Contraceptives for men pills. Contraceptives for men - which pills or means to choose. Male contraceptive implant

This is the first way to protect against unwanted pregnancy... This is the first thing that comes to mind if you are thinking about protection. But still, this option is suitable if you do not have regular sex. If you have a regular partner, then he may not like using condoms every time.

Cap or diaphragm

A special barrier made of a diaphragm or a cap is a good way of protection. But it is only suitable for nulliparous women... The introduction of the cap requires skill, if it is carried out incorrectly, the degree of protection will decrease to zero. Often the diaphragm is combined with spermicides to enhance the effect.

Pregnancy patch

The patch has side effects because it is a hormonal remedy. But using it is quite simple: you attach the plaster on an inconspicuous part of the body, change it once a week. But remember: the patch has the same contraindications as the pills!

Chemical contraception

Today you can buy vaginal capsules, tampons, suppositories, creams that contain chemical substances harmful to sperm. But these methods are suitable for girls who lead irregular sex life, since their use may cause irritation. In addition, the percentage of protection is not very high from these funds. So think carefully - is it worth the risk?

Special injection

There are special hormonal injections, the doctor introduces special tool every 2 or 3 months. The technique is suitable only for girls who have already given birth and who are under forty years old. The side effects of the injections last until the end of the injection itself, it is impossible to reverse its effect!

The current methods of contraception make sex safe. Having learned how to protect yourself without pills, you can probably pick up optimal way protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Protection from pregnancy has traditionally been considered a feminine task. But our life is already full of worries! Why shouldn't the stronger sex take on this concern? Based on these, partly selfish, considerations, we have prepared a small overview of funds male contraception... And we came (immediately admit it) to unexpected conclusions.

But first things first.

When we talk about contraception for men, first of all, of course, we mean condoms. It's no secret that most men strongly dislike these latex things (although we, for example, were completely delighted with the “elastic bands” glowing in the dark. And how can you not love such things ?!). Once men are in a stable couple and (presumably) out of danger of STDs, they immediately strive to get rid of condoms.

In addition to the consent of the partner, the use of condoms has a number of other nuances: storage conditions, shelf life, the presence of a water-based lubricant, as well as timely use. But their effectiveness at correct use is 98%.

Hormonal male contraception. Unfortunately, the features male body do not allow "head-on" to apply the same algorithm that is used in the female version. If we explain the most complex hormonal processes "on the fingers", then when taking most female hormonal drugs, the following happens. A specially selected dose of the female hormone (progesterone) informs the body that conception has occurred, which means that there is no need for ovulation. And the activity of the ovaries is temporarily suspended. And a small dose of estrogen (a hormone common to the two sexes; in women it is produced by the ovaries, and in men - by the testes) supports hormonal balance in the body, performing the function of "sleeping" ovaries. These pills are called combination pills - they contain a combination of progesterone and estrogen.

Unlike a woman, a man is always ready to reproduce, tens of millions of sperm are produced daily. And in order to suppress this activity, you need a “horse” dose of hormones. What affects libido up to total loss attraction.

Despite the difficulties, the pharmaceutical giants are striving in many ways to create a safe and effective miracle cure, a kind of ideal contraceptive for men. The general direction of research is the selection of the dose and the regularity of taking the female hormone (progesterone), which, as it turned out, inhibits the production of sperm in men. Ideally, you want sperm to be produced, but not "mature". And the sex drive, oppressed female hormone almost to zero, supported by additional doses male hormone(testosterone).

On the this moment in test mode, several hormonal methods are announced.

Combined implant. Contains two sex hormones - testosterone (male) and progesterone (female), which gradually enter the bloodstream over 3-4 months. The effect lasts for a year. The action of the drug is reversible, serious side effects has not yet been found.

Non-combined implant + injections. Implants are sewn under the skin, from which the hormone of the progesterone group is continuously supplied to the blood, which blocks the formation of sperm. Valid for three years. In this case, every 4-6 weeks, testosterone injections should be given to maintain sexual function.

Oral contraceptive + implant. Men take small amounts of desogestrel (3rd generation progesterone) and receive testosterone capsules every 12 weeks. As a result, after 16 weeks, there is a complete suppression of sperm production. Side effects (mood swings, weight gain) are mild.

This, of course, is far from full list, but none of these remedies have gone through all of them yet. clinical trials and has not received permission to sell.

Standing apart from the previous methods is reverse vasectomy(temporary sterilization). From the point of view of protection, this method is extremely simple and effective - 100% reliability. But the restoration of fertility, unfortunately, is not guaranteed, and occurs only in 90% of cases. And if your man is the same beloved and only one, then the risks are perhaps too high.

I must say that we were saddened by the results of our modest research. None of the methods of male contraception looks so safe and convenient as to write it down on the wish list and start campaigning your soul mate for a birthday present tomorrow.

In order not to end on a minor note, we decided to mark and positive side this story - against the background of all the difficulties and risks of male contraception, the latest achievements in the field of female contraception look especially simple and attractive.

For example, the pills that have already become familiar - combined oral contraceptives - effective and easy to use. No implants or injections for you - the main thing is not to forget to take one tiny pill every day.

Very easy to use hormonal ring - the woman independently installs it into the vagina and replaces it with a new one every month.

Among long-term contraception, it should be especially noted intrauterine hormonal system ... It is placed by a gynecologist for up to 5 years. Due to its location in the uterine cavity, the amount of the hormone is minimal, its effect is local in nature, and its reliability is 99.98%. In addition, the system protects the uterus from a range of infections and prepares for future pregnancy.

And no worries about contraception!

Contraceptives for men are now pretty actual topic XXI century. Today you will find out what types of contraception exist, we will tell you about the most safe methods and effective. Protection against unwanted pregnancies, PP diseases applies not only to women, but also to men.


Contraceptives have many types, we will now tell you about the most basic ones.

1. Interrupted intercourse. A man needs to have time to remove his penis from a woman's vagina a few seconds before orgasm before ejaculation. If a man is confident in himself and knows that he will "have time", then it is quite possible to use this method.

Only it does not protect against genital PN infections. Therefore, it is advisable to practice this with a trusted partner.

  • No cash investments;
  • Neither you nor the woman need to take hormonal medications;
  • No harm to health (if a proven partner).
  • A man always needs to control himself;
  • Does not protect against STDs;
  • Problems may arise in the genital area, due to the frequent use of this method, a decrease in sex drive. Efficiency 76%.


2. Condoms (condom). The most common form of contraception. Most of men prefer it, according to statistics, 65%. The latex from which the condom is made does not pass dangerous infections and sperm.

  • Efficiency 99%;
  • Protection against STDs and HIV;
  • Availability for sale;
  • Easy to use
  • No harm to health.


  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • It is necessary to stop to put it on (inconvenience);
  • In a fit of passion or when casual connection not always in your pocket;
  • Allergic reaction to latex materials;
  • If worn incorrectly, it may slip and tear.

With a number of disadvantages, male condoms are popular, commercially available and easy to use.


1. Sterilization (vasectomy).

Most radical method for male contraception. It is necessary to decide on this step consciously, realizing that there will never be children, even with all the desire in the future.

The operation lasts half an hour, where are removed spermatic cord... The intervention does not affect libido and potency in any way. You can have free sex after 3 months. The effectiveness of the method is 100%.

  • Reliability 100%;
  • There are no more indications for surgery, it is done once for a lifetime.


  • Surgical intervention (not all men love this phrase and can decide);
  • It is not cheap;
  • There is no turning back;
  • By law, it is forbidden to do it for men under 35 years old, and who have no children;
  • Does not protect against STIs.

This is a decisive and responsible step. If you are not Childfree (child-free) and want to have a child in the future, then you shouldn't.

Medicines which are not yet on sale

2. Contraceptive medicines (pills). Not yet in use, but in the process of production, testing and release. Analogue female pills only with a more powerful dosage of hormones and the effect of the remedy after 30 days of use is enough for 3 months.

The action of the drug is based on an increase in the male hormone in the blood and suppression of sperm production. Testosterone eventually returns to normal after the end of the pill. But now you will not find such medicines in pharmacies.

Hormonal medicines for men. Well-known drugs such as Gemendazole and Ajedin are used to treat cancer and have side effects in the form of an effect on the maturation of living spermatozoa and, accordingly, on fertility.

  • Treatment of youthful acne and acne;
  • Protection against unwanted pregnancy.


  • Prostate problems;
  • Alopecia areata of the head;
  • Hair loss on the chest and body;
  • Gynecomastia (breast enlargement);
  • Heart rhythm problems;
  • Excess weight.

Hormonal medications for unwanted pregnancy are prescribed by a doctor. Do not take without diagnostics and examination for chronic diseases so as not to aggravate them.

Rarely used

1.Male contraceptive implant. A small device up to 3 cm is implanted under the skin, which contains enough hormones to suppress sperm production. The method is not completely implemented and tested by the stronger sex. Since the drug is based on hormones, it has a number of negative factors effects like pills. Reliability 70%.

2. Injections for men. Testosterone undecanoate (500 mg) + seed oil solvent tea tree... Efficiency 99%. The downside is that if a guy is afraid of injections, then this method will be a psychological barrier for him. Before the planned conception, it is necessary to abandon this procedure 6 months in advance.

3.Liquid condom for men. Modern contraception has come to improve latex-based barriers. It is produced in the form of a spray, applied before copulation in 1.5 minutes, this is considered its only drawback.

But after drying it is practically not felt by partners, it is light and the same 100% protection as a regular condom. Each representative of the stronger sex chooses for himself suitable method contraception. But we can conclude that the most reliable and convenient for men is a condom.

Use protection, take care of your health. Visit our website. Learn a lot of new information.

Irina Shestakova, gynecologist-endocrinologist, candidate medical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine, Faculty of Advanced Studies medical professionals RUDN University:

According to statistics, Russian girls start sex life at the age of 16-17 - much earlier than they get married and plan to have their first child. It often takes 10-15 years between the onset of sexual activity and the first birth. And all this time they have to take care of reliable contraception. Doctors believe that any form of contraception is better than termination of pregnancy, especially the first one.

Unfortunately, practice shows that the choice falls on methods of protection, which do not provide guaranteed protection. An independent research company recently surveyed the most active men and women reproductive age(20-30 years old) to find out what they use to prevent unwanted pregnancies. It turned out that the majority the best way protection considers condoms and coitus interruptus. Moreover, when choosing a method of contraception, men put the preservation of sensations during intimacy at the forefront, and women - the opinion of a partner. It is not surprising that there are so many unplanned pregnancies in our country!

Experts consider the most in a reliable way contraception combined oral contraceptives (COCs). In Europe, they are used by more than 40% of women of reproductive age. In Russia, this method of contraception is wary. This is due to the myths that surround this method of protection.

1. Pills get better

The first contraceptives, which appeared in the 60s of the last century, did contain high doses of hormones and components that caused edema and fluid retention in the body. Therefore, the women did gain weight.

Since then, the composition of contraceptives has changed significantly - now they contain low and ultra-low doses of hormones that cannot affect the waist in any way.

Moreover, women with overweight while taking some COCs, they lose weight due to special properties components included in their composition.

2. Mustache grows from hormones

Hirsutism (excess hair growth in women in male places- on the chin, chest and abdomen) is directly associated with hormonal disorders.

Hormonal contraceptives contain substances that reduce the concentration of male sex hormones in women. Due to this, with prolonged (at least 2 years) use of some COCs, women can get rid of excessive hairiness. True, the effect is temporary (only during the period of COC use). And with a pronounced problem, you should not rely on hormones - it is better to seek help from a cosmetologist.

3. Taking hormones provokes cancer

More than 10 years ago, the first results of the famous US Government-funded Women's Health Initiative study were released in the United States. Doctors followed 15,000 women taking menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). The I-investigation was suspended after cases of cancer, heart attack and stroke were recorded in several groups.

After these shocking results were widely reported, the menopausal hormone therapy not only women, but also some doctors began to shun.

Later, when the results were decomposed, it turned out that stroke, cancer and heart attack were recorded only in the group of women who first started taking MHT over the age of 60. After this study in Europe, the recommendations were revised - postmenopausal therapy was no longer prescribed to women over 60 years of age with cardiovascular diseases (such a practice has never existed in Russia).

Unfortunately, data on menopausal hormone therapy have been carried over to any hormonal drugs, including at KOK.

There are a number of studies that prove the protective properties of COCs against cancer. reproductive organs(in particular, from ovarian cancer). The causes of this disease are not known for certain, but doctors suspect that it is provoked by regular biological trauma to the ovaries (which occurs monthly during ovulation). If anything, this explains why ovarian cancer is more common in nulliparous women who started menstruating early (before age 12) and ended late (after age 52). Because combined oral contraceptives mimic pregnancy, they are considered as a remedy against oncological diseases uterus and ovaries.

4. Hormones lead to infertility

The fact that the ovaries are resting while taking contraceptives does not mean that they have fallen asleep. 94% of ladies are completely ready for successful conception within one year after discontinuation birth control pills, explain obstetricians-gynecologists. And 50% of women can get pregnant within three months after giving up contraception.

The methods of family planning include contraception, as it helps to prevent the development of unwanted pregnancies and avoid abortions. Most of the currently known methods and means of protection were developed in the second half of the last century. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but in one way or another it fulfills its function.

Contraception can be biological, barrier, chemical, implantation, hormonal and surgical. To assess its effectiveness, the Pearl index is used, which reflects the number of pregnant women out of 100 using contraception. a certain kind... The indicator is displayed as a percentage.

Hormonal contraception is the most popular and effective way preventing unplanned pregnancy.

It includes:

  • Combined preparations containing estrogen and progestin (Rigevidon, Tri-Regol, Marvelon, Femoden, etc.).
  • "Mini-drank" - drugs with a progestin (Mikrolut, Exluton, etc.).

The action of these drugs is based on the following processes:

  • suppression of ovulation (the egg does not mature and does not come out);
  • thickening of mucus secreted into the cervix does not allow sperm to pass;
  • changes in the lining of the uterus, as a result of which the fertilized egg is not able to gain a foothold on it;
  • decline motor activity sperm in the fallopian tubes.

Thus, various stages of the onset of pregnancy are blocked: from the maturation of the egg to its fertilization and attachment to the uterus. Thanks to this, the efficiency of the method reaches 99.9%.

Such strong action medications can cause a number of side effects. The appearance of nausea, vomiting, headaches, edema, vaginal discharge, irritability, depression, acne, decreased sex drive and increased body weight.

Contraindications include the presence malignant neoplasms in the mammary glands and genitals, vascular diseases brain, venous thromboembolism, unrecognized acyclic vaginal bleeding, migraine, hereditary hyperlipidemia.

Among the advantages hormonal contraception its efficiency comes first. In addition, these drugs have a number of positive effects: reduce the likelihood of ectopic fixation of the ovum, prevent the formation and spread inflammatory processes in the genitals, prevent the development of neoplasms, restore menstrual cycle, decrease pain syndrome with menstruation.

Hormonal agents are convenient to use, available and available in a wide range at most pharmacies. The possibility of conception is restored 2 months after the withdrawal of the pills.

Disadvantage hormonal method contraception is the presence of contraindications, side effects. Long-term use or overdose may lead to malfunctions of cardio-vascular system, to increase the risk of developing hypertension, atherosclerotic changes, vascular occlusion.

The method is effective only with daily pills, therefore constant monitoring is necessary. In addition, do not forget that hormonal agents do not protect against infections.


Condoms are a male barrier method of contraception. The action is based on the physical obstruction of the penetration of sperm into the vagina. Efficiency this method with the correct use of a condom - about 90%.

The advantages of using a condom include the absence of contraindications and side effects, protection against sexually transmitted diseases, the presence of additional lubrication, availability and "mobility" in use (does not require preliminary preparation, doctor's advice, adherence to the schedule, can be used at any time).

The downside is a decrease in sensitivity during intercourse, the need to interrupt it to put on a condom. In addition, in rare cases, latex causes an allergic reaction.

Intrauterine device

This IUD is a T-shaped device made of copper and plastic. The action of the spiral is based on inhibition of the advancement of spermatozoa into the uterus, reducing the life of the egg and preventing it from fixing on the uterine mucosa after fertilization. The effectiveness of the method is more than 95%.

The undoubted advantage of the intrauterine device is its ease of use: no woman is required additional actions, the gynecologist sets it up in 1 appointment. The spiral starts to "work" immediately after the installation procedure. Moreover, if a woman wants to get pregnant, she will not need to wait for a while as when taking hormonal agents... The ability to conceive is resumed immediately after the removal of the IUD.

The intrauterine device is a reliable way to prevent unwanted pregnancy during breastfeeding... It has no effect on milk production or composition. It does not affect sexual activity, it is not felt either by the woman herself or her partner.

The disadvantages of an intrauterine device include:

  • the presence of contraindications (blood diseases, detection of precancerous processes in the cervix, neoplasms in the genitals, a history of cervical trauma during childbirth);
  • installation is not recommended for nulliparous, as there is a risk of inflammation and subsequent infertility;
  • after the installation procedure - uncomfortable sensations, possibly the appearance of bloody discharge;
  • pregnancy occurs in 5-10% of cases, often - ectopic;
  • The IUD does not protect against infections and, when infected, intensifies inflammatory processes;
  • The risk of developing inflammation due to trauma to the walls of the uterus with a spiral.
  • This method of contraception is most suitable for those who have given birth, including breastfeeding women who have a regular partner.

Interrupted intercourse

With an interrupted act, the man removes the penis before the onset of ejaculation. The effectiveness of such contraception in comparison with the previously considered methods is low, about 70%.

The pluses of interrupted intercourse, first of all, include its absolute availability and the absence of money and time costs. Supporters of this method of contraception emphasize the convenience of use, the absence of contraindications and side effects, and the preservation of high sensitivity of the genitals. Interrupted sexual intercourse is a way to help not get pregnant without using additional means.

The main disadvantage is high risk development of an unplanned pregnancy: every 4 women become pregnant. In addition, the method does not protect against infection and contributes to the development of impotence in men, since the blood supply to the penis deteriorates. Women, on the other hand, often do not reach orgasm, and with prolonged practice of this method of contraception, they develop frigidity.

Other methods of contraception

Hormonal contraceptives, condoms, intrauterine device and coitus interruptus are the most common methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies.

The following options are less popular:

  • Female Barrier Methods: vaginal diaphragm, cervical cap, contraceptive sponge. All of them have the same advantages and disadvantages as condoms: they are effective, affordable, protect against genital infections, but require certain manipulations before intercourse. In addition, unlike condoms, female barrier methods have contraindications (mainly gynecological diseases).
  • Chemical methods. Spermicides inactivate semen and prevent it from entering the vagina. Easy to use, provide a certain degree of protection against genital infections, can be used both independently and in combination with other methods. Disadvantages: not high degree protection against pregnancy (16 cases out of 100).
  • Biological methods(calendar, temperature, cervical, symptothermal). They are based on identifying the days of the cycle in which a woman's fertility is increased and abstaining from sexual intercourse during these periods. Depending on the correctness of the application of the methods, the efficiency ranges from 60% (assessment of cervical mucus) to 99% (determination of temperature). The absolute advantages include the safety and availability of biological methods. They have no contraindications, side effects, do not require material costs... The disadvantage is the laboriousness of measurements, the need to constantly monitor the characteristics of the organism, accuracy in calculations is required for calendar way... The biological method does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, it is not always effective.
  • Sterilization (surgical method) is the most effective, but irreversible method of contraception. With the correct procedure, the efficiency is 100%. Advantages: does not require constant monitoring, material costs, refers to natural methods... Disadvantages: contraception is irreversible, development is possible postoperative complications, there are contraindications.
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