Flu vaccine vaccination. What is the best flu vaccine? Types of vaccines by manufacturers (French, Dutch) and characteristics (live and inactivated). Reviews of the vaccines Vaxigrip, Influvac and Influenpol and the need for their use in adults, d

The flu vaccine protects people from severe consequences influenza and reduces the risk of morbidity by almost 2 times. The idea of ​​a vaccine is to stimulate the production of antibodies without causing disease. To do this, instead of a virus that can cause influenza, the body is given a weakened influenza virus or its “corpse” (killed virus). But in Lately The “remains” of the influenza virus—its particles—are increasingly being used.

What types of vaccines are there?

Live vaccine

A live vaccine is made from weakened and non-pathogenic influenza viruses. They are injected into the nose, due to which they form increased local immunity.
Such vaccines are quite safe, but among experts there is no clear opinion about such vaccines - many consider their effectiveness to be questionable.

Vaccine names:

  • Influenza vaccine allantoic live dry intranasal for adults (Russia)
  • Influenza vaccine allantoic live dry intranasal for children 3-14 years old (Russia)

Inactivated vaccines

Inactivated vaccines (killed) come in 3 generations:

1st generation - Whole virion vaccines.

They are made from a whole, but inactivated influenza virus, which can no longer cause illness. They are injected subcutaneously or into the nose. After vaccination, a short-term increase in temperature up to 37.5 degrees and a lump measuring up to 5 cm at the injection site are acceptable. When inserting into the nose, also be brief and slight increase temperature.

Name of vaccines:

  • Influenza vaccine inactivated eluate-centrifuge liquid, Russia (administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously)
  • Grippovac, Russia (administered subcutaneously and nasally)
  • Grifor, Russia (injected into the nose)

2nd generation - Split vaccines (split vaccines).

They look like pieces of the flu virus. They are administered only subcutaneously. From such vaccines, virus particles containing proteins, which primarily cause all adverse reactions, are removed. According to statistics, reactions at the site of their introduction under the skin occur in 1% of children and 2% of adults. There may be an increase in temperature to 38 degrees, but this happens no more often than in one person out of a hundred.

Name of vaccines:

  • Vaxigrip, France
  • Fluarix, Germany
  • Begrivak, Germany

3rd generation - Subunit vaccines.

They consist of surface antigens of the influenza virus, which, in fact, are neutralized factors of aggression. They cause the least number of side effects. Sometimes they say that after them weaker immunity. To enhance it, so-called adjuvants are often added - these are structures or substances that contribute to the development of immunity.

Name of vaccines:

These vaccines contain what is called an adjuvant. It strengthens the immune system and promotes the production of antibodies. In Grippol, the immunomodulator polyoxidonium is used for this; in Inflexal V, this role is played by a special shell on which antibodies are fixed, resulting in a particle very similar in shape to the virus itself.

Influenza vaccination is not considered to provide guaranteed protection against upper respiratory infections. respiratory tract influenza pathogens. It is difficult to predict what kind of infection will occur in the new season.

When developing vaccinations, companies focus on representatives of last year’s flora, taking into account possible mutations among themselves. Not specific prevention is aimed at preventing complications and eliminating death. With weakened immunity, secondary bacterial infections: measles, diphtheria, polio.

Statistics show that annual vaccinations significantly reduce mortality and morbidity in the human population from seasonal infection. The influenza A pandemic was recorded in 2009. Due to mutation of the pathogen, an atypical form arose, against which there were no antibodies. In people with stable immunity, a rapid increase in immunoglobulins was observed. Patients with weak protective complexes were unable to resist infection, which led to rapid death. Medical supplies turned out to be ineffective due to the rapid destruction of the pulmonary alveoli by the pathogen.

Specific vaccination did not result in the development of antibodies against the H1N1 serotype. The massive loss of life from the influenza pandemic required the Ministry of Health to purchase the American drug Tamiflu. The drug is quite expensive, so it is not available for mass free distribution. Somewhat later, a more affordable “arbidol” appeared Russian production. It was recommended to be taken by doctors to prevent infection.

Flu vaccination methods

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends influenza prevention for people over 65 years of age. It is advisable to vaccinate all elderly patients with chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Children from 6 to 15 years old are also at risk for ARVI, so it is advisable to give them daily prevention. Immunization is also carried out for women in the 2nd-3rd trimester of pregnancy, as well as when constantly receiving aspirin.

Adverse effects in persons with somatic diseases against the background of colds also requires preliminary protection.

Flu vaccination should be carried out for students of secondary specialized institutions, staff of institutes and universities. Military units, the barracks are the source increased risk regarding colds.

Vaccination against influenza is based on the production of immunoglobulins against pathogen antigens - neuraminidase, hemagglutinin. When these proteins are destroyed, the virus has no opportunity to replicate. The inability to reproduce leads to the destruction of the microorganism by protective complexes.

Strains of the influenza virus change from year to year, so flu vaccines are improved and supplemented with other components every year. Scientists are developing a vaccine before the new flu season, taking into account the forecast of which flu strains are more likely to be distributed in a particular area.

What vaccine has been developed for the 2018-2019 season?

The influenza virus has three main subtypes: A, C and B, among which greatest danger represent types B and A, whose genetic material is in constant mutation. This leads to the emergence of more and more new strains of influenza, which are dangerous for the population because people have not yet developed a defense against them.

Classification There are several options for classifying recommended and proven medications. By composition:

  1. live vaccines;
  2. split inactivated;
  3. whole virion inactivated.

By effect on strains:

  1. trivalent - protect against three types of virus (two A and one B);
  2. tetravalent - respectively protect against two types A and two B....

Behind last years The most dangerous subtype of the swine flu virus is considered A/H1N1, which, unlike bird flu can be quickly transmitted from person to person, thereby contributing to the rapid spread of the disease.

Important! The influenza virus is constantly changing its genetic makeup, so the flu vaccine must be constantly reformulated. For this reason, a flu shot should be given annually..

Flu vaccines usually protect against 3-4 strains of the virus at a time. Trivalent vaccines protect against two type A strains (H3N2, H1N1) and one type B strain. First developed in 2013-2014, quadrivalent influenza vaccines are designed to protect against the same strains plus a new additionally developed influenza B strain.

The 2017-2018 flu vaccines differ in composition from the last season's vaccination, both in trivalent and quadrivalent versions.

Composition of the trivalent vaccine:

  • Virus strain A/ Michigan/45/2015, virus pdm09 H1N This additional component H1N1 is different from last year.
  • Virus strain A/Hong Kong/4801/2017, H3N virus A component that was part of last year's vaccine.
  • Virus strain B/Brisbane/60/2008, virus type B-Victoria lineage). Type B strain component, similar to last year's vaccine.
  • In addition to the listed composition, the quadrivalent vaccine contains a second strain of type B virus – strain B/Phuket/3073/2013.

The composition of the flu vaccines developed in 2019 is aimed at protecting the population from “seasonal” flu, as well as preventing infection with “swine” flu – A/H1N1.

Types of flu vaccines

Currently, you can choose a flu vaccine at the clinic: foreign or domestic, unlinked or live. Any of the proposed vaccines forms immune protection from the influenza virus.

In addition to the standard flu vaccine, which is given through a needle, other forms of flu vaccine are available, such as a high-dose version for people over 65, a low-dose version (intradermal shot), and a nasal spray. In some clinics, vaccination can be carried out with a special needle without a syringe (with a jet injector), in which the injection is made under the influence of high.

Note! Nasal influenza spray is not recommended for use during the 2018-2019 influenza vaccination period due to its ineffectiveness in preventing influenza from 2013 to 2016.

What types of flu vaccines are there:

  • Live flu vaccines. The composition contains weakened viruses that can cause flu-like symptoms. After their use, a stable one is formed, however, they often arise post-vaccination complications and reactions. Vaccination is carried out intranasally (through the nasal passages): for children from three to 14 years old twice with a three to four week interval, for adults (from 14 years old) - once. Example: “Live allantoic influenza vaccine” (manufacturer – Russia), protects simultaneously against three strains of the virus.
  • Influenza vaccines are inactivated whole virion. They are made from concentrated and purified influenza viruses made from chicken embryos using UV irradiation. Such vaccines should not be prescribed to persons allergic to chicken protein and to children under 7 years of age. Example: “Grippovac” (manufacturer – Russia), can be administered to adults intranasally and subcutaneously, to children – only intranasally.
  • Split flu vaccines (split vaccines). There are no viruses themselves in the vaccine; it consists of the protein structures of viruses. Such vaccines can be administered as early as 6 months of life; they do not contain chicken protein, which means they do not cause corresponding allergic reactions. The vaccine is injected intramuscularly into the outer surface of the shoulder; for small children it can be injected into the outer side of the thigh. Example: Vaxigrip (France), Begrivak (Germany), Fluarix (England).
  • Flu vaccines are subunit. Call smallest number post-vaccination reactions are the most purified. The composition includes only purified surface antigens of viruses. Example: Grippol and Grippol Plus (Russia), Influvac (Holland).

Pregnant women can use any flu vaccine offered, except nasal sprays. That is, pregnant women are recommended to vaccinate inactivated (“killed”) vaccines or recombinant influenza vaccines, which were produced without the use of chicken protein and, therefore, cannot cause allergic reactions.

Which flu vaccine to choose - list and prices

Along with the mutation of influenza, vaccines against it change every year. In Russia, for the second year in a row, vaccination is being carried out using the drug "" (manufacturer - Russia), which this year included active substance against a new strain of the Michigan virus.

In addition, other anti-influenza drugs are available in Russia, which can be used both to combat the virus and as a preventative measure from illness.

List of flu vaccines 2018-2019 types and prices:

  • , Grippol Plus (Russia) – subunit flu vaccine, average price– 170-250 rub.;
  • (France) – split flu vaccine, average price – 570-640 rubles;
  • Fluarix (Russia) – split vaccine, average price – 350-550 rubles;
  • Begrivak (Germany) – split vaccine average price – 300-540 rubles;
  • Grippovac (Russia) - inactivated influenza vaccine, average price 160-270 rubles;
  • Influvac (Netherlands) - subunit, average price - 270-320 rubles. ;
  • Inflexal (Switzerland) - inactivated flu vaccine, average price - 320-480 rubles;
  • Agrippal (Italy) – subunit, average price – 300 rubles.

We are all familiar with vaccinations early childhood. Meanwhile, not everyone knows that there are vaccinations not only against polio and diphtheria, but also against such a common and, it would seem, not particularly dangerous disease like the flu. However, such vaccines do exist, and many millions of people are vaccinated against influenza each year.

Scientists say that flu vaccinations can significantly reduce mortality from influenza and prevent complications. However, there are opponents to flu shots. Whether to get vaccinated or use other methods of prevention is up to you to decide. This article will talk about what the flu vaccine is.

Types of Vaccines

The first flu vaccines were developed in the middle of the last century, shortly after the influenza virus was discovered. There are two main types of vaccines used today: live and inactivated. These two types differ in their composition and characteristics. Live vaccines contain weakened influenza viruses. Inactivated vaccines do not contain live viruses. Inactivated vaccines, in turn, are divided into three main types: whole virion, split (split) vaccines and subunit.

Each type of vaccine has its own advantages and disadvantages. Live vaccines help develop the highest and most long-lasting immunity to influenza, but they have many contraindications and are characterized by a relatively high likelihood of developing side effects. Split and subunit vaccines are the safest and are suitable even for children from 6 months of age. However, the immunity they provide lasts for a relatively short time - only 6 months. However, in most cases, this time is enough to safely survive the period of increased morbidity.

How do whole-virion, split-virion and subunit vaccines differ from each other? To understand this, you need to remember what influenza viruses are. They consist of an RNA molecule containing genetic information, as well as protein molecules that can be contained both inside the body of the virus and on its surface. The whole virus vaccine contains the entire protein shell of the virus. The split vaccine contains envelope proteins as well as proteins from the interior of the virus. In a subunit vaccine there are no internal proteins, there are only proteins from the surface of the virus shell - hemagglutinin and neuroamidase. They are responsible for most of the body's immune response when a virus enters it.

Composition of vaccines

However, as we know, there are many different strains and varieties of the influenza virus. Influenza viruses of the genera A and B are considered the most dangerous. Also, within each type there are lines of viruses (serotypes) that differ in the structure of surface proteins - hemagglutinin and neuroamidase. If the body learns to distinguish one type of protein, then it will not be ready for another type.

Therefore, it is irrational to use one single type of virus to create a vaccine. Typically, material from three types of viruses is added to it. These varieties are determined every year by WHO specialists based on information received from more than a hundred influenza research laboratories from 90 countries around the world. Thus, the strains of the most common viruses in a particular season are added to the vaccine. Next year, these strains in vaccines are updated. Therefore, each vaccine can only be used in the year for which it was released. Otherwise, its effectiveness is not guaranteed. Statistics show that in 90% of cases the composition of the vaccine was predicted correctly, and it protected against the most common strains, and the discrepancies concerned only one component.

Typically, each vaccine contains material from two serotypes of the A virus (H1N1, H3N2), and the most common strain of the B virus. There are also specialized vaccines for vaccination.

The biomaterial of viruses is the main component of the vaccine. However, it is far from the only one. It may also contain preservatives such as thimerosal, Excipients. Immunostimulant drugs (polyoxidonium) are added to some vaccines. It should be kept in mind that most of viruses for vaccines are grown in chicken embryos. Therefore, some vaccines may contain traces of chicken protein.

Also, each vaccine package is supplied with a disposable syringe for injection. The package contains one dose, its volume is usually 0.5 or 0.25 ml. Please note that children under 3 years of age are usually given half the dose. If the dose is not completely administered, then the remainder can be stored at a temperature of +2-6ºС (without freezing) for 3 days.

Live and sometimes whole-virion vaccines are administered not by injection, but by instillation or spraying into the nose. A disposable nasal spray can be used.

How to choose a vaccine

On Russian market there are several certified vaccines different types– live, whole virion, split and subunit. There are both domestic and imported vaccines. Vaccines within the four main groups (live whole-virion, split and subunit) do not differ in their characteristics and have the same ability to produce immunity.

It should be noted that vaccines of different brands contain material from the same three strains of the virus approved by WHO for the current season, so in this regard it makes no sense to choose between products from different manufacturers. However, vaccines from different manufacturers may have different degrees of purification, different preservatives, or may not contain them at all, which means that they differ in the degree of their allergenicity.

The price of the vaccines is quite affordable, considering that it must be administered once a year. The cheapest are domestically produced vaccines; imported ones are somewhat more expensive. Prices for vaccines range from 150 to 700 rubles. Before using the vaccine, it is necessary to clarify whether it has any contraindications in a particular case. If you are unclear, it is best to consult your doctor.

Agrippal S1

A subunit vaccine containing surface proteins - hemagglutinins of three strains of influenza virus of genera A and B (15 μg of protein from each strain). Does not contain preservatives. Persistent immunity appears 2-3 weeks after vaccination and lasts 6-12 months.

Indications: prevention of seasonal influenza. First of all, the vaccine is indicated for people at risk - with chronic respiratory diseases and of cardio-vascular system, diabetes, immunodeficiency conditions, persons over 60 years of age and having high risk infections due to professional activities.

Contraindications: increased sensitivity To chicken protein, history of acute allergic reactions, age up to 6 months.

Application: Children from 6 months to 3 years old are given a half dose (0.25 ml), children from 3 years old and adults a whole dose (0.5 mg). The injection must be administered intramuscularly or deep under the skin into the deltoid muscle. The vaccine should be warmed to room temperature before administration.


Split flu vaccine for intramuscular or subcutaneous administration. Contains proteins of three influenza strains of genera A and B. Supplied in 0.5 ml ampoules. Auxiliary components – thiomersal (preservative), sodium chloride, potassium chloride, potassium dihydrogen phosphate. May contain traces of chicken protein, formaldehyde.

Indications: prevention of seasonal influenza.

Contraindications: sensitivity to vaccine components, chicken protein, formaldehyde. In case of illness accompanied by fever, vaccination should be postponed until the person being vaccinated recovers.

Application: children from 6 months to 3 years are injected 0.25 ml into the thigh, children from 3 years and older and adults - 0.5 ml intramuscularly. Intravenous administration forbidden. Adults receive one vaccination per season; children under 9 years old, vaccinated for the first time, receive two vaccinations at intervals of a month.

Which flu vaccine is best? To answer this question, you need to know the very nature of the virus, as well as how the vaccine acts on the body. In the midst of a flu epidemic, doctors recommend getting vaccinated. This is a simple procedure that takes little time, subsequently the body develops immunity to viral infection. But now on the market a large number of vaccines, both old and new types. Every year, all clinics add new samples to the list and cross out outdated vaccines.

What are the vaccines?

Before you determine which flu shot is best, you need to know that all vaccines are divided into two types:

  1. Live but weakened viruses. That is, the vaccine contains real virus bodies, but when it enters the blood, the body begins to detect foreign bodies and while the virus is weakened, antibodies begin to be produced, thus developing immunity;
  2. Non-living bodies of viruses. These are the remains of the vital activity of dead bodies of viruses, which are also perceived by the body as foreign bodies.

In turn, vaccines based on non-living virus cells are divided into:

  • Whole-cell virus bodies contain intact, but dead, virus cells;
  • Split vaccines are produced by splitting healthy virus cells (i.e., artificially killing them);
  • Subunits are obtained from the surface protein on the bodies of viruses.

It should be noted that split vaccines are considered the safest, since they do not contain chicken proteins, lipids, and are also not an allergen. But in terms of reliability, they are much worse than other drugs.

Any vaccination can be done in medical institutions: hospitals and clinics. Whether vaccination is needed or not – it all depends on the desire and responsibility of any citizen. Of course, not all people are susceptible to the lethal consequences of the virus, and not everyone is severely affected by it. Moreover, doctors recommend treating influenza by increasing immunity. That is, by consuming vitamins and fluids. But among those infected there may also be those people who are at risk. They, as a rule, have weakened immunity and get sick, and they get sick and suffer from the disease much more severely than others.

This group includes elderly people (over 65 years old) and children under the age of majority. The virus can cause complications and cause other diseases. In particular, heart attacks were observed in old people, diabetic comas, increase blood pressure. In children, the virus affects bronchitis, pneumonia and various diseases auricle and hearing organs. And this does not include deaths from infection.

Where can you get a flu shot?

Many companies now produce flu vaccines. Therefore, sometimes it is difficult to decide who to choose. But, regardless of which country the drug belongs to, the best flu vaccine is a certified license. That is, any manufacturer must have a certificate to produce the vaccine.

But doctors in the CIS countries are trying to purchase domestic vaccines. Since the quality is not inferior to the imported manufacturer, and the price is an order of magnitude lower than foreign analogues.

When testing a vaccine, they first look at its reactogenicity. That is, how safe it is and what side effects there may be. This applies primarily to unpurified vaccines. No matter how high quality they are, they still have a lot of side effects, although immunity increases up to 80%.

In our country, such a procedure is absolutely free, but vaccination is done only with the drug that the clinic has for budget money. If the patient has any contraindications for this drug, then he is prescribed a different type of vaccine, or the patient wants to get a vaccine from a different manufacturer for a fee.

All necessary information about vaccinations is provided in any medical institution. And also the patient may refuse to be vaccinated if he doubts the quality and storage of the vaccine. Some private companies enter into contracts with medical institutions and all employees are vaccinated.


Free flu shot included calendar plan vaccinations, so they are given free of charge, at the expense of the state. But there are exceptions when free vaccination is contraindicated for the patient. Then he may be offered to make a paid imported vaccination. So, the patient is contraindicated for influenza vaccination in the following cases:

  • If the patient has an allergic reaction to chicken protein;
  • If the patient has chronic diseases heart, lungs or digestive organs;
  • If the patient has an exacerbation, any symptoms, or the patient is in this moment suffers from some respiratory diseases.

Which vaccine to choose – imported or domestic?

As mentioned above, all hospitals and clinics purchase vaccines using budget money. Therefore most often free vaccinations- This is a domestic manufacturer. But which vaccine is better? Nowadays, imported flu vaccines are made as safe as possible, but the effectiveness is much lower than that of the domestic manufacturer. In particular, if a patient was intolerant to a domestic vaccine, he was offered an imported one, but at his expense.

Influenza is the most common vaccine. And now it is also free, and already improved. The manufacturer has reduced the chance of complications after administration of the drug. The composition of the vaccine meets the norms and standards. It contains all known strains of the virus and develops immunity very quickly. And since antibodies are produced at a sprinting speed, it can be administered already at the beginning of the epidemic.

The drug is approved for use:

  • Infants starting from 6 months;
  • Elderly people who have reached sixty years of age;
  • Pregnant women, but only in the 3rd and 2nd trimesters;
  • Patients who have acute chronic diseases of the lungs, heart and digestive organs;
  • All allergy sufferers, and those who have any intolerance (but, except for those who are allergic to chicken protein).

Grippol Plus is an improved drug on the market. And, unlike the previous version, the bodies of viruses are more thoroughly cleaned. The substance polyoxidonium is also added here, which helps improve immunity.

Influvac is another domestic vaccine. The bodies of viruses A and B are purified and every year the preparation is modified to adapt to new types of virus. The advantages of this drug are that the bodies of viruses undergo more thorough cleaning; therefore, in addition to the indications that influenza has, it is also harmless for:

  • People who are infected with HIV infection;
  • Patients who have respiratory diseases;
  • Patients who have problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • Patients who have diabetes;

But influvac has one pitfall. This vaccine, although it is domestic, is paid for. So, if you have any contraindications, you will have to get vaccinated with a paid drug.

Vaxigrip imported vaccine and quite expensive. But it has virtually no side effects and is recommended for all ages, including pregnant women and nursing mothers. And among the subjects, only 2% experienced headaches, fever, and mild chills after vaccination. But none of the vaccinated people got the flu.

How companies produce vaccines

In the midst of a flu epidemic, manufacturing companies begin to actively supply their products to pharmacies and medical institutions. But there is one nuance here. Companies make all types of flu vaccines differently than medications. And if a medicine has a certain composition with which symptoms are treated, then with viruses it is somewhat different. The fact is that viruses have a specific strain that changes every year. That is, the virus evolves.

And therefore, the vaccine that was developed this year will no longer be relevant next year. Therefore, you need to look at the date of manufacture of the vaccine before it is introduced into the body. The minimum that the patient can get away with is that the vaccination will not have any effect, but an expired vaccine can also cause influenza infection.

During this season, when the flu begins to spread, manufacturing companies re-register their vaccines every year. That is, every year the company needs to register a new medicine. Therefore, you need to carefully look at whether the vaccine has been registered or not.

Vaccines are temporary items on pharmacy shelves. Therefore, they begin to sell it before the outbreak of the epidemic, so that companies do not suffer multimillion-dollar losses. And if during the epidemic the goods were not sold, or unused vaccines remained in clinics, they must be disposed of according to all disposal rules medicines. But this does not mean that the vaccination should be done exactly when the epidemic began. There is nothing wrong with doing it on time.

People who have close contact with other people are susceptible to viral infections. These are police officers, bank employees, doctors, rescuers, sellers, etc. And in this case, they should be vaccinated first. Therefore, bosses often negotiate with medical institutions or purchases the vaccine with his own money and, with the help of a hired medical worker carries out mandatory vaccinations according to the schedule.

Flu prevention

In addition to vaccination, doctors recommend parallel prevention of influenza. It doesn't matter what the name of the flu shot is or how effective the vaccine is. After all, what better body protected from viral infection, the greater the chance of protecting yourself and others.

  1. If you are not allergic to garlic and onions, then this form of protection will strengthen the body. You can make various autumn-winter salads. Add fresh onions with vegetable oil in sauerkraut, and also just eat it as a bite;
  2. If someone in the family gets sick with the flu, they should be immediately isolated and given a separate room or temporarily moved to another apartment. You should stop any contact with the patient, and communicate only with a gauze bandage;
  3. Since the virus is transmitted through the air, through coughing or sneezing, the infected person should also wear a gauze bandage if the disease itself is not so severe and the patient has to go outside;
  4. Doctors also recommend eating more vitamins during the epidemic. This will strengthen the immune system and allow the body to better cope with the disease in autumn and winter. In pharmacies there are vitamin complexes. To find out which complex is most suitable for you, you need to consult a doctor about this;
  5. Among the vitamins, it is necessary to highlight vitamin C. It is this vitamin that has been practiced as an antifungal agent since Soviet times. It is even added to many anti-flu medications. And in pharmacies it is found both in tablets and in powder form;
  6. It is also advisable to get vaccinated. This procedure is done free of charge in any medical institution. Consult your local doctor about vaccination. And you will be given information about this procedure.


Flu is very serious disease. Some people tolerate it more easily, and some more heavily. But there are also those who are most susceptible to this disease. Getting a flu vaccine means protecting yourself and others from the possibility of infection. But at the same time, which vaccine to choose is up to you.

There are free ones (for the state budget), vaccines, there are also domestic and imported paid vaccines. It all depends on your wallet and preference. But at the same time, regardless of your desire, you need to know whether you have any diseases due to which you cannot use this or that vaccination. Watch your health and don’t let it take its course.
