Polyglot language in 16 hours. Polyglot. English language. Basic course

There is nothing easier than learning English. It only takes a few hours! This is what they say in D. Petrov’s video lessons “Polyglot: English in 16 hours.” The course was first broadcast on the Kultura TV channel, but quickly gained popularity online. The eminent expert Dmitry Petrov teaches foreign languages ​​to show business stars and ordinary people. From scratch!

We at Tap to English love this course for its simplicity, accessibility and effectiveness. It is suitable for beginners of any age! How to improve your results from watching polyglot lessons, spending only 16 hours on English? Let's find out in today's article.

Polyglot: English from the pros

Who is Dmitry Petrov? Dmitry Yuryevich is one of the most famous simultaneous interpreters in Russia and neighboring countries. It’s not for nothing that Petrov’s course is called “Polyglot” - English is not the only language that the expert speaks perfectly! The teacher can speak freely and translate speech and texts in 8 languages, including:


At the same time, Petrov also understands the structure and grammar of another 50 languages ​​of the world! There is a lot to learn from him, and his talent as a teacher makes the “Polyglot English” course one of the most successful free projects in Russia.

Polyglot - English in 16 hours of lessons and hard work

By carefully watching the polyglot's video, in 16 hours of lessons you can take your English from scratch to a high-quality conversational level. Of course, the course requires a lot internal work and perseverance.

It is not necessary to view the lessons every day, get into the habit of opening the polyglot page 16 hours in advance on the tap2eng website at least every other day - this way you won’t get tired of English, and the material will be well understood!

But keep in mind that on a day of rest from watching polyglot lessons, you should at least look at the notes you made yourself. Repeat new words, explain the rules to yourself mentally again. And the next day you receive new information from the video. For greater efficiency, you can create your own training schedule. Or use the tap2eng system, created based on “Polyglot: English in 16 hours of lessons”:

Polyglot: English from scratch in 16 hours using a simple system

Follow these points to move through the material quickly and with good results:
1. Set aside more than an hour a day to watch the lessons. You will often pause the video to record or repeat information.
2. Keep a separate notebook or file on your computer where you will enter notes and notes.
3. At the end of each polyglot lesson - English from scratch in 16 hours - look through your notes, mark in a contrasting color the blocks of information you do not understand.
4. The next day, do not watch the video, but repeat what you learned yesterday or deal with incomprehensible information.
5. Spend 20-30 minutes 2 times a week learning new ones. English words. Note down their transcriptions in your notes.
6. Make notes in the margins while watching the video - what do you need to learn, what do you need to fully understand, what do you need to practice outside of class?

Polyglot - English from scratch in 16 hours - extremely effective system program to develop speaking skills.

Polyglot Dmitry Petrov: “English in 16 hours of lessons is real!”

Dmitry Petrov’s program “Polyglot” would not be so popular if English lessons, distributed over 16 hours, did not bring results. The learning process is unfolding right before the eyes of television and Internet viewers. First-time participants are initially invited to the program.
If you are just a beginner, this video course will help you. With due perseverance and desire, in the time stated by Petrov - 16 hours - you will become a polyglot, watching lesson after lesson. Or at least become interested in the topic! And this is an excellent foundation for the future.

It’s probably difficult now to find someone who is interested in the topic of study foreign languages and I haven’t even heard briefly about the sensational “Polyglot” program, literally blew up the TV and Internet space several years ago.

In this article we will try to figure out whether it is so effective this technique, proposed by Dmitry Petrov and what pitfalls it hides.

First of all, let's start with the fact that the purpose of this article is not to belittle or insult the wonderful teacher and researcher (and we sincerely believe so) Dmitry Petrov, or, God forbid, to try to shine at the expense of his authority.

Let's immediately agree on our position - Dmitry Petrov is a truly talented linguist who has made a certain breakthrough in the field of teaching English grammar (primarily English, although issues dedicated to other languages ​​are already available) and has managed to help many people get off the ground in learning a foreign language

For those who, for some reason, are not familiar with the Polyglot program, we recommend that you briefly familiarize yourself with it at this link.

So what do we then want to say with such a slogan as “Dmitry Petrov’s system does not work!”

First, let's look at the Polyglot course's approach to learning grammar. In a nutshell, as a show experiment they took 6-8 people with almost zero or very weak level of English proficiency and, over the course of several episodes, the structure of sentence construction in English was explained to the participants in a schematic, extremely adequate and down-to-earth form, a system for changing endings in verbs depending on tense, etc.

What was the success of this TV show? After all, almost every good teacher practices similar approaches to one degree or another. The secret of popularity was precisely in its apparent simplicity, quick presentation and assimilation of information. The participants, in whom we recognized ourselves, literally grasped on the fly grammatical structures that had seemed unusually complex since school.

The system itself, in general, is brilliant in its simplicity. Indeed, everything is laid out on the shelves, understandable, intelligible, convenient and recommended for familiarization to any person who has started learning English from scratch.

However, what pitfalls does this approach hide? Often, when talking on the phone or conducting an interview with another potential student at our school, we are faced with the following questions: “What do you think of Dmitry Petrov’s methodology?”, “Does your school offer training in the Polyglot program?”, “Petrov teaches English in 16 hours, do you have the same accelerated courses”, etc. Perhaps some of our readers will find such questions strange, but at our school we hear them all the time.

Frankly speaking, such questions always baffle our team. And that's why. At its core, Dmitry Petrov’s system is a schematic, maximally simplified format (by the way, this does not mean that it is bad) for presenting basic information on the structure of the English language for a beginner. And everything wouldn’t be bad, it would seem, what’s wrong with conveying information to a beginner more clearly and legibly? But here one problem comes up - the slogan of the "Polyglot" program is "English in 16 hours."

Perhaps it is this slogan, and not the filling, that primarily fuels the audience’s interest in this format of training. Well, you must agree, if you need to get from point A to point B and the distance between them is 1000 km, then what format of travel will you choose - a bicycle, a car, a reserved seat on Russian Railways or an airplane? I think that if we are talking about the maximum effective use of your time, then you will stop by plane and cover this distance in a little more than an hour.

The same situation occurs with the perception of the format of the Polyglot program. A person who has decided to learn English and is studying the situation at the suggestion of different schools, I look at private teachers or tutors - here the "Elementary" course offers me to complete 4-5 months. And with Dmitry Petrov it is done in 16 hours. This results in a certain logical inconsistency. It seems like, why take 5 months to do something that can be done in 16 hours of work, roughly speaking 1 week?

This leads to the search for some kind of “magic pills” for not knowing English, which you can drink over the course of a week and become a “Polyglot”. Alas, the reality is that the competent and healthy message of schematically understanding the seemingly complex grammar of English times has turned into a distorted understanding of the original idea.

The "Polyglot" program with the slogan "English in 16 hours" gave hope for quick and painless results, the achievement of which, let's be honest, requires at least 1-2 years of concentrated work.

Such a slogan stands on par with phrases like “Pump up your bicep for summer”, “Pugacheva’s secret diet. -30 kg in 1 week”, “Getting rid of hypertension with the help of our miracle powder”, etc.

And this is not the direct fault of Dmitry Petrov (although from a marketing point of view it is obvious that the program was created precisely with the aim of attracting as many audiences as possible through such a slogan). Here lies the mental trap of our mind, which wants to get everything quickly, painlessly and with minimal investment.

Here I would like to go into more detail and note 2 key points that people who decide to learn English in 16 hours are unaware of:

1. Any grammatical structure, be it a change in verb forms, a scheme for constructing sentences, a scheme of statements/negations, requires development and implementation in the format of mechanical memory at the level of automaticity.

Dmitry actually talks about this in the very first issue. However, this information is usually not perceived consciously. What is the use of the fact that you have figured out how to construct a sentence in a diagram. Will you be able to speak more or less freely now? Well, with the right degree of intelligence and quick thinking, you can. Only very slowly, with a notebook and with “ekanyas” and “akanyas”.

You must understand that any scheme, even if it is presented as clearly as possible, requires systematic repetition in speech, practice in dialogues, reading aloud, memorizing some fragments and listening. This is what all the remaining months of training are spent on. Elementary level, in addition to the proposed 16 hours. Such skills cannot be consolidated in a day or two. this takes several weeks, and the final formation of the skill takes about 3-4 months. And we're just talking about the basic level! What is 16 o'clock?

Most people don't think about this. thinking of language as a skill, like riding a bike or playing solitaire. It’s like you took it, learned it and that’s it - you won’t forget it.

If you are also tempted by the desire to learn English in 16 hours, then understand that there are things that will not happen ahead of time, even if you crash into a cake. A woman cannot give birth healthy child earlier than 8-9 months. It's the same here.

By the way, the same 16 hours of study in the “Polyglot” format with a lesson duration of 1 hour and 2 times a week gives a minimum of 2 months of classes. So 16 hours here should first of all be understood as a publicity stunt.

2. Vocabulary.

Many people also don’t think about the fact that language is not only about grammar, but also about an insane amount of information in terms of memory load and volume of information.

Let's even assume that in 16 hours you have perfectly mastered the basic grammar of 4-6 basic English tenses and can even construct sentences in your speech relatively freely (although practice shows that 9 out of 10 people are not capable of this in such a period of time).

What words will you use? :) An initial, basic set of words with which you can communicate on basic topics and understand the answers is at least 500-1000 words.

I repeat, 500-1000 words. To imagine the volume of such information, try learning 30 words a day for a week. At the end, after 7 days, all other things being equal, if you are not doing only this, you will most likely have a mess in your head.

To create such a volume vocabulary for most people it takes from 3-6 months to a year (depending on the level of diligence and perseverance of the student). Therefore, again, no “English in 16 hours” will save you from having to learn this basic vocabulary.

And if we are talking about confident command of English at least at the intermediate level, then this is already 1500-3000 words. This level is achieved in 1-2 years.

To summarize the main essence of the idea, I did not want to say that Dmitry Petrov’s system is bad, ineffective, or complete quackery. The problem is its perception by many people who are looking for freebies in the format of putting on a bracelet and being healed, drinking magic powder and building muscles.

We must understand that learning English, no matter how much we would like the opposite, is a long and systematic process that takes different people from 1 to 5 years permanent job. And even having reached a certain level of language, it is required to maintain it in a living, active form and constant practice.

And the Polyglot format systems are just excellent and modern help on this path, designed to facilitate the process of language acquisition and remove certain psychological complexes about learning English, which many have had since the days of poor-quality language education at school.

But this system cannot serve as a panacea and the only source education. If you really seriously want to learn English, then it’s better to start by finding a good, proven school or find a teacher and start learning. Yes, it may not be so fun and easy. Or maybe the process will go smoothly for you. No one knows. But one thing is certain - there are no magic pills and only you, with your diligence and perseverance, can achieve the goals that you have set for yourself.

© London English School 14/07/2015
All rights reserved. Full or partial copying of materials is prohibited. When using materials in an agreed manner, a link to the resource is required.

An intellectual reality show on the TV channel "Culture", an intensive training video course "Polyglot" consists of 16 lessons - English lessons, the goal of which is to learn to speak English. The developer of this unique system, as well as the teacher during all classes, is Dmitry Petrov, a well-known Russian linguist, translator, polyglot, who speaks thirty languages.

Polyglot. English in 16 hours.

The classes are attended by eight students (who are media persons - TV presenters, directors, actors) who practically do not know English, except at the level of first-graders high school. But by the end of the course, they will already be able to communicate in English using complex and correct expressions. Here's what Petrov himself says about this interactive course:

To master the English language perfectly, even a lifetime is not enough. To learn to speak professionally, you also need to spend a lot of time, effort and energy. But in order to simply learn to understand people, to be understood, and most importantly to get rid of the fear that many people have that inhibits any desire and opportunity to express themselves in language, this requires no more than a few days. What I offer you, I have experienced myself and enough large quantities of people. I am a professional translator, linguist, I do professional translation in a number of languages, and I teach it to others. And, gradually, a certain approach and mechanism was developed. It must be said that there is such a progression - each subsequent language requires less effort and time. A week is enough for any language. What is language? - Language is A New Look on the world, the surrounding reality. It's the ability to switch, to make a click. And just like in a receiver, we change one program to another, tune in to a different wave. What is required on your part is motivation (the desire to travel, something related to the profession, learning and communication, it could be friendship or love)

Watch all Polyglot lessons. Learn English in 16 hours for free on the Fascinating English website:

Polyglot English language Basic course is a simulator for teaching English, created based on the TV show “Polyglot. Learn English in 16 hours”, shown on the Culture TV channel.

The course “Polyglot English” consists of 16 lessons. Exercises require no more than 10-15 minutes a day.

The main thing is not the amount of time, but the regularity. With regular classes, after the first week of training you will easily be able to communicate in simple phrases in English. Even if you started training from scratch.

In a programme Polyglot English language special learning algorithms are laid down, which repetition literally imprinting knowledge of the language into the consciousness.

Training takes place in game form and quietly fuels the desire to learn further.

How it works

The program offers you simple expressions in Russian with verbs in one of three tenses (present, past, future) and in one of three forms (affirmative, negative, interrogative).

From the words on the screen you need to make English translation. If you answered correctly, the program will praise you. If you suddenly make a mistake, it will tell you the correct answer.

As you compose your answer, the selected words are spoken out. Then the correct answer is announced.

To move on to the next lesson you must score 4.5 points in the previous lesson. Until points are earned, lessons remain locked.

List of lessons

The program contains 16 lessons and an exam.

(video material)

English in 16 hours online with Dmitry Petrov

All languages

"Polyglot. English course"– the first season of an intellectual reality show on TV channel "Russia - Culture" broadcast from January 16 to February 9, 2012. Dmitry Petrov's program, broadcast on one of the country's main television channels, teaches all viewers and participants to quickly master the language, which can be used immediately after the first lesson.
Dmitry Petrov- an expert in more than 30 languages ​​of the world, an excellent psycholinguist, simultaneous translator, and methodologist for quickly introducing language into students’ heads. His book “The Magic of the Word” has long broken circulation records for educational books. His technique really gives excellent result V short time. Comfortable learning a new language for Dmitry Petrov is the main priority in the presentation of material. He teaches ordinary expressions and words, and then reinforces complex figures of speech in a foreign language.
There are 8 students in the group. All students either do not know the language they are studying at all, or, at best, they have vague memories of school curriculum. Already in the first lesson they begin to communicate in the language. With mistakes, with long pauses, with tension, but progress is noticeable immediately.
Your main task for yourself Dmitry Petrov considers not only machine learning, but also memorization for many years.
The program consists of 16 episodes, each episode lasts about 45 minutes - that’s quite long time for the lesson, so it is necessary to pay very close attention to every minute of this precious and intelligent show.
TV viewers notice progress literally from the second or third program. Each subsequent lesson consolidates the material covered and gradually moves on to new grammatical and lexical material. Program “Polyglot. Learn English in 16 hours!"
Dmitry Petrov It is very useful in our difficult times, when foreign language lessons are quite expensive for the average person, and not everyone is able to study independently correctly. about the success of my students: “During the intensive course that I offer, I try to create in students a fireproof stock of knowledge, which, at a maximum, can serve as a good basis for continuing their studies, and at a minimum will ensure that the language will never again be perceived as foreign , will cause positive emotions
and, if you return to it even after some time, you won’t have to start learning it again from scratch. But, of course, to use it effectively, additional regular training will be required.”

Watch and learn at home and for free.Watch and learn at home and for free.