Purulent conjunctivitis in newborns. Conjunctivitis in newborns: symptoms, causes, types and treatment. Common symptoms common to all conjunctivitis

The symptoms of conjunctivitis in infants appear as early as 2-3 days after the infection. If the cause of the disease is an allergy, signs of a pathological process can be seen immediately after contact with the allergen. And any little thing can provoke a sharp reaction of the baby's body: dust, dry air, skin care products, etc.

Common symptoms of conjunctivitis in newborns can manifest as follows:

  • the occurrence of intense lacrimation;
  • hyperemia of the whites of the eyes;
  • the formation of a thin whitish film on the surface of the diseased eye;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge;
  • difficulty opening the eyes after sleep (they stick together due to the intense secretion of purulent mucus);
  • swelling of the conjunctival sacs;
  • redness of the skin under the eyes.

These symptoms of conjunctivitis in infants do not appear immediately, but develop gradually - as the pathological process progresses. As a rule, one eye is affected first, and if the inflammation is not timely stopped, the second is also affected.

The nonspecific symptoms of conjunctivitis in an infant include:

  • tearfulness, irritability;
  • constant desire to scratch your eyes;
  • restlessness while sleeping;
  • decreased appetite.

For any problems with the eyes in a newborn, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. You should not self-medicate, especially if the diagnosis has not been confirmed.

Causes and factors of development

The reasons for the development of conjunctivitis in a newborn baby are often associated with the process of childbirth. Any infectious diseases of the genital tract in a pregnant woman, if they were not cured in time, can cause the development of pathology in an infant.

However, even the full health of the mother, the sterility of the child and the careful care of the skin of the crumbs cannot protect him from this disease.

The reasons for the development of conjunctivitis in a newborn are often associated with the following factors:

  • weakness of the immune system;
  • viral or infectious diseases transferred by the mother during pregnancy;
  • genital herpes in a young mother (while passing through the birth canal, the child can pick up an infection);
  • incomplete adherence to the rules of caring for a newborn, or lack thereof.

Conjunctivitis in babies can also occur due to dirt, dust or a foreign object getting on the mucous membranes of the eyes, which are still too fragile and delicate. Although, of course, not all factors that can cause this pathology in a child depend on the young mother. However, in order to prevent unpleasant consequences, they must be remembered and, if possible, avoided.

Varieties of pathology

Conjunctivitis in an infant can be:

You can recognize a type of conjunctivitis in an infant by the following signs:

  1. If there is purulent discharge from the eyes, then conjunctivitis is bacterial in nature.
  2. With redness and irritation of the eyes, accompanied by lacrimation and swelling of the conjunctival sacs. we can talk about the allergic etiology of the disease.
  3. If conjunctivitis of the eye in infants is combined with symptoms of pharyngitis, this indicates the viral origin of the pathological process.

Another sign - in the absence of the effect of treating the disease with the help of local antibacterial drugs, there can be 2 options:

  • conjunctivitis in infants is of non-bacterial origin;
  • the pathogenic microflora that lives on the conjunctiva of the eyes has developed resistance to the drug used.

For the correct prescription of treatment, a child should not engage in self-diagnosis, because many eye diseases have similar symptoms.

What doctor treats conjunctivitis in infants

An ophthalmologist is involved in the treatment of conjunctivitis in newborns. But in the absence of the opportunity to visit a specialized specialist, a competent pediatrician or family doctor can prescribe therapy for a small patient.

Diagnostic features

Diagnosis of conjunctivitis in newborns is often based on visual examination of the cornea and conjunctival sacs. With the bacterial origin of the pathology, purulent discharge of the eye from children is taken for bacteriological examination. Based on the results of the study, an accurate diagnosis is made and appropriate treatment is prescribed.

In parallel, other diagnostic procedures are carried out:

  • biomicroscopy;
  • conjunctival smear cytology;
  • virological research.

If conjunctivitis in newborns is of an allergic origin, an allergy test and a study for the level of IgE antibodies in the blood are performed.

Therapeutic approach

How to treat conjunctivitis in infants? Do not carry out any measures without the prescription of the attending physician. Caring for a child suffering from this pathology involves the following rules:

  1. No medication should be used before the doctor's appointment. If the visit is postponed for some reason, the only drops that can be used to treat conjunctivitis of the eyes in newborns, regardless of age, are Albucid. If you suspect an allergic nature of the disease, the baby should be given an antihistamine syrup or suspension (Loratadin, L-Cet, etc.).
  2. Before dripping a child's eyes with a drug prescribed by a doctor, they must be treated with ordinary tea leaves or a decoction of medicinal plants: chamomile, calendula, sage, etc.
  3. To completely cure conjunctivitis in newborns, it is necessary to flush both eyes, even if the pathological process occurs in only one of them.
  4. In no case should the child be blindfolded - this can cause active reproduction of pathogenic microflora.
  5. Antibiotic ointments should be used very carefully to treat conjunctivitis of the eyes in an infant, so as not to provoke even more intense irritation of the mucous membrane of the visual organs.

So, having dealt with the question regarding the rules for treating the eyes in newborns, it is necessary to move on to the key point - how to treat conjunctivitis in an infant? The choice of a medication directly depends on the type of pathological process.

  • Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in infants is carried out using an antibiotic (Albucid (10% solution)) or ointments (Tetracycline).
  • If the question arises of how to treat viral conjunctivitis in an infant, then it is necessary to use antiviral drugs: Aktipol, Trifluridin, Poludan, etc.

How to treat conjunctivitis in a newborn if the disease is caused by an allergic reaction? Under such conditions, only antihistamines will be effective (it can be in the form of a syrup or suspension): Loratadin, Ketotifen, Aleerdez, L-Cet, etc.

If we talk about the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis in a newborn with eye drops, then the drugs Dexamethasone, cromohexal, Allergodil will be effective. However, it is important to know how to treat your baby correctly in order to avoid adverse health consequences. To do this, you need to carefully study the instructions for using the selected medicine, because even antiallergic drugs can harm the baby if you handle them incorrectly.

Homemade recipes

Treatment of conjunctivitis in newborns at home using folk remedies is allowed only as an auxiliary method. And only on condition that the baby needs urgent help to prevent the spread of infection.

So, how to treat conjunctivitis in newborns if there are no pharmaceutical preparations at hand? The most effective remedies are:

  • Camomile tea ... To prepare it, you need to pour 3 g of dry chamomile flowers with a pharmacy glass of boiling water and insist for a quarter of an hour. Strain and use to rinse the baby's eyes (warm). A new infusion must be made daily.
  • Broths of sage and eucalyptus ... The principle of preparation and use for the treatment of conjunctivitis in infants at home is the same as in the previous version.
  • Infusion or decoction of a series of three-part and whether marigold ... These herbs relieve irritation and redness, and also have anti-allergic properties, so if the question arises of how to treat conjunctivitis of allergic etiology in an infant, these plants should be preferred.

How to cure conjunctivitis in newborns if none of the above herbs are at hand? You can use ordinary black or green tea leaves. However, it should not be strong - fingers should be clearly visible through it (this can be assessed visually). The baby's eyes should be rinsed every 1–1.5 hours.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in infants with tea is advisable for all types of disease without exception. It washes well pus in case of bacterial conjunctivitis, reduces the activity of viruses in viral etiology of pathology, and also relieves swelling, redness and itching of the eyes - in case of an allergic form of the disease. Tea can be used in parallel with eye drops.

Features of prevention

In order not to wonder how to cure conjunctivitis in a newborn, young parents need to take a responsible approach to the issue of primary, and, if necessary, secondary prevention of pathology. The leading role in this case is assigned to:

  • careful baby care;
  • prevention or timely treatment of infectious diseases of the genital organs in pregnant women;
  • isolation of relatives from a newborn with conjunctivitis;
  • strengthening the child's immunity (the best remedy is breastfeeding).

As you can see, a woman should take up the issue of prevention even during pregnancy, because often recurrent conjunctivitis in newborns is most often the result of pathologies suffered by the expectant mother.

Useful video about conjunctivitis

Quite often, in newborns, the eyes begin to swell and watery. And upon waking from sleep, the eyelids also stick together, especially in the morning. This makes the child moody and restless. Most often, after examination, the doctor makes the following diagnosis - neonatal conjunctivitis.

At the same time, any child can get sick: both the one who has just been discharged from the maternity ward, and the one who has been living at home for a long time.

The difficulty is that the disease is similar in symptoms to inflammation of the lacrimal sac (dacryocystitis) or to an elementary non-opening of the lacrimal canal. Therefore, mothers, carefully read the article attached below. Nobody calls you to make a diagnosis, but you must provide first aid.

Causes of conjunctivitis in an infant

They are different. Even the observance of complete sterility around the baby will not save you from the disease. The most common causes of inflammation are:

  • Low weakened immunity;
  • During the birth process, during the passage of the birth canal, the baby often picks up an infection - gonorrhea or chlamydia. The causative agents of these diseases easily adapt to the mucous membrane of the eye and feel great;
  • Various bacteria that the baby picks up from the mother during the prenatal period;
  • Mom was infected with genital or oral herpes before giving birth;
  • Parents do not follow basic hygiene rules while caring for a baby;
  • The child has got dirt or a foreign body in his eyes.

As you can see from the above examples, not everything depends on the mother, but still it is in her power to prevent some of them. This will determine how healthy their baby is. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of such issues as sterility and your own health in advance, and not when childbirth is already underway and the baby is about to be born. After all, it is always easier to prevent than to cure later.


Depends on the type of inflammation. For example, the development of chlamydia begins 5-14 days after birth (if you remember, infection occurs during childbirth). It has a light and heavy shape. In the first form, the release of pus is insignificant, in the second, there is correspondingly more pus.

But in any case, regardless of the type, conjunctivitis of newborns has the following general symptoms:

  • The whites of the eyes turn red, the eye swells;
  • Yellow crusts are often formed on the eyelids. This is especially noticeable in the morning, when the baby cannot open his eyes due to their stickiness;
  • The child develops photophobia;
  • He begins to sleep and eat poorly.

Difficulty in making a diagnosis is also caused by the fact that puffiness in babies from the eyes often extends to the cheeks and is accompanied by all this with an increase in temperature.

Prevention and identification of causes:

Classification of the disease in infants

The effectiveness of the treatment will depend on how correctly the species is determined and the causative agent of the disease. Therefore, advice to parents, as soon as the first symptoms appear, run immediately to the doctor. As the saying goes, it's better to play it safe. Than then long and tedious to treat. So the views.


Bacterial(it is also called purulent) due to the presence of pus. Sticking of the eyelids after sleep is noted. The skin around the eyes and the conjunctiva of the eye is dry. Inflammation usually occurs according to the following pattern - first one eye, then the other.

This is what bacterial and viral conjunctivitis looks like.


Viral conjunctivitis is a frequent companion of ARVI, therefore, it is often accompanied by fever, runny nose and sore throat. Inflammation also starts in one eye, then quickly spreads to the other. A distinctive feature of the purulent one is that the liquid secreted from the eyes is transparent and the baby's cilia do not stick together.


Allergic- a transparent content is released from the baby's eyes, he is drawn to rub the eye, which should not be allowed. Often, at the same time, the child has frequent sneezing. Usually, if you remove the cause of the allergy, then the symptoms go away on their own after a while.

How is home treatment for newborns

If the disease is detected on time and the diagnosis is correct, then the treatment rarely takes more than 2-3 days. But this is the best option, besides, not all medicines are suitable for treating newborns.

If there is pus, then washing is the basis of treatment, and only after that do eye drops go. Their appointment follows depending on the type of inflammation, and at what age the patient is. Here are the most common drugs for the treatment of neonatal conjunctivitis, depending on the type of inflammation.

With bacterial inflammation, drops are used that contain an antibiotic. Here is a list of suitable medicines:

  • ... The main active ingredient is ofloxacin. The advantage of these drops is that they are allowed from birth. Instilled according to the formula 4 times a day, 1 drop;

    Floxal for instillation of eyes

  • Tobrex with the active substance tobramycin. Newborns are instilled 1-2 drops 4-5 times a day. For older children, a different scheme is used - every 4 hours, drop by drop;

    Tobrex for quick application

  • Levomycetin... The drug is strong, therefore, for children under two years of age, treatment is carried out under medical supervision. It is buried 1 drop every 5 hours;

    Levomycetin as the best remedy

  • Tsipromed(or ciprofloxacin). It is usually prescribed for children over 1 year old and, depending on the degree of inflammation, is instilled up to 8 times a day, 1 drop at a time. It is also worth paying attention to what exist about these drops.

    Tsipromed is the most effective remedy for babies

  • (levofloxacin) - also mainly for children over one year old. It is buried according to the scheme, 1 drop every two hours, but not more than 8 drops per day;

    Oftaquix in various convenient packaging

  • Albucid(in the pharmacy, it is sold under the name sodium sulfacil) is available in two forms: a 20% and 30% solution. Be careful, only 20 percent form is used to treat children under one year old. And one more thing - you should not start treatment with this drug, it calls out a burning sensation. The kid remembers his feelings during instillation and then it is no longer given. The instillation scheme is as follows = - 1-2 drops up to 6 times a day. But what is the price of such drops, and what are the features of their use, you can see

    Albucid for quick effect

It is better not to bury drops at night, it is recommended to use ointments instead. The therapeutic effect of them is longer and one bookmark will last until the morning. For newborns, it is recommended to use the following ointments: Floxal and tetracycline. The latter is in the form of an ophthalmic with a concentration of 1%.

For the treatment of viral conjunctivitis, drops containing interferon are used. Or the medicine must contain a substance that will stimulate its production by the patient's body.

But what antibiotics for conjunctivitis in adults are the most popular, you can see

These drugs simultaneously act as immunomodulators to relieve local inflammation and as anesthetics to relieve pain. In addition, interferon stimulates the restoration of damaged tissues.

The following drugs are used:

All drugs of the above group must be stored in the refrigerator. Therefore, before use, they must be warmed in the palm of your hand to room temperature.

With an allergic type of inflammation, treatment begins with a visit to a doctor. After all, first you need to identify the allergen. In addition, antihistamines for children have two significant drawbacks: they only relieve symptoms, without removing the causes of inflammation. And allergy eye drops have age restrictions. We list the funds:

Therefore, if there is a suspicion of an allergic reaction, then it is best to give the newborn a drug for oral administration, for example, fenestil drops. And be sure to visit your pediatrician and allergist.

On the video - how to properly bury your eyes:

What does Komarovsky say about this?

According to Dr. Komarovsky, there is an undeniable link between conjunctivitis and respiratory diseases. After all, bacteria easily develop in the mucous membranes of the respiratory, and then spread to the mucous membrane of the eye. Therefore, one of the symptoms of conjunctivitis in newborns should be considered a cough.

Also, according to the doctor, parents need to thoroughly wash their hands before instilling drops and use a separate pipette for each eye. This is not to infect a healthy eye. By the numerous reviews of the doctor's admirers, one can judge that his advice is not devoid of logic.

Few people in childhood bypass such a disease as conjunctivitis. Even children, whom caring parents do not take their eyes off, are not insured from rubbing their eyes with dirty hands, and they cannot hide from dust in windy weather. In view of this, it is necessary to know how conjunctivitis manifests itself in newborns and how it is treated.

Symptoms of the disease

Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory process that takes place in the conjunctiva of the eye, in other words, the mucous membrane of the eye becomes inflamed. Although the eyelids and tears create mechanical barriers to infection, when the immune system is weakened, bacteria and viruses attack relentlessly. Sometimes the disease is of an allergic nature.

Although the baby still cannot say what specifically worries him, but with this disease, the result, as they say, is "obvious", or rather, in front of our eyes. So, the signs of conjunctivitis in an infant:

  • the eyes turn red, swell;
  • possible formation of yellow crusts on the eyelids, especially in the morning, discharge of pus from the eyes;
  • after sleep, the eyelids are difficult to open, they are literally glued together;
  • the baby is naughty in bright light due to photophobia;
  • does not sleep well, appetite is reduced.

Children who have learned to speak will complain of pain, a burning sensation in their eyes, as if something had got there. Vision temporarily deteriorates, becoming indistinct. In infants, the clinical picture is much more pronounced than in adults: puffiness from the eyes can spread to the cheeks, and an increase in body temperature is possible.


Conjunctivitis should definitely be treated by a doctor. But if, due to circumstances, it is impossible to quickly seek medical help, you need to help the child before the medical examination. For this, it is important to know the types of conjunctivitis, because, depending on the pathogen, the treatment will differ.

Bacterial conjunctivitis- there is pus, eyelids stick together, the conjunctiva and the skin around the eye is dry. At first, as a rule, only one eye becomes inflamed, and later the infection spreads to the second.

Viral conjunctivitis- a companion of ARVI, that is, it occurs along with high fever, runny nose and sore throat. Always the defeat begins in one eye, quickly passing to the second, while the separated fluid is clear and abundant. The cilia do not stick together.

Allergic conjunctivitis- a clear liquid flows from the peephole, I really want to rub the affected area. Often accompanied by frequent sneezing. Symptoms disappear when the allergen is removed.

How to treat

If you start treatment on time and correctly, you can cope with the disease in 2 days. The problem is that not all medications are suitable for treating a one-month-old baby.

The basis of therapy is the washing of the eyes (if there is pus), after which eye drops are used depending on the type of infection and the age of the patient. Consider what effective means are used in the treatment of children under one year old.

When conjunctivitis is bacterial

With a bacterial infection, drops from conjunctivitis are used, which include an antibiotic. These include:

  1. Floxal. The active ingredient is ofloxacin. Allowed from birth. Introduced 1 drop 4 times a day.
  2. Tobrex. The active ingredient is tobramycin. Newborns - 1-2 drops up to 5 times a day. Older children - every 4 hours.
  3. Levomycetin. Use with caution in children under 2 years of age. In the conjunctival sac, 1 drop is instilled with an interval of 5 hours.
  4. Cypromed (ciprofloxacin). Allowed for children from 1 year old. Buried depending on the situation, from 4 to 8 times.
  5. Oftaquix (levofloxacin). Also in pediatric practice it is used to treat children after 1 year. Every 2 hours 1 drop, but no more than 8 times a day.
  6. Albucid. Please note that Sulfacil sodium (pharmaceutical name of Albucid) is available in two concentrations: 20% and 30% solution. So, children under one year old use only 20% of the form. It is not recommended to start treatment with this medication, since a strong burning sensation occurs when instilled. The child does not forget the pain, so the second, third and subsequent burials will turn into torture for both the baby and you. The medicine is administered 1-2 drops up to 6 times a day.

Excellent remedy allowed from birth

It is recommended to lay an ointment at night, since the therapeutic effect of it is longer than that of drops. For the smallest, floxal ointment and tetracycline ophthalmic ointment are suitable (namely, ophthalmic, the one with a concentration of 1% of the substance).

When conjunctivitis is viral

Interferon is the protector of our body from viruses

Antiviral drops either contain interferon or a substance that stimulates its production. A group of these drugs acts as immunomodulators that relieve local inflammation. Some of them act as anesthetics (relieve pain). Interferon-based products stimulate the restoration of damaged tissues.

  1. Ophthalmoferon (based on alpha-2b recombinant interferon). Diphenhydramine and boric acid, which are part of the composition, additionally give an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect. Newborns can be treated.
  2. Aktipol (para-aminobenzoic acid). An interferon inductor, that is, it stimulates the production of its interferon. The instructions say that clinical trials on children have not been carried out, so the drug can be used in babies when the expected benefit outweighs the possible risk.

Drops with interferon are always stored in the refrigerator, therefore, before injecting into the conjunctiva, warm them in your hand to room temperature.

When conjunctivitis is allergic

If you suspect an allergy in a newborn, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only early detection of the allergen can significantly help the baby, because all antihistamines relieve only the symptoms, but do not remove the cause. Moreover, antiallergic drops have age restrictions:

  1. Cromohexal (cromoglycic acid). Applied to children after 2 years of age, but with caution.
  2. Opatanol (olopatadin). According to the instructions, it is allowed from the age of 3. And in infants, the effect of the drug has not been studied.
  3. Allergodil (azelastine hydrochloride). It is used in children from 4 years old.

Therefore, if you suspect a newborn has allergic conjunctivitis, give him an antihistamine, such as fenistil in drops for oral administration, and visit a pediatrician and, if necessary, an allergist.

About proper burial

  1. Newborns are allowed to bury their eyes only with a pipette with a rounded end.
  2. Place the baby horizontally on a flat surface. It is good if there is an "assistant" nearby, fixing the head.
  3. If the drops "live" in the refrigerator, do not forget to warm them up in your hand. You can check the temperature by dropping it on the back of your wrist. If there is no feeling of cold or warmth, proceed with the procedure.
  4. With pre-washed hands, pull back the lower eyelid and drop 1-2 drops into the inner corner. It is believed that only 1 drop of the solution fits into the conjunctival sac, the rest will go to the cheek. But, since the child often turns around and does not like such a procedure, manufacturers advise injecting 1-2 drops. Excess liquid is blotted with a sterile disposable napkin.

Become familiar with drip technique

General principles of treatment

  1. Almost all drops have a limited shelf life after opening. This must be monitored and not used after the expiration date.
  2. Even if one eye is affected, the medicine is instilled in both.
  3. It is important that the pipette does not touch the eye during instillation, otherwise it becomes infected.
  4. Even if the baby is closing his eyes, drip into the inner corner between the eyelids. When he opens his eyes, the medicine will still go where it needs to be.
  5. If there is a lot of pus or mucus in the eye, cleanse first, otherwise no drops will help: they will dissolve in a huge accumulation of bacteria. The eyes of children are washed with a warm decoction of chamomile, tea leaves, furacilin solution or ordinary boiled water, using sterile cotton wool.
  6. Frequent instillation during the acute course of the disease is due to the fact that with profuse lacrimation, the medicine is quickly washed out, which means that its action stops after half an hour. For this reason, it is effective to lay an ointment behind the eyelid at night: its action lasts until the morning.
  7. Treatment is continued for another three days after the symptoms have disappeared.

Chamomile, with its anti-inflammatory effect, is suitable for eye rinsing. To do this, prepare her broth


To get sick with conjunctivitis as rarely as possible, you need to follow simple rules of hygiene:

  • bathe and wash the child daily;
  • the room, toys, and bedding must be clean;
  • the newborn should have a personal towel, and a separate one for the face and for washing;
  • regularly wash your little pens with soap, in particular, after a walk; older children should be taught from an early age to wash their hands correctly;
  • regularly walk with the baby in the fresh air, the more, the better;
  • the products used, especially fresh fruits, are thoroughly washed;
  • baby food should be balanced and complete;
  • if possible, make sure that the child does not rub his eyes with dirty hands, especially when playing in the sandbox;
  • regularly ventilate and humidify the nursery;
  • do not contact sick children.

Needless to say, the treatment of children always requires a greater concentration of attention and efforts on the part of the parents. But conjunctivitis can be quickly overcome. Follow the doctor's recommendations, be patient, and the problem will be solved in 2-3 days.

Conjunctivitis belongs to the category of inflammatory diseases that affect the organs of vision. In the case of this disease, the mucous membrane of the eye is involved in the pathological process. Even if parents do their best to protect the newborn from adverse external influences and carefully monitor his health, they will still not be able to completely eliminate the risk of conjunctivitis - according to the average statistical data, more than 90% of babies experience the disease studied today during the first few months of my life.

As noted, conjunctivitis is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the eye. The disease can be infectious, allergic, and viral in nature. The order of actions in each of the listed cases will be different. About this in the table.

Table. Varieties of conjunctivitis

Disease typesKey features

With an infectious form of the disease, its characteristic signs first appear on one eye, and then, if timely measures are not taken to normalize the situation, they move to the other eye. The disease is accompanied by the formation of a relatively small amount of pus. Bacterial conjunctivitis is contagious and is easily transmitted in everyday life. It is treated with the use of antibacterial agents in the form of ointments and drops.

Both eyes are involved in the inflammatory process. There is a large amount of pus, mucus and tears are abundantly secreted. Allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious. It develops under the influence of external stimuli, for example, dust. In most cases, to normalize the baby's condition, it is enough to simply rid him of the influence of provoking factors. The need to take additional medications is established by the attending physician.

It develops as a complication of all sorts of colds. Viral conjunctivitis is contagious and is transmitted in the household. Treatment is carried out using special antiviral drugs.

On the need for conjunctivitis treatment

Some parents are frivolous about conjunctivitis, arguing that "everyone was sick with it and no one died." Of course, it is unlikely to reach a lethal outcome, however, along with this, in the absence of a timely and qualified response, the disease can lead to serious complications.

The task of the parent is to recognize in time the unfavorable changes in the state of his child. The difficulty at this stage is that the newborn cannot verbally talk about the sensations that bother him. The kid will cry, be capricious, rub his eyes. The latter point is very dangerous - regular mechanical irritation of inflamed eyes can provoke the occurrence of a secondary infection that affects already other layers of the eyeball and the cornea, which in the future can lead to loss of vision.

Provided timely and adequate treatment, conjunctivitis can be defeated in a short time with minimal losses. Do you want to save your baby from all sorts of complications? Refrain from uncontrolled self-medication, see your doctor and follow his instructions. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will carry out the diagnostic measures necessary for such a case.

Diagnosis before prescribing treatment

A pediatric ophthalmologist traditionally deals with the diagnosis of the disease under study.

There are no particular difficulties at the stage of diagnosis. In most cases, everything is limited to external examination. If there is a purulent form of the disease, a scraping or smear will be taken for laboratory research, the purpose of which is to determine the nature of the pathogen with the subsequent development of the most effective treatment for a particular case.

If conjunctivitis is allergic, additional tests and studies will be carried out to identify specific allergens.

Methods for treating conjunctivitis in a child

The order of treatment, as noted, will differ depending on the form of conjunctivitis. About this in the table.

Table. Treatment of various forms of conjunctivitis

Varieties of the diseaseTreatment methodsIllustration
Bacterial conjunctivitisLocal antibiotics are traditionally used for treatment. Among the ointments, Tetracycline is the leader, among drops - Levomycetin. Albucid can also be used.

If conjunctivitis develops as a complication of another disease, the treatment program is supplemented with drugs that are effective in combating the underlying disease.

Viral conjunctivitisMost often, the causative agents of this form of the disease are coxsacks, enteroviruses, as well as adenoviruses and herpes. With herpetic conjunctivitis, treatment in most cases is carried out with the help of Acyclovir or, for example, Zovirax. These are ointments. As for drops, high efficiency is noted when using Poludan, Trifluridine, Aktipol.
Allergic conjunctivitisIt is provoked by a variety of irritants, for example, food, household chemicals, medicines, or banally pollen and house dust. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine what exactly triggered the onset of this disease.

Treatment is carried out with drugs of anti-inflammatory and antihistamine groups. Traditionally, these are Dexamethasone, Olopatodin, as well as Allergodil, Cromohexal, etc.

Important notes about treatment

  1. Do not take any action before visiting your doctor. If in the near future it is not possible to consult a doctor, provide the child with basic first aid. For example, if there is a suspicion of conjunctivitis of a bacterial or viral nature, Albucid can be instilled into the eyes in accordance with the provisions of the manufacturer's instructions. For the rest, it is recommended to refrain from any amateur performances.

    Albucid - eye drops

  2. If the doctor has confirmed the presence of viral or bacterial conjunctivitis, in addition to the main treatment, every 2-2.5 hours it will be necessary to wash the eyes of the young patient with a solution of chamomile. Move, at the same time, from the outer corners of the eyes in the direction of the inner ones. To remove the crusts, use sterile gauze soaked in chamomile decoction. The next day, reduce the number of washes to three per day. If you have allergic conjunctivitis, you do not need to rinse your eyes.

  3. If only one eye is involved in the inflammatory process, the other still needs treatment. In the absence of such, the infection will very soon spread to a healthy organ. At the same time, each eye must be treated with a separate sterile napkin.

  4. You cannot apply a bandage to inflamed eyes - this way you will create conditions for the active reproduction of pathogens and cause serious damage to the eyes.

  5. Use only those medicines prescribed by your doctor, while observing the required frequency of use. For example, disinfectant drops in the early days of the disease are used at 2-3 hour intervals. Babies are usually advised to drip Albucid in the form of a 10% solution, for older babies - solutions of Levomycetin, Eubetal and other drugs.

  6. If the doctor prescribed an ointment (as a rule, these are funds based on erythromycin or tetracycline), the drug should never be rubbed into the eyes - it is in a small amount and is placed as carefully as possible under the lower eyelid.

  7. As the baby's condition improves, the frequency of treatment is reduced, on average, up to 2-3 times during the day.

    How to use drops correctly?

    In order for the drops to give a proper positive result, they must be used in compliance with a number of simple recommendations.

    Firstly, if the baby has not reached 12 months of age, it is allowed to use an exceptionally safe pipette for instillation - these are equipped with a rounded tip. Otherwise, you can harm the eyes of the baby, who will probably resist the procedures performed on him.

    Secondly, you need to properly lay the child. A flat surface should be used as the base. Do not use a pillow. Ideally, someone else will hold the patient's head.

    Thirdly, you need to know when to stop. A sufficient number of drops is indicated in the instructions - usually 1-2. Gently pull back the baby's lower eyelid and perform the procedure. The drug will spread independently over the eyeball. Remove excess with a sterile napkin. Remember: we wipe each eye with a separate napkin.

    You should not be nervous if the child closes his eyes and, in general, is dissatisfied with the instillation of the medicine, and certainly there is no need to forcefully open the patient's eyes. In a situation like this, you can simply drip the product between the lower and upper eyelids. Then you just have to wait until the baby opens his eyes and the medicine gets where it needs to be.

    If the medicine is stored in the refrigerator, warm it in your hand before instilling it - too cold liquid will lead to increased irritation.

    Possible predictions

    If the treatment of conjunctivitis is approached competently, professionally and, no less importantly, in a timely manner, the disease will pass quickly enough without any significant consequences, and the baby will fully recover.

    If you let the situation take its course, complications are more likely to arise. For bacterial conjunctivitis, these are systemic infectious diseases, for viral - similarly, for chlamydial, herpes, etc. - complications of varying severity, up to pneumonia.

    The best prevention is daily walks in the fresh air. The weather, however, does not really matter. During the day, ventilate the room with the newborn several times (just make sure that the child does not pass through). Do not touch your baby with dirty hands. The child should have his own towels, napkins and other similar things.

    Strictly observe hygiene and take proper care of your baby

    Exercise daily with your newborn. Gradually and carefully temper his body - recommendations on this matter will be given by the attending physician. That is, your task is to create all possible conditions for the baby to grow up healthy and strong.

    The main parting word is one: give up uncontrolled self-medication. Before prescribing any kind of drugs, the doctor will determine the nature of the origin of the disease. Otherwise, the drugs will at least not give any positive effect, as a maximum, they will provoke a significant deterioration in the child's health.

Many parents are often faced with the fact that their child's eyes are swimming and watery. When the baby wakes up, he cannot open the stuck eyelids, his mucous membranes of the eyes become inflamed. The child does not sleep well, becomes moody. The main cause of this problem is conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis can occur both in infants who have just left the maternity hospital, and in children who have long been at home. Very often, parents can confuse this disease with dacryocystitis in newborns or inflammation of the lacrimal sac, so you need to know about the symptoms of conjunctivitis, so as not with further treatment.

What it is

Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva.

Young parents sometimes do not take this disease seriously and try to cure it on their own, without going to a doctor, believing that it is. This is very dangerous, since the eyes of the baby can begin to fester, there is a high likelihood of complications in the cornea.

Types of conjunctivitis:

  1. Bacterial (purulent). Its appearance is provoked by staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli, gonococci or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bacterial conjunctivitis can develop under the influence of one pathogen or several at once.
  2. Viral. In this case, the causative agent is the herpes virus. This type of conjunctivitis lasts a long time, usually affecting only one eye. Bubbles appear on the eyelids.
  3. Chlamydial. Chlamydial conjunctivitis can affect one eye or both. Its acute manifestation with profuse pus usually falls on the fourteenth day after the child is born. If the baby is premature, then there is a risk of developing chlamydial conjunctivitis on the fourth day.
  4. Allergic. It can occur as a reaction of the child's body to any allergen. Allergic conjunctivitis is painful in three stages: acute, subacute, chronic.
  5. Autoimmune. Such conjunctivitis can be an independent disease or occur against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection. The conjunctiva turns red and swells, and swelling can appear on the eyelids. The child reacts sharply to light, tears flow from his eyes. Small blisters may form in the lower part of the conjunctiva.

How to treat such a pathology as dacryocystitis will tell this one.


Babies can get conjunctivitis if all the rules are followed and not only, even if the environment is completely sterile. Conjunctivitis can occur for a variety of reasons. Its course depends on the nature of the pathogen.

The most common causes of conjunctivitis in newborns are:

  • Reduced immunity;
  • Transfer of bacteria from the mother's body;
  • Infection through the birth canal with chlamydia or gonorrhea;
  • The mother has genital or oral herpes;
  • Poor hygiene
  • Contact with debris, foreign objects.

The health of the child directly depends on the health of the mother. A woman should think about cleanliness in advance so that the child does not catch any infection during the passage of the birth canal.


Conjunctivitis in infants is easy enough to identify. They are identical to the symptoms of the disease in adults. However, it is worth noting that babies react differently to conjunctivitis. They often begin to cry, be capricious, lose their calm, do not sleep well, become lethargic.

Most cases of infantile conjunctivitis are caused by viruses, bacteria, or allergens.

The main symptoms are:

  1. The eyes become red, the eyelids and conjunctiva are swollen.
  2. There is a fear of light, profuse lacrimation;
  3. Yellow crusts form on the eyelids;
  4. Pus is discharged from the eyes;
  5. The child does not eat well, does not sleep.

If pus is released from the eyes, then conjunctivitis is of a viral nature. If there is no pus, but the eyes are red and irritated, then conjunctivitis can be viral or allergic.

Read the reasons for profuse lacrimation from one eye.


D It is not difficult to diagnose conjunctivitis in infants. The clinical picture of the disease does not allow us to accurately establish the cause, so a smear or scraping is done from the surface of the conjunctiva. This biological material is stained and viewed under a microscope, or culture is made, which is then sent for laboratory examination of microflora. They also determine the presence of sensitivity or resistance to various antibiotics.

The results of laboratory diagnostics influence the choice of the method of treatment of conjunctivitis.

Additional methods for diagnosing infantile conjunctivitis are aimed at detecting antibodies in the blood that fight the causative agent of the disease.


Treatment in babies for conjunctivitis caused by bacteria should be carried out in several stages:

  • The first step is to remove the discharge from the conjunctiva from the eye. This is done by rinsing with a disinfectant solution.
  • After that, anesthetic must be instilled into the eyes. It will eliminate the syndrome of constriction of the eyelids and the fear of light.
  • At the final stage, drops or ointments with an antibacterial effect are used.

Features of the use of antibacterial drops will tell this.

Eye drops should be dripped seven to eight times a day for six days, then five to six times for three to four days, then two to three times will be enough until recovery. As for the ointments, they must be applied two to three times a day on the inner surface of the eyelids.

Only the doctor decides in what conditions to carry out the treatment (at home or in the hospital). It all depends on the type of disease, its severity, the age of the baby, and so on.

To remove pus from your eyes, you need to rinse them as often as possible. To do this, it is recommended to use furacilin or a solution of potassium permanganate. Rinse your eyelids with a rubber bulb. In the intervals between washing, drops are dripped every two to three hours, but ointment is applied overnight.

  • For the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis usually prescribed Albucid, and with antibiotics.
  • Viral conjunctivitis caused by herpes is treated with Trifluridine.
  • Antihistamines and anti-allergic drugs (Lekrolin, Cromohexal) are prescribed for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis.

A quick overview of antiallergic eye medications in this one.


Conjunctivitis leads to a decrease in immunity, which in turn affects the child's susceptibility to colds.

Colds are a triggering factor for secondary conjunctivitis.

Experts say that the most dangerous complication that conjunctivitis can lead to is damage to the inner layers of the eyes. It is fraught with loss of vision and cannot be cured. It should be remembered that conjunctivitis can impair the baby's eyesight, as well as cause lung disease. In extreme cases, you will have to apply.


Conjunctivitis is known to be transmitted by airborne droplets, so the main sources are air, the hands of parents or doctors, baby care items, and eye treatment solutions.

Prevention implies a number of activities that are carried out in maternity hospitals, antenatal clinics and at pediatrician appointments. The measures are aimed at the timely detection and treatment of infections in pregnant women, sterilization of the birth canal and preventive treatment of the baby's eye.



Conjunctivitis in infants responds well to treatment. The main thing is to consult a doctor on time and start treatment. This will prevent the occurrence of complications, which will then be very difficult to cure.

What other symptoms there are in children with conjunctivitis will tell.

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