How is the name Vasya translated from Greek? The meaning of the name Vasily, character and fate

Male name Basil has Greek roots and comes from the word “basileus”, meaning “king”, “ruler”. It came to us from Byzantium along with the baptism of Rus', however, since then it has taken root so much and firmly entered into our history and language that it is already perceived as primordially Slavic. And yet, the popularity of this name has fallen noticeably in recent decades, giving way to more “fashionable” ones among young parents.

Characteristics of the name Vasily

Vasily’s character is quite difficult to describe, because he is a calm, somewhat phlegmatic person who prefers never to rush things, but at the same time has a strong will, distinguished by stubbornness and a desire for perfection. As a child, Vasily is a friendly boy who loves animals and is somewhat restless. Usually he is a good student, although due to a certain amount of laziness he often does not use his gift of grasping all knowledge on the fly. In adulthood, many Vasilys become, if not alcoholics, then drinkers, and this greatly affects their lives. Usually, if the owner of this name does not have such a problem or was able to overcome himself, his life can be called stable and quite happy.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is suitable for boys born under zodiac sign Taurus, Cancer or Pisces. Taurus (April 20-May 20) is similar to Vasily in his calm, peace-loving disposition; under his influence, the owner of this name will be a simple, intellectually developed, slightly pragmatic person. Cancer (June 22-July 22) is the sign of people who always keep their true feelings, thoughts and intentions secret. He is also suitable for Vasily, who under his protection will be a sociable, kind, but loving solitude and tranquility man. Pisces (February 20-March 20) are similar to Vasily in their phlegmatic nature, therefore, by naming a Pisces child this way, the parents will receive a very calm son, prone to creativity and unusual activities.

Pros and cons of the name Vasily

What are the pros and cons of the name Vasily? On the one hand, this is a very old name, respected Orthodox Church, rich in energy. It goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has many abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Vasya, Vasenka, Vasilek, Vasyai, Vasyok, Vasyusha, Vaka. As for the disadvantages, many parents note them in the somewhat rustic, “rustic” sound of this name, as well as in the ambiguous character of Vasily, who is prone to drinking alcohol.


It should be said that Vasiliev’s health is quite good. In middle age, they tend to be overweight, so they need to watch their diet and, if possible, exercise.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Vasily can hardly be called ideal, since often the owners of this name prefer to devote much more time to work and friends than to family, with whom they have a rather weak spiritual connection. And yet, after the birth of the child, Vasily becomes more “domestic”, feeling greater responsibility towards him.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Vasily, as a rule, shows great diligence and original thinking. He can become a successful scientist, researcher, specialist in the field of technology and electronics. He is also close to professions related to organizational activities, trade, and construction.

Name day

Vasily celebrates his name day many times a year, for example, according to the Orthodox calendar - January 14, February 23, April 4, May 9, June 21, July 28, August 24, October 11, December 11, and according to the Catholic calendar - January 2, 27 February, March 22 and May 20.

The somewhat rustic and “rustic” sound of this name scares away potential parents expecting the imminent birth of a baby. But, despite its commonness, the meaning of the name Vasily is so wide and varied that it covers almost all areas of modern life.

As a child, a little boy grows up to be a completely calm, average child. He studies well, but due to his innate laziness, with low control by parents of their child’s progress, he can neglect his education.

Since childhood, the boy has enjoyed inventing some complex and understandable only to him methods of performing some simple actions, which from the outside seems like “reinventing the wheel.”

The child has an innumerable number of friends with whom the boy can communicate great importance. The boy loves and knows how to communicate, and mutual language can find contact with almost everyone; there are no material or age barriers for a child to communicate.

The baby often becomes the favorite of his grandparents, but he very rarely visits them, preferring to spend time with his peers.

From infancy, parents should explain and indicate to the boy those values ​​that should be of great importance in life, otherwise the little tomboy will draw his own conclusions, which are radically different from his parents’ instructions.

The boy’s tendency to acquire numerous friends remains so even in conscious and mature age. Sometimes it seems that a young person pays more importance and attention to his friendly company and work rather than family.

In youth, the meaning of the name Vasily is renewed by such qualities as hard work and perseverance. However, if the boy lacks motivation and purpose, then these character traits work in the opposite direction.

A distinctive feature for young man is his “peasant” simplicity, slowness, good nature and special “cunning”. Cheerfulness can lift the mood of even the most melancholic person, and his ability to avoid conflicts is always valued among friends.

Prudence, as well as the ability to notice and remember all the details, very often come in handy in a young man’s life. However, it is more difficult for a guy to think globally and fully imagine the whole picture.

Pressuring and influencing a man is a useless and thankless task. You won’t be able to forcefully convince him; he will have many structured arguments against other people’s arguments. Ignores everyone who tries to teach life or direct them to the “true path.”

The best thing is to come to an amicable agreement with the boy, then he will strictly fulfill his promises; fulfillment of promises is of great importance to a person. However, one should not “go too far” and tighten measures or conditions; due to his natural slowness, he will not physically be able to fulfill this.

In general, a man has enormous intellectual potential, but due to his innate laziness, he may simply not use (or misuse) his natural gift.

One significant drawback in the character of a young man is a craving for alcohol, which, if uncontrolled (the guy himself should pay great attention to this), can result in alcoholism.


Often, love for a young man does not mean much and does not come first; friends and work come before it. The feeling of freedom and comfort for a man is very important, therefore, in a relationship with a girl, the opportunity provided for self-realization and relaxation is of great importance.

The male name Vasily in love does not have many interpretations, and they all indicate that it is very difficult for a young man to choose between family, friends and work, so he often tries to combine all these concepts.


A man’s family relationships can hardly be called ideal, but they cannot be called terrible either. Often he is 100% faithful to his wife, even if he is in a state of strong alcohol intoxication, the young man will not be led by base intimate instincts.

Will never think about divorce, even if living as a family not very sweet, prefers not to talk about his family life, although there are rare cases of boasting or drunken complaints. There are cases of assault, but if you don’t provoke the man to it, then this may not happen.

Takes children seriously. This means that the child is planned in advance, who often becomes the only one in the family. The long-awaited child is cared for and cherished, paying great attention to his upbringing.

Business and career

A man devotes a lot of time to work, which means that in the absence of problems in the family he can achieve good luck. However, the young man’s goal is not career achievements at all; the process of self-realization itself is important to him.

In career, the meaning of the name Vasily is quite ambiguous. On the one hand, a young man wants to work, earn money and grow professionally, on the other hand, he does not want to put himself in a restrictive framework and work not only for money, but also for pleasure.

He always shows diligence and original thinking, and can become quite a successful scientist, researcher, and specialist in such fields as electronics and technology. The man is also close to such professional areas as construction, trade, organization and control of any activity.

Origin of the name Vasily

Contrary to beliefs that given name has Slavic roots, the origin of the name Vasily dates back to the times of the Persian wars, and in etymological translation it sounds like “royal, royal, ruler.”

The history of canonization and elevation to the rank of saints of the name provides for its widespread use among the population, the popularity of which dates back to the 15th-19th centuries. It is at this time that the line is lost and the Greek name, where it actually came from, becomes natively Russian. Vasily, whose name began to be widely used in folklore, became as popular as Ivan.

Characteristics of the name Vasily

When naming your child, the characteristics of the name Vasily play a big role in the choice, which helps to find out the pros and cons of the character of its future owner.

Character strengths include sociability, good nature, sociability, practicality, prudence, openness and simplicity.

Character flaws include such qualities as pettiness, cunning, a tendency to disperse attention to trifles, disorganization, and laziness. However, some character traits can be corrected in the process of education.

The mystery of the name

The secret of the name Vasily helps girls find the way to the heart of a young man, find his key and skillfully use it.

  • Stone - garnet
  • Name days - 117 are awarded per year church holidays, the main ones are celebrated on January 14, February 12, March 13, 17, 20, April 4, 5, 8, 25, May 9, 12, 13, June 5, 21, 23; July 6, 16, 19, 28; August 15, 24; 11th of November; December 11th.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign – Aries, Capricorn
  • Color – blue, cherry
  • Planet – Saturn

Famous people

  • Vasily Virastyuk (1974) – Ukrainian hero, holder of the title “The Most strong man world", multiple world champion in all-around strength.
  • Vasily Shukshin (1929) - Soviet writer, film actor, director, screenwriter. Known for the films “Kalina Krasnaya” and “They Fought for the Motherland.”

Different languages

The translation of the name Vasily is quite diverse and interesting. IN English language translated as Vasily, Basil (Basil), in Italian it sounds like Basilio (Basilio), in French - Basile (Basil), in Polish - Bazyli, Danish - Wassili, Ukrainian - Vasil.

Vasily on Japanese sounds like Obu (royal) - 王部, on Chinese– 瓦西里 (wǎxīlǐ - wasili).

Name forms

  • Full name: Vasily.
  • Options – Basil.
  • Diminutive and shortened name: Vasenka, Vasyuta, Syuta, Vasyonya, Vasyunya, Vasyura, Vasyukha, Vasyusha, Vasilyushka, Vasilka, Vasilko, Vasyay, Vaka, Vasyanya, Vasyata, Vasyatka Vasyakha, Vasyasha.
  • Derivatives - Cornflower, Vasko, Vaska, Vasya, Basilisk.
  • Abbreviated name Vasily - short name– shortened name.
  • Declension: Vasily-Vasily.
  • The name Vasily sounds like this in the church.

The traits of the owners of this name are kindness and breadth of soul, they are curious and strive to learn. the world.

The name Vasily comes from the Greek “basileus” - “royal”, “royal”.

Origin of the name Vasily:

The name came into our speech from Ancient Greece, comes from the Greek word “basileus” and means “royal”. Many members of the ancient Greek elite bore this name.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Vasily:

Since childhood, Vasily has been striving to explore the world around him, often tinkering with animals and studying plants. Communication with peers is always in the first place for them; they value friendship very much and easily get along with people. They often move away from their parents quickly, but painlessly. In his studies, Vasily gives preference to the humanities, but he perceives the exact sciences with respect, but without enthusiasm. Physical labor and reading are equally interesting to him. Vasily is rarely the ringleader, but in the company he is valued for his friendliness, kindness and ease of communication.

Vasily is not deprived of intelligence, but rarely chooses analytical work, preferring natural science to it. They have a penchant for experiments and experimentation, work well with people, and easily comprehend natural patterns. Vasilyev has a broad mind, and it is easy for them to engage in several activities at the same time and combine them. They rarely devote themselves entirely to one job. He chooses his profession meticulously and is not afraid to change it. In his field of activity he can be selfish and prefers to do everything himself. Vasily, as a rule, are traditionalists in work, in friendship, and in personal life, do not like sharp turns and changes.

In company, Vasily behaves relaxed, he is alien to embarrassment and isolation. He is happy to talk about his interests and listen to others. He has his own point of view and is ready to uncompromisingly defend it; because of his adherence to principles, he sometimes enters into conflicts. He finds friends easily, and is especially loyal to children's friendships. He is always ready to defend his friends, and puts their interests on a par with his own. He is equally friendly towards both men and women. Disappointed in life and friendship, Vasily can withdraw and become a misanthrope.

In relation to his lady love, Vasily is able to behave like a true knight, a little clumsy, but always courageous and noble. He values ​​grace and a sense of humor in women and expects mostly understanding from his chosen one. In everyday life he is undemanding, does not like pettiness and pickiness, and tolerates the shortcomings of his other half philosophically. Vasily is rarely tender and romantic, but he is reliable. I’m not inclined to experiment in bed, however sex life prefers to conduct regular.

Sometimes he can change love for the sake of friendship, which always comes first for him. In turn, Vasily is not jealous, does not seek to control his wife and is capable of calm trust.

Vasily sincerely adores children and always looks forward to their appearance. However, he does not seek to control and overprotect his grown children, but he always maintains warm friendly relations with them and is ready to help if necessary. It happens that Vasily is afraid of his own mother-in-law, although he usually has no problems with his relationship with his father-in-law. In adulthood, Vasiliev values ​​stability and a well-trodden track of family life.

“Winter” Vasilys are sometimes withdrawn and unsociable, eccentric. “Autumn” and “summer” people are closely connected with nature, those born in spring are inquisitive and judicious.

Vasily’s strongest marriage may be with women named Yulia, Margarita and Anna, and problems can be expected in relationships with Lyubov, Lydia, Ekaterina and Inna.

The meaning of the name Vasily: The name for a boy means “royal”, “majestic”, “royal”. This affects the character and fate of Vasily.

Origin of the name Vasily: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Vasya, Vasena, Cornflower, Vasyatka, Vasyunya, Vasyuta, Vasyusha.

What does the name Vasily mean: The name Vasily comes from the ancient Greek “basileus” and is translated as “king”. Another meaning of the name Vasily is “majestic.” A man with this name never becomes arrogant; rather, he strives to solve all problems wisely. Calm, persistent, rapidly moving forward up the career ladder. A guy with this name is patient and can endure literally anything if it benefits him. However, he is gullible, so they often try to take advantage of him. Vasya needs reliable friends nearby.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Vasily celebrates his name day three times a year:

  • January 14 (1) - St. V. the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea, defender of the Orthodox faith from heretics.
  • March 13 (February 28) - St. Basil the Confessor endured much torment for the veneration of holy icons, then labored in fasting and prayer until old age.
  • April 8 (March 26) - St. Basil the New (10th century) suffered torment for the Christian faith, but remained unharmed among them. He was perspicacious and healed the sick through prayer.

Signs of the name: Prayers are offered to V. the Great for the number of pigs. To V. Novy - about healing from fever. January 14 - Vasily's Day - "pig's head on the table." "Vasil's night star - summer is berry." The sky is clear - a large harvest of peas. The blizzard on Vasilyev's evening promises a harvest of nuts. March 13 - Vasya the dropper: there is always a thaw on this day. On Vasily, the warm sun in circles means the harvest. In April, V. Pariysky soars the earth. Vasily has steamed the earth - turn out the shafts, throw the sleigh on the road! On this day, the bear must get up and leave the den.


  • Zodiac - Capricorn
  • Planet - Saturn
  • Color - blue.
  • Auspicious tree - elm
  • Treasured plant - thistle
  • Patron name - cat
  • Talisman stone - garnet

Characteristics of the name Vasily

Positive features: Vasya is a man of duty and is capable of much for the sake of his friends. Since childhood, he has been cheerful, sociable, open, and good-natured. A man with this name is self-possessed, prudent, curious, balanced, practical and never backs down in the face of obstacles.

Negative features: The name Vasily brings cunning in small things, simplicity, self-indulgence. Vasya can ruin his abilities and opportunities, which were initially good. In his youth, he does not stay long in any activity and scatters his strength.

Character of the name Vasily: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Vasily? This is a bright man. Whatever business he does, he does everything for pleasure. It is difficult to anger him, he is calm, sometimes even phlegmatic, but he is open and friendly with people, and finds a common language with everyone. Vasya cannot be called active; he is a conservative person and prefers that events take their course. Thanks good developed intuition he manages to feel the connection between seemingly completely disparate phenomena - and combine them perfectly. Vasya has a strong will, he is able to curb the unreasonable actions of others, although he rarely decides to interfere in other people's affairs. Another one characteristic- a strong connection with nature, which means he is a sensitive nature.

This is a hardworking, balanced, stubborn person, but an impeccable performer, not ambitious. Career is not his goal, he receives awards and positions for dedication and conscientious work. A man with this name is very lucky.

Friendship is more important to him than anything else, even the interests of his family. Vasya does not strive to be the first, so as not to offend his comrades. Kind, but irritable, in a quarrel his main argument can be his fist. Partial to alcoholic drinks.

The meaning of the name Vasily in childhood. In his childhood, Vasenka amazes with his extraordinary maturity and seriousness. A calm guy, he doesn’t bully, doesn’t make noise, seems to listen obediently, but still does it his own way. He takes care of animals with love, is very loyal to his friends, he has many of them.

For adult Vasya, communication with friends comes first, even to the detriment of peace in the family and work. However, he does his job well, although perhaps not enough for such an extraordinary nature.

Vasya chooses his profession carefully. The true calling of a modern guy is business. He seems phlegmatic, but sometimes this impression is deceptive, since he thoroughly calculates his actions several steps ahead. Vasya can be a good inventor. He is a wonderful leader: an organizer, smart and resourceful, full of ideas, excellent at arguing his positions, difficult to piss him off, extremely polite with employees, gallant with women.

In relationships with women, Vasya demonstrates knightly qualities and controls his sexual desires. In marriage he is faithful, stoically endures even a bad housewife with a harmful character.

Often this is a person who drinks. At work they put up with this, the atmosphere at home can be tense. Then Vasya withdraws into himself and becomes indecisive. A sober man named Vasily has a “full house”; he is always happy to receive guests and go out of town with a group. He loves children passionately and tenderly, and has an excellent relationship with his wife’s parents.

The energy of the name corresponds to the idea of ​​a Russian person - open, good-natured, leisurely, sometimes drinking, sociable, but cunning and knows his worth. This interesting nature is understood and objectively described by P. Florensky: “The meaning of the name Vasily etymologically is “royal”, “royal”. If the main feature of royalty is not greatness or dignity, which may be inherent in the most diverse moral and social states, but the ability necessary for a king to embrace a broad outlook from a certain height and consciously conduct systematic activities in the area covered, then, indeed, royalty, so understood , there is an essential sign of Vasya. His intellect quickly grasps the relationships of things, people and events, and does not get lost. And polysyllabicity life relationships... Without wondering what is impossible, Vasya walks slowly, but without losing what he has achieved, without breakdowns; if he retreats, then this is not an accidental evasion or confusion, but a bypass of the obstacle he has encountered: Vasya needs to leave it behind him, but he does not at all see the indispensable need to move it at all costs. And he moves forward, implementing and consolidating some highest building, which from now on becomes forever the property of culture.

This ability for purposeful activity is largely determined in the name Vasya by the direct connection of his will with his mind: the mind passes into the volitional principle, as if germinating it, and emotions are not so much absent or poorly developed, but they do not stand between the mind and by will, but are pushed aside and therefore, with the general great activity character, they themselves remain passive, perceiving from afar life and the action in it of the person to whom they belong, and therefore are, as it were, fatalistic... And in business, and in rest, and in building life, and in caring for oneself, a man with this name is not guided externally and formally set norms. A guy can be cruel, even breaking norms, in the name of a goal; but he can also be immensely generous when this generosity can be shown by a single act of will, a single wave, and at the same time he will take into account even less any norms and requirements of law, or even morality. This says a lot, because as an organizer, administrator, builder of life, a man with this name cannot simply take norms lightly, imposing and enforcing them himself. But when it is really necessary, he is able to autocratically abolish this time, this single time, the norm and implement what is now exactly required, even if it is in complete contradiction with the formally and literally understood rule of everyday life. The guy named Vasily knows how to do this with authority, without staining his conscience and without being internally forced as a result of such a retreat to further violations of the same rule, as happens with a simple fall...”

Vasily and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: The name's marriage with Anna, Alesya, Efrosinya, Maria, Milolika, Svetlana is successful. The name Vasily is also combined with Yulia. Unsuccessful marriage of the name with Ekaterina, Elena, Lydia, Lyubov, Lyubomila, Margarita, Christina.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Vasily promise happiness in love? In relationships with women he can show chivalrous qualities. Family is of particular importance to him. He does not divorce, even if his wife is a bad housewife or has a difficult character. He Vasily loves children.

A man named Vasya strives for perfection in sex. He behaves like a knight with women. This is a man of duty. Even in the event of an unsuccessful marriage, he resignedly shares the hardships of everyday life, without complaining to anyone about his fate. Responsibility for the well-being of the family increases with the birth of a child. Very attached to children.

In difficult life situations withdraws into himself, becomes secretive, then signs of indecision appear in his behavior. He is friends with his father-in-law, but is wary of his mother-in-law. A man named Vasily is not capable of offending his wife and child even when drunk. Becomes a grouch in old age, often occurs alcohol addiction. You can rely on him in everything, he will never let you down.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The meaning of the name Vasily for career. He is confident in himself and his abilities. Success is likely in different areas activities. You can select an area technical sciences, commerce, production. Vasya can be distinguished by high ingenuity, breadth of interests, intuition in business and in communicating with people. A man with this name is conscientious in his work, has good professional qualities, and is thorough. He Vasily attaches great value ability to plan and act flexibly. Realism makes him stand out among people.

Business and career: He Vasily can suffer heavy financial losses, despite his practicality. There is a possibility that he will lose money due to the machinations of the opposite sex, slander, or as a result judicial trial. In mature years, a name can achieve financial success and a high position, but he is sometimes hampered by excessive caution, a narrowly practical approach, and he will not always be able to take advantage of a lucky chance.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Vasily: The meaning of the name Vasily from a medical point of view. Negative quality Vasya - passion for alcohol. A child with this name will be in danger. nervous exhaustion, there may be liver inflammation, blood disease, endocrine system.

The fate of Vasily in history

What does the name Vasily mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Don Cossack Vasily Vasily Orlov-Denisov (1775-1843) is one of the galaxy of glorious partisans of the war with the French in 1812. Participant in the campaign of 1807 and Russian-Swedish war 1808-1809 During the Patriotic War, he was the commander of the Life Guards Cossack regiment, which was part of Barclay de Tolly’s army. He took part in the famous operation near Lyakhov, where partisan detachments under the command of Davydov, Seslavin and Figner surrounded, attacked and captured a two-thousand-strong French column led by the commander, General Augereau.
  2. Vasily S. Zavoiko (1809-1898) - Russian admiral. Participated in the Battle of Navarino; circumnavigated the world twice. In 1849, Vasily Zavoiko was appointed Kamchatka military governor and commander of the Petropavlovsk port, where he built a schooner and a boat. He placed the local, mainly barter trade under the supervision of an official, whose duty was to protect the interests of the Kamchadals, announcing to them the value of their furs and the price of the goods they purchased. Since 1856, Zavoiko was a member of the naval general auditorium.
  3. Vasily G. Perov (1833-1882) is rightfully considered the founder of critical realism. Among the artists who worked in the 60s of the 19th century, he was the first and most consistent fighter for democratic painting. Among his paintings, “Seeing Off a Dead Man” (1865) occupies a central place. The artist’s principle of criticism of contemporary life, developed in the second half of the 60s, reaches its peak in the painting “The Last Tavern at the Outpost” (1868).
  4. Basil the Blessed - (1469 - 1552) Russian saint, holy fool; sometimes he is called "Vasily Naga".
  5. Vasily Aksenov - (1932 - 2009) Soviet and Russian writer.
  6. Vasily Terkin - soldier of the Great Patriotic War, a fictional hero of the poem “Vasily Terkin” (another name is “The Book about a Fighter”), a poem by Alexander Tvardovsky, one of the main works in the poet’s work, which has received nationwide recognition.
  7. Vasily Buslaev is the hero of the Novgorod epic epic, which, according to assumptions, personifies the power of Novgorod itself, like Sadko - the wealth of this city.
  8. Vasily Vereshchagin - (1842 - 1904) Russian painter and writer, one of the most famous battle painters.
  9. Vasily Klyuchevsky - (1841 - 1911) prominent Russian historian, ordinary professor at Moscow University; ordinary academician of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (extra staff) in Russian history and antiquities (1900), chairman of the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities at Moscow University, Privy Councilor.
  10. Vasily Livanov - (born 1935) Soviet and Russian film actor, screenwriter, writer, director, animator, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1981), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1988). He received the greatest fame for creating the screen image of Sherlock Holmes in a series of television films directed by Igor Maslennikov based on the works of Arthur Conan Doyle, for which he was awarded the Order of the British Empire in 2006.
  11. Sir Philip St. John Basil Rathbone MC - (1892 - 1967) English actor, his role as Sherlock Holmes brought him public recognition.
  12. Vasily Trediakovsky (Tredyakovsky) - (1703 - 1769) famous Russian scientist and poet of the 18th century, philologist.
  13. Vasily Shukshin - (1929 - 1974) Russian Soviet writer, film director, actor, screenwriter.
  14. Vasily Zhupikov - (born 1954) Soviet football player, central defender.
  15. Vasily Zhukovsky - (1783 - 1852) Russian poet, one of the founders of romanticism in Russian poetry, translator, critic.
  16. Vasily Chapaev (he signed himself as Chepaev) - (1887 - 1919) commander of the Red Army, participant in the First World War and Civil War. Recipient of three St. George's crosses and one medal. Knight of the Order of the Red Banner (1919).

Vasily in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Vasily, Basil (Basil), in Italian: Basilio (Basilio), in Ukrainian: Vasil, on French: Basile (Basil), in Polish: Bazyli.

Like many others popular names, the name Vasily is of Greek origin and came into Russian culture along with the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. Translated from Greek the name Vasily means "royal". This epithet is one of the epithets of Zeus, later applied to kings and emperors. This epithet was applied only to representatives of the highest authorities and did not apply, for example, to the kings of Western Europe, who were crowned by the Pope. The name comes from ancient Greek. words βασίλειος (basileios) and originally sounded like Basileus.

The name is widespread in countries with Christian culture. However, it is worth noting that its sound in each language can be very different from the original one. Well, they also come from the same root female name Vasilisa. You can find out its meaning for girls and women by clicking on the link.

The meaning of the name Vasily for a child

Little Vasya is distinguished by great mobility and kindness. Its mobility is pleasantly combined with stability nervous system what for children with increased activity quite rare. But the boy’s kindness is especially noticeable in his love for animals. He will be very happy if he has a pet, although he will not immediately understand responsibility for it. Unfortunately, his kindness is often taken advantage of by more cunning children, but over time, Vasily will learn to distinguish between who really needs help and who is trying to “sit on his neck.”

Vasily studies quite successfully, but with some coolness. This is due to the fact that Vasily has excellent training abilities and he gets used to getting results without making any effort. He has an excellent memory, and his ability to understand the essence of the issue often helps him out in adult life. Vasily rarely becomes an excellent student, but if he did get good mark, which means he knows the subject exactly.

About Vasily’s health we can say that it is strong and this allows him to look good for many years. The boy is growing quite athletic and enjoys playing sports. Purchased in adolescence a slim body will be characteristic of him throughout his life, and this despite a slight tendency to be overweight.

Short name Vasily

Vasya, Vaska, Vasyok, Vasyochek, Vasyanya, Vasyuta, Vasyata, Syuta, Vasilek.

Diminutive pet names

Vasenka, Vasyushka, Vasechka, Vasyasha, Vasyunya.

Children's middle names

Vasilievich and Vasilievna. There are also folk forms abbreviations such as Vasilich and Vasilichna.

Name Vasily in English

In English, the name Vasily is written as Basil, but read as Basil.

Name Vasily for international passport- VASILII, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Vasily into other languages

in Armenian - Վասիլ
in Belarusian - Vasil
in Bulgarian - Vasil
in Hungarian - Bazil
in Greek - Βασίλης
in Georgian - ვასილ
in Spanish - Basilio
in Italian - Basilio
in Chinese - 瓦西里
in Latin - Basilius
in German - Basil
in Polish - Bazyli
in Romanian - Vasile
in Serbian - Vasilije
in Ukrainian - Vasil
in French - Basile
in Finnish - Pasi
in Czech - Basil

Church name Vasily(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Vasily.

Characteristics of the name Vasily

The adult Vasily is distinguished by calmness and even some phlegmatism. He does not like to rush things and at the same time has persistence and the ability to get his way. Vasily is characterized by the ability to wait for the right moment and dislike hasty decision-making. Vasily is usually the unspoken leader of the company, since he still has the most important word. By the way, he is calm about his own success if he achieves it. In principle, it is not typical for Vasily to display any ambitions in public, even if he has them.

Calmness and hard work are the main things that characterize Vasily at work. To this should be added his excellent ingenuity. The originality of his decisions often baffles everyone, but his authority makes even the most notorious skeptics listen. Of course, such an attitude must be earned, and Vasily does this successfully. Most often, Vasily’s work is related to technology and electronic equipment, but he can also successfully work in other industries. Often the team itself nominates Vasily as a leader, which is quite rare.

Vasily cannot be called an exemplary husband, but what cannot be taken away from him is his concern for the material well-being of the family. He often disappears at work, and his relationships with friends often become the reason for quarrels in the family. Vasily often changes with the advent of children and this somewhat relieves the tension in the relationship. He is a caring, responsible father and simply a wonderful owner of the house.

The secret of the name Vasily

The secret of Vasily can be called a certain penchant for cunning. He does not consider cunning something shameful, because he never uses it on his family and friends. So, if you do not fall into this circle, then you should be more careful in your behavior with Vasily.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

Totem animal- Cat.

Name color- Blue.

Tree- Elm.

Plant- Thistle.

Stone- Pomegranate.
