List of famous watch brands. Swiss wrist watches

Famous Swiss Watches combine excellent quality and great style. The main characteristics of the devices made by the craftsmen of this country are the fusion of the latest trends in fashion, the use of only latest technologies, ineradicable traditions of style, unsurpassed quality of mechanical elements.

By purchasing such a work of art - a watch from Swiss brands, you receive not only an unsurpassed watch mechanism, but also an amazingly beautiful piece of jewelry.

An accessory that creates an image

For many years and even centuries, Swiss watch brands have held a leading position in the world of the watch industry. The list of models is quite large. When you mention good mechanisms, you immediately imagine all sorts of models of these accessories that were created by various Swiss companies. All the qualities of branded products produced in this country can be listed for a very long time, but the main ones are absolute accuracy, unsurpassed design, high reliability, and good strength. These watches are a symbol of excellent taste and luxury, and also combine the ancient traditions of craftsmen in the manufacture of this important attribute. modern man.

If for the average person such devices are only mechanisms that show time, then for an expert watches of Swiss brands are the ideal of wealth and luxury. It's no secret that this item on the wrist shows the position in society of its owner. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a former governor of one of the US states, is the owner of an elite AudemarsPiguet model. Napoleon Bonaparte also had Swiss watches made of gold.

Russian President Vladimir Putin became the owner of one of the most expensive models - Patek Philippe, the proceeds from the sale of which in the late 90s were included in the Guinness Book of Records, as they amounted to eleven million dollars.

This love of wealthy people for representatives of the Swiss watch brand is explained by the fact that these accessories are a necessary attribute of self-expression. This item gives the image an inimitable chic, even if the costume is very conservative. In addition, watches from world brands not only show the social status of their owner, but are also a symbol of a stable and reliable life.

Worldwide recognition of Swiss watches

An item such as a watch combines the experience of its predecessors and the latest manufacturing techniques. Quality here is protected by laws in force within the country, as well as by certain agreements concluded between different countries. Switzerland is often called the country of watch cities. This industry occupies third place in the country's exports, second only to chemical and mechanical engineering. The concepts of “watch” and “Switzerland” are inseparable.

Now you can purchase this product almost anywhere in the world. Stores in almost every country offer both men's and women's famous brands of Swiss watches. There you can purchase products of various models and price categories - these include budget quartz and mechanical ones made of gold. Over the course of their long history, watches produced in this country have earned respect and constant demand in all countries of the world.

Representatives of the world of Swiss watches

People with average income also want to become owners of the product of the work of Swiss craftsmen - watches of excellent quality.

It is believed that these works of art can only be afforded by people with a substantial income, but a person with an average income can easily afford brands of Swiss watches; we have included a list of companies below. So let's get to know them.


The Appella company tops the list of Swiss watch brands, first of all, for its originality, because this brand produces not only gold watches, but also outstanding mechanical watches. It is worth adding that the production of such incomparable models does not prevent the brand from producing budget collections intended for the middle class. These models are characterized by connections modern design and classical forms.


Tissot occupies a leading position in the market. It produces its products in a huge number, but even with such volumes the quality remains at a high level. These Swiss watch brands are an excellent option for those who want to purchase affordable quartz or mechanical accessories made in a classic form. The cost of these products ranges in the mid-range price range, even though this brand has excellent quality and an extensive history.


The advantages of this watch brand can be listed for a long time, but I would like to note that this company has been producing these mechanisms for more than 100 years and has proven itself with the most the best side. Citizen brand products are in demand among both men and women. The Citizen company produces watches for mountaineers and skydiving enthusiasts; these accessories are additionally equipped with a barometer.


This brand produces brands of Swiss watches in various price categories. Candino's main achievement is the improvement of the ETA mechanism, making the models unique and modern. Having achieved better quality and uniqueness of products, the company kept the price still affordable. Candino Tradition, Chronograph Classic, Sport Lines are representatives of budget models. On this moment The company produces watches for people belonging to the business class.


This watch producing company was created in 1888 and since then has been the most popular in youth circles, since the company is focused on modern trends fashions that blend perfectly with the fundamental traditions of watchmaking. In addition, Roamer is at the forefront among brands in the affordable price category. The brand produces mechanical accessories of the best quality, and since the mid-90s the company has been manufacturing and


This company's watches are suitable for active people those involved in sports, for example, mountaineering, diving, that is, those who do not want to fear for the safety of their wrist attributes and spare them. Wenger are very practical and waterproof, able to withstand high pressure. Some brands of Swiss watches from this brand work perfectly at a depth of one hundred and two hundred meters. This company presents one hundred and fifty models on the market, so everyone can find something that suits them.


This company offers high quality Swiss watch brands, produced in Italy since 1997. Therefore, these models have an Italian name and reflect the main philosophical principles of the brand itself. Anonimo emphasizes the individuality of its owner and the character of the manufacturer himself. These watches are made from of stainless steel using the best Swiss mechanisms.

Quality comes first

The list of Swiss watch brands shows that companies producing these attributes of a modern person have a good reputation in the market, primarily due to high-quality products.

Therefore, it is worth understanding that the expression “affordable watches”, which refers specifically to the products of the work of Swiss craftsmen, is quite relative, since they will have a cost significantly higher than their Chinese “brothers”.

Wristwatches from famous brands are a stylish accessory for some people, and a tool that tells time for others. Some people don't even take them seriously and find out the local time by looking at the screen cell phone. Many people consider branded accessories to be very expensive, which is why they don’t buy them. No matter how one feels about watch brands, one always focuses attention on the wrist of a neighbor, friend or just a passerby. After all, they attract the eye, and even more so the famous brands. Like clothes, they will tell you how much the owner has a sense of taste and what his position in society is. Sometimes when we see a watch on another person’s hand, we understand that we also want to buy ourselves an accessory that will perfectly highlight our individuality and clothing style.

Which watch brands are considered the most stylish?

Swiss production occupies the leading place among all brands. All over the world it is considered the best, reliable and accurate. It is worth noting that a number of Swiss brands are included in Guinness records and are part of Swiss art. Swiss-made models were and are chosen by people from the following list: Napoleon Bonoparte, Arnold Schwarzenegger, V.V. Putin and many famous figures of past centuries and our time. By purchasing them, you will be accepted in any society. The most famous watch brand among Russians is Casio. They are the ones who produce products that are so loved all over the world and they do this solely on the basis innovative technologies, which include super durable mechanisms and super reliable coating methods. Casio produces millions of products every year. Branded Casio watches are good not only because they are a beautiful accessory that emphasizes your image, but also because they are affordable. But the most important thing is that they will perfectly complement the image of both their first and second owners. Nowadays there are a myriad of watch brands. The most interesting thing is that they are produced not only by watch companies, but also by almost all famous fashion houses. Many people want to buy accessories from well-known brands, but they are sure that they cannot afford such purchases; this is a general misconception. Some of the world's most famous watch companies produce watches that can be purchased by people with average incomes.

Currently, there is a huge selection of women's watches from various brands. Interestingly, the production of time meters is now carried out not only by watch companies with a long history, but also by almost all famous European fashion houses.

No one is surprised anymore when a model walking down the catwalk in outfits from Gucci or Chanel has a watch from the same company glittering on her hand, completing the look.

It is interesting that haute couture watches compete almost on an equal footing with famous watch brands that have built up their impeccable reputation over many years.

Let's try to figure out which brands of women's watches are most popular among the fair half of humanity.

The most famous brands of women's watches + photos

It should be noted right away that there are no companies that produce only women's (or only men's) watches. Almost all well-known watch companies in the world can equally be considered branded for both men and women.

Every year, a dozen leading manufacturers are identified whose chronometers, in the opinion of buyers, are the most popular.

Over the years, the best companies have included such companies as:


Patek Philippe


Guess et al.

It is difficult to say which famous watch company is the best, since each of them operates in its own type and price segment. Therefore, it is more logical to classify famous manufacturers of time indicators based on what products they produce.

It is no secret that watches are divided into status watches, accessory watches, instrument watches and just watches.

We continue to show photos of women's watches:

Status indicators are usually called time indicators that immediately, without direct dialogue, report important information about the rank of its owner (owner). Based on the brand of a watch, for example, it is easy to guess at what level of the social ladder a person stands.

As a rule, chronometers for dignitaries are made of expensive materials - precious metals or high-quality alloys. In addition, such watch movements have an impeccable timeless design, the highest precision and, of course, an impressive price. It would not be a mistake to say that in certain circles, status chronometers act as practically a second passport.

An accessory watch can also be made from far from cheap materials (gold, platinum, diamonds), but still have a slightly different function. Their main task is to demonstrate the sense of style and excellent taste of their owner (hostess) and complement the fashionable ensemble with an impressive accent.

Watch-devices are preferred by people leading an active lifestyle. For them, the main thing is that the watch is multifunctional and not only shows the time, but also, if possible, serves as a compass, stopwatch, pulse meter, etc.

Ordinary watches are chosen by practical people without any special pretensions, for whom it is important to simply know exact time.

Swiss women's watches from famous brands

Swiss manufacturers confidently hold the palm in the production of high-status women's watches. The best women's brands of Swiss watches are produced by Breguet, Rolex, Omega, Montblanc, Raymond Weil, Adriatica, Frederique Constant.

The House of Breguet is a long-time creator of luxury watch movements for powerful of the world this. At one time, the brand's clients included kings and queens (in particular, Queen Marie Antoinette and Queen Victoria), and now women's chronometers from the famous company are worn by the wives of presidents and famous businesswomen.

Modern collections of women's watches from Breguet are particularly sophisticated. Feature of the company's products for women - a gracefully curved oval dial shape. Ladies' watches are made of white or rose gold, the dial can be made of natural materials (in particular, mother-of-pearl), and the crowns are often encrusted with diamonds.

At the same time, Breguet watch movements are extremely functional: women's chronometers not only look luxurious - they have an ideal mechanism and provide the most accurate movement.

Rolex is another world-famous company that produces exclusive women's watches. Distinctive feature Rolex women's watches have a rounded case made of precious metals and mother-of-pearl dials. A scattering of diamonds is often used as decoration for dials.

As a rule, Rolex produces ladies' watches in the form of collections with a single name and design (for example, “Lady Oyster Perpetual”). Within the collection, the materials from which the chronometers are made vary (white, yellow, rose gold) and the color of the dial. In general, Rolex products for women can be briefly described in two words - prestige and splendor.

Belonging to the highest elite is also given out by women's watches from the Swiss watch company Omega. Omega watches can be identified by their diamond hour markers, sapphire crystal and impressive dial. The company's trademark is the combination of steel and colored gold in one model.

Luxury watches for ladies are also produced by the world-famous Geneva company Frederique Constant. Classic mechanical watches amaze with their magnificence and discreet chic. A comfortable rounded case, an exquisite dial, inserts of precious stones - everything about Frederique Constant watches is extremely feminine and elegant.

Some collections of women's timepieces from Frederique Constant (for example, Double Heart Beat) are truly iconic. Watches of this and some other series have a special opening in the dial through which you can look inside the clock mechanism.

Prestigious brands of women's watches that emphasize high status are also produced by Montblanc, Raymond Weil, and Adriatica. The devices of these companies combine true Swiss quality and excellent design.

The best brands of women's watches

The approach to ladies' watches is typical for many watch and jewelry companies. But the idea of ​​watches as a fashionable addition to clothing is most fully embodied by famous fashion houses. As a rule, each new collection of clothing from famous fashion designers is equipped with its own branded accessories.

Many haute couture watches are true examples of high design art, capable of decorating and complementing any, even the most sophisticated outfit.

The fashion house Cartier is considered number one in the production of “essential jewelry.”

The main materials used for the manufacture of ladies' watches by the House of Cartier are gold, platinum and precious stones (rubies, sapphires, pearls, diamonds).

Ladies' watches from the house of Cartier are elegant products with very different, often fancy, but always very original dial shapes. For example, in the 2019 Cartier Crash Limited Edition collection, the dial of the gold watch is a wavy oval.

According to legend, the idea to create a dial of such an irregular shape came to the founder of the fashion house when, after a serious accident, he saw his chronometer melted by fire. However, contrary to expectation, the master was not upset at all, but, on the contrary, saw in unusual shape prototype of avant-garde exclusive watches for women.

Most Cartier watch models are decorated with unusual bracelets or precious straps, inlaid with hundreds of tiny diamonds.

The second place in the production of fashionable women's watches rightfully belongs to the House of Gucci.

Fashion watches from Gucci, as many admit, are memorable accessories that have their own personality. And it is not surprising - after all, a well-coordinated team of professionals works on each new collection of watch movements from the House of Gucci.

At least two hundred new watches are released annually under the Gucci brand. A significant part of them are women's jewelry watches.

The signature features of the Gucci watch brand are a rectangular or round case and complete absence numbers on the dial.

In addition, Gucci is characterized by an innovative combination of materials from which the company creates women's timepieces. For example, many elegant new items released under the company's brand are made of high-quality stainless steel combined with diamonds.

It is important to note that a Gucci fashion watch is not just a fashionable and stylish thing from a famous fashion house. It is also an accurate and reliable device. The quality guarantee of women's watches from Gucci is a watch mechanism from the famous Swiss company ETA.

Fashionable and popular brands of women's watches

A wide variety of accessories are produced by the Nina Ricci fashion house. The first ladies' watches from Nina Ricci appeared in the 70s of the last century.

The brand's style is sophistication and elegance. We can safely say that the Nina Ricci fashion house brought real Parisian romance and genuine chic to the watch industry.

A distinctive feature of the Nina Ricci watch is its dial, which looks like a miniature painting. The dials of women's chronometers are often covered with a luxurious pattern of flowers or butterflies, studded with diamond chips.

By the way, watches with the Nina Ricci brand are not only glamorous and delicate, they are also surprisingly accurate. Accuracy is ensured by the manufacturer of products under the Nina Ricci brand - the Swiss company Time Avenue.

The Chanel fashion house launched its own watch line in 1987. Since then, five collections of women's wristwatches have been released.

Ladies' watches from Chanel are as beautiful as the clothes produced under this brand. Chanel's style in the watch industry is a combination of classic aesthetics with the latest fashion trends.

The materials from which luxury watches from Coco Chanel are made are also eclectic - this includes colored gold with rubies, and modern high-tech alloys combined with diamonds.

As for the shape of ladies' watches from Chanel, the fashion house plays with classic shapes (circle, square), introducing into them its own innermost content. Thus, a square dial symbolizes the famous Chanel No. 5 perfume, and a round or octagonal dial may turn out to be secret symbols of a house or square in Paris associated with the name of Mademoiselle Coco.

In addition, luxury women's timepieces from Chanel are not just elegant trinkets designed to decorate the wrist of a wealthy fashionista. Chanel watches have a serious basis in the form of the Swiss manufactory Audemars Piguet, which provides the products of the fashion house with the highest quality. The latest development from the Chanel fashion house is a technically complex, stylish ceramic watch with a flying tourbillon.

Elegant ladies' jewelry watches are produced by the oldest French fashion house Louis Vuitton. When referring to Louis Vuitton watch movements, the most commonly used terms are “brilliant”, “captivating”, “perfect”.

In the Louis Vuitton collections you can see both cute watches in the shape of flowers and exclusive chronometers of futuristic design with floating hands. It is the tradition of the fashion house to make watches from gold and other precious materials.

A watch from Louis Vuitton is an accessory that can be worn in the morning and in the evening, worn on a grand entrance and worn every day. Each collection of Louis Vuitton watches contains an elusive charm and what is called “French luxury”.

Excellent jewelry watches from Louis Vuitton are incredibly expensive and are produced in limited editions - only a few dozen copies.

2001 is the year of the appearance of accessory watches under the brand. The House of Roberto Cavalli addresses its creations primarily to young and daring girls and women.

In fashion collections, Roberto Cavalli often uses the image of a snake. Cavalli's snakes are precious bracelets that wrap around a woman's wrist several times, with a watch case in the shape of a snake's head.

Creative and provocative, women's timepieces from Roberto Cavalli are designed for bold personalities.

Prestigious brands of women's watches

A number of well-known watch companies, such as Casio, Seiko, ORIENT, Tissot, RADO, etc., specialize in the production of practical and multifunctional women's watches.

Casio has made a name for itself by producing high-tech electronic timepieces. In Casio women's watches, the time indicator is combined with a lot of other devices - a calculator, barometer, timer, depth gauge, thermometer and even a GPS system.

The Casio brand is intended mainly for young girls who appreciate “sophisticated” things in the “techno” style. Casio watches of the SeaPathfinder and ProTrek series are currently considered the most popular and advanced.

Another company that produces watches for active and sporty ladies is Tissot. Tissot was one of the first to produce women's watches with touch controls. High-quality and affordable, Tissot chronometers are the favorite devices of athletes and fans of technical innovations.

The products of the watch company RADO are based on space technologies.

RADO produces women's watches with a minimalist design made from the most advanced materials - heavy-duty ceramics and lanthanum. It is believed that RADO watches can last for ages without any visible wear.

The Japanese company Seiko is the inventor of quartz watches. In addition, this is the first company that managed to rid quartz watches of batteries. In 1988, Seiko first introduced Kinetic chronometers that recharge automatically.

Seiko products, combining cosmic precision and strict design, are the choice of business women who value time.

The simplest time indicators for women are produced by the Japanese company ORIENT. The company's products are so diverse that a business woman, a housewife, and a student can find their elegant ORIENT watches.

Moschino Cheap&Chic offers very interesting watches for every day. The simple watch is decorated with an unusual strap made in the form of a silk scarf.

More brands of women's watches

There is no doubt that the best brands of women's watches are actually trendsetters in watch fashion, determining its direction and priorities.

Among the fashionable brands of women's watches, one cannot fail to mention the products of such famous watch companies as Guess, Audemars Piguet, Hugo Boss, and Diesel.

Women's wristwatches from such well-known brands as Korloff, Quinting, Michael Kors also receive constant attention from customers.

The miniature cocktail watches offered to customers by Uterque and Moschino Cheap&Chic are of great interest to glamorous people.

Creative people really appreciate chronometers with bright graffiti on the dial from the Good luck collections.

Watches with an open mechanism from the Quinting watch manufactory are very popular among the female audience.

Young rebels love watches from Van Der Bauwede Geneve.

EDC by Esprit remains a trendy brand, producing watches for sharp and daring women.

Such popular brands of women's watches as Nixon, Paul's Boutique, Moschino Cheap & Chic have their customers. These companies produce bright plastic watches. Undoubted competitive advantages such time indicators – low price and rich color palette, allowing you to choose a watch for every outfit.

Existing brands are being squeezed out by newly emerging watch companies, offering more and more new models of both classic and catchy avant-garde designs. This means that the choice of ladies’ watches is constantly expanding and becoming almost limitless!

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The “Swiss Made” stamp on a wristwatch completely eliminates all doubts about the quality of the product and is quite comparable to gold purity. Swiss companies have been producing watches for centuries and throughout this time they have given no reason to doubt their professionalism, excellent craftsmanship, exquisite taste and the highest quality. Swiss wrist watches from famous brands have become the standard of style - this accessory is present in every person who values ​​laconicism, elegance and impeccability.

The range of Swiss watches, characterized by great diversity, is presented from simple and inexpensive pieces costing a few hundred dollars, for example, the famous Swatch watches, to luxurious works of art costing several hundred thousand dollars. Swiss wristwatches are universal - they can fit any budget and satisfy any taste. There are many watch brands on the market, including the popular and popular Rado, Oris, Tissot, Omega, Rolex, Longines, Cartier and the elite Patek Philippe, Vacheron Constantin, Breguet.

Average cost of Swiss watches of the most popular brands

Depending on the energy source responsible for the operation of the clock mechanism, there are two fundamentally different groups watches: quartz and mechanical. The operation of a mechanical watch is ensured by a spring, which, when unwinding, sets the pendulum in motion, which, in turn, acts on the wheel clock mechanism, causing the hands to move. When the spring is completely untwisted, the watch will stop and for it to start moving again, the spring must be re-twisted, which is what happens when the watch is wound. The accuracy of their movement is affected by the unstable speed of unwinding of the spring, the position of the watch in space, ambient temperature, degree of wear of parts and other factors.

In a quartz watch, a battery acts as an energy source - it powers an electronic unit, which is an analogue of a pendulum and starts a stepper motor, which drives the wheel mechanism of the watch, which moves the hands on the dial. High precision is ensured by the quartz crystal located in the electronic generator, which is how the mechanism got its name.

The type of mechanism, its complexity, weight and thickness of the watch depend on its membership in the group. Quartz watches are simpler, lighter and thinner. Mechanical watches are traditionally more expensive than quartz watches because they require careful manual adjustment during assembly. While in the manufacture of quartz watches, automation is responsible for most operations. Among the mechanical models there are products with a tourbillon - a special mechanism that compensates for the gravity of the earth and ensures the perfect movement of the watch.

The most popular brands of Swiss super-premium watches

Patek Philippe

In 1839, this watch company was founded by the French watchmaker Philippe and the Polish businessman Patek. Made in a classic design, Patek Philippe watches perfectly combine discreet design and elegance, are distinguished by maximum practicality and consistently the highest quality.

Vacheron Constantin

Founded in 1755, Vacheron Constantin is considered the father of Swiss watchmaking. The most expensive watches of this brand combine precious metals, gems and all kinds of luxury elements.


Breguet watches, founded by Abraham-Louis Breguet in 1775, were worn by Queens Victoria and Marie Antoinette, Russian Emperor Alexander I and Sultan Selim III, Napoleon Bonaparte and Winston Churchill and many great people of the past. The Breguet brand offers elegant classics for men, and sophisticated designs and diamond inlay for women. Breguet watches organically combine the harmony of luxury, subtle taste and impeccable style.

Why are original Swiss watches so expensive?

The cost of a Swiss watch is influenced by the popularity of the brand, the presence of a certain set of functions, the material from which the mechanism and case are made, and the use of precious stones for decoration. Of course, the concept of the prestige of a particular brand is quite controversial and is mostly a subjective factor. However, there are companies that, in order to maintain their image, repeatedly raise prices for their products by releasing limited editions of watches.

All mechanical watches are assembled by hand, and some models take several months to complete. The price of a Swiss luxury watch is primarily determined by the popularity of the brand, the complexity of the mechanism and the limited series. Of course, luxury watches are of very high quality, but when purchasing such a product, the buyer pays not only for the materials and labor of the workers, but also for the trademark on the dial. When buying a Swiss watch, it is the brand that costs the consumer the most.

The accuracy of hand-assembled mechanical watches in Switzerland is checked by a special organization - COSC. It determines the duration of the movement, the accuracy of operation, the tightness of the watch in several positions and, in case of satisfactory tests, certifies the product. It is not uncommon to find identical watches with a price difference of several hundred euros - those that are more expensive have been certified by COSC.

The most popular brands of Swiss watches

Rolex (Rolex)

Founded in 1905, the Rolex brand today occupies a leading position among its peers, its products enjoy an unquestioned reputation for unsurpassed quality and innovative developments. The leading brand of the Swiss watch industry has changed many times throughout its history thanks to the pursuit of perfection and a number of ingenious inventions. This brand was the first to produce wristwatches and the first waterproof watches. Equipped with a self-winding mechanism, Rolex does not need to be wound - the Perpetual rotor installed in them rotates with the movements of the hand. Rolex watches are a symbol of stability, excellence and prestige.


Rado watches are made using precious stones, ultra-light alloys, scratch-resistant sapphire crystals, ultra-strong diamonds, high-tech ceramics, and magnetic-based watch movements. These materials give the watch unrivaled reliability and make the Rado brand expensive and technically sophisticated. The company constantly delighted fans of watchmaking with its innovations, was ahead of its time and surprised the world with its inventions. The unique and sophisticated design of Rado watches is distinguished by originality, laconicism and harmonious lines. Rado watches are a high-tech accessory, an organic mixture of futuristic technologies, excellent design and undeniable watch classics.

Franck Muller (Frank Muller)

Founded in 1991, the Frank Muller brand became popular in a short period of time and earned the love of representatives of elite circles of society. Frank Muller watches are a combination of consistent Swiss quality, signature dial design and innovative developments.


Founded in 1853, the Tissot brand, guided by the thesis of “affordable luxury,” has become one of the leaders in sales of luxury watches. The company was the first to develop plastic and anti-magnetic watches and dials with a touch screen. Tissot wristwatches offer a variety of models, stylish design, reliable Swiss movement and a very reasonable price.


Founded in 1832, the Longines brand continuously improves its products, remaining committed to Swiss watchmaking traditions, indisputable classics and technical excellence. The brand is the official timekeeper of international sports federations. Longines watches are refined elegance, unsurpassed precision, impeccable reliability, elegant design and unique style.


Founded in 1884, the Breitling brand, which is the benchmark for technological developments and design solutions in the watch industry, has been closely associated with aviation from its birth to the present day. The company produces the only certified chronometers in the world and is the official supplier of high-precision chronographs for aviation. The watch is distinguished by the highest operating efficiency in the most extreme conditions, has a recognizable large case, a dial design that imitates an instrument panel in an airplane cockpit, an aesthetic appearance and an exclusive finish. Breitling watches are innovative technological solutions, perfect mechanisms, high accuracy chronometers.

Oris (Oris)

Founded in 1904, the Oris brand produces exclusively mechanical watches. The brand's collections are designed for passionate fans of mechanics and are presented in four main areas: classics, aviation, diving and motorsport.

Omega (Omega)

The history of one of the most prestigious Swiss brands began in 1848. Ultra-precise Omega watches can withstand extreme changes in pressure and temperature and continue to work properly in zero gravity. Omega Speedmaster watches were worn on the wrists of astronauts who landed on the moon. One of the most famous watch brands, Omega symbolizes thoroughness, completeness and always inspires admiration. The brand's products can be recognized by their sapphire crystal and round dial. diamond marks, a combination of steel and colored gold.


Founded in 1847, the Cartier brand continuously improves its products, remaining committed to Swiss watchmaking traditions, unquestioned classics and technical excellence. Cartier watches combining reliable internal mechanisms and precious metals in decoration are a symbol of stability, perfection and prestige.

Montblanc (Mont Blanc)

Named after a mountain peak, the Swiss brand Montblanc is a manufacturer of luxury writing instruments. The first Montblanc wristwatch, introduced in 1997, was made in a classic style and had an elegant, laconic design. A combination of high-tech steel, genuine leather, sapphire glass, diamonds, rubies and gold makes Montblanc watches a worthy competitor among more famous brands.

Swiss watch markings

The Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry has created a standard for quality compliance parameters. In order to fully rightfully use the “Swiss Made” mark on the watch case, the following requirements must be met:

The watches are assembled in Switzerland;
a Swiss mechanism and at least 70% of Swiss components were used;
The watch has passed quality control tests in Switzerland.

At the moment, only about 100 watch companies whose products fully comply with the listed requirements are entitled to mark their products with the “Swiss Made” mark.

The marking “Swiss movement” (Swiss movement) means that the movement was made in Switzerland and passed quality control there. However, the body and final assembly often have a different origin. If the “Swiss Made” stamp is located on the bracelet, then only the bracelet was made in Switzerland, if there is no such inscription on the watch case. The original Swiss origin of the bracelet is evidenced by the inscription “Swiss wristlet”, the case – “Swiss case”, and the details – “Swiss parts”.

We hear quite often the question of which watch brand is considered the most prestigious. The question is justified, since it is pointless to distinguish between expensive watches only on the basis of their reliability or accuracy. After all, if you do not take into account the simplest and most inexpensive brands, then any watch from a reputable manufacturer will be quite accurate and reliable. In addition, considering a wristwatch as an indicator of high status, or a means of compact storage of money, understanding the prestige of the brand plays a major role.

The problem is that prestige is quite difficult to measure. As well as the success of a particular watch manufacturer. You can, for example, break down watch manufacturers simply by price parameter. Then, quite simple from the point of view of watch mechanics, a quartz watch from Chopard, decorated with many diamonds, will be next to a complex watch from Vacheron Constantin, not so flashy in appearance, but hiding a beautiful watch mechanism inside a laconic case.

You can compare the “age” of the brand, but this will not be entirely fair, because many fairly old watch productions, which were once pioneers in watch technology, were unable to survive the quartz crisis and today exist only as a big name, part of a multinational corporation , one of many.

Focusing on customer preferences and sales volumes is also not entirely correct. Consumer tastes vary from country to country, and in terms of sales volumes, cheaper brands will definitely outstrip expensive brands. In Italy they prefer Vacheron Constantin, in Russia Patek Philippe is considered the coolest, and in the USA the leaders are Blancpain, Hublot and IWC.

Everyone expects the most from a watch different effect. Some people like mechanical watches with unusual complications, others are fans of the mark a watch brand has left in cultural history. For some, it is important for the watch to look bright and modern, or, for example, to have more gold and diamonds. Almost every brand has its own circle of loyal fans who recognize only such watches and that’s it. A striking example That's why fans of Officine Panerai.

We tried to compile a classifier of watch brands that reflects not so much prestige as belonging to a certain functional group. For example, the Fashion watch group includes those manufacturers who pay more attention to the appearance of watches and its compliance with the latest fashion trends, while the luxury group includes those who declare the principle of creating watches for the richest and most famous. Please note that within the categories there is no gradation from first to last place. We simply list watch manufacturers without attempting to rank them relative to each other.

Luxury watches

This group includes those Swiss manufactories that have long traditions of production, a large share of manual labor in the watch assembly process and their own watch developments and patents. Watches of these particular brands became faithful companions of European aristocratic families in past centuries and the political elite of our time. It is these brands that are at the origins of the reputation that Swiss watches now have in the world. As a rule, the average cost of watches produced by these companies greatly exceeds the cost of watches from the next segment. Also, these brands are famous, among other things, for producing watches with a wide variety of complications.

  • A. Lange & Sohne
  • Audemars Piguet
  • Blancpain
  • Bovet
  • Frank Muller
  • Girard-Perregaux
  • Jaeger-LeCoultre
  • Patek Philippe
  • Richard Mille
  • Vacheron Constantin

Premium brands of Swiss watches

The premium segment is what is sometimes called the optimal price/quality combination. These watches are accurate and reliable and are not inferior in this regard to their brothers from the luxury segment. The model lines of each brand can include both watches with complications and incredibly beautiful “jewelry watches”, which are not so much a watch as an ornament made of many precious stones.

  • Arnold&Son
  • Baume & Mercier
  • Cartier
  • Chronoswiss
  • Corum
  • Frederique Constant
  • Glaschutte Original
  • Hublot
  • Jaquet Droz
  • Louis Erard
  • Montblanc
  • Officine Panerai
  • Omega
  • Perrelet
  • Piaget
  • Tag Heuer
  • Zenith

Fashion watch

This category includes watches produced by any world-famous fashion house. Their peculiarity is that such watches are ideal for placing accents in a fashionable image, for shaping style. They work as an excellent accessory, are made of valuable materials and they also show accurate time - most of them have quartz movements, or very simple mechanical ones, without any complications, except, perhaps, a calendar.

  • Chomet Dior
  • Cherrutti 1881
  • Givenchy
  • Gucci
  • Hermes
  • Louis Vuitton

and many others.

Jewelry watches

This slightly strange subcategory arose because some works of watchmaking art are difficult to classify as watches. Of course, they show the time, but the clock mechanism of such watches (usually quartz, or very simple mechanics) is not of particular interest, especially in comparison with the richness of the decoration. This group includes most of the most expensive watches in the world, costing tens of millions of dollars. The main thing in such watches is the beautiful and rare precious stones and expensive metals used to decorate the bracelet and watch case.

Any classification of watches ultimately breaks down based on your personal preferences. Some people like simple Officine Panerai or Longines, despite the fact that these are not the most prestigious brands. Others may be able to afford the Patek Philippe Reference 1527, but they are truly delighted with the Rolex Cosmograph Daytona. The main thing in a wristwatch, like in good coffee, is that it pleases its owner.

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