Short white hair. I dreamed about white hair: why would it be

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    White hair By dream book. Under white hair understand both bright blond and noble gray hair. What are they for? dream? Interpretations dream books for them are very different. See yourself or a friend person With hairstyle of an unexpected light shade - a memorable image.Female dream book states if dreamed about it snowy white hair, this foreshadows some comforting news, an invitation to a pleasant journey. See in dream your child is a real albino - a sign of wonderful news, an albino woman is a symbol...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    If dream own gray hairs hair - bad sign. On the other side, white like snow hair They promise the dreamer comforting news, pleasant trips and meetings. Russian folk Dream Interpretation. Dream Interpretation: hair in dream How will dream black braid or cowlick, then it will be person profit. Have white hair- no need to rush. How dreaming If you cut your cowlick, there will be some kind of loss. Whether you comb or wash your cowlick is good: respect and honor from of people.Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    If in dream you see beautifully combed hair, then in reality you will experience the absence of problems and worries. If dreamed shaving hair or beard, then the loss of a loved one is expected soon person or a serious illness. Why dream white, black, red, light, dark hair. See in dream white hair- to the comforting news. if you dreaming that you have turned white hair, then in reality you will experience carelessness, which will prevent you from achieving success in your work or personal life.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "akademsavina"

    Seen in dream white or light hair in dream hair dreamed about it dream in which you see in your hair flowersAccording to one version Human appears in night visions, since in reality he really thinks a lot about you, and your subconscious has caught the interest and sympathy coming from him. Another version - on the contrary, dream woman With white hair, In dream are the images of those of people, About which we ourselves think a lot in reality. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "abkhasiya"

    seen in dream white or light hair portend good news, peace of mind and joy. see in dream hair on the chest, sign good health. if you dreamed about it dream in which you see in your hair flowersAccording to one version Human appears in night visions, because in reality he really thinks a lot about you, and your subconscious has caught the interest and sympathy coming from him. Another version - on the contrary, dream woman With white hair, in dream are the images of those of people, about which we ourselves think a lot in reality. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "akademsavina"

    Interpretation dreams Hair- If in dream your hair is long and thick hair, then like this dream promises you wealth, strength and power. Carefully smoothed hair dream to new friendships, good relationships with people. Bad, liquid hair or shorn bald - to losses. Comb your hair in dream- a harbinger of health and success, dreamed about it woman With white hair, tear at yourself hair- to loss, to see burning on your head - to profit and success. Read more

    Dream book "fortune"

    Seen in dream white or light hair portend good news, peace of mind and joy. See in dream hair on the chest, a sign of good health. if you dreamed about it dream in which you see in your hair flowers - like this dream speaks of impending short periods will dream that they shave you hair, such dream portends illness, loss of a loved one person or loss of fortune. If dreaming that you cut someone's hair hair, such dream promises profit to the one who is being cut, and to the one who sees this dream- a small loss. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Dream, in which the man dreamed that he has long hair hair, like a woman’s, portends deception. In esoteric dream book long hair dream to that one's illness person, whose hair you saw.By dream book Freud see long hair in dream means self-doubt and isolation. Why dreaming white hair. Dream Interpretation hair wet.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    White hair - dream for meetings and trips. If in dream you are petting someone hair- in your love affairs harmony and happiness will be established. Flowers in hair- promise disappointment in the beloved (beloved). Dream Interpretation Aesop.If in dream you cut or style hair some person- think maybe he needs your support. One of my friends dreamed what she cuts hair his girlfriend.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "jossy"

    if you dreamed about it flowers in hair-then expect the approach of some troubles that will not frighten you, but, nevertheless, will make you nervous. If a young woman saw in dream your head covered white flowers, then in life she should strengthen her will and If a woman saw in dream person With beard, then most likely in the near future she will meet a man who will win her heart. See in dream an incredibly long beard is a sign that you will soon meet a very wise chosen one. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    It must be said that any Human With not bad developed intuition usually copes with this task with ease. In the opposite situation, when white hair dream person, as they say, out of the blue, you can and even need to think about it, because such a dream will not just come. In general, no matter what color in dream Not dreamed about it own hair, the main indicator of whether a given dream is good is the density hair and their physical condition. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    White painted hair- deception and attempt at manipulation. Blacks have conceived a business for which they will have to pay in the end. A very common symbol is “woman with black hair"- such dreaming to an enemy who is planning to harass you. Bald woman in dream, if she is familiar to you - to news about friends, relatives, as a rule, this news is about problems and even disasters in life person. If a woman dreamed that she is bald - worries, mental stress. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpret dream. Dream Interpretation Child with black hair dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Child with black hair?See in dream gray-haired of people dream about loss hair. In the same time white Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpret dream. Dream Interpretation Member with hair dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Member with hair?See in dream gray-haired of people is also a sign of unpleasant changes; for lovers, this means the appearance of rivals. Also unfavorable dream about loss hair. In the same time white like snow, hair promises its owners comforting news, trips and meetings. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    in dream I cut my hair hair in dream. tell me what my dream, he can’t get out of my head all day and it seems to me that he is very important. To me dreamed as if my two friends and I had agreed, under some condition, to shave all three of us. I mean shave hair from the head. I didn’t take it seriously, but when this event came (I don’t remember which one), I saw that both friends were shaved, one bald, and the other left white, blond hedgehog.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Elastic band for hair With dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Elastic band for hair s?Tangled, unkempt hair- to failure. See in dream gray-haired of people is also a sign of unpleasant changes; for lovers, this means the appearance of rivals. Also unfavorable dream about loss hair. In the same time white like snow, hair promises its owners comforting news, trips and meetings. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    wedding in dream. Dreaming me that my husband and I are going to sign. He’s driving, wearing a suit, his build isn’t his, his face isn’t his, but I know it’s him. I'm nearby, in wedding dress, I look at him and smile. Behind two person, either guests, or witnesses, male, I know for sure that they are our acquaintances. Number 3 in dream. Hello! dreamed about it such dream. In my apartment where I live with my parents there live 2 ghosts - these are 2 fragile girls - one in a black robe and with black hair, the other - in white With white hair.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonvryky"

    Paint hair in dream V white(blond) color means that in reality you want to seem stupider than you really are. Also this dream may have a slightly different meaning and be interpreted as a symbol of pure intentions and bright thoughts that will dawn on you. If will dream what did you paint hair in blue - in real life changes will occur that you will not like. Paint hair in dream to another person, daughter, friend, yourself, at the hairdresser. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    This is my second time dreaming what a handsome young man Human cuts my hair short hair, and I in dream This makes me very upset and cry. And both times in dream there were different young people People, different settings, everything is different, but the meaning is the same. What is this for? Eyes, hair in dream. Had a dream hair, white, curly, to the shoulder blades...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    I had a strange dream general, I don’t remember him at all, I remember I was just driving somewhere with a guy...I arrived in some village...there was a holiday there, everyone was in clown costumes...I walked past some mirror shop and saw in one in the mirror that I have blue ones hair With white feathersPigeon in dream. I dreamed about it dream It’s as if someone was knocking on my house, I’m letting strangers in of people(some Human With a cage in which pigeons sit), One of these of people tells me that according to the new law!!! Everyone is obliged to take a pigeon into their house, and the second one...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Dirty hair from 2 dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Dirty hair with 2?See in dream gray-haired of people is also a sign of unpleasant changes; for lovers, this means the appearance of rivals. Also unfavorable dream about loss hair. In the same time white like snow, hair promises its owners comforting news, trips and meetings. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretations sleep dress (1) Dream Interpretation dress. Dreams and dreams Dress Hair People.I started to pray in dream and woke up. That is, I understood that I needed to wake up. And today I dreamed that I'm drinking something from white cups, (there was a prayer written on the cup, but I didn’t remember the text) it turned out to be dark blood, and at the bottom there is something like a small heart (sort of like a chicken heart). Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretations sleep Young Human cuts my hair hair (1) Dream Interpretation Young Human cuts my hair hair.Eyes, hair in dream. Had a dream that I paint my eyelids pink and lilac. It turned out very beautiful (I very rarely wear makeup in my life) Then I untwist the curlers and style my hair, white, curly, to the shoulder blades...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Second dream dreamed about it two days later: eggs, a lot, very fresh and clean, really upper layer as if beaten. And the third dream at the end of the week: I'm on a minibus with strangers people, but it’s good and fun with them, along a very good asphalt road that winds very sharply, something like a serpentine, the weather outside is like after summer. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Dreams O hair in dream. Order for free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    And one day dreamed that young Human, With whom I have not seen for 8 years, is drowning me in some kind of trough. I see that on the other side standing my aikido coach in white clothes trains techniques. Ask the interpreter why dreaming see Dreams O hair in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Unsuccessful coloring hair And dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Unsuccessful coloring hair and? Tangled, unkempt hair- to failure. See in dream gray-haired of people is also a sign of unpleasant changes; for lovers, this means the appearance of rivals. Also unfavorable dream about loss hair. In the same time white like snow, hair promises its owners comforting news, trips and meetings. Read in full person, but I had the feeling that we had been dating for a long time. He said that he would marry me, I started choosing a wedding dress, then I said that I would only get married with long ones. hair, he gave me money for extensions hair.The table itself is rectangular and With white tablecloth. The girl and the military man sit down different sides: she is on the left, he is on the right.

Why do you dream about white hair? Dream interpretation

Gray hair in life is a sign not only of age, but also of wisdom, life experience, authority and respect, but a dream in in this case has the opposite interpretation. As a rule, white (gray) hair is considered a symbol of illness, moral and physical weakness, loss of strength and other troubles that old age usually entails.

However, if you dreamed that one gray hair appeared among the dark ones, this could mean an addition to the family, the birth of a child, especially if the dream is for a man. If the dreamed white hair is not gray, but simply light, then you can expect good news, purity of thoughts and a favorable outcome of your undertakings.

Dream Interpretation White hair Why dream of white hair in a dream

If in life gray hair means honor, respect, wisdom, then in dreams, as a rule, the opposite is true. The dream book interprets white hair as a sign of an approaching illness, loss of strength, severe fatigue. The only exception is gray hair at the temples, which speaks of authority and honor.

If a man dreamed that one white one appeared among the bright black hair, this is good sign, predicting that you will soon have beloved offspring. However, if a woman had the same dream, then she will have to experience anxiety and even fear for her husband. If you dream of not gray hair, but simply blond hair, joy and purity of thoughts await you ahead.

Dream Interpretation Long White Hair

Why do you dream about long white hair in a dream according to the dream book?

Seeing long white hair in a dream - long road, exciting travel, interesting acquaintances and a pleasant pastime.

Dream Interpretation Blonde hair Why do you dream of blond hair in a dream?

In general, to see in a dream blonde hair- this is a good sign that speaks of clarity and purity of thoughts and good changes in life. In addition, blond hair in a dream symbolizes complaisance, which will help overcome possible conflicts with someone close to you.

An exception is a dream in which gray hair appears; this may portend troubles and illnesses. A dream is interpreted in a special way if you see both light and dark hair on your head. It symbolizes that some choice awaits you ahead, which will not be clear-cut, so you should think carefully before making a final decision.

Dream Interpretation Red Hair

Why do you dream about red hair in a dream according to the dream book?

The dream book considers red hair to be the beginning of a good time. In all the undertakings you begin, you will be lucky, and fate will be favorable.

Take advantage of this opportunity wisely and bring to life ideas that you had not dared to implement until now.

why do you dream of white hair



Hair color - you should pay attention to such a dream only if the hair color in the dream was different from your own.

Light hair color symbolizes wealth and prosperity. Having an unusual hair color in a dream means that in the near future you will have the opportunity to make a statement about yourself.

A lady was lucky to have her admirer if she saw that she had a snow-white, platinum-toned hairstyle....

If you dreamed of snow-white hair, this foreshadows some comforting news, an invitation to a pleasant journey.

Nikolay Boldyrev

besides, like redheads)) the web of life is waiting for you.

Misha *

secret envy!



I dreamed that I looked in the mirror and saw myself either with long white hair or with dark hair and combing it with a comb and then I saw myself with my usual hairstyle


I was lying down, and on top my usual color was black and I began to lift my hair and from there many, many golden ones began to appear, and I was still lifting my hair, it was golden and long hair.. it was very beautiful and long, the dream was warm, even very pleasant for me


Good evening, I dreamed that in the mirror I saw myself with very long, thick, neatly braided white hair.


I saw my reflection in the mirror and was surprised that I had very long and snow-white hair, I really liked it. I tried to explain to myself how my hair became white, i.e. either the hair products somehow affected the color, or something else...


in a dream I cut my own long white hair Thick hair, although in real life I have long red hair. I stood in front of the mirror. I had to put a lot of effort into cutting each strand. I cut them off to the shoulders. the haircut turned out to be torn.


I dreamed yesterday that my friend gave me her white long hair show off in front of men and she took my dark ones, not very long, I really liked them, I went around showing off in front of men, then the guys asked her friends that she had her friends, they said no, they gave them to me to wear them, I asked, I overheard it and was offended by them, the girl who gave me her hair, I looked at her, for some reason she had a scarf wrapped around her head and she was bald, well, like a hedgehog, like an aging man, she had hair, I felt sorry for her, like she asked me to show off, and she walked like that and decided to return her beautiful


I saw myself and that I had long (waist-length) white curls, very beautiful. My husband and daughter were sitting next to me at the table. I told them: “Look what beautiful hair, and I was going to cut them off.” To which both the husband and daughter said that there is no need to cut them off, because they are very beautiful.


Hello! I remember myself with long (white (not blond, just white) hair and, it seems, with bangs. I remember seeing myself from the outside - in photographs, I liked it. My hair was already almost to the lower back, but it was lower, 7 centimeters longer -10.


Hello, today in a dream I saw my daughter, she is 1 and 5 months old, her hair is very small, and in the dream she was sitting on the bed in the front room and my husband and I tell my husband, look how much our daughter’s hair has grown and I woke up.


I only remember that the hair first turned from black to brown, and then to white. I liked it and decided to leave them this way


I look in the mirror and see myself with very long snow-white hair, combed soft and incredibly beautiful.


I don’t have white hair on my head, in a dream I dreamed that I was collecting my hair, or rather trying to collect it somehow and I found one gray strand, someone was sitting next to me and pulled it out saying something. I didn't hear what exactly they said


I had white beautiful wavy hair, longer than it actually is. I looked very beautiful and sat on a chair very important.


I stand and comb my long white hair, which falls almost to the floor. The hair is beautiful and straight. The color surprises me, because my hair is naturally much darker.


I dreamed of mine ex-man, as if we are together again and we have love, and I am so beautiful, I admire myself and my long hair is loose


I had a dream that I was wearing black clothes but I had white long hair and my husband and I were planting potatoes in damp soil. The husband was smiling and his torso was naked.


On my body I saw long thick hair under my arms (under my arms)


I dreamed of long gray thick hair under my arms


I had a dream that my mother was braiding me 2 braids on both sides of the spikelets and they were not quite long, and my hair was also longer to the waist, white and the braids were beautiful, why do I dream about this?


I had a dream that my mother was braiding me 2 braids on both sides, my hair was brown and a little long, and in the dream it was very long and the braids were beautiful and long to the waist, why do you dream about this?

Why do you dream about long hair? In a dream, they can be associated with vitality and profit, promising a journey or a long-term relationship. To find out exact transcript, let's turn to various dream books.

Vanga's Dream Book

Dreams about hair symbolize peace, warmth and spiritual harmony. If you dream that you have very short hair after cutting it, this means that you may go astray. Sweeping cut hair means revealing a mystery or a mysterious secret.

Lush, long hair means spiritual growth. Very tangled hair symbolizes distrust of people. It's time for you to learn to trust them. Braiding your hair is a harbinger of a long journey.

Freud's Dream Book

In a dream, all actions with hair are in any case connected with a person’s sexuality and his genitals. Long hair symbolizes isolation and self-doubt.

Very short hair or the absence of it on the head, on the contrary, means a lack of complexes and strong sexual promiscuity. A dream in which you comb your long hair is a sign of regret about missed opportunities and opportunities.

Aesop's Dream Book

According to Aesop's interpretation, hair is a rather meaningful symbol; it personifies wisdom, prudence and vitality. Having long and luxurious hair in a dream means good health. Combing your hair means putting your thoughts, deeds and actions in order. Cutting hair means great losses, misfortune and deliberate slander.

If you dreamed of a girl whose hair keeps growing, this sign indicates that you have an impossible dream. In addition this dream may be a warning that you will soon meet with a weak-minded and unreasonable person.

If you have curly hair, such a dream portends good changes in life. To dream of a girl having her long hair braided is a sign that you want to be useful and needed by others. In ordinary life, you do not live one day at a time; serious plans for the future are an important point for you.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Seeing hair in a dream - good sign. But this applies only to those dreams in which the hair is well-groomed, beautiful and healthy-looking. If, on the contrary, they are confused and have a faded appearance, expect many failures and quarrels.

Smooth, combed hair symbolizes true friendship. Long hair means profitable profits. Dreamed increased hairiness on the body indicates material well-being and about good health.

If your hair is falling out a lot in a dream, expect financial loss soon in the form of a loss or robbery. If you dream that while combing your hair you broke the comb, then such a dream promises nothing but trouble.

Loff's Dream Book

Seeing gray hair on your head is a sign of thoroughness and wisdom. Long hair dreams of health problems. Combing or styling your hair in a dream is a sign of a quick recovery.

If you dream that you are taking care of your hair, this means that you spend too much time at work and do not pay enough attention to your loved ones. Cutting your beautiful hair and feeling pity at the same time means serious quarrels.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Loose, long hair dreams of traveling and long journey. Gray hair means minor troubles. Combing your hair in a dream means major changes in life. Braiding a pigtail means overcoming a barrier with obstacles. Baldness dreams of losing a friend due to betrayal or betrayal on his part.

Miller's Dream Book

Combing your own lush hair in a dream is a sign of frivolity in your actions, which you will have to repent of later.

Black, white, blond long hair in a dream

If a woman dreams that she has dark and light hair on her head at the same time, then according to Miller’s dream book, she needs to be careful in her upcoming choice. Black curls mean that you may fall into a captivating love trap.

If during a dream you saw a girl with blond hair, this is a sign that your loved one is not worthy of you. White hair means good news and pleasant meetings. Golden hair is a harbinger of deep fidelity to your lover. Chestnut curls are work-related failures. Red hair color promises great changes in your relationship with your loved one.

Hair that is too short symbolizes unbridled extravagance. Do not allow it to abstain from the foreseen misfortune. If in a dream you had an incredibly beautiful hairstyle, then fortune is on your side, and pleasant and interesting changes await you.

Thick, beautiful long hair on the head - interpretation of sleep

If you dreamed that you had thick, beautiful and long hair on your head, this means that success, prosperity and the fulfillment of all your plans await you ahead. If a woman dreams that her hair is longer in a dream than in reality, such a dream promises incredible wealth, easy life and prosperity.

A dream in which a girl dreams of long, well-groomed and healthy hair, portend her the appearance of a faithful and honest friend. If a man has a dream in which he sees a woman with long and shiny hair, this is a harbinger of strong deception.

Why do you dream of long white hair, it will tell you appearance, properties, plot of the dream. Based on some qualities of the symbol and the circumstances in the dream, the dream book determines whether the sleeper should rely on luck, how best to build relationships with others, and whether he will be lucky in love. Sometimes the signs directly indicate a health condition or possible problems.

Miller's interpretations

Miller's dream book reports that unkempt white long hair promises an emotional decline, but beautifully styled hair promises success with the opposite sex. The volume of the hairstyle is directly proportional to the number of impressions: the more magnificent and curly, the brighter the events.

Unruly curls foreshadow changes beyond your control. If you dreamed of artistic disorder, worries and troubles are coming. Singing light hair near an open fire happens on the eve of great luck.

Gray and faded

The dream book has many explanations of why you dream of seeing snow-white curls. If in reality the hair is a different color, the Gypsy Dream Book says it’s time to rest. The modern interpreter believes that this measure is not enough and advises taking care of your health more thoroughly.

If you dreamed that your long hair was white because it had turned grey, the dream book foretells wisdom and respect. This is not the only explanation of why you dream of seeing yourself with long hair and gray hair. Sometimes the interpretation of a dream is associated with the negative side of old age: illness, weakness, moral fatigue.

If you were lucky enough to see a friend gray-haired in a dream, in reality he will give practical advice.

Blonde gentleman

In the Birthday Dream Book there is an interesting explanation of why a man dreams of long blond hair in his home. The dream foreshadows long-awaited good news, the successful completion of what was started, and the birth of an heir.

If a lady dreams of her lover in the form of a long-haired platinum blond, a happy future awaits both. A stranger with such a hairstyle promises deception. A head of hair made up of light and dark strands symbolizes purity of intentions.

Hairdressing manipulations

Dream books tell you why you dream about how a woman tidies up her blond hair or radically changes her image:

  • A haircut at a beauty salon promises new beginnings;
  • Cutting your own hair represents loss and separation;
  • According to Hasse’s dream book, selling cut locks promises grief;
  • If you dreamed of unraveling bright cosmos, you have to understand the dark history;
  • Combing long strands symbolizes a thirst for travel to distant lands;
  • Using gel in a dream happens to those who know how to smooth out sharp corners;
  • If a woman braids her hair, she has a useful acquaintance ahead of her;
  • Blonde curls in a dream are beautiful and do not require styling - you are in excellent health.

Hair incidents

If you dreamed of losing hair on your head, English dream book chalks up what he saw in a dream to an obsession. In the interpretation, it is recommended to remind the emotions who is in charge here, so that under the influence of emotions you do not do anything stupid. When your braids are dirty in a dream, the plot represents gossip behind your back.

Wet strands warn of the likelihood of being in an awkward position. Burnt curls are a very favorable symbol, but burnt curls are interpreted as a harbinger of conflicts and scandals. If long white hair suddenly grows on your head, you can count on wealth and honor.

Prudence won't hurt

Some interpreters consider deliberately curly hairstyles in a dream to be a warning signal. IN this moment you tend to exaggerate what is happening. First of all, this concerns romantic relationships. Be careful, do not rush to open your heart to the first person you meet.

Hair in a dream is a symbol of physical and peace of mind. Depending on additional details, such dreams well predict future events. Dream books offer the most up-to-date interpretations.

Why do you dream about hair according to Miller’s dream book?

If a woman dreams of combing her luxurious hair in a dream, then rash actions await her, which she will later regret. If a man sees in a dream that his hair has fallen out, then poverty and disappointment await him.

In the event that you see that your hair has turned gray, but in reality some kind of grief awaits you. If you see other people graying in a dream, then unpleasant changes in life await you. For people in love, such a dream means separation. Gray hair and a young face in a dream promise you troubles, illness or possible serious losses of loved ones.

If you see that you are covered with hair, then mercy and forgiveness await you. If a woman has this dream, then due to her excessive attention to herself and self-indulgence, she may lose her morality.

  • Black curls in a dream promise you a love adventure that may end badly.
  • Golden hair speaks of the courage and virtues of your chosen one.
  • If you see your loved one with red hair, then unexpected changes will occur in your relationship, which can be both pleasant and tragic.
  • If you dream of brown hair, then troubles await you at work.

If you dream of a beautiful hairstyle, then in reality a successful turn of events awaits you. And if your hair is too short, then try not to be wasteful, because misfortune may await you. A voluminous hairstyle, on the contrary, will bring you boundless happiness.

If a woman dreams that she has both light and dark hair, then in life she will have to make an important decision on which a lot will depend.

If a woman dreams of untidy hair, then failures await her in her personal life or at work. Hair falling out in a dream means trouble. If the woman in me strokes someone’s hair, then in reality she will find a worthy man.

Hair - Vanga's dream book

If you cut your hair in a dream, then this indicates a loss of the right direction in life, and after this, atonement and repentance will most likely arise.

Long hair in a dream suggests that if you are currently ready for transformation, then you will have spiritual and moral growth.

If in a dream you see tangled hair, then in reality you will have to look for a person who will help you find Right way in life, but every day you go further and further down the wrong trail. If in a dream you remove your trimmed hair, then in reality you will understand that you have made a mistake and will repent of it.

Combing your hair in a dream means trying to balance your body and soul. If you can do this, you will be rewarded with spiritual balance. If in a dream you braid your hair, then you are in for a long journey that will lead you to peace of mind.

Hair in a dream - Freud's dream book

Hair in a dream is a symbol of hair on the genitals, most often female ones. Cutting, styling or washing hair in a dream is a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If you photograph yourself with long hair, this indicates a lack of self-confidence during sexual intercourse. If you dream of very short hair or a completely bald head, then during sexual contacts you are a confident person.

A man who combs his hair in a dream is mentally preparing for sexual intercourse. For a woman, such a dream means missed opportunities that she regrets.

If you dream that you have a very complicated hairstyle, then you have an inferiority complex, as well as problems in your sex life.

Dreaming of hair - intimate dream book

If in a dream you see ugly, sparse and lifeless hair, then you should carefully consider the choice of a sexual partner.

If in a dream you cut your hair, then separation from your loved one awaits you. Seeing lush and beautiful hair in a dream means pleasant entertainment and attention of the opposite sex.

Why did you dream about hair in a dream according to Nostradamus’ dream book

If you dreamed about hair, then this is a good sign.

But if this hair is tangled and lifeless, then quarrels with loved ones and failures in business await you. If the hair looks healthy and is beautifully combed, then this is a symbol of strong and faithful friendship.

Long hair in a dream indicates imminent profit. If you dream about a long hairline on the body, then it awaits you good health and success in business.

If in a dream you saw your hair falling out, then in reality you will face large financial losses, for example, you may be robbed. A broken comb while combing your hair may indicate impending trouble.

Why do you dream about hair according to the Indian dream book?

A man who dreams that he has women's braid, in reality a woman will deceive him.

If you dream of a bald woman, then in reality some kind of illness, hunger and poverty are expected. If you dreamed of a bald man, this is, on the contrary, a good sign.

Seeing short dark hair in a dream means grief or a quarrel in reality. If in a dream you see beautifully combed hair, then in reality you will experience the absence of problems and worries.

If you dreamed of shaving your hair or beard, then loss is expected soon. loved one or serious illness. If in a dream a person’s head itches or he cannot comb his hair, then hard work or some kind of litigation awaits him. If you dreamed of falling hair, then loss and boredom await you.

If an official dreamed that he had beautiful and well-groomed hair, then fame and honor awaited him. If she dreamed that he had gray hair, then this means that he will soon forget about his fame and wealth.

If he dreams that his hair has become longer and darker than it actually is, then wealth and all sorts of honors await him. If his hair has become shorter and lighter than it really is, then poverty and trouble await the official.

If you dream that you can hardly pull out your hair, it means that you will soon have to try very hard to avoid poverty. Beautiful woman who has long and well-groomed hair is a good sign.

Why do you dream of white, black, red, blond, dark hair?

Seeing white hair in a dream is a sign of comforting news. If you dream that your hair has turned white, then in reality you will experience carelessness, which will prevent you from achieving success in your work or personal life. At the same time, white hair can indicate an impending serious illness.

Black hair in a dream has a double meaning. If your hair color is actually lighter, then in reality you may face troubles for which you will not be prepared.

Due to the ambivalent attitude towards those with red hair, the interpretation of red hair in a dream is ambiguous. Red hair in a dream can indicate impending betrayal or strong jealousy, which will be caused by a frivolous act of a loved one.

However, red hair in a dream can also indicate good news that is coming soon. In any case, red hair indicates that the person who dreamed about it is expecting changes in life - either good or not.

If you dream of blonde hair, this is a good sign. It testifies that your thoughts are pure. In addition, this means that very soon favorable changes in life await you. If a girl dreams that she has blond hair, then this indicates her flexibility and calm nature which will help prevent conflicts with loved ones.

A dream in which you see both dark and blond hair on your head suggests that you will soon have to make a choice that will affect your later life, so you should think carefully before taking it.

Why do you dream of combing, dyeing, repainting, washing, cutting your hair?

If in a dream you comb your hair, then soon you will find a solution to a problem that you previously could not solve for a long time. It may help you in resolving the issue influential person, whose help you didn’t count on.

If in a dream you dye your hair, then in reality you are expected dramatic changes. If you are planning to move, then do it as quickly as possible, because your new place of residence will bring you joy and a pleasant surprise. Dyeing your hair a different color means a desire for change and a desire to change your appearance.

Washing your hair in a dream is a good sign. In principle, any action with hair that you see in a dream indicates that changes in life await you. Also, to see such a dream is a sign that the burden of problems or difficulties will soon fall from your shoulders.

Also, this dream may indicate that you will get rid of the disease from which you were suffering. for a long time. If in a dream you wash your hair with clothes on, then in reality you will lose a loved one or material wealth because of your stupidity.

If in a dream you cut your hair, then in reality a pleasant event awaits you. Also, such a dream may indicate that you will soon be invited as a witness to a wedding.

Why do you dream of thick, beautiful hair?

Thick and beautiful hair in a dream is a very good sign. Such a dream may indicate that respect, profit, wealth and honor await you. You will achieve all these benefits with the help of your energy and hard work. In addition, the condition of your hair in a dream indicates your health.

Therefore, beautiful and thick hair indicates that you have good health and well-being. If your hair is unkempt, then on the path to success and fame you will face difficulties that you can handle. If your hair is styled neatly, your path to success will be simple.

Why do you dream about short or grown long hair?

Short hair in a dream can indicate financial difficulties, so in the near future you should be careful in your spending, because money may be needed for more important purposes. This dream is most relevant if the person you dream about with short hair actually has long hair.

A dream in which you see short hair that looks unkempt indicates that in reality you are in danger of trouble. If short hair is well-groomed and styled in a beautiful hairstyle, then success in business awaits you, and in the near future you will achieve your goals.

Lengthening hair in a dream indicates that its owner will soon achieve his goal, but there will be troubles and obstacles on the way to it. If you dream of growing long hair on your palm, then you can expect a decent profit. However, if you cut the hair that has grown on your palm, then you yourself will refuse profitable cooperation due to self-doubt.

If in a dream you see luxurious long hair on your head, then a pleasant trip or a profitable business trip awaits you. The hair that grows on your face can indicate leadership, which you will achieve through hard work and natural talents.

A dream in which you see long and beautiful hair on your head suggests that prosperity and a calm life await you. If a woman sees long hair in a dream, then everything she has in mind will very soon come true. If a young woman has such a dream, then she will soon find an honest and devoted friend.
