Short-term plan for the technology of Kazakh national clothing. Abstract of a technology lesson on the topic Marking paper parts using the folding method. Origami. Karaganda secondary school

Akmola region

Bulandinsky district

Technology lesson in 7th grade

Lesson objectives:
Educational: Developmental:

Lesson type: lesson on learning a new topic.
Methods: Visibility: presentation for the lesson, musical accompaniment, finished products, handouts: ornament, illustrations of women's and men's national costume, cards for individual work.

Equipment: Intersubject connection: During the classes.

1. Organizing time.

Today we will visit three yurts, in which we will see many interesting things. In the first yurt we will learn about Kazakh national clothing, after visiting the second yurt we will learn about the ornament, and in the third yurt a creative workshop awaits us.

Women's clothing was shared into three groups: clothes for girls, women and grandmothers.

The traditional costume of a Kazakh woman consisted of long shirt "koylek"with a straight collar and fastener, pants,a “shapan” robe, a headdress, a belt with a metal plaque and “saptama” boots.

With the development of trade, silk and cotton fabrics of bright colors came into fashion in the mid-19th century, and appearance The costume has changed a lot:the costume was transformed into a wide tunic, to which a gathered skirt was sewn, and young girls began to wear something like dresses with narrow sleeves, frills and flounces.

The updated set also included a long fitted vest with metal buckles or buttons, embroidered with silver and appliqués.

As outerwear, Kazakh women wore"shapan" - long robe with sleeves.

Red "shapan" from expensive fabric in combination with eleganthead "saukele" headdress has become an integral attribute of anyKazakh bride. They sewed it from very expensive materials. They always attached a veil, which covered the girl’s figure, giving her appearance a special grace. Tall, cone-shaped, trimmed with expensive fur, decorated with pearls, corals, gold, silver, bright precious and semiprecious stones. Embroidered patterns, multi-colored threads, cord trim, and openwork metal decorations make the saukele rich.

Single girls wore skull caps "takiya" And "borik"- a hat with a fur band. They were sewn from bright fabrics and always decorated, especially skullcaps, with embroidery or various stripes made of beads, corals, beads, and silver. A “uki” was sewn onto the top of the head - a plume of eagle owl feathers, which served not so much as an ornament but as a talisman. The most beautiful of the skullcaps is the takiya for little girls. Takia has a round shape, is very light, its height is 10-15 centimeters. Eagle owl feathers were sewn onto the surface of the takiya, and the edges were decorated with expensive stones. Girls wore this before marriage.

Married Kazakh women they wore two-piece snow-white headdresses - the lower part was put on the head first"kimeshek" and strips of fabric were wound on top to form a turban.

Men's clothing Kazakhs consisted of underwearshirts (kvilek) And
Over the shirt, men wore short (to the middle of the thighs or to the knees), tailor-made clothes with flared flaps at the bottom. The most common name for such clothing is
camisole (camisole) orbeshpent (beshmet). Camisoles were made from thick cotton fabrics, corduroy, woolen fabrics, velvet, silk, with long or short sleeves, and sometimes without sleeves at all.

During the cold season
The most common and essential element of outerwear: spacious
- Shapan Robes were made from a variety of fabrics: light and dense, plain and colored. “Shapans” were insulated with a layer of wool or cotton wool. Kazakhs wore robes at all times of the year

A mandatory part of a man's suit was Kise leather belts with handbag pendants (okshantay), scabbards and snuff boxes were often decorated with plaques, which were made of iron, brass, copper, and sometimes covered with silver, blackened patterns and embossing.

Men constantly, even at home, wore a headdress. A round cloth cap was mandatory - takiya/kepesh.
Upper headdresses were made of felt and fur. In summer, Kazakhs wore light felt
hats (kalpak) Andhat with fur trim (borik), in winter they wore specially cut hats(tymak or malakai).

In the 19th century the most commonmen's shoes were simple leather boots with rounded toes and low heels, sewn into one last, without distinction between left and right. Boots varied by season. Winter boots were high, with wide tops, as they were worn with felt stockings.

And to expand your lexicon In studying Kazakh words, I offer you a dictionary with names in Kazakh and Russian for elements of the national costume.(dictionary)

Teacher: Kazakh National clothes has a centuries-old history, reflects national experience labor activity. Clothing reflects the historically determined aspects of material and social life people, specifics of the economy, age differences. Clothes served not only their main purpose, but also to satisfy aesthetic needs. National clothes were made from different fabrics, simple ones for everyday life, expensive ones for holidays. Fur and leather were the main materials from which Kazakh clothing was made, and, subsequently, with the development of trade routes, new fabrics appeared in the everyday life of the nomadic people - cotton, silk and velvet. (

Thanks to import those import of goods from other countries in our case, cotton, silk and Kazakh velvet National Costume became more bright, colorful, lush and elegant. Dresses and blouses decorated with lush frills began to appear. What could not be made from heavy fabrics: leather, wool and felt.
-Who can tell me the opposite term forimport?

-Students’ answers –Export .

What is this?

Tell me, what goods are exported from Kazakhstan to other countries, what is our country rich in? (minerals, grains).

Right. What can you call, in one word, a market in which different states participate?

If children find it difficult to answer, the teacher asks leading questions:

Kurmangazy's kui "Aksak kulan" sounds (slide).

- H A person entering a traditional Kazakh yurt is struck by its interior. Any thing made of leather, metal, bone, fabric and wool, felt in a decorative style, decorated with ornaments. The entire life of a nomad is literally permeated with ornament.

Ornament –

The main pattern of the ornament is





Task No. 2

Well done everyone, they did a good job. Now we’ll do a little testing, see how attentive you were during the lesson.

Task No. 3 TEST - control of knowledge.

A) women.
B) girls.
B) brides. 2. Clothes were decorated:
A) only with braid.
B) only with ornaments.

A) zoomorphic, triangular, cosmogonic, oriental;

C) geometric, cosmogonic, pictorial, ornamental.

A) dresses, blouses, kimeshek, chapan; B) children's clothing, underwear, scarves;

A) in interior design; B) design of clothing, tableware, C) website design, photo industry;D) all answers are correct

Afterwards, students exchange pieces of paper, perform mutual checks and give a grade.


And now it's time to take a lookto the third yurt - this yurt of folk craftsmen is a creative workshop.

Kazakh national clothing has survived to this day. They wear it on holidays and in our modern times it has not changed much. A respectful and respectful attitude towards national clothes is a sign of the wisdom of the people and their concern for the future cultural heritage Kazakhs. Here's yourshomework: (

Teacher: This concludes our lesson, thank you very much for the lesson!

Reflection: Children leave stickers on drawings depicting their mood.

Everything is great, I have ideas! I didn't understand something... Everything is fine, it was interesting.

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  • Technology


Akmola region

Bulandinsky district

KSU "Zhuravlevskaya" high school" Technology teacher Loiko Irina Anatolyevna.

Technology lesson in 7th grade

Lesson topic: National Kazakh clothes
Lesson objectives:
to introduce students to the types of Kazakh national clothing, the type of Kazakh ornament and its meaning.
Educational: to cultivate patriotic feelings, hard work, respect for the culture and traditions of the Kazakh people.
Developmental: develop design and artistic abilities.

Lesson type: lesson on learning a new topic.
Methods: explanatory and illustrative.
Visibility: presentation for the lesson, musical accompaniment, finished products, handouts: ornament, illustrations of women's and men's national costume, cards for individual work.

Equipment: interactive board, glue, scissors, markers.
Intersubject connection: Kazakh language, drawing, history.
During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.
2. Introductory conversation by the teacher.
Kazakh national music sounds.

“Kazakh national clothes” (1 slide)

Teacher: Now we will go on a trip to the nearest Kazakh village. Of course, now in our time there are no such settlements, but still the yurt is the most ancient and at the same time remains the modern dwelling of nomadic shepherds.
Today we will visit three yurts, in which we will see many interesting things. In the first yurt we will learn about Kazakh national clothing, after visiting the second yurt we will learn about the ornament, and in the third yurt a creative workshop awaits us.

Kurmangazy's kui "Sary Arka" sounds.

And here is the first yurt. “Kazakh national clothes” (slide 2)

Women's clothing was shared into three groups: clothes for girls, women and grandmothers.

The traditional costume of a Kazakh woman consisted of long shirt "koylek" with a straight collar and fastener, pants, robe "shapan", headdress, belt with a metal plaque and saptama boot.

With the development of trade, in the mid-19th century, silk and cotton fabrics of bright colors came into fashion, and the appearance of the costume changed greatly: the costume was transformed into a wide tunic, to which a gathered skirt was sewn, and young girls began to wear something like dresses with narrow sleeves, frills and flounces.

The updated set also included a long fitted vest with metal buckles or buttons, embroidered with silver and appliqués.

As outerwear, Kazakh women wore "shapan"- long robe with sleeves.

Red "shapan" from expensive fabric in combination with elegant head "saukele" headdress has become an integral attribute of any Kazakh bride. They sewed it from very expensive materials. They always attached a veil, which covered the girl’s figure, giving her appearance a special grace. Tall, cone-shaped, trimmed with expensive fur, decorated with pearls, corals, gold, silver, bright precious and semi-precious stones. Embroidered patterns, multi-colored threads, cord trim, and openwork metal decorations make the saukele rich.

Women's hats were mainly of a social and age nature.
Single girls wore skull caps "takiya" And "borik"- a hat with a fur band. They were sewn from bright fabrics and always decorated, especially skullcaps, with embroidery or various stripes made of beads, corals, beads, and silver. A “uki” was sewn onto the top of the head - a plume of eagle owl feathers, which served not so much as an ornament but as a talisman. The most beautiful of the skullcaps is the takiya for little girls. Takia has a round shape, is very light, its height is 10-15 centimeters. Eagle owl feathers were sewn onto the surface of the takiya, and the edges were decorated with expensive stones. Girls wore this before marriage.

Married Kazakh women they wore two-piece snow-white headdresses - the lower part was put on the head first "kimeshek" and strips of fabric were wound on top to form a turban.

Men's clothing Kazakhs consisted of underwear shirts (kvilek) And pants, upper shoulder swing clothing and bloomers. Outerwear was worn untucked, and the floors were wrapped from left to right. Both the lower pants (lambal) and the upper ones (shalbar) were sewn the same in cut, wide in the step and at the waist; the short legs were usually tucked into boots. Shalbar was made from camel homespun fabric, leather, suede, and from the 19th century. - from dark-colored paper fabrics or bright velvet. Since that time, outer trousers of Russian cut have become widespread.
Over the shirt, men wore short (to the middle of the thighs or to the knees), tailor-made clothes with flared flaps at the bottom. The most common name for such clothing is camisole (camisole) or beshpent (beshmet). Camisoles were made from thick cotton fabrics, corduroy, woolen fabrics, velvet, silk, with long or short sleeves, and sometimes without sleeves at all.

During the cold season wore camisoles lined with thick wool or fur . The camisole was purely home clothing; When traveling outside the village, a man always put on other clothes over it.
The most common and essential element of outerwear: spacious long straight-cut robe with long and wide sleeves - Shapan Robes were made from a variety of fabrics: light and dense, plain and colored. “Shapans” were insulated with a layer of wool or cotton wool. Kazakhs wore robes at all times of the year

A mandatory part of a man's suit was leather belts and fabric sashes. Kise leather belts with handbag pendants (okshantay), scabbards and snuff boxes were often decorated with plaques, which were made of iron, brass, copper, and sometimes covered with silver, blackened patterns and embossing.

Men constantly, even at home, wore a headdress . A round cloth cap was mandatory - takiya/kepesh. Until the middle of the 19th century. Kazakhs wore high skullcaps with a pointed top; a skullcap with a flat top, sewn from four triangular wedges or cut in the form of a circle, gradually became common.
Upper headdresses were made of felt and fur. In summer, Kazakhs wore light felt hats (kalpak) And hat with fur trim (borik), in winter they wore specially cut hats (tymak or malakai).

In the 19th century the most common men's shoes were simple leather boots with rounded toes and low heels, sewn into one last, without distinction between left and right. Boots varied by season. Winter boots were high, with wide tops, as they were worn with felt stockings.

And in order to expand your vocabulary in studying Kazakh words, I offer you a dictionary with names in Kazakh and Russian for elements of the national costume. (dictionary)

Teacher: Kazakh national clothing has a long history and reflects national labor experience. Clothes reflect historically determined aspects of the material and social life of the people, the specifics of the economy, and age differences. Clothes served not only their main purpose, but also to satisfy aesthetic needs. National clothes were made from different fabrics, simple ones for everyday life, expensive ones for holidays. Fur and leather were the main materials from which Kazakh clothing was made, and, subsequently, with the development of trade routes, new fabrics appeared in the everyday life of the nomadic people - cotton, silk and velvet. (

Thanks to import those import of goods from other countries (import into the country of goods purchased abroad foreign goods for their consumption, use in the country) in our case, cotton, silk and velvet, the Kazakh national costume has become brighter, colorful, lush and elegant. Dresses and blouses decorated with lush frills began to appear. What could not be made from heavy fabrics: leather, wool and felt.
-Who can tell me the opposite term for import?

-Students’ answers – Export .

What is this? (export abroad of goods intended for sale on foreign markets or for processing in another country).

Tell me, what goods are exported from Kazakhstan to other countries, what is our country rich in? (minerals, grains).

Right. What can you call, in one word, a market in which different states participate?

If children find it difficult to answer, the teacher asks leading questions:

And when trade occurs between different states it is..... international trade or world market.

The world market is a market in which different states participate, exchanging goods and services with each other, based on the principle of mutual benefit and international division labor.

Kurmangazy's kui sounds “Aksak kulan” (slide).

We arrived to visit the second yurt.

A person entering a traditional Kazakh yurt is struck by its interior. Any thing made of leather, metal, bone, fabric and wool, felt in a decorative style, decorated with ornaments. The entire life of a nomad is literally permeated with ornament.

Ornament – is a pattern consisting of rhythmically ordered elements and intended for decorating various objects (utensils, weapons, furniture, clothing, architectural structures, objects of decorative and applied art)

The main pattern of the ornament is periodic repetition of the motif, which makes a strong aesthetic impression.

For the Kazakhs, ornament became the main type visual arts, which reflected the living, poetic soul of the people, love for native land and interest in the world around us.
The following motifs are clearly distinguished in the Kazakh ornament:

ü Zoomorphic

ü Cosmogonic

ü Vegetable

ü Geometric

Task No. 2

Now you have to consolidate the acquired knowledge by completing a practical task. On the tables are envelopes with illustrations of ornaments of various nationalities and trends. Your task is to select products that contain Kazakh ornaments and try to determine its type.

(The teacher controls the process of work, evaluates how students coped with the task)

Well done everyone, they did a good job. Now we’ll do a little testing, see how attentive you were during the lesson.

Task No. 3 TEST - control of knowledge.

1. Saukele is a headdress:
A) women.
B) girls.
B) brides.
2. Clothes were decorated:
A) only with braid.
B) only with ornaments.
C) ornaments, beads, braid, embroidery.

3. List the types of Kazakh ornaments:

A) zoomorphic, triangular, cosmogonic, oriental;

B) plant, zoomorphic, geometric, cosmogonic;

C) geometric, cosmogonic, pictorial, ornamental.

4. Velor, velvet, ivy, corduroy were used for sewing:

A) dresses, blouses, kimeshek, chapan; B) children's clothing, underwear, scarves;

C) chapan, camisole, hats.

5. And in our time, the time of computer technology, where is ornament used?
A) in interior design; B) design of clothing, tableware, C) website design, photo industry; D) all answers are correct

Afterwards, students exchange pieces of paper, perform mutual checks and give a grade.

(Assessment for learning and assessment of learning)

Kurmangazy's kui “Sarzhailau” sounds (slide)

And now it's time to take a look to the third yurt - this yurt of folk craftsmen is a creative workshop.

Kazakh national clothing has survived to this day. They wear it on holidays and in our modern times it has not changed much. A respectful and respectful attitude towards national clothing is a sign of the wisdom of the people and their concern for the future cultural heritage of the Kazakhs. Here's yours homework: develop a sketch of a modern stylized Kazakh dress or men's suit using elements of Kazakh ornament (Teaching talented and gifted students).

Teacher: This concludes our lesson, thank you very much for the lesson!

Reflection: Children leave stickers on drawings depicting their mood.

Everything is great, I have ideas! I didn't understand something... Everything is fine, it was interesting.

Pervosovetskaya secondary school
Public lesson on the topic of:
“National clothes of the peoples of Kazakhstan”
Prepared by: Migitko G.V.
Goals: Education of Kazakh patriotism.
Objectives: Educational
- formation of students’ ideas about the culture, traditions and customs of the Kazakh people; consolidate knowledge about Kazakh clothing.
- improving the ability to work with various materials using appliqué techniques.
- acquaintance with new words denoting Kazakh clothing, pronunciation and spelling of these words.
- development creativity, observation, attention, perseverance, memory.
- development of general skills - working with reference literature, tools, various materials.
- development of cognitive interest.
- fostering patriotism, interest and respect for the culture, traditions and customs of the Kazakh people.
- fostering mutual assistance, collectivism, mutual respect, and careful attitude to work.
Method: Studying new material and explaining it with practical application.
Type: Combined
Form: Group
Encyclopedia, dictionary with the names of clothes, jewelry in the Kazakh language. Types of clothing, photos depicting the clothing of the Kazakh people.
During the classes:
Org moment.
Ready for the lesson. Checking absentees.
Repetition of covered material.
What did we study in the last lesson?
- We got acquainted with the culture of the Kazakh people.
- What new things have you learned about the culture of the Kazakh people?
- What ornamental compositions were used in the manufacture of clothing, shoes, dishes, etc.
Learning new material.
Each nation has its own homeland, its own traditions, rituals, games, cuisine, types of clothing.
Kokirekshe is a light sleeveless vest.
Kaptyrma – buckle, clasp.
Alka – pendants on the chest.
Zholpy - decorations in braids.
Bilezik – bracelet.
Zhuzik – ring.
Syrga - sergi.
Kamshat borik is a headdress with a bunch of eagle owl feathers.
Beldik - belt, belt.
Ishik - outerwear, sewn with fur inside and covered with fabric on top.
Tumak – fur hat.
Kimeshek is a women's headdress that covers the neck and shoulders.
Kundyk is a headdress worn over kimesheks.
Masi - soft boots.
Kebis - worn on Masi, similar to shoes with thick soles.
Dalbai - a headdress in the form of a bashlyk.
Zhargak shalbar – bright trousers made of thin leather.
Men's and women's clothing have their own design features. For example, women's clothing is distinguished by darts on the chest, waist, shoulders, various folds, and flounces; men's clothing is more formal.
IN men's clothing the shoulders are wider, the fastener is directed from left to right, while in women's it is from right to left. The processing and finishing of shoulder products depends on their type and application. Types of finishing include embroidery, folds, reliefs, tucks, and types of seams; flounces, overlays, lace, braid, lurex and other materials for decoration.
Clothes for special occasions are much more complex than everyday clothing and have different embellishment details and silhouettes. These clothes feature rich and intricate detailing.
For example:
Men's clothing

According to tradition, the front part of the camisole along the neck and edges is decorated with a national pattern.
Girl's clothes.

The girls' clothes were mostly fitted, with an embroidered stand-up collar. Girls wore koilek dresses with 2-3 frills, long sleeves and a stand-up collar. Over the dress they put on a kokirekshe - a light sleeveless vest, thoracic part and the hem of which was embroidered with patterns. They could wear a kamzol over the dress, tailored to fit the figure with a silver kapsyrma buckle. The girls' clothes were made from bright fabrics and richly embroidered with ornaments, beads, coins, and semiprecious stones. The girl's hair was braided and decorated with sholpas - ribbons and chains with decorations. A takiya was put on the head - a small cap or kamshat borik, pointed with fur with a bunch of eagle owl feathers, which played the role of decoration and amulet.
The Kazakh people have several varieties of men's and women's headdresses. IN thousand years of history people most spending his life in the saddle, headdress was of particular importance for maintaining health. Headdresses were worn in winter and summer by women, men, and children.
Borik is a very beautiful men's headdress.

Girlish taqiya
If men's skullcaps were made from ordinary fabrics, then no expense was spared on expensive materials for the girls' headdress, which was called takiya.
Kalpak is an exclusively men's headdress.

- a beautiful women's headdress, reminiscent in shape of a skull cap, but larger than it.

- women's headdress. It was worn by young and old women. They were sewn from white fabric, for young people - from thin white silk.
- the oldest and beautiful view Kazakh women's headdress and the most elegant one in the bride's wardrobe.
Saukele is a heritage passed down from generation to generation, a kind of symbol representing new stage in the life of women - Kazakhs. Having changed, the saukele still does not leave the bride’s wardrobe, adequately replacing the wreath and veil.
Applications in clothes:
The ability to use appliqué to dye clothes is a great art that is not given to everyone. Even those who are skilled with a needle and know how to sew clothes have difficulty decorating clothes. Let's consider the technology for performing applications on
When applying an applique, any product takes on an elegant look. The applique should attract attention, so it is placed on the chest, collar, sleeves and, if necessary, on the shoulders and back. To do this, choose expensive, shiny, gold or silver fabrics.
Methods for applying patterns:
There are two ways to apply patterns. The first is to put fabric intended for patterns on the drape. First, the shiny fabric - the overlay is glued with a special thin adhesive fabric. Draw a pattern on it with chalk or other means. Then they are sewn along the contour by machine. Cut out the stitched pattern. Then the pattern is processed using a frequent overlock stitch, for which the fabric is pulled onto a hoop. The ornament is ironed.

The second method differs from the first in that the pattern is first cut out of gilded or silver-plated brocade and connected with a small zigzag stitch to the main fabric.
To make the overlay in relief, you can do embroidery on it. The edges of the overlay are trimmed with gilded or silvered braid.
The third method of making appliqué from patterns is used only on some clothes. This is a pasted application. They do it like this. Place a thin plastic film under the overlay fabric along the contour of the design. Then iron the main fabric with a very hot iron.
To decorate clothes, they use not only applique, but also embroidery.
Doing practical work.
So, we got acquainted with Kazakh clothes and the names of clothes in the Kazakh language.
Now we will do collage.
Our collage will be called “Kazakh clothes”.
What do we need for our work? How should the application be done - separately or all together?
- No. We need to show people in national clothes.
- Right. In the last lesson we prepared the background.
If desired, it was possible to create a background - landscape, forest structures, clearing, etc., yurt and other objects and episodes.
Today we will finish our paintings. We will do the work in the form of an application.
Which of you will tell and demonstrate the procedure for performing the application.
- The first thing we must do is remind you about safety precautions with tools and proper organization of the workplace.
1. We make a sketch on a given topic.
2. The second is direct work with paper, glue, scissors.
- We sketch the elements of the drawing on white paper.
-/make a stencil, cut them out/
- The next stage of our work is to outline the elements of the cut out parts on colored paper.
- Then we cut out the elements and glue them onto the prepared background.
Let's demonstrate.
Now we have analyzed the order of work.
Let's start working on our own.
Self-monitoring of work performance.
Summing up. Assessment.
What did we do in class today?
What new did you learn?
We learned about the national clothing of the peoples of Kazakhstan.
- Learned how to make a collage based on the topic covered.
- Learned how to work with the provided material, make sketches and applications.
Cleaning the classroom

Labor training lesson. Topic: Kazakh national clothes.

Nechaeva Elena Nikolaevna, teacher primary classes KSU "Secondary school No. 21, Saryozek village" Osakarovsky district, Karaganda region Kazakhstan
Description: Labor training lesson on the topic “Kazakh national clothes” for 3rd grade students. During the lesson, students will become familiar with the types of Kazakh national clothing, Kazakh national ornament and its application. They will make an applique of a Kazakh women's dress.
Target: familiarization and production of Kazakh national clothing.
Tasks: To give concepts about Kazakh national clothing (men's and women's), about the national ornament, to teach how to make appliqué; develop your horizons, attention, ability to work with colored paper, scissors, glue; observe safety precautions while working, instill respect for the customs and traditions of the Kazakh people, cultivate hard work and a love of beauty.
Equipment: colored paper, scissors, glue, pencils, cardboard, clothing and ornament samples, templates, technological maps.

During the classes.

I. Org. moment. Psychological attitude to work.
II. Checking workplaces.
III. Lesson topic message.
Guys, today a girl named Saule came to our lesson. Look, Saule came to us in Kazakh national clothes.
Today in class we will talk about the topic “Kazakh national clothes”. Today we will not only find out what the Kazakh national clothes are called, but also make appliqué.
IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.
Guys, let's look at Saule's clothes. Saul is wearing a light dress with frills - it is called a koylek and a vest - keudeshe - this is women's clothing. Look at the screen and name other items of women's and men's Kazakh clothing, shoes and, of course, hats. (viewing the presentation “Kazakh national clothes”)

Kazakhs have always treated their headdress with care. It is not customary to put on someone else’s hat; you cannot touch the hat with your foot.
It is impossible to imagine items of Kazakh national clothing without ornament. Kazakh ornaments are diverse and each has its own name. An ornament is a decoration made from a combination of geometric, plant and animal elements. Guys, we began to get acquainted with the Kazakh ornament from 1st grade, let's look and remember the names of some ornaments (ram's horns, axe, mouse trail, dog's tail, bird's trail, wave, bird's wings, bird's beak, tulip, hoof and others).

Kazakhs decorate not only their clothes with ornaments, but everything related to their everyday life: yurts, chests, carpets, clothes, dishes and much more. (slide show)

You and I worked on the project “Kazakh National Crockery”. Using the papier mache technique, we made a dish (tobak) and kese.

Guys, the girl Saule invites us to make appliqué on a woman’s dress today. Look at the sample.

This is a light dress, usually it is light and has a colored vest, which we will decorate with Kazakh ornaments. To make the applique you will use templates - dress, vest, ornament.

Guys, before work, let's remember the safety precautions that must be observed when working with scissors and glue while making applique.
- Use scissors with rounded ends.
- Store scissors in a certain place, place them with the sharp ends closed away from you.
- Pass the scissors rings first with blades closed.
- You can't cut on the go.
- When working with scissors, it is necessary to monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation.
- Do not use blunt scissors or loose hinges.
- Do not hold the scissors with the blade facing up.
Guys, choose the color of paper for the applique, the girl Saule will help you with this. And we all begin to complete the application together.
1. Fold the sheet of paper that you have chosen for the dress in half. Place the template tightly against the fold, trace the template, cut it out and glue it to the cardboard.

2. Fold the sheet of paper that you selected for the vest so that the vest template is placed on it. Trace the template and cut it out. You now have two halves of a vest. Let's glue them onto the dress.

3. Choose an ornament with which we will decorate our vest. We fold a sheet of paper like an accordion, trace the template and cut out the ornament.
4. We decorate our dress with ornaments.

Exhibition of finished works of the children.

V. Evaluation.
The girl Saule will help us evaluate the work.
VI. Lesson summary.
- Did you like doing the applique?
- What new have you learned about Kazakh national clothing?
Guys, let's thank the girl Saule for her help in class.

Presentation on the topic: Kazakh national clothing

Technology lesson plan 11th grade

Prepared by: Technology teacher, State Institution Secondary School No. 9, Aktobe Podguzova T.G.

Lesson topic: Kazakh national clothes
Lesson objectives:

Educational: to introduce students to the types of Kazakh national clothing, the type of Kazakh ornament and its meaning.
Educational: to cultivate patriotic feelings, respect the culture and traditions of your country.
Developmental: develop design and artistic abilities.

Lesson type: lesson of studying and primary consolidation of knowledge.
Methods: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive.
Visualization: presentation for the lesson, musical accompaniment, finished products, handouts: ornament, illustrations of women's and men's national costume, cards for individual work.
Equipment: interactive whiteboard, glue, scissors, markers.
Interdisciplinary communication: Kazakh language, drawing, history.
The lesson is built using 7 modules:
1m. New approaches to teaching and learning.
2m.Teaching critical thinking.
3m.Assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
4m.Use of ICT in teaching and learning.
5m.Teaching talented and gifted students.
6m.Teaching and learning in accordance with age characteristics students.
7m.Management and leadership in learning.
During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.
2. Introductory conversation by the teacher.

Kazakh national music sounds, on the board there is a splash screen for the presentation of the title of the lesson “Kazakh national clothes”(ICT)
Teacher: Let's imagine that we went on a trip to the nearest Kazakh village, which existed in the ancient times of nomads. Of course, now in our time there are no such settlements, but still the yurt is the most ancient and at the same time remains the modern dwelling of nomadic shepherds. And here are the yurts.
Today I invite you to visit three yurts, in which we will see many interesting things. In the first yurt we will learn about Kazakh national clothing - (this is the topic of our lesson), after visiting the second yurt we will learn everything about the ornament, and in the third yurt a creative workshop awaits you.
Let's visit the first yurt: The Kazakh folk costume reflects ancient traditions associated with ethnic and social conditions. Clothes for special occasions were made from expensive materials and decorated with beads, embroidery, and patterned braid. Convenience and functionality, comfortable fit and compliance with any weather conditions are the main requirements that the Kazakhs set for their folk costume.
(All tasks are selected in accordance with the age characteristics of the students)
Task No. 1
- Work of students in groups(NP, Manager and leader, KM) . Self-study topics “Women’s and men’s national costume of the Kazakh people” (cluster composition, collage, illustrations of national clothing, finished products, glue, scissors, markers). 5 minutes
Student presentation, defense of a creative project on the topic. 3 minutes.

Women's clothing was divided into three groups: clothes for girls, women and grandmothers.
The traditional costume of a Kazakh woman consisted of a long “koylek” shirt with a straight collar and fastener, trousers, a “shapan” robe, a headdress, a belt with a metal plaque and “saptama” boots.
With the development of trade, in the mid-19th century, silk and cotton fabrics of bright colors came into fashion, and the appearance of the costume changed greatly: the costume was transformed into a wide tunic, to which a gathered skirt was sewn, and young girls began to wear something like dresses with narrow sleeves, frills and flounces.
The updated set also included a long fitted vest with metal buckles or buttons, embroidered with silver and appliqués.
As outerwear, Kazakh women wore “shapan” - a long robe with sleeves.
A red “shapan” made of expensive fabric in combination with an elegant “saukele” headdress has become an integral attribute of any Kazakh bride. They sewed it from very expensive materials. They always attached a veil, which covered the girl’s figure, giving her appearance a special grace. Tall, cone-shaped, trimmed with expensive fur, decorated with pearls, corals, gold, silver, bright precious and semi-precious stones. Embroidered patterns, multi-colored threads, cord trim, and openwork metal decorations make the saukele rich.
Women's hats were mainly of a social and age nature.
Unmarried girls wore skullcaps “takiya” and “borik” - a hat with a fur band. They were sewn from bright fabrics and always decorated, especially skullcaps, with embroidery or various stripes made of beads, corals, beads, and silver. A “uki” was sewn onto the top of the head - a plume of eagle owl feathers, which served not so much as an ornament but as a talisman. The most beautiful of the skullcaps is the takiya for little girls. Takia has a round shape, is very light, its height is 10-15 centimeters. Eagle owl feathers were sewn onto the surface of the takiya, and the edges were decorated with expensive stones. Girls wore this before marriage.
Married Kazakh women wore two-piece snow-white headdresses - first the lower part of the “kimeshek” was put on the head, and strips of fabric were wound on top, forming a turban.

Kazakh men's clothing consisted of undershirt (kvilek) and trousers, outer shoulder clothing and trousers. Outerwear was worn untucked, and the floors were wrapped from left to right. Both the lower pants (lambal) and the upper ones (shalbar) were sewn the same in cut, wide in the step and at the waist; the short legs were usually tucked into boots. Shalbar was made from camel homespun fabric, leather, suede, and from the 19th century. - from dark-colored paper fabrics or bright velvet. Since that time, outer trousers of Russian cut have become widespread.
Over the shirt, men wore short (to the middle of the thighs or to the knees), tailor-made clothes with flared flaps at the bottom. The most common name for such clothing is camisole (camisole) or beshpent (beshmet). Camisoles were made from thick cotton fabrics, corduroy, woolen fabrics, velvet, silk, with long or short sleeves, and sometimes without sleeves at all.
In the cold season, camisoles with a thick lining made of wool or fur were worn. The camisole was purely home clothing; When traveling outside the village, a man always put on other clothes over it.
The most common and obligatory element of outerwear: a spacious long straight-cut robe with long and wide sleeves - a shapan. Robes were made from a variety of fabrics: light and dense, plain and colored. “Shapans” were insulated with a layer of wool or cotton wool. Kazakhs wore robes at all times of the year

Leather belts and fabric sashes were an obligatory part of a man's costume. Kise leather belts with handbag pendants (okshantay), scabbards and snuff boxes were often decorated with plaques, which were made of iron, brass, copper, and sometimes covered with silver, blackened patterns and embossing.
Men constantly, even at home, wore a headdress. A round cloth cap - takiya/kepesh - was obligatory. Until the middle of the 19th century. Kazakhs wore high skullcaps with a pointed top; a skullcap with a flat top, sewn from four triangular wedges or cut in the form of a circle, gradually became common.
Upper headdresses were made of felt and fur. In summer, Kazakhs wore light felt hats (kalpak) and a hat with fur trim (borik), and in winter they wore specially cut hats (tymak or malakai).
In the 19th century The most common men's shoes were simple leather boots with rounded toes and low heels, sewn into one last, without distinction between left and right. Boots varied by season. Winter boots were high, with wide tops, as they were worn with felt stockings.
-And in order to expand your vocabulary in studying Kazakh words, I offer you a dictionary with names in Kazakh and Russian for elements of the national costume. (dictionary)

Teacher: Kazakh national clothing has a long history and reflects the national experience of labor activity. Clothes reflect historically determined aspects of the material and social life of the people, the specifics of the economy, and age differences. Clothes served not only their main purpose, but also to satisfy aesthetic needs. National clothes were made from different fabrics, simple ones for everyday life, expensive ones for holidays. Fur and leather were the main materials from which Kazakh clothing was made, and, subsequently, with the development of trade routes, new fabrics appeared in the everyday life of the nomadic people - cotton, silk and velvet.
Thanks to the import, that is, the import of goods from other countries (import into the country of foreign goods purchased abroad for their consumption, use in the country) in our case, cotton, silk and velvet, the Kazakh national costume has become brighter, colorful, lush and elegant. Dresses and blouses decorated with lush frills began to appear. What could not be made from heavy fabrics: leather, wool and felt.
-Who can tell me the opposite term for import?
-Student answers – Export.
-What is this? (export abroad of goods intended for sale on foreign markets or for processing in another country).
-Tell me, what goods are exported from Kazakhstan to other countries, what is our country rich in? (minerals, grains).
-Right. What can you call, in one word, a market in which different states participate?
If children find it difficult to answer, the teacher asks leading questions:
-And when trade occurs between different states it trade or the world market.
The world market is a market in which different states participate, exchanging goods and services with each other, based on the principle of mutual benefit and the international division of labor.

Okay, we’ve sorted out export and import, and now it’s time to look into the second yurt.
-A person entering a traditional Kazakh yurt is struck by its interior. Any thing made of leather, metal, bone, fabric and wool, felt in a decorative style, decorated with ornaments. The entire life of a nomad is literally permeated with ornament.
Ornament is a pattern consisting of rhythmically ordered elements and intended to decorate various objects (utensils, weapons, furniture, clothing, architectural structures, objects of decorative and applied art)
The main pattern of the ornament is the periodic repetition of the motif, which makes a strong aesthetic impression.
For the Kazakhs, ornament became the main form of fine art, which reflected the living, poetic soul of the people, love for their native land and interest in the world around them.
The following motifs are clearly distinguished in the Kazakh ornament:
Task No. 2
Now you have to consolidate the acquired knowledge by completing a practical task. On the tables are envelopes with illustrations of ornaments of various nationalities and trends. Your task is to select products that contain Kazakh ornaments and try to determine its type.
(The teacher controls the process of work, evaluates how students coped with the task)(Management and Leadership)
-Well done, everyone did a good job. Now we’ll do a little testing, see how attentive you were during the lesson.
Task No. 3 TEST control knowledge.(ICT, assessment)
1. Saukele is a headdress:
A) women.
B) girls.
B) brides.
2. Clothes were decorated:
A) only with braid.
B) only with ornaments.
C) ornaments, beads, braid, embroidery.
3. List the types of Kazakh ornaments:
A) zoomorphic, triangular, cosmogonic, oriental;
B) plant, zoomorphic, geometric, cosmogonic;
C) geometric, cosmogonic, pictorial, ornamental.
4. Velor, velvet, ivy, corduroy were used for sewing:
A) dresses, blouses, kimeshek, chapan; B) children's clothing, underwear, scarves;
C) chapan, camisole, hats.
5. And in our time, the time of computer technology, where is ornament used?
A) in interior design; B) design of clothing, tableware, C) website design, photo industry; D) all answers are correct

Afterwards, students exchange pieces of paper, perform mutual checks and give a grade.
(Assessment for learning and assessment of learning)
And now it’s time to look into the third yurt - this yurt of folk craftsmen is a creative workshop.
Kazakh national clothing has survived to this day. They wear it on holidays and in our modern times it has not changed much. A respectful and respectful attitude towards national clothing is a sign of the wisdom of the people and their concern for the future cultural heritage of the Kazakhs. Here is your homework: develop a sketch of a modern Kazakh dress or men's suit, using elements of Kazakh ornament(Teaching talented and gifted students).

Teacher: This concludes our lesson, thank you very much for the lesson!
Reflection (KM) : Children leave stickers on drawings depicting their mood.

Everything is great, I have ideas! I didn't understand something... Everything is fine, it was interesting.
