Smoking counter. The cigarette counter is a tool for those who want to quit. Android: download paid apps for free

One of the ways that can help you is a non-smoking counter.

Set the basic parameters:

  • Date of quitting smoking;
  • How many cigarettes did you smoke per day?

After this, the site will generate a code for you that you can paste into your website, blog or favorite forum. Every day you will see how many cigarettes you have not smoked, how much time has passed since the date of quitting and most importantly, how much money you have saved. If you suddenly fall apart, then at any moment, you can reset the counter and start all over again. Go for it and you will succeed!

Smoker calculator

Smoking is always bad. This test will let you know how much money you can save by quitting smoking. And also, how much tar and nicotine enters the body over the years of smoking.

If you smoke:

(to receive data, pull the slider)

Note to smokers

  • At the beginning of the twentieth century, doctors prescribed smoking to pregnant women to prevent them from gaining weight.
  • Virginia Thomas Harriet. An ordinary resident, in 1588, propagated that smoking can improve your health, but he died soon enough, proving the opposite.
  • 10% of people who smoke get sick and die from malignant tumors; an even higher percentage is observed among those who smoke more than twenty cigarettes per day.
  • In tobacco and tobacco smoke contains more than 3000 chemical compounds. Some of them are carcinogenic, which means they can adversely affect the genetic material of the cell and lead to the growth of a cancerous tumor.
  • People who smoke are several times more likely to experience chronic bronchitis, which subsequently leads to serious complications.
  • In total, there are about 120 ways to cure tobacco addiction, but only 40 of them are practical in practice.
  • Smoking increases the negative effects of such harmful factors, for example, alcohol. If a person smokes and drinks alcohol, his risk of developing a myocardial infarction increases markedly, even more than if he simply smoked.
  • Most smokers quit smoking immediately after suffering a myocardial infarction.
  • Almost all of those who suffer from lung cancer are smokers.
  • One person in the world dies every eight seconds due to tobacco.
  • Cigarettes often contain sugar and cocoa, which many people with diabetes are unaware of.
  • Arrhythmia
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Varicose veins
  • Varicocele
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Hypertension
  • Hypotension
  • Diagnostics
  • Dystonia
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Ischemia
  • Blood
  • Operations
  • Heart
  • Vessels
  • Angina pectoris
  • Tachycardia
  • Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis

The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute a guide to action. Do not self-medicate. Consult your healthcare provider.

Smoker calculator

Do you smoke? We have created a smoker's calculator for you, which we really hope will make you think about the time to quit smoking.

Online smoker calculator

In addition to the enormous harm to health (cigarettes contain a lot of harmful substances- tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide), smoking empties your wallet. And it seems that the cost of a pack of cigarettes is not so high (by the way, a serious increase in the price of cigarettes is expected), but over the years such sums accumulate that you involuntarily think - it would be better if I put them aside and bought something really worthwhile.

Just try our online smoker calculator and think about it.

It's very easy to use. Remember how many years you have been smoking, how many cigarettes you smoke per day, and how much a pack of your cigarettes costs. Then take a pack and find data on the content of harmful substances in one cigarette. They are indicated on each pack; we are interested in the content of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide(CO). Enter them into the calculator and it will instantly, online, tell you how many cigarettes and packs you have smoked, as well as how many toxic substances your body has received.

We really hope that the data obtained will help you quit smoking!

If you're a heavy drinker, be sure to check out our blood alcohol calculator.

Non-smoking counter

Get yourself a truly beautiful non-smoking line!

Types of meters

  • Non-smoking medal.
  • GIF counters.

The main difference between our counter and those presented on other projects is that no registration is required. All your personal data (date of refusal, cost of a pack of cigarettes and the number of cigarettes smoked per day) are recorded when it is generated, after which you can download the non-smoking counter, or insert it into the forum signature. Now you don’t need to fill out any registration forms, etc. Now everything is simple. And don't forget to recommend the counter to your friends on social networks.

Ruchushkin › Blog › Non-smoking counter

Many smokers understand that before it is too late, they need to say goodbye to this bad habit. But how hard it is to do this! It's hard, no one argues. But if you have a goal and willpower, then even this difficult task will be within your reach. To quit smoking you need an incentive. It doesn’t matter what it becomes and what exactly it looks like. The main thing is a clear display of the results.

One option for such a stimulus source is a non-smoking counter. Every day with its help you can monitor the number of unsmoked cigarettes. Look and be proud of yourself! In addition, thanks to the non-smoking counter, you can easily calculate the money saved from buying cigarettes. Buy a toy for your child with them. Agree, there will be more benefits and pleasure from this.

Standard counters, displaying various information.

“Promise” to quit smoking - to receive such a counter, you just need to set the approximate day when you intend to quit smoking.

The main difference between our counter and those presented on other projects is that no registration is required. All your personal data (date of refusal, cost of a pack of cigarettes and the number of cigarettes smoked per day) are recorded when the counter is generated. Now you don’t need to fill out any registration forms, etc. Now everything is simple.

Non-smoking calculator

The “Dont-Smoke” non-smoking counter is a desktop mini-program (widget) that is intended for those who quit smoking or those who have already quit. The non-smoking counter is located on the desktop and shows how many days have passed without smoking, the amount of money saved during this period and the number of cigarettes not smoked, thereby maintaining morale and the desire to quit smoking once and for all!

Supported Operating Systems:

Windows 7, Windows Vista, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate or Enterprise, including 64-bit versions, Windows Vista SP1, Windows XP Tablet PC Edition SP2 and SP3, Windows XP SP2 and SP3, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows 2003 Server;

Mac OS X 10.4.11 or Mac OS X 10.5.4, 10.5.5 and 10.6;

Fedora 8 or later, Ubuntu 7.10 or later, OpenSuse 10.3 or later (xterm emulator must be present on Linux system).

To install the program you need to install latest version Adobe AIR (present in the archive), and then install the Dont Smoking Counter.

After successful installation, the application settings window will open in which you must specify the date and time of quitting smoking, as well as the cost and number of cigarettes smoked. Then click the “Save” button. After saving the settings, a “counter medal” appears on the desktop, which can be moved around the desktop by clicking and holding the right mouse button on the medal bar.

Operating system: Windows all/Mac OS X/Linux

Smart Non-Smoking Counter

You can download the Smart Non-Smoking Counter below, and here is the history of the invention))) The idea to make it came to me on the second day after I stopped poisoning myself with cigarettes! However then Trivial story…. - I read Allen Carr for the second time - I put out the last cigarette and, glowing with Happiness, was filled from head to toe with a titanic determination to never poison myself with cigarettes again! BUT with every next hour My reserve of inspiration was running low - Is this a familiar story?))) But I was not at a loss - I expected that something like this could happen and prepared for it in advance, when I was just about to quit smoking! I started watching all the videos about the dangers of smoking, “seemingly” shocking photos, advertisements, going over in my memory all the advantages of not smoking, constantly reminding myself of several risky bets that I made with my friends))), etc! BUT.....contrary to All My expectations, nothing helped - but it only got worse! Even those Two Non-Smoking Counters that I downloaded not long before did not help me! Of course they were good, BUT it was all wrong. .

Continuation of a story. and then, remembering my skills in working with Excel, I decided to create my own Smart Non-Smoking Counter! Why Smart? - yes, because I wanted him to be able to count what I (the average ex-smoker) am not able to count! Cigarettes and the amount of money saved are of course super - but I wanted to know something more, something that I don’t know! Something that will really attract My attention and lift my spirits!))) Only You can judge how successful I was…. But I will never forget how I and my friends waited for my first Nicotine Horse and Two Donkeys to finally die! How much Happiness and Joy there was)))) Now I already know the answer to the question that many ex-smokers ask themselves after they are completely free from nicotine addiction: and why did I smoke for so many years? As for me, it was worth smoking only so that once I realized the absurdity and stupidity of this action, I would experience the incomparable Happiness of Liberation! Gaining true control over Your Life) It’s really just great, after this you really believe that you can do Anything!))) and no matter what lies ahead, I want to Smile and wish you Good Luck! I hope the Smart Non-Smoking Counter will help you, as well as Me!)

Cigarette Counter - a tool for those who want to quit

I’ll say right away that I don’t pretend to be objective, but in my opinion this is really best app from this area (and I’ve tried about 5 similar ones before). I'll just tell you why I think so.

The application itself is very easy to use, and when I first launched it, I was only asked to select from a list the brand of cigarettes that I smoke and indicate the cost of a pack. And although there were hundreds of items on the list, my Soyuz cigarettes were not on the list, so I had to enter them manually. I chose rubles as my currency and closed the options window. Now you can mark every cigarette you smoke!

If you wish, you can mark a cigarette with one click on the red button on the main screen or the orange button, which will start a timer that measures the duration of the smoke break. Then it will be interesting to see all this data on the statistics screen. The statistics screen itself presents a lot most interesting information for any period of time. Particularly informative is the bar chart, which allows you to immediately see the dynamics of smoking. Most up-to-date information- how many cigarettes I smoked today, how much time has passed since the last smoke break, how much more you can smoke today and how long to wait until the next smoke break, I displayed on the main screen of the application. In addition, so as not to open the application every time I smoke, I displayed a widget on the phone screen that also allows you to mark cigarettes and displays the most important information. Everything is convenient and beautiful, although in many ways similar to similar applications for smokers.

More recently, “Goals” appeared with version 2.0 and we simply must take advantage of this innovation! These very goals are precisely the main thing that sets this application apart from similar ones.

Goals make it possible to really control smoking. I chose to limit the number of cigarettes I smoke per day to 15 pieces and reduce this amount by 0.5 per day. The second goal was to limit the minimum time between smoking breaks to 50 minutes and set the interval to increase by 0.33 minutes (20 seconds) with each smoking break and turn on an alert when you can smoke. At the same time, he indicated that I do not smoke from 2:00 to 8:00, because... At this time I sleep, so that at night I don’t receive notifications that I can smoke. That’s how I gradually decided to reduce the number of cigarettes I smoked.

The trick with goals is that I can’t “accidentally” smoke if goals are activated (if I actually record all the cigarettes through the app, of course). I see how many more cigarettes I can smoke, and the app tells me I'm breaking my goals if I smoke more than I should. I can observe the success of achieving goals by the success rate in the corresponding section. In general, a little control over myself, and in a little more than a week I reduced the number of cigarettes to 10 per day. In the near future, I want to activate the goal “Date of Quitting Cigarettes” and count down the minutes until that very day, because I can no longer tolerate this terrible habit in myself!

At one time, I looked ahead and activated the Health mode, which keeps statistics of achievements and describes the processes occurring in the body of a person who has quit smoking, but I hope soon I myself will be able to track these achievements daily, being already a real non-smoker! Perhaps then I will write in more detail about my impressions of this second mode of operation of the application.

The last thing I would like to say is a huge thank you to the developers of Cigarette Analytics for this wonderful application and for the opportunity to return to healthy image the life it has provided for me and I'm sure many other people!

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Online smoker calculator

Convenient navigation through the article:

Smoker calculator (online calculation)

Which organs are negatively affected by smoking?

Smoking is one of the most bad habits, and can cause irreparable harm to human health. Smokers, even with little experience, expose the body to the risk of numerous diseases that can appear quite unexpectedly at a later age.

Consequences of smoking

Negative consequences caused by addiction can cause diseases of the following systems:

  • respiratory system – diseases of the lungs, bronchi;
  • cardiovascular system – heart, circulatory disorders;
  • visual organs – retinal pathologies, threat of vision loss;
  • digestive system – stomach diseases, increased acidity, leading to premature aging;
  • genitourinary area – decreased sexual function, uterine pathology, infertility.

The effect of cigarettes on the lungs and bronchi

Smoking acts directly on these organs along with inhaled nicotine. As a result, development chronic bronchitis in such people it increases several times. In addition, there is Negative influence to the lungs. The process starts with respiratory failure, and can result in emphysema and even lung cancer.

The effect of cigarettes on the heart and blood vessels

Cigarettes can cause various diseases heart, in addition, they increase the risk of myocardial infarction and coronary disease heart, lead to rapid wear and tear of the heart muscle.

The effect of cigarettes on the organs of vision

Smoking also has a detrimental effect on the retina of the eyes; it can cause clouding of the lens, and in further development cataracts leading to complete blindness.

The effect of cigarettes on digestion

The digestive organs are also affected dangerous habit. In heavy smokers, the normal production of hydrochloric acid is disrupted, which threatens gastritis and ulcers. In some cases, with prolonged exposure to nicotine, stomach cancer may develop.

The effect of cigarettes on the genitourinary organs

As a result of harmful addictions, women suffer from such important organ like a womb. Nicotine can cause the manifestation of benign and malignant tumors. In addition, there is always a risk of infertility.

In men, smoking has a negative effect on erection, which in some cases leads to impotence.

A person who is irresponsible about his health, due to the habit of smoking, can get such disastrous results as:

  • diseases of internal organs;
  • premature aging and decreased immunity;
  • increased risk of mortality before age 50.

Is this dubious pleasure worth such sacrifices?


Non-smoking counter.

57 messages

As you can see, the “non-smoking counter” has been launched.

More precisely, it was previously launched on the website, and now it has become available for installation on the VKontakte wall.

We will listen with pleasure and attention to your wishes regarding the functionality of the application.

What kind of counter would you like to see?

What features should be added?

Thanks to everyone involved.

I'm deleting off-topic floods.

The general feasibility of installing a day counter is not discussed

I’ll say right away that I don’t pretend to be objective, but in my opinion this is really the best application in this area (and I’ve tried about 5 similar ones before). I'll just tell you why I think so.

The application itself is very easy to use, and when I first launched it, I was only asked to select from a list the brand of cigarettes that I smoke and indicate the cost of a pack. And although there were hundreds of items on the list, my Soyuz cigarettes were not on the list, so I had to enter them manually. I chose rubles as my currency and closed the options window. Now you can mark every cigarette you smoke!

If you wish, you can mark a cigarette with one click on the red button on the main screen or the orange button, which will start a timer that measures the duration of the smoke break. Then it will be interesting to see all this data on the statistics screen. The statistics screen itself presents a lot of interesting information for any period of time. Particularly informative is the bar chart, which allows you to immediately see the dynamics of smoking. I displayed the most relevant information - how many cigarettes I smoked today, how much time has passed since my last smoke break, how much I can still smoke today and how long to wait until my next smoke break - on the main screen of the application. In addition, so as not to open the application every time I smoke, I displayed a widget on the phone screen that also allows you to mark cigarettes and displays the most important information. Everything is convenient and beautiful, although in many ways similar to similar applications for smokers.

More recently, “Goals” appeared with version 2.0 and we simply must take advantage of this innovation! These very goals are precisely the main thing that sets this application apart from similar ones.

Goals make it possible to really control smoking. I chose to limit the number of cigarettes I smoke per day to 15 pieces and reduce this amount by 0.5 per day. The second goal was to limit the minimum time between smoking breaks to 50 minutes and set the interval to increase by 0.33 minutes (20 seconds) with each smoking break and turn on an alert when you can smoke. At the same time, he indicated that I do not smoke from 2:00 to 8:00, because... At this time I sleep, so that at night I don’t receive notifications that I can smoke. That’s how I gradually decided to reduce the number of cigarettes I smoked.

The trick with goals is that I can’t “accidentally” smoke if goals are activated (if, of course, I really record all the cigarettes through the application). I see how many more cigarettes I can smoke, and the app tells me I'm breaking my goals if I smoke more than I should. I can observe the success of achieving goals by the success rate in the corresponding section. In general, a little control over myself, and in a little more than a week I reduced the number of cigarettes to 10 per day. In the near future, I want to activate the goal “Date of Quitting Cigarettes” and count down the minutes until that very day, since I can no longer tolerate this terrible habit in myself!

At one time, I looked ahead and activated the Health mode, which keeps statistics of achievements and describes the processes occurring in the body of a person who has quit smoking, but I hope soon I myself will be able to track these achievements daily, being already a real non-smoker! Perhaps then I will write in more detail about my impressions of this second mode of operation of the application.

The last thing I would like to say is a huge thank you to the developers of Cigarette Analytics for this wonderful application and for the opportunity to return to a healthy lifestyle that it has provided me and, I'm sure, many other people!

If you are as interested in news from the IT world as we are, subscribe to our Telegram channel. All materials appear there as quickly as possible. Or maybe it's more convenient for you? We are even in .

Many smokers understand that before it is too late, they need to say goodbye to this bad habit. But how hard it is to do this! It's hard, no one argues. But if you have a goal and willpower, then even this difficult task will be within your reach. To quit smoking you need an incentive. It doesn’t matter what it becomes and what exactly it looks like. The main thing is a clear display of the results.

One option for such a stimulus source is a non-smoking counter. Every day with its help you can monitor the number of unsmoked cigarettes. Look and be proud of yourself! In addition, thanks to the non-smoking counter, you can easily calculate the money saved from buying cigarettes. Buy a toy for your child with them. Agree, there will be more benefits and pleasure from this.

Types of meters

  • Non-smoking medal.
  • GIF counters.
  • Standard counters, displaying various information.
  • “Promise” to quit smoking - to receive such a counter, you just need to set the approximate day when you intend to quit smoking.

The main difference between our counter and those presented on other projects is that no registration is required. All your personal data (date of refusal, cost of a pack of cigarettes and the number of cigarettes smoked per day) are recorded when it is generated, after which you can download the non-smoking counter, or insert it into the forum signature. Now you don’t need to fill out any registration forms, etc. Now everything is simple. And don't forget to recommend the counter to your friends on social networks.

Which organs are negatively affected by smoking?

Smoking is one of the most harmful habits and can cause irreparable harm to human health. Smokers, even with little experience, expose the body to the risk of numerous diseases that can appear quite unexpectedly at a later age.

Consequences of smoking

Negative consequences caused by addiction can cause diseases of the following systems:

  • respiratory system – diseases of the lungs, bronchi;
  • cardiovascular system – heart, circulatory disorders;
  • visual organs – retinal pathologies, threat of vision loss;
  • digestive system – stomach diseases, increased acidity, leading to premature aging;
  • genitourinary area – decreased sexual function, uterine pathology, infertility.

The effect of cigarettes on the lungs and bronchi

Smoking acts directly on these organs along with inhaled nicotine. As a result, the development of chronic bronchitis in such people increases several times. In addition, there is a negative effect on the lungs. The process begins with respiratory failure, and can end with emphysema and even lung cancer.

The effect of cigarettes onheart and blood vessels

Cigarettes can cause various heart diseases; in addition, they increase the risk of myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease and lead to rapid wear and tear of the heart muscle.

The effect of cigarettes on oralGhana's view

Smoking also has a detrimental effect on the retina of the eyes; it can cause clouding of the lens, and subsequently the development of cataracts, leading to complete blindness.

The effect of cigarettes on pdigestion

The digestive organs also suffer from this dangerous habit. In heavy smokers, the normal production of hydrochloric acid is disrupted, which threatens gastritis and ulcers. In some cases, with prolonged exposure to nicotine, stomach cancer may develop.

The effect of cigarettes on mgenitourinary organs

As a result of harmful addiction, such an important organ as the uterus suffers in women. Nicotine can cause the manifestation of benign and malignant tumors. In addition, there is always a risk of infertility.

In men, smoking has a negative effect on erection, which in some cases leads to impotence.


A person who is irresponsible about his health, due to the habit of smoking, can get such disastrous results as:

  • diseases of internal organs;
  • premature aging and decreased immunity;
  • increased risk of mortality before age 50.

Is this dubious pleasure worth such sacrifices?

The harm of smoking!

You may be interested in other calculators:

" - an excellent program for operating system Android, which is necessary for every smoker. Everyone knows that tobacco is very harmful to human body. It affects the stomach, circulatory and nervous system, lungs. It is worth noting the high cost, because a heavy smoker buys a pack of cigarettes every day. This application has convenient functionality that allows you to calculate the money spent per day, week, month or year.

Before use, you must enter the requested personal data: the name of the cigarettes, the amount of nicotine and tar they contain, the price per pack and the number of cigarettes in it. This data is necessary for further calculations. Then information with graphs is displayed on the screen. They are showing maximum amount cigarettes that can be smoked in one day and how much money will be spent. Use the advanced application settings "". They can set the final goal, height, weight and gender of the user.

The first indicator is required. If you want to quit smoking completely, the reduction in nicotine consumption will be gradual and will reach zero after a few days. And in the case when the user wants to reduce material income, the desired result can be achieved much faster.

This program acts as a coach and motivation, which is often absent from most smokers. It will take willpower and a lot of desire to achieve the desired result, but it is worth it. After a week, you will completely quit the addiction or reduce your nicotine intake to a minimum.
