What can be the first menstruation. Causes of irregular menstruation in girls

The first menstruation (menarche) is an important stage in a girl's life, and not only on a physical, but also on a psychological level. You need to prepare for this event in advance so that it does not become stressful.

It is advisable to start conversations on this topic a year before the onset of menstruation in a teenager - at the age of about 11 years. By this time, girls already have slight white discharge from the vagina, indicating the activation of sex hormones.

The first menstruation occurs most often at the age of 11-16 years. With a later sexual development, menarche in girls appears closer to adulthood. Cases when menstruation occurs at the age of eight are also not uncommon. Deviations from the normal onset of menstruation are considered an abnormal phenomenon. If your period is too early or too late, you should see your doctor.

The age at which menstruation begins is influenced by a number of factors:

  • diseases transferred at a fairly early age (chronic tonsillitis, meningitis, encephalitis);
  • features of physical development (body weight and height);
  • heredity;
  • rhythm of life;
  • diet;
  • psycho-emotional state;
  • territory of residence;
  • nationality.

It is noted that the transferred serious illnesses are reflected in the timing of puberty. In this case, girls begin menstrual flow much later than their peers.

If mom's menarche appeared at a fairly young age, then the onset of menstruation for her daughter at 10 years old is normal. In addition, puberty starts later if vitamins and minerals are lacking. In order for a child to fully develop, a sufficient amount of nutrients and nutrients must enter the body from an early age.

As a rule, southerners have their periods much earlier than adolescents of western and eastern nationalities.

The appearance of menstruation in girls at the age of 12 is considered normal. Deviation up or down is allowed. The onset of menstruation at 11 or 16 should not be a cause for concern. If menarche is observed too sooner or later, you need to consult a doctor.

How is your first period and how to prepare your baby

The main signs of menstruation are spotting. They are scarce and moderate. On the first day, there is little volume, and on the second day, it increases. After that, the amount of secretions decreases. Menstruation lasts for the first time from three to seven days.

At the same time, the appearance of such sensations as weakness and discomfort in the lower abdomen is not excluded. These symptoms are often observed with subsequent menstruation.

Painful bleeding can cause panic in a teenager. Mom needs to immediately explain to the girl that menstruation is a natural process that is observed every month in women of reproductive age.

  1. ... Allocations appear monthly and last approximately the same period of time, but there may be minor glitches in the schedule during the first two years.
  2. Compliance with the rules of hygiene. Various microorganisms can develop in the blood that can cause an inflammatory process in the organs of the genitourinary system.
  3. The risk of intimacy. The onset of menstruation is a signal that the girl's reproductive age has begun - and her body is ready for fertilization. When engaging in sexual activity, there is a risk of becoming pregnant, and this is undesirable at an early age. During childbirth, both the mother and the baby can be harmed. A teenager should be aware of the risks of promiscuous relationships and unprotected intimacy.

It is important to explain to the girl and how to recognize. You can read more about this in our separate article on the website.

Features of the menstrual cycle

The cycle duration in adolescents ranges from 21 to 35 days, but it is far from always immediately established. This often takes up to two years. during this period are considered the norm.

The intervals between the first two periods can be up to six months. Do not panic about this. At this age, the reproductive function is not yet fully formed. For this reason, there are long breaks. If the interval becomes excessively large, you need to consult a gynecologist. Such long intervals between periods can indicate malfunctions in the body.

As soon as the first menstruation appeared, the girl needs to be taught to keep a calendar in which the days of the beginning and end of menstruation will be marked. In the early years, when the cycle has not yet been established, such data will not be particularly useful, but in the future it is difficult to do without them. With the help of this information, it is much easier for the doctor to make a diagnosis if any abnormalities arise.

The first menstruation lasts no more than a week. Only in rare cases are they abundant, and often have a meager character. After a while, the cycle is completely established, and the discharge increases in volume.

Hygiene and diet during menstruation

Girls during their period should follow the rules of intimate hygiene. it is necessary at least once every three hours. With a longer use of the product, bacteria begin to multiply intensively, significant harm is caused to the body.

When girls start their period, mom should tell you how to use pads:

  • wash hands with soap and water before each replacement;
  • avoid using expired products;
  • do not purchase pads with aromatic fragrances;
  • give preference to more expensive products;
  • do not store products in the bathroom.

As soon as the girls have their period, you need to immediately pick up the right underwear. It is recommended to give preference to panties made of natural materials, and to refuse thongs.

It is not recommended to take a bath during your period. The best option is to shower twice a day. In addition, you need to wash yourself at least three times a day and use not ordinary soap that destroys the microflora, but intimate hygiene products, which contain lactic acid.

On critical days, you need to follow a diet, but not limit yourself to food. You should review your diet and exclude spicy foods from it. Such food can provoke increased bleeding from the uterus.

Do I need to visit a gynecologist

When a teenager begins her period, you do not need to regularly visit a pediatric gynecologist. Only when signs such as an unpleasant smelling discharge, pain syndrome and menstrual irregularities in girls appear, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

If everything is normal, then the examination is carried out at the age of 15-16 years. The gynecologist evaluates intimate health and determines how well the development is going. After the beginning of an intimate life, you already need to see a doctor every year.

Consultation with a pediatric gynecologist is required for the following violations:

  • the duration of menstruation is less than three days or more than seven;
  • excessive discharge;
  • after the first menstruation has appeared, menstruation is not observed for more than six months;
  • cycle failures after full installation;
  • the presence of blood clots.

If excessive pain, severe dizziness, hyperthermia, nausea, as well as vomiting and diarrhea appear during menstruation, medical attention should be sought without delay.

What is menstruation

Menstruation is bleeding from the uterus that occurs at regular intervals. Their appearance is due to the rejection of the uterine membrane, if the egg has not been fertilized.

If we talk about the term "menarche" and what it is, then the explanation is quite simple. When menses started for the first time, this definition applies. In the future, bleeding is called menstruation.

Scientifically speaking, discharge is a rhythmic process that repeats over a period of time. During this period, the old layer of the endometrium is rejected, and menstrual fluid begins to flow from the uterine cavity, most of which is blood.

Many girls are interested in what their periods are for. In simple terms, menstruation is a way of renewing the layer of the uterus, which is systematically changed, rejected and restored. The main goal of this process is the possibility of conception. In fact, the functioning of the reproductive system has only one goal - the fertilization of the egg and the bearing of the fetus.

Cycle phases

The menstrual cycle is divided into several phases:

  1. Endometrial rejection. Lasts from one to several days. Immediately after this, rapid growth of the layer of the uterus begins.
  2. Proliferation phase. Lasts from the fifth to the fourteenth day of the cycle. At the end of this period, the endometrial layer becomes maximum.
  3. Secretion phase. It starts on the 15th day and lasts until the 28th. The growth of the endometrium during this period stops, and preparations begin for the rejection of an egg or its acceptance.

A girl's menstruation is a sign of serious changes in the body that affect not only the reproductive organ, but also other systems.

Changes in the body

With the onset of puberty, adolescents experience changes that are visible to the naked eye:

  • the shapes become rounded and feminine;
  • the hips expand;
  • the breast increases in size;
  • the development of the genitals is observed, their increase in size and the acquisition of a dark shade;
  • pubic and armpit hair begins to grow;
  • pimples on the face and back are noticeable due to hormonal changes in the body;
  • abundant white discharge appears;
  • hair on the roots grows oily.

The first signs of menstruation in girls are not only external, but also internal. A signal that the onset of menstruation is approaching may be the following sensations:

  • discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • headache;
  • mood swings and increased tearfulness.

Symptoms of the first menstruation

Symptoms before menstruation in girls are not always observed. Often, the appearance of bleeding is not preceded by characteristic signs. A teenager finds out that the first menstruation has begun only after noticing dark spots on his underwear.

The most common symptoms that signal the onset of menstruation are:

  • unreasonable mood swings;
  • increased fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • apathy or excessive excitability;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • lack of appetite and nausea.

How to choose hygiene products

It is necessary to choose means for intimate hygiene competently and responsibly. If this is your first period, then using tampons is not recommended. The uterine layer of the endometrium should come out, and these products interfere with this process. For a girl who is experiencing menstruation for the first time, pads are more suitable.

It is not recommended to use products with a high degree of protection for menarche. It will be difficult for a teenager to know when the pads need to be changed. It is also not worth saving. The more often hygiene items are replaced, the less the risk of bacteria entering the body.

Gaskets with an excessively low degree of protection are not recommended during this period. The girl is not yet experienced enough to avoid leaks, and may simply forget to replace the product at the right time.

How long to wait for a regular menstrual cycle

Menstruation in girls is irregular at first. Only in rare cases, the menstrual cycle is established immediately. Most often, discharge appears at large intervals and varies in duration. This cycle in girls can last up to two years.

After this time, the schedule returns to normal, menstruation begins at regular intervals. If the cycle has not been established two years after the appearance of the first menstruation, then you need to be examined by a gynecologist and find out the cause of such violations.

Learning to keep a menstrual calendar

Teenage girls need to be taught to keep a special calendar, because cycle disorders indicate not only a possible pregnancy, but also developing diseases. As soon as the first periods appear, you should begin to mark the dates of the beginning and end of menstruation. With the help of this data, it is possible to determine when menarche will begin and prepare for this.

There are two ways to maintain a calendar:

  1. Buy a small calendar and mark the days of your period on it. The date when menstruation began is considered to be the first day of the cycle. The cycle ends at the moment the next discharge appears. So the girl will always know when her period is due.
  2. The second way involves a deeper analysis. The symptomatology of the discharge is already described here. Due to this, in the case of a disease, it is possible, after three months of observation, to find out its full picture. Based on the calendar data, the doctor draws the correct conclusions and prescribes adequate therapy.

Keeping a menstrual calendar is necessary not only in order to know in advance that menstruation will begin soon. With its help, it is possible to plan conception or prevent it. In the process of diagnosing pathologies, these data can also be useful.

The appearance of the first menstruation is an exciting moment for every girl. The main thing is that she should be mentally prepared for this. It is extremely important that the mother had a conversation with her growing daughter in advance and told about everything related to such changes in the body.

November 28, 2012 23:13

When do girls get their period?

Menarche (from the Greek "men" - month and "arche" - beginning) or the first is the main signal of the girl's body that puberty has occurred, and from that time she can.

In most cases, the first menstruation occurs between the ages of 11 and 13. The appearance of menstruation in girls under 9 years old is recognized too early. And too late is the absence of menstruation after 15 years or for more than 2.5 years after the onset of breast development (usually it begins between the ages of 7 to 13 years).

In both cases, the girl's parents are obliged to seek help from a pediatric gynecologist and endocrinologist if the deviation in the onset of menstruation is significant (more than 2 years - later or earlier than the generally accepted period).

Such violations can be the result of rather serious diseases:

  1. Failure of the normal functioning of the endocrine system;
  2. Violation of the hormonal background of the girl's body.
The sooner the cause of the health disorder is identified and treatment is started, the more effective the result will be. This will help avoid many problems in future adulthood.

The first menstruation begins at 12-14 years of age, but these periods can vary greatly depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, environmental conditions, genetic predisposition, health status and other factors. Even food and climate affect the timing of your first menstrual period. If menarche occurred between 10 and 17 years of age, then this is considered the norm.

By the time the first appeared, other signs of puberty had already appeared: the growth of the body accelerated, the figure began to acquire more rounded shapes, pubic hair appeared, the external and internal genital organs increased, the mammary glands became larger, and the nipples were darker. After all these changes, menstruation begins, but it does not yet speak of the end of puberty: the cycle must be established, the figure must take its final shape, and the body must complete the period of endocrine maturation.

The first menstruation is most often not plentiful, they have a special smell, since during this period the vaginal glands are actively working. The microflora of the genital organs changes, so it is very important to follow the rules of intimate hygiene. Menstruation may be accompanied by headaches or pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, nausea, and dizziness.

Signs of first menstruation

If the girl monitors her condition and is attentive to the changes in her body, then the first menstruation will not be a shock, since there are many symptoms by which you can determine their approach. Two years, a year or several months before menarche, characteristic vaginal discharge appears - leucorrhoea, which at first has a liquid consistency and is excreted in small quantities. In three to four months, they become more abundant and thicker: by this criterion, you can determine the approximate time of the offensive. If the leucorrhoea has a pronounced pungent odor and color and is accompanied by itching, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist.

Some girls have pains in the lower abdomen a few months before menarche, they can be weak or quite severe. They are often accompanied by other signs of premenstrual symptoms: headache, mood swings, aggression, and tearfulness. But PMS often begins not a few days, but several weeks or months before the first menstruation, although the timing may vary for different girls.

By the time of the first menstruation, changes in appearance also occur, associated with the activation of the sebaceous sweat glands: pimples appear, sometimes severe acne is observed, the hair becomes dirty faster, and dandruff may occur.

A young organism develops in different ways, it may have features, a faster or slower pace. But in any case, by adolescence, girls begin.

It is worth telling what the first signs of menstruation are long before that. Some of the manifestations may seem frightening to girls, which can negatively affect sexual development in general.

Read in this article

When and how does it all start?

Signs of the first menstruation

The first signs of the appearance of menstruation are detected long before their arrival, as a rule, for a year or two. At about the age of 10-13, the girl's figure begins to form according to the female type: the hips expand, the chest is outlined. First, the nipples become more prominent on the mammary glands. Then the volume of the breast as a whole increases. Hair appears in the armpits and in the pubic area. Sometimes vegetation is found in small quantities on the legs and near the nipples.

The appearance of a teenage girl often gives her grief. Due to the activation of the sebaceous glands, her skin becomes oily, it can become covered with pimples. The face, chest and back are especially affected by acne. This is also seen as signs before the first menstruation in girls. The fact is that the period is characterized by rapid bone growth, and the skin does not keep pace with it. Grease is nothing more than a defensive reaction aimed at avoiding damage.

The sweat glands begin to function more intensively. All changes in appearance are caused by increased production of sex hormones. Shortly before this, the adrenal glands begin to function more actively, and after them the ovaries, which produce estrogens and progestins.

It is important to convince the girl that the changes occurring to her are normal and even obligatory. This also applies to unpleasant manifestations, which pass more smoothly, if you carefully monitor hygiene.

Behavioral changes

The first signs of menstruation in girls 11 years old - 13 years old are not limited to external changes. Big problems can give her and her loved ones new manifestations of character.

Changes in the reproductive system before menstruation

Difficulty waiting for your first period

The close ones of a teenage girl should know: what signs of the first menstruation were in her mother, so they will appear in her daughter. As a rule, features of sexual development are inherited through the female line. But still, they must fit within a certain framework.

If the listed manifestations are noted in a hypertrophied form, perhaps the fault is the improper development of the endocrine system or the reproductive system. The timing of the onset of symptoms of the impending menarche also matters. Their appearance earlier than 10 years old and later than 16 years is the reason for a visit to a teenage gynecologist.

The first signs of menstruation in children, such as leucorrhoea, require special monitoring. They should not smell bad, cause itching, burning. All these are symptoms of an infection that can hit the child's body before puberty.

Therefore, it is necessary to accustom a girl to more sexual organs from an early age. As well as making sure she is protected from her, dresses appropriately for the weather, and does not sit on cold surfaces.

What are the signs before the first menstruation also depends on the environment in which the girl is growing. If she often has to be nervous, she eats poorly, endures physical activities that are exorbitant for her age, manifestations of puberty can give her big problems.

All these factors can interfere with him, so that the development of the reproductive system will slow down and the first menstruation will have to wait a long time. Frequent illnesses can have a similar effect.

Leucorrhoea before the first menstruation becomes more abundant than ... The woman notices other signs, the main of which is a delay in menstruation, leucorrhoea at ...

  • First signs. ... With the onset of the first menstruation, it is not necessary to visit a gynecologist on a regular basis.
  • If the first menstruation lasts 2 days, this is normal. ... traces of leukocytes, and signs of injury may appear as brown secretions, demonstrating ...
  • But the first signs of menstruation appear differently due to the individual reaction to hormonal fluctuations.

  • Girls begin their period between about 12 and 14 years of age. However, sometimes it is normal and earlier or later menarche (first menstruation). Girls usually start menstruating around the same age as their mothers. And in the last 10-20 years, there has been an earlier puberty of girls. This is most likely due to good nutrition and lifestyle. The girl does not starve, which means that the main female hormone, estrogen, is produced in her in normal concentration, which regulates puberty and further affects the reproductive system.

    Always the first menstruation in girls occurs after the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. From about 9 years old, girls begin to grow rapidly (they often overtake boys in height). They develop underarm hair, dark hair on the legs and pubic hair, and sometimes on the chin and above the lips. Then (no more than 2-3 years later) menstruation begins. Before this crucial moment, the girl may have acne on her face, small transparent discharge from the nipples. By this time, mothers have to explain to their daughters what kind of changes are taking place in their bodies, what menstruation is like in girls, what is their cyclical nature and, of course, about hygiene on critical days.

    Despite the fact that there are now mini-tampons that can be used by virgins, good sanitary napkins should be preferred. Mothers should worry in advance that their daughters do not have a shortage of these hygiene products, since even with scanty menstruation, pads need to be changed at least 2 times a day.

    But what if the period in girls 11, 12 years old is often delayed? We are accustomed to the fact that menstruation should come regularly, and even small deviations from the norm indicate some kind of malfunction in the body. But it's different for teenage girls. 2-3 years after menarche, the cycle will be established, that is, menstruation can begin a little earlier and a little later, in one month to be abundant, and in another scanty, and also painful. You should not get used to pain, you can talk to your doctor about the possibility of taking antispasmodics on critical days. Lean menstruation is also not scary. But abundant ones can be dangerous if they are really very abundant ... It is dangerous if the gaskets have to be changed more often than once every 2-3 hours. You should also see your doctor for delays longer than 3 months (often caused by strict weight loss diets), prolonged periods (longer than 7 days), and if the intervals between monthly bleeding are less than 21 days.

    Menstruation in girls 15 years and older is already more regular. By this time, puberty is slowly ending. By the age of 18-20, girls have a female-shaped figure, a regular menstrual cycle and can conceive and bear a child without difficulties and complications.

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