Presentation on the topic of protecting your eyesight. Take care of your eyesight from a young age. How does a person perceive the world around him? The eyes are the organ of vision. More The eyes are the organ of vision. Most information about the environment. Taking breaks while reading

Nomination " Children's project in primary school"

The eyes are the organ of vision. A person receives most information about the world around him through his eyes. Vision helps to distinguish the color of objects, the size of objects, their shape, to recognize whether an object is far or close, whether it is moving.

Today, the problem associated with decreased visual acuity is one of the most common diseases among both children and adults in our country.

Target works: find out why it is very important to have good vision and how to save it.


  1. Find out how important vision is for a person.
  2. Compare the color perceptions of humans, animals, birds and other inhabitants of our planet.
  3. Find out what damage computers cause to vision.
  4. Find out what helps improve vision.
  5. Conduct a survey to find out how much time classmates spend at the computer.

Hypothesis:Is it possible in modern conditions maintain 100% vision in life?

Methods research:Studying information in the encyclopedia, in Internet sources.Conducting a survey among classmates.

To solve problems, I analyzed the literature and consulted with experts. Conducted a survey and analyzed the results.

Most of my classmates work on the computer for less than an hour every day. There are students who spend several hours a day at the computer. They play games at the computer, search educational information on the Internet, draw, make presentations, format text, communicate with friends on in social networks, watching movies.

I found out What helps improve vision.

  • Carrot juice with honey: 1 glass of freshly squeezed juice + 1 tablespoon of honey. The course of treatment is 1 month. Improvement occurs within 2 weeks.
  • Eat fresh blueberries.
  • Sprouted wheat grains improve vision.
  • Make slow circular movements with your eyes in one direction or the other. Repeat 4-6 times.
  • Perform rapid blinks for 15-20 seconds. Repeat every day.

Conclusion: Vision is very important for everyone and therefore it must be protected from a young age, because it is much easier to lose it than to gain it again.

  • The eyes need rest when working on the computer every 20-30 minutes.
  • Write and read so that the distance from the book or notebook to the eyes is 30-40 centimeters.
  • Do eye exercises.
  • For eye diseases, see a doctor.

Appendix No. 1. Project “Take care of your eyesight!”

Appendix No. 2. Project presentation.


Take care of your eyesight!



  • Study literature on the topic.
  • Find out the causes of vision impairment.
  • Get acquainted with the rules of caring for your eyesight.
  • Create a booklet “Take care of your eyesight!”

Object of study:

eyes as organs of vision

Subject of study:

careful attitude towards

to your vision

Research methods:

  • Selection and analysis of literature.
  • Conversation.
  • Practical experiences.
  • Questioning.


let's assume if correct

take care of your eye health

vision for a long time.

Let's figure it out together, children:

What are eyes for in the world?

Why do we all have

Does the face have a pair of eyes?

Structure of the eye



optic nerve






Experience No. 1

The pupil regulates the amount of light. If there is not enough light, it automatically expands, if there is enough light, it narrows.

Experience No. 2

The eyes see different images, but the brain combines and makes a single image.

How do I take care of my eyes?


1. I always read while sitting.

2. I take breaks while reading.

3. I watch my posture when writing.

4. I do my homework in good lighting.

5. I do eye exercises.

6. I often go to fresh air.

7. I only watch children's programs on TV.

8. I protect my eyes from foreign bodies getting into them.

9. I have my eyes checked by a doctor every year.


  • "Take care of your eyes like a diamond"
“Take care of your eye like a diamond” The eye is the organ of vision. We see with our eyes amazing world, which is permeated with the light of the gentle sun. No wonder they say that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.
  • The eye is the organ of vision. We see with our eyes our wonderful world, which is permeated with the light of the gentle sun. No wonder they say that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.
You need to protect your vision!
  • Our eyes help us to know the world, study, do various jobs. To a person with poor eyesight It will be more difficult to study and work.
Structure of the eye
  • In the middle there is a round colored spot, for some it is brown, for others it is blue or greenish. This is the iris. And in the middle there is a black dot. But this is not a point, but a small hole, it is called the pupil. It is through it that the rays of light enter the eye and, as it were, paint in our brain an image of what the eye is directed at.
Causes of visual impairment
  • 1. Work in poor lighting.
  • 2. Reading at a short distance from the eyes to the book.
  • 3. Reading while lying down.
  • 4. Watching TV for a long time.
Taking care of our vision
  • 1. The place where you practice should be well lit. The lamp should be on the left.
  • 2. The distance from a book or notebook to the eyes should be 30–35 cm (for an adult, this is equal to the length of the arm from the elbow to the fingertips).
  • 3. You can’t read while lying down or on the go, you will always get into trouble.
  • 4. Watch TV no more than 2–3 programs per week (1–1.5 hours each) (not counting short cartoons).
  • a) Be located no closer than 2–3 m from the TV, no further than 6–8 m.
  • b) The seating area should be comfortable.
  • c) The image on the screen must be clear.
Eyes are the mirror of the soul
  • Clean, shiny, bright eyes children - a sign good health, and health must be protected, and eyes even more so, because up to 80% of the information from the surrounding world we receive through the organs of vision.
  • Give your eyes a rest often
  • Keep a book or notebook at a distance of 40 cm from your eyes. At this distance it deforms the least eyeball.
  • Temper the child so that he gets sick as little as possible. Exercise.
  • Eat healthy foods for the eyes: cottage cheese, kefir, boiled fish, carrots, cabbage, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries. And definitely greens - parsley, dill.
  • If you haven't saved the eyes of the older one, spread some straw for the younger children: don't teach them to read before the age of 5.
  • Do not sit children in front of the TV before the age of 3 - only by the age of three do children’s vision become normal, equal to “one”; do not allow them to play on the computer before the age of 8.
The eyes are an important organ for humans, but very vulnerable. The complexity of its structure and the difficulty of treatment call us to take care of the eyes and properly care for them.
  • The eyes are an important organ for humans, but very vulnerable. The complexity of its structure and the difficulty of treatment call us to take care of the eyes and properly care for them.
VISION is the greatest value for any of us. VISION gives us 80% of information about the world around us. Unfortunately, approximately a third of the world's population has visual impairment.
  • VISION is the greatest value for any of us. VISION gives us 80% of information about the world around us. Unfortunately, approximately a third of the world's population has visual impairment.
  • More than 40 million people in Russia need improvement or restoration of VISION
  • The human eye contains 123 million rods, responsible for black-and-white vision, and seven million cones (we owe color vision to them). Thanks to such an abundance of color-sensitive cells, our eyes are able to perceive about five million color shades - here no animal can compare with us.
Informational resources

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MBOU "Safonovskaya secondary school" Research work on the topic:
Completed by: Kenzhaeva Shakhnoza, 4th grade student Supervisor: N.P. Kharlamov

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OBJECTIVES: Study literature on the topic. Find out the causes of vision impairment. Get acquainted with the rules of caring for your eyesight. Create a booklet “Take care of your eyesight.” OBJECT OF STUDY: eyes as organs of vision. SUBJECT OF STUDY: caring for your vision. RESEARCH METHODS: Selection and analysis of literature. Conversation. Practical experiences. Questioning.

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Suppose, if you properly monitor your eye health, you can maintain good vision for a long time.

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Let's figure it out together, children: What are eyes in the world for? Why do we all have a pair of eyes on our faces?

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The pupil regulates the amount of light. If there is not enough light, it automatically expands, if there is enough light, it narrows.

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We conclude:
The pupil adjusts to the amount of light; if there is not enough light, it automatically expands; if there is enough light, it narrows.

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The eyes see different images, but the brain combines and makes a single image.

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We conclude:
The eyes see different images, but the brain combines and makes a single image.

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We conclude:
This is due to the fact that in the dark the cones do not work, and the rods begin to work 200-400 times stronger and perceive light better. Therefore, in the dark we see the appearance of an object and do not see its color.

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Conversation with nurse Lyubov Nikolaevna Slivchenko

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Vision test results

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How do I take care of my eyes?
QUESTIONNAIRE 1. I always read while sitting. 2. I take breaks while reading. 3. I watch my posture when writing. 4. I do my homework in good lighting. 5. I do eye exercises. 6. I often go outdoors. 7. I eat it herbal products. 8. I only watch children's programs on TV. 9. I protect my eyes from foreign bodies getting into them. 10. Every year I have my vision checked by a doctor.

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Questionnaire “How I take care of my eyes” 1st – 4th grade
Questions YES NO
1. I always read while sitting. 22 3
2. I take breaks while reading. 14 11
3. I watch my posture when writing. 14 11
4. I do my homework in good lighting. 23 2
5. I do eye exercises. 14 11
6. I often go outdoors. 21 4
7. I eat plant foods. 20 5
8. I only watch children's programs on TV. 10 15
9. I protect my eyes from foreign bodies getting into them. 20 5
10. Every year I have my vision checked by a doctor 3 22

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Tips for preserving vision
sit less at the computer; watch less TV; - do not read in the dark; - train your eyes; - visit an ophthalmologist regularly; - do not read while lying down; - watch TV at a distance of no closer than 3 meters; - do eye exercises; - Healthy food;

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Booklet Exercises for the eyes 1. Exercise "Butterfly". The head is motionless, we work only with the eyes. The “drawing” should be the largest possible size within the face, but do not overstrain the muscles of the eyeballs, watch the condition! We move our gaze in the following sequence: to the lower left corner, to the upper right corner, to the lower right corner, to the upper left corner. And now in reverse: to the lower right, to the upper left, to the lower left and to the upper right corner. Never squint, never open your eyes too wide! All this creates tension, which is contraindicated! 2. Eye exercise "Figure Eight". With your eyes, describe a horizontal figure eight or infinity sign of maximum size within the face. One way several times, then the other. Blink often, often, lightly, lightly. 3. Exercise " Big circle". We perform circular movements with the eyeballs. The head remains motionless. Imagine a gold-colored dial in front of you. This color helps restore vision. Slowly move your gaze, noting each number on the imaginary dial. First in one direction, then in the other.

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The goal of our research has been achieved, the assigned tasks have been completed. I was convinced that if you help yourself to observe the rules of visual hygiene, you can reduce the fatigue of the visual organ, which helps to preserve it.

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One wise man was asked the question: What is more important for a person - wealth or fame? He replied: “Neither one nor the other, but health. A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.” And another sage warned: “We notice that the most valuable thing for us is health, only when we no longer have it.” Listen to the words of the sage and firmly remember that you can take the best care of your health yourself. Thank you for your attention! We will be glad if our research is useful to you.

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Slide captions:

Take care of your eyesight The presentation was made by the teacher of the MKS (k) educational institution boarding school in the town of Demyanovo, Kirov region

The meaning of vision We distinguish the objects around us. Movement of living and nonliving bodies. Graphic and color signals (letters, numbers, portraits). Important for labor activity. We perceive the experience of our ancestors through books and written language.

What is our eye made of? Optic nerve, transmitting impulses to the brain The lens focuses light onto the retina Cells in the retina convert light into nerve impulses Blood vessels provide nutrition to the eye The colored iris changes the size of the pupil The cornea is the “window” of the eye The pupil is the hole that lets light into the eye

How the pupil reacts to light Normal pupil size In dim light, the pupil dilates to let in more light. In strong light, the pupil contracts to protect the retina from damage.

As we see, the transparent cornea allows light into the eye, which then passes through the pupil and falls - after focusing by the lens - onto the retina. The retina is the film lining back eyeball and containing photosensitive cells. When light hits these cells, they send signals to the brain. There these signals are converted into a picture.

Why does the eye need tears? The lacrimal glands produce tears. Tears can flow down the cheeks. The eyelids protect the eyes. The tear ducts drain tears into the nose. The canal leads to inner part nose Tears collect in the nose and may begin to drip from there

Washing the Eyes Above each eye are lacrimal glands continuously releasing tears. When we blink, they wash our eyes. Tears eliminate dust, kill pathogenic bacteria and constantly wet the surface of the cornea. They drain through the lacrimal canaliculi into the nasal cavity. When we cry, tears flow down our cheeks and may even drip from our nose.

Causes of visual impairment A person sees objects at close and far distances equally well. This is due to the property of the lens to change curvature and become more convex. Visual impairments are common: myopia and farsightedness.

Myopia myopic people images of distant objects blur. The cause of congenital myopia may be the elongated shape of the eyeball. Myopia can develop in a person due to poor visual hygiene.

Farsightedness In farsighted people, images of nearby objects blur. With congenital farsightedness, the eyeball is shortened. The cause of farsightedness may also be a decrease in the ability of the lens to change curvature, which is most often observed in older people.

First aid for eye injuries Negligence and inability to use household appliances can lead to serious eye injuries at home. Careless hammering of nails or chopping wood can also cause eye injury. Since the wounding objects are usually contaminated, the injury may be complicated infectious disease with a partial threat or total loss vision. If an accident occurs, you need to be able to provide first aid.

First aid for eye damage If a speck gets into your eye, rinse it and remove the speck from the eyelid with a clean, damp cotton swab or a clean handkerchief. You need to wash your hands first. If there is a bruise, apply cotton wool or a clean handkerchief moistened to the eye. cold water. In case of severe eye injuries, do not wash the eye or try to remove foreign body. In this case, you need to apply a clean bandage to the eye and send the victim to the hospital. If alkali, acid, or toxic substances get into the gas, you should immediately rinse your eyes with clean running water for 15-20 minutes, then immediately consult a doctor.

Visual hygiene Do not look at printed or written text at close range. In such cases, the lens remains in a position of increased convexity for a long time, which is associated with visual strain and leads to the development of myopia. When reading, writing, drawing or other work, you should place the object at a distance of 30-35 cm from the eye. It is also important to monitor the lighting. When writing, the light should fall from the left. Reading while lying down or in public transport harms your eyesight. Visual disturbances can occur due to a lack of vitamin A in the body. Smoking has a harmful effect on vision. Nicotine and other tobacco poisons sometimes cause severe damage to the optic nerve.

Eye hygiene In strong winds, dust can be carried into the eyes pathogenic microbes. The infection can get into the eyes from dirty hands, an unclean towel, or a handkerchief and cause a disease called conjunctivitis. Therefore, you need to protect your eyes from dust, do not rub them with your hands, wipe only with a clean towel or handkerchief. Harmful effects The sun's rays also affect the eyes, so it is necessary to protect the eyes from bright light with sunglasses.

Vision training To train your vision you need to do special exercises. The simplest: alternately look into the distance, past some point of the window frame, then at this point. This exercise is performed for 3-5 minutes every hour. Without turning your head, look to the right, left, up, down. Follow with your eyes the movements of the adult’s hand, without turning your head: up, down, left, in a circle. “Run” your eyes along the contour of a large drawing. “Take a nap” - close your eyes for a minute and relax.

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