Otitis media in cats Treatment of otitis media in cats. Causes of otitis media in cats

Otitis media is an inflammation of the ear in cats and is one of the most common ailments affecting the external hearing aid in pets. Most owners tend to think about the harmlessness of the disease, but this is a deep misconception.

Untimely treatment and development of purulent otitis media can soon lead to serious complications - meningitis or even brain inflammation. Therefore, it is worth knowing not only about the signs and causes of otitis media, but also about the measures for its prevention.

Causes of otitis media in cats

Weak immunity and low resistance of the cat's body makes it almost defenseless against the sticks of staphylococcus, streptococcus and trichophytosis, which leads to the development of the most severe form of this disease - purulent otitis media of the inner ear.

It's no secret that cats love to climb trees, which often leads to injuries or scratches of the outer ear, against which otitis media can again develop.

In addition, the owner of the cat should remember that hypothermia and poor debridement of the ears are also a harbinger of this serious disease.

Otitis media in a cat symptoms and signs of the disease

An attentive owner will always notice changes in the behavior of his pet if he knows the main symptoms of otitis media. The most common are the most visually identifiable signs:

  • Irritation and redness of the skin of a sore ear, in which the cat periodically rubs it and sometimes applies it to the head;
  • Acute pain provokes a sharp jumping up, screaming cats, frightened looking around, the cat does not allow to touch the head;
  • Constant itching and appearance of ulcers, scratching in the ear area;
  • Head shaking and lack of auditory response to the affected side;
  • Drooping of the eyelid is possible in case of damage to the facial nerve;
  • The appearance of a characteristic sugary smell;
  • Discharge from the ear with purulent otitis media;
  • Leaning towards the pet, you can listen to the characteristic gurgling and squelching;
  • Loss of appetite and cheerfulness;
  • Heat;
  • Irritability, constant meowing and screaming

Due to the slow development of otitis media, in some cases, despite minor deviations in the behavior of the cat, a trip to the veterinary clinic is the optimal solution for quick rehabilitation and treatment of the pet.

Purulent otitis media in cats treatment

The disease at this stage is less responsive to treatment and there are frequent cases of surgical intervention or novocaine blockade to eliminate pain. A sick cat is simultaneously prescribed a course of antibiotics by a veterinarian, vitamin therapy, washing of the auricle and strict adherence to the diet.

In a more lightweight form, treatment at home is permissible, subject to the strictest observance of all the doctor's prescriptions. It is especially important before starting any therapy to identify the root cause of otitis media and eliminate it, only then it will be possible to achieve positive results.

Treatment of otitis media in cats at home

If you have been diagnosed with otitis media in a cat, what to treat will be suggested by an experienced veterinarian doctor, who will professionally approach the solution of this issue and prescribe the most effective treatment. In most cases, a whole complex of medical procedures is prescribed, which should definitely be carried out at a strictly defined time:

  • Clean the inner side of the ear from wool;
  • Periodically remove purulent discharge and accumulated sulfur with a gauze napkin moistened with a special ear hygiene lotion;
  • Remove residual moisture, wait until the affected area is completely dry;
  • Apply drops prescribed by a veterinarian and lubricate with an ointment determined individually by the attending physician

To avoid the development of otitis media, preventive measures should be followed that will help minimize the risk of the disease.

Prevention of otitis media in cats

  • Strict adherence to the rules of maintenance and care;
  • Regularly examine the ear canal;
  • Timely cleaning of the ear canals from sulfur;
  • Avoid walking in wet windy weather and severe frost;
  • In the process of water procedures, exclude the ingress of water into the ears;
  • Avoid contact with stray cats;
  • Disinfect your pet's toiletries weekly

Every cat owner must know that the slightest delay in contacting a veterinarian can cost a beloved pet's hearing loss or even take its life.

Otitis media is an inflammation of the ear in cats, dogs, and other pets. In cats, as a rule, inflammation of the outer and middle ear is frequent, less often inflammation of the inner ear occurs. In an animal, such a disease usually affects either only one or both ears at once, and it can develop due to many different reasons.

Most often, cats develop otitis media as a result of trauma to the outer ear (tick bite, wounds received after a fight with another animal, after an allergy to food, detergent or any medication).

Otitis media in cats is a hearing disorder, it is not contagious.

Signs of feline otitis media

Have you noticed that your pet often shakes its head or feels pain when touching its head near its ears? This is probably how the first symptoms of this disease appear. To learn more about this condition, you need to consider the symptoms of feline otitis media in more detail.

Symptoms of otitis media in cats:

  • the skin inside the ear turns red;
  • a bad smell is felt from the ears;
  • pus or blood is secreted from the ears;
  • the cat sometimes stalls;
  • it is difficult for an animal to chew dry food (or natural, but tough food);
  • there is discharge from the eyes;
  • if a complication has developed, inflammation of the lymph nodes under the jaw, the vestibular apparatus, as well as meningitis may appear.

How to treat otitis media in cats

If your pet develops otitis media, you must immediately take it to the veterinarian, who will competently prescribe treatment of otitis media in cats based on the type of disease.

  1. Purulent feline otitis media. Pus leaks from the cat's ear. When this disease progresses to an advanced stage, the animal may develop perforation of the ear membrane, as well as ulcerative processes. In therapy, antibacterial drugs are used, as well as a solution of chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Chronic feline otitis media. This is the result of infection with streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Escherichia coli. This type of disease must necessarily be treated in accordance with special guidance and under the constant supervision of a veterinarian. In therapy, antibacterial agents, compresses with dexamethasone and the drug "Candibiotic" are used.
  3. External feline otitis media is a disease of the external ear, the main symptoms of which are bacterial-fungal infection of the ear canal or inflammation of the hair follicle, accompanied by a feeling of itching, swelling, eczema. For treatment, the drug "Vetzim" is used.
  4. Feline otitis media. It is also called otomycosis. It can be not only independent, but also a secondary disease. Due to the presence of an inflammatory process, the skin loses its protective properties, as a result, the fungus gives rise to infection and otitis media appears. It all starts with very severe itching, then sulfur discharge occurs in large quantities, then redness appears on the ear - and this type of otitis media begins. Probably, the result of this process will be puffiness, purulent discharge, and a bad smell. In order to cure the fungal type of otitis media, a solution of phosphoric acid is used to treat the ear, as well as the "Gasselan" remedy.
  5. Bacterial feline otitis media. A fairly common phenomenon that can affect either one or two ears at once. This disease is accompanied by a sensation of itching, pus, bad smell, severe redness. With this type of disease, the drug Surolan is used for therapy.
  6. Allergic feline otitis media. Disease of the ear concha, which is a consequence of allergies. In addition, an imbalance in the hormonal system can provoke it. A large amount of earwax appears, severe itching. In order to get rid of such a disease, you need to eliminate the cause of the allergic reaction.

In a situation where the treatment was rather long, and there are no obvious results, you need to pay attention to the selection of medicines, which was probably wrong. We must not forget that although the drug for otitis media for cats can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy, it is better to be prescribed by a veterinarian who has carefully examined the pet.

How to treat otitis media in cats at home

Once again, it should be mentioned that otitis media should be treated exclusively by a veterinarian who has confirmed that the cat has symptoms of this disease. Prescribed medications can be used already at home, but in accordance with the instructions attached to them. If you cannot get to the veterinarian immediately, as soon as signs of the disease were found, you can try to help your pet like this:

  • process the cat's ear with a solution of miramistin or chlorhexidine (a gauze swab is moistened with a solution, after which the procedure is carried out);
  • eliminate sulfuric discharge from the ear using an exudate solution;
  • using a clean cotton swab dipped in boiled water, remove dried crusts and discharge from the ear. If the auditory opening is full of secretions, it is cleaned with saline with douching;
  • after carrying out all the above procedures, it is necessary to use cat ear drops for otitis media. The method of using each of the many means is indicated in the attached instructions.

In addition, during the entire course of therapy, the owner of the cat must regularly clean the ear canal of the pet at home, using a special drug that helps to eliminate discharge of a different nature.

If otitis media has developed due to allergies, treatment should be accompanied by a hypoallergenic diet.

If a few days after the implementation of therapy, no positive effect is noticeable, you need to use other drugs, but it is better to consult a veterinarian. The chronic type of the disease is much longer and more difficult to treat, so you should, if possible, try to avoid the development of complications.

Otitis media in cats and cats manifests itself quite often, so responsible owners should collect as much information as possible about the disease. At an early stage, ear inflammation in an animal is difficult to notice. The first symptoms in the form of discharge and changes in the pet's behavior can be seen only when the inflammatory process reaches the inner ear. If the disease is not treated at this stage, serious tissue damage and even deafness can occur.

Less common causes of the disease are:

  • allergic reactions;
  • bacterial infections (staphylococcus, streptococcus, Escherichia coli);
  • viruses;
  • constant presence of the animal in a humid environment;
  • fungi;
  • immune disorders;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • Congenital stenosis (narrowing of the ear canals)
  • the presence of a polyp or tumor;
  • foreign body in the ear;
  • a reaction to certain medications.

Also, when choosing a new pet, you need to take into account that some cat breeds (Himalayan, Burmese) are prone to developing otitis media much more than others.


Signs of ear inflammation usually show up when the disease progresses to a later stage. Even if the animal is behaving normally, it is advisable to check its ears regularly. The appearance of red areas, small black dots, may indicate an early stage of inflammation. An urgent need to contact the veterinarian for the appointment of treatment if the following symptoms of otitis media appear in cats:

  • unpleasant odor from the ears;
  • obvious discomfort when touching the ears;
  • constant rubbing of the head on the floor;
  • the appearance of crusts;
  • pus, thick discharge from the auricles;
  • ulcers;
  • lack of coordination;
  • restless behavior.

Diagnosis of otitis media

To speed up the diagnosis, it is necessary to record changes in the animal's behavior, as well as all medications taken and new foods introduced into the diet, even before going to the veterinary clinic. The veterinarian will examine the ears. If the procedure is painful enough, an anesthetic will be administered to the cat.

The professional can use the otoscope to carefully examine the inner ear as well as the outer ear. In some cases, if the inflammation is provoked by the growth of a tumor, glucocorticoids are injected right during the diagnosis to gain visual access to the tympanic membrane.

Even if the animal has a lot of pus and dirt in the ears, it is strictly forbidden to clean the exudate before going to the hospital. Most likely, the specialist will take a small amount of secretions for cytological analysis to determine the true source of the disease. If the vet gets in the way of excess dirt, he will remove it himself with a special saline solution.

If any neoplasms or polyps are found, a biopsy may be performed on the animal (to rule out cancers). If otitis media has also affected the inner ear, then computed tomography may be required.

Conservative treatment methods

After the final diagnosis is made, the veterinarian will develop a treatment program. First of all, therapy will be aimed at eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of otitis media in cats. The selection of medications will depend on the causes of the disease.

If the veterinarian finds that otitis media is associated with ear mites, fleas, then pills are prescribed for a comprehensive cleaning of the body. Topical anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed as symptomatic treatment.

  • Disease caused by bacteria, fungi.

Antifungal agents, antibiotics are prescribed. The duration of the course of treatment depends on how badly the ear is inflamed. Usually, pills are prescribed to the animal (the period of administration is at least two weeks), as well as long-term (at least four weeks) treatment of the affected ears with special antibacterial drops.

  • Allergic otitis media.

If it has been proven that the development of ear inflammation is triggered by an allergy, then first of all, the cat is given an antihistamine. The next stage of treatment: identification and elimination of the trigger allergen.

Without eliminating the allergen, the illness can last for several months. Therefore, if antihistamines have stopped relieving symptoms, steroids are additionally prescribed.

  • Inflammation of the ear caused by neoplasms.

Otitis media in cats, which developed against the background of the growth of a tumor or polyp, usually disappears on its own after surgery. But if for some reason the operation is contraindicated, then chemotherapy can be performed.

Even if the initial treatment gave positive results and the adverse symptoms disappeared, then you should not refuse further therapy. Without eliminating the primary cause, the disease will come back again and again.

Homemade recipes

If it is not possible to show your pet to a doctor, then you can try folk recipes. However, it is necessary to realize that the treatment of otitis media in a cat at home is only a temporary measure. It is imperative to find out and eliminate the root causes of the disease. But if you need to quickly remove unpleasant symptoms, then you can try one of the proven remedies.

  • Apple cider vinegar solution.

If reddened skin on the inner side of the ear is clearly visible, then it is necessary to mix distilled water with natural apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1 to 1. Place 10 drops in each ear, or moisten a cotton swab in the solution and gently wipe the problem areas. Such a simple remedy has antibacterial, antifungal and even antiviral effects.

In order not to harm your cat, you should only use all natural, unpasteurized and unfiltered vinegar.

  • Colloidal silver.

Colloidal silver has antifungal and antiseptic properties, so it can be used as a disinfectant. It is necessary to drip 5 drops into each ear, or rub into the affected areas.

A teaspoon of ordinary pharmacy calendula tincture must be mixed with one hundred grams of warm distilled water and a pinch of fine sea salt. Wipe the affected areas with the resulting liquid. The calendula-based drug has antifungal and disinfectant agents.

Caring for a cat during treatment

Whatever the cause of the disease would not be identified, the treatment prescribed by the veterinarian is likely to be carried out at home. Therefore, it is very important for the owner to follow certain rules.

Do not worry about personal safety: you cannot get otitis media from a cat. But you need to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.

During treatment, you must put on a special Elizabethan collar on your pet. A veterinary device will prevent your cat from affecting its own ears. To speed up the healing of wounds, it is necessary to regularly cleanse them of pus and treat them with antiseptics. After completing the prescribed course of therapy, it is necessary to carry out daily examinations and preventive cleaning of the auricles for at least several weeks. This will prevent recurrence of the disease. In the future, it is enough to clean the auricles 1-2 times a month.

You should always pay attention to the fact if the cat scratches the ear with its paw too often. This may indicate that the ear is damaged and a process has begun, as a result of which pus is formed in the cat's ear. This immediately needs to be attended to, since in the case of an advanced degree of the disease, the cat may lose its hearing.

A cat's ear festers as a result of exposure to external factors that are easily determined and, if they are detected, urgent measures must be taken to quickly stop the inflammation. Prevent the development of the disease. And for this you need to know the reason for its development.:

  1. a tick got into the ear, it stuck to the cat's auricle and sucks blood, the surface of the ear is affected, and the results of the tick's vital activity fall into the wound, infection occurs, a characteristic symptom of a tick-borne lesion is itching, due to which the cat scratches the ear;
  2. the result of an allergic reaction, for example, to food, pollen, etc., in this case, it is quite simple to treat - you need to find out the cause of the irritation and eliminate it;
  3. various microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, viruses) that enter the microcracks on the surface of the ear, and inflammation begins;
  4. not domestic cats, that is, those who can freely go outside, often damage the ear during fights, climbing bushes and trees, an infection can penetrate into the resulting wound, which will lead to the release of pus.

All these factors explain why the cat's ear is festering, but knowing them is important, as well as how the disease manifests itself. It is also important that the cat's ear surface must be monitored so that sulfur does not accumulate in the ear.

Signs of illness

It is not necessary to immediately take your pet to the veterinarian to determine why the ear smells of pus, in itself this is one of the signs of the disease, but there are others.

  • A cat often scratches a sore ear with its paw, rubs it against furniture, the owner's legs, tilts its head in the direction where it feels the most itching.
  • Under these conditions, it is worth examining the sore ear, its surface will be reddened. The examination itself is not so easy, since the animal experiences pain.
  • When the inflammation process goes too far, pus flows out of the cat's ear. Outwardly, it is gray.
  • The pet's behavior changes: apathy appears, there is no appetite, the cat prefers to lie more, moves a little and reacts extremely painfully to stroking, especially the head.

The characteristic unpleasant odor from the ear completes the whole picture, which says that it is necessary to cure this disease without delay. But when pus flows, this is already a rather advanced stage of the disease, therefore, several types of feline otitis media are distinguished just like that in scientific terminology, the disease is called.


It is easier to cure the disease when it just appeared, but if it is started, you have to spend a lot of effort to put the cat's ear in order.

  • Otitis externa. In this case, the infection has not yet penetrated deeply and it is possible to use external, auxiliary means to prevent the spread of the infection.
  • Otitis media, the disease affects the eardrum and can become chronic, however, if treatment is started on time, such complications can be avoided.
  • The most dangerous thing is when the inner ear becomes inflamed, it is in these cases that fluid is released, and even with the most favorable prognosis, deafness can strike the cat.

To prevent the most extreme forms of otitis media in animals, you need to monitor the cat's ears, wipe their surface, and in case of illness, drops of uricin, suralon, tsiprovet and others will help.


As in dogs, otitis media in cats is a fairly common disease. The owners consider this ailment almost harmless, but this is a dangerous misconception. If you do not go to the clinic in time, the cat may lose hearing and even die from or another complication that has affected the brain tissue. In order not to miss the onset of the disease, it is important to know the signs of otitis media in cats. It is even more important to understand what factors can provoke an inflammatory process in the ear.

The cat's ear, like the human ear, consists of three sections - outer, middle and inner. The most common and easiest to cure, in which only the visible parts of the ear are affected. With a cat, the chances of full recovery are less, but with proper care and treatment, the prognosis is favorable (without treatment, otitis media is likely to become chronic). - the worst case, in which there is a high probability of complete hearing loss, various brain damage and other serious complications.

Typical chronic otitis media in cats is recurrent pain, seasonal relapses, course treatments, and endless prevention. The exhausting pain turns the cat into an aggressive nervous creature, incapable of close communication in the phase of exacerbation of the disease. Chronic otitis media can be progressive (malignant) - in such a situation, surgical intervention is required, but even an operation does not give a 100% guarantee of recovery. Therefore, the suspicion of otitis media in cats is a reason for an immediate visit to the clinic. There is no need to buy medicines in pet stores on the advice of friends or a consultant: only a doctor should prescribe treatment, after a deep examination of the mustachioed patient.

Otitis media

In addition to bacteria, skin cells are also destructive fungi... With various fungal otitis media in cats, it can be both a complication (for example), and an independent phenomenon against the background of high sensitivity and low resistance. If a low immune status is established, in addition to specific treatment, stimulants are also used, without which recovery is delayed for months. With deep infection by bacteria or fungi, purulent otitis media often develops in cats, and the inflammation is localized in the middle ear.

Often, typical symptoms of otitis media in cats are observed after hypothermia, especially if the pet was caught in the rain or was bought out. The ear can become inflamed after the cat sleeps on a windowsill or in a room with an open window. Therefore, while bathing, the ears must be protected with cotton swabs, and after the bath, make sure that the pet is not in a draft. Otitis media is provoked by many colds and viral diseases that affect the respiratory system.

Trauma Is another obvious cause of otitis media. In cats that have a habit of climbing trees and fighting with fellow tribesmen, ears are damaged quite often: scratches, lacerations, foreign objects (twigs, thorns, etc.). As a rule, in such cases, the disease begins with local inflammation, gradually affecting all parts of the ear. Therefore, it is important to regularly examine your pet, looking into her ears. Especially if the cat goes outside.

Sometimes otitis media in cats is entirely the fault of the owners. Some cats' ears are constantly dirty from sulfur - this is not a disease, but an individual feature. The ears have to be cleaned and should be done regularly. If the wax clogs the ear canal, over time, local inflammation will surely begin, which is hello to otitis media. Some owners show excessive zeal, rubbing their ears to a shine - the cat loses its natural protection, the sulfur no longer covers the skin in a thin layer, bacteria and fungi multiply in a favorable environment. In addition, ear otitis media in cats develops if the sulfur is removed incorrectly by pushing it into the ear with a cotton swab: sulfur plugs - local inflammation - chronic otitis media.

Otitis media symptoms

If the owner is attentive to the pet, it is quite easy to notice signs of otitis media in cats. At an early stage, the skin looks irritated and reddened, the pet rubs the sore ear (or ears with bilateral otitis media) with a paw, keeps the ear folded, pressed against the head. After a while, the ear begins to ache. If the pain is sharp, "shooting", the cat suddenly jumps up, cries out sharply, looks around in fright. If the pain is aching, the cat does not allow touching the ear, avoids stroking on the head, presses against the bedding with the sore ear.

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