What is the best time to conceive a child. The most suitable time for conception has already come! What is the best time to give birth

The birth of a baby is a great happiness for those who are waiting for it. What days are favorable for conception for some women - actual question, others are interested in how to prevent unplanned pregnancy... Simple, time-tested methods for determining the period for conception will help in both the first and second cases.

The likelihood of getting pregnant

Fertilization of the egg occurs if there has been unprotected intercourse, and ovulation has occurred in the current month. When planning a pregnancy, a woman should initially visit a gynecologist, undergo an examination and make sure that there are no health problems. Before taking it, you need to calculate your cycle and remember the date of the start of the last menstruation. A 28-day cycle is considered ideal. High probability of pregnancy is especially high on the 14th day.

What days of the cycle can you get pregnant?

Contrary to methods of contraception and condoms, any days of the cycle are favorable for conception. The fertile period begins five days before ovulation - the maturation of the egg. This means that hormonal changes have begun in the cervical mucus. It creates favorable conditions for sperm, and the expansion of the uterine pharynx facilitates the penetration of the sperm into the egg.

The likelihood of getting pregnant during your period

What days can you get pregnant? All the days. For example, for hormonal disruption or long nervous tension the ovum matures to the middle menstrual cycle or does not ripen at all. So if you are wondering what the likelihood of getting pregnant during menstruation is, then it is very high, especially in the last days... Abundant bleeding first menstrual days create unfavorable atmosphere for sperm, but with a long, protracted menstruation, the risk of conceiving a baby increases.

The likelihood of getting pregnant after menstruation

Most girls believe that it is impossible to get pregnant after menstruation. Two days after regulation are characterized by a low chance of pregnancy. However, it is worth considering that it is not zero. What is the chance of getting pregnant right after your period? In theory female body works by the clock, but in practice - there is no way to accurately calculate how many days after menstruation you can get pregnant.

Is it possible to get pregnant a few days before menstruation

When menstruation goes on, this does not mean that a woman cannot get pregnant. Women with a stable menstrual cycle are as likely to become a mom as those with irregular periods. The chances of conceiving a child are different on certain days of the cycle. A good moment when you can get pregnant - a week before your period . Cycle days can be divided into 4 phases:

  1. With follicular maturation of the follicle begins.
  2. Ovulatory accompanies the release of the egg.
  3. With the luteal phase, a change occurs hormonal background for conception.
  4. End: desquamation - the egg comes out with the endometrium.

Calculate ovulation calculate

Gynecologists call a good time to become pregnant - ovulation - the procession of an egg into the fallopian tube as a result of rupture of a mature follicle. Some women may even feel it. You can feel that you have ovulated by the following signs:

  • the chest is enlarged;
  • sensations of stretching, heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • basal temperature increases;
  • increased desire to have sex;
  • the number of transparent secretions increases.

At this moment, the body itself tells the woman what her main purpose is. How to correctly determine ovulation for conception if you do not have the above signs? For this purpose, online calculators are suitable, where you need to enter the start date of the last menstruation and the duration of the entire cycle. You can calculate the days using a regular calendar: ovulation cannot occur earlier than 14 days before menstruation, but it all depends on the length of the cycle.

Safe days from pregnancy

There is a myth that there is no dangerous days after menstruation, in which it will not work to get pregnant. But with unprotected intercourse, there is always the possibility of egg fertilization. So what day after menstruation can you get pregnant? Gynecologists say that in any: without contraception, you will not be 100% protected from the likelihood of having a baby. The probability of conception is lowest two days before and after bleeding. Find out ways if it is undesirable.

Dangerous days for pregnancy

Pregnancy is always possible when a woman is healthy and inclined towards childbirth. There are dangerous days that those who have not yet thought about procreation are afraid of them. You can determine the chances of getting pregnant using an online menstruation counter or yourself. It is easy to calculate which days are favorable for conception: you need to take your menstrual calendar for the last six months and calculate the average cycle (from the first days of regulation to the following):

  • 28 days - ovulation occurs on the 14th day.
  • 33 days, a good moment falls on the 17th day.

Ovulation schedule

The ovulation day table implies the entry of basal temperature data. it easy way find out when changes occur in the body and calculate the days for conception . Ovulation occurs in the second phase of the cycle and is characterized by an increase in basal temperature. The measurement procedure is carried out in the morning, using a conventional thermometer, which is inserted into the vagina immediately after waking up. The ovulation schedule includes two phases of the cycle:

  • vertical line - basal temperature value from 35.7 to 37.2;
  • horizontal line - days of the menstrual cycle (normal range from 28 to 32).

To conceive a baby, you need to choose a good time so that everything goes well. It can be selected with the help of a consultation with a gynecologist, or information provided by various Internet sites, or you can use the relevant literature on this topic. There is another option that you should pay attention to - creating your own conception calendar.

When compiling such a calendar, you need to know when ovulation occurs. And therefore, you need to have an idea of ​​how long the cycle of menstruation lasts, for example 28-30 days. Ovulation days it is important to calculate during pregnancy planning before its onset in 2-3 months. This makes it easier to determine the accuracy of the cycle.

The ovulation process lasts 4 days and usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. These days are the most favorable for those preparing for pregnancy. The female cervix of the uterus during this period has the most sensitive mucous membrane, so the moment of penetration of the sperm into the egg is most likely to take place here.

To more accurately determine the ovulation day, you can resort to ultrasound. This procedure allows you to monitor the growth of follicles and identify exact time breaking it.

To prepare for pregnancy, you can also use the morning basal temperature measurements. Usually, the procedure is done at the same time using an ordinary thermometer. The data obtained is displayed on a graph, the horizontal axis of which is the day of menstruation, and the vertical axis is temperature. Before the temperature should rise by 0.2 - 0.4 degrees, a slight decrease occurs. It is precisely the interval between these two phenomena that can be ovulation. To accurately determine the ovulation process, it is important to draw such a graph regularly. The data displayed on the graph can also be useful to the gynecologist during consultations with him.

The onset of the ovulation process can be calculated while at home, thanks to tests that are carried out on the 9-15th day of the monthly cycle a couple of times a day. They show the presence or absence peptide hormone... In the event that it is detected, ovulation should occur in 16-28 hours.

For the onset of conception, you can use the above, but if you want to get pregnant at a certain time of the year, you need to make a pregnancy calendar.

  • Conception in winter will benefit the newborn baby in the form of warm weather, he will have the opportunity to adapt before the onset of colder weather conditions.
  • The onset of pregnancy in the spring promises the birth of a dear person during the period new year holidays and Christmas. However, during the waiting period for the birth of the baby, the expectant mother will need to withstand the hot summer and the ice season with the approach of winter.
  • When conception occurs in the summer, the expectant mother can consume as many berries and fruits as she wants. But extreme heat will cause edema in a pregnant woman, so you need to be extremely careful. In this case, you will have to take into account that the time for childbirth will be cold, and the baby will need to pay maximum attention to prevent colds and chills.
  • When conceiving a child in the fall, you can not limit yourself in the number of useful for future mother and the kid walks on fresh air... Autumn is the time to consume vitamins, but you should also be wary of various infections.
Summing up, we can say that the time of year for the birth of a baby is really to choose and correctly plan its conception. But do not forget that in pursuit of the desired period of childbirth, you can distract yourself from the most important thing - the health of the child, you just do not need to forget about it.

Girls, hello !!!
Read this information, mosh who will be useful:
9 rules for successful conception
The most important thing is that a man is required to have his sperm motile. The fact is that the male reproductive cell all its "fuel" bears on itself. And she desperately needs energy: if there is energy, the sperm will run far, if there is no energy, it will stop in place. And then there can be no talk of any conception. Therefore, a man needs to be properly prepared in advance, at least the last two weeks before the decisive intercourse. To do this, he must be properly fed: The preparatory diet includes: meat, any nuts, vitamin E, succinic acid(she improves general exchange substances). Such nutrition increases sperm motility. In addition, before a man goes to bed for conception, he must abstain from sexual intercourse for 2 - 3 days. Abstinence is necessary in order to accumulate the required volume of sperm and for the sperm to mature. To prove to their patients the necessity of abstinence, specialists usually cite a case known in sexological practice. American married couple long time suffered from infertility. It turned out that the desire to have a child was so great that they worked on it two or three times a day. After the doctor forbade them to indulge in excess, hypersexual Americans managed to conceive a child.

Sexual intercourse for the purpose of conception must be one-time! The first intercourse is the most decisive. All other moments are really just pleasure. This one has scientific explanation... During the first intercourse, the concentration of sperm is highest. After it, the concentration decreases by 2 times. And then, as experts joke, there will be only one water.

As soon as ejaculation has occurred, the penis must be immediately removed from the vagina so as not to splatter the pool of sperm. Then the probability of conception will be much higher. (By the way, the same rule must be observed for another reason - if a man has some kind of inflammation, then the extra time spent in the vagina will increase the risk of infection for the woman.)

RULE FOUR. If you really want to have a child, it is advisable not to bring a woman to orgasm during intercourse. The fact is that during orgasm, the cervix rises during orgasm, and sperm, like climbers, will have to conquer this peak, And, as you know, even men do not like to go the extra way. If intercourse is carried out without orgasm, the cervix remains in place, a pool of sperm easily covers the entrance to it, and sperm freely penetrate inside. However, some women assure sexologists that they became pregnant at the peak of mutual ecstasy with sexual partner... But these are just their personal fantasies. In such cases, experts, laughing, simply shrug their shoulders: they say, lucky, and thank God.

RULE FIVE. It is very important to choose the right time for conception. Usually, a woman is more fertile in the middle of her cycle. At this time, the egg matures. Days can be calculated by basal temperature, which is measured, as you know, in the anus. In addition to two days of ovulation (maturation of the female egg), 5-6 days before her are considered favorable for conception - so many days the sperm lives, waiting for the "bride", and all this time it is capable of functioning. Within 6 days after ovulation, it is also possible to become pregnant, since all this time the female ovum remains capable of functioning. Previously, many religions stipulated the time when sex life was strictly prohibited. Usually the ban was 7 days after menstruation. The custom was strictly observed: a woman was required to present a clean sheet, which meant the end of her period. And this was the starting point of the forbidden time. Therefore, the peak of sexual activity occurred precisely in the middle of the cycle, when the probability of conception was highest. Thus, religion strictly and categorically instructed women to become pregnant. However, there are cases when a woman became pregnant during menstruation. Experts consider this to be a glitch in the loop.

RULE SIX. Before intercourse, it would be nice for a woman to sprinkle soda solution... The fact is that she often has inflammation that she does not even suspect about. Because of it, it is formed acidic environment, which is very harmful to the health of sperm - they simply die in it. Soda neutralizes the acidic environment.

RULE SEVEN. After the ejaculation has occurred, little depends on the man. Then everything depends on the woman. She should definitely lie down, and not jump out of bed right away, even if she really wants to take a shower. By the way, you also need to be able to lie down. With the usual arrangement of the uterus and cervix, the woman should lie on her back with her knees pressed to her chest. In the event that she has a bend of the uterus, then she needs to lie on her stomach. In this position, the neck will be able to plunge into a pool of sperm. There are times when the advice of a gynecologist is required. For example, if a woman has inflammation of the appendages, the cervix may turn to the side, and only the doctor will determine which one. Then, after intercourse, you need to lie on the side where the cervix is ​​looking.

RULE EIGHT. It is very important to choose the right posture for conception. Among them there are those that promote pregnancy, and vice versa. True, the choice in favor of pregnancy is small: - it should be a classic posture, that is, in the supine position. It is extremely difficult to get pregnant while standing: all the liquid will simply spill out. In general, all non-classical positions are of little use for pregnancy. Well, for fun, you can choose whatever you like. There are exceptions to this rule. If a woman has a bend in the uterus, then sexual intercourse should be carried out in the "behind" position. Lying on your stomach or leaning on your knees doesn't matter.

RULE NINE. After intercourse, you need to completely relax, abandon everything. And such a sublime detached state to maintain for the next two or three days. If this does not work out and the woman is in anticipation, in restless, nervous state, it is better to take valerian. Experts advise being in a state of euphoria for a reason. This is necessary so that there is no violation of contractile activity. fallopian tubes... They are known to propel the sperm to its destination. If a potential mom is overly worried, the tubes will not contract properly and will not move the sperm. The consequences can be unpleasant: either the long-awaited fertilization will not occur, or there will be an ectopic pregnancy.
And finally, the most important thing: stop exhausting yourself and your body with the expectation of a miracle ... A miracle does not happen according to “requests” - you have to trust it and that's it!

Many women of reproductive age have repeatedly asked the question "When is it better to get pregnant?" Today there are many myths about auspicious days and better age for conception. Therefore, below we will consider in detail the questions of how what is the best time to get pregnant in terms of various factors.

Pregnancy planning

If everything is in order in physical terms, it is strongly recommended that a couple of months before the intended conception, normalize your daily routine, avoid stress, adjust your diet and, of course, be sure to abandon bad habits including second hand smoke women. For more information on when and how to properly plan a pregnancy, you can find information from the article.

When is the best time to get pregnant in terms of age

Those girls who give birth to a child younger, and even more so those who become pregnant as a teenager, are not able to fully bear the baby. This is because when the body of the expectant mother is not physically sufficiently developed, it cannot give the required amount nutrients for a child who is in the womb. Not unimportant is the fragile psyche. Thus, the disadvantages of the early appearance of the baby are obvious:

  • Frequent birth of premature babies;
  • A greater number of weakened children;
  • Insufficient (wrong) education
  • Shifting parenting responsibilities to grandparents;
  • It is often impossible to secure the future for the child, because parents themselves "did not get on their feet."

When the age reaches the mark after 30 years, getting pregnant is also not the best option. Despite the fact that psychologically a woman becomes stronger, prepared for the birth of a baby, she is often very much waiting for the appearance of a baby, there are disadvantages, and they can be significant:

  • Less likely to get pregnant
  • Increased risk of fetal complications: low birth weight / high weight fetus, placenta previa, hyp diabetes pregnant women, exacerbation of sluggish diseases, late toxicosis, premature birth, etc.;
  • Higher likelihood of genetic abnormalities in the fetus, mainly associated with gene or chromosomal mutations.

Men also have some restrictions for optimal age conception. They have it up to 45-50 years, since when they reach an older age, the risk of genetic abnormalities in their offspring increases dramatically.

If a woman was protected with the use oral contraceptives, and after the end of their intake, he thinks when it is better to get pregnant, then there is no need to rush. In order for the gestation period to pass without complications, it is better to postpone the pregnancy for 2-3 months.

What days is it better to get pregnant

When the question arises of what time it is best to get pregnant, the answer becomes obvious in terms of the menstrual cycle. The best time to get pregnant is during the ovulatory period. It is then that the ovum leaves the ovary, after which it enters the cavity of the fallopian tube, where it can only meet with the sperm once a month. To determine when ovulation occurs, you can use special tests that are sold in the pharmacy or by measuring the basal temperature.

Please note that the best way to get pregnant is to have sex on the day of ovulation. Despite the fact that, presumably, the viability of sperm is up to 1 week, if sexual intercourse occurred the day before in 1-2 days, then the probability of successful conception decreases, amounting to about 30%, and if in 3-5 days - then by all means 10%, which once again proves that such a time is not the best for conception. After ovulation, the probability of fertilization of the egg is preserved only for a day, after which, as you know, the female reproductive cell dies, and the probability of conception is equal to zero.

It turns out that for men, the question is also relevant, on which days it is better for a woman to get pregnant. So, the best time will be when the spermatozoa become the most active, as well as mobile, and this happens from late summer to early autumn. Although, in general, the spring and autumn seasons are considered fruitful. the number of sperm in the seminal fluid at this time reaches its maximum.

Some people want to plan for the sex of the baby over time. You can find out when you can get pregnant with a child of a certain gender from the article

Best time to get pregnant with your second child

It is better not to plan the birth of a second or third child immediately after the previous birth. A woman's body after severe stress needs a long enough period to recuperate. It is recognized by physicians that the optimal interval between the first and subsequent pregnancies is from 3 to 5 years. More early pregnancy fraught heavy loads a stronger body, and a late one increases the risk of complications during pregnancy.

If a woman has had an abortion or miscarriage in the past, the best way to get pregnant is to wait at least six months for conception and gestation to be successful.

Myths about when to get pregnant

Modern society is not without prejudices about when is the best time to get pregnant. However, most of them are myths that have no scientific support.

The earlier you get pregnant, the better.

For some reason, many have an established opinion that what younger organism, the better he will endure pregnancy with childbirth, the faster he will recover. Regarding the reserve potential of a young girl, this is true, however, when an early pregnancy occurs, she is fraught with many problems, including even serious medical complications... Despite the fact that childbearing with biological point vision is considered the age from the moment of the onset of menstruation (11-15 years), from other positions this age is too young for conceiving a child.

After 35 years of age, pregnancy always has complications.

In this categorical statement, the key word is “always.” So, this is not true, in addition, it depends not only on age, but on the individual state of the body of a particular woman. Healthy woman, u which has no bad habits, which takes care of itself, absolutely calmly can endure healthy child after 35 and even 40 years.

To get pregnant you need to follow lunar calendar

Whether to adhere to a certain season in order to conceive a child or not is up to every woman. The data that says it's best to get pregnant at certain times of the year are not based on scientific facts and an evidence-based medical basis, but on "pseudo-scientific" statements that find a connection between favorable pregnancy and constellations, the amount of fruit, temperature, etc. Moreover, even according to the lunar calendar, even if conception occurred in favorable time, for example, in autumn, when there are a lot of vegetables, then the last trimester will be in the summer, when in hot weather it becomes problematic to carry a child.

First you need to make a career and gain financial independence, and only then get pregnant.

The age of primiparous women is increasing every year for this very reason. Material well-being is prioritized family values... Newlyweds believe that the baby will greatly hinder them in achieving their goals. Many women want to first simply realize themselves in a career and only then think about when is the best time to get pregnant, but the years go by faster than we think. Despite the fact that the birth of a healthy child in an adult woman no exception, the risks that appear with a later conception still exist and they are real. At the birth of a sick baby, no material well-being may not save the situation, so it is important to do everything in due time.

Thus, when a woman decides that it is time to become a mother and begins to think about when it is better to get pregnant, she can adopt the above tips and independently calculate the best day for conception and prepare in advance for the onset of pregnancy in order to endure in the future healthy baby.

Author of the publication: Valeria Konstantinova

Men have a special internal organ- the testes, where sperm is produced and stored. The testicles are located in special scrotal sacs (scrotum), which maintain the temperature of the testicles at the same level, which is necessary for the production of sperm. This temperature is slightly lower than normal temperature body (36.6 C).

Testosterone- this is male hormone, which is also produced in the testes, is involved in sperm production and accumulation. During intercourse, a man secretes about 3.5 g of semen, which contains approximately 300,000 sperm.


A man produces two types of sperm:

  • sperm - X;
  • sperm - Y.

During conception, one sperm combines with the egg and determines the sex of the child (a girl, if a sperm is connected to an egg - X, and a boy, if a sperm is connected to an egg - Y). These different types of sperm have different properties.

Sperm - X They are distinguished by an oval head, lower speed of movement, longer life expectancy, greater strength. Fewer in comparison with sperm - Y.

Sperm - Y They are distinguished by a round head, a higher speed of movement, a shorter life span, greater fragility, a large number in comparison with spermatozoa - X


Women possess two ovaries and a uterus. The egg cell grows in one of the ovaries under the influence female hormone estrogen. Once a month, the egg is removed from the ovary (this process is called ovulation), after which it moves along fallopian tubes v .

If there is a connection with the sperm (), then the egg begins to divide, thus creating a new organism, which is called a zygote. This is how an amazing phenomenon begins - the development of your future baby. Note also that when a woman has an orgasm, her body secretes fluid that has alkaline reaction... This can promote the connection of the sperm - Y with the oocyte, if the release of this fluid occurs before ejaculation.


In a woman's body, eggs of only one type are secreted - eggs - X. Sometimes several eggs are released, and if each of them is fertilized with a sperm, twins or even triplets may be born. In such cases, each fertilized egg is the beginning of a related organism of a brother or sister with individual characteristics. It also happens that an already fertilized egg divides. By creating an exact copy of the first organism, which leads to the birth of identical twins.


The monthly cycle in women is very important in determining the period. Usually it is 28 days, but its duration can sometimes stray and decrease or increase even for the same woman.

Under the influence of the female hormone estrogen, the uterus expands to create favorable conditions for the possible fertilization of the egg. If fertilization does not occur during the cycle, the lining of the walls of the uterus exfoliates and comes out with the menstrual flow. Let's note the main thing:

  • the first day is usually the most profuse in bleeding;
  • usually bleeding lasts about five days;
  • The 14th day is usually the day of ovulation if the cycle is 28 days, but this can vary.

For absolute confidence, a woman needs to measure and chart her basal temperature body for two months. This is best done in the morning, before you even get out of bed. As a rule, ovulation corresponds to the day on the chart when the woman's body temperature gradually drops, and then rises sharply by about 0.5 C.

Some women feel painful sensations when the egg comes out and into a large number hormones are released. A special device for accurately measuring the peak release of hormones into the blood during ovulation can be freely purchased at any pharmacy.


This game can only have three participants:

  • egg cell - X;
  • sperm - X;
  • sperm - Y.

The result has two possible options:

  • an egg - X is fertilized by a sperm - X, which gives XX (conception of a girl);
  • the egg - X is fertilized by the sperm - Y, which gives XY (conception of a boy).


You want sperm - Y to be abundant and make their way to the egg faster and easier. To do this, you will need to first calculate the time of ovulation and stop sexual activity for a while. For the accumulation of sperm. About the influence of alkaline douching and special diet you will read below.

To increase your chances of conceiving a boy:

  • avoid intercourse for 3-4 days before the calculated ovulation date. This will help increase your sperm count;
  • give up hot baths and insulated underwear for a man at least a week before conception;
  • remember that conception should happen only once during ovulation, it is recommended to use a condom for the next few days;
  • remember that ideally a woman should achieve before men;
  • enjoy foreplay longer for maximum sperm production;
  • choose the position when the man enters the woman from behind ("like a dog");
  • remember that during orgasm, a man should enter a woman as deeply as possible;
  • a man should have a cup of coffee or a glass of caffeinated soda two hours before conception, which will help increase sperm count.
  • keep in mind that after intercourse, the duration of sperm fixation is 20 minutes if the woman lies quietly;
  • try to avoid using artificial lubricants.


In this case, you want a lot more sperm - X. Calculate your ovulation time. Since the lifespan of sperm cells - X is longer, you need to conceive 3 days before ovulation. This means that mainly sperm - X will survive and they will fertilize the egg in 3 days. You will learn about the effects of acid douching and a special diet a little later.

To increase the likelihood (to simplify the explanation, we consider the 14th day of the cycle as the day of ovulation):

  • have intercourse frequently from the 5th to the 8th day of your cycle. In this case, the sperm will be dominated by sperm - X;
  • on the 9th, 10th and 11th day, have sexual intercourse once a day, following the advice given below;
  • please note that best pose v this case"face to face";
  • keep foreplay and arousal to a minimum;
  • remember that during orgasm, a man should lean back and enter the woman not very deeply;
  • during conception, do not use artificial lubricants;
  • stop having sex on days 12, 13 and 14, and at least two more days after ovulation, otherwise be sure to use condoms.

The mini-calendar below will help you navigate how to conceive a girl:

  • Yes! - have sex according to the advice on this page.
  • IN. - the time of ovulation.
  • No sex - no sexual intercourse without contraception, only with condoms.


Either way, trying to define is nice because:

  • it strengthens your relationship;
  • you are trying something new;
  • you have more sex;
  • you discuss it all together.

So be fruitful and multiply. Just remember that every child is a gift to his family and the whole world, completely regardless of what gender he is.


Try to eat only healthy foods, take vitamins and. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and stay away stressful situations... Try to read while pregnant good book... Avoid gaining excess weight.

The influence of special nutrition is the smallest of all the influences described here. The most important thing general rule Is to stick to healthy eating during the period when you want to get pregnant.


  • If your baby's heartbeat is fast, then it is a girl, and if it is slow, then it is a boy.
  • If the expectant mother wants something sweet, then this is a girl; if she wants something sour, this is a boy.
  • If the belly expands upward, it is a girl; if downward, boy.
  • If the expectant mother often wants to sleep, it will be a girl; if, on the contrary, she is full of energy, boy.
  • If the child pushes in the lower abdomen, it is a girl; if it pushes closer to the upper abdomen, it's a boy.
  • If the expectant mother prefers to sleep on her right side, then she is expecting a girl; if she likes to sleep on her left side, she is expecting a boy.
  • If your grandmother's hair is dyed, then there will be a girl; if it's just gray-haired, boy.
  • If the expectant mother's belly grows more to the sides, then a girl; if it increases up and down, it is a boy.


1.Use a special thermometer, available at any pharmacy, to measure your body. Start special form for daily readings marks.

2. Take your temperature at the same time every morning before you get out of bed. Keep this record for two months.

3.V.O. - the time of ovulation occurs when a slight decrease in temperature precedes a sudden increase in temperature (by 0.5-1 C).

4. Usually ovulation will occur 14 days before the start of a new cycle. For example, the cycle is 28 days, ovulation takes place on the 14th day of the cycle (28 - 14 = 14); if the cycle is 34 days, then ovulation occurs on the 20th day (34 - 14 = 20).

It should also be noted that there is an increased release of vaginal lubricant during ovulation.


The compiler of this article does not assume any responsibility for complications that are directly or indirectly related to the use of the advice given above. Due to the fact that the compiler has simplified many things for ease of understanding, an ambiguous interpretation of what has been said is possible. The compiler does not provide professional medical consultation, but only advises - decide to accept or not accept advice, follow what you have read or not follow, you can only directly.

If you can't get pregnant at all, then you shouldn't do anything that can lower your sperm count, as this will negate your ability to conceive. The sperm count may be lowered temporarily if you are trying to conceive a girl.

If your monthly cycle relatively unstable, there may be a number of difficulties with following the tips for conceiving a girl given here, since ovulation may occur a little earlier than you expected.

In any case, you should consult about everything that is described by your gynecologist, general practitioner or obstetrician.

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