The worst sign of the horoscope. The worst sign of the zodiac according to astrologers

The signs of the zodiac can not be trusted. But read the description of your sign! Is it not true, almost all character traits are described correctly? You will be surprised, but the signs of the zodiac really confirm the features of your character, describe your habits and your behavior. So, they share people into groups belonging to a specific type of character.

In this case, it is interesting, people born to some of the signs of the zodiac are the most opposite, severe in communication, non-advisive and less often others are capable of finding a language with people. Look at the rating of the most unemployful and noncommunicable zodiac signs.

1. Scorpio

Probably the hardest sign from the entire zodiac manifold. Scorpions. And this is not by chance, because he refers to Mars, the God of war, which means the militant, strong and hot-tempered sign. People born under the sign of Scorpio are true consumers, rarely giving in return. They always take what they need, boldly go to their goal even "on the heads".

The second planet, patronizing scorpions, is Pluto, which means it symbolizes the depth of the soul and the devilish image. Main character trait - determination, which is often jealous of the other signs. This is a sign of individualists, despising the opinion of the crowd.

It is easily tearing friendship that does not benefit, but are capable of permanent feelings. There may be extremely jealous, as large owners.

2. Aries

Aries, also under the auspices of Mars, are often immodest and unrestrained. Decide earlier than think about the consequences. Because of this, they often fall into conflict situations with other zodiac signs.

Bright individualists. Egoists and excessive pride, unreasonably imposing themselves above the others, are distinguished by excessive self-confidence and narcissism. It is easy to guess that getting ready for a team with such an attitude to the surrounding Aries is not easy.

3. Twins

This is a rather complicated sign to communicate with others. They are often accused of indifference and heartlessness, although it is often their protective reaction from the surrounding world. They are always looking for ease, but often it leads them to neurasthenia. Because of their impermanence, they often lose their loved ones.

They are not worn and not home, they are generally very rarely tied to the place, forever looking for their own corner. Their irrepressive character always entails them somewhere, and they led their favorite people under the influence of character.

Twins are unorganized and rarely adjusted to the end. As a bunch of energy, annoyed from someone's slowness.

4. Aquarius

Their main characteristic is independence and originality. It is thanks to this sign that the world is obliged to appear Frikov and "White Raven".

It seems to them that people do not understand their ideas, often offended by people and often quarrel, behave defiantly in society, which does not understand them. They reject anyone who, in the opinion of Aquarius, does not grind to their level. Often radical, up to the scandalous and shocking as in clothing so in communication. They often spend their abilities to succeed in society, sometimes to the detriment of the family and friendship, but often their attempts are vain.

The sexual sphere of water is small. More often aquarius in bed, so it does not fit erotically temperamental signs.

5. Capricorn.

A rather independent sign capable of sailing against the views of the majority. Workaholics, but they believe that the whole world is obliged to them for their work, everyone should work as well as they.

Ambitious. They love money, but among them a lot of squeaks and miser people. It is harmful and often overwhelmed, which will quarrel them with others.

Among the people of this sign, melancholys are more often found. Excessive suspicion to the surrounding is also not the best quality of the caferals.

Do not immediately think that the "heavy" badge is bad or is an outcast. Not at all! Just people of this type of character are more often bright personality, which simply do not need to interact with other people. They often communicate with them from the need to learn their benefits than boredom, and it is often more consumer attitude, which, of course, is not very pleased with the representatives of other signs.

It's time to learn about the dark side of each zodiac sign. According to astrology, representatives of some constellations are distinguished by increased cruelty.

The horoscope of anger and cruelty will show you with what signs of the zodiac should be alert. In the still waters, devils are found, so astrologists do not recommend trusting the first impression. Nature has endowed each of us not only with positive qualities, but also with the deposits of evil, cruelty and hypocrisy, to identify that you can.


Aries - a sign of fiery element, burning all the dot. Representatives of this sign sometimes get the role of vulgar, boastful, arrogant and cruel people. Aries are trusting and morally vulnerable that it does not prevent them from heading the list of the most evil personalities. If you hurt the feelings of such a proud person - wait for trouble. Its revenge is comparable to hurricane, often accompanied by fights and scandals. Fortunately, militant Aries do not keep evil for a long time and they themselves go on a truce if you disappeared on time at the time of his rosy.


A rather peaceful sign of the zodiac, but it happens the little, stingy and places are joined. People have kindness and respect for the people until they prove the opposite. And here the calves can be given the title of astrological sadist. The main weapon of this sign is the words. By morally destroying, told all your secrets and missions, configuring many acquaintances against you, the Taurus proclaims you with his enemy. It will terrorize and despise until a complete repentance will achieve. For forgiveness, of course, you will not wait for the duplex calf.


Gemini - Kings gossip, intrigue and flattery. If there is a representative of this zodiac sign in your environment, be sure: he already knows about your secret, ready to embellish her and tell everything in detailed details on some famous TV channel. The twins are inconsistently, the nature pushes them on the adventure, sometimes even on romantic. But if they cause inconvenience, they do it not with evil, but simply because excessively emotional and infantile.


Cracks are hypocrites and pretenders. Their manner of life resembles the movement of reversing, all wines fear and emotional vulnerability. The lack of force makes representatives of this sign of the zodiac by evil and hosting people. Cancer will be delighted with pleasure over your mistakes, egoously refuses to ask or rises at your own account in the eyes of the public. And he also has a large box with the insults that he often goes through, remembers, it is offended even more and hides back.

a lion

Graceful and elegant lion - astrological superhero, pets of the public and just a cut. Of course, it believes the lion himself, and the one who disagrees with it should be ready for an instant rage of the fiery sign. Such people are proud, contemptuous, believe in their own greatness and are terribly proud of themselves. Lions like risks, being crowded adventurists, but any lesions make them the most cruel and evil representatives of the zodiacal circle. If you go on the road to Lion, you will have a serious and terrible opponent, ready to achieve your goal at any cost.


Virgin is so practical that for their petty things becomes shame. Their desire to streamline and lead to the ideal is simply unbearable, they can be crazy anywhere with their soldiers and teachings. Such people are deprived of the ability to improvisation, they control the sober calculation and order in everything. But not bring the Lord if suddenly a steady system of the Virgin flew to hell, and someone from the environment became the culprit. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac do everything slowly, therefore, their revenge is served cold, ruthless and calculating. For this, virgins can be bolded to call an evil and cruel sign.


Scales - discreet and soft zodiac sign. So people are not inherent for a long time to be angry, to save the resentment and build the grandiose plans of revenge - they have enough concerns without it. Especially if there is no right and reliable person next to the scales. In this case, they can prove themselves as astrological losers. Self-fixed in life is hampered by fear, complexes and shyness. Often, scales for a long time cannot make a decision that it scares good luck and attracts full fiasco.


Scorpions are dangerous even at a distance, but usually close people suffer from their cruelty and skillful revenge. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are lustful, jealous, suspicious, hypocritical and prone to treason. You can add the whole list of negative qualities that scorpions are energy vampires, malicious and vengeal individuals. Such people will not be difficult to discuss your shortcomings, throw in mud, and then long and apustion apologize to hit back again. It is better to love and cherish the most dangerous sign of the zodiac.


Sagittarius is a cruel optimist. Aggressive and invincible, the more obstacles - it is better for him. To touch for the living representative of this sign is quite easy, and in response it will expect a public "execution." Revenge and fight one for one is not interesting. Sagittarians need spectators, love of the public and the mistake of the enemy by the public. Such people are very angled, more precisely, they remember the offense all their life. The favorite punishment of representatives of this sign is public humiliation and promining ridiculation. And the longer the Sagittarius waited for an hour of reckoning, the sophisticated will be his ignition.


Capricorn - a soulless and very cruel sign of the zodiac. An calculating, emotionally cold and selfish representative of the zodiac circle will not miss the opportunity to show itself as an evil warden or public tyrant. The purpose of his life is to suppress others. Capricorns believe that there is no one better than them and nothing, and purposefully go to the goal - to destroy their opponent. They do not eat passion for intrigues and gossip, preferring monotonously, chitfully and tediously deprive the soil under their feet.


The idleness, an egoist and a dreamer, Aquarius - a pretty friendly zodiac sign. The avengers and intrigues of them are none: They are accustomed to living for themselves, not paying attention to the reproaches, obstacles and evil from the part. Venate freedom, avoid work, forget about these promises, do not follow the time and money. At the head of the angle of the Aquarius, there is a public opinion and status in society, so without a branch of conscience, they can pour a man with mud, just to be elevated at his expense.


Fishes only at first glance innocuous and charming personalities are incapable of evil and betrayal. In their lives there will always be a place for deception, meanness and arrogance. A terribly contradictory and do not know how to keep other people's secrets. Fishes need everything here and now, so a good life and work often cattons for them. By virtue of their politeness, they will not indicate your mistakes and do not admit that you offended them. They will better disappear from your life to appear in a few years with a serious conversation.

Useful advice

If you encountered an unpleasant and aggressive person, you may not think about what he can bezodiac sign.

However, statistics indicate that some signs are more inclined to aggression and conflict than others. This is primarily due tonuancesthat are laid in their character.

What zodiac sign is the most angry?

♏ Scorpio

Mars leaves his imprint on scorpion, so this zodiac sign can safely be called militant and aggressive. But unlike the Aries, the anger of scorpions is usually more serious, has great consequences and can last long enough.

Scorpions digish their anger, keeping her deep in themselves. You often can even suspect that it is happening inside, and one day is very close with anger and aggression, it would seem trifle occasion. Scorpio is not enough to spill up his anger, he wants a revenge, eager to revenge, so enjoying what he revenged.

If the wrath of scorpion fell on you, know, he cops for a very long time. Be sure that the evil scorpion will not be too fast. So that Scorpio finally calmed down, you should understand the reason His anger and eliminate her.

? It's not as simple as you think. Usually, that Scorpio show his anger and aggression, you need to try very much. He does not forgive betrayal and change. But in everyday life it can disrespect and reluctance to reckon with him. In rare cases, Scorpio can become aggressive, even if there is no danger, and he suddenly decides that the danger exists. But again, he will not change from scratch. Most likely, there are reasons in the past why he shows conflict with respect to you.

♈ Aries

Aries are included in the top three of the most evil and aggressive signs of the zodiac, and not surprising, because it is Mars It is the main planet of Aries and gives them aggressiveness and the desire to apply force.

Often the manifestations of aggressiveness and the Evil Aries are connected with the fact that it is completely does not think about the consequences, does not think that he can hurt someone or put himself in a bad light. He is not used to hiding his emotions, and if they are negative, he immediately wants to get rid of them, splashing anger on someone who turns out to be at hand.

The manifestations of the evil Aries are quite predictable: he can all twist, beat the dishes and scream strongly. In anger, he is very hard to restrain yourselfhowever, anger can go through, as well as appear. Aries are departed and do not like to return to old insults.

That it can take out ? Aries may take out of themselves a variety of things, especially he can be very nervous if something goes not at all as he wants. Aries got used to command, and if they cease to obey, there may be a lot of aggression on this person.

Aries also do not like to wait, so they are very angry when they are forced to do it. They, for example, are ready complete kilometers on foot, just not to hang around at the bus stop in anticipation of the bus. They tolerate can not queue, slow cashiers or transport delays.

♒ Aquarius

Despite the fact that Aquarius is very freedom-loving and independent, they can be attributed to the top three aggressive and conflict signs. First of all, the Aquarius was used to protecting his freedom and its rights, and if he feels that he was infringed, it would be honest to join you into conflicts.

The explosive planet uranium, which manages the aquatic, gives unpredictability and sharp manifestation of aggression. However, the manifestation of the offense can long wait Over my hour at the bottom of the soul of Aquarius. You can never know what awaits you next to this man and when you wait for problems. It is possible that you will never wait them.

That it can take out ? The only thing that is very annoyed is the inability to be free. It does not tolerate jealousy and debts. It always causes conflicts, especially if something requires something and scream: you must! Excessively conservative and boring people can cause Aquarius not just disgust, representatives of this sign can sometimes treat them with a fair fraction of anger.

Evil sides of other signs of the zodiac

♑ Capricorn.

Capricors often also refer to rather aggressive signs, although they may well hold back their feelings and hide emotions Under the impenetrable wall of decency. Capricorns do not like to leave the rules. They know how to control themselves perfectly, but they still have flashes of anger.

That it can take out ? Capricorn is very important status and financial stability, so any people or circumstances that can shake stability and spoil the reputation of Capricorn, can cause his righteous anger. Capricorn stubborn and accustomed to insist on their own. If something goes not according to plan, it can lead to the emergence of negative emotions from the representative of this sign of the zodiac.

♋ Cancer

Another cardinal sign, despite its closed character, is very hot-tempered and often nervous. All Wine is a strong moon in a map of any cancer that manages this sign. The moon is not used to restraining emotions and hide feelings, they are usually quite obvious.

Despite this, cancers can control themselves with other people's people so that no one knew about what is happening in their personal space. But if you enter the circle of approximations, be sure that the anger of cancer will be collected for you.

That it can take out ? Cracks are a mountain for their family, their relatives, so if someone is offended, ready to stand for offended, can be very conflicts and aggressive.

♌ Lev

Lions are not too conflict and aggressive people as long as they are touched by their dignity. Any lion can keep himself at height, and aggression is not too much to the face of "best people." But if necessary - he can become aggressive, and conflict, and evil.

That it can take out ? Lion can derive people who are trying to become above it, show that they are better in something smarter or more successful. Lions do not tolerate competitors at all, so if someone goes to them and trying to eclipse them into something, they can be very aggressive.

♍ Deva.

Virns are very detained and rarely become conflict and aggressive, they can be stuck, sarcastic and cold in communication with those who do not like them, and in the case unpleasant situations, behave as calm as possible. But still there are several things that can cause their anger.

That it can take out ? Virginships do not like a mess, they are accustomed to live so that everything is clear, everything was in their places, everything was according to the rules. If someone is trying to break this established order, the Virgin can enter into conflict. Carelessness in any form is also not close to the devies, so they can take them out of themselves non-loop, untidy or too changeful people.

♉ Taurus

Tales do not differ conflict, if nothing threatens their comfort and stability. He does not like open conflicts and prefers to solve problems calmly. However, if the calf rang with resentment and disappointment, He will remember them for a very long time. Tales are not so easy to forget the insults.

That it can take out ? It can be removed from equilibrium those people or circumstances that prevent him from controlling. Tales, like all earthly signs, are firmly standing on Earth and want to feel that they can foresee. Uncertainty and the inability to take anything under control, makes the Taurus rather aggressive, but still aggression will not be expressed too clearly.

Internet shot by various articles on the characters of the zodiac signs. But most of them describe the positive qualities of the symbols, completely forgetting that in each zodiacal barrel of honey, it is certainly a spoonful of tar. It's time to shed light on the negative features of the temperament of each sign. At the same time, and determine the worst sign of the zodiac.

An unambiguous answer to this question, of course, does not exist. Considering the characters of signs, in each one you can find positive and negative qualities. No one is perfect, so it's time to determine, whose spoonful is more like a scoop.

If we take into account the gender, then among men, astrologers prefer to give the first place to the scales. Their impermanence, fluctuations of plans and moods are erected by pets of the air element on the championship pedestal among the zodiac cavaliers. However, and here in statistics you can find errors, because for each sign there is an ideal partner for which "and the Ospina - that there are pummers on the cheeks."

Among the representatives of the beautiful sex, it is worth noting women-Streltsov. An amazing mixture of self-configuration and conflict is the same gift for the opposite sex. Yes, and the owners of this nature itself in life is not easy.

So, the leaders of the "nasty" parade are defined. But are their neighbors on the horoscope sinless? After all, if you look at, in each sign of the zodiac there are many flaws that tactful astrologers are silent. It's time to open cabinets and measure skeletons.

Aries and irritability

Opens a zodiacal row of Aries Fire Pet. Vlassen and cruel - so briefly you can describe this fiery character. Lidla love so much that the surrounding often becomes closely from his command.

Briefly about the sign:

  • Domineering;
  • Cruel;
  • Impulsive.

Like a rigging train, Aries rushing to the goal, placing obstacles. And grief to someone who decides to stand on his way. Aries self-confident before redistribution. With the slightest attempts to influence it, anyone will face a storm of indignation. In anger is terrible, so it is not advised to provoke it. Let them act and make mistakes. Aries are so fun.

Critical, demanding and jealous of relationships. He does not love he possesses. Despotic is the faithful ally of the Aries in love. It does not represent a relationship without his heroic mittens, so for a strong marriage the sign will require a lover of sharp sensations.

Opened and boring taurus

Taurus is like a rock. It costs. The whole life is spinning around him. And he is everything. And even even a tornado or typhoon. It is easy to guess who will still stand stand.

Stable to impossibility. The calf hates changes and rests on the horn if they are inevitable. It has an unhealthy burden for sensual pleasures, therefore it is often becoming overweight and a pair-three dependency.

Vlassen, although it loves hidden, mainly with moral manipulation. Women of this sign are eternal victims. They love to soclecebut change something fear. Men-Taurus - collectors, drives and sneakers. Go to the light means to spend money. Buying clothes - extra expenses. Shopping - and the crime at all. The only thing that the calm is not sorry for the blood, so this is its Majesty food.

Cunning and hypocritical twins

Master to chat, it disappears at once, as soon as it takes effect. Twins - a dual sign, so one thing for him is quite natural to say one thing, and another.

In reserve, twins have not only fashionable skeleton, but also a dozen masks that he puts on depending on the role of him. It is impossible to know the true face of the sign. It is possible that he himself forgot, what he really is.

Gemini adore gossip and dirty secrets. In no case cannot be divided with them secrets. It is better to immediately write about it in the newspaper.

Too superficial to delve into the essence of things. The life of windy twins is a holiday where you need not only irresistibly look, but also to be able to grab the biggest sandwich.

Respect other people's feelings - not their concern. Relationships are changed with ease and pleasure. Offended strike out of life and go to others.

Offended and capricious cancer

Any cancer is born with the idea that everyone around is created in order to offend him. In any act of others, he knows how to find a hidden intention on damage to his vane nature.

Cancer emotions are unpredictable. He can cry, laugh, offended and fierce. And this is all over the breakfast only. Nervous and shy, he plays the role of brave viking, although in the depths of the soul he already climbed into the silt and shakes his shudder of the whole sea.

Nervous, sucking and immersed in memory of cancer lives with memories and does not want to enjoy today's day. The house of cancer is similar to the historical museum dedicated to his own life.

Excessive dedication and cancer self-sacrifice causes his partner a sense of own worn, since no sign is capable of such a strong return. But the cancer necessarily requires. And not having received, hesitated as if he was betrayed the whole world. Live with cancer is to breathe legs into a dormant volcano. It is not known, he will warm it or will leave fire.

Narcissistic and selfish lion

The ego of this character is inflated so much that it takes almost the entire room. The place in it remains only for a modest person whose role is to applaud a magnificent lion. The sign does not think of its existence without compliments and flattery. Absolutely not able to understand the true intentions of others, as a result of which it is often used.

Lion is the sun, the center of the Universe and the General Director of Fresh Air. He likes to give orders, punish naughty and generously to forgive those who guessed. Lion's life is a play, where he plays a major role.

Distributor and trains. It is able to pull the latter for the cute bauble, before salary feeding with sunlight and gossip.

In relations, Vlassen and Goredev. Half serves only by the addition of the Great Lion Nature. To feelings and experiences of close blind, deaf and indifferent.

Motor and fussy virgin

The virgin bread does not feed, give bother. She is worried about any occasion. And if there is no reason, the reason for the excitement will be its absence.

Virgo seeks to control everything in the world. She miscondes every minute, plans and tells everyone around. It is impossible to catch a virginity. She always full pockets of reasons for grumble.

Purchased. Her house is similar to sterile operating. Put shoes with socks not north, but south is a crime against the Virgin. Restore her trust will have long and expensive. Virgo loves chic gifts. Take, not to do. It knows how to count perfectly, so I will immediately determine how much it appreciated the doning.

This is the most fair sign. Loves Virgo and chite. Not to run away from her strata comments, so a partner of such a person will need a strong shell from love and patience. As well as earplugs.

Unreliable and flattened scales

Air element character. Every morning it begins with the stretching on the face of a smile, which the sign will definitely appear under the nose to everyone and everyone. Fallen and hypocritical scales adore chat. Therefore, driving with them in the elevator three floors, you can completely burst from the received information.

Briefly about sign:

  • Windy;
  • Eternal child;
  • Insincere.

The impermanence of weights is so exacerbated that the right to stable personal life arises only from rare signs of the sign. Most of the scales are married today, and tomorrow they fall in love with a neighbor. Or neighbor. At the same time, his own fate does not seem to be frowning. It is filled with secret chances. For which the scales, alas, tag there is no time.

If the scales were lucky enough to meet enough brave partner, they will wage him with their oscillations. The sign will rather bite your elbow, rather than on your own decide. At the same time, it will not allow pamper, in every way breaking plans planned without his participation.

It is not surprising that scales, according to many, the worst sign of the zodiac. According to astrologers, the share of truth is there. But they are not in a hurry to give the championship weight. After all, there are also scorpion in the zodiac.

Mustache and poisonous scorpion

Passionate and obsessed bearer of sting - poisoned pond. Swim in it - suicide. Scorpio moves the desire to assert themselves due to the humiliation of others. He competes not only with himself, but also with the whole world.

Single and dangerous type. Owner, if in his culbage falls in love. Drinking blood slowly, while sexually smoking. Blind to the feelings of others, since it is not moderately selfish. Focus on himself and its magnificence.

Loves to manipulate your own mood. Most often it looks unhappy and on the verge of an explosion, which surrounds are worn with him, as if with a crystal vase. Cruel and irreason in anger. Sheets the plan of revenge for years, after which she puts one crushing blow.

In relations, jealous to paranoia. Requires reference loyalty and complete submission. Sadist's spray in the kitchen and in bed justifies good intentions.

Omnipresent and wrought-one

Sagittarius - a fire that is to be afraid. This is a forest fire, devouring everything in its path. At the same time it looks quite benevolently and even has a primitive sense of humor.

Watched Sagittarius - Pathological consumer. Buy and spend - achievement for him. The same attitude at the sign and to love. Sagittarius conquers the heart and proudly goes into the sunset. He is unpacked. Even fighting themselves for marriage, Sagittarius sees only shacks in them and trying to taste freedom in every way. The houses are not delayed, and report to their movements considers it below their own dignity.

Favorite lesson is to talk without silent. Ideas and plans sueplit from Sagittarius, like sand. They are rarely embodied, because patience to finish the started he has never been missing.

Mercantile and dry Capricorn

Capricorn is a careerist and a hostage of its own worn mind. When everyone stood in line for the feelings, this sign was standing for cold prosecution and misfortune.

The only interest of it is money. His own. He may tell clock about his achievements, brazenly interrupting and despising the interlocutor.

In relations of worms, as if Easter cake under the New Year. Technical, restraint and indifference - his faithful friends in marriage. Capricorn may well compete for the title of the nasty zodiac sign. Especially if you take into account his manner to love.

They drive the calculation and practicality of the elements of the Earth. To defeat conservatism and the mercantility of the sign is impossible. You can only get along with them.

Unpredictable and free Aquarius

Examine Aquarius is impossible for one simple reason - it is impossible to catch it. Today he is here, and tomorrow will disappear in an unknown direction.

Aquarius moves a thrust to innovations and thirst for freedom. Anyone who is ready to listen to him, the sign will shut up with crazy ideas. After that, urgently go to work, where the mountain air will sell and sew the jacket hamsters.

His ideas are global and crazy. Tips for intrusive. He fuss his opinion everywhere where it will fit. In this case, other people's points of view remind him of annoying flies.

In relations extremely disgusting. Restored and focused on yourself. Publy fears. But everyone is punished what he is most afraid. Therefore, the attempts to press his free nature will be won by awheld.

Only to those who face to face met him, it is known why Aquarius is the worst sign of the zodiac. In love, he is able to show diplomaticity, but almost never does it. Scandalist and intrigan. Opposition and dissatisfied side in all matters. Straightforward to insults. All my life hides congenital pessimism for a smile, but never sincerely believes in good.

Scattered and tearful fish

Fish - a sign unorganized and always hiding in the clouds. He lives in his own Gresses, going down to the ground only in order to replenish the stock of durable substances.

Briefly about sign:

  • Sensitive;
  • Vulnerable;
  • Jealous.

Helpless and uncertain fish run all their life from problems. It is not able to overcome obstacles, preferring to sail downstream with this species as if it was their plan.

In communication is slippery and unstable sign. The fish are conveniently adjusted under the circumstances, so their opinion is changing more often than the weather. When removing clean water, they light up with righteous anger and accused others in a groundless distrust.

But in most cases, fish just silent and break into their own resentment. The sadness they holly and cherish, removes her monuments from wet napkins.

Fish is not the worst zodiac sign for women, since the emotionality of the ladies to forgive. You can not tell this about male fish, which will be hysterified by anyone. In love they prefer unsuccessful experience than healthy relationships.

In relations are made to colic in the side. Demonstantly sacrifice "for the sake of love", after which they are drunk by their unhappy position. Indisputable and offended even on what did not happen, but only could happen. Insecure and jealous, which poured oils into their frown fire of self-confidence.

It is hardly possible to say that there is the most terrible zodiac sign. All symbols are endowed with virtues and disadvantages equally. The task of each of the owners of such "gifts of fate" is to learn to control the fads of your character. And of course, you should not take the opinion of astrolories as a dogma. There are flaws in any pattern. You can always be this exception to the rules.

What are the epithets not awarded the representatives of the strong sex. And the womanists they, and liars, and lazy. In general, all the men are ... Mannaya Speed, to put it mildly. All, and everyone, astrologers object. They assure that among them there are men whose zodiac signs are the most harmful ..

In each of us at the same time, angel and a demon are getting around. Psychologists are developing tests that help learn what features are dominated in the character. Offer a variety of self-knowledge options. Not so long ago developed

Astrologers contribute their contribution. They have long defined the unbearable five -. And they warn that the rest of the signs are too early, everyone has negative features, Joe's journalist Joe Infomedia Ksenia Ivanichenko recognized.


Men-Aries easily and casual will bring any angel to white cation. The life credo of representatives of this sign: "Item first. Aries is always right. If Aries are not right, see the item first." They are so stubborn that even on a mortal window will defend their invaluable point of view. In addition to stubbornness, Aries are aggressive and suffer from frequent mood drops. More precisely, they do not suffer, and others. After throwing the rage, they again become angelic charming.


Representatives of this sign are always satisfied with themselves. And when the business is successfully promoting, and when all days are lying on the sofa, sipping beer. Responsibility reproaches they are calmly passed by ears. The reason for enviable composure is buried there, in their complacency. It does not even mind that someone may be pleased with them. It can be spots in the sun. And in men-tanks not a single flaw. All their dubious qualities they easily turn into dignity. Welding on the sofa is not too lazy, but the development of strategic plans. The nominity characteristic of the calves is miraculously turns into a reasonable savings. Well, what about the angel?


Want to know what you have disadvantages - ask twins. Representatives of this sign have an amazing ability to black "white". At first it amuses. Indeed, the twins that sign that is boring. True, fun is on the edge of the foul. Representatives of this sign intuitively feel pain of others. And with children's cruelty beat on them. Few who will like to be a permanent object for southed jokes.


Representatives of this sign are focused on the family. It would seem, here he is - Ideal! The faithful husband and caring father! Take it warm and led to the crown. But for everything you have to pay, it is not true. A payroll with cancer will be a permanent comparison with his mother. "But my mom dough on pancakes always does so", "Borsch my mom is tastier", "My mother always strokes the bed after washing," the most innocent comments from the representatives of this sign. Attempts to explain that all people are different and everything is done in different ways, he will not be conceded. He is holy convinced that if there is an ideal, then it is necessary to seek him. Moreover, the ideal of his mother. As it can not imitate her, the man-cancer does not really understand.

a lion

Men lions adore luxury, attention, flattery. They are not going to work at all, but they prefer to occupy leadership positions. If there is no one for the royal parties, it will not be able to work out without work, which will go to an ordinary employee. At the same time, the surrounding situation remains luxurious. Where does the means to maintain a gorgeous lifestyle, lions do not come to mind. The crown, probably, hurts his head, so all thoughts are not placed.


Rational, critical Virgines with their notations and morals of anyone will bring to a mental hospital. They know exactly what needs to be done and what to do in any situation. And it will definitely report to the whole world by adding examples from the practice of acquaintances who did not do the case and how sad it ended. In the personal experience of male virgins there are no such cases, because they all know and know how to better.


Representatives of this sign are swinging for a long time before doing something. They analyze for a long time, weigh t only then they take a step. If it is successful, the scales simply burst from the diligence: here, I am the smartest, I have all provided! If something went wrong with the rage and disappear anger on the first one that fell at hand.

Male scales, emphasizing their own importance, love to invent different non-existent problems, and then they decide for a long time.


Madrid to madness Scorpio tries to do everything better and requires it from others. It is terribly angry if something does not correspond to his inner ideal. And they poured this anger on everyone around. What, and the poison scorpions do not occupy. However, they skillfully dosage the number of sprayed poisoning substances. Minimal doses go to those who are mil and friendly with scorpions. Those who dreamed him to reap or get rid of God, dared to deceive, it is necessary to urgently make a testament. Survive after a massive chemical attack of scorpions there is no chance.


"True. And nothing but truth" is the life motto of representatives of this sign of the zodiac. He rubs the truth-uterus when it is rational to be silent. From his belly, even the angels jerks left eye, which is there to talk about ordinary mortals. Men-Sagittarius are loving, not a single skirt miss. In this case, pathologically jealous. It is about them that say: "jealous to each pillar"


Another sign is absolutely confident in its right. Unlike Men-Aries, Capricors will not argue to hoarseness. They will be wrapped in directions about how to live, and especially - how to spend money. Capricor men are stupid. And at the same time they do not like to give trinkets. They are able to spread and present a chic gift. True, with the reservation, that it is for all holidays at once: birthday, wedding day, Christmas and New Year and ten years ahead.


In his head - a bunch of grand plans and ideas. But when it comes to the realization of Aquarius, it is preferred to drain, shifting all the concerns and responsibility on the courageous women's shoulders. By the way, they adore women with a fighting character, which will easily cope with any turmoil and at the same time will pull him out of them.

More men-aquarities love to fall asleep promises. And at this moment we can sincerely believe that they will perform them. As practice shows, they do not have enough spirit to fulfill the dreamy waterword. Therefore, the promised ticket to Maldives will have to pay the most.


Dreamy fantasies living in dark, interesting depths. Representatives of this sign live in their own world and are absolutely not adapted to tough reality. Male fish offensive, indecisive and unusually sensitive. They can not start a family for a long time and remain mamyenkiy sons. Because, besides mom, very few people who wish to led the Great Balbee for the handle and feed it with a semolina with a spoon.

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