Corrective exercises for slow children. Corrective and developmental exercises for developing attention - document


Target. Determining the child’s ability to act in accordance with instructions; consolidation of the concept of “size of objects” (large - small, larger - smaller).

Name the geometric shapes drawn in the squares on the left. “Move” them to the squares on the right as indicated by the arrow. Reduce larger figures and increase smaller ones.

Draw exactly the same shapes in the empty cells. What shapes do they consist of?


Target. Identification of the level of formation of shape perception, its ability to analyze the arrangement of figures in space. Development of stability of attention, purposefulness of activity. Activation of the dictionary.

    Look at and name the geometric shapes on the left side of the page. First name the smaller figure, then the larger one. For example, a circle in a square, a circle in an oval, an oval in a circle.

    You need to move each smaller figure to a new place - to the corresponding larger figures.


Target. Identifying children's ability to establish identity, similarity and difference in drawings. Development of visual analysis and observation.

Consider rugs. How are they similar? What is the difference? Draw the same rugs in the frames on the right.


Target. Identification of the level of formation of thought processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison. Development of visual and figurative representations, the ability to recreate the whole based on visual correlation.

“Repair” your pillowcase. From different pieces of fabric, choose one that suits the size, color and pattern.


Target. Identifying the ability to establish patterns, the ability to retain instructions and control one’s actions during work. Development of attention and visual memory.

Find a pattern in the image of objects. What should be shown in the empty cell?

Name the mushrooms. Which one is poisonous? Which mushroom should be drawn in the empty cell? Remember the sequence of drawings in each row. Cover the table with a sheet of paper. Fill out the table on the right from memory.


Target. Identifying the ability to visually perceive and differentiate colors, correctly name colors and shades, recognize and name geometric shapes, indicate their color and size; count geometric shapes, indicate their number; write a descriptive story.

    Consider the clown. What shape is the patch on his suit?

    Compare patches of the same color. What is the difference?

    Compare patches of the same shape. What is the difference?

Write a story about a clown.

Target. Determination of the purposefulness of perception, the nature of emotional reactions. Formation of the ability to establish the identity of objects based on visual correlation. Development of attention, self-control, speech.

“Look at the picture. Find in it the objects drawn in the cells, create a story based on the plot picture.


Target. Revealing the ability to search for patterns in the arrangement of well-known letters and numbers. Development of stability and concentration.

Identify the pattern in the same way as you did in the first task with letters. Draw the desired number in the empty cell.


Target. Identification of the maturity of the processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison. Development of the ability to reconstruct the whole based on visual correlation.

Consider a sample doll blanket. Ira collects the same blanket from scraps. What pieces of fabric should she sew onto it?

Choose markers of the desired color and fill the empty cells with drawings from the sample.


Target. Identification of features of visual perception, stability, concentration, attention span.

Friends went for a walk with their dogs, but the leashes got tangled. Determine whose dog is whose. Tell me the name of each boy's dog.


Target. Identifying the ability to establish patterns in the arrangement of drawings, retain instructions and control one’s actions during work. Observing the child’s activity (its pace, as well as dexterity and coordination of hand movements).

They lay out cards in front of the child, draw his attention to the alternation of drawings, and offer to continue the series.

Find a pattern in the arrangement of figures and objects and continue the series.


Target. Identification of the maturity of three-dimensional thinking, observation skills, and features of speech development.

The castle doors are locked with three locks. Help Puss in Boots find the keys for them. Remember the fairy tale. Tell us how the story ended for the Cat and his owner.


Target. Identifying the ability to establish patterns in the arrangement of figures, determining the ability to retain instructions, and the characteristics of self-control. (The task is completed at a certain pace, the presence of errors is noted.)

Find a pattern in the arrangement of the figures and continue the series.


Target. Determining the level of development of imaginative thinking, understanding the absurdity of the situation.

Look carefully at the picture. She is funny? Does this happen or not? Did the artist draw everything correctly?


Target. Formation of techniques of correlative and spatial analysis (technique of identifying elements of an object with subsequent correlation of their spatial arrangement), the ability to work in accordance with a model.

Draw a fox on the right, as shown in the example, and color the heroes of the fairy tale. What fairy tale are these characters from? Remember and tell the fragment of the fairy tale that is shown in the picture.


Target. Formation of the technique of combining two or more signs, development of visual-motor skills.

Find a butterfly that matches the color, shape and design in the empty square at the bottom of the page and draw it.


Target. Formation of techniques for analyzing observation and spatial analysis, development of the subtlety of analysis.

The student, while putting together a geometric pattern from individual squares according to the pattern, made mistakes. Review the student's work. Which squares are laid out incorrectly?

Choose from the proposed squares those that will allow you to correct the student’s mistakes.

Help: 1st type of help - divide the sample and the student’s work into four squares. To do this, connect the dots from top to bottom and from left to right.

2nd type of help - cut out the required squares and put them on the drawing in the place where the mistake was made.


Target. Formation of techniques for isolating the characteristics of an object and determining changing characteristics, developing the ability to arrange objects (objects) in a row according to any characteristic.

Look at the pictures. Name what changes from one drawing to another. Without breaking this condition, complete the row.

* Those signs that do not alternate, but change, children changearbitrarily, at your own discretion.


Target. Formation of the technique of correlative analysis, the ability to be guided in work by a model.

Find errors in the student's work. Trace them with a red pencil.

Look at the pictures. Complete the missing parts in each drawing so that they become the same. What did you get?*


Target. Formation of the technique of highlighting semantic supports in the task conditions, the ability to work according to multi-link instructions.

Color the flowers in the vase with different pencils so that in the middle of the bouquet there is a yellow flower, and the red one is between yellow and blue.

Draw the same figures below so that the square is between the rhombus and the triangle, and the circle is to the right of the rhombus.


Target. Formation of techniques for identifying and combining features.

Look at the rows of figures. In each row, some attribute changes from figure to figure. Name and write above the arrow the sign or signs that change.

Signs should be designated as follows: COLOR - C; SHAPE - F; SIZE - R; THICKNESS - T.


Target. Formation of the technique of perceiving an object as a whole, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, and understand the emotional states of people.

Define emotional condition people in each picture. Choose the appropriate word and complete the sentence.

Change each sentence as follows:

“Because Misha...., he...”.

Words for reference: 1) happy, upset, angry, angry;

    happy, upset, angry, angry;

    joyful, angry, angry, upset.


Target. Formation of synthesis techniquesobject (filling in missing linkswhole), perception of the object as a whole.

Look carefully at the picture. Guess what is covered in the picture with a sheet of paper. Explain your answer.

Make up a story based on the picture.


Target. Formation of a generalization technique based on identifying the features of a presented object (concrete or abstract), distinguishing between essential and non-essential features, and combining concepts according to an essential feature.

From six pictures, choose two that can be combined into a group and give it one common name. Explain your answer.

From six words, choose two that can be combined into one group based on an essential feature.

    frost snow ice autumn rain skates

    root word subject ending adjective rule

    stop bus wheel tram ticket driver

    sweet cunning bright red beautiful kind


Target. Formation of the technique of synthesis, perception of an object as a whole.

Look at the pictures. They depict the beginning and end of the story that happened to the boys. Think about what happened to the boys on the river. Draw the two missing pictures.

Read the beginning and end of the story. Complete its content very briefly so that it turns out to be a story. Write the story in your notebook.

Sasha and Kolya agreed to go to the cinema this weekend.

Therefore, Kolya stayed with Sasha and helped his friend.


Target. Formation of techniques for isolating and combining features, development of the ability to arrange objects in a row according to any feature.

Consider the rows of volumetric figures. In each row, some attribute changes from figure to figure. Name which feature changes from figure to figure, and what remains unchanged in each of the rows.

To depict the thickness of the figure, the child can be asked to useits schematic designation;* JKs * - fat figure; A> - slim figure,

For example:


Target. Formation of the technique of highlighting semantic supports in the task conditions, formation of the ability to establish cause-and-effect dependencies.

Read the problem. Underline only those with a red pencil
data in the condition that will be required to answer the
task question. Cross out the extra data with a blue pencil
from the condition.

Andrey, Igor, Seryozha and Vova participate in a running competition; Andrey runs after Igor. Igor runs slower than Vova. Seryozha runs quickly. Which boy is running ahead of everyone?

Using the drawing, solve the problem. Draw segments on the file,
showing how each of the boys ran. Remove from
file, a sheet of paper that covered the correct
answers and check your work.

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Target. Formation of the technique of considering an object from different points of view, the ability to highlight the hidden meaning of an expression, and understand the figurative meaning of proverbs.

    Read the proverbs. In every three proverbs, two are connected by a common meaning, and the third does not fit them. Find the extra proverb.

    Look at the pictures. Connect with arrows the picture and the proverbs that suit its meaning.

    The outfit is like a falcon, and the gait is like a crow.

    The eyes are eagle, and the wings are mosquito.

    And the sparrow does not live without people.

    A bee stings with a sting, but a man stings with a word

    One bee doesn't make much honey.

    You can't cover the whole field with one horse.

    If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

    A wolf is a stump for a cowardly bunny.

    Chasing two birds with one stone will not catch either one.


Target. Formation of methods of analyzing observation and spatial analysis (technique of identifying elements of an object with subsequent correlation of their spatial location), development of the subtlety of analysis.

Which parts in the picture on the right are located differently than in the picture on the left?

What squares should be used to replace the details in the pattern on the right so that the patterns become the same?

Help: divide the patterns into squares measuring 1.5 cm by 1.5 cm. Compare each element of the patterns separately and find the mismatched parts.


Target. Forming the ability to correctly use (use) prepositions denoting spatial relationships.

Show the kitten inside the closet, the dog behind the box and in front of the box, the lampshade above the table, the kitten under the chair, behind the closet, in the closet, on the chair, in the desk drawer.


    Where did the kitten hide? (In the closet, behind the closet, under the chair.)

    Where is the kitten sitting? (On a chair, in a drawer.)

    Where is the dog? (Behind the box, in front of the box.)

Make up phrases answering the question “Where is...?” For example: Kitty V closet.


Target. Formation of skills for isolating prepositions as independent separate words using a scheme.

I will read the prepositions, and you show me where the preposition man is (in box, under box, on box, behind box, comes out of the box).

Remember the preposition words “on”, “for”, “under”, etc. Make up a sentence with any preposition.

Target. Development of reading interest in six- to seven-year-old children in the process of global word reading, formation of interest in letters, development of memory, attention, preparation for analytical-synthetic reading. Consolidating the use of prepositions.

Help the bunnies hide from the fox. Draw a line from each bunny to the place where he wants to hide, according to the note he left.

PreliminaryJob. An adult reads the words on separate cards, having previously made photocopies of them from of this drawing. After reading the card out loud, the adult places it on the drawing, inviting the child to remember what is written on it. This is how each card is processed.

33 Target. Prevention of biography and dyslexia. youdrilling the correct image block letter Wednesdaydi pairs or rows of letters printed in mirror images.Activation of the lexicon.

Show the correctly typed letters by covering the mirror images with your finger in each pair or row. Come up with 2-3 words with each of these letters at the beginning of the word.


Target. Teaching children global reading of syllables and words. Development of memory, attention, interest in letters and syllables. Prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia. Development of logical thinking, visual and auditory attention, spatial perception. Working with isographs. Reading words written in different fonts. Recognition of objects represented by letters. Look at the pictures in order. Read the highlighted words. Match each picture with a corresponding sentence.


Target. Learning to compose a story based on a series of sequential pictures.

Look at the pictures. You can make a story out of them. The pictures are mixed up. Think and determine the sequence of events. Place the required numbers in the small squares. Read the sentence cards and think about which pictures they relate to. For which picture is the card missing? Make a sentence based on this picture.

Target. Exercises in highlighting and clearly pronouncing the first sound of words of different syllable structures. Expanding the stock of species concepts on the topic “Birds and Insects”, differentiating these generic concepts. Exercises in eliminating the 4th extra object, independent grouping of images according to the categorical principle (birds - insects).

Look at the pictures in the top row. Three of them are possible

combine into one group and call it a generalizing (general) word, and

the fourth is superfluous. Give a general word. Which subject

extra? Why?

Name each picture. Try to pronounce the word so that

the first sound in it was clearly audible. How are these words similar? Write

in a small square the letter C.

Look at the pictures in the second row. Divide all the pictures into two

groups: insects and birds.


Target. Learning to construct statements. Consolidating knowledge of the names of job duties corresponding to various construction specialties.

Read each card and match it with the corresponding picture. Tell us about the work of the plasterer, tiler, fitter, glazier, painter, whom you see in the pictures. How can we call all these professions in a general word?

Make sentences by combining cards with the names of construction specialties and cards with descriptions labor actions. Who should do what work?


Target. Learning to construct statements about the purpose of individual objects (from 2-3 sentences). Formation of the general concept of “medical supplies”, introduction of the exact names of objects into the active dictionary.

Look at the pictures. Tell me what medical supplies needed by the doctor, and which ones - nurse.


The doctor listened to the patient's heart and lungs. I measured the pressure with a tonometer. Then he measured the patient’s body temperature. (What happened next?)

The nurse took cotton wool, a pipette and eye drops. (What happened next?)

The doctor looked at the patient’s throat, found out what his temperature was, and ordered the nurse to urgently bring a syringe. (What happened next?)

Target. Study of impressive speech (understanding the meanings of words denoting objects and actions). Exercises in recognizing the position of sounds in a word.

Find pictures for the following words (objects and actions).

Ice drift, den, leaf fall, autumn, starlings, winter, wind, winter crops, field, haystacks, seedlings, ice floes, mushrooms, birdhouse, spring, rowan bunches, new settlers.

Blowing, rising, arriving, sleeping, floating, plucking, hanging, melting, turning green,

chirping, circling, hibernating, crumbling.

Name words with the sound [l] ([l"]). Determine its place in the word.


Develop agility, reaction speed, spatial orientation, coordination of movements, endurance, speed and strength qualities;

- consolidate skills in running, stepping, walking, jumping;

- to form interest, need and conscious attitude towards physical exercise;

- create conditions for positive interaction with peers.

Equipment: large balls, small balls, rope, Balloons, bags, inclined gymnastic boards.

Attributes: emblems for participants, medals, balloons to decorate the hall.

(the song “It’s Fun to Walk Together” sounds, the children enter into a festive

decorated hall in sportswear and line up in two lines)

Host: You can hold competitions both as a joke and seriously. That's what


- Never be discouraged! Give sports a hand!

Attention! Attention! We invite you to the competition!

We invite everyone to the sports festival! I suggest taking from

represents speed, resourcefulness, and courage.

Two teams arrived to us: “Well done” and “Dares”. Let's

let's welcome them.

(children read poems)

1. Everyone knows, everyone understands

It's nice to be healthy.

You just need to know

How to become healthy.

2. There is no better recipe in the world -

Be inseparable from sports.

You will live a hundred years

That's the whole secret!

3. Accustom yourself to order -

Do exercises every day.

Laugh more cheerfully

You will be healthier!

Presenter: - Today's competition will be judged by the jury in the following composition (I represent the members. For each won relay race - one point. The team that scores the most points wins.


(Each team puts its emblem on the board)

Relay 1

“Sack Run” - children take turns jumping in sacks to the finish line

“Hit the target” - children throw small balls at the target

(the jury sums up the results of the first relay and warm-up)

(music sounds and Carlson flies into the hall)

Carlson: - Hello, kids: girls and boys! I've been following you for a long time

I'm watching. How good you are at indulging! Me too

I love to play around, tumble and eat jam.

Presenter: - Hello, Carlson! The guys don't play around - they study


Carlson: - What is it like to play sports?

Presenter: - Now the guys participating in the competition will show you this.

Relay 2

“Who is faster” - children in pairs, holding hands, run, carrying air balloons

balls to the finish line, run around the cube and return to the team.

“Who can go down the slide faster” - children take turns sliding down the slope

bench down and return to the team.

(the jury evaluates the result of the second relay)

Carlson: - I brought with me delicious strawberry jam and riddles about sports.

Relay 3


1. They kick him, but he doesn’t cry,

They throw him - he jumps back. (ball)

2. This horse does not eat oats,

Instead of legs there are two wheels.

Sit on the horse and ride it.

Just steer better. (bike)

3.When April takes its toll,

And the streams run ringing.

I jump over it

And she through me. (jump rope)

4.Small in stature - but smart

(The ball) jumped away from me

Presenter: - While the jury members are evaluating the results of the relay, I invite the teams to measure their strength.

Relay 4

"Who is stronger"

(teams tug of war)

Carlson: - Well done guys!

Strong and brave

Dexterous, skillful.

Presenter: - We have one game,

You'll like her!

Come out to the site

Line up together in order!

Relay 5

"Pass the ball"

(teams line up in two columns and pass the ball over their heads first,

then between the legs)

Presenter: - And now I invite the jury to sum up the results of the relay race and invite the teams for the awards ceremony.

Presenter: - To become strong and dexterous, you need to do every day

exercise and exercise a lot, persistently.

(children read poems about sports)

1.Whoever is friends with exercises boldly,

Who will drive away laziness in the morning

He will be brave and skillful,

And have fun every day!

2. Sports, guys, are very necessary.

We are strong friends with sports:

Sport is an assistant,

Sport is a game.

To all participants -

(all children) physical education - hurray!

Carlson: - Goodbye, kids!

It's time for me to fly away.

Grape health to you,

Chocolate moods,

Strawberry joy,

Strawberry smiles!

Here's some strawberry jam for your tea! (flies away)

Presenter: - We had great fun,

We became very close friends,

We danced, played,

Everyone around became friends.

Be friends with sports

Jump, run.

And then you won’t care about boredom.

We are ending the holiday and wish you

Health, success and happiness in everything!

(children leave the hall to a cheerful sports march

Physical therapy courses

Teaching physical exercises and subsequent training of the patient is a pedagogical process, but its success depends not only on the qualifications of the exercise therapy instructor. Extremely important is the active participation of the patient himself, his conscious attitude to the use of exercise therapy, which plays a big role in achieving the final result. And this is why therapeutic physical culture differs significantly from other means of treatment and rehabilitation.

Exercise therapy is not only a therapeutic and preventive treatment, but also a therapeutic and educational tool that instills in the patient a conscious attitude towards the use of physical exercises, as well as active participation in the treatment and rehabilitation processes, which is based on training in physical exercises. Exercise therapy is indicated for almost all diseases and injuries.

The main means in therapeutic physical culture are:

Physical exercise;

Natural factors (sun, air, water);


Motor mode.

We offer sets of exercises for the most common diseases:

1 . Warm-up for 19 days for cerebral palsy

Exercises on a roller or ball.

A set of exercises on the back;

A set of abdominal exercises;

Exercises on the ball;

To develop the supporting function of the feet: reflex exercises;
- Exercise for 19 days for cerebral palsy.

2 .An approximate set of special exercises for bronchial asthma.

3 .Approximate complex therapeutic exercises for obese children (introductory period).

4 . Corrective exercises to normalize posture.

5 . A set of exercises for physical training minutes (FM):

FM to improve cerebral circulation;

FM to relieve fatigue from the shoulder girdle and arms;

FM to relieve tension from the muscles of the torso.

6 . Hygienic rules and rational mode of loading on the lower extremities for students with disorders of the formation of the arch of the foot

7 . Exercises used for scoliosis

8 . Exercises to develop and consolidate the skill of correct posture.

9 . Exercise to strengthen the “muscle corset”:

For back muscles;

For the abdominals;

For the lateral muscles of the trunk.

Expected results: increasing social adaptation and social-environmental orientation of a child with disabilities health.

^ Program effectiveness ratings: The effectiveness of rehabilitation courses.

Active participation of the child in activities.

Free, interested communication between children and each other.

Results of a comparative study, the degree of agreement between the expected and actual results.

Appendix No. 5

Physical therapy instructor classes

Warm-up for 19 days for cerebral palsy

On a wall bars or on a chair with a ladder instead of a backrest.

    Fix the child's hands on the rung of the ladder at chest level, placing his legs straight. Raise your right leg onto the first step and lower it, then raise it left leg onto the first step and lower it. (Start with 5 – 7 times, then increase to 10).

    Starting position - Fix the child’s hands on the rung of the ladder at chest level. Raise your right arm higher on the bar, then lift your right leg onto the first step of the ladder. Raise your left arm one step higher, then raise your left leg. Go up 3 steps. Then descend: first lower your right arm, then your right leg, then your left arm, then your left leg.

    Fix the child's hands on the rung of the ladder at stomach level. Place the child with his back to you and fix his knees. Fix your legs with your hand at the knee joint, making sure that your feet stand straight. Squat.

    Starting position – stand up straight, legs straight, arms along the body. Place the child with his back to you and fix his knees. "Forward bends."

    Starting position – stand up straight, legs straight. Adjustable step left and right up to 12 times.

^ Exercises on a roller or ball.

A set of exercises on the back.

First week.

    I.p. on the back, on a bolster. Circular rotations in the shoulder joint clockwise and counterclockwise. Also with the other hand (watch the position of the head and torso)

    I.p. on the back, on a bolster. Flexion and extension of the right arm at the elbow joint, head turned to the right. Also with the other hand, circular rotation of the arms at the elbow joint.

    I.p. on the back, on a bolster. Flexion and extension of the arm in wrist joint. Alternately left and right hands.

    Retracting the thumb to the side.

    Turn your palms up and down.

    I.p. on the back, on a bolster. Stretch your arms forward, tilt the roller forward so that your hands touch the floor, fix the open palm on the floor for 5-10 seconds, then return to the i.p.

    I.p. on the back, on a bolster. Arms to the sides, palms up, legs extended:

    Turn to the right, touch your right hand with your left hand

    To original position

    Turn left, touch your left hand with your right hand

    To the starting position. Sit down with support on the elbow, then on the hand.

A set of abdominal exercises

    I.p. on the stomach, on the bolster. Stretch your arms forward, tilt the roller forward so that your hands touch the floor, fix the open palm on the floor for 5-10 seconds, then return to the i.p.

    Starting position on your stomach. Arms under the chest, legs straight, imitation of “Brasso” arms.

    Starting position on the stomach “Boxing”.

    Starting position on the stomach “Fish”.

    Half push-up.

    I.p. (see point 1)

    Raise your head, touch your chin to your chest

    To original position

    Turn your head right and left

Exercises on the ball

second and third week.
1. I.P. kneeling on the floor in front of the ball, with your hands resting on the ball. Alternately, rising on each leg, stand on both legs, roll forward on the ball and return back to I.P.

2. I.P. lying with your stomach on the ball, hands supported on the floor. Rolling on your stomach back and forth, moving your hands along the floor. Return to I.P.

3. I.P. lying on your stomach on the ball, supporting yourself on your legs. Circular rotations on the ball, moving your feet along the floor - in one direction and the other.

4. I.P. "riding" on the ball. Rocking from side to side, with alternate support on each foot.

5. I.P. sideways on the ball, resting one hand on the floor. The adult is supportive. Roll back and forth, moving your supporting hand along the floor.

6. I.P. lying with your back on the ball, an adult supports you by your hands. The child pulls the body forward with the help of his hands. Return to I.P.

7. I.P. standing in front of the ball. Rolling the ball with one foot, the foot is on top. Keep your back straight. Repeat with the other leg.

8. I.P. sitting on the ball. Rotate your torso to the sides. The back is straight.

9. I.P. sitting on the ball. Bend to the sides, leaning on each foot in turn.

^ To develop the supporting function of the feet: reflex exercises

Use your index and middle fingers to grab your feet, and use your thumb to press down on the sole of your toes—this causes the foot to flex. Then move with pressure along the inner edge of the foot to the heel and along the outer edge - towards the little toe, the foot extends.

Acupressure of the foot: apply pressure with the tip of your finger at the transition point between the back of the foot and the lower leg. This causes dorsiflexion of the foot.

^ Exercise for 19 days for cerebral palsy

1. Exercises for stretching muscles: relieving muscle tension, preventing teratogenesis, expanding range of motion.

2. Exercises to develop muscle sensitivity; to generate force that makes it possible to regulate a certain area of ​​the muscle.

3. Exercises to improve the functional state of nervous tissue by training nerve sensitivity.

4. Mutual influence exercises to strengthen leading and antagonistic muscle groups.

5. Endurance exercise to maintain the efficiency of organ functioning.

6. Relaxation training to eliminate spasms, tension and cramps.
7. Walking training (for learning to walk normally).

8. Sensory training: exercises to stimulate the senses by increasing muscle sensitivity.

9. Incline climb exercises to improve balance and motor strength.

10. Resistance Exercises: Gradually increasing resistance training to develop muscle strength.

^ An approximate set of special exercises

for bronchial asthma.

    I.p. – o.s. Slowly raise your arms to the sides - inhale; lowering your hands, exhale for a long time while pronouncing the sound “sh w w.”

    I.p. – standing, clasp your hands around the lower part of your chest. Take a breath; as you exhale, slightly squeezing your chest, pronounce “zh” protractedly.

    I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the chest (fingers facing forward), move the elbows to the sides - back, pushing the ribs with the hands and pronouncing the sound “O”.

    I.p. – the same, but pull your shoulders back evenly – inhale, bring your shoulders together – exhale.

    I.p. – sitting, hands on your belt, move your right arm to the side – back, turning your torso to the right – inhale; return to IP - long exhalation. The same, but to the left.

    I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart; arms are spread to the sides, at shoulder level and pulled back as far as possible. Take a breath at the count of times; on the count of two, quickly cross your arms in front of your chest so that your elbows are under your chin, and hit your back hard with your hands, above the shoulder blades - exhale.

    I.p. – lying on your back; Place your hands, bent at the elbows, under your lower back. While inhaling, bend your back with support on the back of your head and elbows; as you exhale, return to i.p.

    I.p. - the same, but arms along the body. Spread your arms to the sides - inhale; pull one knee to your chest, clasping it with your arms - exhale slowly. The same thing, but on the other side.

    I.p. - the same, but take a breath; Raising your torso, bend forward, touching your forehead to your knees (with your hands reaching for your toes), exhale slowly.

    I.p. – the same, but raise your straight legs up – inhale; lowering your legs, sit down - exhale.

    I.p. – the same, but tightly clasp the lower part of the chest with your hands – inhale; As you exhale, squeeze your chest with your hands.

    "Diaphragmatic breathing." I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees; one hand lies on the chest, the other on the stomach. As you inhale, the abdominal wall rises up along with the arm; the hand lying on the chest remains motionless. As you exhale, the stomach retracts; the hand lying on him presses on his stomach. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth (lips folded into a tube).

    I.p. – lying on your stomach, arms along your body, alternately lifting your straight legs up: lift your leg inhale, lower it – exhale, do the same, but with the other leg.

    I.p. – emphasis lying on your stomach; arms bent at elbows at chest level. Extending your arms, lift your upper body and arch your back – inhale; will return to IP - exhale.

    IP - lying on your stomach, arms extended forward. Raise your straight arms and legs up – entrance; hold your breath and return to i.p. - exhale slowly.

    I.p. – o.s. Raise your shoulders; then, relaxing the muscles, lower them.

    I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, shoulder blades together. Then relax the muscles of the shoulder girdle and back and lean forward slightly.

    I.p. – sitting, hands on your belt, relax the muscles of your right arm and lower your arm. Relax the muscles of your left arm and lower it. Relax your neck muscles and tilt your head forward.

^ An approximate complex of therapeutic exercises for children suffering from obesity (introductory period).

    Walking with high knees, turning into easy running in place. Then walk again with a gradual slowdown in pace. Breathing is uniform.

    I.p. – feet width apart. Bend your head forward and touch your chin to your chest. Then tilt your head back until it stops.

    I.p. – feet hip-width apart, arms to the sides. Circular movements with straight arms, first in one direction, then in the other direction.

    I.p. – legs together, arms down. Raise both hands with fingers straight, raise your right hand higher than your left (pick an apple), then vice versa. Return to i.p. Breathing is voluntary.

    I.p. – legs wider than shoulders, hands on the belt. Rotations of the torso with the outstretched arm moving to the side - inhale, return to the i.p. - exhale.

    I.p. – legs wider than shoulders, arms hanging freely. Leaning forward, slide your palms down your legs - exhale, straightening up into a standing position. - inhale.

    I.p. - legs together, hands on the belt, squatting on your toes and spreading your knees to the sides, spread your arms to the sides - inhale, and straightening up, return to the standing position. - exhale.

    I.p. – sitting on a chair, legs wider than shoulders, hands on knees. Spread your arms to the sides - inhale, bend forward springily - reach your toes with your hands - exhale.

    I.p. – sitting on a chair, bend over, put your hands behind your head – inhale, lower your arms freely, tilt your head to your chest – exhale.

    I.p. – lying on the floor on your back, raise your straight legs to a vertical position. The pace is slow, breathing is arbitrary.

    I.p. – legs together, arms bent at the elbows. Run in place for 15-30 seconds, then switch to walking, gradually slowing down your pace.

(main period)

    Walking with high knees, turning into easy running in place. Then walk with a gradual slowdown in pace. Breathing is voluntary.

    I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Circular movements of the head to the right - left. Breathing is voluntary.

    I.p. – legs together, arms bent at the elbows. Raising your arms up, placing your foot on your toes, raise your head and bend over - inhale, bending your arms, return to the standing position. - exhale.

    I.p. – sitting on a chair, leaning back, vigorously draw in your stomach, then relax it. Breathing is voluntary.

    I.p. – place one leg in front of the other at a distance of a long step and bend it at the knee, raise your arms up. Tilting your torso slightly and at the same time lowering your arms forward, take them back - exhale, straightening your torso, raise your arms up - inhale.

    I.p. – lying on the floor, arms to the sides. Quickly raise your legs vertically up, and then, spreading your legs apart, slowly lower them to the sides, touching the floor. Breathing is voluntary.

    I.p. - lying on the floor, hands under your head. Inhale and raise your legs to a right angle without lifting your pelvis from the floor. Then slowly lowering your legs, make circular movements in the hip joints inward or outward - exhale.

    I.p. - sitting on the floor. Bend your torso forward, trying to clasp your feet with your hands. Breathing is voluntary.

    I.p. - lying on your back. Place a light toy on your stomach. Raise the toy as you inhale, and lower it as you exhale. Static diaphragmatic breathing.

Exercises to improve posture

1. I. p. - stand against the wall in the position of correct posture. After taking a step forward, maintain the pose for 2-3 seconds. Return to i. n. Check your posture. 8-10 times.

2. I. p. - the same. Step forward, arms to the sides. Squat down, arms forward. While sitting, move your arms to the sides and lower them down. Return to i. n. Make sure to maintain the correct position of the head, shoulders, abdomen, and pelvis. 8-10 times.

While doing exercises 1 and 2, you can put a book on your head.

3. I. p. - sitting on a chair. Raise your arms to the sides - up, bring your shoulder blades together. In this position, bend your arms, place your palms on your shoulder blades as low as possible. Extend your elbows as much as possible. Return to i. p. 10-12 times.

4. I. p. - o. With. Right hand up, left hand down. Bend your elbows and try to interlock the fingers of both hands behind your back. Return to i. n. Repeat the exercise, changing the position of your hands. 6-8 times with each hand.

5. I. p. - o. With. For each count, push your shoulders forward and back. 10-15 times.

6. I. p. - sitting on the edge of a chair. Rest your hands on the seat, elbows back. Bend strongly in the thoracic part of the spine, head back. Return to i. p. 10 times.

7. I. p. - kneeling position with support on hands, head down. On the count of one - bend over, head up, try to tighten the lower back muscles more strongly. On the count of two, bend your back, head down. 10-15 times.

8. I. p. - o. With. Place a book on your head and walk around the room with various arm movements (sideways, forward, up) with light and deep squats.

^ Target: Providing the necessary information to parents of children with disabilities.

Tasks: 1. With the help of medicinal physical culture, strengthen and maintain health at the proper level.

3. Monitor health status and conduct regulatory tests.

^ Inventory and equipment: Gymnastic sticks, gymnastic bandages and chairs, gymnastic bench, sandbag, gymnastic mat.

A set of exercises for physical education minutes (FM)

FM to improve cerebral circulation

    Starting position (IP) – sitting on a chair. 1-tilt your head to the right, 2-inc., 3-incline your head to the left, 4-inc., 5-tilt your head forward, do not raise your shoulders, 6-inc. Repeat 3-4 times. The pace is slow.

    I.p. – sitting, hands on the belt. 1 – turn the head to the right, 2 – i.p., 3 – turn the head to the left, 4 – i.p. Repeat 4 – 5 times. The pace is slow.

^ FM to relieve fatigue from the shoulder girdle and arms

    I.p. – standing, hands on the belt. 1 – right hand forward, left up, 2 – change the position of the hands. Repeat 3-4 times, then relax your arms down and shake your hands, tilt your head forward. Then repeat 3 - 4 more times. The pace is average.

    I.p. – standing or sitting, with the back of your hands on your belt. 1-2 – bring your elbows forward, tilt your head forward, 3-4 – elbows back, bend over. Repeat 5-6 times, then lower your hands down and shake relaxed. The pace is slow.

    I.p. - sitting, hands up. 1 – clench your hands into a fist, 2 – unclench your hands. Repeat 6-8 times, then relax your arms down and shake your hands. The pace is average.

^ FM to relieve tension from the trunk muscles

    I.p. – stand with your legs apart, hands behind your head. 1-5 – circular movements of the pelvis in one direction, 4-6 – the same in the other direction, 7-8 – lower your arms down and shake your hands in a relaxed manner. Repeat 4-6 times. The pace is average.

Corrective exercises to normalize posture

    Standing, heels together, toes apart, shoulders back, shoulder blades together, stomach tucked, chin raised.

    Walk as usual, watching your posture.

    Walking on toes, hands behind head.

    Walking on your heels, hands on your belt.

    Walk on the outer edge of the foot, fingers tucked, hands on the belt, elbows pulled back.

Exercises while standing

    Raise your arms up, moving your leg back, inhale, return to the starting position (main stance - exhale). Same thing with the other leg.

    Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, 1-2 – spread your elbows to the sides, bringing your shoulder blades together – inhale, 3-4 – starting position – exhale.

    Squat with a straight back on your toes (do not fall on your heels), spread your knees to the sides, arms forward or to the sides for a count of 1-2, for 3-4 slowly return to the starting position.

    Feet shoulder-width apart, hands to shoulders. Backward rotation of the shoulder joints.

    Feet shoulder-width apart, hands to shoulders. Tilt the body forward with a straight back.

    "Mill". Connect your hands behind your back (either the right or the left hand on top).

    Feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. Rotate your arms back.

    Raising straight arms through the sides up - inhale. Return to the starting position - exhale.

    Feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your back. Lateral tilts of the body to the side as you exhale.

    Walking on a bench standing on the floor or on the rail of an inverted bench, arms to the sides, a bag of sand on your head (weight varies depending on age and training level).

Exercise with a stick

    Raising your arms with a stick up while moving one leg to the side or back.

    Feet together, arms down, stick in hand. 1 – raise your hands with the stick up – inhale, 2 – lowering the stick, raise one leg bent at the knee, touch the knee with the stick – exhale, 3-4 – with the other leg.

    Feet shoulder-width apart, stick on chest: 1 – raise the stick up; 4 – starting position.

    Legs together, arms down, stick in hands: 1 – hands with a stick on the chest, one knee to the stomach; 2 – arms up, straighten the bent leg forward (raised above the floor); 3 – repeat the first position; 4 – starting position, the same on the other leg.

    The stick stands vertically, one end rests on the floor, at the other end of the hand. Squat supported on a stick with the knees spread, the back is straight, the heels do not touch the floor.

    The wand is on the floor. Roll on a stick from heels to toes, hands on the belt.

    Walking on a stick with an extended step (toes and heels touch the floor).

Exercise with a rubber band

    Standing on a bandage, hands with a bandage on the belt, self-extension (stretch the top of your head up).

    Standing on a bandage, feet hip-width apart, arms down, bandage in hands. Raising straight arms through the sides up (the bandage is taut) followed by lowering the arms.

    Starting position: standing on a bandage, feet shoulder-width apart, hands to shoulders. Rotation of the shoulder joints backward (bandage on the shoulder blades vertically).

    Squatting on your toes standing on a bandage, spreading your knees and raising your straight arms up.

    Bandage on the chest (one or two layers). Stretching the bandage on the chest while moving the elbows to the sides and bringing the shoulder blades together.

Note. To create a good muscle corset, it is advisable to use exercises in the starting position lying down:

a) on the back (to strengthen the abdominal muscles);

b) on the stomach (to strengthen the back muscles);

c) exercises with weights (lying) dumbbells; rubber band, gymnastic stick.

^ Hygienic rules and rational mode of loading on the lower extremities for students with disorders of the formation of the arch of the foot

(carried out at home under parental supervision)

    It is necessary to do a hygienic foot bath (36-37˚) at home every day.

    It is necessary to develop a gait without strong spread of the feet.

    It is useful to walk barefoot on loose soil and sand.

    Persons with a tendency toward flat feet should avoid prolonged standing (especially with their feet apart) and carrying heavy objects.

    If you need to stand for a long time, it is useful to transfer the load to the outer edge of the foot for a while.

Self-massage of the legs is recommended if there is a feeling of fatigue in the legs, or if there is discomfort in the muscles of the lower leg or foot. Massage mainly inner surface shin and plantar surface of the foot. The lower leg massage is performed in the direction from the ankle joint to the knee joint, and the foot massage is performed from the toes to the heel area. On the shin, the technique of stroking, rubbing with the palms and kneading is used, on the foot - stroking and rubbing (with the base of the palm, the back of the bent fingers).

^ Exercises used for scoliosis

Exercises to develop and consolidate the skill of correct posture.

    I.P. child - standing. Correct posture is ensured by touching the wall or gymnastic wall with the gluteal region, calves and heels.

    I.P. child - lying on his back. The head, torso, legs form a straight line, arms are pressed to the body. Raise your head and shoulders, check the straight position of your body. Return to starting position.

    I.P. Same. IN correct position press your lumbar region to the floor. Stand up and take the correct posture, giving the lumbar region the same position that was taken in the lying position.

^ Exercise to strengthen the “muscle corset”

For back muscles

    I.P. child - lying on his stomach, chin on the back of his hands, placed one on top of the other. Place your hands on your belt, raising your head and shoulders, bringing your shoulder blades together, but do not raise your stomach. Maintain the accepted position about the team.

    I.P. Same. Raising your head and shoulders, slowly move your arms up, to the sides and to your shoulders.

    I.P. Same. Raise your head and shoulders. Arms to the sides, clench and unclench your hands.

    I.P. Same. Hands under the chin. Alternately raising straight legs without lifting the pelvis from the floor. The pace is slow.

    I.P. Same. Hands under the chin. Raising both straight legs and holding them for 10-15 counts.

    I.P. Same. In pairs against each other, the ball in bent hands in front of you. Rolling the ball to a partner and catching it while maintaining an elevated position of the head and shoulders.

For the abdominals.

I.p. lying on your back, lower back pressed against a support (for all exercises).

1. Bend and straighten your legs at the knee and hip joints alternately.

2. Bend both legs, straighten them forward, and slowly lower them.

3. Alternately bending and extending the legs in a “bicycle” position.

4. Hands behind the head, alternately raising straight legs forward.

For the lateral muscles of the trunk.

    I.p. o.s. Raise your left hand up and take your right hand back, the same with changing hands.

    And about. O.S. Exercise "pump".

    I.p. O.S. Spring tilts alternately in different directions.

    I.p. lying on your stomach. Arching of the back. Left hand up, right back. Then change hands.

    I.p. lying on your right side, straight right arm raised up, left hand located along the body. Keeping your body in a position on its side, lift and release your left leg, and do the same while lying on the other side.

    I.p. sitting on all fours. Arching of the back. Left arm up, right leg extended back. Repeat with alternating arms and legs.

^ Efficiency mark.

Strengthen and maintain health, monitor health status. Take a course of physical therapy two or three times a year, and more if necessary.

Appendix No. 6



Objectives of massage. Help strengthen the muscles of the arch of the foot, relieve existing fatigue in individual muscle groups, and strive to reduce pain. Restore the function of the foot and its spring properties.

Methodology. The patient's position is lying on his stomach, then on his back. Begin the massage from the thigh area, then massage the lower leg and ankle joint. The following techniques are used: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration. Particular attention should be paid to the anterior and posterior surfaces of the lower leg muscles, then directly to the arches of the foot. The following techniques are used: rubbing, pressing, sliding. Massage must be combined with corrective gymnastics, special exercises for development - such as riding a bicycle, the pedals of which have a cone-shaped roller designed to form the arch of the foot. Also useful are swimming, walking on sand, pebbles, rope climbing, special exercises - squeezing the toes into a “fist”, clapping the soles, shifting small objects with the foot, squeezing a rubber bulb with the foot, lifting a ball, medicine ball, various types of walking with an emphasis on installation stop. At the end of the massage, passive and active movements should be combined. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

The course of treatment is 12-15 sessions, preferably every other day.

It must be remembered that flat feet will progress if no measures are taken, but this can be avoided and even in advanced cases can be completely cured. In children, flat feet usually develop slowly, and they do not particularly complain of pain in the feet, therefore, in order to prevent the development of more severe deformities, it is necessary to periodically examine children’s feet and, if signs of flat feet are detected, consult a doctor.


Objectives of massage. Promote relaxation of muscle hypertonicity, sedative effect on hyperkinesis of individual muscle groups; stimulation, toning the function of paretic muscles; reduction of vegetative and trophic disorders; improvement of the general - child and improvement

Depending on the form of the disease, the therapeutic massage specialist chooses the most effective type of massage. Thus, to relax muscles, techniques such as stroking, shaking, felting, and light labile vibration are used. In order to stimulate individual muscle groups, deep continuous and intermittent stroking with fingers, combs, rubbing with weights, comb-like, effleurage, forceps-like kneading, shading, planing are used.

When performing segmental massage, all techniques of paravertebral influence are used. The massage plan is based on a general treatment option: back, collar area, peri-scapular area, upper limbs, lower limbs. Massage of the arms and legs always begins with the overlying areas, i.e. shoulder, forearm, hand and thigh, lower leg, foot.

The main thing in performing a massage is to use all techniques selectively, taking into account the clinical characteristics of the patient’s condition. All special medications and carry out thermal procedures Before the massage, for all types of massage, take into account the possible posture of the patient. A course of classical massage - 25-30 procedures, segmental massage - 10-15, linear - 10-15, and acupressure - 20-25 procedures. All types of massage must be combined with special exercises during individual lessons with the child.


Objectives of massage. Increasing the overall tone of the body; normalization of the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems; formation of correct posture; helping to strengthen the muscles of the body, developing a muscle corset.

The position of the patient is lying on his stomach (the massage therapist is on the right), lying on his back (the massage therapist is to the left of the patient) or lying on the opposite side of the thoracic scoliosis (the massage therapist is behind his back). In case of double curvature of the spine in different parts, the technique is divided (conditionally) into 4 parts, and is approached differently in each specific case.

Methodology. The patient lies on his stomach, the massage therapist stands on the side of the thoracic scoliosis (Fig. 179). First, general stroking of the entire surface of the back is carried out (planar, grasping, rake-like, ironing), then a sedative, relaxing effect is applied to the upper part of the trapezius muscle (stroking, rubbing with fingers - circular, labile continuous vibration), rubbing, kneading, vibration elevation in the area of ​​thoracic scoliosis (comb-like rubbing, effleurage, chopping, pincer-like kneading along the long back muscles); all techniques for the purpose of toning and stimulation should be carried out locally. After this, the area of ​​the lumbar concavity is massaged (all techniques for relaxation, stretching, sedative effects - stroking, rubbing, vibration only labile, continuous).

The patient turns on his left side. In this position, techniques of pulling the right iliac crest are used. After this, the patient lies on his stomach. Continue massaging the scoliosis area in lumbar region, in the area of ​​the convexity (all methods of stimulation, toning - kneading, intermittent vibration, all varieties to strengthen the muscle roll). Then the subscapular region (left shoulder blade) is relaxed and stretched, paying attention to the intercostal spaces (rake-like stroking, rubbing, labile vibration), pulling the left corner of the shoulder blade away from the concavity of the spine, stimulating and toning the shoulder girdle, the muscles above the left shoulder blade, the upper part of the trapezius muscle (rubbing, kneading, intermittent vibration, as well as shock techniques).

The patient turns over onto his back. In this position, massage the anterior surface of the chest.

In the subclavian and supraclavicular areas, as well as in the area of ​​the pectoral muscles on the left, all techniques are used to stimulate and strengthen the muscle corset (rubbing, kneading, intermittent vibration, shock techniques). In the area of ​​the anterior costal hump (protrusion), techniques are performed with pressure on

this area with posterior movements, alignments; massage manipulations for the purpose of stimulation, toning. On the front abdominal wall, abdominals all methods of stimulation and toning are performed (comb-shaped rubbing, kneading, intermittent vibration, shock). On the upper part of the pectoral muscles on the right, all techniques are performed to relax and pull the shoulder back, aligning the planes of the shoulder girdle levels. The massage is completed by general stroking of the entire back and shoulders.

Methodical instructions. Do not apply hard pressure techniques in the area of ​​sunken ribs and muscles. Strive in the technique to create symmetry of the body. Use passive correction techniques. With practice, the massage therapist can massage specific areas at a time, using both stimulation and relaxation techniques. This type massage is an important corrective method and an additional method in combination with other types of treatment. Procedure time - 20-30 minutes. The course of treatment is 20-25 procedures.

Slowness is not some kind of illness or disadvantage, but, as a rule, it causes a lot of trouble for children and their parents.

Once I witnessed such a scene in the second-graders’ locker room. The confused little boy is trying to get dressed, and the irritated mother hovering over him shouts menacingly: “Well, what is this, why are you digging around?! Everyone has already left, and you are as always... So, two more minutes, and I’m leaving!” The completely frightened boy, now not even able to put his foot in his boot, begins to cry bitterly, which finally brings his mother to exhaustion. It's sad, isn't it?..

Slowness is a developmental trait nervous system, which, however, if you make an effort, can be corrected in childhood. It is necessary to train the mobility of nervous processes in slow children. There are many different well-known games for training slow children.

Within the framework of this material, an attempt has been made to systematize games and exercises for the development of the mobility of nervous processes, which are successfully used in our educational institution, in particular in physical education lessons in primary school.

I. Games with changes in the tempo of movements
Name of the game Content


Children walk in a circle, changing the speed of movement according to pre-determined signals from the teacher (leader). Walking - running - slow walking.

"Catch up with your rivals"

Children line up in two columns opposite each other on different sides ah platforms. At the teacher’s signal, children perform tasks in a certain sequence: walking at a side step along the line of the hall, rapid walking, slow running, walking with hops and normal walking. In the process of completing tasks, each column tries to catch up with each other; the one that succeeds wins.

"Clap - top"

In this exercise, children need to clap their hands and stomp at different speeds, changing the tempo according to the teacher's signal.

"Funny Fingers"

In this exercise, children must bend and straighten their fingers at a certain pace following the teacher.

"Open - squeeze"

Students hold their hands clenched into fists in front of them, and then, with the words: “Open the windows, let in the light,” they sharply unclench their fingers.

II. Games with the fastest possible movements

"Pass the ball"

Sitting on chairs or standing in a circle, the players try to pass the ball to their neighbor as quickly as possible without dropping it. You can throw the ball to each other as quickly as possible or pass it, turning your back in a circle and putting your hands behind your back. You can make the exercise more difficult by asking children to play with eyes closed or using several balls in the game at the same time.

"Pass the ball"

Children stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands below, with a ball in one of them. At the signal, teachers quickly transfer the ball from one hand to the other in front and behind them.

"Bring the Flag"

Children stand at one end of the hall, and at the other end there are stands (according to the number of children playing) on ​​which flags lie. At the signal, children run to the counters, take the flag and return to their places. The one who ran first gives the signal for the next “race”.

"Push - Turn - Catch"

Children play in pairs, being at a distance of 3-3.5 m. One child stands, the second squats with a ball in his hands. The person sitting pushes the ball across the floor to the person standing, then quickly gets up, turns around and catches the ball thrown to him by the standing child. At the teacher's signal, the children change places.

"Wrappers" -1

Take a long rope, at least 5 m, and mark its middle with a knot. Players stand on opposite sides of the rope and secure the ends to their belts. At the teacher’s signal, the children begin to spin in place, twisting the ends of the rope around themselves until they meet. The one with the knot on his belt wins. You can wrap the rope not around your belt, but around your wrist.

"Wrappers" -2

The middle of the rope is also marked with a knot, each end is tied to a stick slightly thicker than a pencil. The two players separate, stretching the rope. At the teacher’s signal, everyone begins to wrap the rope around a stick. The one who winds the most rope wins.

Several lines parallel to the wall are drawn on the floor of the hall at a distance of 30 cm from one another. Children stand in front of the first line to the wall and throw the ball against the wall, catch it and move to the next line. Then they throw and catch the ball in the same way, gradually retreating from the wall. The winner is the one who catches the ball furthest from the wall. You can make the game more difficult by increasing the number of times you throw the ball against the wall.

“Catch the ball, don’t drop it”

Several children stand at the center line. They throw the ball up and catch it, and then hit the ball on the ground and catch it again. Then they throw the ball up again and, making a clap, catch it. Each exercise is performed moving one step forward. If the ball falls, the child returns to the center line and starts the exercise again. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line faster, the distance to which is 5-8 m

III. Games for developing internal inhibition

Relay races

(Aimed directly at training retarded braking: children are divided into two or three groups, the first (captains) from groups (teams) run the first distance, they are replaced by the second, running the second distance, etc. A variety of options are possible here, it is important that each next one waits for his turn at the end of the distance, i.e., he trains delayed braking.)

Run while dribbling the ball in front of you

Run while dribbling the ball in front of you; Having reached the wall, hit the ball against the wall 5 times and dribble the ball back to the next team member.

Run while snaking a wooden cube using a hockey stick.

Run, hitting the balloon with a stick, not letting it fall to the floor.

Run (jump) with a balloon (ball) clamped between your legs.

Crawl by moving a table tennis ball by blowing on it.

Run while holding a spoon with a table tennis ball in your mouth.

"Skiers". Go the distance like a skier, using two pieces of fabric for your skis.

"Grandmothers-hedgehogs." Run a distance wearing a skirt, a scarf and holding a broom (long stick) between your legs. The baton is passed on by dressing the next participant (the child should not dress himself).

"Cleaning". The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, holding it with his hand, and holding a mop in the other hand. In this position, he covers the distance, pushing a small “garbage” object in front of the mop, and transfers his attributes to the next one.


In this game, students will be a mirror, that is, they will repeat all the movements of the teacher (leader) standing opposite. The teacher makes a wide variety of movements, sometimes speeding up and sometimes slowing down. Children repeat them exactly, at the same speed.

"Prohibited Movement"

Children stand facing the teacher (leader). To the music, at the beginning of each measure, they repeat the movements shown by the teacher (leader). Then one movement is selected that cannot be performed. The one who repeats the prohibited movement leaves the game. Instead of showing the movement, you can say the numbers out loud. The participants of the game repeat in chorus all the numbers except one, which is forbidden. When the children hear it, they will have to clap their hands (or spin around in place).

"Players Without a Place"

All children, except one (the driver), sit lengthwise on gymnastic benches, installed in one row, and count on the first - second, forming two teams. The driver stands in front of them and shows different movements (claps his hands, bending forward, bending and straightening his legs, etc.), which are repeated after him by those sitting on the benches. Before the start, prohibited movements for each team are specified. For example, for the first command, the “hands up” movement is prohibited, and for the second, “Hands forward” is prohibited. Players carefully monitor the actions of the driver. As soon as he shows one of the prohibited movements, the players of the corresponding team quickly get up, run along the benches, and the driver runs with them, run around them, return and sit in the empty seats. The one who is left without a place becomes the driver. The game is repeated 3-5 times. At the end, players who have never been left without a place are noted.


Children jump to the beat of the music (legs to the sides - together, accompanying the jumps with clapping overhead and on the hips). Suddenly the music stops. The players must freeze in the position at which the music stopped. If one of the participants fails to do this, he is eliminated from the game. The music sounds again - those remaining continue to perform the movements. They play until there is only one player left in the circle. Music can be replaced by a teacher's signal (whistle, clap).


Children stand facing the leader. To the music, at the beginning of each measure, they repeat the movements shown by the teacher (leader). Then one movement is selected to be replaced with another movement. For example, if the leader crouches, the children should jump, if he jumps, sit down. The rest of the movements are copied. Each time new movements are subject to replacement.

"Do the opposite"

The teacher, showing the movements, also gives verbal commands: Faster! Slow down! Quiet! Louder! At first, children must strictly follow directions.

Then the tasks change. Hearing “Faster!” – children should slow down, “Slow down!” – on the contrary, speed it up, “Hush!” – clap and stomp as loudly as possible, “Louder!” - clap and stomp as quietly as possible.


All players walk in a circle, holding hands. At the teacher’s signal (this could be a whistle, clap, or some word), the children stop, clap their hands 4 times, turn around and go the other way. Anyone who fails to complete the task is eliminated from the game.

"Simple Arithmetic"

Children line up one at a time. The teacher (leader) names different numbers one after another, and the students after each number name the next one in order. If this number contains “0”, you should put your hands on your belt, if “00” - stretch your arms forward, “000” - sit down. For example: 29/30 – hands on the belt; 99/100 – hands forward; 1999/2000 – squat. Players who made fewer mistakes are noted. This exercise is also aimed at developing attention.

"It flies - it doesn't fly"

The teacher says to the children: “If I name someone who can fly, for example, a dragonfly, then raise your hands up and say in unison: “Flies!” If I name a flightless animal, for example, a dog, be silent and do not raise your hands.”

Camel! Etc.


Children stand in a circle. At the pace set by the teacher, they clap their hands, but not together, but one after the other, clockwise.

At the teacher’s command “Hop!” The claps should be beaten in the opposite direction, counterclockwise.

The pace may vary during the exercise.

"Fishing rod"

Children stand in a circle. The teacher is in the center of the circle and rotates the rope (jump rope) on the floor around him. Children jump over it, trying not to touch it. The child who is touched by the rope is eliminated from the game.

"My house"

On the floor of the hall there are hoops in a random order, the number of which is equal to the number of children playing. There is a child in each hoop. At the first signal from the teacher, children jump out of the hoops and perform voluntary movements. At this time, the teacher removes one hoop. At the second signal, children perform motor tasks in a certain sequence: walking with an extended step in a circle, race walking with a change in hand position, etc. When the teacher commands “Everyone to the house!” Children must quickly jump into any hoop. Those who do not have time to take the hoop are eliminated from the game.

"Sparrows and Crows"

4 parallel lines are drawn on the floor: two middle ones - at a distance of 1-2 m from each other and two extreme ones - at a distance of 8-10 m from them. The players are divided into two teams and positioned along the middle lines with their backs to each other, taking a low start position. The players of one line are “sparrows”, the other are “crows”.

The teacher names one of the teams - for example, “sparrows”. At the same time, the “sparrows” quickly turn and catch the fleeing players of the other team – the “ravens”. You can only catch those who have not reached their end line. When the whistle blows, the team teachers return to their seats. Caught players move to the opposing team.

The teacher names one or the other command in any order. At the same time, he pronounces the first two syllables drawn out, and the last one abruptly: “vo-o-o-ro-o-NY”, “vo-o-o-ro-o-BYI”. Until the teacher finishes the word, players do not have the right to run away or turn around. The team that captures the most players wins.


  1. Beysova V.E. “Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation and correctional and developmental work at school” - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2008.
  2. Bean J., Oldfield A. “The Magic Pipe” - M., “Terevinf”, 2000.
  3. “Be friends with sports and games. Supporting a schoolchild’s performance: exercises, games, performances” / comp. G.P. Popova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.
  4. Koltsova M.M. “Slow Children” - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2003.
  5. “Handbook for physical education teachers” / Ed. Prof. L.B. Kofman; Auto-comp. G.I. Pogadaev. – M.: Physical culture and sport, 1998.
  6. Solovyova N.I., Chalenko I.A. “Scenarios for sports and theatrical holidays” (Series “Healthy Lifestyle”). – M.: School Press, 2008.
  7. Chalenko I.A. Modern physical education lessons in primary school. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2003.

Article on the topic: "Corrective exercises for developing attention"

The level of development of attention largely determines the success of a child’s education at school. In a preschooler, involuntary attention predominates; the child cannot yet control his attention and often finds himself at the mercy of external impressions. This manifests itself in rapid distractibility, inability to concentrate on one thing, and in frequent changes of activities.

By the beginning of school, the child gradually develops voluntary attention. It develops intensively if adults provide help to the child. The development of voluntary attention is closely related to the development of responsibility, which presupposes the careful completion of any task - both interesting and uninteresting.

Voluntary attention develops gradually, as its individual properties develop, such as volume, concentration, distribution and switching, stability.

Exercises to develop attention

1. Decipher the words and write them down without errors:

a. Avorok, aloksh, kinechu, adogop, alkuk, telomas, anisham, rofotevs, ilibotva.

Corrective test. Determining the amount of attention (norm: 600 characters - 5 errors). On the form with letters, cross out the first row of letters. Your task is to cross out the same letters as the first ones, looking through the letters from left to right. You need to work quickly and accurately. Operating time – 5 minutes.

For example:


3. Find the words that are “hidden”:


4. Separate the words that are “stuck together”:


5. Cross out repeated words:


6. Arrange the numbers in ascending order:

a. 5, 8, 6, 4, 12, 7, 2.0 ,8 ,10 ,4 ,3 ,2 ,0, 5, 2, 8, 5, 7, 18, 22, 11, 16, 8, 13, 6, 19, 21, 15, 17, 30, 27, 32, 18, 8, 7, 4, 42.

The game “What was removed from the table and what was added?” There are 10 school supplies on the table. Assignment: “Look carefully and remember the objects lying on the table, their location (1-2 minutes). Close your eyes". At this time, the teacher removes (or adds objects) or changes their location. Then asks them to open the words and write down all the changes that they noticed (or write if the game is played with the class). The game is made more difficult by adding the number of items to remember and increasing the actions with them.

8. Game: “Find errors in the examples.”

10-7=2 3+5-3=4 10+2-9=3 15-6+2= 9

Spell for self-confidence

Article on the topic: "Tasks for developing attention"

Attention is one of the most important qualities, thanks to which we can learn and learn something new. Initially, children have only involuntary attention, they are not yet able to control their attention, they are easily distracted by everything new, bright and are completely under the power of external impressions. It is under no circumstances recommended to let the development of voluntary attention in a child take its course. Attention exercises will help you solve problems with concentration and switching attention in children from 5 to 9 years old. 1. Tasks for finding and completing missing details In tasks for the attention of this group, the child must look at several pictures proposed on the form and complete each of them so that all the pictures become completely identical. 2. Tasks to find a common feature in a depicted group of objects. Attention games for children in this subsection contain tasks in which the child analyzes groups of objects combined based on a common feature. The child must identify this sign. Attention exercises of this type also develop logical thinking in preschoolers. 3. Tasks to find an object by its shadow In exercises to develop attention in children of this group, the child is asked to correlate a number of objects and their shadows. Those. for each object he must select the corresponding shadow. 4. Find the difference games. Find the differences in the pictures In the attention tasks of this subsection, the child is tasked with finding all the differences between two similar pictures. This section will please those adults who ask the following search queries for children: find the differences games, find the differences games, find the differences online, find the differences pictures, etc.

5. Game “Guess what I see” Agree with your child that you will look at something, and the child must guess what exactly you are looking at. Then switch roles. You can play this game anywhere, even at home, even on a walk. If several children participate in the game, then each one takes turns looking at something, and the rest guess. 6. Game “Observer” This game can be played both at home and on the street. If you and your child are in a room, ask your child to look around and name all the round objects in the room, then all the red ones, then all the hard ones, and so on. For three-year-old children, the signs by which he needs to name objects should be very simple, for example, only by color or shape. The older the child, the more complex the signs may be. Five-year-old children can already be given tasks to name all the smooth objects in the room, all the rough ones, all the wooden ones, all the plastic ones, all the soft ones. During a walk, you can ask your child to name everything he sees on the street, and only then give him tasks to name objects based on some characteristics.

Voluntary attention can and should be trained using volitional efforts.

1. Try to find interest in each subject (academic topic). It is interest that helps maintain sustained attention.

2. Try to work in a familiar environment: a permanent and well-organized workplace significantly affects the stability of attention.

3. If possible, remove strong irritants from your environment. You can probably tune them out, but is it worth the time?

4. Find out what weak stimuli (quiet music, for example) help you maintain attention and performance.

5. Attention depends on the correct organization of activity: 50 minutes of work, 5–10 minutes of break, after 3 hours of work, 20–25 minutes of break. It is better if the rest is active.

6. If the work is monotonous, try to diversify it and (or) introduce game moments, elements of competition. This will allow you to maintain concentration without unnecessary volitional efforts.

7. Take into account the individual characteristics of your attention (features of distribution, switching, etc.) when organizing any activity. Knowledge of potential “weak points” and additional control allows you to avoid mistakes, which is important in the work of a teacher.

Attention is a cognitive mental process through which, in the process of cognition of the surrounding world, it allows a person to focus consciousness on objects that have a certain significance for him. The development of attention in children is especially important.

1. During lessons, children are required to quickly switch attention from one type of activity to another. This property of attention can be developed with the help of motor exercises. Students can perform and complete their actions on command, quickly moving from one type of movement to another (use physical minutes): walk, jump, stop.
