Vulgar Danets. Board game “DaNetki

If you are tired of playing “Crocodile”, are bored with “Fanta” and “Mafia”, try playing no less interesting game, absorbing in its process - riddles on the logic of “Danetka”. You can play Danetki everywhere: in a noisy company of guests, sitting with friends in a cafe, at a picnic, even on the way to work. This game really helps to pass the time long trips. The game can be played by an unlimited number of people at the same time, no additional props are required. “Danetki” is great entertainment for those who love detective stories and logic games, as they are usually mysterious detective stories with a catch - at first glance, the riddle may seem quite strange, but its explanation is quite logical.

Ready-made quest scenarios for children and adults. For detailed information, click on the image of interest.

Rules of the game "Danetki"

The presenter voices a short text to the rest of the players, usually this is the ending of some story, and most often - a strange mysterious situation. The players’ task is to unravel what led to such an ending, that is, to find out the background of the situation and find the answer.

According to the rules of the game, the presenter can ask any questions, but they must be formulated in such a way that the answers to them are only “yes” or “no.” If the participants follow the wrong path, the leader’s answer “not significant” (“doesn’t matter”) is allowed.

In order to better understand the essence of the game, I will give an example of solving a simple “Danetka”.

The presenter says to the players: “The pilot jumped out of the plane, but remained alive. How can this be?”

Players ask questions, and the host answers them, here is an example dialogue:

— Did he jump out with a parachute?

— Did he crash into something while flying?

- Did this happen at night?

- Doesn't matter.

— Were you able to save him?

- It doesn’t matter (that’s not the point).

- Has he reached the ground?

— Was the plane flying?

— The pilot jumped out of the plane standing on the runway?

That's it, the situation is solved).

A huge advantage of the game is that the game makes you think, develops logical thinking and includes imagination, teaches how to correctly formulate questions. Situations can be completely non-standard, and solving them will require not only logic, but also imagination - this is the whole beauty of this exciting intellectual entertainment.

In this article, I invite you to familiarize yourself with the most interesting “Danetki”, many of them have been successfully applied in practice. Try it and you will definitely like it!

The best "Danetki" with answers

Village idiot

In one small village there lived a fool. He became a local attraction because when given the choice of a 10-cent bill or a five-dollar bill, he would always take the 10 cent. Why did he never choose a bill?

The “fool” was in fact not stupid at all, because he understood that as long as he chose a 10-cent coin, people would offer him a choice, and if he chose a five-dollar bill, he would cease to be an “attraction”, the offers of choice would stop, and he will receive nothing.

Letter from my husband

Having received her husband's letter, the woman realized that he had died. How so?

The woman was directly involved in the death of her husband. She sent him a letter, enclosing poisoned stamps in it for a return reply. When she received a response with a poisoned stamp on the envelope, she realized that the plan had worked.

Sudden death

The man was going down the stairs and suddenly realized that at that moment his wife had died. How is this possible?

The man was in the hospital. His wife was there, hooked up to life support. As he walked down the stairs, the hospital lost power and the lights went out. Accordingly, the device also turned off.


Julia celebrated her birthday today. And the day after tomorrow her twin sister will celebrate hers. How is this possible?

Julia was born on February 28, a few minutes before midnight. And her sister - March 1st. It turns out that in a leap year the birthday of the younger twin is 2 days later.

Deadly champagne

A man went to a party and drank some champagne. He was then the very first to leave the party. All the other people who drank champagne after him died from poisoning. Why was this man alive?

The poison was in the ice cubes. The man drank champagne very first, and the ice had not yet had time to melt and mix with the drink.

Showdown at the bar

A man, sitting in a bar, began to speak unflatteringly about one soldier, famous throughout the country, and his actions. For this he was thrown out into the street, but at the same time he felt absolutely happy. Why?

The writer Jaroslav Hasek, wanting to find out how his work “The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik” was received by the people, decided to conduct an experiment. He went to a bar, where he began to loudly scold his own work, for which he was thrown out.

A for the exam

Exam in naval school. The cadet pulled out a ticket and sat down to prepare. Suddenly, out of the blue, he gets up from his seat and approaches the professor with his grade book. He, without hesitation, gives him a high five. How is this possible?

The teacher, using Morse code, tapped a message on the table with a pencil: “The first person to decipher this message should come to me and immediately, without taking an exam, will receive an excellent grade.” The student deciphered the message and received a well-deserved A.

Travel companions

Two people treat each other completely normally, but they will never board the same plane. Why?

Both persons are heirs to the British crown. To prevent a plane crash from leaving the country without a monarch, they travel in different planes.

Cat invasion

One man went on vacation and asked a friend to look after his cat. A week later there were already 8 adult cats running around in the apartment. Where did they come from?

The next day the cat ran away, and the man had to post a missing person notice. Since he himself did not know the cat very well yet, he had to keep everyone similar cats which were brought to him. And wait for the arrival of a friend who had to identify his pet.


Long before the invention of ultrasound, one predictor guessed the gender of the unborn child. Huge queues lined up for him because no one could catch him making a mistake. How did he do it?

The fortuneteller kept a “journal” where he wrote down the date, the woman’s last name and the predicted gender. Moreover, he always said out loud one sex of the child, and wrote down the other in the journal. And if after the birth of the child the client returned to him, demanding a refund for an incorrect forecast, he took out a magazine and showed the visitor an entry in which the gender was indicated correctly. And he accused the client of not hearing (or misunderstanding) the prediction.

Rescue call

The woman didn’t know how to get rid of the overstaying guests, but a phone call saved her. How?

The woman pretended that the caller told her about a fire in the house of one of the guests, but she did not hear whose house they were talking about.


The naked man stood in bewilderment over the still warm corpse, shivering from the cold. What happened?

The man woke up from lethargic sleep in the morgue. And the morgue worker, seeing the “living dead,” died of a heart attack.


Because of the military school cadets, all the stores in the city bought up all the salt in one day. Why?

The cadets were given the task of removing all the snow on the parade ground. Since they were too lazy to remove the snow by hand, they decided to sprinkle it with salt. To do this, we bought 10 packs of salt each. When the grandmothers in the store saw that people in military uniform were stocking up on salt, they decided that martial law was coming, and began to sow panic and buy salt.

Incomprehensible language

In the instructions of American police officers there are words in rare foreign languages, which the police themselves do not own. What are these words for?

Cunning polygamist

The man registered his marriage 20 times in a relatively short period of time. Each time a different woman entered into marriage. Nevertheless, he did not divorce any of them, but he also did not become a polygamist.

The man is a marriage registrar at the registry office.

A cheating wife

The husband returns from a business trip, rings the doorbell, and his wife answers. He immediately attacks her with accusations of adultery. How did he know about this?

On the way home, the husband stopped by a friend’s house, and the door of the friend’s apartment was opened for him by his own half-dressed wife.


While digging the ground, the woman discovered a chest of gold. For 3 years she kept it without saying a word to anyone. And three years later I bought a villa, a car and many other things. What stopped her from doing this before?

The woman is a victim of a shipwreck. She spent 3 years on a desert island, where the treasure was found. And when she was finally rescued, she was able to use it.

Unlucky money

The girl found the money and was very upset. Why?

The girl is an aspiring writer; she published several copies of her book and left them on a shelf in the library. The girl deliberately placed banknotes between the pages of the books to check whether her books were interesting to anyone. After some time, she came to the library and saw that all the books had bills in place, which meant that no one had opened them.

Lost interest

The guy saw a pretty girl at a table in a cafe and was about to come over to meet him, but then the girl yawned. Immediately after this, the young man lost interest in her. Why?

Yawning, the girl covered her mouth with her hand, and the young man noticed wedding ring on her finger.

Examination paper

The student finished writing the exam later than everyone else, and the teacher did not want to accept his work. However, he managed to pass the work and get good mark. How did he do it?

The student asked the teacher: “Do you know my last name?” and, making sure that he did not know it, he put his work in the middle of the pile and ran away. The teacher had to check his work.

Family ties

Eric's father was older than his grandfather. How can it be?

If Eric's father and mother have a large age difference, his maternal grandfather may be younger than Eric's father.

Weird girls

Three girls are standing nearby, two of them are upset, one is happy. A happy girl cries, and an upset girl smiles. What's happening?

Deadly feast

There is a table in the room with cards and a pistol on it. Everyone at the table is dead. Five have pained grimaces on their faces, the sixth has a normal facial expression. What happened?

It happened on a submarine that began to sink. Oxygen supplies were running low. Those gathered at the table played cards for the right to shoot themselves, since there was only one bullet in the pistol.


A man is running, and many other people are running after him. The man shouts to his pursuers “you won’t see any gold!” and starts shooting. Those watching what is happening rejoice. What's happening?

Biathlon competitions.

Theater scandal

The woman left the theater during intermission, without waiting for the end of the performance, because the performance seemed unbearably boring to her. But because of her departure, a terrible scandal broke out. Why?

The woman was an actress and performed main role in the play.


One old man was very bothered by children who constantly played and screamed under his windows. But a handful of little things helped him solve the problem and achieve silence. How?

The old man told the children that he really likes it when they scream under his windows and he is ready to pay them money, provided that they come into the yard every day and scream as loudly as possible. A couple of days later, he told the children that he had nothing more to pay. The children ran away to play in another place, not wanting to amuse the old man for free.

Gift from the professor

One professor dreamed all his life of giving one of his students a large sum of money. But no one came for the money. Why?

All students learned the subject from a thick textbook written by the professor himself. On one of the pages, near the end of the textbook, there was a footnote: “The student reading this may contact the author of the textbook for a monetary reward.” But not a single student there read the textbook to the end.


A man and a woman got married and after the wedding they abandoned all their affairs and just had fun. As a result, after three years they became millionaires. How so?

Before they got married, they were billionaires. But in three years they squandered part of their fortune and became just millionaires.


One woman was about to receive a huge inheritance from her grandmother. After receiving an envelope with a will from her grandmother, she was so disappointed to find a check for $20 inside that she angrily threw both the envelope and the check into the trash. The next day, the woman's maid quit, and a month later the woman found out that her former maid had become a millionaire. What's the secret?

The woman's grandmother liked to joke - a collector's stamp worth $3 million was stuck on the envelope.

Man with a match

In the middle of the desert lies a man without clothes. He has a broken match in his hands. What happened?

A man was flying with his friends on hot-air balloon. But suddenly the ball began to rapidly lose altitude. Then the friends decided to reduce weight by getting rid of everything unnecessary. They threw bags and food down, but it didn’t help. Then they decided to take off all their outer clothing and shoes. This didn't help either. They realized that the balloon could not support so many passengers, and decided to draw lots. The one who draws the shortest match will have to jump down. Our friend was unlucky.

Rare book

A man had a rare book worth $50,000, but he deliberately destroyed it. Why?

The person had 2 identical copies. By destroying one of the books, the collector increased the cost of the second several times.


Every evening the girl opened the safe, put the shoe in and went to bed. Why?

The girl worked as a flight attendant and kept documents in the safe. In order not to forget them, she put a shoe from her uniform in the safe along with the documents: she definitely wouldn’t leave the house wearing just one shoe!

Restless night

The man lay in his hotel room at night and could not sleep. After a car drove by, he looked under the bed and found a body there. Why did he decide to look under the bed?

A passing car's headlights illuminated the clock on the wall, and the man saw that it was not moving, but he heard the ticking of the clock. It was ticking wristwatch that were on the corpse.

Mysterious death

The man entered the room and saw open window, a large puddle of water and debris on the floor. Mary lay dead nearby. What happened?

That day there was a strong wind and the window swung open. The aquarium, which was standing on the windowsill, fell to the floor and broke. Mary is a fish.

Chance meeting

A man was walking calmly down the street when he suddenly attacked a woman passing by and strangled her. He was taken to the police, but he was released and not sent to prison. Why?

The woman was his wife. Several years ago, she faked her death so that her husband would be blamed. He was convicted of murder and has already served time in prison. By chance I saw his “dead” wife on the street; the man, in anger, strangled her. And they cannot be convicted twice for the same murder.


The man always took the elevator down and always walked up. Why?

The fact is that the man was a dwarf, and he lived on the 12th floor. In the elevator, he could only reach the button for the first floor.

Incident at the bar

A cowboy walks into a bar and asks the bartender to pour him a glass of water. The bartender suddenly pulls out a gun and shoots into the air, after which the cowboy thanks the bartender and leaves. What happened?

The cowboy was suffering from hiccups and wanted to get rid of it by drinking a glass of water. The bartender, realizing the cowboy's problem, used a proven remedy - to scare the hiccupper.

Chess Club

Following the trail of the criminals, the police inspector entered the chess club. Having assessed the situation, he told his assistants: “Detain those two players!” How did he recognize the criminals?

The inspector saw that there were no kings on the hastily arranged board.

Reliable tool

A former sailor placed an ad in the newspaper: “For a small fee I will send cash on delivery.” reliable means against seasickness." After some time he was arrested, although he did not deceive anyone.

He sent advice: “Stay at home.”


Two people entered the room, saw the killer and his bloody victim, exchanged opinions and calmly left.

Visitors discussed the painting “Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan.”

Buried Weapon

The husband lied to his wife that there were weapons buried in the backyard of their house. For what?

He was in prison and knew that his correspondence was being read. Thus, he decided to involve the police in agricultural work, so that they would dig up the garden in search of weapons.


A man gets up at night to drink water. Then he turns off the light and goes to bed. The next morning he gets up, looks out of the window, screams and commits suicide.

The man was a lighthouse keeper and at night he mistakenly turned off the light in the lighthouse. Because of this, several ships crashed on the reefs. In the morning he realized what he had done...

Bad dream

The farmer had a wife and children. In addition to them, a maid and a night watchman lived on the farm. One day a farmer was going on a business trip. When the farmer was about to leave for the station, the watchman approached him and said that that night he had a dream about a train that had gone off the rails. Because the farmer was superstitious, he rescheduled the trip, and the next day he learned that the train had indeed crashed. However, the watchman was fired. Why?

The night watchman is supposed to guard the farm at night, not sleep.


Newspaper article: “Tragic death of a woman in the mountains.” The photo shows a married couple; the article offers condolences to the spouse. A man came to the police, reported some information, and the husband of the deceased was accused of her murder. Who was this man and what did he say?

A travel agent came to the police and reported that the husband had bought two tickets to the mountains and only one return ticket.

Smart students

The inspector came to check the school. He noticed that when the teacher asked the class a question, all the students would raise their hand, no matter how difficult it was. The teacher chose new students each time, and they all gave the correct answers. The inspector realized that there was some kind of trick here. Which?

The teacher warned the students that when he asked a question, everyone should raise their hand. But at the same time, those who know the answer to the question raise left hand, and who doesn’t know – the right one.

Punctual man

A very punctual man who suffers from deafness, he strictly adhered to his schedule. Every morning he left the house at 7:45 to go for a short half-hour walk. At the same time he crossed railways. The first train went through them only at 9:00. But one day a deaf man was hit by a train while he was walking. Why?

That night the time was changed to daylight saving. The man did not change his watch, left the house an hour later and crossed the crossing not at 8:00 but at 9:00.

Sudden wealth

The man bought the painting and became fabulously rich.

A man bought an ordinary painting by an unknown artist for his living room. While driving a nail into the wall to hang a picture, the man discovered a cavity in the wall: under the wallpaper there was a thin layer of plaster and plywood. He opened mysterious place and there turned out to be a cache of diamonds.

Danets with answers are great entertainment for those who love detective stories and logic games.

A great variety of entertainments have already been invented for a group of friends. Today we want to remind you about such fun as “Danetki”. Many people have known this game since childhood, but for others it will be a novelty. A huge advantage of the game is that the game makes you think, develops logical thinking and includes imagination.

The game can be played by an unlimited number of people at the same time. The rules of the game are as simple as 2+2. One of the participants, the presenter, reads a short text to the other players. This passage is most often a description of a certain situation or the ending of a story. The task of the other players is to unravel what led to this ending. According to the rules of the game, the host can be asked questions to which he can answer “yes” or “no.” With the help of these questions, participants must come to a solution to the puzzle. Once the answer is found, the presenter can be changed so that everyone has the opportunity to participate from “both sides.”

In this article we will offer you a small selection of interesting Danets.

Danets with answers

1. A cowboy walks into a bar and asks the bartender to pour him a glass of water. The bartender suddenly pulls out a gun and shoots into the air, after which the cowboy thanks the bartender and leaves. What happened?

The cowboy was suffering from hiccups and wanted to get rid of it by drinking a glass of water. The bartender, realizing the cowboy's problem, used a proven remedy - to scare the hiccupper.

2. In a conversation with John, a man wearing boots and a backpack on his shoulders said: “You are my son, but I am not your father.” Who was he to John?

3. A man entered a hotel room late at night, lay down on the bed, but could not sleep. After a car drove by, he looked under the bed and found a body there. Why did he decide to look under the bed?

A car passing by with its headlights illuminated the clock that hung on the wall and the man saw that it was not running, but he heard the ticking of the clock. It was the ticking of the wristwatch that was on the corpse.

4. The farmer had a wife and children. In addition to them, a maid and a night watchman lived on the farm. One day a farmer was going on a business trip. When the farmer was about to leave for the station, the watchman approached him and said that that night he had a dream about a train that had gone off the rails. Because the farmer was superstitious, he rescheduled the trip, and the next day he learned that the train had indeed crashed. The watchman was fired. Why?

The night watchman is supposed to guard the farm at night, not sleep.

5. A man ran out of the tram, followed by a second one, shouting: “Take everything, but return the ticket!” What happened?

A pickpocket stole a passenger's wallet, which contained a winning lottery ticket worth a large sum. The passenger noticed the loss in time and chased the thief.

6. One collector had a book worth $50,000, but he deliberately destroyed it. Why?

7. A man wakes up in the middle of the night to drink a glass of water, after which he turns off the light and goes back to sleep. When he woke up in the morning and looked out of the window, he committed suicide. Why?

8. There is a table in the room. There are cards and a gun on it. Everyone at the table is dead. Five have pained grimaces on their faces, the sixth has a normal facial expression. What happened?

It happened on a submarine that sank. Oxygen supplies were running low. Those gathered at the table played cards for the right to shoot themselves, since there was only one bullet in the pistol.

9. In one village there lived a “fool”. He became a local attraction because when given the choice of 10 cents or a dollar, he always took 10 cents. Why?

Riddles - Danetki

The day before yesterday Petya was 17 years old. Next year he will be 20 years old. How can this be?


If the current day is January 1, and Petya’s birthday is December 31. The day before yesterday (December 30) he was still 17 years old, yesterday (December 31) he turned 18, this year he will turn 19, and next year he will turn 20.

Gerald Butcher, a London banker, was found dead in his office. He was lying on the table, a pistol in his hand, a hole in his temple. The curtains were drawn, the table lamp was on, and there was a tape recorder nearby. Inspector Brown pressed the play button and heard Butcher's last message: “I can't wait for bankruptcy, this is the end...” and then the sound of a shot was heard. Under the banker's head was a blood-stained letter from the Tax Police notifying him of the audit. Suicide seemed certain, and the police had already begun to remove the body when Inspector Brown stopped them: “Wait a little, this looks like murder.” What made him suspicious?


The message began to sound immediately as soon as Inspector Brown pressed the play button. Consequently, the film was rewound, and a man with a shot through the head was unlikely to be able to do it himself.

A father and two sons went on a hike. On their way they met a river, near the bank of which there was a raft. It can support either a father or two sons on the water. How can father and sons cross to the other side?


First, both sons cross. One of the sons returns back to his father. The father moves to the opposite bank to join his son. The father remains on the shore, and the son is transported to the original shore after his brother, after which they both are transported to their father.

The servant brought the king and queen two glasses of water for the night. The king drank all the water in one gulp and nothing bad happened to him. The Queen drank for a long time, in small sips. She died. Why?


The glasses contained poisoned ice cubes. The king drank the water so quickly that the ice did not have time to melt.

You are sitting in a boat that floats in a pool. There is a heavy cast iron anchor in the boat, not tied to the boat. What happens to the water level in the pool if you drop an anchor into the water?


The water level will drop. While the anchor is in the boat, it displaces a volume of water weighing the same as the anchor, its own weight and the weight of the cargo. If an anchor is thrown overboard, it will only displace a volume of water equal to the volume of the anchor, and not its weight, i.e. less, since the density of the anchor is greater than that of water.

You are standing in front of two identical doors, one of which leads to death, the other to happiness. The doors are guarded by two identical guards, one of whom tells the truth all the time, and the other lies all the time. But you don't know who is who. You can only ask one question to any of the guards.

What question should you ask to avoid making a mistake when choosing a door?


One solution: “If I ask you to show me the door to happiness, which door will the other guard point to?” And after that you need to choose another door.

Between the legs dangles on X called P will see rises.


A young man enters the grocery store, takes a piece of cheese, leans against a column and chews. After some time, another man entered the store, also took the cheese and, leaning against another column, also chewed. The first one thought: “I’m lost!” Why?


One scout signaled to the other.

Danetka riddles with answers

This logic puzzle got its beautiful name “Danetka” based on two answers (yes or no) that the driver can say.
There are several types of game.
Let's start with the simplest thing: the driver thinks of a word, writes it and hides it. The players do not know the answer and can only ask a question that can be answered: yes, no. The game doesn’t work out right away because it’s difficult to keep the condition in mind all the time.
The question “What color is it?” will not work, you need to choose any shade and ask: is it white (black, red)? Only then will the driver answer you.

It can take a long time to guess what the hidden word is, so there are secrets. Need to ask general issues, which will cut off the unnecessary: ​​is it alive? No. Can this item be picked up? Yes. Is this edible? Yes. After collecting information, you can ask targeted questions. This Apple? Yes!
The driver demonstrates his preparation so that there is no doubt about his honesty.

The second type is the most common.
A strange situation arises, usually inexplicable and illogical. For example, tourists said that in one village there lived a boy who always chose the ruble between a ruble and a 100-ruble bill. Why?

The players offer their options: was he a fool? No. Did he not recognize the value of money? No. He bet that he wouldn’t take 100 rubles? No.
The game continues until the prepared answer is given: the boy knew that the flow of surprised tourists with money would dry up if he took the bill. And so he is quite wealthy and earns more than one hundred.

Liked? Let's continue.
In the compartment were Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich and Ivan the Fool. There was a chocolate bar on the table. When the train left the tunnel, someone had already eaten the candy. Who and why? There are few options here, but the correct answer cannot be denied in logic. Ivan the Fool ate it because the other characters don’t exist.

Danetka riddles are often collected fun companies, and the point here is not the winner, whose sharp mind admires everyone. Being with friends, laughing and having fun is the main thing.

Man with a match
In the middle of the desert lies a dead man with a burnt match in his hands. For many kilometers around there is not a single living soul...
What happened to this man? How did he get there?

A man was flying with his friends in a hot air balloon. Their balloon began to fall and they had to pull the match: whoever gets the burnt match will have to jump. This man came across a burnt match, he jumped and fell to his death.

On rails
A man was walking along the rails and suddenly saw a train coming towards him. Then he ran as fast as he could towards the approaching train. What happened?

The man was in a tunnel and, in order to escape, was forced to run along the tracks towards the train. When the tunnel ended, he was able to jump off the tracks to the side. And thanks to this, he remained alive.

The man tossed and turned in bed for a long time and could not fall asleep...
Then he picked up the phone, dialed someone’s number, listened to several long rings, hung up and calmly fell asleep. Question: why couldn’t he sleep before?

A neighbor was snoring loudly behind the wall, who was then awakened by a phone call.

One day a truck with an open back was driving along the road. It started to rain. A man stood on the road and voted. The driver put him in the back. A few minutes later, the driver put another voting person in the back. The rain has stopped and the truck has arrived at its destination. The first person got out of the truck, but the second was found dead.
What's happened?
Question 1: Did the first kill the second? - No.
Question 2: Was the truck carrying anything? - Yes.

The truck was carrying a coffin. The first person decided to hide in it from the rain. Later, the second person got into the back. And when the rain stopped, the first one crawled out of the coffin, which mortally frightened the second one. The second died of a heart attack.

A naked man shivers from the cold, in bewilderment, standing over a still warm corpse. What happened?

The man woke up from his lethargic sleep in the morgue. A morgue worker, seeing the “living dead,” died of a heart attack.

Bank manager
One day, a bank manager, on his way to work, put on a mask.

The manager was on a plane from New York to Switzerland for an important meeting. He needed to sleep on the plane, so he put a mask over his eyes so that the light would not bother him.

It's a dark matter
One dark, dark night, a man in dark clothes approached a dark river and jumped into the water. Many followed his example.
For what?

On the feast of Epiphany, water in rivers is traditionally blessed at night. This man was the priest who blessed the water in the river. After the blessing of water, it is customary to plunge into the blessed water.

A man and a woman got married and after the wedding they abandoned all their affairs and just had fun. As a result, after three years they became millionaires. How so?

Before they got married, they were billionaires. But in three years they squandered part of their fortune and became just millionaires.

High heels
A woman came to the store and bought shoes, but with heels 10 centimeters higher than before, after which she came to work and died.
Why did she die?

A woman worked in a circus: she stood on stilts, and they threw knives at her. After buying new shoes, she became taller, so the woman was hit by a knife, after which she died.

A cheating wife
The husband returns from a business trip, rings the doorbell, and his wife answers. He immediately attacks her with accusations of adultery. How did he know about this?

On the way home, my husband stopped by a friend's house. The door of a friend's apartment was opened to him by his own half-dressed wife.

Man with a ring
A man was walking. He had a thumb on his finger Golden ring. A man was attacked by robbers. They wanted to take this ring off him, but it wouldn’t come off, so they cut off his finger, but the man didn’t scream.
Why didn't the man scream?

He had gold teeth, and he did not want to show them, so that they would not be taken away too.

Corpse under the bed
One-room apartment, poor family. A man came home from work late at night and decided that his wife was not at home. He didn’t look at the clock that hung on the wall, but he knew that it was already deep night. He went to bed, but he couldn’t sleep. Cars drove past the house within seven minutes of each other and suddenly he wanted to look under the bed. I looked in and there was my wife’s body.
Question: What made him look under the bed?

When the man came home, he did not look at the clock, but thought that it was working because he heard ticking. When cars passed by, they illuminated these clocks, and they showed the same time. The man realized that the clock was standing, but there was a ticking sound coming from somewhere! And he realized that it was his wife’s wristwatch, which was ticking under the bed. I looked in and there was a corpse.

A river boat sank because of a snake.

The snake crawled onto the passenger promenade deck, and all the passengers darted to the other side. The ship tilted, scooped up water on its side and eventually sank.

While changing the wheel of his car, a man dropped all four nuts of its fastening into the sewer drain grate, from where it was impossible to get them. He had already decided that he was stuck here, but a boy passing by gave him a very useful idea that allowed him to move on. What was his idea?

The boy suggested unscrewing one nut from each of the three wheels and securing the fourth wheel with them. Having done this, the person was able to drive to the nearest garage on firmly secured wheels.

Bill was on vacation. He checked into a hotel on the sixth floor. Every morning at 8 o'clock he went down to the hall on the second floor, had breakfast and then took the elevator back to the sixth floor. Every evening at 8 o'clock he took the elevator down to the lobby, and then climbed five flights of stairs and returned to his room, although he did not enjoy it. Why did he do this?

Bill was on vacation and living in a hotel with his wife and very active two-year-old son. The couple noticed that The best way Tiring your baby before bed so that he falls asleep faster is making him climb five flights of stairs. The boy enjoyed this journey, but for his father it was difficult.

The student finished the exam later than everyone else and the teacher did not want to accept his work. However, he managed to pass this exam and get a good grade. How did he do this?

He asked the teacher “do you know who I am?” and making sure that he did not know him, he put his work in the middle of the pile and ran away. The teacher had to check his work.

At the Olympics, a rather ordinary boxer won three fights. At first the blows were ordinary, but gradually became stronger, reaching such force as if they were hitting with a stone. Then he was disqualified.

He wrapped his hands in a bandage soaked in plaster.

Anna Karenina
Karenina throws herself under a train, but Strong arms push her aside.
What's up?

Incident at the bar
A man walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water, the bartender suddenly pulls out a gun and points it at the man. The man says “thank you” and leaves. What happened?

The man was suffering from hiccups and went to the nearest bar to drink water. The bartender realized what his problem was and used a proven remedy - to scare the hiccupping person. The method worked and the man thanked him.

Was Einstein wrong?
“Last week,” says one man in a café, “I turned off the light and managed to get to bed before the room went dark. It’s 3 meters from the switch to my bed.”
How could this happen?

He went to bed during the day.

Greenland is a huge island covered with snow and ice. Why did the man who discovered this island call it Greenland, that is, the Green Country?

Greenland was discovered around 982 by the Scandinavian Jarl Eric the Red. He sought to encourage people to settle there and therefore named the country Greenland, since this name could attract them (in English greenland - “green land”). This is one of the earliest examples of deliberate misinformation.

Before going to bed, the woman hid her shoe in the safe. For what?

This woman works as a flight attendant on an airplane. At the hotel, before going to bed, she puts her documents in the safe, and so as not to forget them in the morning, she puts one of her shoes in the place with the documents.

Life truth
Hardly anyone could call Barber Bill a silent man. As soon as John sat down in the Chair, Bill began chatting incessantly:
- You must be from outside the area, sir? I love cutting hair for strangers! For me, it’s better to cut two foreigners’ hair than one local one!
- Why? - asked John.

It is always more profitable to cut two hair than one.

Black-black pedestrian
A tipsy young man was walking home. He walked along a road completely unlit by lanterns. Even Moonlight didn't fall on the road. The man was wearing a black coat, black trousers, a black hat and boots.

He did not see a car approaching from behind at high speed with its headlights off, heading straight towards him. However, the driver still saw the pedestrian and drove around him without hitting him.

How did the driver manage to see a pedestrian dressed all in black on a road illuminated by neither headlights nor lanterns?

The road was not illuminated by any headlights or lanterns. The sun illuminated the road since it was daytime.

Because of the military school cadets, all the stores in the city bought up all the salt in one day. Why?

The cadets were given the task of removing all the snow on the parade ground. Since they were too lazy to remove the snow by hand, they decided to sprinkle it with salt. To do this, we bought 10 packs of salt each. When the grandmothers in the store saw that people in military uniform were stocking up on salt, they decided that martial law was coming, and began to sow panic and buy salt.

Village idiot
People who came to the picturesque mountain village were often surprised by the local fool. When given a choice between a shiny 50-cent coin and a wrinkled five-dollar bill, he always chose the coin, even though it was worth a tenth as much as the bill. Why did he never choose a bill?

Mysterious kinship
One man showed another a portrait and said “I have neither a son nor a brother, but the father of the person in the portrait is my father’s son.” Who was in the portrait?

This man's daughter

Game of Danets

This game has long been used by counselors in organizing children's leisure in summer camps. However, it can be successfully used class teachers and teachers at school, for example, during after-school or class hour, as well as for the purpose of organizing leisure time during outdoor events.

Danetki (situations) is a type of riddle game.The essence of the game is indicated by the name itself: when guessing, you can ask questions, but the answer to them can only be the words “yes” and “no” (and also “doesn’t matter”). In the most common version, the driver describes a strange “situation”, and those guessing must, by asking clarifying questions, find out the background of the situation. This option is called “playing in a situation.” This game develops logical thinking in children, teaches them to formulate questions correctly, and trains their memory.

IN this section I have collected the most interesting data that have been successfully applied in practice.

Danetka 1. "Shoe"

Every evening the girl opened the safe, put the shoe in and went to bed. Why?

The girl worked as a flight attendant and kept documents in the safe. In order not to forget them, she put a shoe from her uniform in the safe together with the documents; she definitely wouldn’t leave the house in one shoe!

Danetka 2. "Restless Evening"

The woman could not sleep for a long time, but then she realized that her husband was dead and lying under the bed. How did she understand this?

She couldn't sleep because she was waiting for her husband. She often glanced at the time, but at one moment the clock on the wall stopped, and the sound of the clock continued to clearly echo throughout the room. After listening, she realized that it was the sound of a wristwatch coming from under the bed. Consequently, the husband she had been waiting for so long lay dead under the bed.

Danetka 3. "Man in the Desert"

In the middle of the desert lies a man without clothes. He has a broken match in his hands. How to explain all this?

A group of friends traveled in a hot air balloon. But suddenly the ball began to rapidly lose altitude. Then the friends decided to reduce weight by getting rid of everything unnecessary. They threw bags and food down, but it didn’t help. Then they decided to take off all their outer clothing and shoes. But that didn't help either. They realized that the balloon could not support so many passengers, and decided to draw lots. The one who draws the shortest match will have to jump down. Our friend was unlucky.

Danetka 4. "Mysterious Death"

The man entered the room. He sees an open window, a lot of glass on the floor, a large puddle and dead Mary. What did she die from?

There was a strong wind that day. The window opened. The aquarium that was standing on the windowsill flew to the floor and broke. Mary is a fish.

Danetka 5. "Chance meeting"

The man left the room, saw the woman and strangled her. He wasn't jailed? What a strange situation?

They are husband and wife. Many years ago, a wife staged her death in such a way that suspicion would fall on her husband (one can imagine motives). The husband, after serving several years in prison, came out and saw his “dead” wife on the street. In anger, he strangled her, because he had already served his punishment.

Danetka 6. "Elevator"

The man took the elevator to work every morning, and in the evening he always walked up. Why?

The fact is that the man is a dwarf. And he lives on the 20th floor. In the elevator, he can only reach the button for the first floor.

Danetka 7. "Birthday"

Jenny celebrated her birthday. And in two days her twin sister will celebrate hers. How is this possible?

The fact is, Jenny was born on February 28 a few minutes before midnight. And her sister is already on March 1st. It turns out that in a leap year the birthday of the younger twin is 2 days later.

Danetka 8. "Will"

After receiving an envelope with a will from her grandmother, she was so disappointed to find a check for $20 inside that she angrily threw both the envelope and the check into the trash. A week later she discovered that her housekeeper had quit and bought herself a villa.

According to Agatha Christie. The grandmother who left the inheritance collected stamps all her life, so she stuck a collector's stamp worth 3 million on the envelope.

Danetka 9. "Exam"

There was an exam at the naval school. Suddenly, out of the blue, the cadet gets up from his seat and approaches the professor with his grade book. Without hesitation, he gives him a high five. How is this possible?

The professor was very smart. Using Morse code and tapping his fingers, he conveyed the following message to the students: “The first one to decipher this message, let him come to me and receive his rightful A.”

Danetka 10. "Falling from the Roof"

On the roof, two men started a fight. Below, a large crowd watched with great interest. Then one man grabbed another and threw him down. The man fell from a height onto the asphalt and died. But his death was blamed not on the person who threw him from the height, but on one of the spectators standing below. How did this happen?

The film studio was making a movie. The actors were fighting on the roof. The role of the falling man was played by a stuntman. He should have fallen into the safety net. But the person in charge of safety didn't do his job properly and the stuntman crashed. This person in charge of security was charged with gross negligence."

Danetka 11. "Disappointment"

The woman found the money and became very disappointed in life. Why?

The woman worked as a librarian. One day she forgot in one of the most interesting books large bill, which I used instead of a bookmark. A few years later, the woman began to re-read the book again and found her money in it. She realized that people had completely stopped reading books."
