowing of the whites of the eyes

If yellowness of the eyes occurs, the cause must be determined this phenomenon. This must also be done if only small spots have formed on the proteins. yellow color, that is, the sclera itself has not completely changed its color. Only qualified doctor will help to establish true reason such trouble. And only after a comprehensive examination of the patient, the specialist can conclude how serious this problem is. Sometimes the yellow color of proteins is completely safe, for example, if it is a hereditary trait.

A similar color is formed as a result of an excessive content in the blood of a red-brown bile pigment - bilirubin, which undergoes a process of neutralization in the liver and then is excreted along with bile. However, if the liver malfunctions, this toxin remains in the blood and poisons the body. When detected increased content pigment in the blood, this almost always means that the proteins have turned yellow due to hepatitis.

Pronounced yellowness of the whites of the eyes is formed for reasons:

    Liver disorders. The most common cause of yellowness is liver disease. These diseases are divided into different kinds hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, oncology. Almost always, the whites of the eyes, yellow over the entire surface, indicate a liver problem. It is impossible to whiten the eyeball on your own, so you need to undergo a diagnosis in a timely manner and start treatment. When appointed adequate therapy sclera soon acquire a natural white color.

    Viral hepatitis. This is a disease provoked by one of the many viruses and affects the liver. The most common is the hepatitis A virus (jaundice). The most dangerous today is the hepatitis C virus, because there is no vaccine yet that can destroy it.

    Infectious damage to the body.


    Blood diseases: malaria, babesiosis.

    Metabolic disorders: amyloidosis, Gilbert's disease. With the development of pathologies, the metabolic processes of proteins or bilirubin fail.

    Diseases of the gallbladder.

    Severe illnesses kidneys.

    Oncological diseases. Various neoplasms in the conjunctiva of the eyes are also able to make them yellow. The sclera can change color, for example, as a result of the development of melanoma. This disease difficult to diagnose and treat.

    Physiological jaundice of the newborn. The whites of the baby's eyes immediately after birth may have a characteristic yellowish color. This is natural process, which occurs as a result of a supersaturation of the blood of a newborn with red blood cells. As a rule, after two weeks, the yellowness in the child decreases.

    Side effects due to taking some medicines and intoxication.

    Problems of the organs of vision. Diseases of the organs of vision include, for example, wen. A pinguecula is a yellow wen caused by a lipid metabolism failure. Pterygium is manifested in the growth of the conjunctiva. With the progression of the disease, there is a high risk of transition to the pupil, which is a great danger in the form of blindness. Both diseases are eliminated exclusively by surgery.

Unhealthy habits that affect the color of the whites of the eyes

Majority bad habits to a certain extent, they can provoke yellowness of the eyes. Most often found among them:

    Smoking tobacco products- the most common cause of yellowness of the eyes. This is due to exposure to toxic substances present in tobacco smoke in significant doses. With regular contact with the eyes, toxins adversely affect the conjunctiva.

    Alcohol abuse. Ethanol, which is found in alcoholic beverages, is a poison for liver cells. Its excessive use gradually destroys the organ. Due to liver dysfunction, bilirubin accumulates in the blood and then enters the whites of the eyes, which eventually turn yellow.

    Excessive strain on the eyes. Lack of sleep, long stay at the computer, overwork, lack of fresh air indoors belong to harmful factors, not only impairing vision, but also provoking yellowness.

    Unbalanced diet. An unhealthy diet can also contribute to the yellowing of proteins.


    Eat right. In order for the body to function normally, it must be nourished with all the essential nutrients. beneficial substances. Changes should be made to daily diet nutrition: do not eat salted, spicy, fried and smoked foods, refuse confectionery, do not abuse alcoholic drinks, add as many fresh vegetables, fruits and berries to the menu as possible.

    Enough sleep. Complete night sleep an adult should last at least 7 hours.

    Observe the regime of work and rest. The work carried out in front of the monitor must be alternated with rest.

    Take vitamin complexes. They contain all the components indispensable for the body in sufficient concentration. Such complexes favorably affect the functions of all organs, including the liver.

Diagnostic methods

As a rule, the doctor uses the following methods to make a diagnosis:

    Clinical. These include history taking and visual examination of the patient. In case of disorders of the liver characteristic feature is the enlargement of its size. Depending on the specifics of the process, there may be different symptoms: malaise, weakness, stool disorder. For example, in the presence of pancreatitis, pain in the middle part of the abdomen can be called a classic sign;

    Radiation. Includes ultrasound and CT abdominal cavity. These diagnostic methods allow you to designate the localization of the course of the pathological process. Sometimes a biopsy is prescribed to confirm the diagnosis - one of effective methods diagnostics, in which fragments of organ tissues are taken for further research;

    Blood, urine and stool tests.


Depending on the results diagnostic tests, the specialist can make a plan therapeutic measures, which have the highest efficiency in a particular disease.

For each group of diseases, special methods of therapy have been developed:

    Pathology of the liver. Usually conservative methods are applied. Hepatitis is treated with antiviral, antibacterial medicines. Prescribed drugs to restore liver function, choleretic, detoxification drugs;

    Diseases of the blood. Also treated with conservative methods. In addition to treatment aimed at relieving symptoms, blood transfusions can be called the main means of therapy;

    Pathology of the gallbladder. Medical therapy effective only in the early stages of the development of the disease. However, in severe cases, in the presence of stones or oncological neoplasms, the problem is solved surgically;

    Violation of metabolic processes. The therapy is based on the use of drugs that remove toxins from the human body and help cleanse the liver and bile ducts;

    Pancreatitis. First of all, fasting is carried out in order to stimulate the pancreas. For treatment, special preparations are used that increase the production of enzymes;

    Neoplasms in the liver are removed surgically after the appointment of a course of chemotherapy. If the metastases are extensive, then they are limited only to chemotherapy.

The eyes are called the mirror of the soul, while the eyes often reflect and the physical state human body. For example, if the yolks of the eyes have changed color and acquired a yellowish tint, then perhaps serious pathology. Diseases that are accompanied by hallmark may even result in death. If the patient is not treated in a timely manner, the course of the disease can be unpredictable.

Quite often, people who have yellowed the whites of their eyes do not bother to search for the cause of such a pathological change. This indifference is due to the fact that this symptom does not bring pain and is not perceived by the patient as an alarming symptom. However, this approach is wrong and dangerous. It is imperative to establish the cause of the change in the color of the shell, even if only some areas have acquired a yellow tint. Such transformations can occur against the background of:

  • Various kinds of infections;
  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Pathological changes in the liver tissue;
  • Diseases of the biliary tract;
  • The appearance of neoplasms of benign and malignant nature.

Only a doctor's note

In order to determine whether a change in the color of the whites of the eyes is pathological, it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct full examination. After that, it is already possible to talk about whether it is worth panicking or whether there is no danger in the yellowing of the sclera. Interestingly, in some cases, such a change in color is the result of congenital features.

Below are the main reasons why yellow membranes of the eye can form.

Option number 1. The problem is related to internal pathology organism

Usually, the yellow whites of the eyes tell the patient that some kind of pathological changes. More often than others, liver disease is diagnosed. Due to the fact that an enormous load falls on the cells of this organ, the liver is very important for normal operation the whole organism. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of her defeat, you should visit a doctor.

For any type of hepatitis characteristic symptom is jaundice. This condition is also accompanied not only by a change in the color of the skin, but also by the mucous membrane of the eye. Most often, jaundice occurs with hepatitis type A, but may accompany acute stage hepatitis C or B.

Option number 2: changes in the color of the sclera in a newborn

In newborns, yellowing of the whites of the eyes is very common. This is due to the fact that after birth, intrauterine hemoglobin begins to decompose in a child, which has a slightly different structure. As a result, the blood of the baby is released a large number of bilirubin. It is this pigment that gives the yellow tint to the skin and eyes. After a couple of weeks, everything returns to normal and the signs of physiological jaundice in newborns disappear without a trace. The sclera of the eyes becomes white again.

"Jaundice", that is, the appearance of a yellow color on the skin or mucous membranes, is not an independent disease. This is a symptom, that is, the result of an emerging pathology. By itself, yellowing of the white of the eye is often not painful. In this case, it is often ignored. The patient does not consider it necessary to seek advice on the causes of his condition, since the change in color is not perceived as a dangerous problem. But sometimes yellowing of the eyes is combined with quite unpleasant symptoms: skin itching, a bitter taste in the mouth, headache, nausea, weakness, insomnia.

However, even in the absence of painful manifestations, it is by no means possible to disparage such a condition. Sometimes the yellowish tint of the white of the eye can be due to natural causes. But in such cases, the shade persists constantly, throughout life. And, for sure, we are talking about a light shade, and not a definitely yellow color. In cases where the whites of the eyes have turned yellow recently, it is important to pay close attention to this change. "Jaundice" is a signal that indicates the appearance of a serious problem or illness.


If we talk about the symptom of yellowing eyes, then this condition can look different: the color varies from yellowish to bright yellow. Sometimes not the entire white part of the eye turns yellow. The patient notices the appearance or even "growths" of the corresponding color. Due to the fact that yellowing of the eyes may indicate the most various diseases, the reasons for the color change are also different. The most common cause of jaundice is high level bilirubin (from the Latin bilis - bile and ruber - red) - one of the main components of bile.

Bilirubin is a pigment and is yellow in color. It is formed during the breakdown of proteins, for example, hemoglobin, which is released during the breakdown of red blood cells. end products of hemoglobin breakdown (including bilirubin) normal functioning organisms must enter the bile and be excreted naturally. If the process of excretion of bilirubin is disturbed or its amount is excessively increased, this leads to the coloring of the eyes in the color of this pigment: the proteins acquire a yellow tint. In this case, not only the whites of the eyes, but also other tissue structures of the body can turn yellow.

Read also about yellow eyes in.

A change in eye color may indicate either a pathology leading to excessive destruction of red blood cells, or problems with the neutralization and removal of bilirubin from the body. Thus, the most common cause of "jaundice" is the following processes:

  • Increased destruction of red blood cells(for example, in case of poisoning or blood diseases);
  • Liver disease leading to the inability to neutralize bilirubin;
  • Gallbladder diseases, that is, insufficient or impossible excretion of bilirubin.

Another reason for the yellow color that appears on proteins can be a change in lipid metabolism in the body. This leads to the formation of yellowish wen in the eye area. Extremely dangerous pathology, causing yellowness of the eye protein, are of various kinds malignant neoplasms conjunctiva.

The causes of "jaundice" are sometimes infections, manifestations of subconjunctival hemorrhages, and even bad habits.

Possible diseases

Yellowing of the eyes is a symptom, not the disease itself. There are a lot of ailments that cause such a change in color. They can be divided into separate groups:

  • Liver disease;
  • blood diseases;
  • Problems arising in the biliary tract;
  • Metabolic disorders in the body;
  • Diseases of the pancreas;
  • Diseases of the organs of vision.

Read also about why the white of the eye is yellow.

Pathological problems in the liver leading to "jaundice" include diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer, Zieve syndrome, echinococcosis, amoebiasis and liver sarcoidosis. When there are problems with the functioning of the liver, the binding of indirect bilirubin from the blood is disrupted due to damage to the liver cells. Upon reaching high concentration bilirubin, it penetrates the sclera of the eyes and is deposited in them.

Blood diseases leading to the development of "jaundice": malaria, erythrocyte membranopathies, enzymopathies, hemoglobinopathies, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, babesiosis, poisoning with hemolytic poisons.

When blood diseases occur, significant destruction of erythrocytes (red blood cells) occurs. This causes an increase in hemoglobin concentration.

Hemoglobin, breaking down, forms a large amount of bilirubin, which the liver is not able to neutralize.

In diseases of the biliary tract, a significant amount of bilirubin accumulates in the blood. This is due to the fact that the outflow of bile from the liver to duodenum is violated. Most known cause yellowing of the whites of the eyes in these cases is cholelithiasis. However, "jaundice" can also be caused by primary sclerosing cholangitis, opisthorchiasis, as well as oncological diseases. Metabolic disorders that can cause yellowing of proteins can be divided into three types:

  • Violation of metal metabolism;
  • Violation of bilirubin metabolism;
  • Violation of protein metabolism.

Such pathological processes lead to the development of a number of diseases, such as amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, Wilson-Konovalov's disease, Gilbert's disease and others, accompanied by yellowing of the eyes.

There are also diseases of the organs of vision, which are accompanied by the appearance of yellow in the whites of the eyes.

These are melanomas and malignant conjunctivitis. Yellowness in the form of individual spots is caused by such ophthalmic diseases as pterygium and pinguecula.

Pterygium manifests itself as a consequence of conjunctivitis. Pinguecula is the result of lipid metabolism and the appearance of yellow wen on the protein.

Why does a newborn have yellow whites of the eyes?

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of the causes of the development of yellowness in the region of the whites of the eyes includes a significant number of methods. This is due to the fact that there are many reasons for the manifestation of such a symptom. To establish accurate diagnosis apply:

  • Clinical methods;
  • Radiation studies;
  • Laboratory research.

The doctor turns to basic diagnostic methods, such as finding out the maximum complete history development of the disease and the patient. Beam methods research involves the use computed tomography internal organs and ultrasound procedure. In determining the cause of "jaundice", an important method are various types of laboratory tests:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Blood chemistry;
  • Toxicological examination of blood;
  • Analysis of feces;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Immunological and genetic tests.

It is assumed that it is necessary to obtain data on the state of the liver, pancreas and biliary tract.
