Gathering of the Olympian Gods 4 letters. Religion of ancient Rome. XIII Prussian Constituent Assembly. national assembly

Each of the peoples Ancient world They had their own deities, powerful and not so powerful. Many of them had unusual abilities and were owners of wonderful artifacts that gave them additional strength, knowledge and, ultimately, power.

Amaterasu ("Great Goddess Who Illuminates the Heavens")

Country: Japan
Essence: Sun Goddess, ruler of the heavenly fields

Amaterasu is the eldest of three children of the progenitor god Izanaki. She was born from drops of water with which he washed his left eye. She took possession of the upper heavenly world, while her younger brothers got the night and the watery kingdom.

Amaterasu taught people how to cultivate rice and weave. The imperial house of Japan traces its ancestry from her. She is considered the great-grandmother of the first Emperor Jimmu. The rice ear, mirror, sword and carved beads given to her became sacred symbols of imperial power. According to tradition, one of the emperor's daughters becomes the High Priestess of Amaterasu.

Yu-Di (“Jade Sovereign”)

Country: China
Essence: Supreme Overlord, Emperor of the Universe

Yu-Di was born at the moment of the creation of Earth and Heaven. The Heavenly, Terrestrial, and Underground worlds are subject to him. All other deities and spirits are subordinate to him.
Yu-Di is absolutely emotionless. He sits on a throne in a robe embroidered with dragons and holding a jade tablet in his hands. Yu Di has the exact address: The god lives in a palace on Mount Yujingshan, which resembles the court of the Chinese emperors. Under it function heavenly councils responsible for various natural phenomena. They perform all sorts of actions that the Lord of Heaven himself does not condescend to do.

Quetzalcoatlus ("Feathered Serpent")

Country: Central America
Essence: Creator of the world, lord of the elements, creator and teacher of people

Quetzalcoatl not only created the world and people, but also taught them the most important skills: from agriculture to astronomical observations. Despite his high status, Quetzalcoatl sometimes acted in a very peculiar way. For example, in order to get maize grains for people, he entered an anthill, turning into an ant himself, and stole them.

Quetzalcoatl was depicted both as a feathered serpent (the body symbolizing the Earth, and the feathers representing vegetation) and as a bearded man wearing a mask.
According to one legend, Quetzalcoatl voluntarily went into overseas exile on a raft of snakes, promising to return. Because of this, the Aztecs initially mistook the conquistador leader Cortes for the returned Quetzalcoatl.

Baal (Balu, Baal, "Lord")

Country: Middle East
Essence: Thunderer, god of rain and elements. In some myths - the creator of the world

Baal, as a rule, was depicted either as a bull or as a warrior riding on a cloud with a lightning spear. During the festivities in his honor, mass orgies took place, often accompanied by self-mutilation. It is believed that human sacrifices were also made to Baal in some areas. From his name comes the name of the biblical demon Beelzebub (Ball-Zebula, “Lord of the Flies”).

Ishtar (Astarte, Inanna, "Lady of Heaven")

Country: Middle East
Essence: Goddess of fertility, sex and war

Ishtar, sister of the Sun and daughter of the Moon, was associated with the planet Venus. Associated with the legend of her journey to the underworld was the myth of nature dying and reborn every year. She often acted as an intercessor for people before the gods. At the same time, Ishtar was responsible for various feuds. The Sumerians even called wars “the dances of Inanna.” As a goddess of war, she was often depicted riding a lion, and was probably a prototype of the Whore of Babylon riding on a beast.
The passion of the loving Ishtar was destructive for both gods and mortals. For her many lovers, everything usually ended in big trouble or even death. The worship of Ishtar included temple prostitution and was accompanied by mass orgies.

Ashur ("Father of the Gods")

Country: Assyria
Essence: God of War
Ashur – main god Assyrians, god of war and hunting. His weapon was a bow and arrow. As a rule, Ashur was depicted together with bulls. Its other symbol is the solar disk above the tree of life. Over time, as the Assyrians expanded their possessions, he began to be considered the consort of Ishtar. The High Priest of Ashur was the Assyrian king himself, and his name often became part of the royal name, as, for example, the famous Ashurbanipal, and the capital of Assyria was called Ashur.

Marduk ("Son of Clear Sky")

Country: Mesopotamia
Essence: Patron of Babylon, god of wisdom, ruler and judge of the gods
Marduk defeated the embodiment of chaos Tiamat, driving the “evil wind” into her mouth, and took possession of the book of destinies that belonged to her. After that, he cut Tiamat's body and created Heaven and Earth from them, and then created the entire modern, ordered world. The other gods, seeing the power of Marduk, recognized his supremacy.
Marduk's symbol is the dragon Mushkhush, a mixture of scorpion, snake, eagle and lion. The body parts and entrails of Marduk were identified various plants and animals. The main temple of Marduk - a huge ziggurat (step pyramid) - probably became the basis of the legend of the Tower of Babel.

Yahweh (Jehovah, "He Who Is")

Country: Middle East
Essence: Single tribal god of the Jews

Yahweh's main function was to help his chosen people. He gave the Jews laws and strictly monitored their implementation. In clashes with enemies, Yahweh provided the chosen people with assistance, sometimes the most direct. In one of the battles, for example, he threw huge stones at his enemies, in another case he abolished the law of nature, stopping the sun.
Unlike most other gods of the ancient world, Yahweh is extremely jealous, and forbids the worship of any deities except himself. Severe punishments await those who disobey. The word "Yahweh" is a replacement secret name God, which is forbidden to say out loud. It was impossible to create his images either. In Christianity, Yahweh is sometimes identified with God the Father.

Ahura-Mazda (Ormuzd, “God the Wise”)

Country: Persia
Essence: Creator of the World and all that is good in it

Ahura Mazda created the laws by which the world exists. He endowed people with free will, and they can choose the path of good (then Ahura Mazda will favor them in every possible way) or the path of evil (serving Ahura Mazda's eternal enemy Angra Mainyu). Ahura Mazda's assistants are the good beings of Ahura created by him. He is surrounded by them in the fabulous Garodman, the house of chants.
The image of Ahura Mazda is the Sun. He is older than the whole world, but at the same time, eternally young. He knows both the past and the future. In the end, he will achieve the final victory over evil, and the world will become perfect.

Angra Mainyu (Ahriman, "Evil Spirit")

Country: Persia
Essence: The embodiment of evil among the ancient Persians
Angra Mainyu is the source of everything bad that happens in the world. He spoiled the perfect world created by Ahura Mazda, introducing lies and destruction into it. He sends diseases, crop failures, natural disasters, gives rise to beasts of prey, poisonous plants and animals. Under the command of Angra Mainyu are the devas, evil spirits, fulfilling his evil will. After Angra Mainyu and his minions are defeated, an era of eternal bliss should begin.

Brahma ("Priest")

Country: India
Essence: God is the creator of the world
Brahma was born from a lotus flower and then created this world. After 100 years of Brahma, 311,040,000,000,000 earthly years, he will die, and after the same period of time a new Brahma will self-generate and create a new world.
Brahma has four faces and four arms, which symbolizes the cardinal directions. Its indispensable attributes are a book, rosary, a vessel with water from the sacred Ganges, a crown and a lotus flower, symbols of knowledge and power. Brahma lives on the top sacred mountain Meru, rides on a white swan. The descriptions of the action of Brahma's weapon Brahmastra are reminiscent of the description of nuclear weapons.

Vishnu ("All-encompassing")

Country: India
Essence: God is the keeper of the world

The main functions of Vishnu are maintenance existing world and opposition to evil. Vishnu appears in the world and acts through his incarnations, avatars, the most famous of which are Krishna and Rama. Vishnu has blue skin and wears yellow clothes. He has four hands in which he holds a lotus flower, a mace, a conch shell and Sudarshana (a rotating disk of fire, his weapon). Vishnu reclines on the giant multi-headed snake Shesha, which swims in the world's Causal Ocean.

Shiva ("Merciful")

Country: India
Essence: God is the destroyer
Shiva's main task is to destroy the world at the end of each world cycle in order to make room for a new creation. This happens during the dance of Shiva - Tandava (therefore Shiva is sometimes called the dancing god). However, he also has more peaceful functions - a healer and a deliverer from death.
Shiva sits in lotus position on a tiger skin. There are snake bracelets on his neck and wrists. On Shiva's forehead there is a third eye (it appeared when Shiva's wife, Parvati, jokingly covered his eyes with her palms). Sometimes Shiva is depicted as a lingam (an erect penis). But sometimes he is also depicted as a hermaphrodite, symbolizing the unity of the male and female principles. By folk beliefs Shiva smokes marijuana, so some believers consider this activity a way to understand him.

Ra (Amon, "Sun")

Country: Egypt
Essence: Sun God
Ra, the main god of Ancient Egypt, was born from the primordial ocean of his own free will, and then created the world, including the gods. He is the personification of the Sun, and every day with a large retinue he travels across the sky in a magic boat, thanks to which he becomes possible life in Egypt. At night, Ra's boat sails along the underground Nile through the afterlife. The Eye of Ra (sometimes considered an independent deity) had the ability to pacify and subjugate enemies. The Egyptian pharaohs traced their origins to Ra, and called themselves his sons.

Osiris (Usir, "The Mighty One")

Country: Egypt
Essence: God of rebirth, ruler and judge of the underworld.

Osiris taught people agriculture. His attributes are associated with plants: the crown and boat are made of papyrus, he holds bundles of reeds in his hands, and the throne is covered with greenery. Osiris was killed and cut into pieces by his brother, the evil god Set, but was resurrected with the help of his wife and sister Isis. However, having conceived the son Horus, Osiris did not remain in the world of the living, but became the ruler and judge of the kingdom of the dead. Because of this, he was often depicted as a swaddled mummy with free hands, in which he holds a scepter and flail. IN Ancient Egypt The tomb of Osiris was highly revered.

Isis ("The Throne")

Country: Egypt
Essence: Intercessor Goddess.
Isis is the embodiment of femininity and motherhood. All segments of the population turned to her with pleas for help, but, first of all, the oppressed. She especially patronized children. And sometimes she acted as a defender of the dead before the afterlife court.
Isis was able to magically resurrect her husband and brother Osiris and give birth to his son Horus. In popular mythology, the floods of the Nile were considered the tears of Isis, which she shed for Osiris, who remained in the world of the dead. The Egyptian pharaohs were called the children of Isis; sometimes she was even depicted as a mother feeding the pharaoh with milk from her breast.
The well-known image is the “veil of Isis,” meaning the concealment of the secrets of nature. This image has long attracted mystics. No wonder Blavatsky’s famous book is called “Isis Unveiled.”

Odin (Wotan, "The Seer")

A country: Northern Europe
Essence: God of war and victory
Odin is the main god of the ancient Germans and Scandinavians. He travels on the eight-legged horse Sleipnir or on the ship Skidbladnir, the size of which can be changed at will. Odin's spear, Gugnir, always flies to the target and hits on the spot. He is accompanied by wise crows and predatory wolves. Odin lives in Valhalla with a squad of the best fallen warriors and warlike Valkyrie maidens.
In order to gain wisdom, Odin sacrificed one eye, and in order to understand the meaning of the runes, he hung on the sacred tree Yggdrasil for nine days, nailed to it with his own spear. Odin's future is predetermined: despite his power, on the day of Ragnarok (the battle preceding the end of the world) he will be killed by the giant wolf Fefnir.

Thor (Thunder)

Country: Northern Europe
Essence: Thunderer

Thor is the god of the elements and fertility among the ancient Germans and Scandinavians. This is a hero god who protects not only people, but also other gods from monsters. Thor was depicted as a giant with a red beard. His weapon is the magic hammer Mjolnir (“lightning”), which can only be held with iron gloves. Thor is girded with a magic belt that doubles his strength. He rides across the sky in a chariot drawn by goats. Sometimes he eats goats, but then resurrects them with his magic hammer. On the day of Ragnarok, last battle, Thor will deal with the world serpent Jormungandr, but he himself will die from his poison.

Hearing his words, the soldiers said nothing more and, having descended from the tower, immediately went to gather their people. Xue Kaishan, being the strongest man in Muyang Village, encouraged the brothers to do many different bad things. Using this approach and his personal power, he could still for a long time save your group.

— Is this Muyang Village? - Yue asked, getting out of the car and looking at the buildings from afar. There he saw two watchtowers, built inside the village, also examined small barricades made of cement, bags of sand, wood and other available materials at the entrance to the village.

Xue Kaishan's brothers, clutching weapons in their hands, hid behind the barricades and looked at their opponents with fear. From a distance, they saw armed people clearly and confidently getting out of cars, emitting a gloomy, overwhelming aura that could be felt from here.

Wang Shuang's and Dagou Zi's groups participated in search missions almost every day, and underwent rigorous training on their free days. Having hardened in such conditions, they turned into elite fighters, so they already had an overwhelming aura of people confident in their strength.

“Demand that they surrender,” Yue ordered.

— People of Muyang Village! - Stepping forward, Dagou Zi took out a large megaphone and shouted from afar, “You are surrounded!” Drop your weapons and surrender immediately, it's yours the only way out. Otherwise, you will regret it later. Surrender now, and our commander promises to spare everyone except Xue Kaishan.

Having heard the terms of surrender, many people on the barricades began to have strong doubts; they were weak-willed and, having encountered resistance, no longer wanted to fight. Initially, being just a bunch of people with weapons, they quickly lost the will to fight when they saw two armored vehicles. In the end, just armed people won't do anything like that military equipment. But fearing Xue Kaishan's oppressive power, they couldn't just walk out and surrender.

“Mortars, open fire,” without waiting for an answer from those barricaded, Yue gave the next order.

He prepared a team of mortar men in advance, so as soon as they received the order, they immediately opened fire. A few moments later, explosions began to be heard at the barricades near the entrance to the village, from which fragments flew, and smoke began to cover everything around. As a result of this attack, twelve people on the barricades were injured or killed.

Exploding shells easily killed and maimed unprotected fighters on the barricades. Wounded people, pierced by shrapnel, rolled on the ground and screamed in pain. This was a huge blow to the morale of the people settled in the village. After all, they were all in the past ordinary people, who grew up in a calm environment and had no combat experience, so the sounds of nearby explosions completely destroyed the last remnants of their will to resist.

- I give up! Do not kill me! - one of Xue Kaishan’s fighters jumped up with a cry and, throwing away his weapon, ran as fast as he could to the people who had arrived.

- I give up too! Do not shoot! - the first one to run called chain reaction, people stood up, throwing away their weapons, and rushed forward to the armored vehicles.

Looking at the first one to run, bloodlust appeared in Xue Kaishan’s eyes. He raised his machine gun and, taking aim, mercilessly shot his traitorous brother. Him and in nightmare he could not have dreamed that his troops would be routed with just one volley of mortar fire.

Having shot the first traitor, he immediately threw away the machine gun and, taking some dirt, smeared it on his face, after which he also raised his hands and ran after the others. Seeing so many fleeing, the fighters especially close to Xue Kaishan lost all hope. Everything collapsed, so they turned around and ran to the other end of the village, hoping to hide in the mountains, however, some still ran towards the attackers.

“Indeed, a motley bunch,” Yue muttered, looking at the people who fled from just one mortar salvo. He never thought that it would be so easy to destroy the morale of these people.

Xue Kaishan himself, unrecognized, was captured along with the rest of his brothers. Now they were all sitting on the ground with their hands behind their heads, and not one of them dared to point to him as the leader.

Yue Zhong, accompanied by his men, walked in front of the rows of assembled prisoners, examining them. Hiding behind them, walking next to them was Zhang Hong, a woman who had escaped from the village of Muyang and knew the leader of the militants by sight.

- Be careful, Commander Yue! Here he is! “He’s Xue Kaishan,” she shouted, immediately recognizing him. He tortured her half to death, now she recognizes him even as he sits obediently with his hands behind his head and smeared with dirt.

Hearing the woman's scream, Xue Kaishan immediately jumped up from the ground and rushed towards Yue Zhong. He had no intention of abandoning Muyang Village, so he decided to approach and destroy the enemy leaders with a surprise attack.

The soldiers standing a little to the side, seeing the man jump up, did not hesitate and immediately opened fire on him. From such a distance they could not miss and accurately shot him and the space around him, accidentally killing the three prisoners sitting next to him. Although these fighters fell, riddled with bullets, Xue Kaishan himself was not harmed, all the bullets that hit him bounced off helplessly without causing him any damage.

Undamaged by machine gun fire, the militant leader moved towards Yue Zhong with all his speed, which could be compared to the speed of an S1 zombie. And a few moments later he was already nearby, which is why the machine gunners stopped firing, fearing to hurt their commanders.

Of Yue Zhong's entire entourage, only Chen Shitou managed to react to the approaching enemy, stepping towards him, he struck with a fist as heavy as a mountain, crashing into Xue Kaishan's body. Chen Shitou's parents were followers of martial arts, and they taught him hand-to-hand combat techniques. Although he did not gain the ability to fly, he could compete in strength with elite special forces.

- Disappear! - Xue Kaishan roared, after which his silver necklace hanging around his neck sparkled, and a strong gust of wind erupted from his body, throwing Chen Shitou, Liu Yan and Dagou Zi six to seven meters away, leaving only Yue Zhong in front of him. Seeing that all the obstacles had been removed and the leader of the people who had attacked his village was almost within reach, his eyes flashed with delight and, stretching out his hand to Yue Zhong's neck, he could already see his victory.

- Garbage! Do you think that your abilities can harm me? - Yue asked contemptuously, calmly moving slightly to the side.

Xue Kaishan's speed had already exceeded that of a human, but this was not enough for Yue Zhong, so a moment before he grabbed him by the neck, Yue took an imperceptible step to the left, easily avoiding Xue Kaishan's attack, and instantly took out the Tang Dao sword and struck a strong slashing blow.

After hitting Xue Kaishan's side, Yue felt a strange resistance from the point of impact, as if a thin flexible membrane was blocking the entire blow. However, Xue Kaishan himself flew to the side and, falling to the ground, looked with fear at the man who hit him. After gaining the ability, he had never been attacked so easily, and if not for his defense, he would have already received a mortal wound.

In just a few seconds, Zhong Li Dong, Situ Jie and Ruo Yui Feng were killed in horrific ways.

Shi Yan did nothing. He just stood and watched as the War Demon dealt with three people. Everything happened so quickly that other people did not have time to react in any way.

Qing Ming, Gu Shao, the Heavenly Queen, and the Earth King literally trembled in fear. They no longer dared to be in this place and immediately headed to the surface at maximum speed.

Shi Yan did not chase after them. He looked after them coldly and said, “You can run away now, but the result will not change. In the future, you will still die."

The deep Qi of Situ Jie, Zhong Li Dong and Zhu Yui Feng flew towards Shi Yan.

The energy of just one Situ Jie stunned Shi Yan. Since he was a Spirit Realm warrior, his Profound Qi was incredibly huge and dense, causing all of Shi Yan’s meridians to swell and howl in pain. Shi Yan abruptly moved away from the battlefield.

It wasn't that Shi Yan didn't want to gain more energy, it was just that he knew his limit.

Although the limit on the amount of energy processed by a Mysterious Martial Spirit had increased after entering the Heavenly Realm, the Profound Qi of a Spirit Realm warrior was too great. If Shi Yan had, in addition, absorbed the energy of Zhong Li Dong and Ruo Yui Feng, then he would simply have been torn apart from the excess.

That’s why he walked away and waited for the Profound Qi to dissipate.

Yin Hue stood in place as if petrified and looked at Shi Yan without blinking. There was pure horror on his face.

This whole situation confirmed his suspicions about the War Demon.

Using just a couple of moves, this black doll killed Situ Jie, Zhong Li Dong and Ruo Yui Feng. Such a formidable power could rival that of Nu Lan, the Spirit Realm Peak warrior. Yin Hue would never provoke the owner of such power. At this moment, the thought of creating a close relationship between Shi Yan and the Silver Shark Clan flashed through Yin Hue's mind.

Although this power did not belong to Shi Yan personally, it was enough to intimidate almost everyone.

War Demon's performance clearly showed Yin Hue that only Cao Qiu Dao and Yang Yi Tian would be able to resist this doll.

Apart from them, not a single warrior of the Endless Sea can survive even one blow.

Yin Hue spoke to Shi Yan with a trembling and dry voice. He forced a smile and said, “Was that black doll in the cemetery? How did you manage to get it? I know it's none of my business, but the Ancient High Dragon Cemetery belongs to the Sea Tribes. This is our Forbidden Area. You are human, but how did you manage to get it?”

"Fate." Shi Yan said with a smile. He then looked sharply towards the surface of the sea and frowned.

Yin Hue also looked up and said, “Someone is approaching.”

Environment sea ​​water began to flow chaotically. Many underwater currents swirled in this area at incredible speed and then suddenly stopped.

A majestic figure appeared next to Yin Hue.

It was Nu Lan, the patriarch of the Black Dragon Clan.

He used all his strength to get here. The road from his volcano to the cemetery took him no more than a minute.

Nu Lan looked around with a frown, and then fixed his gaze on the War Demon.

After half a minute, Nu Lan turned to Yin Hue and asked, “Several Spirit Realm warriors were killed here recently, right?”

"Yes." Yin Hue nodded with a serious face, “That black puppet killed them. He pulled her out of the Ancient High Dragon Cemetery.”

Nu Lan's body trembled. He immediately looked at Shi Yan.

Shi Yan folded his hands into a fist at chest level, and then said with a smile, “Greetings, Patriarch Nu Lan. I didn’t expect that we would meet so soon.”

“The Ancient High Dragon Cemetery is the most dangerous place on the ocean floor. For several thousand years in a row, not a single warrior who entered there returned.” Nu Lan’s eyes sparkled brightly, “Why were you able to return from there alive and still bring that scary puppet?”

"It was just luck." Shi Yan said seriously, “I have some connection with the Ancient Supreme Dragons. I was destined to enter this place. To be the owner of this puppet is my destiny."

Nu Lan was greatly surprised, and Yin Hue shook his head with a sour smile. They both admired and envied Shi Yan.

Well Lan thought for a while and said with a sigh, “Could it really be fate? Many of our ancestors tried to reveal the secret of this place, but its secrets went to man. Or maybe you have some of the blood of the sea race in you?”

Shi Yan was surprised. He never thought about it. After hesitating for a moment, he shook his head, “Hardly. I only know that my destiny is closely connected with the Ancient High Dragons.”

Nu Lan and Yin Hue frowned. They took Shi Yan's words seriously.

Suddenly, Nu Lan looked up sharply and said, “It seems that I am not the only one who sensed what was happening here. Two Spirit Realm warriors from the Heavenly Region are heading here.”

The sea water parted and two people appeared on the ground.

Following them were the Queen of Heaven, the King of Earth, Qing Ming, Gu Shao, Pan Zhe and Cao Zhi Lan, who had recently fled in fear. However, they did not dare to move and simply watched silently.

“Yang Yi Tian! Xia Qing Huo!”

Yin Hue cried out in surprise as he looked at the two people.

Shi Yan looked at the two in surprise.

One of them was an elegant middle-aged man wearing a purple robe. There was a slight smile on his face.

This man was Yang Yi Tian, ​​the head of the Martial Spirit Palace and one of the overlords of the Endless Sea.

Not far from him stood an old man in hemp clothes and straw sandals. This old lady's face was wrinkled, and a slightly noticeable greenish aura hovered around his body. It was the head of the Xia clan, Xia Qing Huo.

Two of the strongest warriors of the Endless Sea appeared at the bottom of the sea. As soon as they landed, they immediately looked at Nu Lan. They thought that Nu Lan was the instigator of all this.

“I have nothing to do with it.” Nu Lan said with a snort and pointed at Shi Yan.

Yang Yi Tian and Xia Qing Huo looked at Shi Yan in surprise and disbelief.

Yang Yi Tian suddenly stopped smiling. He closed his eyes and then sharply shouted, “Who killed Situ Jie and Zhong Li Dong?!”

"I." Shi Yan folded his hands into a fist at chest level and said with a smile, “Junior Shi Yan, greets Senior Yan.”

He then looked at Xia Qinghuo and said with a sincere smile, "It's good to see you, Great-Grandfather Xia."

A warm and Broad smile. He walked up to Shi Yan and asked, “So, are you Shi Yan?”

"Great! Great! Great!"

Xia Qing Huo said excellent three times and stood next to Shi Yan and turned to Yang Yi Tian.

The Xia Clan and the Yang Clan have always had a cordial relationship. Xia Qing Huo and Yang Qing Di were best friends for hundreds of years. Xia Qing Huo also learned from the younger generation of the Xia Clan about the relationship between Shi Yan and Xia Xin Yan.

As soon as Xia Qing Huo recovered, he immediately turned his attention to Shi Yan, since there were already rumors about him throughout the Endless Sea.

In his eyes, Shi Yan had already become a family member and fiancé of Xia Xin Yan. Even Shi Yan was partially involved in his recovery. Naturally, he will stand by Shi Yan's side in any situation.

"Palace Master Yang." Xia Qing Huo smiled contentedly, “It seems you sent your men to kill Shi Yan, but they failed. I want to emphasize something, I am on Shi Yan's side. If you want to deal with him, I won't stand by."

"Senior Yang." Shi Yan grinned, “Forgive my arrogant words, but if you want to kill me now, it will be incredibly difficult.”

He then sent a mental command to the War Demon.

The War Demon had already hidden his aura and stood motionless.

Immediately after Shi Yan's command, the War Demon released an ominous aura that instantly covered the entire territory of the Silver Shark Clan.

Yang Yi Tian's expression suddenly changed.

Well Lan frowned.

Xia Qinghuo's eyes shone brightly.

The strongest warriors of the surface and the seabed experienced different emotions at this moment.

“I still can’t understand why you are still fighting each other.” Shi Yan frowned, “When I was in the Hanlou District, the Demons tried their best to kill me. I can still understand the reason for this. But why are you people trying with all your might to finish me off? And this happens more than once or twice. They act like they can't eat or sleep until they finish me off. Senior Yang, could you please tell me the reason?”

“Only Gu Shao, Qing Ming and others wanted to kill you.” Yang Yi Tian snorted coldly, “I was just watching from the side. Although you have potential, I don't see you as a threat. But now everything is different. You killed Situ Jie and Zhong Li Dong, so I won’t spare you!”

Yang Yi Tian's eyes flashed brightly and from his forehead, directly at Shi Yan's head, a spear of lightning, shrouded in bright multi-colored light, shot out.

"Seven Colored Light of Nirvana!" Xia Qing Huo cried out coldly, “Yang Yi Tian, ​​how dare you!”

convened by Zeus for a council, meal, or other occasion on Olympus (both are called Olympians - olympioi or celestials - uraniones). IN fine arts Sat. often associated with various mythological. events. Favorite themes of vase painting were the introduction of Hercules to Olympus or the birth of Athena. S b. in the sculpture it is depicted on the treasury of the Siphnians in Delphi and in the east. frieze of the Parthenon.

rice. Entry of Hercules to Olympus (ca. 500 BC. Berlin, State Museums).

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  • - Neither Gods nor demons. Psk. Belonging to no one, not dependent on anyone. SPP 2001, 18...
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"Assembly of the Gods" in books


From the book Stone Belt, 1978 author Berdnikov Sergey

Meeting The secretary of the district committee arrived in Zhuravli early in the morning. During the day he was seen in the summer livestock camp, in workshops, and in the fields. Under Kuzin, people were reluctant to talk, Voloshin noticed this. Now here he is sitting at a meeting, looking around the near and distant rows of Zhuravlevites,

1. Komsomol meeting

From the book Distant Youth author Kurakin Petr Grigorievich

1. Komsomol meeting On October 29, 1918, the First All-Russian Congress of Unions of Workers' and Peasants' Youth, working under the leadership of the Bolshevik Party, met in Moscow. Before this, youth organizations did not have their own single center, were not bound by the charter and


From the book Chekhov in life: plots for a short novel author Sukhikh Igor Nikolaevich

MEETING ...Now about Marx. I would very much not mind selling him my works, even very, very much not averse to it, but how to do this?<…>If you want, then talk to Marx. I want to sell, and it’s high time to put things in order, otherwise it’s becoming unbearable. Chekhov - P. A.


From the book Writers Club author Vanshenkin Konstantin Yakovlevich

Meeting Chairman: - Eight people spoke in the debate on the report. What proposals will there be? From the audience: - Who else has signed up? The chairman reads out the list and at the end says: - There is a proposal to draw a line. From

We're having a meeting!

From the book How to Run a Meeting by Noyer Didier

We're having a meeting! Announcement

1. Gathering of the Gods

From the book Golden Laws. The History of the Incarnation Through the Eyes of the Eternal Buddha by Okawa Ryuho

1. The Assembly of the Gods In this chapter I would like to consider the high spirits who descended to carry out the intentions of the Buddha (God) to Japan. As a result of this study, you will understand that Japan can rightfully be called the “country of the gods.” Current Japanese


From the book Volume 8 author Engels Friedrich

XIII PRUSSIAN CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY On November 1, Vienna fell, and on the 9th of the same month the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly in Berlin showed how much this event raised the spirit of the counter-revolutionary party throughout Germany and led to its strengthening. About the events

The Assembly of the Gods and the Athenian Polite

From the book Secrets of Civilizations. Ancient world history author Matyushin Gerald Nikolaevich

The Assembly of the Gods and the Athenian Polity If the gods lived on Earth. As already mentioned, according to the first written legends, the gods created people to serve them. However, they soon noticed that not all people behave with dignity and honesty. The one who especially aroused the wrath of the gods was the one who

Meeting of HOA members and general meeting of apartment building owners

From the book How to understand housing and communal services and not overpay author Shefel Olga Mikhailovna

Meeting of HOA members and general meeting of owners apartment building Even if the house has a HOA, the annual general meeting of owners has not been canceled! It is important to remember that decisions general meeting have great strength than the decisions of the HOA meeting. However, since members


From the book Three Signs of a Dull Job: A Story with Meaning for Managers (and Their Subordinates) author Lencioni Patrick M.

Meeting Brian invited everyone to pour themselves something and go into the hall. This was against the rules; Joe usually swore at employees when they allowed themselves to pour restaurant drinks sold by the glass before closing. But Brian didn't know about it, and even if he did, he wouldn't

Death of the Gods Death of the Gods Anastasia Belokurova 07/25/2012

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 973 (30 2012) author Zavtra Newspaper


From the book Essays on Comparative Religion by Eliade Mircea

30. REPLACING THE HEAVENLY GODS WITH THE GODS OF FERTILITY The replacement of the gods of Heaven with the gods of thunderstorms and the gods of procreation also entailed changes in the practice of worship. At the New Year's festival, Marduk replaced Anu (§ 153). Great Vedic sacrifice - Ashvamedha at the end


From the book Overcoming Gravity author Agafonov Nikolay

The meeting was in 1989. I studied at the Leningrad Theological Academy and at the same time, without interrupting my studies, I restored the dilapidated Cathedral of the Archangel Michael in the city of Lomonosov near Leningrad, handed over by the Soviet government. Somehow after the end of the Divine Liturgy, someone came to me


From the book Koran [translation of meanings] by Muhammad

59. Gathering In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful and Merciful!1. Allah heeded the words of the woman who argued with you [O Muhammad] about her husband and complained to Allah. And Allah heard your conversation, for Allah is Hearing, Seeing.2. Those of you who call


From the book True Stories [collection] author Agafonov Nikolay

The meeting was in 1989. I studied at the Leningrad Theological Academy and at the same time, without interrupting my studies, I restored the transferred Soviet power dilapidated Cathedral of the Archangel Michael in the city of Lomonosov near Leningrad. Somehow after the end of the Divine Liturgy

The ancient Roman religion was radically different from the Greek. It reflected the simplicity of hardworking farmers and shepherds, completely absorbed in their affairs Everyday life. The ancient Romans, unlike the Greeks, did not feel the desire to turn their gaze to the stars. He did not honor either the sun, or the moon, or all those celestial phenomena that, with their mysteries, excited the imagination of other Indo-European peoples.

According to the Roman, human life in all, even the smallest manifestations, was subject to the power of the gods and was under their care, so that man at every step depended on some higher power. All these deities were completely faceless. The Romans did not dare to assert with complete certainty that he knew the real name of a god or that he could distinguish whether it was a god or a goddess.

The Roman gods did not descend to earth and did not show themselves to people as willingly as the Greek gods. They stayed away from humans. In ancient Rome, all knowledge about the gods boiled down, in essence, to how they should be revered and at what moment to ask for their help. A thoroughly and precisely developed system of sacrifices and rituals constituted the entire religious life of the Romans. They imagined the gods to be similar to praetors, the highest officials, and were convinced that, like judges, those who do not understand official formalities lose their cases.

Therefore, there were books that provided for everything and in which one could find prayers for all occasions. The rules had to be strictly followed; any violation negated the results of the service.

Equally carefully and carefully they carried out the various fortune-telling that the Romans had great importance in public and private life. Before everyone important matter first they recognized the will of the gods, manifested in various signs, which priests called augurs were able to observe and explain. Thunder and lightning, sudden sneezing, falling of an object into sacred place, an attack of epilepsy in a public square - all such phenomena, even the most insignificant, but occurring at an unusual or important moment, acquired the meaning of a divine omen. This primitive religion was called the religion of Numa - after the second of the seven kings, who was credited with establishing the most important religious holidays.

The main gods of the Romans were Janus. Jupiter, Juno and Minerva. Characteristic feature Roman religion began to have many personifications, that is, personifications of moral concepts and human feelings. They had a goddess Fides (fidelity), depicted with ears of corn and a basket full of fruit; Concordia (concord) - with a cornucopia; Gonos (or Honor) and Virtus (honor and courage) are both armed; Sies(hope) with a flower in hand.

Years passed, centuries passed, the extremely broad, tolerant polytheism of the Romans easily absorbed other people's religious ideas. The influence of the Greeks penetrated most deeply. Their religion merged so much with the Roman one that in the end the Romans themselves did not see the difference between theirs and Greek gods. Moreover, this submission occurred completely voluntarily.

Thus, the Roman Jupiter is very similar to the Greek Zeus. First of all, he was the god of light. He was often called Lucetius the Light-Giver. Jupiter ruled over all celestial phenomena and the sky itself. His weapon (like Zeus's) was lightning. Juno, the wife of Jupiter, like Hera, the wife of Zeus, was the personification of the ideal wife and mother, the patroness of marriage. Minerva is the goddess of wisdom, analogous to the Greek Athena. Mars, like Ares, is the god of war. The fertility goddess Ceres was completely identified with Demeter, and the beautiful Venus became a copy of Aphrodite. The famous Aesculapius even took the symbol of his destiny - the snake - from Asclepius, and the Greek Artemis gave her bow and arrows to the Roman Diana. Mercury, like Hermes, flew on his winged sandals and patronized all trading people.

Along with the Greeks, eastern deities also floated to Rome. The first to appear was the Mother of the gods, Cybele of Asia Minor. The cult of Iranian Mithra spread most widely.

Little by little, the people of the Roman Empire lost confidence in the old gods and sought religious consolation in Eastern cults. It was then that the Roman world first became acquainted with astrology - the mysterious science of the stars, which has since ruled over the human mind.

Thus, the Romans in the 2nd century. AD was surrounded by gods of the Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Egyptian, and Eastern, not counting the gods from the North and the far West. At the sight of this multilingual gathering of gods, people felt satiated. A thirst for some kind of common faith was involuntarily brewing. Actually, the Roman religion no longer existed. There was some kind of confusion of all the gods of the East and West, North and South, a wild confusion of completely contradictory religious ideas, a collection of beliefs, cults and rituals in which there was no order or leading force.

Everyone believed what they wanted, but in fact, they were expecting a new revelation from day to day. It was finally given by Christianity, which with amazing ease defeated the decrepit and partly already dead pagan religions.
