How long does a sperm live? Successful conception depends on how long a man's sperm live.

depends on the state of health of both men and women.

An interesting fact that tadpoles with Y-chromosome often live only 1 day. It is from them that boys are made. And with the X chromosome they have a long viability up to 4 days(sometimes they live up to 7 days) and they just might have enough time to wait for a meeting with. That is why it is more difficult to conceive a boy than a girl.

    How long do sperm live?

    What can kill sperm?

    Sperm become unviable under the following factors:

    • Varicocele - testicular varicose veins and the spermatic cord, significantly reduces the number of capable gum.
    • die when the carrier is strongly irradiated;
    • With constant poisoning of the body with drugs and nicotine.
    • Malnutrition and overeating as well as the presence of a large amount of preservatives and chemical additives in food does not help the survival of tadpoles.

    And also the sex acts on the lifetime of spermatozoa infections and hormonal disorders.

    DANGEROUS! Mumps (mumps), even at a young age, often renders a man infertile.

    At a temperature above 38 ° C they die, and at +4 and below the "zips" freeze, but do not die. They survive even in deep freezing, which makes it possible to create a sperm bank. After thawing, the sperm return to their working state.

    So a man should not overcool, but too much wrapping up an intimate place is also not worth it. After all, it is not for nothing that the penis and scrotum are not hidden inside the body, but brought out.

    How to find out how long sperm cells live?

    The lifespan of tadpoles varies: from a few minutes to a week... To find out how long a particular man lives, you need to pass. While masturbating, a man donates sperm and it is checked for many indicators, of which the most important are the number, mobility and vitality of tailed tadpoles. It also happens that, in principle, tenacious and improved environmental conditions are the way to increase life expectancy, as well as life in general.

    But there are also less global rules. Men should not wear too warm underwear. The same applies to tight trunks, trousers and jeans. It is best to sleep without any clothes at all.

    Presence in food selenium and vitamin C in sufficient quantity helps the body to produce a sufficient quantity of viable sperm and improves its quality.

    When the family cannot wait for the stork, the viability of the life-bearing germ cells becomes one of decisive factors... If pregnancy is undesirable, it is important to stop the semen as far away from the uterus as possible.

Consider the fertilization of an egg with a sperm: how and for how long does the fusion take place? In this article, we will analyze how the sperm end up in the uterus, how long it takes to get to the egg, and how it connects with the sperm.

The miracle of continuing life

Reproduction of offspring is one of the main manifestations of living organisms. As a result of centuries of evolution, two types of reproduction have developed: sexual and asexual. With the sexual type of reproduction, the largest number of genes are transferred from the parent, therefore it is considered a more perfect way. It is in this way that human reproduction occurs.

A prerequisite for the creation of a new person is the fusion of an egg and a sperm cell (fertilization).

Each of the germ cells contains half of the complete set of chromosomes. When they merge, the number of chromosomes is combined, a complete set is learned, which is necessary for the formation of a healthy person.

Preparation of "material"

Before the egg and sperm meet and become one, they must go through a preparation procedure. The development of sperm occurs in the testes - the male sex glands located in the human scrotum. Here is the process of forming sperm filled with sperm:

  • The testes contain thousands of seminiferous tubules in which sperm (sperm) are formed and developed. Every hour, the male body produces about 3 million new germ cells. They are very small in size - if you compress all the sperm formed in a day, they will be smaller than a grain of sand.
  • In the prostate, a secret develops, consisting of fructose, highly concentrated potassium, zinc, copper, magnesium, calcium, and a number of vitamins. Such a healthy cocktail is needed in order to nourish the sperm cells floating in it and make them strong and hardy. This guarantees the development of the sperm and helps to reach the final destination - the egg.
  • At the peak of a man's sexual arousal, there is an involuntary contraction of the muscles of the walls of the vas deferens, an expansion of their lumen, the seed is filled with mature sperm. Then, through the urogenital canal, the sperm is released into the woman's vagina.

Sperm development takes place in a man's testicles.

In order for fertilization to occur after the release of sperm, a mature egg must be ready in the female body. Here is a small presentation of how the development of the female reproductive cell occurs:

  • Formation occurs in the ovaries during the intrauterine development of a girl - she is born with a certain set, which no longer increases. The beautiful lady will use this strategic reserve for her whole life. In the body of women, an average of 250-300 thousand germ cells are collected.
  • Each egg is hidden in a follicle. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the follicle bursts, releasing one reproductive cell. This process is called ovulation. After leaving the follicle, the egg cell lives for about 30 hours.
  • The released egg must go into the abdominal cavity, where it is captured by the villi of the fallopian tube. If at this time the sperm can get here, then fusion (fertilization) will occur, the woman will be pregnant.

Reade set Go

How does the sperm get into the uterus? An indispensable condition for the natural conception of a new person is sexual intercourse, the end is the ejaculate ejaculated by the man into the woman's uterine passage. The sperm contains a huge amount of sperm, they begin to move at an accelerated rate to get to the egg. What is the rush for? The fact is that one "tadpole" can penetrate the female reproductive cell. After fusion, other sperm cells cannot get to the egg - it will be covered with a kind of "armor" that no other spermatozoon can penetrate.

In order for the sperm to enter the uterus, it needs to get to the egg through the uterine passage.

How long does it take for sperm? It depends on the speed - a healthy and strong sperm cell reaches the target in 1.5-3 hours on average. Penetration can also occur 5-6 hours after the sperm enters the woman's vagina (but this is rare, since by this time the sex cells usually have already died).

Finally together

How long does it take for full fertilization? When does the complete fusion of the sperm and the egg take place and the long-awaited division begins? We have already found out that sperm can reach the female reproductive cell in 2-5 hours. After that, many "tadpoles" literally attack one single egg. One sperm is the most stubborn, breaks through the wall of the female reproductive cell, gets inside. But what happens next?

On the 2-3rd day since the sperm manages to get to the egg and penetrate into it, the development of the zygote begins - the fertilized germ cell begins to divide. First, two cells are formed from one cell - they are called blastomeres. On the fourth day, the zygote already consists of 16 cells. By this time, she gets to the uterus, where she is fixed for the remaining period of 9 months.

So, we learned how the fertilization of the egg and the further development of the connected cells occurs. In addition, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this video, which clearly shows how the sperm gets, how it fertilizes the female reproductive cell.

The time that sperm live after intercourse in a female body depends on the quality of the semen. This is strongly influenced by a man's reproductive health. If after intercourse the sperm do not end up in the vagina, then their activity time is much lower and depends on external factors. The ambient temperature has a direct influence. Sperm survival at low temperatures is used in reproductive medicine.

Fertilization process

Sperm cells have rectilinear movement, the absence of morphological pathologies and the ability to further advance in the uterus. Some of them, after ejaculation, are immediately poured out of the vagina, and about 15% of them enter the cervical canal.

At the next stage, they must overcome the path to the egg, directed against the flow of fluid in the fallopian tubes and vagina. During this period, about 80% of the remaining gametes die. They need to cover a distance of more than 17 cm to the ovum, while the speed of their advance does not exceed 4 mm per minute. Therefore, the process can take 2-3 days. But not all spermatozoa live that long, so their viability directly determines a man's fertility.

In order to correctly assess the survival of male germ cells, a spermogram and a postcoital test are performed. In the second case, a few hours after intercourse, a sample of the cervical canal fluid is taken from a woman and it is determined whether there are viable and active spermatozoa there. Their absence means poor sperm survival or an aggressive environment in the woman's cervix. The latter reason can also often lead to a lack of conception.

Sperm life span

Favorable conditions are necessary for sperm to survive. Their lifespan depending on the environment:

Wednesday Life span
VaginaSperm can live in the vagina from several minutes to several hours. This is due to its acidic environment, which is detrimental to sperm, therefore, in order to slip through this area, they must have sufficient speed.
UterusWhen the sperm enter the uterus, their lifespan is already quite long. If they managed to overcome this path, then they are safe. Here sperm can live from several days to a week. The most favorable time is ovulation. During this period, a ripe egg creates ideal conditions. This feature must be taken into account when protecting by the calendar method. Avoid unprotected sexual intercourse a week before the date of expected ovulation.
PenisExperiments show that after ejaculation, the sperm on a man's penis remain viable for about half an hour. Therefore, it is not recommended to practice interrupted intercourse again without the necessary hygiene procedures if pregnancy is undesirable.
GreasePre-ejaculate or Cooper's fluid. Sperm cells survive in it, but they are not contained by themselves. Since an acidic environment is maintained in the female vagina, the main task of the lubricant is to neutralize it, which helps the sperm survive and overcome the distance to the uterus with the least loss.
AirIn the open air outside the body, sperm can live for up to several hours. Nevertheless, even if they may still exist for some time, it is impossible to become pregnant from stained underwear or the ingress of sperm from the external environment. By themselves, they will not be able to pass the acidic environment of the vagina due to the absence of other components of the ejaculate
CondomIn a condom, the lifespan of sperm is reduced and is about 30-40 minutes. If there is a special lubricant in it, then it affects the sperm in a destructive way - they die immediately. Purchased lubricants used to clean the vagina do not affect vitality; only those containing spermicides are effective for this purpose - special substances for neutralizing spermatozoa
WaterSperm viability in the aquatic environment depends on temperature. In the cold, they will fall asleep, but they will live longer, and they will die in the warmth. But this does not mean that intercourse in high temperature water will prevent pregnancy.
Test tubeIf the semen is frozen in a test tube, then the life of the spermatozoa is unlimited, at least for several years they will live for sure. After thawing, some of the sperm retain their vitality and fertilizing capabilities.

Causes of sperm death

Male germ cells become unviable with the following pathological factors:

  • Varicocele... This is testicular varicose veins. It has an effect not only on the viability of sperm, but also on motility. It is treated only with surgical methods.
  • Radiation sickness... Irradiation leads to a slowdown in cell division, a decrease in the number and viability of spermatozoa.
  • Intoxication... The constant use of drugs and alcohol, smoking can have an impact.
  • Eating disorder... Chemical additives and preservatives in food, obesity can lead to pathology. Diets that are low in fat can have a similar effect. Because fat is the precursor to testosterone.
  • Other reasons... Hormonal disorders, STDs, viral diseases (mumps).

How long sperm cells live is at the same time an interesting and rather complex question that interests many married couples planning a pregnancy. I must say that people of different ages reflect on this topic, since conception in a woman can occur within only 24 hours. It is precisely such a period that the egg cell exists.

Let us consider in more detail how long a sperm cell lives, depending on the environment in which it finds itself. We will also touch upon the side concerning the possibility or impossibility of pregnancy in water. Thanks to this information, it will be possible to understand not only how long sperm cells live, but also what conditions will be most favorable for conception.

So, wondering how long boys sperm live, the main part of medical sources indicates that their period of existence lasts about a day. This has been proven by many scientific studies. In this case, the female cell is active for up to four days.

This raises the question of not just how long a sperm with a Y chromosome lives, but why it dies so quickly. The fact is that in the process of evolutionary development, this cell has lost a significant number of genes necessary for survival. It is also worth noting one more important point: in order for germ cells to mature in such a chromosome, it is extremely important for it to contact with other microorganisms. Actually, it becomes clear which sperm cells live longer.

But with all this, how long sperm cells live depends on the environment in which they find themselves. Actually, therefore, there are couples who do not have problems with reproductive function, but under adverse conditions, conception does not occur. Let's take a closer look at how many sperm cells live in the vagina, how they behave in water, on the head of the penis, and much more.

Physiological environment

As mentioned earlier, depending on the conditions in which the sperm was found, the duration of its activity may differ significantly from that which was originally stated. Therefore, let us consider in more detail how many cells exist in different physiological environments.


First of all, it should be said about how long sperm live in the fallopian tubes. So, if they manage to bypass the vagina, and then penetrate into the cervical mucus, the duration of existence is significantly increased. In such conditions, namely, in contact with cervical mucus, the sperm lives for 4-8 days.

In this case, the time period has a direct relationship with the menstrual cycle. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately answer the question of how long sperm cells live in the uterus. If at the time of cell penetration into the woman's body, the middle of the cycle was observed, then the cervical mucus will be liquefied. Due to this, the acidity of the environment is formed there, corresponding to the norms of sperm (from 7 to 8).

Answering the question of how long sperm cells live in the uterus under such conditions, we can name the time 6-8 days, since the environment is as favorable as possible. A few days later, the corpus luteum will be formed, and in the woman's body itself, the phase of active production of progesterone will begin, which will lead to an increase in the viscosity of the cervical fluid, and the acidity will increase.

Actually, based on this information and answering the question: how many days sperm cells live in the uterus at this time, you can indicate an average of 3-5 days. Sperm viability also depends on the woman's health, the presence of concomitant diseases and inflammatory processes.


It is also worth considering how long a sperm cell can live in the vagina. In this part of the female genital organs, a low level of an acidic environment remains, at which the indicators correspond to a pH of 3.8-4.4. Actually, the conditions here are extremely unfavorable, and therefore, answering how many days sperm cells live in the vagina, it must be said that less than a day, or rather only 60-120 minutes.

Actually, referring to the anatomy, you can find out that it takes about an hour and a half for a sperm to penetrate into the uterine cavity. Then he needs about two more hours in order to reach the end of the fallopian tube. It is here that fertilization will already occur if the sperm survives. But given how long sperm can live in the vagina, the probability of conception the first time is very small.


The vital activity of the sperm, which is associated with spermatogenesis, has a duration of 72 to 75 days. After the cells reach maturity, they will be stored in the male genital tract until the moment of ejaculation.

How long a sperm can live cannot be answered exactly. Some experts claim that the cell lasts about 24-72 days, while others believe that spermatozoa live from one to two weeks.

Actually, if the cells are placed in a special incubator, where there is the correct humidity and acidity, the vitality of the sperm is maintained for eight days. Now we know exactly how long sperm cells live in the penis.

Summarizing the above information, you can answer the question of how many days sperm cells live in the female body and the male. Time frames range from one and a half hours to eight days.


Some may be interested in how many sperm cells live in the semen. It is important to understand that cells in the pre-ejaculate can remain active for a longer period of time than in the vagina. However, for this it is necessary to create conditions where the correct temperature regime and air humidity will be observed.

External environment

The next step is to consider how long sperm cells live outdoors and in the environment. It is important to understand that the main constituent of ejaculate is not sperm, but the secretion produced by the prostate gland, seminal vesicles and bulbourethral glands.

They create the right environment in which sperm remain active for the longest possible period of time. But what happens to them when they succumb to external factors.


Initially, we will consider how long sperm cells live in water. The fact is that such conditions contribute to the loss of the protection created from the ejaculate. That is why the period of life is only 10-15 minutes if they got there as part of the ejaculate.

Answering the question whether spermatozoa die in water, we can unequivocally say that yes. When an individual sperm enters such an environment, its death will occur within a few seconds.


Next, consider how long a sperm lives in a condom. It all depends on whether there is a special spermicidal lubricant in the contraceptive. If it is present, cell death will be quite rapid and inevitable. But if you accurately answer the question: sperm, how long they live in a condom without lubrication, then this is about half an hour, sometimes 40 minutes, but no more.


Since sperm cells appear on the penis after it has been removed from a woman's vagina, the answer to the question of how long a sperm cell lives under the foreskin is placed in the section of the external environment.

The influence of air and the wrong temperature significantly reduces the duration of the preservation of the activity of the germ cells. Actually, therefore, when doctors are asked how long the sperm lives on the head of the penis, they name the period of time corresponding to 30 minutes.


We will also touch on the topic of how long sperm cells live in the air. The duration of the activity of germ cells is insignificant and is only a few hours.

But at the same time, at such a moment it is worth paying the attention of those who are not planning a pregnancy. Knowing how long sperm cells live outside the vagina, you can warn yourself when having sex, where interrupted coitus is practiced as a protection.


Let's also talk about how long sperm cells live at room temperature. After all, this is also an important point for those who do not plan to become pregnant, but also do not like to use condoms. At room temperature, sperm live from 15 minutes to two hours.

Speaking about how long a sperm cell lives outside the body, it must be said that if we are talking about a separate sperm, then in a room it dies instantly. The fact is that it loses the necessary nutrient medium and protection.


Many couples are interested in: after intercourse, how long sperm cells live. It all depends on the conditions in which it was held. If in water, then the lifespan is insignificant, and is about 15 minutes.

Speaking about, after the eruption, how long spermatozoa live on the head or body, we can name the time from 30 minutes to two hours. When ejaculating into a condom with a spermicidal lubricant, sperm die instantly.


When studying the activity and vitality of male biological material, it is very important to clearly understand how many sperm cells live in a woman's body. Those sperm that have managed to penetrate the reproductive organs are famous for the maximum duration. In such conditions, answering the question of how long sperm cells live in a female body, one can name a period of time of several days during which they retain the ability to fertilize.

Of course, clear timelines are too different. There is a group of scientists who are inclined to argue that sperm in a woman's body live from a day to 36 hours. Others are confident that they retain all their abilities for 8-14 days. Actually, based on how many sperm cells live inside, it must be said that fertilization can occur a few days after sexual intercourse.


How many sperm cells die under the influence of various means, we have considered. You also need to find out what causes sperm to die.

Among the most unfavorable conditions for the life and activity of sperm, doctors distinguish the following:

  1. Varicocele - a disease characterized by varicose veins of the testicle and spermatic cord, is the reason why sperm die.
  2. If you remember how many sperm in a condom die, you need to understand why this process occurs so quickly. It's all about the lubricant, which has a composition that dissolves ejaculate as quickly as possible and kills sperm.
  3. Irradiation is also the reason that cells die before reaching the desired target. After how long sperm die in this condition, it is impossible to say for sure.
  4. Answering the question in what environment sperm die, it should be remembered that they practically do not survive in those men who consume a lot of alcoholic beverages.
  5. Constant overeating, as well as regular lack of sleep and stress will always lead to cell death.

Many more are interested in the temperature at which sperm die. Often this indicator is at +38 degrees. However, if it is +4 on the street, then the sperm will go into the stage of sleep or waiting, but they will not die.

The lifespan of a sperm is always individual. Therefore, if it is necessary to clearly find out what is the life span of a particular man's sperm, it is worth taking a special analysis - a spermogram. After studying the results, the doctor will be able to give an unambiguous answer.

It is also important to understand that in order to increase the life of sperm cells, if the desired pregnancy does not occur for a long time, you should take care of your health. The spouse should lead an active lifestyle, stop drinking and smoking, play sports and take vitamins. How to prepare for conception correctly, and what to do in the situation. When pregnancy does not occur, you can always tell an andrologist or gynecologist if a woman needs a consultation.

Facts (video)

Sperm life span- an important question, especially relevant for people planning procreation. Researchers disagree about the lifetime of sperm cells outside a man's body: from 15 minutes - 2 days outside the female reproductive system to 8 - 14 days in a woman's body.

In general, the entire life span of a sperm cell can be divided into 2 periods:

  • First, the sperm is born and lives in the male body. It matures in a man's body for 72 - 74 days. During this time, the sperm receives its individual chromosome set. However, in order to get into the egg, the sperm must be able to get to it, pass through the membranes of the egg, and at the same time not damage its genetic material.
    Such abilities acquires when it passes through the epididymis. It becomes a full-fledged matured sperm. A sperm that has lived in the body for more than a month becomes unable to fertilize an egg.
  • When sperm leaves a man's body, his life begins in the external environment. The duration of this stage in the life of a male seed depends on many things: on the environment in which it is located, on the temperature of this environment, on the quality of the sperm itself, on its chromosome set, etc.

Sperm life and temperature

Ambient temperature has a great influence on the longevity of the seed. The most favorable temperature environment for sperm cells is 36 - 37 degrees Celsius. Temperatures exceeding this indicator negatively affect the life span of the sperm cell, its life span decreases.

Men planning to conceive should not wear tight clothing or underwear, as such clothing can cause overheating of the testicles. They should also avoid any other overheating.

Under the influence of low temperatures male sperm are immobilized. But at the same time they retain their vitality. This feature of sperm cells is used to create sperm banks. Spermatozoa are frozen in special storage facilities, and later used for artificial insemination.

Sperm life and environment

Once outside the male body, the spermatozoon finds itself in an unfamiliar environment.

Various factors influence his life in this environment:

  • temperature: too high or low temperatures negatively affect the viability and mobility of the sperm, the optimal temperature regime for it is the temperature of the human body (36 - 37 degrees Celsius);
  • light: bright light, especially the sun's rays, contribute to faster sperm death;
  • acid-base balance of the environment: the alkaline environment activates the sperm, and the acidic one, on the contrary, lowers the activity of the sperm;
  • exposure to various synthetic compounds: for example, sperm that get into a condom will die faster, and various synthetic lubricants that are sold in pharmacies can also negatively affect.

Can't Cope With Prostatitis?

Popular drugs often relieve only the symptoms of prostatitis for a while. The disease does not go away, but continues to progress and reduce libido and cause accelerated ejaculation!

The tool will help not only improve urination, reduce prostate edema, but also restore potency and strengthen immunity.

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How to prolong sperm life?

Some tricks can lengthen the life of a sperm:

  • it is necessary to avoid exposing the male semen to too high temperatures: a man planning to conceive should refuse to visit a bath, sauna, wearing tight underwear;
  • do not use synthetic lubricants the synthetic substances they contain can adversely affect longevity and activity;
  • you can not do douching, since it changes the acid-base balance in the woman's reproductive organs and flushes out the cervical fluid (it helps the sperm move to the uterus);
  • if it is necessary to save sperm for the bank, it is impossible to allow too sharp a decrease in temperature, since such a decrease can cause a temperature shock and sperm will die, ideal temperature conditions when working with fresh sperm will be 18 - 25 degrees (at this temperature, the speed of movement of sperm decreases, they spend less energy and, accordingly, live longer);
  • seeking to extend the life of sperm, it is necessary to protect them from bright light, especially from exposure to sunlight;
  • saving sperm for a sperm bank, you need to ensure that they are in a neutral or weakly acidic environment.

How long does a sperm cell live in air, in the uterus?

With ejaculation sperm die quite quickly, as they are affected by negative environmental factors: temperature, humidity, light, acid-base reaction of the environment.

Sperm live the least that have not entered the partner's vagina. According to research, they die within 15 to 120 minutes. Those sperm that have entered the uterus live much longer.

How many sperm cells live in a woman?

Sperm live longer, trapped in the reproductive organs of a woman. There they live and retain the ability to fertilize for several days. Some authors believe that a sperm in a woman's body can live for 24 - 36 hours, other researchers talk about 8 - 14 days. Thus, fertilization can take place long after copulation.

An important role for the life of the sperm in the female body, the acid-alkaline environment of the woman's vagina plays. For good motility and sperm viability, a slightly acidic environment is suitable. If a woman has any inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system, then the environment of her vagina becomes more acidic. In such an environment, sperm move more slowly and die faster.

During intercourse a huge amount enters the woman's body, but only one of them is destined to merge with the woman's egg. What is the fate of the rest of the sperm? They move into the uterine cavity very quickly, literally in 1 - 2 minutes after intercourse they enter the uterus, and after 2 - 3 hours they reach the extreme sections of the fallopian tubes.

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and the motile sperm enters the egg. When the egg and sperm merge, the egg changes its properties - it no longer accepts other sperm. The rest of the sperm die. Some of it flows out of the vagina along with the sperm and rather quickly dies in the air. Another part perishes in the acidic environment of the vagina. Spermatozoa that are trapped in the weak alkaline environment of the uterus and fallopian tubes live longer. However, over time, these sperm also die.

Its useful to note that the first to die are sperm - carriers of the Y-chromosome. These spermatozoa, on the one hand, are more motile, but on the other hand, they are less viable than carriers of the X chromosome.

Therefore, if intercourse occurs immediately before ovulation, it is highly likely that a sperm with a Y chromosome will enter the egg. In this case, the woman will become a boy pregnant. If intercourse occurs a few days before ovulation, most likely, the sperm carrying the X chromosome will connect with the egg, and the girl will become pregnant.

How long does a sperm live in air?

Sperm in the air, lives on average from 15 minutes to 2 hours. This, of course, is a very short time. However, do not forget about it, especially for couples who are not planning a pregnancy.

If a couple wants to repeat intercourse, the man needs to wash off all the sperm from the penis. Otherwise, even a small amount of sperm can enter the woman's vagina and reach the uterus. In this case, the likelihood of unwanted pregnancy is high.

Single sperm extracted from the sperm, dies immediately, as it is deprived of the nutrients necessary to maintain its vital functions. Such substances are present only in

Knowledge of the sperm life span can be useful to many couples: and those who are planning the birth of a child, and those who want to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Couples planning a pregnancy should follow the simple tips given in the article to ensure their sperm have the greatest mobility and vitality. Also, this knowledge will be useful to laboratory assistants involved in collecting sperm and creating sperm banks.

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