Lump from vaccination in a child. What to do if a lump heals for a long time after akds. The use of folk remedies

When a lump and redness appear in a child a day or two after the vaccination, the mother is usually horrified! But if she knew in advance that this is a normal reaction to the vaccine, then there would be less excitement. Other "normal" ones are also possible. side effects due to vaccination. This is not to be feared, doctors say. You just need to be aware of this. And also "abnormal" complications are not excluded, which is really scary. But this is already off topic ...

Redness and hardening after DPT vaccination

Doctors distinguish between several types of post-vaccination reactions in terms of complexity - mild, moderate and dangerous. Mild to moderate side effects are considered normal and are common. Common reactions include fever, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness and headache, deterioration of sleep and appetite, short-term loss consciousness, prolonged incessant crying and others, that is, arising against the background general health child. Local manifestations directly in the area of ​​injection: redness, swelling, swelling, induration, pain, rash.

Local reactions are especially often manifested after DPT, ADS, vaccinations against hepatitis A and B. These vaccines contain substances that deliberately provoke inflammatory processes in order to induce a more pronounced immune response, that is, to involve as many cells as possible in the process of developing immunity from the inoculated disease.

Typically, such reactions are manifested with the introduction of inactivated vaccines for 1-2 days - on the leg or on the priest, depending on the place of administration of the drug. By the way, today doctors are increasingly performing femoral injections instead of gluteal injections, because in the latter case, the likelihood of injecting the drug under the skin in adipose tissue or in sciatic nerve which in itself causes redness and swelling. If the injection is made in the leg, then medicinal substance enters immediately into muscle tissue and is quickly transported throughout the body, starting to actively act. Therefore, it is not even recommended to vaccinate in the ass.

According to statistics, redness and induration in the area of ​​the injection occurs in every fourth child vaccinated. And pediatricians say that with each subsequent manipulation (with revaccination) the likelihood of recurrence inflammatory process only increases, and in a more pronounced manifestation. And because of such a kid who In a similar way reacted to the vaccination, all subsequent times must be prepared in advance for the procedure.

Judging by the reviews, hardening and redness appears most often after DPT, in particular when Pentaxim is injected (but not only, of course). At the same time, there may be a rash on the skin or pain in the leg, the child may even begin to limp. And doctors call all these reactions normal - they disappear within a few days or weeks. Moreover, such manifestations are even considered a favorable sign, indicating that the child's immune system has correctly responded to the intake of a foreign antigen into the body.

Redness and induration after vaccination: Komarovsky

Pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky also calmly reacts to such complaints from parents. Pain, swelling, redness are classic post-vaccination reactions that do not pose any danger.

Komarovsky clarifies: nothing in this case no action required. Just make sure that the child does not scratch the injection site and avoid any impact on him (crushing and rubbing with clothes, mechanical damage etc.). After a few days, the inflammation will go away. But be prepared for the fact that sometimes the process is delayed for several weeks or even months. However, if at the same time general state the child is satisfactory, then there is no reason to worry. And in order not to continue to worry without a reason, Komarovsky advises parents, before vaccination, to study the information about the vaccine being administered: its manufacturer, technique and rules for conducting, the required preparation, and the likely consequences. All responsibility for the health of the child lies with the parents, the pediatrician sums up.

What to do if a bump and redness appear after vaccination: treatment

Meanwhile, parents mostly disagree with this harsh position. They believe that health workers are obliged to warn about possible post-vaccination reactions and especially about probable complications certain vaccinations.

However, this is quite troublesome, and in general this issue is extremely difficult - the discussions for and against vaccinations for children are very tough today! And doctors prefer once again do not touch this topic: their business is to vaccinate the child whom you voluntarily brought to the clinic. Any reaction child's body can then be described as "normal". For the most severe cases there is another protocol explanation - an individual reaction of the organism, which cannot be foreseen.

In general, in order not to look for the guilty later, it is better to monitor the quality of the vaccine offered at the site in advance and buy more quality analogue independently, if the need arises. In addition, the child must certainly be prepared for the procedure: a few days before and after vaccination, minimize everything potentially negative impacts- both physiological and psycho-emotional. It is highly undesirable for a vaccinated child to get sick, because his immune system is now weakened. Do not forget also that there are a number of contraindications to vaccination: each time you should make sure that the child does not have any of them.

If the baby has a local or general reaction for vaccination, then from now on 3 days before the introduction of the drug and within 3 days after that it is necessary to give him an antihistamine, which is individually selected by a specialist.

This is about prevention. How to treat redness and induration after vaccination in a child?

Ideally, see a pediatrician. He will assess the severity of the reaction and give his recommendations. Often, doctors warn mothers that it is impossible to treat such inflammations with anything! Iodine net, compresses, ointments - all this can only worsen the child's condition. In other cases, nurses advise the same iodine mesh, cabbage leaves or vodka compresses. By the way, about vodka: the method is quite effective, and sometimes even surgeons recommend it when mothers contact them with similar complaints. It is necessary to moisten gauze in the drink and apply compresses to the inflamed area. After 2-3 hours, such an application is removed, and after a 2-3 hour break, it is applied again. So throughout the day.

Surgeons also prescribe the treatment of cones with ointments (Traumeel, Troxevasin), lotions of Novocaine or Magnesia, Dimexidum and Chlorhexidine.

However, even without any treatment, the inflammatory process will gradually subside, pediatricians say. Normally, everything goes away in 2-3 days without any treatment, but sometimes you need to be more patient.

You need to consult a doctor only if over time the seal does not decrease (and possibly even increases, exceeds 6-8 cm in diameter) in size, or if suppuration begins at the injection site (in this case, you need to go to the hospital right away! ).

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

DTP vaccinations in childhood carried out for the purpose of prevention. Their purpose is to "familiarize" the body with faint virus, so that immune system in the future, there was a willingness to meet a real virus.

Without vaccination, there is a danger of contracting any disease. After vaccination, complications may arise in some cases. Why is there a bump from the DPT vaccine?

DTP vaccination is combination vaccine, the action of which is aimed at protecting human body from diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. This vaccination is given to children in all developed countries.

The question of why there is a bump from DPT vaccination is often raised and discussed - a complication after vaccination. It was believed that this is due to the component that protects against whooping cough in the vaccine. To rule out complications, it was removed from the vaccine. But, after that, the figures for the incidence of whooping cough, even deaths, jumped sharply.

DTP vaccination is carried out in three doses. First to national calendar vaccinations, administered to children at three months. After a month and a half, the second dose is administered. The third at six months. After these actions, revaccination is needed with its own established schedule.

Lump after DPT vaccination

This vaccine is one of the most reactogenic and has potential side effects. In certain circumstances, vaccination is contraindicated when there are risks associated with actual infection with all three infections. When it is believed that the risk does not override the body's response to the vaccine, the vaccine is given.

An easy reaction to the vaccine is a bump from the DPT vaccine - painful lump at the injection site, which can persist for up to several weeks. Despite the fact that parents are very worried, this reaction of the child's body to the vaccine is not dangerous. Over time, the lump dissolves and goes away.

Why there is a bump from AKDST vaccination - seals can be avoided or reduced as much as possible and made less painful if the child receives proper care and, if you follow the rules immediately before and after vaccination. Proper preparation vaccination of a child avoids a number of complications.

When the bump after vaccination DTP already appeared, use certain means for her fast resorption... Helps well iodine mesh if the child does not have problems with endocrine system... Additionally, Fenistil gel is applied, which reduces itching and redness.

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Hello dear readers. Today it's time to talk about one of the body's responses to. In this article, we will consider what to do if a child has a seal at the injection site after DPT vaccination. Some parents literally panic when he appears. But, as a rule, doctors warn in advance about possible development such consequences and say, in which cases it is the norm, and at what manifestations - a deviation.

Compaction on the pedicle after DPT

Parents should be warned in advance of possible responses, which will be considered the norm if they are not weighed down concomitant diseases or negative symptoms... So the normal manifestations, which most often occur after the introduction of DPT, are the appearance of compaction, redness at the injection site and an increase in body temperature up to 38.5 degrees.

If the hyperthermia is at 39 degrees and above, the seal is more than 8 cm in diameter and a purulent formation is observed, or redness spreads beyond the injection area, we can talk about the presence pathological process, individual intolerance to the vaccine or an allergic reaction, infection. And only in this case it is necessary to seek help from a doctor.

In other cases, induration, redness and slight elevated temperature(not necessarily all these symptoms at once), does not bring much inconvenience to the baby and most often passes on the third day. In this case, no special treatment is required, only in the case of a temperature on the day of vaccination, it is recommended to give an antipyretic. So, you need to be prepared for local reactions of this kind, but also understand that most often nothing bad will happen, and the appearance of these signs is just a response of the body, in particular the immune system, to the introduction of foreign agents. The thickening decreases as the vaccine is absorbed, and this process can in rare cases last up to two weeks, but, as a rule, everything takes place in three days, or even earlier.

How can you help your baby

Most often, the appearance of a seal or redness in a child at the vaccination site does not need special treatment. We were warned about such a reaction in advance. In addition, the son's redness and induration appeared only after the third DTP vaccination when he was 5 months old and everything went the next day.

It is important to observe special conditions for caring for toddler during and after vaccination:

  1. Increased drinking.
  2. Moderate food.
  3. Limit your baby from walking on the first day after vaccination.
  4. Do not bathe it in the first days after vaccination.
  5. But if the toddler requires a sisya, then do not refuse him extraordinary breastfeeding.

As for medications, then, if you still want to alleviate the situation, you will need:

  1. Troxevasin ointment. It will help dissolve the seal and reduce pain, will also affect the normalization of skin color at the injection site.
  2. Escuzan ointment. It is mainly prescribed in the case when the vaccine has got into body fat... When using it, blood circulation will increase and compaction will decrease.
  3. Gel Fenistil. When applied, it will reduce redness and the size of the induration, and will also relieve the feeling of itching or pain.
  4. Traumeel-S ointment. Homeopathic medicine... Will also have a good effect.
  5. Heparin ointment and "Vitaon" balm reduce the size of the seal, promote rapid absorption.

Traditional methods

Experts do not recommend using traditional medicine without consulting a pediatrician. Unknowingly, you can only harm the baby. In addition, there may be an individual intolerance, for example, your little one cannot do compresses with honey due to the fact that he is allergic to this product.

I bring to your attention several ways from a piggy bank traditional medicine, but remember that you should not self-medicate and in the presence of serious complications, for example, the onset of a purulent process or high temperature, these methods will not be effective.

  1. One of the most best practices attachment is considered cabbage leaf to the place of sealing. To do this, you need to pierce the leaf in several places and attach it to problem place... It is recommended to cover the top with parchment paper.

My grandmother always used a similar method. When my son got a seal, she also decided to apply cabbage, although the doctor said that this phenomenon is not dangerous and in a day or two everything will pass. I do not know if this is due to the application of cabbage or it was just that everything should have returned to normal, but after a day the compaction was almost imperceptible, and by the evening it had completely resolved.

  1. Compress with cottage cheese. For such a procedure, you will need to slightly warm up the curd, preferably in a water bath. Then it must be wrapped in two layers of cotton fabric. It remains only to apply to the place of compaction until the curd cools down. It is important to cover the compress with a towel to keep it warm longer.
  2. Honey compress. In addition to warmed honey, you will need olive oil and raw yolk. It is necessary to mix everything thoroughly, wrap the resulting mixture in cotton and put it in place of the seal before going to bed. It is advisable to place parchment paper on top of the compress.
  3. Honey and bread compress. You need to mix warmed honey with rye flour in a 1: 1 ratio. Now knead the resulting dough. It is necessary to apply before going to bed (at night) on a compacted place, covering the top with parchment.

A compress from grated potatoes or a soda compress (for 100 grams warm water- tablespoon).

When to see a doctor

Although redness and hardening at the injection site is considered normal after DPT, you need to know in which cases it is still required medical intervention... As a rule, an urgent call to an ambulance must be made in the presence of such manifestations and accompanying symptoms:

  1. Strong painful sensations at the seal, especially when pressed.
  2. The temperature rise is higher than 39 degrees.
  3. Incessant crying.
  4. Convulsive syndrome.
  5. Severe redness of the compacted area and the surrounding area.
  6. The diameter of the seal is more than 8 cm.
  7. Serious allergic reaction.


Unfortunately, there are cases when, if the rules of asepsis are not followed during vaccination, they are introduced into the injection site. pathogenic microorganisms... In this case, the seal will grow in diameter, significant hyperemia will begin to be observed, and the swelling will be quite painful to the touch. In addition, such symptoms are possible with improper transportation or storage of the vaccine, or with the individual intolerance of the baby's body to the constituent components of the vaccine.

What are the signs that your child has an abscess at the DTP vaccination site:

  1. The temperature is over 39 degrees.
  2. Severe redness of the skin and pronounced swelling over the injection site, the skin is hot and painful.
  3. The baby has a sharp and strong shooting pain. At the same time, the little one is crying hysterically, cannot stop.
  4. There is a purulent softening of the skin surface in the central part of the infiltrate. Expansion towards the periphery is characteristic.
  5. Above the place of formation of pus, the skin becomes thinner, it can break through with the discharge of pus.

If the baby really has an abscess, an urgent surgeon's intervention is necessary. Therefore, if one or more of the above symptoms are detected, you must immediately go to the hospital.

Now you know why a seal appears at the injection site after DPT vaccination. I think that parents should not worry too much and think that it is in their little one that the seal can turn into an abscess. You should understand that in most children, the injection site resolves even without medication and is not accompanied by abnormalities. You should also know and remember what exactly may indicate the presence of an atypical reaction of the body and when it is urgent to see a doctor. I wish the DPT vaccination process was painless for you and your baby! Be healthy!

Compaction after DPT vaccination is a kind, a harmless complication, only if it is not accompanied by pronounced pain and fever. This complication is called infiltration and it takes a very long time. In case of internal anxiety, it is worth doing an ultrasound of soft tissues to exclude the presence of a purulent process. Gradually, the seals go away on their own.

This is a classic reaction to vaccine administration. It is most pronounced when the injection is placed in the buttocks, since in this case the likelihood of the drug getting under the skin increases. For this reason, it is recommended that children get the thigh vaccine. Inquire about basic information about vaccination, as well as about vaccination techniques and possible adverse reactions follows when preparing for an injection of DPT. In this case, parents will be able to find out that vaccines that contain acellular pertussis components are such reactogenic in relation to local and temperature reactions. In addition, it is not recommended to put an injection in the buttock, and even after vaccination, it is allowed to take drugs such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.

The main complications caused by DPT vaccination are induration and redness.

  1. After such a vaccination, the temperature may rise and such a phenomenon is considered to be quite normal, since in this way the body reacts to the introduction of a vaccine into it. But the temperature does not at all help the formation of immunity against infections, and therefore, if it appears, then the child should be given an antipyretic. Sometimes doctors do not advise bringing down the temperature if it does not exceed 38C, since there is no risk that the baby will develop seizures. But the World Health Organization recommends knocking down even the slightest increase in thermometer readings that arose after DPT.
  2. Sealing at the DTP vaccination site
    The lump that sometimes forms at the site of the vaccine is absorbed within two weeks. Such a reaction is quite normal, since a process of localized inflammation begins at the injection site. It decreases as the vaccine is absorbed.

How to reduce induration after DPT, what to do to dissolve the lump?

  • The injection site can be lubricated with Troxevasin ointment.
  • Sometimes a bump forms if the vaccine gets into a fatty subcutaneous tissue rather than into a muscle. There are much fewer vessels in the fat layer, and therefore the rate of absorption of the drug decreases sharply, as a result, a lump appears, which may not pass for a long time. You can try to smear this place with Eskuzan, then blood circulation will increase, the drug will begin to be absorbed faster, and the lump will gradually disappear.
  • Also, a bump is formed if the vaccination was carried out without observing the basic aseptic rules, that is, when dirt got into the injection site. The lump in this case is a real inflammation, pus appears inside it, it must be released, and then the wound is treated.
  1. Redness after DPT vaccination. This phenomenon It is also considered quite normal, since a mild inflammatory reaction develops at the injection site, and it is always accompanied by the formation of redness. If nothing else bothers the baby, then you should not take any action. In the course of resorption of the vaccine, the inflammation will go away by itself, and with it the redness will disappear.
  2. Pain at the DPT vaccination site. Soreness is caused by the same inflammatory response, it is expressed in a weaker or stronger form, it all depends on personal characteristics baby. You do not need to force the child to endure, it is better to give him analgin to drink, and put ice on the vaccination site. If the pain does not go away for too long, then it is worth calling a doctor.
  3. Cough after DPT vaccines... Sometimes in infants, in response to vaccination, a cough appears throughout the day, if there is chronic diseases respiratory tract... This is due to the reaction of the child's body to the component that resists pertussis infection. But such a state does not need special treatment, it goes away by itself after a few days. If the cough continues to develop, it means that the baby contracted some kind of infection in the clinic.

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Represents standard procedure, which is carried out in each clinic. The task of such a vaccination is to protect the child's body from exposure a specific list viruses, including diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. Most often, the vaccine does not cause any particular complications. But there are exceptions. In some cases, a lump and redness appears after the child. In this case, the baby may feel itching, pain and discomfort. Why is this happening? What to do if a lump appears after the DPT vaccination in a child?

What complications can there be?

According to experts, the seal that appears after vaccination is harmless. The lump that has arisen after the DPT vaccination in a child should go away on its own. However, in some cases, the seal is pronounced and can cause discomfort. In addition, the child may be worried about pain in the place where the injection was made. Often, in this situation, the baby's temperature rises. All signs are beginning to indicate the development of a very serious disease - poliomyelitis.

If you experience symptoms such as inflammation, fever, lump, and redness, you should immediately seek professional help. Such signs indicate the development of complications.


A bump after a DPT vaccination in a child is the result of infiltration. A similar phenomenon often occurs after an injection. In this case, it takes a little time for the medicine to dissolve. Naturally, a seal will develop after the injection.

If the drug gets into adipose tissue, then a tubercle may form under the skin. It is usually done only into the muscle. However, it is not uncommon for the vaccine to enter the subcutaneous tissue. In this case, the resorption of the drug is significantly slowed down. In this case, pain may occur, as well as redness, which worries the baby. These are not the most dire consequences... After DTP vaccination, the development of more serious complications is possible.

Combination of several vaccinations

Very often, the DPT vaccination is done at the same time as they coincide in time. For this reason, not only a bump on the leg of a child may appear after he claims that the polio vaccine can also negatively affect the condition of the baby. If the doctor combines the two shots into one shot, then the child may develop inflammation and induration. In this case, the crumbs may have:

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. Allergic reaction.
  3. General malaise, weakness.
  4. Diarrhea.
  5. Decreased or lost appetite.

Lump with pus

What to do if a lump with pus forms after the DPT vaccination in a child? A similar phenomenon occurs when several vaccines are combined. In such cases, the patient develops an abscess. Most often this happens due to non-compliance with sanitary standards. The inflammation starts from an infection that may have entered the wound at the injection site. In this case, a lump appears under the baby's skin, inside which pus accumulates. Such a seal does not dissolve on its own. In this case, treatment is required. Parents should show their child to a doctor.

When an abscess occurs, antibiotics are usually given. What if the lump does not disappear after the DPT vaccination? Komarovsky recommends that the child be shown to the doctor in any case. If the seal big size, and antibiotics do not help, then therapy in such a situation is carried out by opening the lump. This is done to remove pus. Most often, after such a procedure, the child quickly recovers. In this case, the lump does not hurt and gradually disappears.

Lump after DPT vaccination in a child: treatment

The lump formed at the injection site can last up to two weeks. You can reduce the lump in size, as well as relieve pain by simple means... Iodine is suitable for this. It is enough to make a mesh in the place where the seal has formed.

Also, when a bump appears on the leg, you can apply dry heat... To do this, you can use heated salt or a regular heating pad. But best of all helps to avoid negative consequences prevention. The child should be prepared for the procedure. Parents should make sure that all sanitary standards with the introduction of the drug. Otherwise, there may be serious complications... After the introduction of the vaccine, you should carefully monitor the condition of the baby. In particular, the temperature of his body. Remember, it is not recommended to wet the injection site.

In some cases, other complications occur after vaccination, including an allergic reaction. It can manifest itself in the form of a rash, tissue swelling and redness, and also cause anaphylactic shock... The first signs of allergy become noticeable two hours after the administration of the drug. To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the child after the DPT vaccination.

Lump ointment

If the child has a lump and redness, then you can eliminate discomfort with the help of special ointments. If necessary, you can apply to the injection site medicine Troxevasin. The ointment helps to resorb the lump that has arisen after vaccination, and allows you to quickly relieve redness and pain.

If the vaccine did not get into the muscles, but into the fat layer, then the place of administration of the drug should be lubricated with Eskuzan ointment. This drug allows you to increase blood circulation, which, in turn, contributes to the speedy resorption of the lump.

If the above drugs were not found in the pharmacy, then you can use "Fenistil". This medication also relieves redness, relieves pain and promotes resorption of the lump. In addition, the ointment has wound healing properties.

Other medicines

If the ointments do not help, then the bump on the child's leg after the DPT vaccination, the photo of which is presented above, was formed due to bacteria that got under the skin when the vaccine was injected. In this case, you should show the baby to the doctor. Most often, experts prescribe drugs that have antiseptic property... Such remedies are aimed at combating inflammation, redness and other complications.

If, as a result of vaccination, the child has an allergic reaction, then the doctor should prescribe antihistamine... The most commonly used drug is "Tavegil", "Zodak" and others.

Is it worth using folk remedies

If a child has appeared after a DPT vaccination, then several procedures can be carried out using funds alternative medicine... However, it is worth considering that self-medication can significantly aggravate the condition of the crumbs. Therefore, experts do not recommend making compresses and lotions without preliminary consultation... This can lead to the onset of the inflammatory process and the accumulation of pus in the wound.

Alternative medicine recipes

To cope with the lump formed after vaccination, products prepared according to grandma's recipe... They should be used only after consulting a doctor. Most often, experts recommend applying a cabbage leaf to the seal. Thanks to this, the lump can dissolve.

You can also use the yolk as a lotion. chicken eggs mixed with honey, flour and butter. Dough must be made from the listed components. It only takes a tablespoon to cook butter... The resulting mass must be applied to the bump. After a while, the seal will begin to gradually dissolve.

If there are any complications after vaccination, you should immediately show the child to a doctor. Self-medication in some cases can only aggravate the baby's condition.

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