Outline of a lesson in mathematics (middle group) on the topic: outline of nodes on femp in the middle group “geometric figures. comparison of objects by width and height

“Journey to the land of geometric shapes” Lesson on FEMP in middle group using
multimedia support.

Author: Likhovskikh Ruzigul Gardulloevna teacher of the KGKOU orphanage 18 p. Otradnoye, Vyazemsky district, Khabarovsk Territory.

When working with children, the use of multimedia technologies (color, graphics, sound, modern means video technology) allows me to model various situations, activate cognitive activity pupils and enhance the assimilation of the material. Application of information technologies in preschool educational institution possible and necessary, it helps to increase interest in learning and develops the child comprehensively. The clarity of the material increases its absorption, because All channels of perception of children are involved - visual, mechanical, auditory and emotional.
The use of multimedia accompaniment in mathematics classes ensures the activity of children when examining, examining and visually highlighting the signs and properties of objects; methods are formed visual perception, surveys, identifying qualitative, quantitative and spatiotemporal characteristics and properties in the objective world. Formation of elementary mathematical representations occurs on the basis of the construction and use of visual models by children. The use of new unusual methods of explanation and reinforcement, especially in game form, increases children's involuntary attention, helps develop voluntary attention. Information Technology provide a person-centered approach.

Program tasks:
1. Familiarization with volumetric geometric shapes;
2. the ability to compare objects by size, distinguish between three-dimensional and flat geometric shapes; cube, cylinder, cone, etc. square, triangle, circle, etc.
3. Formation of visual perception, examination, identification of qualitative, quantitative and spatio-temporal signs and properties in the objective world.
4. Development of visual attention and visual memory.
5. Replenishment of vocabulary.
6.Cultivate an interest in mathematics and a desire to work in a team.
Demonstration; educational video “Chuk-Chuk the train and geometric shapes”
Dispensing; volumetric, plastic geometric shapes (you can make shapes from paper); A-4 sheets of paper, pencils.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, today we, together with the Chukh-Chukh train, will go on a journey to the land of geometric shapes, the journey will be interesting and exciting. And you look carefully and try to remember everything that the train will show you.
- So, let's begin our journey...

Did you enjoy the journey with the Chukh-Chukh train?
- Now let's see how attentive you were during the trip.
- Please note that in front of you there are geometric figures the same as those transported by the train.
- Show and name the figures that the Chukh-Chukh train transported? (cube, cuboid, pyramid, cone, cylinder, ball, torus, prism)
- What are all these geometric shapes called and why? (three-dimensional figures, because they have volume, i.e. they take up space in space).
- Let's see what happens if we circle the base of each volumetric figure on a piece of paper. What are the names of the figures drawn on paper? (flat figures; cube-square, cuboid-parallelepiped, pyramid-square-triangle-polygon, cone-circle, cylinder-circles, prism-triangle-polygons).
- Please show me the pyramid and the cone. What is the difference? (a pyramid has a base of a square, a rectangle, a triangle, a polygon, and a cone has a base that is always a circle and has no edges).
- What are their similarities? (both the pyramid and the cone have a base and an apex).
- Who will show me the ball? How is he different from all the figures? (the ball has no base, corners, sides).
- What types of prisms are there? (triangular, polygonal), why are they called that? (because they are based on a triangle, polygons).
- Well done guys, today you were attentive and learned to distinguish three-dimensional geometric shapes. Now you can play with the figures, build houses, a palace, gates and other buildings. Fantasize yourself.

Karepina Olga Leonidovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "Tashebinskaya NOSH"
Locality: U-Abakansky district, Tasheba village
Name of material: mathematics lesson notes
Subject: Math lesson notes (FEMP) " Geometric figures. Cone" (middle group)
Publication date: 17.05.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Math lesson notes (FEMP) “Geometric

figures. Cone" (middle group)

Olga Karepina

Venue: MBOU "Tashebinskaya NOSH", group "Smile"

Math lesson notes

Topic: “Geometric shapes. Cone"

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes. Learn to recognize the cone in objects, practice counting to

5.Develop attention and memory.

continue to teach children to distinguish and name geometric figures(circle, square, triangle);

see geometric figures in surrounding objects, distinguish and name primary colors

determine the position of objects relative to oneself using the words “above”, “below”, “in the middle”

Implementation of program content in educational areas: “ Cognitive development", "Physical

development", " Speech development", "Social and communicative development"

Types of children's activities: play, communication, cognitive-exploratory, motor.

Targets preschool education: has a basic understanding of geometric

and acts concentratedly for 15-20 minutes.

Materials and equipment: drawings depicting geometric shapes, pictures depicting

insects, Pinocchio figure from geometric shapes

Organizing time:

Stand up children - make the circle wider

You are my friend and I am your friend

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other

Greeting: children stand in a circle and greet their neighbors with their palms.

Q: Guys, today we will go to the magical land of “Geometric Shapes”

Q: Let's circle around ourselves and imagine that we are in this country.

Q: oh guys, look who it is? What's his name?

D: Pinocchio

Q: But he’s a little sad, he lost something and can’t remember what?

Let's help him?

Tell me, what shapes does a little man consist of? (Circles, squares, triangles) What are they?

by size? (large and small)

II. Main part

1.Oral counting:

How many laps? Squares? Triangles? Which figures are there more, which ones are smaller?

The teacher shows pictures depicting several bees and butterflies.

How many bees fly to the right? How far to the left?

Are there more bees or butterflies? How long?

2.Work at tables:

a) We approach the table and lay out the numbers from 1 to 5. We show with numbers how many

circles, squares, triangles.

b) We lay out a triangle and a square from sticks.

3. Physical exercise:

Now let's rest a little. Repeat after me.

One, two, three, four, five we begin to walk.

Once - sit down,

Two - stood up,

Three - everyone ran together,

We'll go to four

Five - let's jump and freeze.

4.Game “Wonderful bag”

Pinocchio brought a bag with him, probably what he lost is there?

Children take out various shapes from the bag (squares, circles, triangles)

Name the shape and color

We take out the last figure (cone)

Can you name this figure?

I suggest you meet a new figure?

Who will tell us about it? (children's answers)

5. Discovery of new knowledge.

This is a cone.

Pinocchio probably needs it for some reason, we will soon find out what it is for.

Let's take a closer look at the figure

What does it look like? (per triangle)

What if you turn it over? (per circle) A cone and a triangle have a similar shape, but

the triangle is flat, and the cone is three-dimensional (the children are given cones and each child

he feels it, after which the children are given triangles and they compare

triangle and cone)

6.On the projector we watch an educational cartoon about a cone.

7. D/i “What does the figure look like”

Various pictures are displayed on the board. Children choose only those that

similar to a cone. (Christmas tree, tower, cap, pepper, pyramid)

8.Task to consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes

Children are offered cards with geometric shapes and tasks:

Color those shapes that have 3 corners.

Color in the cones with colored pencil.

9.But first, finger gymnastics:

We played, we played

Our fingers are tired

You jump your fingers

like sunbeams

Left, right - turn,

Jump, jump - jump, jump.

III. Final part:

While they were coloring, Pinocchio smiled. You probably helped him remember that

he lost. What do you think Pinocchio lost?

Pinocchio says thank you to everyone. He liked it and promises to come again.

Now let’s play with Pinocchio the game “Jump as many times as I clap now.”

Pinocchio says goodbye to us and it’s time for us to return from the fairyland of Geometry.

Let's circle around ourselves and return back to our group.


What do you think Pinocchio liked more?

What games have you played?

What was the most difficult?

What was the easiest thing?

What new figure did you recognize?

MDOU TsRR kindergarten No. 4 “Golden Key”

Konstantinovsk, Rostov region.

Abstract of GCD according to FEMP in the middle group.

Topic: “Geometric shapes. Consolidation"

1. Learn to name and recognize geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, oval, triangle);

2. Practice counting within 5;

3. Develop imagination, memory, thinking.

4. Develop fine motor skills.


Geometric shapes, soft modules, ball

Handouts: counting sticks, beads made of geometric shapes



Kryukova Svetlana Yurievna


MDOU TsRR kindergarten No. 4 “Golden Key”

Lesson on FEMP in the middle group.

Topic: “Geometric shapes. Consolidation"


  1. Learn to name and recognize geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, oval, triangle);
  2. Practice counting within 5;
  3. Develop imagination, memory, thinking.
  4. Develop fine motor skills.


Geometric shapes, soft modules, ball

Handouts: counting sticks, beads made of geometric shapes

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today a letter arrived at our kindergarten. Let's read and find out who sent it.

"Dear Guys! A strong hurricane hit our country of geometric shapes. Many figures were lost, some crumbled. Please help us.

Circle, Oval.

Guys, can we help the figures?

But how do we get to the land of Geometric Shapes?

Look, there are tickets, and here is the train. Take your seats in the carriages, but be careful, your ticket must match the figure on the seat in the carriage.

Look, I have a red rectangle, and here is my place.

(Children each tell about their figure.) Everyone took their seats, fasten your seat belts, let's hit the road.

Here we are. Guys, look, there is a river. How can we get across it? That's right, build a bridge. And here is the diagram of the bridge. And building materials.

You need to speak out your actions. I'm putting a blue rectangle...

Well done boys! Now we can cross the river and help the figures.

Guys, another letter. “The wind has broken our friends, help us collect them.”

And some cards. Guys, what is this? (square, rectangle, triangle) let's assemble these stick figures. Go to the tables. How many figures did we get? How many angles does each figure have?

Well done! Everyone did it!

Now we will play the game “What object does the figure resemble?”

I throw you a ball, name a figure, and you say an object that is similar to this figure and return the ball to me.

Square (window, picture, pillow, chair, box)

Circle (wheel, sun, clock, donut)

Rectangle (carpet, door, table, book)

Triangle (roof, scarf, cheese, flag)

Oval (egg, cucumber, ring)

Well done guys, you did a great job.

Oh guys, another letter.

“Guys, we lived very friendly, but the wind scattered us. Please gather us together. Beads." can we help you guys? And here is the diagram of the beads.

Go to the tables. Let's collect beads so that they can continue to live together.

What are these beads made of? Look carefully at the diagram and assemble the beads correctly.

Well, now we’ve helped the figures, we can go back. Take your tickets and find your seat in the carriage. We took our seats, buckled up and were on our way.

Here we are in the group.

Result: Where did the guys go today? What they were doing? And the geometric figures sent you stickers with their image as a gift so that you don’t forget them.

"Dear Guys! A strong hurricane hit our country of Geometric Shapes. Many figures were lost, some crumbled. Please help us.

Circle, Oval.

To get to the land of Geometric Shapes, you need to take the train, here are your tickets.”

“The wind has broken our friends, help us collect them.”

“Guys, we lived very friendly, but the wind scattered us. Please gather us together. Beads."

Fedorina Yulia
Summary of the lesson on FEMP in the middle group “Circle, square”

Subject: « Square, circle»

Goals: give children an idea of ​​a geometric figure - square, develop the ability to distinguish and correctly name circle and square, practice examining figures.

Integrative qualities "Curious, active"- show interest in the information received during communication.

Communicative qualities - develop speech, attention, develop the ability to analyze, compare, carry out consistent actions

Material: Sun, circle, square, sample beads, handouts (multi-colored squares and circles,strip- "a thread".

Progress of the lesson:

Educator. Guys, who remembers the fairy tale about circle, which I told you last time? Let's get it let's remember:

One day the artist took magic paints, drew a sun (displayed on sheets of paper0) and went home. And the drawing came to life, jumped off the sheet and rolled (shows yellow circle for children) . I rolled to the mirror, saw myself and became admire: “Oh, how beautiful I am, smooth on all sides and I can ride”.And today I will tell you the continuation of the fairy tale

Rolled circle further, rolls along the path. (Exposes circle on the board) Suddenly he sees someone strange coming towards him, not like him (Exposes square) "Who are you? – surprised circle. "I square, and who are you?""I circle. Let’s take a walk together, let’s ride along the path together.” Tried it square roll, but it can’t. (Tries to roll square) . I was surprised circle, began to look square and saw what do you have square these are the four sides (circles them with his finger) and there are four corners - here they are (shows them)" Ah, I understand why you can’t roll,” he laughed. circle. What do you guys think is stopping you? roll the square?

Children examine with their fingers square, they try to roll it. They come to the conclusion that the square can't roll, since it has angles, and there is no circle.

Part 2. Now let's work with the notebooks. Open your notebooks and find the rows in which circles alternate with squares. Let's look at the top row. What's pictured first? (circle) .

What is the second figure? (square) .

What is the third figure? (square)

So what is the next figure we should fit in the row?

Right. (square) Now, looking at the sample, continue the series.

Then similar independent work with a second row of geometric shapes.


Children, together with the teacher, become circle.

How did it turn out? circle? (big)

How to make it small? (children with a teacher squeeze circle)

How to make it big again circle(children with a teacher expand circle)

Now be careful and follow my command. (big small circle) - a game for attention.

Part 3. "Collect the beads"

And now we will play with circle and square together and use them to make beautiful beads.

Display of finished beads with several alternating figures.

Now you will try to glue your own beads using the sample.

Independent work of children.

Bottom line. – What wonderful beads we made!

What figures did we use?

Who can we give beads to?

Let's put them in an envelope and send our beads to Santa Claus, and he will give them from our kindergarten to the kindergarten children "Teremok"

Publications on the topic:

Summary of GCD for FEMP “Circle and Square” Abstract directly educational activities on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the second younger group.

Summary of GCD for FEMP in the 2nd junior group “Triangle, circle, square.” goal: to continue to consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes (triangle, square, circle, teach children to compare objects with each other) using.

GCD educational field “Cognition” mathematical development. (middle group) Topic: “Journey to the forest” Objectives Continue teaching children.

Summary of educational activities on FEMP in the senior group “Shape: circle, square, triangle” Educational field: “Cognitive development”. Goal: to create conditions for selection common feature objects: colors, shapes. Integration.

Target. Introduce children to the square. Learn to distinguish and correctly name a circle and a square. Develop the ability to select and combine objects.

Summary of a lesson on mathematical development with children of the middle group “Mathematics in the forest” Lesson notes on mathematical development with middle school children. Topic: “Mathematics in the forest.” Goal: 1. Strengthen the ability to compare two.

Summary of a lesson on mathematical development in the middle group Topic: “Geometric figure - cylinder. Comparison of objects by width"Program content: introduce children to the cylinder figure; teach.

Summary of GCD in the middle group “Geometric Figures”. Integration of educational areas: “Cognition” (formation of elementary mathematical concepts), “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Labor”, “ Fiction" Types of children's activities:


Summary of GCD in the middle group “Geometric Figures”.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognition” (formation of elementary mathematical concepts), “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Labor”, “Fiction”.

Types of children's activities: gaming, productive, communicative, cognitive - research.

Target: consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes.

Tasks: to train children in recognizing and naming geometric shapes based on two characteristics - color and shape; consolidate children’s ability to separate groups of objects by color and shape; develop auditory analyzer; bring children joy and pleasure from educational games.

Goals and objectives implemented in the integration of educational areas: to promote a holistic perception of the surrounding reality.

Planned results: has a basic understanding of geometric shapes; counting up to 5; navigates in space; retains in memory while performing mathematical operations necessary condition and acts concentratedly for 15 – 20 minutes; participates with interest in outdoor games.

Progress of educational activities:

Children are invited to the group and gather around the teacher. The game “Pyramid of Good” is played (children wish each other and guests health, good luck, build a pyramid with their hands, and then swing the pyramid and “scatter” their wishes).



Today I am very sad, and do you know why? I was invited to visit a wonderful fairyland. In this country, interesting tasks await all guests, but I can’t cope with them alone! Guys, would you agree to go on a trip with me? Thank you! I'm very glad that you agreed to help. But how can we get to this country, since it is far away and cannot be reached on foot? Since the country is fabulous, then we will choose fabulous transport. Listen to the melody and try to determine which cartoon it is from (the melody from the cartoon “The Engine from Romashkov” sounds).

Of course, the funny little engine will help us.

And also a magic chest.

Children, together with the teacher, form a train and trailers.


We're playing steam locomotive

It doesn't matter that it doesn't have wheels.

There is, however, a trumpet, a whistle,

We will arrive exactly on time.

The game begins

It's time for us to go.

Children say together with the teacher:

Wheels, wheels

There's a rattling sound on the rails.

Taken to a wonderful land

A group of guys.


We've arrived. Look how beautiful the houses are in this wonderful country, but there are locks on the windows. (House layouts)

How can we find out who lives in them? Maybe we should look in the chest?

The teacher takes out riddles from the chest.

To open the locks you need to solve riddles.

1. Four corners and four sides,

They look like sisters (square).

2. I have no corners,

And I look like the sun (circle).

3. Three corners, three sides.

Can be of different lengths (triangle).

4. If I took a circle,

I squeezed it a little on both sides.

It would turn out….(oval).

Children solve riddles and open locks.


Well done! What are the names of all these figures?

Geometric figures.


Right. I’ll tell you a secret - the wonderful country we are traveling through is called the Land of Geometric Shapes. We completed the first task. Look, geometric shapes appeared on the slide. What should be done with them? Let's turn again to the chest.

It's sad for the people of the country

Living alone.....

Help the figures

Find a pair for each.

Look and try to guess how you can combine geometric shapes into pairs (by shape).

Didactic game"Find your house."

Progress of the game. The teacher lays out hoops and large geometric figures in them in different places groups. Each player is given small geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle). After this, the children are invited to “walk” around the group. At the teacher’s signal, the children find the house by comparing their figure with the one in the house. The game is repeated several times, with the teacher changing the figures in the houses.


Look again and think about how differently you can combine geometric shapes into pairs (by color).

Didactic game "Find a pair."

Progress of the game. The teacher gives each player one mitten (made of paper). Each one features a pattern of triangles. different color. Children must find their mate.


Well done boys! What else does the magic chest have in store for us? Magic wands and ropes. Look at the slide and place the same shapes (square, triangle, circle) on the table. For which figure do we need a rope? (For a circle). And I also have a magic rope. That's how big it is! Tell me, how many children should come to the board to make a square out of my string? And why? (A square has four corners)

Four children come out and build a square. A triangle is constructed in the same sequence.


How many children do you need to build a circle? (A lot of). We all go out and together form a circle of rope. Well done!

Let's look into the chest again (the teacher takes out a drum from the chest). I guessed what kind of test awaited us.

Didactic game “Be attentive.”

Progress of the game. The teacher distributes geometric shapes to the players. Children are asked to show as many squares (circles, triangles, etc.) as many times the teacher hits the drum.


And now attention - a secret mission. We divide into three teams, each team receives an envelope:

1. Collect puzzles “What do geometric shapes look like?”

2.Assemble the pattern according to the sample.

3.Assemble a cut picture.


Our journey has come to an end. It's time to return to the group.

Children, together with their teacher, form a train with trailers.

Carriages, trailers

There's a rattling sound on the rails.

They take you back to the group

A group of guys.



What wonderful country have we visited today?

The teacher distributes circles and markers.

If you were sad and uninterested, then draw a sad smile.

If you liked our trip, then draw a cheerful smile.

Abstract of MBDOU Kindergarten No. 2 Miass.

Abstract of GCD

Educational field: "Mathematics"

Topic: "Geometric shapes."

Middle group

Educator: A.A. Maksimova
