Compression stockings during childbirth for what. What and why are compression stockings needed in the hospital? How much to wear? What are the risks for a pregnant woman

Compression stockings or elastic bandages. Reviews of women in labor are contradictory: some say that stockings or bandages cannot be done without, others tell how they gave birth without any compression support. Where is the truth?

Why do you need compression stockings for childbirth?

The enlarged uterus during pregnancy compresses the large vessels of the lower body, which leads to difficulty in the outflow of blood from the legs. If a woman before pregnancy already had minor changes in the venous system, then with its onset, the development of varicose veins is possible. The provoking factor is a change in hormonal levels, an increase in weight and volume of circulating blood.

With a decrease in the tone of the venous wall, the work of the valves is disrupted, and part of the blood flows in the opposite direction. This leads to swelling and pain in the legs. Prolonged impairment of blood flow causes blood clots to form.

The tonicity in the veins is supported by a uniform elastic compression of the legs, which is achieved by bandaging with an elastic bandage. At the same time, the elastic bandage has disadvantages:

  • it is not always convenient to use;
  • for correct application, the help of a nurse is needed;
  • the bandage can be poorly fixed and unwound at any time;
  • with its help, it is impossible to achieve the recommended level of compression, which is determined depending on the manifestations of varicose veins.

A more modern product is compression stockings. They provide graduated compression - the greatest compression occurs at the ankle and lower leg, the least at the thigh. The elasticity of the veins increases, the functioning of the valves is normalized, and the stagnation of blood is eliminated.

Some doctors recommend that all pregnant women wear compression stockings. But objectively, it should be prescribed to those who have signs of a beginner - swelling of the legs, heaviness, spider veins. It is imperative to use stockings for women who will have a caesarean section.

It is recommended to take stockings for childbirth so that they help reduce the load on the veins of the legs. increases the risk of blood clots in the lower extremities, even in healthy women (prolonged lying, increased blood clotting). Therefore, stockings for surgery are required if there are minimal changes in the veins.

How to choose compression stockings for childbirth?

Compression underwear has 4 classes, which depend on the degree of compression of the leg. Only a phlebologist or surgeon can correctly determine the required level. For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound of the veins, with its help, the structure of the valves, the state of the vascular wall and blood flow are determined. Based on the data obtained, as well as clinical manifestations, the doctor will determine the required parameters.

  • Grade 1 is prescribed for women who have heaviness in the legs by the end of the day, have spider veins.
  • Grade 2 is useful for the treatment of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.
  • Grade 3 is needed for severe venous lesions with malnutrition (signs: hair loss, dry skin, blue discoloration).
  • Grade 4 - there are disorders of lymph flow, swelling of the legs.

To determine the size of the underwear, measure the ankle, calf circumference at the widest point, thigh 5 cm below the buttocks and leg length from the measurement point of the thigh to the heel. According to a special table, a consultant or a pharmacy employee selects the right size.

Some models do not have a toe and a heel - they can be worn for a long time without taking off, and according to the color and condition of the fingers, the doctor controls the violation of blood flow in the lower extremities.

Rules for the use of compression stockings

For childbirth, compression socks or stockings are suitable. Knee-highs are recommended for those women in labor whose vein changes do not extend above the knee. If there are no objective signs of varicose veins, but a woman complains of heaviness in the legs and pastiness in the evening, you can wear a preventive class of underwear.

  • You need to put on stockings in the morning after waking up, without getting out of bed in a lying position.
  • Raise the leg a little. The stocking is collected in an accordion, gradually pulled, evenly distributed along the length of the leg. Strong stretching and axial twisting of the laundry should be avoided.
  • For some models, special sliding socks are offered, which facilitate this process - they are removed after putting on the stockings. WITH
  • take off stockings at the end of the day.

If they are used during childbirth, then they need to be removed no earlier than in a day.

Yulia Shevchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for the site

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Many women know that compression stockings are indicated for surgical interventions, childbirth, long hospital stays, in bed rest, and, in principle, for any physical activity. Well, childbirth is, on average, a 10-hour marathon with an increased level of stress and stress on the woman's body. Therefore, any form of their relief is a serious and to the point conversation!

In our country, the recommendation of obstetricians-gynecologists that women in labor have compression stockings is still an innovation, but justified and certainly very useful. After all, prevention is not an empty phrase, but a real fight against a problem that every woman faces in one way or another. The fight against varicose veins is a difficult and methodical thing, it is difficult to make bets and predictions in it, but experts assure that the constant wearing of stockings during pregnancy, during childbirth and for some time afterwards definitely increases the chances that your legs will remain beautiful and healthy.

We trust specialists, but most of all - ours. Therefore, they asked young mothers to ask their questions, and Diana Mardas, obstetrician-gynecologist of the Healthcare Institution "5th City Clinical Hospital", to answer them and explain in simple language how to put on stockings and where to use them, and the Tonus Elast compression underwear brand - to suggest a few "Life hacks".

Obstetrician-gynecologist, head of the "MamaPro" project

The attending physician advised stockings with a specific compression class. What is a stocking compression class in general? How to choose stockings for childbirth, and how - for preventive purposes?

- As a rule, 1 and 2 compression classes are used in childbirth. The compression class is the degree of pressure that the stocking exerts on the soft tissues and blood vessels. If before childbirth a woman did not experience any discomfort and she did not have any prerequisites for varicose veins, no corresponding diagnoses were made earlier, spider veins did not appear during pregnancy, then the first compression class is sufficient for the period of pregnancy and childbirth. If there is a diagnosis of "varicose veins", there is chronic venous insufficiency, then it is worth starting with the second compression class.

The first compression class can be selected independently with the help of competent recommendations of specialists in specialized medical equipment salons (for example, "Medprostor", "MedMagazin", "Care and Health", etc.) and in some pharmacies. Also, an obstetrician-gynecologist can help with the choice of stockings for childbirth. But starting from the second level of compression and if there are indications, a phlebologist can give competent information, who will individually determine the product that is suitable for you.

Lifehack from Tonus Elast:

  1. Be sure to pay attention to the inscription on the packaging. There should be the following information: compression class and pressure in millimeters of mercury. If there is no such information, then, most likely, this is not a medical product, so you should not expect a therapeutic and prophylactic effect.
  2. The concept den has nothing to do with the compression class, and such marks on the stockings indicate the density of the knitwear, and also that the stockings do not have the correct compression properties.

If a woman has worn compression garments during pregnancy, is it suitable for childbirth? Or do you need stockings with different characteristics / sizes?

- It is not prohibited. But there is a special type of hospital stockings. Such stockings have been developed for those who have to undergo surgical treatment and delivery, as well as for those who have to be in a supine position for a long time or simply need a long time in stockings. Indeed, in such situations, the risk of formation and separation of a blood clot increases many times! They differ both in their functional properties and in color. Hospital stockings have a special knit that allows you to maintain compression for 3-5 days without removing. They are white so that you can quickly determine the color of the discharge, since in the case of black or beige stockings, the nature of the discharge may be distorted. There is also a special hole in the foot, which allows you to control peripheral blood circulation and gives access for processing the fingers without removing the stockings.

Here I want to note the following: during pregnancy and during childbirth, we look a little differently at compression hosiery. During pregnancy, there really is a load on the venous system, it is difficult for blood to rise up the veins to the heart, because the pregnant uterus compresses the vessels and prevents the blood flow system from working from bottom to top. Therefore, putting on compression hosiery during pregnancy, we support the vascular wall and help it to raise the blood up. At the same time, the vascular wall itself strains less, remains more integral, and the woman's risk of developing varicose veins in the future decreases. In childbirth, add to the obstructed outflow of blood upward and the altered composition of the blood a long stay in a horizontal position.

After giving birth, it is not recommended to get up for 5-6 hours; during childbirth, the risk of thromboembolism, the formation of blood clots and the fact that they can move through the body, become thrown and clog vital vessels, increases significantly. It is very dangerous! It is due to the fact that the blood stagnates in the lower parts of the lower leg, foot, it thickens, clots can form. They can be thrown over later, for example, when a woman gets up too early and begins to walk after childbirth. Therefore, in the first hours after childbirth, stockings are even more important. In no case does the birth of a child mean taking off the stockings right there! This is one of the typical mistakes: many mothers believe that stockings are needed only for childbirth. No: before childbirth, during childbirth and after them!

Lifehack from Tonus Elast: having ideal legs now, after nine months of hard efforts, the walls of the vessels become so tired and injured that then, even six months or a year after giving birth, problems with varicose veins may appear. The woman may not even associate this with pregnancy, although the connection is direct. That is why you should continue to wear compression hosiery for 4-6 months after giving birth.

The doctor warned that after giving birth, the stockings should not be removed immediately. So how long after giving birth to stay in stockings?

- The instructions say - for the entire period of reduced activity. But here the question of hygiene of a woman who has just given birth becomes logical. Therefore, my recommendation is as follows: 5-6 hours after giving birth, we must be in stockings, then we take off, already walking vertically for a while, and not immediately (preferably within an hour). Thus, we are waiting for a dangerous moment when a blood clot can begin to rise through the vascular system. In part, the stockings do their work for the vessels.

Let me emphasize that the period of changing the position of the body from horizontal to vertical is the most dangerous in terms of thromboembolism. In addition, the blood after childbirth is thicker for physiological reasons (the woman was sweating and did not drink liquid for a long time), which is also a risk factor. When it comes to caesarean section, a woman definitely needs to be wearing compression stockings. The risk of thromboembolism during a cesarean section increases even more due to many factors, including the fact that a woman lies for a long time without changing her body position.

"Lifehack" from the doctor: as mentioned above, stay upright for an hour and only then, for hygienic purposes, you can remove the stockings and, if available, immediately put on a second pair. If not, tidy up existing stockings and put them on the next morning before getting out of bed.

Is it difficult to put on stockings? If during contractions a woman wants to shower, is it possible not to take off her stockings during this time?

- Yes, indeed, it is difficult for a pregnant woman to put on stockings. What to do? Call the nursing staff or labor partner if the labor is partner. What about showers and water treatments during childbirth? It is important to understand what water procedures are for in childbirth. For pain relief. It can be a bidet, shower. Difficulties can arise only with a shower. In this case, there is no ideal solution, you have to choose: either compression stockings or a shower. The third option is wet compression stockings after a shower, which is extremely uncomfortable. A large percentage of births take place under spinal anesthesia - these women are unlikely to need a shower. In the process of preparing for childbirth, I recommend learning how to breathe correctly, do self-massage, teach your partner to control the breathing of a woman in labor.

"Lifehack" from the doctor: When choosing compression stockings, women should give preference to other methods of pain relief: breathing, massage, and other water procedures (the bidet allows you to take the correct sitting position during childbirth and comfortably contact with water).

To summarize: while carrying a baby, the body weight increases, the amount of blood increases and blood flow increases, the hormonal background changes. The rainbow period in the life of the expectant mother, unfortunately, is often overshadowed by ailments. And, if everyone has already heard about toxicosis and the prevention of stretch marks, then a woman often first encounters varicose veins during pregnancy, without suspecting a genetic predisposition before. But one can hope not only for genes, but also engage in comfortable prevention, because pregnancy, no matter how strange it may sound, is a favorable time for the development of pathology. Therefore, Tonus Elast compression knee-highs, stockings and tights are well-known favorites among pregnant women for the very reason that they relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs, provide maximum comfort, prevent the manifestations of varicose veins and look like ordinary beautiful tights or stockings.

Take care of yourself and your legs!

It is becoming more and more popular to give birth in stockings. And we are not talking about seductive underwear in a mesh - neither the doctor, nor the child, nor even you will have time for aesthetics during childbirth. Women are increasingly putting on medical compression stockings for childbirth, which, however, can compete with dignity in appearance.

You may hear or read that all doctors must recommend that pregnant women wear compression stockings for childbirth or bandage their legs with elastic bandages. In fact, expectant mothers learn about such adaptations and their benefits mostly from their girlfriends.

Compression underwear is designed to protect the legs from excessive stress, as well as for the prevention and treatment of diseases and complications associated with the condition of the veins and blood vessels. The most common indication for wearing such underwear is varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Compression socks, stockings and tights are recommended for the prevention of the appearance of vascular reticulum, asterisks, edema, feeling of fatigue and tension in the legs, as well as in the pre- and postoperative period. Depending on the indications and the expected effect (therapeutic or prophylactic), the specialist prescribes one of four degrees of compression. During pregnancy and childbirth, prophylactic compression stockings are usually used, but if the expectant mother has problems with veins, then the phlebologist should prescribe compression underwear for her on an individual basis. A consultant at a pharmacy or specialty store will help you find the right size.

During pregnancy, compression hosiery will serve you well: such stockings will not only facilitate carrying, but will also help to avoid many possible problems. But even if during the entire period you did without stockings, then it makes sense to buy them specially for childbirth.

Compression stockings in a special way create and distribute pressure on the vessels of the legs, weakening towards the upper part. That is, in the gastrocnemius zone, it is maximum, and in the thighs it is gradually reduced to a minimum. This promotes better blood flow and prevents stagnation of blood in the vessels, stretching of their walls and theirs, which is an excellent prevention of the appearance of a venous mesh, tubercles and in the postpartum period.

Compression stockings for childbirth will serve you after the birth of the baby, especially since they look great and are worn. During pregnancy, it is better to choose stockings made from natural cotton thread. All of them are made without seams, with a special weaving, so that they do not squeeze anywhere, do not cause discomfort and let air through well. However, RAL-marked stockings are of high quality (they meet the world standard) - pay attention to this.

It is not easy to put on compression stockings for childbirth, so it is better to "outfit" while still at home, before leaving for the hospital - then it may not be up to that. It's good if someone close to you helps you. If there is no one, then do not despair: midwives help everyone.

Of course, compression stockings will not give you one hundred percent guarantee that after childbirth you will not develop varicose veins or other complications with veins and legs, but they will greatly increase your chances of a positive outcome. However, not everyone sees expediency in them. Some believe that if there is a predisposition, then no stockings will help, and vice versa. However, over time, compression garments are increasingly used not only during pregnancy, but also during childbirth, as well as after the birth of a child.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

Buy compression stockings for childbirth.

Tribute to fashion or necessity?

Some statistics: 1 out of 750 women in labor has PE * (blockage of the pulmonary artery by a thrombus)

Today, stockings for childbirth are recommended for ALL WOMEN, even if they did not suffer from vein diseases before giving birth. During labor, blood clots can form in the deep veins of the legs due to the enormous load. They can block the vessel and lead to thrombosis. This is a serious complication that threatens a woman's life. Buy to birthing compression stockings it is necessary for both natural childbirth and caesarean section .. The presence of such stockings is a prerequisite in maternity hospitals in large cities of Russia. If you can reduce the risk of complications, why not take advantage of this opportunity? Ideally, if the pregnant woman wore prophylactic compression tights or maternity stockings during pregnancy to minimize stress on the legs, especially in the later stages.

When is it time to buy birthing stockings?

Recall that these are not simple stockings, but compression stockings, that is, they exert a certain level of pressure. And they don’t wear like regular hosiery, a little heavier... That's why:

  • We recommend purchasing compression stockings for childbirth about a month and practice putting on at home. There are very frequent cases when a woman during contractions simply could not or did not have time to put on generic stockings.
  • Much in advance you should not look for stockings in 3-4 months... The circumference of the leg may increase due to edema, respectively, the required size of the stockings will increase.
  • Anti-embolic stockings for childbirth class 1 are shown to all women in labor, regardless of the method of delivery, and are purchased independently without a doctor's prescription.

What is the required compression class for childbirth?

  • For most healthy women, it is enough to have stockings for childbirth class 1(18-23 mm Hg)
  • If a woman before childbirth already had vascular diseases of the lower extremities, was observed for this reason, or during pregnancy she was prescribed class 2 compression hosiery, then it may be necessary class 2 anti-embolic stockings for childbirth(23-32 mm Hg), which are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

How much stockings to wear after childbirth?

  • Usually after natural childbirth stockings are worn for 1-2 days taking off at night. As soon as you return to physical activity, start walking along the corridor, you will no longer need stockings. If the general condition does not allow you to return to activity in the first days after childbirth, then stockings can be used for a longer time. In any case, the staff of the maternity hospital will definitely tell you what to do specifically in your case.
  • If a woman has had a caesarean section, she will be able to remove her stockings only after the permission of the doctor. They will need to be worn during delivery, and for some time after the birth of the baby.

Although, judging by the reviews of our customers, many women even like the compression effect of the birthing stockings feeling of lightness in the legs,and they keep wearing themat home. Le Class 1 soft compression do no harmt, on the contrary, will helpget rid of pastiness and swelling of soft tissueslegs. But the hospital white appearance allows them to be worn only at home or under clothes.

How to choose stockings for childbirth?

Preference should be given to products that:

  • Latex free hence will not cause an allergic reaction
  • Can be washed or even sterilized at t-95 degrees to ensure hygiene when secretions hit.
  • Have a loose knit for easy donning
  • They have an open toe so that the doctor can control microcirculation by the color of the feet.
  • Made from to breathable fiber

We answer your questions.

Question:during pregnancy, I wore class 1 anti-varicose stockings, can I use them during childbirth, because the compression class is the same?

Answer: If we consider the therapeutic effect, then yes, you can. But ... we still recommend purchasing special anti-embolic stockings for childbirth, because:

  • Unlike classic compression hosiery, they are easier to put on
  • They have a hole in the fingers, and this is very important so that the doctor can react quickly if necessary
  • And if discharge gets on your beautiful stockings, will it be possible to wash them off at T-30 degrees?
  • If the need arises to be in postpartum stockings for several days in a row, then in anti-varicose stockings you will simply "cook", and anti-embolic stockings let air through well.
  • The cost of postpartum stockings starts at 900 rubles, anti-varicose stockings are more expensive.

Only high-quality birthing stockings can protect your blood vessels and provide the highest comfort for your legs. In the Venocomfort online store you can buy compression stockings for childbirth the German company medi, the effectiveness of which has been proven in clinical trials. Or more budgetary and very popular stockings for childbirth from the Ergoform company. Do not risk your health at such a crucial moment. Buy the best! Medical consultants of our store are always ready to answer your questions.

Take your pick. Buy. And easy labor for you!

Your VenoComfort.

From this article you will learn: what are compression stockings for childbirth, how to choose the right onethe size of the stockings and what are the compression classes, how to put on the stockings for childbirth andrecommendations for their care.

During pregnancy, the body is rebuilt: hormonal levels change, blood volume increases, changes occur in the pelvic organs. Such changes can lead to the development of pathologies - varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. To avoid complications during childbirth, obstetricians recommend wearing medical underwear.

Compression stockings for childbirth tighten and create pressure in the legs, maintaining muscle tone. Knitwear prevents blood stagnation and blood clots. The risk of developing varicose veins is reduced.

What are compression stockings?

Stockings are made of natural and synthetic fabrics in white or cream color. The materials do not use latex, which does not cause allergies. The silicone elastic in the upper third of the thigh secures the stockings, which will affect the convenience - they do not slip or roll. An open toe or a hole in the plantar part improves air and moisture exchange, helps the doctor monitor the state of microcirculation in the legs of the woman in labor.

In the series "stockings for childbirth »Compression stockings for cesarean section are isolated separately. Stockings are produced in pairs and separately (stocking for one leg), for a standard and wide thigh. Anatomical knit follows the contour of the leg and fits snugly to the body, creating a compression effect.

Compression classes

During childbirth, hospital stockings of the 1st and 2nd classes.

Why are stockings better for childbirth than knee-highs?

Socks will protect only the vessels and veins of the lower leg, while high blood pressure will remain in the femoral veins. Thigh-high stockings will reduce the stress on blood vessels from the foot to the groin.

How to measure your leg correctly

Stockings for childbirth are selected according to individual measurements of the woman's legs. The readings are taken in the morning, immediately after waking up, before the appearance of possible edema.

  1. We measure the thickness of the ankle (b), a narrow place above the bones, in the area of ​​the ankle joint.
  2. Measure the circumference under the kneecap (d).
  3. Additionally, measure the thigh circumference (g), 5 cm below the groin.
  4. The measurement results are compared with a special table proposed by the manufacturer. Please note that the sizing table for each manufacturer is individual.

If you doubt that you can choose the right size, then entrust the determination of the size to professionals. Salon consultants or online store specialists will help you make the right choice. You can contact the salon or call the help desk.

We put on stockings correctly

Medical stockings for childbirth are put on with effort, not like regular hosiery. If you can't put them on yourself, ask your healthcare team or family for help.

We collect the upper part of the stocking "in an accordion", carefully put it on the foot (first on the toes, then on the heel), slowly straighten it, slightly pulling it, up the leg. Do not twist the stocking.

Attention: elastic bandages do not guarantee an accurate distribution of pressure over the leg. The correctness of their overlay depends entirely on the skills and abilities of the medical staff. Only in anti-embolic knitwear, the pressure is already calculated and dosed.

In natural childbirth, we wear stockings at the first contractions. You can do it earlier if you are afraid that you will not be able to do this between contractions.

With the upcoming cesarean section - immediately before the operation, unless the doctor prescribed a different mode of wearing compression stockings.

Childbirth and the first 7 days after are considered a dangerous time for the occurrence of thromboembolic complications. Therefore, doctors recommend wearing knitwear in the postpartum period. For surgical deliveries and women in labor at risk, stockings are used around the clock.

The further regimen and timing of wearing compression products is determined by the attending physician.

Care of the product

How to choose stockings for childbirth?

It is better to choose stockings in conjunction with a gynecologist or phlebologist. The doctor will select a product with the required degree of compression, taking into account the well-being of the woman in labor, the course of pregnancy and concomitant diseases.

For natural childbirth, if there are no problems with veins, it is recommended to purchase 1st class stockings. For the planned cesarean section, as well as for varicose veins, the 2nd class is assigned, but the final verdict is up to the doctor.

A brief description of the advantages of different companies will help you to decide on a manufacturer.

Stockings Medi

The stockings are made in Germany. German jersey Mediven is the only one of the presented brands that has a clinically proven medical effect.

The size of Copper hospital products is easy to select - only 2 parameters need to be measured. The stockings are thin in structure, but stretch well, so they are suitable for any height.

The special weaving technology allows you to put them on without assistance. And the “donning indicator” will tell you whether you have put on the stockings well.

Threads with silver ions are woven into the toe part, which provides an antimicrobial effect and prevents unpleasant odors.

Stockings can withstand 10 washes at temperatures up to 95 degrees. Compression lasts for 30 days if you do not remove the stockings.

Medi is slightly more expensive than other brands, but the stocking quality, safety and medical effectiveness are worth it!

Hospital stockings are produced in St. Petersburg under the supervision of a Finnish company. Soft flat seams do not leave marks on the body and do not chafe the skin. Silicone elastic band securely fixes the product on the leg and does not press on the thigh. Luomma closed toe stockings have a foot size limit of 37 - 43. A delicate wash is recommended for the garments at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees, as higher water temperatures may affect compression.

Stockings of European quality with an open toe, made in Italy. The porous knit of the stockings provides a comfortable microclimate for the legs, the skin under them breathes and does not sweat. The wide elastic band securely fixes the stocking on the leg, does not squeeze or disturb the blood flow. The size is selected according to 3 parameters, because the stockings are less stretchable compared to Copper. Accordingly, it is more difficult for women with wide calves and hips to "fit in size". These stockings can be worn for up to 3 days. Care: hand wash 30-95 degrees.

If you still have questions on how to use compression stockings for childbirth - writequestion on our social media communities. If you have a question about choosing stockings for a maternity hospital- order a call back or call us at a toll-free number.

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