The destruction of the ecological system. Ecosystem destruction

The main parameters of the global environmental crisis

The most capacious and reasonable analysis of the question - "Is there a global environmental crisis?" - brought V.A. Zubakov. It led 10 parameters of global ecocrisis (Table 1).

Table 1 Busygin A.G. Desmoecology or formation theory for sustainable development. The first book. - 2nd ed., Speed, extra. - Publisher "Simbirsk book", Ulyanovsk, 2003, P. 35. Basic parameters (indexes) GEK

In order for the threatening rates of the development of the GEC more tangible enough to bring a few facts. One of the most threatening parameters of the environmental crisis is the exponential increase in the population of the Earth, which the American biologist Paul Earlich called the "demographic explosion."

In the times of the Roman Empire - about 2 thousand years ago, the population of the world was a maximum of 200 million people. At the beginning of the XVIII century, 700 million in the opinion of VG did not exceed Gorshkova, it is this figure that corresponds to the "environmental limit of the population" of the Earth and the economic capacity of the biosphere.

So, to achieve the first billion. Humanity, and to this level it approached during A.S. Paskina in 1830, it took 2 million years. Then, starting with the industrial revolution, the population of the earth is growing, exponentially, i.e. According to the hyperbolic curve. So for the emergence of the second billion. It took 100 years (1930), the third - 33 years (1963), the fourth - 14 years (1977), the fifth - 13 years (1990) and the sixth - only 10 years (2000).

Directly with an affected topic is associated with the "Growth of military conflict" parameter in the table indexes of the GEK. It is estimated that for the history of civilization, humanity survived 14,550 wars, which in the context of the world it was only 292 years old, which in the wars about 3.6 billion people died.

V.A. significantly writes Zubakov, that the material losses and costs associated with wars, and above all, human losses have recently grow exponentially. So, 74 million people were mobilized to the first world war, 14 times more than all who fought in the XIX century. 9.5 were killed and killed from wounds and diseases of 20 million people. In the second world war, more than 110 million people were mobilized, and human losses amounted to 55 million people. If you leave the human pain, associated with the loss of life close, and to speak only about the "feed territory" it turns out an ecological and social contradiction due to the fact that the smaller the demographic pressure on the biosphere, it is easier to cope with technogenic loads. And it is also necessary to take into account that there is a struggle for the "feed territory", and in the biological sense of someone's death is the life of another.

A completely different tonality and biosphere harm brings modern weapons of mass lesion. Here it is not about ordinary "classic" military actions of the army times A.V. Suvorov, and the prospect of peoples, civilians with the use of nuclear, chemical, bacteriological and environmental weapons. The last three types have already been tested.

Technogenesis indices, under which A.E. Fersman understood the "a set of chemical and technological processes produced by the activities of mankind and leading to the redistribution of chemical masses of the earth's crust" (summarized in Table No. 1 to the 4th primary species). But it is necessary to add electromagnetic pollution, which, entangling the global ball with electric, computer and other networks, has become global.

The goal of technogenesis is the use of so-called non-reparable resources - geological - cycle, i.e. mineral.

One of the most important consequences of technogenesis is waste production. For example, typical data monitoring data on the Samara region can be brought. In state The report for 1996 is said that: 1) the absolute volume of vehicle emissions is estimated at 4000-450 thousand tons, 2) at the enterprises of the region more than 450 thousand tons of toxic waste, requiring special methods of processing, 3) as a whole, the number of Industrial and household waste reaches 10 million tons annually.

Number of toxic ("especially dangerous") waste containing kedigochimicates, carcinogenic, mutagenic and other substances, steadily increases, reaching in Russia, for example, 10% of the entire mass of solid household waste. On the territory of the Russian Federation there are so-called chemical "traps", in which, in time, built residential buildings, providing massive strange diseases of their inhabitants. In each near the country there are thousands and tens of thousands of such "traps", which is not established and neutralizing.

One of the main reasons for the current crisis of the environment is that the huge amounts of substances are extracted from the ground, transformed into new compounds and scattered in the environment without taking into account the fact that "everything goes somewhere." As a result, adversely large amounts of substances are often accumulated in those places where, by nature, they should not be. The biosphere functions on the basis of closed ecological circulation of matter and energy. And waste production is exceptional (and, as apparently, a very negative) feature of civilization.

Geochemical pollution of biota and the environment, created mainly by five industries (0 thermal power, black and non-ferrous metallurgy, petrochetics, petrochemicals, production of building materials) consists of saturation of living ultral-zero heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, etc.) and pollution The atmosphere, hydrosphere and pedosphere, the global consequences of which are:

global warming caused by the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere;

an increase since 1969, the size of ozone holes;

acid rain;

dusting air;

violation of the ecology of the hydrosphere;

degradation of global soil functions;


The global consequences of soil degradation, deforestation and droughts are 8. Desertification and 9. Reducing biological diversity.

Both of radiotoxication, and from noise pollution and electromagnetic contamination, it is impossible to hide modern residents. Radiation, elastically mechanical and electromagnetic fields covered the entire globe. Therefore, these 3 types of pollution, causing people of massive variety of diseases with a complete base, can be considered the component of the GEK.

Environmental problem In addition to the aspect of environmental pollution has no important aspect of the exhaustability of natural resources. It consists of 2 components:

The raw material, the reasons of which are the high rates of consumption of mineral resources, the noncomplete nature of their production and processing, orientation on the extensive nature-exploiting production, the weak use of waste production and secondary raw materials.

Destruction of natural ecosystems in the vast territories of sushi.

The global consequence of environmental degradation is the deterioration of the health of the population of the globe. A modern understanding of health includes not only the absence of diseases and physical defects, but also the "state of complete physical, mental and social well-being", by definition of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Summing up the following main parameters of the global environmental crisis:

exponential growth of population;

cleanliness of the biosphere, namely: production of waste, geochemical pollution of biotypes and the environment, radiotoxication, noise pollution and electromagnetic contamination;


exhaustability of natural resources (raw material and destruction of natural ecosystems in vast territories);

global worsening public health. Busygin A.G. Desmoecology or formation theory for sustainable development. The first book. - 2nd ed., Speed, extra. - Publisher "Simbirskaya Book", Ulyanovsk, 2003 G. P. 35

Myopathy, or the bundle of muscle tissue in sturgeon.

In 1987-1989 In half-green sturgeon, a mass phenomenon of myopathy was observed, which consisted in the bundle of large areas of muscle fibers, up to their complete lysis. The disease that received a complex scientific name - "cumulative polytoxicosis with a multi-power lesion" was brief and massive (estimated to 90% of the fish in the "river" period of their life; although the nature of this disease is not clarified, it is assumed to communicate with the pollution of the aquatic environment ( Including volley discharges of mercury on the Volga, oil pollution, etc.). The name "cumulative polytoxicosis ...", in our opinion, is a palliative designed to hide the true causes of the problem, as well as guidance on "chronic pollution of the sea". Anyway According to observations in Turkmenistan, according to Iranian and Azerbaijani colleagues, myopathy practically did not manifest itself in the South Caspian population of sturgeon. In general, the South Caspian signs of myopathy were rarely recorded, including the "chronically polluted" west coast. The newly invented disease name is successful among researchers Caspian: It was applied later to all cases of mass death of animals (seal in spring 200 0 g., Roshki - in spring and summer 2001).

A number of specialists lead convincing information about the correlation of the proportion of the worm of nonreisted in nutrition with the intensity of the disease in various types of sturgeon. It emphasizes that nonreis is accumulating toxic substances. So, the seven, which consumes the most unreisted, is most susceptible to myopathy, and in the least degree of Beluga, which is powered, mainly fish. Thus, there is every reason to assume that the problem of myopathy is directly related to the problem of pollution of river flow and indirectly with the problem of alien species.

For example:

1. The death of sprat in the spring and summer 2001

The number of spins that died during the spring-summer 2001 is estimated at 250 thousand tons, or 40%. Taking into account data on overestimation of ichthyomass estimates in previous years, it is difficult to believe in the objectivity of these numbers. It is obvious that not 40% died in Caspians, but almost all the thief (at least 80% of the population). It is now obvious that the cause of the mass death of the sprat was not a disease, but a banal disadvantage of nutrition. Nevertheless, official conclusions appear "downgraded immunity as a result of" cumulative polytoxicosis ".

2. The plague of carnivores from the Caspian seal.

As reported by the media, since April 2000, the mass death of seals was observed in the Northern Caspian. The characteristic signs of dead and weakened animals are red eyes, scored nose. The first hypothesis about the causes of death was poisoning, which was partly confirmed by finding elevated concentrations of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants in the tissues of the dead animals. However, these content were not critical, in connection with which the hypothesis of "cumulative polytoxicosis" was put forward. The microbiological analyzes spent "hot pursuit" gave an unclear and ambiguous picture.

Flag of carnivorous (dog chumki). A few months later managed to conduct virological analysis and determine the direct cause of death - Morbillevirus

According to the official conclusion of the loan, the impetus to the development of the disease could serve as chronic "cumulative polytoxicosis" and extremely unfavorable winter conditions. Extremely soft winter with the average monthly temperature in February, 7-9 degrees exceeding the norm, reflected on the ice formation. Weak ice cover existed limited time only in the eastern sector of the Northern Caspian Sea. The animal molt occurred not on ice plugs, and in the conditions of a greater boring of NA Challenges of Eastern shallow water, the periodic flooding of which under the influence of the arrivals aggravated the state of melting seals.

3. Death of seal

A similar epizoota (albeit at a smaller scale) with an emission of 6,000 seals took place in 1997 on Absheron. Then one of the probable causes of the death of the seal was also called the plague of carnivores. A feature of the year of 2000 was its manifestation throughout the sea (in particular, the death of seals on the Turkmen coast began 2-3 weeks before the events in Northern Caspian). It is advisable to consider the high degree of exhaustion of a significant part of the dead animals as an independent fact, separately from the diagnosis.

Most of the seal population feeds fat in the warm time, and in the cold period, migrates to the north, where the ice and molds are reproduced on the ice. During this period, the seal goes extremely reluctant to the water. By season, there is a sharp variability of food activity. Thus, during the period of reproduction and molts, more than half of the stomach studied animals are empty, which is explained not only by the physiological state of the body, but also the poverty of the sled feed base (the main objects - bulls and grills).

During feeding up to 50% of the total body weight lost in the winter. The annual need for a population of seal in food is 350-380 thousand tons, of which 89.4% are consumed in the summer, feeding period (May-October). The main feed in the summer is the sprat (80% of the diet).

Based on these numbers, 280-300 thousand tons of sprats per year were seeded. Judging by the reduction in the catch catches, the lack of food in 1999 can be estimated by approximately 100 thousand tons, or 35%. It is hardly possible to be compensated at the expense of other feed objects.

It can be considered very likely that epizootics among seals in the spring of 2000 was provoked by the disadvantage of nutrition (spinning), which, in turn, was a consequence of re-removal and, possibly, the Union of the Mnemiopsis Grebsevik. In connection with the continuing reduction in the reserves of the thief, the repetition of the mass death of the seal in the coming years should be expected.

At the same time, first of all, the population will lose all the ranges (who did not fit the fat animals either will not go into reproduction, or will immediately lose the cubs). It may be possible to die and a significant part of females capable of breeding (pregnancy and lactation - the exhaustion of the body, etc.). The population structure will change the radically.

It should be treated with caution to the abundance of "analytical data" in all of the above cases. Almost completely absent any data on the sexual and age composition of dead animals, the methodology for assessing the total number, and these samples taken from these animals were practically absent or were not treated. Instead, chemical analyzes are given over a large spectrum of components (including heavy metals and organic substances), usually without information about the methods of sampling, analytical work, standards, etc. As a result, "conclusions" die with numerous deposits. For example, in the conclusion of the All-Russian Research Institute for Control, Standardization and Certification of Veterinary Preparations ("372 mg / kg of polychlorubiphenyls," 372 mg / kg of polychlorubiphenyls "is present in a multiple media. If you replace milligrams on the micrograms, it is quite high content, characteristic, for example, for female breast milk in people feeding on fishing. In addition, the available information about the episetics of the Morbillevirus in child species was not taken into account (Baikal, the White Sea, etc.); The state of the poster populations as the main power object was also not analyzed.

3. Penetration of alien organisms

The threat of penetration of alien species until the recent past was not considered serious. On the contrary, the Caspian Sea was used as a landfill for the establishment of new species intended to increase the fish product in the pool. It should be noted that these works mostly conducted on the basis of scientific forecasts; In some cases, a simultaneous instigation of the fish and a feed object was made (for example, Kefal and Worm Nareis). The rationale for the establishment of one or another species was quite primitive and did not take into account the remote consequences (for example, the appearance of food deadlocks, competition for food with more valuable Aboriginal species, accumulation of toxic substances, etc.). Fish catches each year decreased, in the structure of catching valuable species (herring, pike perch, sasan) changed less valuable (fine particle, spin). Of all the universes, only Kefali gave a slight increase (about 700 tons, in the best years - up to 2000 tons) of fish products, which can not compensate for the damage caused by the Union.

Events adopted a dramatic character when mass reproduction of Mnemiopsis Gremopsis (Mnemiopsis Leidyi) began on the Caspian. According to Caspinch, officially Mnemiopsis on Caspian was first recorded in the fall of 1999. However, the first unverified data are already among the mid-80s., In the mid-90s, the first warnings of the possibility of its appearance and potential damage based on the Black Sea and Azov experience appeared. .

Judging by the sakeful information, the size of the skiing in a particular area is subject to sharp changes. Thus, Turkmen experts observed large clusters of Mnemiopsis in the Avaz region in June 2000, in August of the same year he was not fixed in the area, and in August 2001 the concentration of mneopsis ranged from 62 to 550 org / m3.

Paradoxically, that official science represented by Locking until the very last moment denied the influence of mneopsis on fish stocks. In early 2001, the thesis of the "leaving of the jackets to other depths" was put forward as the cause of the 3-4-fold fall of the threshold of the threshold, and only in the spring of the same year, after the mass death of the spin, it was recognized that Mnemiopsis played a role in this phenomenon.

Grebnevik first appeared in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov for ten years ago, and during 1985-1990. Literally devastated the Azov and Black Sea. It, in all likelihood, was brought together with ballast waters on ships from the shores of North America; Further penetration in the Caspian did not make much difficulty. It feeds in the main zooplankton, consuming daily food about 40% of its own weight, thus destroying the food base of Caspian fish. Fast reproduction and absence of natural enemies put it out of competition with other consumers of plankton. The planktonic forms of benthic organisms, the Grevenik represents a threat to the most valuable fan bentophagov (sturgeon). The impact on economic valuable types of fish is manifested not only indirectly, through a decrease in the feed base, but also in direct destruction. Under the main press, sprouts, salt-water herring and kefali, whose caviar and larvae develop in the thickness of water. The caviar of the sea pike perch, atheri and bulls on the ground and plants may avoid directly rejected by the predator, but when switching to larval development, they will also be vulnerable. The factors that limit the spread of the comb in Caspians are salinity (below 2 g / l) and water temperature (below + 40 ° C).

If the Caspian situation will develop in the same way as in the Azov and Black Seas, the full loss of the fisheries of the sea will occur between 2012-2015; The total damage will be about 6 billion dollars a year. There is reason to believe that by virtue of the large differentiance of Caspian conditions, significant changes in salinity, water temperature and the content of nutrient elements for seasons and water areas, the impact of mneopsis will not be so devastating as in the Black Sea.

Salvation of the economic value of the sea may be an urgent interior of his natural enemy, although this measure is not able to restore the destroyed ecosystems. While only one contender for this role is considered - the Greven Bero. Meanwhile, there are greater doubts about the effectiveness of Bero in the Caspian conditions, because It is more sensitive to the temperature and salinity of water than Mnemiopsis.

4. Frames and poaching

Among the specialists of the fisheries industry, the view is widespread that as a result of economic turmoils in the Caspian states in the 90s, the reserves of almost all types of economically valuable fish (except sturgeon) have been used. At the same time, the analysis of the age structure of the caught fish shows that even at that time there was essential pans (at least anchosovoid sponge). So, in the coils of 1974, more than 70% were fish for 4-8 years. In 1997, the proportion of this age group decreased to 2%, and the bulk of the fish was aged 2-3 years. For catch quotas continued to grow until the end of 2001, the total permissible catch (ODU) in 1997 was determined in 210-230 thousand tons - 178.2 thousand tons were mastered, the difference was assigned to the account of "economic difficulties". In 2000, the ODU was defined in 272 thousand tons, I was still mastered - 144.2 thousand tons. In the last 2 months of 2000, the voyages fell 4-5 times, but even this did not entail the revaluation of the number of fish, and in 2001 The city of ODU was upgraded to 300 thousand tons. And even after the mass death of the spin, the loose forecast for 2002 was reduced slightly (in particular, the Russian quota was reduced from 150 to 107 thousand tons). This forecast is absolutely unrealistic and reflects only the desire to continue the operation of the resource even in a clearly catastrophic situation.

This makes it carefully to treat scientific rationale for quotas issued by the Caspnirkh over the past years for all types of fish. This indicates the need to transfer the determination of the limits of the operation of bioresources into the hands of environmental organizations.

The greatest degree of miscalculation of sectoral science affected the state of sturgeon. The crisis was obvious in the 80s. From 1983 to 1992, the catch of Caspian sturgeon decreased by 2.6 times (from 23.5 to 8.9 thousand tons), and in the next eight years - another 10 times (up to 0.9 thousand tons in 1999 .).

For populations of this group of fish, there are a large number of depressing factors, among which three are considered the most significant: the withdrawal of natural spawns, myopathy and poaching. An impartial analysis shows that none of these factors were critical until recently.

The last factor in reducing sturgeon populations requires particularly thorough analysis. The estimates of the poaching catch rapidly increased before our eyes: from 30-50% of the official catch in 1997 to 4-5 times (1998) and 10-11-14-15 times during 2000-2002. In 2001, the amount of illegal production of loan was estimated at 12-14 thousand tons of sturgeon and 1.2 thousand tons of caviar; These same figures appear in the estimates of CITES, in the statements of the State Committee of the Russian Federation. Given the high price of black caviar (from 800 to $ 5,000 per kg in the West countries), rumors about "Igor Mafia" were widely distributed through the media, which controls allegedly not only fisheries, but also law enforcement agencies in the Caspian regions. Indeed, if the volume of shadow operations constitute hundreds of millions - several billion dollars, these figures are comparable to the budget of countries such as Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan.

It is difficult to imagine that the financial departments and the power structures of these countries, as well as the Russian Federation, do not notice such streams of funds and goods. Meanwhile, the statistics of the detectable offenses looks several orders of magnitude more modest. For example, in the Russian Federation, about 300 tons of fish and 12 tons of caviar are seized annually. For all the time after the collapse of the USSR, only single attempts to illegal export of black caviar abroad were recorded.

In addition, it is hardly possible to imperibly recycle 12-14 thousand tons of sturgeon and 1.2 thousand tons of caviar. For the processing of the same volumes in the USSR in the 80s, there was a whole industry, the army of economic workers was involved in the supply of salt, dishes, packaging materials, etc.

The question of marine fishing. There is a prejudice that it was the prohibition of sea fishing sturgeon in 1962. allowed to restore the population of all species. In fact, two fundamentally different prohibitions are mixed here. A real role in preserving sturgeon played the prohibition of seineer and drifter fishing owls and particles, in which the mass destruction of sturgeon juveniles occurred. Actually, the prohibition of marine fishery hardly played a significant role. From a biological point of view, this prohibition has no meaning, but has a large commercial sense. The catch of fish running to spawn is technically simple and allows you to get more caviar than anywhere else (10%). The ban of marine fish allows to focus the production in the mouths of the Volga and Urals and facilitates control over it, including manipulating quotas.

Analyzing the chronicle of the fight against poaching on the Caspian Sea, two important dates can be distinguished. In January 1993, it was decided to connect to this problem of border troops, riot police and other power structures, which, however, has slightly affected the volumes of delicate fish. In 1994, when the actions of these structures were coordinated to work in the Volga delta (Operation Putin), the amount of fish made up almost three times.

Majorov is folded, never gave more than 20% sturgeon catch. In particular, off the coast of Dagestan, which is now considered hardly the main supplier of poaching products, no more than 10% was mined during the permitted maritime fishing. Falls of sturgeon in the mouth of rivers many times more efficiently, especially at a low population. In addition, the "elite" of a sturgeon flock is knocked out in the rivers, whereas a fish with a disturbed chomba accumulates in the seas.

It is noteworthy that Iran, which is mostly sea fishery of sturgeon, in recent years not only not reduced, but also gradually increases catch, becoming the main supplier of caviar to the world market, despite the fact that the South Caspian herd should be exterminated by the poachers of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan . To preserve the sturgeon of sturgeon, Iran even went to the reduction of Cutum's traditional for this country.

Obviously, maritime fishing is not a determining factor in reducing sturgeon populations. The main damage is applied there, where its main catch is concentrated - in the mouths of the Volga and the Urals.

5. Regulation of the river flow. Changes in natural biogeochemical cycles

The massive hydrostralization on the Volga (and then on Kura and other rivers) starting from the 30s. The XX century deprived the sturgeon Caspian to most of their natural spawns (for whites - 100%). Fishing plants were built and built to compensate for this damage. The number of products produced (sometimes only on paper) is one of the main grounds for determining the quotas of the valuable fish. Meanwhile, the damage to the losses of the Sea Products is distributed to all the Caspian countries, and the benefits of hydropower and irrigation are only countries in which flow regulation occurred. This provision does not stimulate the Caspian countries to restore natural spawns, to preserve other natural habitats - feces of feeding, sturgeon wintering, etc.

Rybryropusk constructions on dams suffer from many technical deficiencies, the system of counting the fish going to spawn is also far from perfection. However, with the very best systems, rolling down the young river, will not return to the sea, and will form artificial populations in polluted and poor feed reservoirs. It is the dam, and not the pollution of the waters along with the fracture served as the main reason for the reduction of sturgeon. It is noteworthy that after the destruction of the Kargali hydroelectric dispenser, the sturgeon was noticed in spawning in the sled to the upper course of the Terek. Meanwhile, the construction of dams led to more big problems. The North Caspian was once the richest part of the sea. Mineral phosphorus (about 80% of total intake) brought here, giving the main part of the primary biological (photosynthetic) products. As a result, 70% of sturgeon reserves were formed in this part of the sea. Now most of the phosphates are consumed in the Volga reservoirs, and the phosphorus is already in the form of a living and dead organic. As a result, the biological cycle has radically changed: shortening the trophic chains, the predominance of the destructive part of the cycle, etc. The zones of maximum bioproductivity are now in the Area zones (this is a process at which the ocean's deep water rises to the surface) along the Dagestan coast and on the depths of the depths of the South Caspian. These areas have shifted the main places of gagua of valuable fish. Formed "windows" in food chains, unbalanced ecosystems create favorable conditions for penetration of alien species (Mnemopsis Grevinik, etc.).

In Turkmenistan, the degradation of the nasalization of the cross-border river Arek is due to the complex of the reasons, including the decline in water, registering the runoff on the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the styling of the bed. The spawning of semi-pass fish depends on the water content of the Atrek River, which leads to the intense state of the fishing stock of the Atrequisy herd of the Caspian Vobl and Sazan. The impact of the stereland's regulation on the degradation of spawns is not necessarily expressed in the lack of water volumes. Atrek is one of the most muddy rivers of the world, therefore, as a result of the seasonal withdrawal of water, a rapid lingering of the bed occurs. The Ural remains the only unregulated from the major rivers of the Caspian basin. However, the state of spawning on this river is also very unfavorable. The main problem today is the grasp of the bed. Once soils in the Ural Valley were protected by forests; Later, these forests were cut down, and the floodplain floodplain is almost up to the water rival. After "in order to preserve sturgeon" in the Urals, shipping was discontinued, the work on the cleaning of the fairway was stopped, which made unavailable most of spawning on this river.

6. Eutrophication

Eutrophication is the saturation of water bodies with biogenic elements, accompanied by the growth of the biological productivity of water basins. Eutrophication can be the result of both the natural aging of the reservoir and anthropogenic effects. The main chemical elements contributing to the eutrophication are phosphorus and nitrogen. In some cases, the term "hypertrophization" is used.

The high level of pollution of the sea and the rivers flowing into it have long caused concerns of the formation of oxygen-free zones in Caspian, especially for the areas of the South of the Turkmen Gulf, although this problem has not been listed in the most priority. However, the last reliable data on this issue relate to the beginning of the 80s. Meanwhile, a significant impaired balance of the synthesis and decay of the organic matter as a result of the introduction of the Mnemiopsis Grebelik can lead to serious and even catastrophic changes. Since Mnemiopsis does not carry the threat of photosynthetic activity of single-cell algae, but affects the destructive part of the cycle (zooplankton - fish - benthos), the dieting organic substance will accumulate, causing hydrogen sulfide infection of the bottom water layers. The poisoning of the remaining benthos will lead to the progressive growth of anaerobic sites. You can confidently predict the formation of extensive oxless zones wherever there are conditions for long-term water stratification, especially in places of mixing fresh and salty water, single-celled algae products. These places coincide with the plots of phosphorus receipt - on the pillars of the depths of the Middle and South Caspian (Arevlling Zones) and on the border of the Northern and Middle Caspian. For the Northern Caspian Sea, areas with a reduced oxygen content are also noted; The problem is exacerbated by the presence of ice cover during the winter months. This problem will further exacerbate the position of commercially valuable fish species (zamors; obstacles on the paths of migration, etc.).

In addition, it is difficult to predict, as in the new conditions will evolve the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton. In some cases, at a high flow of nutrients, the formation of "red tides" is not excluded, an example of which the processes in Soymonov Bay (Turkmenistan) can serve.

7. Describe a process that ensures the constancy of the gas composition of the water

The air always contains water vapor, both in gaseous and in liquid (water) or solid (ice) state, depending on the temperature. The main source of admission of steam into the atmosphere is the ocean. Couple enters the atmosphere also from the vegetation cover of the Earth.

At the surface of the sea, the air is constantly mixed with water: the air absorbs moisture, which is carried by sea winds, the atmospheric gases penetrate into the water and dissolve in it. Sea winds, delivering all new flow streams to the surface of the water, facilitate the penetration of atmospheric air into the ocean water.

The solubility of gases in water depends on three factors: water temperature, carnaya pressure of gases that are part of atmospheric air, and their chemical composition. In cold water, the gases dissolve better than in warm. With an increase in the water temperature from the sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea, dissolved gases are distinguished in cold areas, and in the tropics partially returned to the atmosphere. Convective stirring of water ensures the penetration of dissolved gases in water throughout the water, up to the ocean bottom.

Three gas constituting the bulk of the atmosphere - nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide, and in large quantities and in the ocean waters are present in the ocean waters. The head of the saturation of ocean water gases is atmospheric air.

8. Explain the concept of "metabolism and energy"

Energy isolating occurs as a result of the oxidation of complex organic substances that are part of cells, tissues and human organs before the formation of simpler compounds. The flow of these nutrients by the body is called dissimulation. Substances formed in the process of oxidation (water, carbon dioxide, ammonia, urea) are derived from the body with urine, feces, exhaled air, through the skin. The dismission process is directly dependent on energy consumption on physical work and heat exchange.

Restoration and creation of complex organic substances of cells, tissues, human organs occurs due to simple substances of digested food. The process of accumulation of these nutrients and energy in the body is called assimilation. The assimilation process, therefore, depends on the composition of food providing the body by all nutrients.

Dissimillation and assimilation processes are processed at the same time, in close cooperation and have a general name - the process of metabolism. It develops from the exchange of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and water exchange.

The metabolism is directly dependent on the energy consumption (for labor, heat exchange and the work of the internal organs) and composition of food.

The metabolism in the human body is regulated by the central nervous system directly and through hormones produced by the glands of internal secretion. So the protein exchange is influenced by a thyroid hormone (thyroxine), on a carbohydrate - pancreatic hormone (insulin), for fatty exchange - hormones of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands.

Daily human energy consumption. To ensure a person of food corresponding to its energy costs and plastic processes, it is necessary to determine the daily consumption of energy.

For a person's energy measurement unit, it is considered to be kilocaloria. During the day, a person spends energy to work internal organs (heart, digestive apparatus, lungs, liver, kidney, etc.), heat exchange and the fulfillment of socially useful activities (work, study, home work, walking, rest). The energy spent on the work of internal organs and heat exchange is called the main exchange. At air temperature of 20 ° C, full of peace, an empty stomach is the main exchange amounts to 1 kcal in 1 h per 1 kg of human body weight. Consequently, the main exchange depends on body weight, as well as on the floor and age of a person.

9. List the types of ecological pyramids

Environmental pyramid - graphic images of the ratio between producers and consultations of all levels (herbivores, predators; species that feed on other predators) in the ecosystem.

Schematically depict these relations proposed American Zoologist Charles Elton in 1927.

In a schematic depiction, each level is shown in the form of a rectangle, the length or area of \u200b\u200bwhich corresponds to the numerical values \u200b\u200bof the food chain link (ELTON pyramid), their mass or energy. Located in a certain sequence, rectangles create various pyramid.

The base of the pyramid is the first trophic level - the level of producers, the subsequent floors of the pyramid are formed by the following levels of the food chain - consultations of various orders. The height of all blocks in the pyramid is the same, and the length is proportional to the number, biomass or energy at the appropriate level.

Environmental pyramids are distinguished depending on the indicators, on the basis of which the pyramid is built. At the same time, for all pyramids, the basic rule was established, according to which there are more plants in any ecosystem than animals, herbivores than carnivore, insects than birds.

Based on the rules of the ecological pyramid, it is possible to determine or calculate the quantitative ratios of different types of plants and animals in natural and artificially created environmental systems. For example, 1 kg of the mass of the marine beast (seal, dolphin) need 10 kg of eaten fish, and by this 10 kg you already need 100 kg of their feed - water invertebrates, which, in turn, need to eat 1000 kg of algae and bacteria to form such a mass. In this case, the ecological pyramid will be stable.

However, as is well known, each rule is exceptions that will be discussed in each type of environmental pyramids.

Types of ecological pyramids

1. Pyramid numbers.

Fig. one

Pyramids of numbers - at each level the number of individual organisms is postponed

The pyramid of numbers displays a distinct pattern detected by Elton: the number of individuals constituting a sequential row of links from producers to consultations is steadily decreased (Fig. 1).

For example, to feed one wolf, you need at least several hares, on which he could hunt; To feed these hares, you need a fairly large number of various plants. In this case, the pyramid will have a kind of triangle with a wide base of the narrowing upward.

However, such a form of the pyramid of numbers is not characteristic of all ecosystems. Sometimes they can be drawn, or inverted. This applies to the food chains of the forest when trees are served by producers, and insect primary consultations. In this case, the level of primary consumes is numerically richer than the level of producers (a large number of insects feed on one tree), therefore the pyramids of numbers are least informative and least indicative, i.e. The number of organisms of one trophic level largely depends on their size.

2. Biomass pyramids

Fig. 2.

Biomass pyramids - characterizes the overall dry or raw mass of organisms at a given trophic level, for example, in units of mass per unit area - g / m2, kg / ha, T / km2 or volume - g / m3 (Fig.2)

Usually in ground biocenoses, the total mass of producers is greater than each subsequent link. In turn, the total mass of Considers of the first order more than the second order consversals, etc.

In this case (if the organisms are not too different in size) the pyramid will also have a view of a triangle with a wide base of the narrowing upward. However, and this rule has significant exceptions. For example, in the seas of the biomass of herbivore zooplankton substantially (sometimes 2-3 times), more biomass of phytoplankton, presented predominantly unicellular algae. This is explained by the fact that the algae is very quickly emitted by zooplankton, but from full recession they are prevented by a very high rate of division of their cells.

In general, for terrestrial biogeocenoses, where production are large and live relatively long, are characterized by relatively stable pyramids with a wide basis. In the aquatic ecosystems, where the producers are small in size and have short life cycles, the biomed of biomass can be facing, or inverted (the edge is directed down). Thus, in the lakes and seas, the mass of plants exceeds the mass of consumers only during the flowering period (spring), and the rest of the year the opposite position can be created.

The pyramids of numbers and biomass reflect the statics of the system, i.e., characterize the amount or biomass of organisms at a certain period of time. They do not provide complete information about the trophic structure of the ecosystem, although they can solve a number of practical tasks, especially related to the preservation of ecosystem stability.

The pyramid of numbers allows, for example, to calculate the permissible amount of fish catch or shooting animals in a hunting period without consequences for normal playback.

3. Destruction of ecosystems

Natural environmental factors - all composite (elements) of the natural environment that affect the existence and development of organisms and to which living beings react to the adaptation reactions (death occurs outside the ability of the device). Natural factors include: the geomagnetic field of the Earth; cosmic radiation; natural ray loads; Natural phenomena.

The geomagnetic field of the Earth is the environmental factor, under which the centuries-old evolution of all living on our planet flowed. The geomagnetic field refers to the naturally weak intensity by electromagnetic fields. If there was no magnetic field, living conditions on Earth were likely to be different. The magnetic field is a brake that prevents the penetration into the earth's atmosphere of the solar plasma with radioactive properties. The same exciting effect has a geomagnetic field and on cosmic rays (flow of charged particles with ultra-high speeds), continuously ejected by the sun and forming a corpuscular stream - solar wind. Due to this, the biosphere is protected by a geomagnetic field from the radioactive radiation sent to the Earth with the Sun and other celestial bodies.

Outbreaks on the Sun generate more powerful corpuscular flows, perturbing the magnetic field of the Earth. As a result, the characteristics of the magnetic field are quickly and strongly changed. This phenomenon is called magnetic storm.

The geomagnetic field is all penetrating and all embracing physical factor, so it inevitably affects the biosphere. It affects all living things, including a person. Thus, during the periods of magnetic storms, the amount of cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks increase, the state of patients suffering from hypertension deteriorates.

With a change in the intensity of the geomagnetic field, the annual increase in trees, crop of grain crops, an increase in mental illness and road catastrophes is associated.

The environmental lessons that have the longest history and, perhaps, brought a biosphere and a person as long as possible damage, should be attributed to the destruction of ecosystems, their desertification. Under the latter it is understood as the destruction of ecosystems to such an extent that they lose the ability of self-regulation and self-healing. The vegetation, as a rule, is destroyed, soils lose their basic quality - fertility.

Desertification began to accompany a person since his transition to the conduct of primitive economy. Three major process contributed to this: erosion of soils, the removal of chemical elements with harvest, the secondary salinization of soils during irrigation agriculture.

In some cases, these processes were imposed on an unfavorable climate change, its aridization (aridness). Under such concise circumstances, desertification processes were sharply intensified. The integral result of various types of desertification is currently expressed in a loss of 1.5 - 3 billion hectares of fertile lands for the history of mankind.

In some cases, especially if the destruction of the lands was not accompanied by the climate aryzation, desertification could follow the type of recurring cycles: the ecosystem is its destruction (Katocenosis) - primary Suksessia. The latter could reach the final stage (Klimaks) or again interrupted by desertification.

Consider such phenomena on the example of ecosystems peculiar to light (sandy and sandy) soils. They are more wounded than others, and are destroyed and turn into desert landscapes.

In this regard, the results of the study of sandy spaces and landscapes of the famous Pesbel professor A.G.Galem are extremely interesting.

Research suggests that extensive sandy spaces located in the valleys of the Steppe zone rivers have repeatedly been degraded with processing (erosion) soils by wind and complete or partial desertification.

Such phenomena of destruction and formation of ecosystems could repeat more than once that found reflected in the relief, landscapes and especially in the structure of soil cover. Professor A.G. Magel for the sands of the South and Southeast of Russia and the CIS allocates several phases of wind erosion (deflation) of sandy soils and their ecosystems inheress. The first phase of deflation of sandy spaces, in Gajaja, took place after the exit of them from under the water. It was not related to human activity. Such sands were intensively reroyed by the wind, because they were not still fastened with vegetation. To date, landscapes formed on such sediments have been slightly preserved. They are characterized by quiet form of relief (geometrical, hilly) with powerful soils (or their remains) and rich sand-steppe vegetation. By slides where the groundwaters occur shallow surface, the ecosystems are common in which woody and shrubs are dominated. Such a phase of the deflation of the sands, which preceded the appearance of plant cover on them, A.G. Galel calls the afitogenic (curly, coarse).

Subsequent phases of deflations were associated with the destruction of ecosystems. The most frequent cause of the destruction was re-falling cattle. Such deflation phases are named shepherds, or pastoral.

In later times, the reasons for deflations often opposed the technique, plowing virgin soils. Recent phenomena have acquired a large scale in the 60s of the twentieth century in the implementation of the development program for the development of virgin and landlords. Almost all plowed light soils (sandy, sandy) - about 5 million gangs were turned into a movable substrates with the associated dust storms.

It took great efforts to stop this process to forestry, grassy, \u200b\u200bchemical coatings, etc. The return of such lands into intensive use (pasture fund) will require a very long time.

Desertification according to the type described above occurs at present. The most valuable black lands of Kalmykia are destroyed. Geographer A.A. Grigoriev notes that at the rate of grazing on these lands, no more than 750 thousand Hgons of sheep, 1 million was constantly accounted for 1 million. In addition, over 200 thousand saigas lived here. Pastures were overloaded by B2.5-3 times. As a result of 3 million hectares of pastures, 650 thousand hectares were turned into movable sands, and vegetable coverings were extremely depleted on the other areas and erosion processes began. In general, by definition of Grigoriev, the Kalmyk steppe turns into a barren desert, which can be considered as the highest degree of desertification.

A catastrophic scale has acquired a desertification on the northern outskirts of the Sahara, which is called the Sahel (transition strip between the desert and savanna). Here desertification is also due to high loads on the ecosystems, aggravated long-term droughts of the 60-70 years of the last century. There is information that the desertification contributed to the successful struggle against Fly Tsetz. This made it possible to dramatically increase the livestock of livestock, for what followed, the custody of pastures and the destruction of ecosystems. Began to intensively dispel the wells, to come into the movement of sands. The speed of their attack on the adjacent land and villages reaches 10 km / year. Under the threat of burial sands was the capital of Mauritania - Novacshot.

The final result of such a phenomenon is the mass death of livestock, hunger, high mortality of the population. Desertification, therefore, turned into a large ecological and social catastrophe.

Large-scale lands desertification has in other arid areas. Thus, according to cosmic surveys, about 53% of the territory of Africa and 34% of Asia are affected by desertification processes to one degree or another. In the CIS countries, the extensive territories of Kazakhstan and Central Asia are covered by desertification, especially in the aralle, including areas of the Karakum Canal, the valleys of the Syrdarya and Amudarya rivers.

In general, in the world annually about 20 million hectares of land turn into a desert.


The scientific and technical revolution created tremendous opportunities to conquer the forces of nature, and at the same time for its pollution and destruction. The industrial process is accompanied by a huge amount of pollution in the biosphere, which may disrupt natural equilibrium and threaten the health of people.

Real environmental hazards - the dangers that have already occurred or exist, and potential environmental hazards - the dangers that can happen.

Problems of environmental danger are not indifferent to the Russian population. Universally created public organizations and associations, whose activities are aimed at identifying environmental safety problems, environmental protection and human health; on the dissemination of reliable information on the state of the natural environment and health of the Russian Federation; to carry out public environmental impact assessment and environmental risk assessment; Protection of the rights and interests of citizens, public monitoring of compliance with legislation in the field of environmental management. The government requires making decisions for optimal environmental management. These organizations have their own printed publications, newspapers ("salvation", "Green Mir", "Berengia", etc.), links with international organizations, funds that work in the field of environmental protection.

However, the state and most comprehensive universal tool is intended to be a state that should be at the head of civil and public organizations in the protection of each individual, all social groups, the whole society as a whole. This is its main functions and purpose (with which it often does not cope).

The state is intended to be the means and mechanism for the implementation of concern in society, which it creates, about life support and development. It serves society, performing the organizing role, producing and implementing the technology of survival and development, safe existence.

When developing a concept and discussing the most important issues on the Security Council of the Russian Federation, it has been determined that the "Environmental Safety" component is included in the structure of the national security of the state, society and the individual personality of a person.

In October 2007, in St. Petersburg, within the framework of the hearings of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation "On the state and prospects of Environmental Education and Enlightenment in Russia", the All-Russian Conference "Environmental Culture as one of the defining factors in solving social and significant tasks" took place. The conference was carried out in order to analyze the state and prospects for the development of environmental education in Russia.

Recognizing the importance and significance of the formation of an environmental culture, the need to carry out activities on the continuing environmental education of the population, the conference participants discussed a number of social problems, the solution of which is associated with the generalization of broad ideological experience, original ideas, deep knowledge and practical experience in the field of environmental relations.

At the final plenary session, a resolution was adopted, which says that the conference participants consider it appropriate:

Confirm that the creation of conditions for the conservation of the habitat and development of the field of education is one of the main areas of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation;

Pay attention to improving environmental competence in the preparation of professional personnel;

Ecologization of the educational process, revive spiritual values, form the environmental consciousness of society and personality, nature-like stereotypes of behavior;

Consider as one of the main areas of the interests of environmental education adaptation and socialization of children and young people, the continuity of generations;

Facilitate the revival and preservation of the environmental traditions of the peoples of Russia, the development of ecoetteagogic;

Each new generation of residents of Russia has a national self-consciousness, open to the perception of ethnic peculiarities of cultures of other peoples;

Note the increasing role of additional education institutions in the formation of environmental culture;

Consolidate the efforts of various departments to address issues related to environmental education and education;

Ensure the preparation and release of environmentally competent specialists who are able to participate in socially significant projects;

Promote financial support for educational institutions of a different level in order to implement environmental education programs;

Develop mechanisms that contribute to widespread illumination in the media the need to form an environmental culture;

To ensure control over the prevention by the Company's self-evaluating, environmentally friendly projects, affecting the societies of the country as a whole.

Thus, another significant step towards a successful solution to the socio-significant tasks facing modern Russian society.

List of used literature

1. Ecology. Studies. According to the editorial office of Professor S.A. Bogolyubova - Moscow, Knowledge Publishing House, 1999.

2. Galperin M.V. General ecology. Tutorial - Moscow, "Forum-Infa-M", 2006

3. Potapov A.D. Ecology. Tutorial 2nd publication, corrected and complemented. Moscow, "Higher School", 2004

4. N.M. Chernova, A.M. Bylova. Ecology. Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1981

5. "Bulletin of Environmental Education in Russia" №1 (№47) 2008, Moscow.

As a reasonable forms of life and a new geological agent in the evolution of the Earth. Tracking the development of the biosphere and the filling of its living substance monolith, amplifying, acquiring the geological power of the human impact on the biosphere, V.I. Vernadsky completes its research with a new generalization. It formulates the doctrine of the noosphere ("Noos", or "NUS", means the mind) as a special period in the development of the planet and ...

Material integrity of "thought-minded nature." V. I. Vernadsky, who predicted the offensive of the era of the scientific and technical revolution in the 20th century, the main prerequisite for the transition of the biosphere to the nosphere considered scientific thought. Its expression in the biosphere transformed by a person is. The unity of thought and labor not only creates a new social essence of a person, but also predetermines the transition ...

Thus, in order to improve the conditions of your life, humanity is constantly increasing the pace of material production, without thinking about the consequences that are fraught with the threat of existence of both the biosphere and the person himself. In this regard, as Academician E. Fedorov wrote, the question is, "... We will be able to change the natural environment to combine natural ...

Biomass, the depletion of modern energy carriers, which are used by humanity, reduce the use of resources, consciously abandoning excessive, go to tactics and rational use strategies. 3. The limits of the stability of the biosphere biosphere acts as a huge, extremely complex ecosystem working in stationary ...

Details Category: Opinions

Hurricanes and unprecedented shower, droughts and floods, the death of corals and melting of permafrost, flooding of extensive coastal zones - these and other consequences of global climate change are increasingly noticeable. What are the reasons for adverse climatic changes? Is humanity to stop dangerous processes, what should I do for this? These issues have been in the center of attention of scientists and societies for several decades. Senior Researcher of St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics RAS Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences answered questions from visitors to the portal Anastasia Makareva - co-author of the theory of biotic regulation.

According to this theory, the main reason for the global climate change changes is the destruction of natural ecosystems by man, namely, the destruction of forests and the development of the ocean. If the destruction of the biosphere will continue to occur as quickly as today, to prevent the climate degradation and the environment will be impossible.

- What awaits us in the near future - global warming or new ice age? And how can I explain 400-year-old climate warming cycles?

- If the climate is stable, then at any deviation towards the cooling or warming, it returns to the initial state. But if you destroy the forces that support the sustainable climate condition, there will be a transition to another stable state. Theoretical analysis shows that it will not be cold or warming, and either the hellish heat with a temperature of + 400 ° C and a fully evaporated ocean, or a hellish cold with a temperature of -100 ° C and completely glaced land. Both of these states are equally catastrophic for life on the planet.

Increasing the frequency and amplitude of local temperature fluctuations that have never been observed earlier, indicates that there has been a significant weakening of forces supporting climate stability. The main of these forces is the functioning of forests that control the sushi water regime and the ocean regions adjacent to it. Climate change forecasts for a year or a few months now, no one can give. But it is possible to evaluate how the desertification of continents will occur within decades, if the modern practice of exploitation and cutting down of forests will remain. Biotic stability implies that temperature changes both during cooling and when warming should not exceed the narrow limits of permissible deviations from the optimal value. Without discussing the accuracy of the strict cyclicity of cooling-warming in a scale of several hundred years, I note that the destruction of the vegetation cover of the sushi by man and its natural recovery occurred at different speeds in different regions of the planet for many millennia. In the past, the function of the functioning of the climate system was given only to small reversible temperature deviations from a stable average value. But today, with essentially destroyed biota, they can cause an irreversible climate transition to an unsuitable state.

- What does the concept of biotic sustainability mean?

- The existence of life depends on several important parameters. This temperature, pressure, radiation level, the concentration of all the substances used, finally, the supply of organic matter in a lively and inanimate organic matter. Stability means that with random deviation of the value of this parameter from the optimal in the system there are processes aimed at compensating for this deviation and restoring the source value. Consider, for example, as a sustainable parameter, the number of live biomass in the forest. It is known that the rate of decomposition of the organics by the living organisms of the forest is so high that the live biomass can be completely destroyed (roughly speaking, eaten) for several years. Nevertheless, this does not happen: Returning to the undistressed forest year after year, we see the striking stability of its organization. This indicates that with any deviation of the decomposition rate (for example, with a random increase in the number of cored beetles) in the ecosystem, a process compensates for such a deviation (for example, an increase in the number of birds destroying cores). As a result, the energy basis of the existence of the forest is the living biomass of leaves and needles, the biomass of trees is maintained in a steady state. Violated ecosystems do not possess similar stability and constantly suffer and die from various pests. Similarly, you can consider the stability of any other parameters, such as the temperature regime.

- How affects the formation of the earth's earth climate or, for example, the position of the earth's axis?

- The sun sends a certain stream of energy to the ground. Part of this flow is reflected by our planet, as a mirror, back to space (this part is called albedo). The remaining part, let's call it the value of F, is absorbed by the planet. Does the value F determines the surface temperature of the planet? No, does not define. On Venus, for example, having a large albedo, the value F is less than on the ground, and the surface temperature is more than 400 ° C. The surface temperature of the planet sets the size of the greenhouse effect, determined by the composition of the atmosphere (on the Venus greenhouse effect is huge). At a given value of F, but different greenhouse effect, the planet temperature will be different. However, the value F determines which there must be a planetary greenhouse effect to obtain a given surface temperature. In addition, the solar radiation fully determines the power of the functioning of natural ecosystems (let's remind you that the green leaves absorb the radiation of only certain frequencies), the slope of the earth's axis determines the change of seasons, etc. In the presence of thermal climate stability, any external perturbation, which, upon other things, continued conditions, effect on the temperature (change in solar activity, periodic changes in the parameters of the earth rotation, the fall of meteorites, etc.), can be compensated by a change in the greenhouse effect so that the resulting change in the average global temperature It turns out to be zero. In this case, at the time of the occurrence, we register the temperature deviation from a steady average value, and then a gradual return to it. The speed of such relaxation will be determined by the capacity of processes supporting climate stability.

- What has a greater impact on climate change - state of forests or ocean water movements?

- The question implies that the ocean movements of the waters and the state of forests are independent climatic factors, but it is not. The circulation of ocean waters is due to the unique property of water - it has the greatest density at + 4 ° C. Therefore, cold water is lowered in the indoor areas and then, with deep motion to low latitudes, rose throughout the water area of \u200b\u200bthe world ocean, heating, and move back to the supremor regions in the surface oceanic layer. Thus, the nature of the ocean circulation depends on the temperature of the ocean, its distribution and change. Extensive forest cover determines the atmospheric circulation in the areas of the ocean adjacent to land and thereby affects the temperature of the ocean. Therefore, large-scale reduction of forests can lead to significant changes in the nature of the ocean circulation.

- How can artificial breeding of forests with increased allocation of moisture affect the climate? For example, a poplar distinguishes the oxygen more than all other trees, and moisture is several times more than pine or fir. Can compensate for cutting down the extension of the planting of poplars?

- Biotic regulation cannot be replaced by any artificial biogenic or technogenic system. The natural forest is a complex ecological community of trees and other plants, bacteria, mushrooms and animals. The forests are built by life in the process of its evolution as the mechanisms of flooding and setting up sushi. For more than 0.5 billion years, the forests were evolved towards optimizing life on land. Modern undisturbed forests pumped atmospheric moisture from the oceans for any distance from the ocean so that the soil remains everywhere wet, suitable for growing trees and the life of the entire forest community. The amount of moisture injected with the ocean should accurately compensate for the river stock. The undisturbed forest prevents excessive moisture fence from the atmosphere, causing floods, and does not allow insufficient moisture fence leading to droughts and opportunities for fires. In addition, it prevents the development of hurricane winds and tornado, maintaining a constant average wind speed of about a few meters per second.

It is fundamentally impossible to understand the full complexity of biotic regulation and the role in this regulation of all types of the forest ecological community. It is impossible to regulate the environment is better than the natural forest, you can not help the natural forest, you can only not interfere.

In different regions of Earth, the forest consists of different types of trees that are selected by evolution for the most effective regulation of the environment. Natural disorders of forest cover are extremely rare, but nevertheless sometimes occur. The forest responds to these violations with a certain system of recovery activities, just as our body reacts to injuries and illness. The restoration of the natural forest is carried out by other types of trees (for example, coniferous forest is restored first with deciduous rocks). These forests are called secondary. Their function is to restore the undisturbed forest in as short time as possible. (At the same time, the trees of such a forest recreate the conditions suitable for the trees of the undisturbed forest and unprofitable for themselves, why and their subsequent displacement by trees of undisturbed forests occurs.) As a person in the process of recovery after injuries and diseases, it is not capable of effective work, so the secondary forest is not It is capable of effective environmental regulation - it restores the conditions for the life of the undisturbed forest. Our extended forest consists mainly of ate and pine and can not be replaced by poplars. In Siberia, the unscrewed forest consists of larch and the Siberian cedar and can not be replaced by the European Unteposed Forest, as the European Forest cannot be replaced by larch and cedar.

- The current warming of climate on our planet is not the first, and humanity is not the main supplier of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. They can come there and during volcanic eruptions, and with tectonic shifts. Is it really to blame the person change in climate?

- The main greenhouse substance that determines the temperature of the Earth - water vapor. Cloudy is regulated by forest cover of sushi and plankton ocean. The water regime of the Earth affects the temperature of the planet in tens times stronger than the change in the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Liquid hydrosphere is physically unstable due to the known dependence of the pressure of saturated water vapor from temperature. In case of random increase in the surface temperature of the hydrosphere, the amount of moisture in the atmosphere increases. As a result, the greenhouse effect increases, which leads to a further increase in temperature, and so on. A similar positive feedback is characterized by a random decrease in temperature. Therefore, in the absence of natural ecosystems that control the global moisture turnover, the liquid state of the hydrosphere and acceptable to human life the average global surface temperature is not supported steadily. The climate change in the past did not go out, according to existing data, beyond the deviation of the average global temperature by ± 5 ° C from the modern value (+ 15 ° C). The rate of temperature change was the order of one degree Celsius for one hundred thousand years. There is no longer changing the average global temperature now, not installed. Only a significant increase in local fluctuations of temperature is reliably observed, which is very unpleasant and dangerous.

- How really it is to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases due to the development of new sources of energy, such as hydrogen fuel or biofuels?

- The main problem is not in emissions of greenhouse gases and other contaminants, but in the fact that any power consumption of humanity is inevitably connected with economic activities and, as a result, with the destruction of natural ecosystems. Today, only a minor part of the population of the Earth understands that an anthropogenic effect on natural ecosystems needs to be dramatically reduced. An unprecedented threat to the existence of civilization and life on the planet carries the use of the energy of nuclear synthesis and any other unlimited energy reserves, including solar. With a modern lack of understanding of the nature of climate stability, the energy abundance would inevitably lead to a global surge of economic activity and, as a result, to the total destruction of the mechanism for maintaining the climate stability of the Earth - natural ecosystems.

Modern power consumption of humanity is based on hydrocarbon fuel and is 1.5 x 10 13 W. Power of hydroelectric power plants - 3 x 10 11 W, that is, 50 times less. The real available power of all possible renewable energy sources (wind, geothermal, tidal, etc.), including the greatest of them - hydromeguing, does not exceed 5 x 10 11, that is, 30 times lower than modern energy consumption. The creation of hydrogen fuel from water requires many times large energy costs than it itself contains. To produce biofuels, you will have to withdraw the appropriate number of farmland on which food is grown, or destroy forests.

Therefore, the only real way to prevent catastrophe is to reduce the consumption of hydrocarbon fuel by reducing the population of the Earth at least 10 times.

- With the development of civilization, humanity needs an increasing amount of energy. In the XXI century, to survive, society requires energy not only for development, but also to dispose of pollution and ecosystem recovery. Where is the exit?

- Humanity needs more and more energy only because the population and population density are growing. The power consumption of civilization shares approximately equal proportions for heating, transport and industry. With the growth of population density, transportation costs, supplying food, for waste disposal, the fight against epidemics, building and equipping by the convenience of multi-storey housing, etc. Actually, the scientific and technical development of civilization, intellectual and technological progress is not directly related to power consumption. For example, the most significant change in the life of people lately - the invention and the distribution of personal computers and the Internet did not affect the global energy consumption of mankind. Energy consumption for the production and use of computers is negligible compared to transport costs, heating, etc.

- What is more profitable for the general thermal balance of the Earth: to develop energy on hydrocarbons or increase the capacity of tidal, solar and hydroelectric power plants?

- to develop hydroelectric energy practically nowhere, today is already involved most of the hydromeguing existing on Earth. In this case, the contribution of modern hydroelectric power plants in general power consumption is only two percent. The construction of hydroelectric power plants leads to a violation of the functioning of natural ecosystems in extensive territories and, consequently, climate destabilization. Available plans for the construction of hydropower plans (for example, Evenkaya in Siberia) are fraught with regional environmental and climate degradation.

All technologically available tidal power is negligible compared to hydromeguing. Solar panels with high efficiency are unprofitable.

After exhausting the reserves of liquid hydrocarbons, humanity will have to use coal, which is still enough about the century. (A modern branched transport system based on liquid fuel will disappear.) From this point of view, urgent tactical priority is obtained by developing environmentally friendly coal use technologies.

- Are energy-saving technologies effective for climate stabilization?

- The effectiveness of energy-saving technologies in terms of climate stabilization is zero, regardless of the rate of growth of the world's population. For example, your economic task is to cut the hectares of the forest, for this you have a gasoline barrel. You are implementing energy-saving technologies and cut down the same hectare of the forest, Istiving only three quarters of the barrel. (As an option - the remaining quarter you allow an economic growth and cut out another third of the hectares of forests.) As a result, the negative impact on natural ecosystems, destabilizing climate, remains unchanged, at worst - increases. The relevance of energy-saving technologies has economic and political reasons and is not related to the problem of climate sustainability. Their implementation slightly reduces hard, not to say the cruel, dependence of developed countries - the largest energy importers from countries - energy suppliers. Therefore, energy-saving technologies are very widely discussed today in Western Europe and the United States, and in Russia, for example, no one is particularly concerned. After all, Russia energetically does not depend on anyone.

- In negative anthropogenic effects on natural land complexes, it is difficult to doubt. What is more destructive, in your opinion, the imperfection of the technologies used or the consumer attitude of a person to nature?

- No technology can compensate for the destruction of the natural complexes of the Earth and ensure the stability of the climate. Consumer attitude towards human nature and all living beings on Earth is contained in their genetic program and cannot be changed.

The destruction of natural ecosystems occurs mainly as a result of the information of forests under arable land and pastures and wood consumption, that is, it is determined by the biological needs of people and livestock in food. These needs of living organisms can not be changed significantly, so the pressure on the biosphere, as mentioned above, can be reduced only by reducing the population. That is, an immediate scheduled global birth reduction.

- How is it supposed to reduce the birth rate - through the surcharge of one-piece families or with the help of some smart formula? What about spirituality?

- Deciding the issue, how to ensure the necessary reduction in fertility, requires the efforts of specialists of all areas of knowledge - psychologists, sociologists, economists, political scientists, and, ultimately, the efforts of each member of society - including efforts to the inevitable change in ethical (spiritual) norms. No spirituality will help a person eat and drink an order of magnitude less to shorten the modern anthropogenic load on natural ecosystems. The achievement of global goals requires global efforts, recall at least the movement for the abolition of nuclear explosions.

- Can war and deadly dangerous infections reduce the population 10 times? And does not suffer the biota?

- Wars do not slow down the growth rates of population. Even such terrible wars, as the first and second world, destroying several tens of millions of the male population of the warring countries, did not affect the growth rates of their population. In less than twenty years, no traces of the population failures remained, and the growth of population continues as if these wars were not. Humanity has learned to successfully deal with epidemics, localizing the foci of their occurrence and reducing the likelihood of subsequent foci of the disease almost to zero. So people got rid of the plague, smallpox, cholera. There is no doubt that people with time will get rid of AIDS. Therefore, epidemics also cannot change the growth rate of the population.

The reduction in fertility is the only real way out of the global crisis, not conjugate with the violent death of a huge number of people.

- Is it possible to resolve the issue of preserving biota by migrating people from overpopulated regions to empty areas, for example in Siberia?

- Siberia is not empty ground. There, in particular, the indigenous population lives with an environmentally sustainable low density. This unique area is engaged in natural ecosystems, which constitute the main heritage of Russia. Directed resettlement there of people from the densely populated countries guaranteed to destroy the Siberian forests and turning Siberia to the desert. It would be a crime against the current and future generations of Russians, a crime against humanity, since Siberia's forests have global value. The demographic strategy of future Russia, it seems to me, should include three directions:

1) nomination by Russia, as a recognized world leader, the International Initiative to Global Fertility Reduction;

2) Environmental education, explaining the advantages of the low population density and world importance of Russian forests;

3) Hard protection of the territorial sovereignty of Russia and thereby the preservation of Russian forests.

Destruction of natural systems, dehydration and desertification of colossal territories, mass recretion-villages of many species of animals and plants, increasing the involvement of raw materials and energy carriers and adequate by weight of their return to natural systems led to a deterioration in the quality of the natural environment, to the inconsistency of its environmental requirements of the human body. [ ...]

Ecological crisis (by I.I. Sadyu) - a situation that occurs in environmental systems (biogeocenoses) as a result of an equilibrium impairment under the influence of natural phenomena or as a result of the impact of anthropogenic factors (pollution of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, pedosphere, the destruction of natural ecosystems, natural complexes, forest fires, regulation of rivers, cutting down forests, etc.). In a broader sense, the environmental crisis is a critical phase in the development of the biosphere, in which a qualitative renewal of a live matter (extinction of some species and the emergence of others) is occurring. Here it is appropriate to bring the figurative statement of Yu.S. Shevchuk (1991): "... Environmental crisis is a whip, which nature sends us to the only progressive" green "path of development. But this is an ax that nature cuts out from the tree of mankind deadlock branches. "[...]

The environmental literacy of agricultural specialists depends on the protection of the environment from direct pollution and destruction, a decrease in resource, material and energy intensity of agricultural production, the introduction of low-speed technological systems and processes, minimizing the losses of agricultural products, the introduction of environmental protection systems of agriculture, animal husbandry, agricultural landscape optimization districts, production of environmentally friendly products, etc. It is fundamentally important to give the environmental orientation to agricultural technologies, taking into account the further ways of developing scientific and technological progress, the characteristics of specialization and concentrations of natural and economic zones. The concept of nature appearance should be laid in production systems, and when evaluating performance, the ratio of the products obtained with the amount of resources used and remote waste should be taken into account [Agroecology, 2000]. [...]

Although the international management system quickly changes, the case is still the same way that most people are familiar with the powers of the sovereign state. In addition, sovereign states have power over any activities carried out in their borders. However, many environmental problems that include almost all complex issues are outside the borders of any one sovereign state: acid precipitation, water pool pollution, ozone layer destruction, global climate change, loss of biological diversity and distribution locations. Thus, there is a discrepancy in the scale of political organizations with power and legitimacy, and environmental perturbations with whom they need to deal. The global scale of many anthropogenically violated systems of environmental support in combination with a clumsified system of international law raises the issue of appropriate consideration of environmental issues and the transfer of obligations of sovereign states by international organizations, transnational corporations and political structures. [...]

Rigid systems, or rather, quasisystems of type of mechanical devices and totalitarian-autocratic political public structures are deprived of the properties and mechanisms of self-suggestion (instead of them there are hard ties and coercion mechanisms) and therefore are doomed to gradual destruction, the more sooner than more aggressive for them the environment. At the same time, one first fails, and then the moment of complete destruction of such a quasisystem without the possibility of not only self-healing, but also artificial repairs (however, it can be created from the same or similar parts of an even tougher analogue). Such phenomena are observed in cases where the medium (physical, historical, etc.) does not correspond to the functional integrated features of the system. In this case, there is extinction, the change of functions and other similar processes covering not only the disappearing systems, but also associated functional aggregates and their hierarchy (for example, one species never individually disappears, with it the whole food chain, network, and Then the conservation, sinusia, biocenosis, ecosystem and, in part, their hierarchy as a whole; similar processes go in public processes in the event of a change in the political system in one state or their group). [...]

The use of a system of maximum permissible environmental standards for the environment is aimed at preventing the exhaustion of the natural environment and the destruction of its environmental ties, ensuring the rational use and reproduction of natural resources. These standards are scientifically based extremely permissible anthropogenic effects on a certain natural-territorial complex. [...]

A vivid example of the remote environmental consequences of large hydrotechnical processes is the construction of the Asuan dam on the Nile. The Valley of the Nile, especially its lowerland, from time immemorial was the center of agriculture, at the expense of which at the end of the XX century. There were about 33 million people inhabiting the valley. High soil fertility was determined here by annual floods, which also brought large destruction at times, but at the same time contributed to the moistening of the soil and enrich it due to the powerful deposits of fertile ral. The construction of the dam was able to eliminate the unfavorable consequences of floods and streamline irrigation with the help of a specially created irrigation system and thus oppose the droughts arising from time to time. [...]

The impact of a person on environmental systems (biogeocenoses) associated with their destruction or contamination directly leads to the interruption of energy flow and substance, which means to reduce productivity. For example, due to smoke and reducing the transparency of air, the barrier between the stream of solar energy and the producers perceive it can be formed. Harmful substances in the atmosphere can lead to the death of a part of the plant assimilation apparatus. The sintering of the litter and the death of the renders as a result of the mass sediment on the soil of toxic waste will be interrupted by the return of mineral components in the trophic chains. Therefore, environmental protection can also be considered as a system of measures aimed at preventing the reducing the productivity of the biosphere. Only if this task is solved, an effective second most important task will be to increase productivity. [...]

The crisis state, or the environmental crisis - when the status parameters are approaching the maximum permissible, the transition through which entails the loss of the stability system and its destruction. This condition may be a consequence of contamination or anomalies in the medium when the thresholds are reached (dioxin, Ufa). [...]

The transition to a strategy of sustainable environmentally friendly soil and environmental management cannot be carried out without solving some organizational, including scientific organizational, issues aimed at preserving the potential fertility of the most economic soils - chernozem. The increase in their effective fertility is expediently by choosing a rational fertilizer system. The periodic introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers and their joint introduction does not suspend the degradation of placare black soils, although the crop crops on fertilous soils are significantly higher than on the control - an inconed background (Druzhinin, 1958; Trofimov, 1958; 1975). The process of restoring fertility of destroyed erosion of chernozem is durable. The introduction of high doses of organic and mineral fertilizers affects the decrease in soil flushing, since cultivated plants in significant quantities are provided by moving elements of nutrition, they are developing fasterly disobedient and are capable of exploratory properties in earlier time. The coefficient of use of fertilizers on eroded chernozem is noticeably greater than on non-eroded (Orlov, Tanasienko, 1975). [...]

The creation of hydroelectric power plants in small rivers has a number of environmental and socio-economic advantages compared to the "big" energy, including: small floodings or their absence, significantly less impact on the natural habitat of a person and animal world, the lack of the need to relieve residents, relatively small Cost thanks to the use of typical projects and unified parts for construction, as well as control automation. The creation of the ITP instead of small power plants working on organic fuel leads to essential rehabilitation of the air basin, and their reservoirs, in addition to generating electricity, will help provide water resources to various industries in different parts of river basins. Being shallow and small in volume, the reservoir of the IGP does not prevent the process of water exchange in river systems and, on the contrary, contribute to the mixing of water masses and their aerations. The MGPS also have advantages in terms of their operation of their operation - damage from damage or complete destruction of the MGES dams compared to large stations will be incomparably smaller. In the case, if a small hydrostating is the only source of energy supplying the settlement or economic objects with light and heat, damage to the IGU may have far-reaching consequences, especially for areas remote from other sources of power supply. [...]

In contrast to individual metrics, the set of ecological metrics can also be built into the hierarchical system. Such a system (Fig. 20.5) may have the form shown in Fig. 20.3, but the individual sets of metrics are displayed by the multi-level system under consideration. This, in turn, becomes concentrated on the metrics monitoring progress towards the main goals of Ch. 1. The system does not have to have three levels shown in the figure. If the goal was to monitor and optimize national water consumption or destroying local ecosystems, for example, the global level would be lowered, and local and regional levels could be separated or divided into order to obtain a more accurate assessment at the consumption stage. [...]

Thus, extensive nature management and open production systems led to the emergence of a huge amount of solid, liquid and gaseous waste, to the depletion of the majority of non-renewable natural resources, to the destruction and pollution of the environment, to the environmental crisis. [...]

The system dynamics can help take into account many factors of the system's work and simulate the environmental consequences of any type of activity, since an important way to improve the state of the environment - to teach decision makers in their activities not to proceed from short-term forecasts, but taking into account the long time interval. For example, a person who makes a decision, build or not to build plants, is faced with a choice: build two cheap plants that will pollute the environment, or one plant is more expensive - it will not destroy the environment. The well-being of people will increase significantly in the event that you build two cheap enterprises, because the growth of food is manifested quite quickly, and the environmental destruction becomes tangible only through a long delay (i.e., this process is to build a positive feedback circuit or Involvement in "ma-" -structure). But if you look into the future, then the net benefit from short-term politics will actually be less, although at first glance it may seem that more. When working with cheap plants, you poison air and water, and in the long-term aspect the well-being of the people will deteriorate, falls. Then you will have to produce more and more products, devices, devices in order to compensate for this deterioration of the environment. [...]

Ecosystems and security of Russia. Modern security concept includes environmental risk. The life expectancy of people is often determined by the state of nature more than the defense system of the country. The destruction of nature occurs on the eyes of one generation as fast as rapidly and unexpectedly, how milk runs away on fire. Nature from a person can "escape" only once, and it caused closer attention to the living environment of a person, a variety of nature, and especially biological. Humanity recently began to realize that it is as mortally as a separate person, and now seeks to ensure the indefinitely long existence of generations in the evolving biosphere. The world seems to be other than before. However, just to believe in nature is not enough, it is necessary to know its laws and understand how to follow. [...]

The components of the crisis are diverse. On a global scale, the environment and its environmental systems are exhausted. Thus, short-sighted policy leads to the degradation of the agricultural resource base by almost every continent, which is manifested in the erosion of soils in North America and Russia, their acidification in Europe, forests and desertification in Asia, Africa and Latin America, almost widespread water pollution and its losses . By the end of the 70s. In the US, the pace of soil destruction due to erosion was ahead of the pace of soil formation by almost 1/3 of agricultural land. In Canada, soil degradation is already $ 1 billion farmers per year. [...]

The most widely this system is used in the United States, although the share of environmentally friendly products grown in this country (not more than 1% of traditional). Naturally, yield with this system is significantly lower than with traditional. Therefore, the products obtained on such fields are more expensive. It should be noted that in the United States, despite the high biopotential of lands, there are certain limitations on the value of the crop grown, above which farmers are not allowed to receive products. In other words, at the state level, the implementation of the law of reducing the energy efficiency of environmental management is observed so that the consumption of additional anthropogenic energy does not constitute a real threat to the natural resource potential, the destruction of ecosystems. [...]

The technical world is in an obvious contradiction with the laws of life on Earth (and natural environmental systems) - there is an objective environmental destruction. The dialectic of the interaction of society and nature is to assess the depth of these contradictions and in the choice of opportunities (paths) of their permission, and therefore a number of issues are born about the mutual impact of the environmental quality and the existence of a person's life. [...]

Scientists believe that annually thousands of deaths in the cities of the whole world are associated with an unfavorable environmental situation. Any impact causes nature a protective reaction aimed at its neutralization. This ability of nature for a long time was exploited by man thoughtlessly and predatory. However, the contamination process sharply progresses, and it becomes obvious that natural self-cleaning systems will sooner or later cannot withstand such an on-line, since the ability of the atmosphere to self-cleaning has certain boundaries. The launch of powerful missiles, nuclear weapons testing, the annual destruction of the natural ozonator - millions of hectares of the forest, the massive use of freons in the technique and everyday life lead to the destruction of the ozone layer. In recent years, "ozone holes" with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 20 million square kilometers have emerged over the northern and southern poles, "ozone holes" appeared and over large megalopolis countries of Europe, over Russia. [...]

Environmental problems in cities and zones of their influence are "expressed" by problem situations. The problem environmental situation in the city is "crisis" if the initial state of the system is unacceptable in its social consequences, i.e., violations of the environment are accompanied by the risk of poor health, degradation of natural complexes and the destruction of architectural and historical monuments and valuable material and technical objects. [...]

Observed in society over the past decades, the increase in attention to the problems traditionally components of the study of environmental science is quite natural. The success of natural science in the disclosure of the secretions of the world order allowed us to push the boundaries of the usual ideas about reality, approach the awareness of the systemic complexity and integrity of the world, created the necessary base for clarifying and further developing the idea of \u200b\u200ba person's place in the nature system. At the same time, aggravation of the problems of the planet's overpopulation, the exhaustion of natural resources, the pollution of the human habitat by the waste of industrial and agricultural production, the destruction of natural landscapes, reducing the species diversity contributed to the growth of the public interest in obtaining an environmental information. Finally, the development of mass communication systems (print media, broadcasting, television, 1Gzhegpe1) facilitated the growth of public awareness about the state of the environment, the influences on it for people, and their real and possible consequences. The effect of these circumstances, by the way, largely led to an increase in the social status of ecology and specialists in ecology. [...]

The line to increase production by at any cost, including at the expense of OS, dictated by the objective logic of competition with the global system of capitalism, which did not allow to allocate sufficient resources on environmental purposes. The periodic involvement of the country into serious armed conflicts, especially in the second world war, not only caused direct damage to the OS, but had even more severe remote environmental consequences, since the tasks of the recovery of the national economy demanded huge additional material resources. It is also necessary to keep in mind the relatively backward from the advanced countries, the overall technical level of pre-revolutionary Russian production, besides almost completely destroyed by the First World and Civil Wars. [...]

The law has determined environmental protection facilities. In accordance with it, the protection against pollution, damage, damage, depletion, destruction in the Russian Federation is subject to: natural ecological systems, ozone layer of atmosphere, earth, its subsoil, surface and groundwater, atmospheric air, forests and other vegetation, animal world, Microorganisms, Genetic Fund, Natural Landscapes. Special protection is subject to state nature reserves, natural reserves, national natural parks, nature monuments, rare or endangered species of plants and animals and their habitats. [...]

These conditions change both the biosystem itself, forming the biosural of its own existence. This property of biosystems is formulated as a maximum of a maximum of biogenic energy (entropy) V. I. Vernadsky - E. S. Bauer: any biological or biocosna (with the participation of a living) system, while in the movable (dynamic) equilibrium with its environment and evolution Developing, increases its impact on Wednesday. Pressure increases until it is strictly limited by external factors (supervisory or other competitive systems of the same level of the hierarchy), or an evolutionary and ecological catastrophe will come. It may be that the ecosystem, following the change in higher overseystem as a more labile formation, has already changed, and the view, obeying the genetic conservatism, remains unchanged. This leads to a long row of contradictions leading to anomalous phenomenon: the destruction of the type of habitat (the feedback does not work, regulating the activity of the form in the ecosystem, and the population mechanisms are also integrated). In this case, the biosystem is destroyed: the type is dying, biocenosis is destruction and changes qualitatively. [...]

The violation of the ecosystems took place during the Second World War, but it was associated. Among such impacts, you can mention the destruction of damasters in the Netherlands (200 thousand hectares were flooded, which amounted to 17% of arable land), mass defores of forests and crops on the captured territories (20 million hectares of forests were destroyed and violated in the USSR). The tactics of the "scorched land" was widely used by the fascists in our country to combat partisans and the civilian population. The restoration of the rural agricultural ecosystems destroyed by war is a long process, for example, in European countries it took about 5 years. In 1943, English aviation bombed dams in the Ruhr Valley, as a result of which several dozen enterprises, mines, power plants were flooded. Fiery storms "- the wind system, like a tornado, arising from extensive fires, accompanied by an emission of a huge amount of soot and dust into the atmosphere. A serious type of environmental damage accompanying almost all wars is the material remnants of hostilities - these are primarily mines, unexploded bombs and shells. [...]

Mass draining of swamps, cutting down of forests, changing the direction of the flow of rivers, etc. The forms of anthropogenic activity had a harmful effect on various environmental systems in the form of the destruction of the sustainable bonds and certain environmental characteristics of a planetary scale (for example, an environmentally stable system, the Earth has a constant mass and a permanent average temperature) and led to the threat of global environmental disasters. [.. .]

Enterprises producing a type of product, interact with ecosystems, while causing their degradation. For example, as a result of pollution of the air basin, the destruction of recreational ecosystems occurs. Improving the situation can be achieved under the condition of the harmonization of the relations of natural and technical complexes and components by creating and operating an ecological and economic system. Such a system is a set of technical devices and interacting with them the elements of the natural environment, which, during joint operation, provide, on the one hand, high production indicators, and on the other - maintenance in the zone of its influence of a favorable environmental situation, as well as the maximum possible preservation and reproduction Natural resources. [...]

Evolutionary transitions in the biosphere occupy a relatively short time. The rules for strengthening the integration of biological systems I. I. Schmalgausen says that in the process of evolution, biological systems are becoming increasingly integrated, with increasingly developed regulatory mechanisms that ensure such integration. N. F. Reimers in the work "System Fundamentals of Nature Management" indicated that the destruction of more than 3 levels of the ecosystem hierarchy is absolutely irreversibly and catastrophically. To maintain the reliability of the biosphere, the multiplicity of competitively interacting ecosystems is required. In this way, the evolution of the biosphere was going. Anthropogenic effects violate this move. The multiplicity of ecosystems flows from the rule of environmental duplication, in general the theory of reliability. Here integration turns out to be "sliding" on the hierarchical staircase ecosystems. [...]

In addition to evaluating the degree of violated ecosystems, the area of \u200b\u200bits affected ™ is important. If the area of \u200b\u200bchange is small, then with an equal depth of exposure to small in the area, the disturbed system will be restored faster than extensive. If the area of \u200b\u200bviolation is more maximum permissible size, the destruction of the medium is almost irreversibly and refers to the level of disaster. For example, the burnout of forests on the square in tens and hundreds of hectare is practically reversible, and forests are restored - this is not a catastrophe. However, if the area burnout or any form of technogenic destruction of vegetation cover reaches the area of \u200b\u200btens and hundreds of thousands of hectares, changes are practically irreversible and the incident qualifies as a disaster. Thus, the size of the catastrophic environmental impairment is quite large and exceeds, according to V.V. Vinogradov, an area of \u200b\u200b10,000-100,000 hectares depending on the type of vegetation and geologist-geographical conditions. [...]

As is known, AIDS (acquired immune deficit syndrome) is caused by the HIV virus. If you evaluate this phenomenon from information positions, then AIDS can be considered as a decrease in the effectiveness of the human body's immune system. Studies have shown that OPS degradation causes oppression and even the destruction of the latter. From here, on Yu.M. Gorsky, no fundamental difference, whether the suppression of the immune system is caused by a HIV virus or ecological pressure. This gave him the opportunity to formulate the concept of environmental syndrome of the acquired immune deficit (ESP). [...]

Urbanization continues to remain the focus of sociological research, since the population of cities is growing many times faster than the population as a whole. However, only recently sociologists began to extend the environmental problem to which this chapter is devoted to, and began to understand that the main trouble is a deterioration in the quality of life space, and not the supply of energy or resources. Architect Eliel Saininen in the book "City" (1943) attributes a decrease in the quality of the environment in the cities: 1) replacing the creative architecture by nonreasonal innovations, which are deprived of "organic orderliness and compliance", and 2) the excessive publicity of the public to the economy to the detriment of the city planning. In control of the quality of urban life, such indicators as the percentage of family people, the percentage of divorces, families without fathers, secured families, unemployed youth, the crime rate, etc. could be played an important role. (Bauer, 1966) In addition, the educational qualifications of residents can be an important indicator. The sociological dilemma of the city can seems to be expressing, formulating his two aspects: 1) The city is the crown of the creation of human civilization, where need and discord and where a person, hiding from the unpleasant impact of the physical environment, can enjoy life, leisure and culture; 2) The city is a major change in nature, which opens up thousands of ways to destroy and ensure the basic conditions on which the life and dignity of man depends. From the point of view of the ecologist, the situation 1 will be achieved only when the city will function as an integral part of the general biosphere ecosystem, and the situation 2 is inevitable until the city is growing in the absence of any negative feedbacks or are considered as something separate from the system of their livelihoods . [...]

In the listed documents, in particular, it is indicated that the owners of the Earth, landowners, land users and tenants carry out a rational organization of the territory used, restoring and enhancing the fertility of soil, protection of land from various processes of destruction, etc. To ensure compliance with all physical, officials and legal entities of the requirements Land legislation In order to efficiently use and protect lands in the Russian Federation, a unified system of state control was created, in which other types of control are combined along with head land control: ecological, sanitary-epidemiological, architectural and construction. [...]

Art. 86. "Enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens who hurt the environment, the health and property of citizens, the national economy pollution of the environment, damage, damage, the destruction, damage, irrational use of natural resources, the destruction of the natural ecological system and other environmental offenses, are required Remove it in full in accordance with the current legislation. [...]

As already noted, the Ahkh under the conditions of the environment undergo chemical, physicochemical and other transformations. Under the influence of specific landscape-geochemical conditions, in one case they can be maintained for a long time and accumulate, in the other, to collapse and output from the system under consideration. In this case, the speed of self-cleaning of territories, and in relation to soils, the persistence of a hazard, characterizing the time of its destruction or removal from the soil under the influence of the processes of various nature, is played in determining the nature and danger of the long-term environmental consequences of pollution of the ambient medium.

Under the conditions of the Far North, the components of the spilled wash fluid on the snow and the ground is intensively absorbs the sun rays, causing the subsequent melting of the snow and pulling the underground ice. Developing thermal traffic processes lead to the formation of drawdowns, failures, as well as the inclinary solifluction processes, landslides. All ego causes a violation of environmental equilibrium, since most of these processes lead to the destruction of natural landscapes, and sometimes to the complete or long loss of their biological productivity. The absence of growing isolation leads to dismemberment of the relief, the root of the territory. Especially essential becomes a violation of vegetation on unstable landscapes represented by swamp systems, leading to active pulling of ice, water saturation of fluttering deposits, violating their structure and the development of the flow on the surface of an intractable soil. Due to the fact that the overwhelming amount of sylnoldial soils-peatlands, loams, soupes, clay in the transition to such a state is characterized by very low clutch and shift resistance, the movement of the soil can begin with an extended cover. [...]

The laws of social ecology, reflecting the conditions of dynamic equilibrium of socioecosystems, can be divided into ecoregress laws leading to the death of the biosphere and humanity, and the laws of eco-diet capable of preventing this death. During the development of nature, it is possible to create such conditions and organizational ties when the laws of creation were dominated, not destruction. Environmentally optimal strategy in that is. The identification of such a system of laws B is the main task of social ecology. [...]

Due to the fact that environmental information significantly exceeds the possibility of the genome of any body, it is impossible to definitely program the correct reaction to any external influences in the genome with which animals meet. In the genome, only the correct strategic behavior line can be programmed, based on the immutability of the averaged characteristics of an ecological niche. This is ensured by the EU genetic ki by the enshrined system of positive and negative emotions. Positive emotions (desires) stimulate actions in the "right" direction that ensures the stability of the conservation of the form. Negative emotions prevent actions towards the destruction of this stability. Animal tends to actions conjugate with positive? Gi emotions and avoids actions related to negative. [...]

In our country, as around the world, the number of people with various genetic and mental illnesses is growing. So, for 9 years (1988-1996), the increase in patients with mental illness exceeded 2% per year, and during the same period the number of children with congenital defects has doubled. From 1991 to 1995 The number of disabled people with mental disorders increased by 100 thousand, of which 40% suffer from schizophrenia and 32% - mental retardation. Almost half of the same years increased by the number of diseases of the endocrine system, with which the immune system, the brain, the reproduction system is associated. This growth occurred against the background of a practically constant population, even with some decrease of it and, at the same time, to reduce the life expectancy of the population. It is important to draw attention to the fact that the increase in the number of diseases associated with genetic disorders depends mainly from the destruction by the person of its ecological niche. [...]

The biopolytic was, however, "in demand" not only from the theoretical (political scientist) point of view, but also in terms of practical policies. Already in the 60s, it became apparent that many state policy problems have a pronounced "biological component". We were talking about the "explosive" growth and relative aging of the population of the Planet (which caused an additional burden on the budgets of states), the problems of genetic engineering, biomedical problems requiring political decisions that threaten the effects of nuclear weapons tests, as well as the use of a "peaceful atom" in nuclear power plants and, Of course, the growing pollution of the entire planet Earth, the destruction of the biosphere, the ghost of an impending environmental disaster. Therefore, in the global plan, the role of biofolitics includes, along with other aspects, the struggle (including political means) with a brewing environmental crisis, for the preservation of biodiversity. In this aspect, biopolytic is widely overlapped on issues with a variety of "green" and "environmentalists" ("Environmentalists"). But biofolitics - its specificity. Its focal point is interest in social problems, and therefore its potential is not exhausted only by the problems of the interaction of humanity and the biosphere as two global biosocial systems. The modern world is full of social and political conflicts (for example, on ethnic lines), and here from biofolitics is also expected to be a positive contribution, for example, recommendations on the evolutionary and ancient mechanisms of "their own and others", which determine ethnoconflicks (tribal conflicts, nations, races ). In addition to ethnoconflicks, biofolitics were engaged in the problematics of student riots (for example, in France in 1968), bureaucracy (as systems, alien in many parameters to our biosocial heritage), presidential elections, which in all countries are under the strong influence of such biosocial phenomena as non-verbal (Wantleless) Communication and "Monkeys" Style of relations of domination-subordination, etc.

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