How to recognize the presence of a guardian angel and hear the right advice from him. How to hear your angels

I sincerely believe that every person living on Earth hears their Guardian Angels. Their voices pass through the hearts of people, through their internal organs, through heads, ears and eyes. Guardian Angels, to the best of their ability, help their charges, but still their influence could be much greater if people allowed them to do this.

It often happens that a person, driven to despair, involuntarily cries out: “Someone who can hear me, help me, please!!!” - without expecting help, of course, he receives it. Because the Guardian Angels are constantly waiting for our request, which frees his hands. I have already written that Guardian Angels cannot help us without our request. After all, no one has yet canceled the Law of Free Will and Choice.

Therefore, I really want as many readers as possible to understand that they need to learn to listen to their Guardian Angels. Many seem to want to hear their voice, but often cannot fully believe that this is possible, they are afraid to acknowledge and accept the messages of the Guardian Angels. When I talk to people, I often hear that after a bad incident happened, they admitted that an inner voice warned them not to go to some place or do something. And they understood that it was not an inner voice, but the voice of the Guardian Angels. But that’s how we are made... Time passes and we again take the voice of the Guardian Angel as our own and again step on the same rake.

I have an employee at work who constantly, if unusual thoughts come into her head, tells me about them, and I decipher for her the meaning of the information received. For some reason, she herself cannot understand what they want to tell her and why she needs to act in one way or another.

I heard from other people that they are overcome by fears when they hear voices inside themselves. Some people think that they are going crazy, others are afraid of losing control over their own lives, and still others are afraid of losing their Self. And yet, such people claim that they want to establish a connection with their Guardian Angels. It turns out that they have one foot on the gas and the other on the brake. This is such a duality. Why does it arise? Let's figure it out. After all, nothing just happens.

For many centuries on Earth they fought with the most cruel methods against people with unusual abilities, declaring them witches and heretics.

The fear of the Inquisition, which enters the collective unconscious, as Carl Jung calls it, is the reason that many people are still afraid to communicate with Guardian Angels. Somewhere on a subconscious level we remember that communicating with them can cost us our lives.

But this situation can be fixed. Guardian Angels easily cope with our deepest fears and easily remove obstacles to the spiritual development of their charges. And over time, a person begins to hear and feel their prompts. The Guardian Angels, if we only wish, will easily break the shackles that kept us in the tenacious clutches of negative emotions that prevent us from hearing the loving voices of the Guardian Angels. And as soon as you allow them to do this, information will flow from your Guardian Angels - the information that is intended specifically for you. How would this happen? It's different for everyone. For some - through feeling, for others - through thoughts, for others - through visual pictures, and for others - through an inner voice that will be very similar to your own. It is advisable, when you learn to hear the Guardian Angels, to write down all the information that comes, since these messages may contain answers to your prayers or very important information regarding your personal life, advice for the future.

Later I will describe how you can make sure that you accurately hear the voice of the Guardian Angel.

And further. When you realize your fears that prevent you from receiving information from the Guardian Angels, you will begin to feel much more strongly that our lives are filled with Love, your hearts will begin to open, and you will become kinder and more sensitive. Your life will be filled with new meaning, your goals and direction will change.

Guardian Angels are a gift from the Creator, every second taking care of peace on Earth, and, first of all, in our souls.

Good luck to you. Listen to the quiet voice of your Guardian Angels.

There is a certain irony in the fact that I, a former psychotherapist who once worked in closed hospitals for the mentally ill, now teach people to hear voices! However, the voice of God and the angels is the most natural sound we can ever hear. Only he will tell us about love in the epicenter of imaginary chaos and suggest logical solutions when we encounter trials.

The most common situations when it is possible to hear the Heavenly voice

I can guarantee that you have heard the voices of your angels and other spiritual beings speaking to you more than once throughout your life.

  • waking up, you hear a disembodied voice calling your name;
  • motives of beautiful, unearthly music are heard from nowhere;
  • you hear inner hearing(or on the radio) - the same song repeated over and over again;
  • in one ear you hear a loud, piercing, ringing sound;
  • you accidentally overhear a conversation in which a certain person says what you want to hear;
  • you, as if by chance, turn on the TV or radio at the exact moment when a discussion is taking place on the air that is related to what you are thinking about;
  • you hear in your head, in a dream or somewhere nearby - the voice of a deceased loved one;
  • you hear that someone is calling you for help, and later it turns out to be reality;
  • the phone rings or the doorbell rings, but there is no one on the other end of the line or behind the door; you feel that your deceased loved one is trying to attract your attention;
  • a disembodied voice tells you how you can improve your life;
  • you search for a lost item, pray for help, and then hear a voice that tells you where the item is.

Answers come when you ask questions

God and the angels speak to us in response to our requests, so we can set the momentum for such dialogue simply by directing a question to them.

One day I wanted to know why some Christian denominations promote the idea that we need to “fear God.” I simply could not understand how anyone could fear our loving Creator, nor why a person should seek to fear Him. So I asked the angels to help me understand this belief system. Before I had time to finally formulate my question, suddenly, in search of the right wave on the radio, I ended up on a Christian talk show. And at that very moment the presenter began to explain why Christians should “fear” their Creator. I could not agree with what he was saying, but I was very grateful to the angels for receiving the answer to my question. And so quickly.

Do you have a question or area of ​​your life where you need guidance?Take some time right now and mentally and God about what concerns you. Hold the intention of submitting this question to Heaven and trust that you will receive an answer. Even if you cannot hear the divine beings answering you, you can be absolutely sure that they can hear you!

Most likely, within one or two days you will receive (that is, hear) an answer to your question. Sometimes you will hear the answer in the form of a song, you may hear a melody that is constantly playing on the radio or in your head. The answer to your question may be contained in the lyrics of the song. Or, if you associate this song with a specific person (living or dead), it could mean that he or she is thinking about you.

Usually, when we hear someone calling us in the morning (when we are still just waking up), it means that the angels or our guides just want to say hello. Most easy way deliver this greeting to us - when we just wake up, since our rational mind is at this time most open to spiritual communication. We are also better able to remember this message when we are half awake than when we are fully asleep. If they have a revelation they would like to add to their greeting, they emphasize that message at the same time. So if you hear your name called, know that it is a loving greeting from the angels and a reminder that you are cared for.

If you ask Heaven and don't get an answer, you probably missed it or don't want to hear what Heaven is trying to tell you. Thus, you close yourself off from the signals of the Universe. Keep asking the question until you get an answer. Ask the angels to help you hear it and eventually it will happen.

One of my students, her name is Tienna, took a course in spiritual counseling with me. She was very worried and confused because “for three whole days!” I couldn't hear my angels. She complained to me that while working with angels, she heard only abrupt words of one or two syllables. For example, one time she was reading aloud to a classmate and heard the words “uncle” and “traffic accident” in her ear. And it really turned out that her classmate lost her uncle in a car accident.

Sometimes the ringing may be accompanied by a nagging tingling sensation in the lobe. Thus and mentors show special diligence, attracting you to pay attention to incoming information. In this case, you are not required to consciously understand the message encoded in the ringing sounds. All you have to do is simply agree to accept it. For the time being, the information will be stored in your .

Please don't worry that tinnitus may come from a low and dark power source. This sound shows that the energetic frequency of the encrypted information comes from the highest source of Divine love. Low energies cannot operate at such a high frequency.

The ringing sound is actually an answer to your prayers for guidance regarding your life purpose. If the sound becomes too loud, painful or too annoying, mentally ask the angels to turn it down. Information will still flow to you, but in a quieter manner. If tingling or tingling in your earlobe is causing you great distress, tell your angels and guides and ask them to stop.

Ever since I once asked my angels to quieten the ringing in my ears and stop pinching and pulling my lobe, loud sounds and the pain stopped. The angels are in no way offended by our requests, but Feedback they need it so they know how best to help us.

based on materials from the book: Doreen Virtue - "How to Hear Your Angels".

Holy Angel of God, pray to God for me!
No one will probably argue that in the lives of each of us, at least once, there was a moment when in a difficult situation some invisible force threw a life preserver. He could have become a strange dream, who gave hope; a phrase heard by chance that suggested a way out difficult situation; a phone call from an old friend... And we can call what happened a coincidence, luck, inspiration as much as we like. In fact, this is nothing more than the help of our heavenly protector - the guardian angel.
That day, Svetlana went to look at an apartment that she was going to rent for a long time. It seemed that she had just what she needed: not far from the metro, the money they asked for was moderate, and most importantly, a friend lived on the floor above... And suddenly the girl clearly heard some terrible music. It was completely unclear where the cacophony of sounds was coming from. Svetlana looked around, shook her head, the unpleasant music did not disappear. On the contrary, it became louder, and with each note, fear that had come from out of nowhere crept into Sveti’s soul. After thinking a little, the girl turned around and left.
A few days later, Svetlana made another attempt to see that apartment, but it ended the same way - the terrible music forced the girl to turn back. In a word, she never managed to rent this apartment, and a month later a friend said that a fire broke out in that apartment due to faulty wiring: none of the residents managed to escape.
This is just one example illustrating how a guardian angel protects us from harm. Anyone can hear the voice of an angel and establish contact with him - you just need to really want it and, most importantly, follow two rules in life: do not give in negative emotions and listen carefully to inner voice, paying attention to signs from the outside - dreams, coincidences, etc.
Angel Dreams
Most often, angels resort to dreams to communicate with their charges: while we are in the arms of Morpheus, the messengers of heaven give us advice on what to do in this or that case. If immediately after waking up a certain idea came to you, do not brush it off like an annoying fly, but think carefully about it. Perhaps this is the only correct way out of this situation
8In sleep, angels calm and comfort us. After delving into your memory, you will probably remember a time when, having gone to bed completely broken, you woke up peaceful and calm, with a clear feeling that now everything will be fine.
And finally, in a dream, heavenly creatures warn us about mistakes and danger, sending “plot” dreams that simply shout that soon
“a storm is coming.” Angels are very patient. It happens that from night to night they “show” us the same dream, and we, not understanding the hint, stubbornly do something wrong.
Larisa really wanted to start a new business: organize a theater studio for children. But I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to cope. And while she was thinking, weighing up all the pros and cons, she had the same dream three times. It’s as if she’s walking on a tightrope stretched between two houses. And every time, somewhere in the middle of the path, he begins to lose his balance. The fear of falling down was so strong that the girl woke up in a cold sweat.
But one day Larisa dreamed that she, balancing on a rope, looked down and saw: there was a safety net stretched there. “Even if I fall, nothing terrible will happen,” the girl thought and woke up with the firm conviction that it was still worth taking on a new business.
I had a voice
However, in order to communicate with the heavenly patron, it is not necessary to wait until night falls. During the day or in the morning, when you feel sad and ill, close your eyes and imagine that your light-winged protector is next to you. You will see that your soul will immediately feel lighter.
An unexpected thought or a phrase heard by chance is also an angelic prompt.
One night I was sitting in the kitchen and racking my brains over a serious everyday problem. The resolution of the issue was dragging on, and I couldn’t wait to speed things up, I just didn’t have the strength to endure it any longer.
"How should I act, how?" - I thought painfully. And suddenly I heard someone’s voice that sounded like a child: “Slowly and judiciously.” Subsequently, I repeatedly told the angel thank you for the advice. After all, it was thanks to him that I managed to restrain myself and not mess things up.
Angelic help often comes to us through other people: old acquaintances, friends, acquaintances, work colleagues or even random fellow travelers.
Having moved to the capital, Olga could not find a decent job for a long time. She wasn’t invited to go where she wanted, and the girl didn’t like the companies she was invited to. The search continued for several months. When despair reached highest point, Olga saw on TV an interview with her old friend, whom she had not seen for many years, but who, according to the stories of mutual friends, had been living in the capital for a long time. Olga found him, and imagine her surprise when it turned out that their company required a specialist of Olya’s profile. Arriving at the interview, the girl realized that this was exactly the job she had dreamed of!
How to call an angel?
And yet, there are enough problems and sorrows in our lives: there is no money, there are problems at work, there are problems in our personal lives. In moments of despair, it begins to seem to us that our guardian angel is not paying enough attention to us. There are also those who completely doubt that he has a heavenly patron. Are you one of these people? Then our advice to you is to first pay attention to your own behavior.
Think about whether you are living correctly and whether you are doing harm to people. If you come to the conclusion that you are worthy of the help of an angel, turn to the Almighty with this prayer. "Lord, come into this house and let Your holy angels live in it. So that they will protect us and we can live in peace."
But here are short and easy to remember prayers that should be read every morning when leaving the house: “My angel, walk with me, You are ahead, I am behind you.” Or: " Saint Angele God, my guardian, pray to God for me."
Write a letter
Sometimes we ourselves don’t know what we want from life, and therefore we are not able to formulate a request addressed to the Higher Powers clearly and correctly. As a result, we get “something I don’t know what,” and we are even angry at it heavenly patrons. You can avoid annoying misunderstandings if you put your request on paper. Yes, yes, write a letter to your angel, clearly formulating your request, and remember that angels willingly respond to our requests, but never impose their help. Being nearby day and night, they support us only in the most difficult situations, special, extreme cases. So don't be shy once again ask the winged magician for help. Just don't expect him to do your work for you. The Guardian Angel will only show you the right path.
Is this an angel?
After hearing the angel's prompts once or twice, you can easily learn to recognize his voice. For those who have little experience yet, a warning: be very careful. After all, there, in the Subtle World, live not only good angels, but also evil entities, which do not feed with bread, let a person do a dirty trick. They, pretending to be “white and fluffy,” can give a person unkind advice. So how can you tell an enemy from a friend?
Remember: an angel will never force you to act or force you. He respects your right to choose. An angel will never advise anything that will cause harm to anyone (including you). He will not take revenge, punish, or threaten. And most importantly, after communicating with an angel, your soul becomes light and calm, but after a conversation with demonic entities, it becomes anxious and disgusting.
Are angels always good?
Perhaps, from our human point of view, no. If we make the wrong choices, if our thoughts and actions harm our soul (and the souls of other people), the angel stops us. Sometimes it’s quite sharp, painful, but it still stops and doesn’t leave. And only after a while we understand: what yesterday seemed cruel and unfair to us was actually our salvation, a gift from an angel.
There is such a parable. A man died, and his soul flew over the sea of ​​life, and it saw a sandy shore and two chains of footprints in the sand. One went on and on continuously, the other was interrupted every now and then.
- What it is? - asked the man.
“These are your footprints, the path you walked on Earth,” God answered.
- Whose footprints are next to mine?
- Your guardian angel.
- Why do my traces appear and disappear? Perhaps the angel was leaving me?
- No, he carried you in his arms.
Remember that the white wings of an angel are stretched over each of us; you just need to try to be worthy of his protection.

So, relying on the fact that according to the freedom of our will and independent choice our Path, but not to give specific instructions; in communicating with them you need to ask not questions, but rather requests. Not “what should I do?”, but “what should I know in order to...?”

It is understandable that the mind wants to receive a list of specific actions, so that, guided by it, it can go through everything clearly step by step. But we are all unique here in ourselves and are embodied precisely in order to write this life only with our unique stellar handwriting. And if we needed specific control centers and clear instructions, then we would simply turn to the repository of our bottomless genetic memory and then, for lack of more goals, they would immediately leave the game. Why play chess if you know the final layout of the pieces and the result itself? The goal itself is not the essence, but the essence is the process. Therefore, you need to ask not for specific actions, but for states.

How do we determine what is good or bad for us?

According to the state of our body and our Soul. Therefore, when creating a request, focus on how you ultimately want to feel when the outcome you desire comes. Thus, you will not, guided by the framework of your mind, prescribe a step-by-step path for higher entities, which, in essence, is stupid to do, because you cannot imagine the enormous number of ways to blissfully resolve your problem in the hands of the Higher Powers.

But you can clearly imagine your state when everything is fine. This, as a basis, as a guideline, should be included in the request “what should I know so that the situation is resolved and I can feel at ease and serene?”

Guardian angel tips every day

The reverse flow of information, like , can come completely in different ways, from you here – attentiveness and acceptance. The answer as a given can be read by you in the headline of a magazine at a kiosk, or heard in a fragment of a phrase uttered by passers-by rushing by, the answer can come in a dream or in the form of information you specifically saw on the Internet.

Also monitor your desires and feelings. If on your way somewhere you suddenly just want to stop and linger in some place for no apparent reason - stop. If you really want to call and talk to someone you haven’t talked to for a long time, call. It is important not to miss this internal unconscious desire, the promise of something that at first glance does not make any sense.

How to hear your guardian angel

However, there is one point here. The energy of the Divine response is light and flowing, and if you are tense and waiting for an answer, you enter into dissonance with this energy, you simply become unable to accept it. Therefore, disconnecting from expectation, relaxing and accepting everything that happens is the main thing you should pay attention to. And then the necessary information will be received in best time and in the most blissful way.

To learn to hear, listen, understand signs, yourself, angels, the universe, I strongly advise you to take the course.

And one last thing. How to determine that the information that came to you was not a game of your mind and a cunning somersault of the “ego” aimed at lulling your vigilance and leaving everything as it is. The answer is simple - it should be easy for you. That is, if from the information received you feel as if something tight in your chest has burst and now you are in a state of deep peace - this is it.

The energy of the Creator is what it is - the energy of calm, the energy of comfort, home, security, creation. It gives a feeling of serenity and this is its main indicator. If the answer you receive makes you feel good, then there should be no doubt.

And always just know that right now, in your present moment, you already have everything you need to easily communicate with your guardian angels. To do this, you do not need to go out into some astral fields, put yourself into a trance, and perform similar “dances with tambourines.” Now, when everything bright comes to us, it is already among us and around us, and attempts to formalize this communication with rituals, practices, etc. entourage, just another playing out of already outdated roles.

A simple constant, with people and the world around, orientation towards love is quite enough. And then the feeling of powerful wings behind your back will become an integral part of your life.

But if for some reason your connection with the Angels is broken, you don’t understand, don’t hear the signs of nature, and you have problems in life and urgently need tangible, real help, then write to me, Oksana Manoilo. I will conduct your diagnosis using photos online and suggest the best solution in your specific situation.

I, Manoilo Oksana, am a practicing healer, coach, spiritual trainer. You are now on my website.

Order your diagnostics from me using a photo. I will tell you about you, the causes of your problems and suggest the best ways out of the situation.

Every person has experienced a state of loneliness and fear at least once in their life. But, even if you suddenly find yourself on a desert island all alone, know that your guardian angel is always with you. Or maybe even more than one!

Every person has a guardian angel. He is sent from above to protect and guide you Right way. Christians believe that guardian angels are entities assigned to a person at baptism until the moment of death for protection and assistance in good deeds. Others believe that they are the souls of deceased loved ones who remained in this world to protect and warn.

Whether this is true or not, it’s nice to know that there is someone or something that protects each of us from troubles and dangers. Dearly beloved by our readers, Angela Pearl, an astrologer and tarot reader with 20 years of experience, decided to shed light on this issue.

How to recognize the presence of a guardian angel and hear the right advice from him. Narrated by Angela Pearl.

Holy Guardian Angel


The very first and surest sign is a feather. Feathers of any color are a wonderful reminder that your protectors are nearby, love you and support you. A particularly strong sign if you find feathers in very unusual places!

See the feather in unusual place is a reminder to ask your guardian angels for help and guidance, rather than struggling with a problem alone.


This is a very common way of communication between angels and humans. Ringing in your ears can signal that angels are nearby and ready to comfort you if needed.

Ringing in the ears also indicates that your actions and thoughts at this moment are correct and important. If you feel this sound, know that the angels are telling you that you are on the right path.


“Those who don’t need it won’t see this rainbow!” - says Angela Pearl. But if, while solving an issue that is important to you, you see a rainbow, you can breathe out calmly - you have found the right solution!

And if you think about your angels and ask them to give a sign, then the rainbow seen after that will be the answer that they are nearby and hear you.


If you find coins or any paper money, this is a sign that your guardian angel is supporting you. Perhaps someone gave you a coin or you found one on the way, pay attention to the date indicated on the money. Is she telling you something?

Have you asked your angels for financial assistance? What were you thinking before you noticed the coin? The coin can also be a sign from a loved one.


A sudden feeling of pleasant warmth spreading through the body can be a calming embrace from a guardian angel.


If a light bulb suddenly turns on, the light flashes, or the TV turns on and off by itself, this is a sure sign that the angels are nearby!


When a person is confused, sad or depressed state- he just needs support from above.

It is at this moment that seeing a cloud in the shape of a heart is a wonderful sign that says that love and happiness are already on your horizon. You just have to believe in it, and everything will work out for the better!


If you suddenly smell a sweetish pleasant smell without any particular reason, this may also be a sign of the presence of an angel nearby.

The signs are obvious

Have you ever thought about something and suddenly received an answer in the form of a song playing or a magazine cover with screaming lyrics? Personally, this happens to me quite often!

The coincidence of signs sent by the other world only convinces you that you are on the right path. Pay more attention to your feelings, listen to the world around you, tune in to interaction, and it will become much easier for your guardian angel to reach you.

As soon as you establish contact with your angel, you will receive assistance in overcoming life difficulties. You will understand that you have an invisible helper and protector who is always nearby.

Angels have many ways of making their presence known, you have probably felt them in other ways not described in this list. However, realizing that they are nearby, you can tune in to the desired wavelength and act on the signs that you receive from them.

Pay attention to the signs! This will give you a feeling of security and support that each of us so needs!

And when you're not sure the decision taken, you can always ask the angels for a sign to confirm your thoughts. Signs from guardian angels help us feel a direct connection, strengthen our intuition and give us the confidence to move forward.
