Is mukaltin possible for pregnant women in the first trimester. Mukaltin for cough during pregnancy. Why is a cough dangerous for pregnant women?

Mukaltin is a classic cough remedy that is allowed even for young children and pregnant women. During the period of carrying a child, a serious burden falls on a woman's immunity, so even a simple cold is more difficult to tolerate. Majority effective drugs banned due to negative impact on the fetus. It is believed that Mukaltin during pregnancy is one of absolutely safe drugs provided that the woman does not allergic reaction into its components.

Why is a cough dangerous for pregnant women?

The body of a pregnant woman undergoes colossal changes - it changes hormonal background, forgotten chronic ailments are aggravated, allergies appear, which she did not even suspect before. Immunity is greatly weakened, expectant mothers easily catch respiratory diseases.

Cough in pregnant women is dangerous in its consequences, so it must be treated as soon as possible. Severe bronchospasm can provoke uterine tone and premature birth.

Inadequate breathing with a cold negatively affects blood circulation, the body does not receive a sufficient amount of oxygen. If you do not take measures to treat a pregnant woman, then the child may develop serious pathologies.

The low-lying placenta is in direct proportion to the state of health future mother... A severe cough can cause reflex uterine contraction and, as a result, uterine bleeding.

On later dates there is a danger of leakage of amniotic fluid, or their complete outpouring. The ingress of fluid into the blood during difficult childbirth is extremely dangerous for a woman, up to and including death.


Mukaltin for pregnant women is prescribed by a doctor for acute and chronic diseases respiratory tract, in which difficult sputum appears. It flows down the throat, irritating sensitive cough receptors, bronchospasm is formed.

Diseases for which Mukaltin is effective:

Mukaltin is effective for acute respiratory infections
  1. Laryngitis.
  2. Pharyngitis.
  3. Asthma.
  4. Pneumonia.
  5. Tracheitis.

Laryngitis occurs more often than other respiratory diseases in pregnant women. This is due to a common problem in expectant mothers - due to edema, breathing through the nose becomes difficult and the entire load falls on the throat. A cough appears hoarse voice, sore throat and sore throat, body temperature rises.

In diseases of the digestive system, the drug is also able to provide healing effect... The viscous plant mucus, which is present in the composition of the tablets, forms a protective film on the gastric mucosa, relieving inflammation and improving the woman's well-being.


In the first trimester of pregnancy, Mukaltin should not be taken

The drug is prohibited for use by people suffering from the disease. duodenum, stomach ulcer, phenylketonuria, diabetes mellitus. Hypersensitivity to individual components in the composition of the tablets also limits their use.

Young mothers during lactation and newborns (up to 1 year old) are not prescribed Mukaltin.

The gestational age matters. In the first trimester, the formation of vital important organs in the fetus, therefore, any drug intervention can cause irreparable harm. Even a harmless cough medicine like Mukaltin should not be taken in the first 12 weeks.

Mechanism of action

The main thing active substance tablets - extract of marshmallow root, contains more than 30% of plant viscous mucus. It envelops irritated areas of the respiratory system, relieves inflammation, softens cough, making it moist. The enveloping effect lasts for a long time, the mucous membranes covered with a thin layer are reliably protected from damage. Thanks to this, natural process spontaneous tissue regeneration.


Currently, under the name Mukaltin, drugs can occur with different composition... It depends on the formulation used in the pharmaceutical plant. The single component in all preparations is the extract of the marshmallow root.

Althea officinalis has long been known to people as a wild rose, mallow, marshmallow, kalachiki. The value of this two-meter plant is in its roots. They contain:

Marshmallow root
  • starch;
  • viscous mucous substances with a high content of antiseptics and immunoglobulins;
  • carotene is a powerful antioxidant;
  • lecithin, a complex of phospholipids - considered fuel for the human body;
  • fixed oils;
  • amino acids - important for humans asparagine (almost 20%) and betaine (4%).

Thanks to high content mucus and active substances, marshmallow root promotes spontaneous tissue repair, softens inflammation, eliminates pain, has a stimulating effect on the expectoration process.

In addition to the marshmallow root, the following components may be present in the composition of the tablets:

  • sodium bicarbonate - excipient, reduces the viscosity of sputum, promotes expectoration;
  • wine acid - food supplement for sour taste and shelf life extension;
  • Calcium Stearate - Known as E572, a natural thickener responsible for foaming.

Forms of issue

Mukaltin comes in the form of round tablets gray, with a dividing chamfer in the center. Tablets weighing 50 mg are in paper packs of 10, 20, 30 pieces or in plastic jars of 20, 30, 50 or 100 pieces. The package contains instructions for use.

How to apply correctly

The attending physician prescribes Mukaltin starting from the second trimester. At this stage of pregnancy, the laying of the main organs and systems of the fetus has already occurred.

Each case of malaise must be considered separately, taking into account the peculiarities of the health of the pregnant woman, past illnesses, the presence of chronic ailments.

Mukaltin during pregnancy can be taken from the second trimester.

Mukaltin is prescribed in combination with other medicines for a course of therapy, with maximum safety for the health of the expectant mother and baby.

Before taking the tablet, it must be dissolved in a small amount. warm water and drink in small sips. It is pointless to dissolve, since in this case the therapeutic effect will not occur.

During treatment with the drug, you need to drink plenty of fluids. It promotes the discharge of phlegm. It is recommended to take the last pill of the day two hours before bedtime - as it provokes coughing. The dosage, frequency and duration of admission are prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication can cause irreparable harm.

With a dry cough, Mukaltin tablets are ineffective. The use of other medications is necessary.


If, for some reason, Mukaltin is not suitable for the treatment of a pregnant woman, then the gynecologist prescribes analogues. On early dates used by Doctor Theiss, Stodal, Bifidophilus Flora, Force. These drugs are completely safe for the expectant mother and her baby. Cough remedies for plant based such as Bronchipret and Bronchicum can adversely affect the health of a pregnant woman and fetus due to the increased biological activity of the components.

In the second and third trimesters, it is easier to find treatment. During this period, it is allowed to use Stoptussin, Bromhexin, Lazolvan.

Adverse Reactions

The body of a pregnant woman sometimes responds ambiguously to the reception simple drugs... The expectant mother should be attentive to her health and listen to the sensations. A common reaction to Mukaltin is nausea, diarrhea, and intestinal discomfort. In the presence of food allergies there may be an increase in blood sugar, constipation. With such manifestations, the drug should be canceled and immediately consult a doctor who will select analogues.

A running cold can turn into serious illness respiratory tract, harm the health of the expectant mother, provoke pathology in the fetus.

Often expectant mothers are overcome by coughing during pregnancy. In the first trimester, the main reason is reduced immunity, in the second - the activity of the pregnant woman herself, in the third - swelling of the nasopharynx and hypersensitivity to dust. Whatever the cause of the cough, it needs to be treated, and quite often doctors prescribe mucaltin during pregnancy, as the most effective and safe remedy... But we must remember that mukaltin is medicinal product, and it is necessary for expectant mothers to take it as directed by a doctor.

What is Mukaltin medicine

Mucaltin tablets in their composition as an active active ingredient have an extract (dry extract) from the roots of marshmallow. At its core, marshmallow is a natural natural remedy from coughs, known since tsarist times, and mukaltin is a modern and more effective form medicines. It is prescribed for dry cough with hard-to-separate phlegm, which is provoked by any causes and sources of the disease, be it tracheitis, bronchitis or even pneumonia, and mukaltin is often prescribed for coughing during pregnancy, because this drug is considered safe for the expectant mother and baby.

Mucaltin is used, usually in complex therapy in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, as well as as a separate remedy for mild forms of work disorders respiratory system... It effectively copes with cough due to active ingredients, each of which individually does not have dangerous or harmful compounds. Despite the seeming safety of this popular drug, pregnant women often have a question: is it so safe, as stated in the instructions for using mucaltin during pregnancy, and is there a hidden threat to the expectant mother and her child when prescribing it?

How mucaltin works in treating cough

Part medicinal product"Mukaltin" includes several components that reinforce each other's action and produce a stable positive therapeutic effect on the work of the respiratory system. To understand whether mucaltin is possible during pregnancy, it is necessary to more carefully disassemble the formula of the components of this drug.

To date, there are several variations of additional ingredients of the drug, each manufacturer, as a rule, has its own recipe. However, there is a classic version of the components of the drug, patented back in the 70s of the last century, which has proven its effectiveness and safety over time.

The main active ingredient of the drug Mukaltin

The main ingredient of all mucaltin tablets are polysaccharides extruded from the extract of all parts of marshmallow.

The natural properties of marshmallow have an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and enveloping agent, thereby diluting phlegm, neutralizing it and gently removing it from the bronchi and lungs. Marshmallow, as a medicinal plant, has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

Auxiliary components of the drug Mukaltin

  1. Sodium bicarbonate is a part of mucaltin tablets of almost all manufacturers, and is baking soda in its pure form. The main purpose of the supplement is the antiseptic effect. It has been proven that polysaccharides in combination with sodium bicarbonate have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects on the respiratory system. Soda increases the effectiveness of marshmallow several times.
  2. Tartaric acid, which is part of the classic composition of mucaltin tablets, is designed to "quench" the effect of sodium bicarbonate. It is scientifically known that when taken pure baking soda possible "acid ricochet" - an increase in acidity indicators gastric juice(after a visible decrease) by two or even three times, which leads to severe heartburn and stomach pain. Tartaric acid, which is inherently a safe substance contained in the juices of sour fruits and berries, including grape juice, is designed to neutralize unpleasant possible consequences from the use of sodium bicarbonate.
  3. Calcium stearate is an additional colorless component of classic mucaltin tablets, which allows you to tablet the drug into a convenient round shape. Insoluble in water and alcohols. It is safe for the body and is completely excreted unchanged.
Based on the analysis of the components of the drug, it can be concluded that contraindications for the use of mucaltin during pregnancy are practically reduced to zero. The only restriction for admission will be individual intolerance to the components, which is very, very rare. Also in case of organ diseases gastrointestinal tract, with increased secretion of gastric juice and heartburn, it is best to take mucaltin tablets dissolved in water.

When are pregnant women prescribed mucaltin

During pregnancy, especially in the initial stages, when the placenta is formed and there is increased risk rejection of the fetus, the body independently reduces the function of protection against foreign bodies... Thus, in all pregnant women, the overall immune status decreases, and it becomes a common problem.

Seasonal illnesses such as SARS and upper respiratory tract infections, stages of relapse chronic diseases, flu and others make pregnant women worry about the health of the unborn child, however, it should be understood that the lungs colds are the rule rather than the exception.

In particular, mukaltin is prescribed for complaints of sputum that is separated, but it is difficult to remove on its own. In this case, the drug stimulates the natural cleansing of the respiratory tract from microbes and their waste products, while having a slight anti-inflammatory effect. In the case of only one cough, additional therapy is not required. But when the cough is accompanied high temperature, or muscle aches, as well as with other symptoms accompanying a cough, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

Why it is imperative to treat a cough during pregnancy

A dry cough during pregnancy can lead to persistent cramps in abdominal cavity due to irritation of the bronchi. This situation can provoke uterine tone. And if during the normal course of pregnancy there is nothing to worry about, those expectant mothers who have a threat of termination, for example, due to placenta previa, increased tone can lead to detachment and uterine bleeding.

Of course, for this, the cough must be very strong and frequent, however, the risk of taking mucaltin tablets in early pregnancy has not been proven over the more than 40-year history of the drug's existence, while the threat of termination of pregnancy due to severe cough actually exists. Among other things, even easy cough with reduced immune status a pregnant woman may, among other things negative conditions, lead to a more serious illness, so pregnant women should be attentive to any disturbance in their body, without bringing the situation to a critical point. Often, pregnant women are prone to pneumonia, which confirms the danger of developing a serious illness from the most harmless, such as a cough.

How many mucaltin tablets can pregnant women drink and how long can this remedy be taken

The dosage of the medicine depends on the disease and its course. Unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor, pregnant women take the standard dose of the drug, excluding upper norm... The standard rate is 1 tablet 4 times a day every 6 hours before meals. The recommended dose is 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day is prescribed only completely healthy people.

Also, the instructions for the drug say that it can be taken up to 14 weeks or even up to 1 month. In the case of pregnant women, mucaltin can be taken for more than 7 days only under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Sometimes doctors prescribe mucaltin inhalation during pregnancy, usually in cases where oral administration contraindicated due to exacerbated gastritis or the presence of a stomach ulcer in the expectant mother. Also, inhalation with mucaltin can be prescribed in a hospital in the first trimester of pregnancy with complaints of colds and coughs, since possible risk in this case, it decreases for the child. Inhalation of the drug has the same effect as when taken orally.

Why not all pregnant women are prescribed mucaltin, and in what cases it should not be taken

There are always two sides to a cough. A disease caused by the vital activity of microorganisms in the respiratory tract always leads to the formation of phlegm, sometimes with wheezing, whereas, for example, an allergic cough can be just dry and superficial, although quite unpleasant.

In the first case, pregnant women should treat the problem with expectorants, and in this case mucaltin is prescribed quite often during pregnancy. In the second case, reduce asthmatic manifestations allergic cough antitussive drugs that can suppress irritating receptors and reduce seizures will help. Which of the two cases worries a pregnant woman will be determined only by a doctor on the basis of examination and listening to the bronchi.

Even if mucaltin tablets are prescribed by a doctor for up to 12 weeks during pregnancy, the apparent benefit should always exceed existing risk for the unborn child. The fact is that anything can negatively affect the development of the fetus in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Even not all products can be eaten during this period, and even more so medicines.

Those who took mucaltin before 5 weeks, not knowing about pregnancy, should not worry, because before transplantation in the uterus, any substances that enter the mother's blood do not act on the fertilized egg. Only after the embryo is fixed in the walls of the uterus, it forms a connection with circulatory system mothers (during this period, toxicosis of pregnant women usually begins), then any drug can affect the formation of the fetus.

Side effects that may occur in pregnant women when treated with mucaltin

If the expectant mother suffers from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, taking mucaltin tablets can make her feel nauseous and unpleasant sensations at the top of the esophagus.

Sometimes mucaltin during pregnancy can cause allergic reactions, so you need to drink it very carefully, while monitoring your well-being in order to prevent the development of allergic reactions at the initial stage. Allergy to mucaltin can manifest itself in the form of various rashes on the body or hives. Severe manifestations no allergies to mucaltin have been reported.

What cough medicines are mucaltin analogs

First of all, Althea Syrup is a good substitute for mucaltin. It contains only extractive particles medicinal plant in the form of a sweet syrup.

Also, instead of sweet cough syrup, you can use an infusion of dried marshmallow roots or breast collection... V this case this is more true for pregnant women with diabetes, since both the syrup and the tablets contain polysaccharides extruded from the plant, which, in turn, can negatively affect the condition of the expectant mother.

Even if the medicine is natural and natural, according to many people who often advise pregnant women to take “harmless” pills, any drug that a pregnant woman takes should be prescribed by a doctor, including when it is dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription and has no contraindications in the annotation.

Many medications are prohibited when you are expecting a baby. This greatly complicates the process of treating any health problem and the doctor has to select the most gentle remedies.

Today we are talking about Mukaltin during pregnancy: can it be used, how does the remedy affect the child, how and when to use it?

General information about the medicine

Mukaltin - inexpensive herbal preparation, which is used for coughing.

These are greenish-brown tablets, nondescript in appearance, sour in taste, fizzing when dissolved and always pinching the tongue.

This drug local action is an anti-inflammatory, enveloping and expectorant agent.

The preparation contains:

  • marshmallow root extract;
  • wine acid;
  • polysaccharides;
  • baking soda.

These substances have a beneficial effect on the internal organs, help to make the mucus of the bronchi less thick and it becomes easier for you to cough it up. In addition, Mukaltin:

  1. reduces the inflammatory process in the respiratory system;
  2. relieves pain in expectoration;
  3. enhances the secretion of mucus;
  4. reduces irritation of the mucous membrane.

The medicine is effective for wet cough, for diseases such as bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis and asthma.

It effectively fights colds and coughs, prevents development inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract.

It works as follows:

  • On inner surface the respiratory system has many villi that fit tightly to each other;
  • The drug, thanks to its active substances, stimulates the movement of these villi;
  • As a result, at an accelerated rate, the villi push out pathogenic sputum and expectoration occurs.

Instructions for using Mukaltin during pregnancy

Can Mukaltin be taken during pregnancy? This medicine during this period it is not contraindicated if it is drunk correctly.

The tool must be taken according to the instructions. You can take one tablet at a time, three times a day, one hour before meals.

There are several options for taking pills:

  1. drink a little water;
  2. dissolve in the mouth until completely dissolved;
  3. dissolve in 150 ml of warm water.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. It usually takes 1 to 2 weeks.

By the way! Try to drink plenty of water to help loosen mucus.

Mukaltin during pregnancy in the 1st trimester

In the first months of pregnancy, the medicine must be taken with caution. During this period, all organs are laid and even the most harmless drug can harm.

In addition, marshmallow juice, which is in the composition of the medicine, causes tension in the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage. Mukaltin in the 1st trimester should be taken with caution.

Taking Mukaltin in the second and third trimester

Mukaltin can be taken during pregnancy in the second trimester.

During this period, the risk from taking pills decreases, because the baby has already developed the immune system and the laying of the internal organs is almost complete.

Remember! If you strictly follow the regimen prescribed by the doctor, then you will not harm the health of the baby.

Usually, to treat a pregnant woman's cough, it is enough to take this medication 3 times a day for one or two weeks until the cough is gone.

Take Mukaltin in the 3rd trimester, if any lingering cough, is simply necessary. Any cold, if left untreated, can weaken labor.

Are there any contraindications for admission

During the period of bearing a baby, Mukaltin should be taken carefully.

  • in the presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • problems with the digestive tract;
  • and also if you do not individually tolerate the components of the medicine.

Attention! Mukaltin should not be mixed with other cough medicines throughout pregnancy. This can cause allergies, nausea, and stomach pain.

Taking medication during pregnancy can cause:

  1. irritation of the stomach lining;
  2. intense burning sensation in the iliac region;
  3. pain and discomfort in the stomach;
  4. nausea;
  5. fluctuations in blood sugar levels;
  6. skin rashes.

With individual intolerance, there may be Quincke's edema. Sometimes there may be an allergic reaction to the marshmallow root.

To avoid the side effects of taking Mukaltin, you need to be in control of how you feel. If your condition worsens, see your doctor right away.

Is there an alternative to Mukaltin

In addition, there are many marshmallow root syrups in pharmacies that have the same therapeutic effect.

  • These syrups include Alteyka, Typed, Typhemor, Altemix;
  • Among the tablets, Muko-Vert can be distinguished;
  • A good analogue of Mukaltin in terms of the mechanism of action is Sinupret tablets, based on thermopsis.

Now you know if Mukaltin can be used during pregnancy and are familiar with its side effects.

This medicine during pregnancy is very important nowadays, there is a lot about it good reviews, it helps to make the cough productive, and therefore accelerate recovery. Do not be ill!

Coughing during pregnancy is quite common. It may be a symptom of a common cold or more serious diseases, for example, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia.

Cough treatment should always be comprehensive and include the use of permitted folk remedies, plentiful warm drinks and drug therapy.

Very often the drug "Mukaltin" is used for a large number people due to its availability and efficiency. This remedy is used to stimulate the discharge of phlegm from the lungs and facilitate breathing.

Mukaltin is a medicinal product made from natural plant materials. The main component of the product is marshmallow dry herb, which has a pronounced expectorant effect, and also has an anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect.

The use of "Mukaltin" allows you to reduce pain in the bronchi, which appear during a long and painful cough, and also to reduce the intensity of the local inflammatory process.

As an auxiliary component in the composition of "Mukaltin" there is sodium bicarbonate, which liquefies phlegm and reduces its viscosity, thereby facilitating its excretion from the bronchi. In addition, the drug has the following effect:

  • prevents the multiplication of bacteria and microorganisms in the bronchi, thereby preventing the pathogenic process from spreading;
  • has a stimulating effect on the work of the mucous membranes of the bronchi;
  • prevents phlegm from stagnating in the bronchi.

"Mukaltin" contains plant mucus, which envelops the stomach mucous membranes, providing a slight soothing effect and relieving irritation.

The drug is available in the form of tablets, placed in paper packaging, 10 pieces each.

Is it possible to Mukaltin during pregnancy: use in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester

The official instruction allows the use of "Mukaltin" during gestation, since the drug does not contain harmful toxic additives and does not negative impact during pregnancy.

However, it should be borne in mind that sugar is used as an auxiliary ingredient in the composition of the product, therefore, pregnant women with increased content sugar in the blood, as well as the sufferers should use "Mukaltin" very carefully.

Also, among some doctors there is an opinion that marshmallow root should not be used for internal use during pregnancy, as this can provoke bleeding.

If the pregnancy is complicated or the woman has a history of miscarriages, then in the early stages of pregnancy, "Mukaltin" should be replaced with more gentle drugs to thin sputum, or use traditional medicine.

In general, "Mukaltin" can be prescribed with a strong one in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

For the fetus, "Mukaltin" is absolutely safe, since it does not affect the development and formation of organs and systems, therefore, in the absence of complications, it can be used even in the 1st trimester, if necessary.


This drug is used as an independent remedy for the treatment of respiratory diseases, which are accompanied by the formation of hard-to-separate sputum, as well as in the composition complex treatment how symptomatic remedy to eliminate dry cough.

The indications for the appointment of Mukaltin tablets during pregnancy are:

  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • obstructive bronchitis.

How do I take the pills?

The duration of treatment depends on the neglect of the disease, as well as the timely treatment for medical help... Usually the course is designed for 10-15 days. Therapy is carried out until the sputum is freely coughed up, that is, until the cough becomes moist.

The dosage of the drug for pregnant women is 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach. Before use, the tablet should be crushed and dissolved in a glass of warm water.

You can not use "Mukaltin" simultaneously with drugs that contain codeine, as it inhibits coughing and prevents the release of phlegm from the lungs.

Treatment with "Mukaltin" should be carried out under the supervision of a physician (therapist and observing gynecologist), since there are restrictions on the use of the drug during pregnancy.

Side effect

Like any herbal preparation, "Mukaltin" can cause undesirable effects in the form, which are manifested by the following phenomena:

  • itching and burning;
  • lacrimation;
  • redness of the skin and eyes;
  • flow from the nose;
  • symptoms of skin irritation;
  • hives.

The appearance of one or more similar symptoms is the reason for stopping the use of the drug. In this case, it is worth contacting your doctor for advice on replacing the medication.

When should you not take Mukaltin during pregnancy?

Absolute contraindications for the appointment of this drug are:

  • individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug;
  • allergy to marshmallow herb;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;

Increased caution in use is necessary for diabetes mellitus and a complicated medical history (miscarriages and abortions in the past).

What can be replaced?

In the presence of an allergic reaction or other factors that require discontinuation of the drug, "Mukaltin" can be replaced similar medicine, similar in principle of influence and therapeutic effect... These tools include:

  • Althea syrup;
  • Doctor Theiss;
  • "Herbion primrose syrup";
  • "Thermopsol"
  • Sinupret;
  • Plantain syrup.

All these medicines are approved for use during pregnancy, but do not forget about possible contraindications for their use and side effects... It should also be borne in mind that this or that drug may not be suitable in each specific case due to the presence of an allergy to medicinal herbs.

"Mukaltin" - very available drug for the treatment of respiratory diseases, complicated by impaired sputum excretion. In the absence of allergy to the herb marshmallow, it is absolutely safe for use during pregnancy, therefore it can be used for almost any period, even in the first trimester (if there are strict indications).

Marshmallow extract is a part of Mukaltin together with tartaric acid, sodium bicarbonate, a mixture of polysaccharides. In the instructions for use of the drug it is written: it is allowed to use during pregnancy, which means, in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester. It would seem that there should be no doubt, especially since the main component of the drug, marshmallow, is of natural origin. But is Mukaltin so safe during pregnancy, like other medicines, by the way?

Proskurnik, wild poppy, aka officinalis marshmallow

Indications for the use of Mukaltin are diseases of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, and other respiratory diseases. Among the people, Mukaltin is considered a harmless cough remedy, because everyone knows about its component - marshmallow, and a person usually has confidence in herbal medicines.

The drug perfectly liquefies sticky and viscous phlegm, and promotes its excretion from the bronchi. Mukaltin envelops and softens the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, has strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Therefore, the drug is often purchased for both children and adults with respiratory diseases. A natural preparation that helps with coughs, children like the taste - these are the criteria for choosing this remedy in a pharmacy.

When modern woman, is preparing to become a mommy, everything is not so simple anymore. Having the Internet as an advisor, where she is looking for an answer to all life's problems, the future mother, before making a decision, will enter the name Mukaltin into the search 7 times in order to make a decision to purchase it 1 time.

And this is correct, because a woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for the little life that nature has entrusted her to endure. But before taking Mukaltin during pregnancy, she still needs to consult with her main adviser - the doctor who advises her, and knows best how to treat her cough in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester.

Is marshmallow grass useful for expectant mothers and children?

Mukaltin has expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects, but should you take it if you are soon to be a mom? Experts believe that in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, you should not take all medicines, and Mukaltin is among them, so as not to harm the process of forming the baby's internal organs.

In the 1st trimester, before the 5th week of pregnancy, the laying of the main systems and organs of the fetus is made. Any chemical preparation during these periods (and even up to 12 weeks), which is laid exactly on the day of taking the medicine, can cause changes in the organ, as well as developmental anomalies and even death of the fetus.

If you take the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, then at this time the drug no longer affects the child's organ itself, but some tissues that develop at this time. And the consequences of its use can damage not the entire system or organ, but contribute to them various diseases in future.

Take your time to swallow pills

Such a warning is relevant for those pregnant women who have contraindications to the use of this drug. Mukaltin is not recommended for mothers who are hypersensitive to tartaric acid, sodium bicarbonate or marshmallow, regardless of whether their pregnancy trimester is 1, 2 or 3.

It is forbidden to take Mukaltin during pregnancy in the stage of exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers, or with chronic course of these diseases.

Complications during pregnancy, such as miscarriage, or the threat of miscarriage, should also encourage a pregnant woman to be careful when taking various medicines, especially if it is 1 trimester of pregnancy. Expectant mothers with diabetes mellitus should refuse this drug, since Mukaltin contains sugar.

Thus, the seemingly harmless Mukaltin, based on medicinal marshmallow, can harm the expectant mother in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

When medication is indispensable

Only after consulting a doctor can Mukaltin be taken by a woman during pregnancy. It is the specialist who can take into account the individual factors and characteristics of the expectant mother and then give the go-ahead for its application.

Mukaltin, prescribed at stages 2 and 3 of pregnancy, should be taken at 50-100 mg (tablets of 0.05 g or 0.1 g) 3 times a day before meals. Such a tablet is washed down with water or dissolved in 50 ml of warm water. And the entire course of treatment with Mukaltin lasts 5-7 days during pregnancy. A pregnant woman may experience nausea and allergies while taking this medication.

The drug should not be taken simultaneously with other antitussive drugs.

There are no trifles for immunity

Lady in " interesting position»Should try to protect herself from colds, and prevention is very important for the health of her and her unborn baby. The immunity of women in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy is weakened, and she can easily catch a cold.

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