“Smoking or health The choice is yours!”.doc - Development of an extra-curricular activity on the topic: “Smoking or health? The choice is yours! Smoking or health - choose for yourself! Characteristics of nicotine addiction by stages

World Health Day is celebrated every year. On April 7, 1980, it was held under the motto: "Smoking or health - choose for yourself!" On June 12, 1980, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution "On measures to strengthen the fight against smoking." This document proposes to drastically limit and subsequently ban smoking in offices and public places.

The Ministry of Health of the USSR is obliged to expand scientific research to find effective means and methods of combating smoking, as well as to provide assistance to everyone who wants to quit smoking.

According to the World Health Organization, the overall mortality of smokers exceeds the mortality of non-smokers by 30-80%, with the most significant difference occurring at the age of 45-54 years, that is, the most valuable in terms of professional experience and creative activity.

It is safe to say that each new puff on a cigarette shortens a person's life by at least one breath, and each cigarette smoked shortens a person's life by 15 minutes. “Who saw these minutes and who calculated them?” - smokers are ironic. Yes, it is difficult to show this for an individual, but in the general population, smokers live much less than non-smokers (Table 2).

Due to what disease is the life of smokers shortened?

A report by the US Surgeon General noted that for a group of smokers who smoked 10 to 19 cigarettes a day, the mortality rate is 70% higher than for a group of non-smokers. For those who smoke 40 cigarettes or more per day, this figure is 120% higher. Almost 1/2 of this "surplus" is due to coronary insufficiency, and 1/6 is due to lung cancer. About these serious consequences smoking and our further conversation will go.

Now we know quite a lot about the dangers of smoking. There was even a new term: "diseases associated with smoking." According to the World Health Organization, about a million people die from them every year, mostly at a relatively young and quite able-bodied age.

Smoking causes calcification (sclerosis) of blood vessels and becomes one of the critical factors that increase the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, diseases of the arteries of the heart muscle and brain.

Not surprisingly, smokers have a sharply increased incidence of the disease ...

Indeed, there is a striking parallelism between tobacco use and lung cancer. Lung cancer, which at the beginning of the century was in last place in terms of frequency among tumor diseases, took second place in men, second only to stomach cancer. Medical Commission in the United States, studying the issue of lung cancer, came to the conclusion that people who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day get sick lung cancer 20 times more likely than non-smokers.

So, the most formidable retribution for smoking is lung cancer. Smokers account for 90% of all diagnosed cases of lung cancer. But the danger of smoking is not limited to malignant lesions of the respiratory system. At chronic smokers Vulnerable to cancer become, in addition to the lungs, and other organs and tissues. Smoking a pipe or a cigar, like smoking a cigarette, means increasing the likelihood of cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx, especially if the smoker also drinks wine. Cigarette smoking contributes to the development of cancer of the esophagus, pancreas and bladder. Kidney tumors are 5 times more common in smokers than in non-smokers. Cancer of the stomach as a result of smoking is not excluded. A smoker, constantly swallowing saliva and the products of combustion of tobacco contained in it, introduces carcinogens into the stomach.

Considering the full spectrum of cancers and what is known about their causes, the president of the American Cancer Society recently stated, "Keep smoking out and you will prevent 15-20% of all cancer deaths in our country and in many other countries."

Tobacco and heart. Cardiovascular diseases play a leading role in morbidity and mortality, especially in economically developed countries. The reasons for their growth are different, but one of the most important factors is smoking, which is therefore called a risk factor. This means that the risk of getting sick and dying from heart disease and blood vessels (hypertension, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, stroke) is higher if a person smokes.

How can tobacco affect the cardiovascular system?

Nicotine in the first phase of its action excites the vasomotor and respiratory centers, and in the second phase, on the contrary, it depresses them. If you feel the pulse of a smoking person, you will notice that at the first puff it slows down, and then the heart begins to beat in a rapid rhythm. At the same time, there is an increase in blood pressure, which is due to a narrowing peripheral vessels. To this it should be added that carbon monoxide (II), coming from cigarettes, increases the content of cholesterol in the blood and causes the development of atherosclerosis. In general, smoking has an adverse effect on the heart: a smoker is twice as likely to have a heart attack than a non-smoker.

At coronary disease the blood supply to the heart suffers, and consequently, the delivery of oxygen to it is reduced. Carbon monoxide (II) exacerbates the situation, as it prevents the transfer of oxygen from the blood to the tissues. Thus, exposure to carbon(II) monoxide (and possibly nicotine inhalation) increases the likelihood of myocardial infarction in individuals with coronary insufficiency. The systematic intake of carbon monoxide (II) contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, as well as other vascular lesions, in particular the arteries of the legs.

Gangrene of the legs. Psychiatrists G. M. Entin and Yu. B. Tarnavsky talk about the meetings of two school friends who had not seen each other for several years. At the first meeting, one of the comrades was a cheerful, well-looking man for his 40 years. And now it was a hunched over, leaning on a stick and barely moving his legs, an infirm elderly man.

I didn’t even dare to address him with the traditional greeting: “How are you, old man?”, For in front of me was really a very old man,” says one of the comrades. When I approached him, he smiled and, without waiting for a question, said:

As you can see, my business is tobacco: obliterating endarteritis. I can hardly walk, but more I lie in different clinics, I am treated at resorts, and all to no avail. Gangrene is starting, and, probably, the amputation of the foot is indispensable. That's it...

But have you given up smoking yet?

Now, of course, he quit, - the patient answered not very confidently.

And I remember how, back in the fifth grade, he secretly smoked in secluded places from his parents and teachers. In high school, he often borrowed money for cigarettes or begged them from passers-by.

Haven't you smoked a single cigarette in your entire life? he interrupted my reminiscences.

No, I didn't smoke. And it is a pity that you have been smoking since childhood, because your trouble is mainly due to years of smoking.

I know this, I was told for a long time that smoking is harmful - even when the disease was in its infancy: I got tired when running or even walking for a long time. Only after they appeared severe pain in the legs, I went to the surgeon. He said that my pulse was hard to feel in my feet. But I did not quit smoking until very recently, when I was offered amputation of the foot. And even then, to be honest, no, no, and I’ll smoke a cigarette ... “Tobacco is a business,” he concluded with a saying that very accurately characterized the state of affairs.

Obliterating endarteritis - defeat blood vessels lower extremities. The decisive role in its occurrence belongs to nicotine. In the mouths of the people, such a pathology is marked by the expression "smoker's legs." The essence of the disease is the narrowing and obliteration of the lumen of the artery (obliteration), malnutrition of tissues and their necrosis (gangrene).

In the initial stage, the disease manifests itself with such vague symptoms as chilliness of the legs, blanching of the skin, and a feeling of numbness in the fingers. Then comes the so-called intermittent claudication, which occurs due to insufficient blood supply to the legs. It was then that the absence of a pulse beat on the artery, which runs along the dorsum of the foot from the front, is already clearly defined. ankle joint to the thumb. When raising the leg, due to poor blood supply, the skin on the foot turns pale sharply, and when lowered, it becomes cyanotic, which indicates a lack of venous outflow.

Most surgeons claim that main reason of this disease is nicotine. Without stopping smoking, treatment does not give any effect, and if you stop smoking at an early stage of the disease, you can hope for a favorable outcome.

Try, opening another pack of cigarettes, ask yourself the question: “What am I doing? Why am I going to poison my body? Am I so weak-willed as to deliberately spoil my health? Maybe it will help to quit smoking and prevent the development serious illnesses, which include stomach ulcers.

Tobacco is an accomplice of an ulcer. For a person who is addicted to tobacco, smoking a cigarette is like quenching their thirst or having lunch. For a heavy smoker, lunch will seem incomplete if he does not smoke after eating. Chronic nicotine poisoning causes a disorder in the activity of the autonomic nervous system resulting in a disruption in the normal functioning gastrointestinal tract.

Every time after smoking a cigarette, gastritis symptoms appear in the stomach: it decreases, and at a certain dose, on the contrary, it increases sharply physical activity stomach, the production of gastric juice is inhibited, as a result of which appetite decreases. The acidity of the gastric juice also changes. That is why smokers believe that tobacco satisfies the feeling of hunger.

All these gastric phenomena entail a spasmodic contraction of the muscle layers of the stomach wall, due to which food is delayed in it, abdominal pain, nausea, and sometimes vomiting occur. Smoking tends to constrict the blood vessels, disrupting the blood supply internal organs, thereby creating favorable conditions for ulceration of the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum. In most cases, ulcers of these organs occur in connection with smoking. In the future, with the development of the ulcer process, smoking leads to a delay in scarring of the ulcer. In smokers, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum occurs 2-3 times more often than in non-smokers. Mortality from these diseases in smokers is 4 times higher than in non-smokers.

Violations of the internal organs are explained by the fact that nicotine, smoke, tobacco particles during smoking, along with saliva, enter the stomach and have a constant irritant effect on its neurosecretory and motor activity. Our gastrointestinal tract is accustomed to the periodic intake of food, a certain rhythm of work. The intake of tobacco poison disrupts the rhythm of the gastrointestinal tract. Since carcinogenic substances enter the stomach along with nicotine, it is not uncommon for the appearance of malignant tumors.

The link between liver disease and smoking has long been known. Experimental evidence for this association has been obtained in rabbits. In animals that were regularly smoked with smoke, there were changes in liver cells, reminiscent of the picture of cirrhosis (shrinkage) of the liver in humans. Smokers often (in 30-40% of cases) have a disorder motor function bile ducts, which leads to stagnation of bile. This is especially pronounced with the simultaneous abuse of tobacco and alcohol.

Smoking and offspring. The effect of nicotine on the sex glands has been proven. If a male rabbit is injected with nicotine, then the size of his testicles decreases, and disturbances occur in the germ cells (spermatozoa). Similar phenomena can be observed in long-term smokers who feel the premature extinction of sexual function.

According to the observations of specialists, smoking is the cause of impotence in at least 10% of cases. The cessation of nicotine intoxication leads to the restoration of sexual function.

Women who smoke, as a rule, age early, they have premature puberty. Tobacco also affects the course of pregnancy.

The effect of nicotine on the fetus is easy to see if you follow his heartbeat after smoking the mother. The unborn child immediately has an increase in heart rate. Naturally, a similar reaction can also occur if they smoke in the presence of a pregnant woman.

The harmful effect of nicotine on the fetus is due to the fact that it reduces placental blood flow and reduces the supply of oxygen to the tissues of a growing organism. At smoking women miscarriages and stillbirths of children occur 2-3 times more often than in non-smokers.

The ability of nicotine to cross the placenta and pass from the mother's blood into the fetal blood gives the right to assert that a smoking mother poisons her child with nicotine even before the birth of her child. Hence spontaneous abortions, the birth of dead children, various developmental anomalies.

As a result of a special survey of the population by the Japanese Society for Sanitation and Hygiene, it was found that children of fathers who smoked a pack of cigarettes a day weighed 125 g less on average than children whose fathers did not smoke. In mothers who smoke, newborns weigh 230 g less than in women in labor who are unfamiliar with a cigarette.

Girls who started smoking early develop worse physically, more often get sick with bronchitis than their non-smoking peers. The effect of nicotine on genital area most often manifested in violation of menstruation.

Tobacco use by women has always been considered a sign of bad taste and condemned. So, A. S. Pushkin has an appeal to a beauty who sniffed tobacco:

You love to smell not the morning flower,

And harmful grass is green.

Turned by art

In fluffy powder!

And what the poet would write in relation to smoking ladies is unknown, because in his time women did not smoke, but only sniffed tobacco. Smoking among Russian women began only in the middle - the end of the XIX century. But up to the very recent years there were very few women who smoked.

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MOU Sheragul secondary school
Development extracurricular activities on the topic:

Author of pedagogical development:
English teacher
highest qualification category
Gordon T.A.

from. Sheragul, 2018

Explanatory note
The topic of extracurricular activities is important at all times and for everyone
generations. The goals and objectives of the event were achieved: in the process
discussions, it has been proven that smoking causes great harm to human health, leads to
personality degradation. During the event, various
forms and methods of questioning, competition in competitions: proverbs, quizzes,
role play and creativity. The value of an extracurricular activity is
the formation of students' ideas about the dangers of smoking and the rejection of harmful
At present, due to the development of science, many new facts about
harmful substances contained in tobacco. At the last assembly of the World
health organizations have stressed that the harm that smoking
inflicts on human health remains a major problem in many countries.
Thus, “passive smoking” is exposed to children in the family, colleagues at work or
random companions of smokers in a train car or in a car. pernicious infatuation
a smoker is dangerous not only for him, but for each of us.
These facts are a cause for legitimate concern on the part of the Government and
public in all countries where the basic law is concern for
people, so there is a widespread anti-smoking propaganda,
an attempt is being made to revive the old traditions prohibiting the use of
this potion.

“Smoking or health? The choice is yours!"
Scenario of an extracurricular event
Purpose: to form a negative attitude of adolescents to smoking and
reduce the risk of engaging in this bad habit.
 Tasks:
 Promote knowledge about harmful effects
smoking on human health;
 to promote the development of cognitive and creativity,
 develop emotional sphere by creating a situation of surprise,
interests, emotional experiences.
 promote responsibility for one's own behavior and
having bad habits
 to promote the development of an active life position,
intolerance to smoking;
 development of sustainable motivation for a healthy lifestyle;
Poster titled “Smoking or health? Choice for
 Presentation on the topic "Smoking or health - the choice is yours!",
 Laptop, screen,
 Musical accompaniment: "Requiem" by Mozart, "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven,

Event progress:
Epigraph: “Man is the highest creation of nature, but for
in order to enjoy her treasures, he must
answer by at least, one requirement to be
A.A. Leonov
I. Introduction
Teacher: Dear participants of the event!
We dedicate today's event to the fight against the most common
bad habit– smoking, as well as we will replenish knowledge about harmful
the consequences of smoking on human health;
Slide №1, 2
It sounds, gradually intensifying, Mozart's "Requiem". 3 members leave. Music
Information block:
Teacher: What effect does tobacco have on human health?
1st student: James I - a resident of the 17th century, said that smoking is not an occupation
civilized person. And his famous work "On the dangers of tobacco",
published in 1604, James I ended with the words:
“Smoking is a habit that is contrary to the eye, intolerable to the sense of smell, harmful to
brain, dangerous for the lungs. "(slide 3)
2nd student: Let's start with the fact that a smoker from a non-smoker is easy to distinguish even
in appearance:
the smoker's complexion is greyish-yellowish;
the skin of the face is dry, often with spots; a web of premature wrinkles;
yellow teeth, gray gums, out of the mouth bad smell decay;
rough and hoarse voice, shortness of breath, cough! ..
Teacher: Consider the table, "What chemicals are in a cigarette?" (slide

3rd student: It is known that a drop of nicotine kills a horse and causes cancer.
to every child. But when smoking a cigarette, a person swallows from 0.1 to
1.8 milligrams of nicotine! Together with smoke, they enter our body
really dangerous substances found in cigarette tar.
Teacher: How does smoking affect the functioning of the heart and lungs? (slide 5, 6)
3rd student: For everyone, without exception, after smoking a cigarette, the pulse quickens by
1520 beats per minute, while the blood pressure rises by 1520%. And this
lasts about half an hour. If a person smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, then
his heart is constantly working with increased load. Overloading leads to
premature wear of the heart.
1st student: Up to 6000 of the most
various components and compounds, 30 of which belong to
category of natural poisons: nicotine, pyridine, ethylene, isoprene,
bezoporen, radioactive polonium, arsenic, bismuth, lead 210,
formic, hydrocyanic acid, poisonous gases (hydrogen sulfide and
carbon monoxide). The most poisonous of them are nicotine and hydrocyanic acid.
2nd student: Nicotine is one of the strong poisons vegetable
origin. It acts primarily on the nervous
digestive, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
Birds die if you just bring a glass glass to their beak.
stick dipped in nicotine. For a person lethal dose
nicotine is from 50 to 100 mg, or 2-3 drops. Just such
the dose enters the blood daily after smoking 20-25
Hydrocyanic acid found in cigarettes
3rd student:
has an insidious effect. This acid reduces the ability
cells take in oxygen from the incoming blood. Coming
oxygen starvation, and since nerve cells are the longest
the rest need oxygen, they are the first to suffer from
action of hydrocyanic acid. At a high dose of this substance
following the strongest stimulation of the central nervous
paralysis occurs, breathing stops. And then
heart stops.
Work in subgroups:
The group is divided into subgroups. Participants are asked to answer
to the question: “What organs and systems are affected by smoking?”
Each subgroup “cuts out” the affected organs and glues

them to one of the group members (with adhesive tape) The results are summed up
group work and participants from each subgroup go to the board,
the results are discussed. Then the table "Bodies
targets." The teacher draws the attention of the students to the fact that
there is not a single organ or system in a smoker that does not
would be affected in a smoker when smoking.
Are listed
diseases that occur in smokers
Includes Heart, Brain, Lungs (RPG)
And now we will see a scene called "At the doctor's appointment." IN
this scene, let's see what happens to our organs if they get caught
harmful substances.
On stage: The doctor's office, the doctor is sitting at the table. There is a knock on the door, on the stage
the patient appears.
Doctor: Come in. What are you complaining about?
Patient: (in a hoarse voice). Yes, the lungs began to bother.
Doctor: Lungs speak. I can smell it: an experienced smoker. Let's
Let's check your lungs and heart.
Breathing heavily and coughing, leaning on each other, the heart and lungs enter the stage.
Heart: I work like an ox. I keep knocking.
For the owner to eat, walk, watch movies, work and walk. In short, to live.
And he, instead of caring: jogging on Saturdays, walking and exercising.
Smokes only without looking back.
Lungs: I'll tell you a secret. Lung cancer passed by.
He was looking for a new victim for himself.
But this time, fortunately, he did not notice us.
His treacherous paws were avoided.
Will it be five years or so? The owner is completely weak. From cigarettes, from tobacco.
We are with him.
Oh, he would know how terrible it is to die in the hands of this terrible disease.
I would quit smoking right away.
Doctor: See how your lungs and heart complain. lung cancer smokers
sick 15 times more than non-smokers, and the risk of getting lung cancer in malignant
smokers increases 46 times.
About 6,000 different components have been found in tobacco smoke, 30 of which
belong to the category of natural poisons, some of which are found in tobacco smoke
substances are united by a common name - carcinogens, i.e. they cause cancer.
I see in your card there are records of all doctors.
Would you like to quit smoking?

Patient: The doctor tried it more than once, but apparently there is not enough strength.
On stage: The patient's brain enters the stage (leans on a stick, all bent,
Host: Who is this?
Brain: Brain! Smoker's unfortunate, stoned brain. Because he understands that
intoxicate with nicotine. But nothing can be done. And only the poor fellow toils, not
can quit, weak in spirit. After all, he has been a slave for ten years.
Patient: Slave? Whose?
Doctor: According to research, nicotine in tobacco causes
addiction to tobacco. A person who smokes very soon becomes "nicotine
dependent." The one who continues to smoke confirms his weakness and
futility. Smokers are often struck by another misfortune - nicotine
blindness and atherosclerosis. This serious disease in which the patient loses
the ability to perform any delicate work. Nicotine blindness is incurable.
Atherosclerosis of the vessels is a disease in which the legs and arms can affect
gangrene, and the smoker is systematically cut off piece by piece from the arms and legs, turning
them into stumps.
Patient: Doctor, my stomach hurt from fear.
Doctor: It's your stomach.
On stage: The stomach comes out to the music on all fours. He sits astride
a cheerful, content stomach ulcer that twists the whip and hits the stomach.
The stomach is trying to fight back.
Stomach: Help! Kill! I remember now. Smoked my Pasha. Like a cutlet
She said, "I don't feel comfortable here." And the compote got so angry, it turned into caustic vinegar.
And let's go outside. How can you not be scared. In other words, he doesn't love me.
Nicotine kills quietly.
Doctor: The poisons contained in nicotine have a negative effect on the mucous
lining of the stomach, which often leads to a serious condition such as an ulcer
Stomach: So Pasha finished smoking. I got an ulcer. And gnaws at me, gnaws at me.
Doesn't let you live in peace.
Doctor: We must help him (Tries to push the ulcer. Failed).
Stomach: You can't beat her. It's time to quit smoking.
Patient: Well, I'm in trouble. All this is true. Enough, quit smoking (Tears a pack of cigarettes).
Quit, quit, quit smoking. Enough! Tired of living in a tobacco smoke. Everyone
I suggest you don't smoke. Smoke breaks, smoke breaks cancel.
Brain, Lungs, Heart, Stomach: How could you poison yourself like that. How
it was possible not to love. I suggest everyone stop smoking. about cigarettes,
forget cigarettes. Quit, quit, quit smoking. We know you're tired of the smoke

Here are some practical psychological tips for those who
wants to quit smoking
.one. Let your friends and family know you're quitting
smoke. The more people know about your decision, the
more responsibility to you and others to bring
started work to the end.
2. Do not promise to quit forever - quit first for one day,
then another, and another, and another day.
3. Choose a certain day, gather your courage - and quit. To
get distracted, do something with friends who don't smoke.
Throw away anything that reminds you of smoking.
4. Stock up on sugar-free chewing gum, mint
pills, carrots
.5. Constantly remind yourself that smoking will interfere with your
set goals.
6.Smoking - conditioned reflex so quitting smoking
You should even pick up a cigarette.
Presenter: And now the game: "Proverbs about the dangers of smoking, about healthy lifestyles."
The game "Collect and read the proverb."
1. The smoker is his own gravedigger.
2. Tobacco will bring the big man to the grave.
3. Tobacco is fun for fools.
4. Smoking is harmful to health.
5. When tobacco appears, wisdom is removed.
6. Say hello to a cigarette, say goodbye to the mind.
Competition 3. Quiz "Brainstorm"
Teams will be asked a series of quiz questions on topics related to
all components of the concept of "healthy lifestyle". For the correct answer - 1 point.
The team that answers the most questions correctly in 2 minutes wins.
number of questions.
Questions for Team 1:
What is the most precious thing in the world? (health)

25. Our body is made up of cells (yes, no)
26. In the summer, you can save up a supply of vitamins for the whole year (yes, no)
27. There is already a vaccine against AIDS and HIV infection (yes, no)
28. In smokers, the lungs are primarily affected (yes, no)
29. The famous surgeon Fedor Uglov claimed that after taking
alcohol in the cerebral cortex remains a "graveyard of nerve cells"
(Not really).
Questions for Team 2:
What is felt (felt) without language? (disease)
Heavy smoker's disease (bronchitis)
Tennis court (court)
For football - a ball, for badminton (shuttlecock)
Which valuable product does a bee give to a person? (honey)
What diseases can a cat treat? (cardiovascular)
Motto Olympic Games("Faster, higher, stronger!")
Ice rink (skating rink)
She is the key to health (cleanliness)
10. The science that studies the structure of the human body (anatomy)
11. organic matter necessary for normal
the vital activity of the organism; from the Latin word "life" (vitamins)
12. Sweet drink from jam diluted with water (fruit drink)
13. What is semolina made from? (from wheat)
Herb for (99) ninety-nine diseases (St. John's wort)
15. Living motor that sets in motion human blood (heart)
16. A sport that "real men play" (hockey)
17. Dried pitted apricot (dried apricots)

18. A person suffering from an irresistible attraction to
drugs (drug addict)
19. How many people are on the football team? (out of 11)
20. Feeling of great spiritual satisfaction, feeling
fun (joy)
21. Physical or moral stamina, endurance (hardening)
22. On the squares of the board, the kings brought the shelves - game (chess)
23. Europe - blue Olympic ring, Asia - yellow, Africa -
black, Australia - green, America? (red)
24. Judo mat (tatami)
25. Gum saves teeth (yes, no)
26. There are harmless drugs (yes, no)
27. Nicotine is a poison that especially affects body growth (yes,
28. Lack of sun causes depression (yes, no)
29. Drug translated from Greek as “intoxicating” (yes, no).
Music by I.S. Bach "Toccata" (D minor)
Remember - man is not weak.
Born free. He is not a slave.
Tonight, when you go to bed,
You have to say to yourself:
All participants:
“I chose my own path to the light.
And, despising the cigarette,
I won't smoke for anything.
I am human. I must be strong!"
The teacher invites students to participate in a chants competition
against smoking. In conclusion, the students formulate 10 reasons,
why you can’t smoke. “A cigarette spoils your teeth, remember, girl,
about it! ”“ He looks gloomy, breathes heavily, - he is a smoker. Oh,
poor thing!” “Being healthy is great! And smoking is dangerous!

It sounds, gradually intensifying, Mozart's "Requiem".
Our event is over.
In conclusion, we will summarize it:
Who is primarily responsible for smoking? Who should
decide: will our descendants smoke?
Metaphor: Once, long ago, in one eastern country, near
in a big noisy city lived a sage respected by all. People very often
turned to him for advice on the most difficult questions and he always
helped them solve their problems. The sage was very clever and kind: he
no one refused to help.
And then one day an ambitious young man appeared in the city,
who wanted to be famous for his abilities. He decided to provide
assistance in solving various problems residents of a big city. But
for some reason, people did not go to him, but continued to go to the old
The young man decided to prove to everyone that the sage is not so smart,
that he does not know everything in this world. And he came up with this test for him:
“I will catch a butterfly and hold it in my fist, go to the sage and ask him,
what's in my hand? If he answers correctly, then I will ask: what is she -
dead or alive? If he says - alive, then I will quietly squeeze
fist and crush the butterfly, and if he says - dead, then I will let her go, and she
fly away, and everyone will think that I am smarter than the old sage and will begin to read
me more than him."
The young man called the inhabitants of the city, and they went to the sage.
Approaching the dwelling of the sage, he showed a butterfly clenched in his fist and
asked: "Do you know what is in my hand?"
“Butterfly,” the sage replied calmly.
“And what is she like, dead or alive?” asked the young man.
“Everything is in your hands,” the sage replied.
– And I tell you: Everything is in your hands! “Smoking or health is a choice for
Make the right choice!
List of used literature.
1. Antonova, Lidia Nikolaevna. The use of health-saving technologies in
educational institutions elementary vocational education:

monograph / L.N. Antonova, T.I. Shulga, K.G. Erdyneev. M.: Publishing house
MGOU, 2005. 109s.
2. Belov V.I. Psychology of health. Moscow: KPS; SPb.: Respeks, 2000.
3. Bezrukikh M.M. Health saving school, Moscow: Mosk. psychological
social institute, 2004.
4. Emelyanov S.M. Problems of ecological safety of the Moscow region:
information book/Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management
Moscow region. M.: Modern notebooks, 2004. 115p.
5. Shepel V.M. How to live long and happily. Moscow: Antiqua, 2006.
6. Frankl V. Man in search of meaning: Collection: Per. from English. And him. / Common Ed.
L.Ya. Gozman D.A. Leontiev; int. Art. YES. Leontiev. M. Progress 2000.
7. Amosov N.I. Thinking about health. 3rd ed. add. and reworked. Moscow: Physical culture and
sport, 2003.
8. Bondareva S.K., Kolesov D.V. Survival. Factors and mechanisms. M.
Voronezh, 2005.
9. Loransky D.N., Lukyanova V.G. ABC of health. M., 2004.

IN modern society smoking is a common habit among various groups population, including women, adolescents and even children. According to statistics, there are about a billion people in the world who regularly use tobacco.

It's no secret how dangerous smoking is, however, about 15 billion cigarettes are smoked every day around the world. In our country, almost a third of the total population aged 15 years and older smokes. Smoking is a social problem of society, both for smokers and non-smokers. For smokers, the problem is to quit smoking; for non-smokers, it is a problem to avoid the influence of the smoking society and not be "infected" by their habit, and also to preserve their health from smoking products.

What is tobacco? Tobacco is an annual plant of the nightshade family, the leaves of which contain nicotine.

Nicotine is the main constituent of all types of tobacco. In addition to nicotine, tobacco smoke contains up to 6,000 different components, including more than 30 toxic substances: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, resinous substances, organic acids and others.

The mechanism of dependence formation is the same for tobacco, and for alcohol, and for drugs. Very ignorant people can think that “smoking is not drinking, there is less harm, and quitting is easy.” The smoker, on the one hand, feels an increase in activity, on the other hand, some intoxication, a feeling of vagueness and fuzziness of the surrounding reality. A small dose of nicotine also increases the release of adrenaline, the stress hormone. Pulse rises by 30%, arterial pressure- by 5-10 mm Hg. there is a feeling of lightness, euphoria.
With the development of addiction, a break in smoking is accompanied by an inability to concentrate, a bad mood, and excitement.
Over time, the body of a smoker can no longer be satisfied with the dose of incoming nicotine, which was enough at the beginning, which makes a person take up a cigarette more often, and then generally change the brand to a stronger one. This is how habit is formed.

Characteristics of nicotine addiction by stages

  1. The initial stage - smoking is systematic, the number of cigarettes consumed is constantly growing (change in tolerance). Smokers feel an increase in efficiency, an improvement in well-being, a state of comfort (signs of pathological attraction). The duration of the stage varies within 3-5 years.
  2. Chronic stage - tolerance first continues to grow (up to 30 cigarettes per day), then becomes stable. The desire to smoke arises with any change in the external situation, after a slight physical or intellectual load, when a new interlocutor appears, a change in the topic of conversation, etc. The patient is worried about morning cough, unpleasant sensation and areas of the heart, fluctuations in blood pressure, heartburn, nausea, a feeling of general discomfort, depressed mood, sleep disturbances, increased irritability, decreased performance, a constant and persistent desire to continue smoking, including at night. The duration of this stage of nicotine addiction is individual, on average from 6 to 15 years or more.
  3. Late stage - smoking becomes automatic, non-stop. disorderly and unreasonable. The type and grade of cigarettes for a smoker does not play any role. There is no feeling of comfort when smoking. They note constant heaviness in the head, headache, decrease and loss of appetite, deterioration of memory and working capacity. At this stage, smokers become lethargic, apathetic, at the same time easily irritated, "lose their temper." Pathology of the respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system, CNS. Skin and the visible mucous membranes of the smoker acquire a specific icteric shade.

The harm of smoking for the human body lies in its ability to stimulate the development of severe systemic diseases. Many of them are fatal. Briefly and eloquently about the harm that smoking causes to the body, evidence from medical statistics. According to the World Health Organization, which studies the problem of smoking a lot and persistently, every fifth person dies from tobacco use. This means that we lose about 500,000 people every year!

Approximately 90% of lung cancer deaths are caused by tobacco use. It has been proven that the life of a person with nicotine addiction is 9 years shorter than that of his non-smoking peer.

Constant and long-term smoking of tobacco leads to premature aging. Violation of tissue oxygen supply, spasm small vessels make the appearance of a smoker characteristic - a yellowish tint of the whites of the eyes and skin, its premature withering. In addition, when smoking, a noticeable smell from the mouth appears, the throat becomes inflamed, and the eyes turn red.

A disorder of the nervous system is manifested by a decrease in working capacity, trembling of the hands, weakening of memory, oxygen starvation of the brain.

Very often, smoking leads to the development of chronic bronchitis, accompanied by persistent cough. As a result chronic inflammation bronchi dilate, bronchiectasis is formed with severe consequences- pneumosclerosis, emphysema, with the so-called cor pulmonale leading to circulatory failure. This is what determines appearance heavy smoker: hoarse voice, puffy face, shortness of breath.

Often smokers experience pain in the heart. This is due to spasm of the coronary vessels that feed the heart muscle, with the development of angina pectoris ( coronary insufficiency hearts). Nicotine in tobacco smoke causes a significant increase in heart rate and blood pressure. As a result of smoking, the heart is forced to work with greater load And he needs more oxygen. And the amount of oxygen that is carried by the blood to the heart decreases in smokers. The result is a deterioration in the nutrition of the heart muscle and, as a result, diseases of the cardiovascular system - hypertension, heart attacks, strokes. Often, the blood flowing through these narrowed vessels suddenly clot to form clots (coronary thrombosis), causing serious damage heart muscle. Coronary thrombosis is a common cause of death for men and women who smoke between the ages of 35 and 65. Myocardial infarction in smokers occurs 3 times more often than in non-smokers. By continuing to smoke after a heart attack, a smoker increases their chances of having a second heart attack.

Smoking can also be the main cause of persistent vasospasm of the lower extremities, contributing to the development of obliterating endarteritis, which affects mainly men. This disease leads to malnutrition, gangrene and eventually to amputation of the lower limb.

Substances contained in tobacco smoke also affect digestive tract primarily the teeth and oral mucosa. Nicotine increases the secretion of gastric juice, which causes aching pain under the spoon, nausea and vomiting. These signs may be a manifestation of gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach, which are much more common in smokers than in non-smokers. For example, among men suffering from gastric ulcer, 96 - 97% of smokers.

Smoking is the main cause of malignant neoplasms lips, oral cavity and pharynx, larynx, esophagus, trachea, bronchi and lungs. 95% of deaths from lung cancer (according to statistics obtained in different countries) were "malicious" smokers, smoking 20-40 cigarettes per day, i.e. it can be argued that almost all deaths from lung cancer are directly related to smoking. Among patients with cancer of the larynx, smokers make up 80-90%.

Smoking is especially harmful for pregnant women, as it leads to the birth of weak, low-weight children. After a cigarette smoked by a pregnant woman, a spasm of the blood vessels of the placenta occurs, and the fetus is in lung condition oxygen starvation A couple of minutes. With regular smoking during pregnancy, the fetus is in a state of chronic oxygen deficiency almost constantly. The consequence of this is the delay prenatal development fetus. Smoking pregnant exposes herself increased risk possible miscarriage, birth dead child or a low birth weight child.

Smokers endanger not only themselves, but also those around them. In medicine, even the term "passive smoking" has appeared. In the body of non-smokers, after staying in a smoky and unventilated room, a significant concentration of nicotine is determined. The risk of heart attacks and death is 91% higher for women who are regularly among smokers, inhaling cigarette smoke, and by 58% for those who occasionally have to spend time among smokers.The death rate from heart disease in a family where one of the spouses smokes is 20% higher than in non-smoking families.Experts have calculated that the harm of passive smoking corresponds to the harmful effect smoking 1 cigarette every 5 hours. Staying for 8 hours in a closed room where people smoke leads to exposure tobacco smoke corresponding to smoking more than 5 cigarettes. Thus, passive smoking also causes significant damage to public health, leading to essentially the same pathological manifestations caused by active smoking.

Most people know that tobacco is dangerous, but few, even among healthcare professionals, realize how dangerous it really is!

The problem of treating nicotine addiction has not lost its relevance to date. The main treatments for typical nicotine addiction include different variants reflexology, suggestive forms of psychotherapy, autotraining, behavioral therapy, nicotine replacement therapy (nasal spray, inhaler, transdermal patch, chewing gum) and etc.

To date, there are no radical methods for curing nicotine addiction. All methods of treatment of nicotine dependence existing in the arsenal of a narcologist are grouped as follows: behavioral therapy; replacement therapy; drug therapy: non-drug therapy.

Today, in many countries of the world, our country is no exception, they pass laws prohibiting smoking in public places. The problem of the dangers of smoking has become so global that the usual warnings of organizations responsible for people's health (Ministry of Health, WHO) are clearly not enough. Despite the fact that the harm of smoking (both active and passive) is a generally recognized and scientifically proven fact, heavy smokers do not seek to quit this addiction.

At the same time, awareness of the dangers of tobacco is an effective motivation that helps to overcome cravings.

Today, the World Health Organization comes up with the slogan: “Smoking or health? Chooseyourself!"

The composition of tobacco smoke includes about 4000 different components, including 755 hydrocarbons, 920 heterocyclic nitrogenous compounds, 22 nitrosamines, as well as gas fractions of unburned particles and tar.
Nicotine is strong vegetable poisons. Its lethal dose, 80-120 mg, is contained in one cigarette. When smoking a cigarette, 2-4 mg of nicotine enters the body. The more often a person smokes, the more nicotine enters his body. Even when smoking one pack of cigarettes per a short time severe poisoning and even death can occur.
WHO experts estimate that approximately 30% of all human tumors and cancer deaths in developed countries are associated with smoking. From this it follows that in Belarus, of all cases of malignant neoplasms, every third is associated with smoking.
According to the Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus, 54.4% of men smoke. At the age of 30-39 years, the number of smokers is 64.8% for men and 14.9% for women. At the age of 14-17, smokers make up 34.2%. 73% of heavy smokers tried smoking before the age of 17, i.e. while still in school.
Tobacco-related damage and deaths are not only statistics, they are tragic. According to the World Health Organization, tobacco kills 5 million people worldwide every year (11,000 people every day). In Belarus, about 15.5 thousand people die every year from smoking-related diseases. Tobacco is projected to be the leading cause of death for 10 million people worldwide by 2020.
Many smokers believe that stopping smoking can make them sick. This is not true, as giving up poison is never harmful. Truth, abrupt change of any mode, the rejection of a persistent stereotype of behavior in old age is always difficult, therefore, during the period when a person quits smoking, a doctor's supervision is recommended.
It is widely believed that with the cessation of smoking a person gains weight. Indeed, in the first weeks there is an increase in weight due to a decrease in activity. general exchange substances, but in the future the metabolism is restored.
Smokers engaged in mental work believe that smoking helps to concentrate and solve intellectual tasks.
We must not forget that stimulation of the nervous system with nicotine leads to the depletion of the energy capabilities of the brain. As a result of such stimulation, a person begins to smoke almost continuously during exercise. mental work: smoking in such quantity and in a long-time smoker causes the phenomenon acute poisoning: headache, pallor, dryness and bitterness in the mouth, cardiac spasm.
An inevitable consequence of smoking as a stimulant of mental activity is overwork.
Medical statistics show that 75% of people who died from myocardial infarction were smokers, that every smoker shortens his life by 5-10 years. Active and "passive" smokers are in danger of getting a disease of the nervous, respiratory and other body systems. Is it worth it for a person to risk his health and shorten his life because of such dubious pleasure? It is necessary to think carefully before making a choice: to smoke or not to smoke.

Dangerous effects of smoking on the body.

Tobacco smoking and brain function. Many smokers believe that smoking improves brain function, helps to focus, increases attention. Is it so? According to a study by British experts on the problem of smoking, nicotine contained in just one cigarette is enough to significantly reduce concentration and slow down the reaction to unexpected changes in the situation. Tobacco smoking triples the risk of developing acute disorders cerebral circulation(brain infarction) intracerebral hemorrhage). They are leading among the causes of disability in the population: 75-80% of survivors lose their ability to work. The attributable risk of death from stroke in male smokers is 21.4%, in female smokers it is 9.9%. tobacco smoking and simultaneous reception combined oral contraceptives significantly increases the likelihood of cerebral hemorrhage in women.
Tobacco smoking is an aggressive risk factor for the development cardiovascular diseases. According to the American Cancer Society, the structure of mortality from cardiovascular diseases in developing countries accounts for 28%, in developed countries - 42%. In the USA, 150 thousand deaths from cardiovascular diseases associated with smoking are recorded annually, in Germany - 80-90 thousand due to the same cause. The number of deaths from passive smoking from coronary disease heart disease (hereinafter - IHD) in the UK is about 5 thousand people. In the Republic of Belarus, 30-40% of all deaths from coronary artery disease are associated with tobacco smoking.
Pulmonary diseases. A large number of chemical substances enters the human blood through the lungs. Cigarette smoke, coming into direct contact with the lungs, significantly increases the risk of pneumonia, emphysema, chronic bronchitis and other lung diseases.
Diseases of the stomach. The negative effect of long-term smoking is the development of various chronic diseases stomach, up to the development of peptic ulcer. In addition, smoking slows down the healing of ulcers and promotes their recurrence.
Smoking and pregnancy. Nicotine has a detrimental effect not only on the physical, but also on the mental state of the unborn child. German scientists have proved that for children of smoking mothers already in early age characterized by inattention, impulsiveness and useless hyperactivity, their level of mental development is below average. Most often, the so-called “Fidget Phil” syndrome develops - these children, as a rule, are aggressive and prone to deception. British doctors have concluded that children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy have a 40% increased risk of developing autism. Women who smoke are more likely to end a pregnancy premature birth, miscarriage or stillbirth. Also, studies do not rule out that children born to mothers who smoked during and after pregnancy are more likely to have sudden infant death syndrome.
Also proven dangerous consequences the influence of smoking on the development of diabetes, atherosclerosis, endarteritis obliterans, infertility in women, impotence in men, autoimmune disease.
Smoking and cancer. In a special place among the diseases associated with smoking, there are malignant neoplasms. According to International agency IARC, the list of malignant neoplasms associated with tobacco smoking increased from 9 to 18 neoplasms from 1983 to 2004. The 58th World Health Assembly (April 7, 2005) noted that in addition to lung cancer, tobacco use leads to cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, kidneys, ureter, bladder, cervix. WHO experts have calculated that in developed countries, approximately 30% of all human tumors and deaths from cancer are associated with smoking. The same statistics is observed in the Republic of Belarus.
- Lung cancer.
Modern works covering the issue of the relationship of tobacco smoking to the incidence of lung cancer show with great persuasiveness that: 1) smokers get lung cancer much more often than non-smokers; 2) the incidence of lung cancer in smokers is directly related to the degree of smoking, i.e., more heavy smokers get sick more often than light smokers; 3) tobacco smoking has primarily a local effect on the mucous membrane respiratory tract, mainly through exposure to tobacco tar, the carcinogenicity of which is firmly established; 4) Smoking has not only a local, but also a general effect on the body, lowering its resistance and predisposing to the development of cancer in general.
Among lung cancer patients, smokers make up more than 90%, and among the rest, the majority were passive smokers, that is, they were among smokers since childhood. At the same time, it is extremely important that smoking cessation reduces the risk of lung cancer: after 5 years, the incidence rate begins to fall, and 20 years after cessation, it approaches that of non-smokers.
- Bladder cancer.
The risk of bladder and kidney cancer among smokers is 5-6 times higher. It increases with the number of cigarettes smoked per day and the duration of smoking, as well as for those who started smoking in young age.
- Cancer prostate.
According to British and Canadian researchers, the risk of prostate cancer increases in proportion to the duration of smoking and the number of cigarettes smoked per day. Men who have smoked more than 15 packs of cigarettes per year in the past 10 years have an increased risk of disseminated prostate cancer compared to non-smokers.
- Kidney cancer.
According to American researchers, 17% of the increase in kidney cancer is associated with smoking (21% in men and 11% in women). A 30% reduction in the risk of developing kidney cancer occurs 10 years after quitting smoking.
- Oral cancer.
Smoking and alcohol consumption are factors in the development of oral cancer in 75% of cases.

General recommendations for smoking cessation.
Everyone is free to choose between the fleeting pleasure of smoking and the reduced health risks associated with quitting the habit.
IN European recommendations on cancer control wrote:
Do not smoke! Smoking is the most important cause of premature death.
If you smoke, stop! Stopping smoking before the development of cancer or other serious diseases prevents an increased risk of developing tobacco-related diseases later in life, even if smoking is stopped in middle age.
If you cannot quit smoking, do not smoke in the presence of non-smokers. Your smoking can adversely affect the health of those around you.
When you quit smoking, your body will undergo significant changes, such as:

  • 20 minutes after the last cigarette, blood pressure returns to normal, cardiac activity is restored, blood supply to the palms and feet improves;
  • after 8 hours, the oxygen content in the blood is normalized;
  • after 2 days, the ability to taste and smell will increase;
  • complexion will improve in a week;
  • after 1 month it will obviously become easier to breathe, fatigue will disappear, headache, especially in the morning, the cough will stop bothering you;
  • recover in 6 months heartbeat you will feel the desire to live and work;
  • after 1 year, the risk of developing coronary heart disease compared to smokers will be reduced by half;
  • after 5 years, the probability of dying from lung cancer will be significantly reduced;
  • after 15 years, the risk of developing oncological diseases generally.

The decision to quit smoking is hard but inevitable if you want to be healthy and beautiful.

Smoking is POISON!

Leading Researcher
RSPC OMR them. N. N. Aleksandrova A. P. Skalyzhenko

“A poison that does not act immediately does not become less dangerous,” the German thinker Lessing once warned. Smoking - hour after hour, day after day, month after month, year after year, gradually destroys the health of carefree smokers.

The composition of tobacco smoke includes about 4000 different components, including 755 hydrocarbons, 920 heterocyclic nitrogenous compounds, 22 nitrosamines, as well as gas fractions of unburned particles and tar.

Nicotine is a strong plant poison. Its lethal dose, 80-120 mg, is contained in one cigarette. When smoking a cigarette, 2-4 mg of nicotine enters the body. The more often a person smokes, the more nicotine enters his body. Even when smoking one pack of cigarettes in a short time, severe poisoning and even death can occur.

WHO experts estimate that approximately 30% of all human tumors and cancer deaths in developed countries are associated with smoking. From this it follows that in Belarus, of all cases of malignant neoplasms, every third is associated with smoking.

According to the Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus, 54.4% of men smoke. At the age of 30-39 years, the number of smokers is 64.8% for men and 14.9% for women. At the age of 14-17, smokers make up 34.2%. 73% of heavy smokers tried smoking before the age of 17, i.e. while still in school.

Tobacco-related damage and deaths are not only statistics, they are tragic. According to the World Health Organization, tobacco kills 5 million people worldwide every year (11,000 people every day). In Belarus, about 15.5 thousand people die every year from smoking-related diseases. Tobacco is projected to be the leading cause of death for 10 million people worldwide by 2020.

Many smokers believe that stopping smoking can make them sick. This is not true, as giving up poison is never harmful. True, a sharp change in any regimen, the rejection of a persistent stereotype of behavior in old age is always difficult, therefore, during the period when a person quits smoking, a doctor's supervision is recommended.

It is widely believed that with the cessation of smoking a person gains weight. Indeed, in the first weeks there is an increase in weight due to a decrease in the activity of the general metabolism, but later the metabolism is restored.

Smokers engaged in mental work believe that smoking helps to concentrate and solve intellectual tasks.

We must not forget that stimulation of the nervous system with nicotine leads to the depletion of the energy capabilities of the brain. As a result of such stimulation, a person begins to smoke almost continuously during mental work: smoking in such quantities and in a long-time smoker causes the phenomenon of acute poisoning: headache, pallor, dryness and bitterness in the mouth, heart spasm.

An inevitable consequence of smoking as a stimulant of mental activity is overwork.

Medical statistics show that 75% of people who died from myocardial infarction were smokers, that every smoker shortens his life by 5-10 years. Active and "passive" smokers are in danger of getting a disease of the nervous, respiratory and other body systems. Is it worth it for a person to risk his health and shorten his life because of such dubious pleasure? It is necessary to think carefully before making a choice: to smoke or not to smoke.

Dangerous effects of smoking on the body

Tobacco smoking and brain function. Many smokers believe that smoking improves brain function, helps to focus, increases attention. Is it so? According to a study by British experts on the problem of smoking, nicotine contained in just one cigarette is enough to significantly reduce concentration and slow down the reaction to unexpected changes in the situation. Tobacco smoking increases the risk of developing acute disorders of cerebral circulation (cerebral infarction, intracerebral hemorrhage) by three times. They are leading among the causes of disability in the population: 75-80% of survivors lose their ability to work. The attributable risk of death from stroke in male smokers is 21.4%, in female smokers it is 9.9%. Tobacco smoking and simultaneous use of combined oral contraceptives significantly increases the likelihood of cerebral hemorrhage in women.

Tobacco smoking is an aggressive risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease. According to the American Cancer Society, the structure of mortality from cardiovascular diseases in developing countries accounts for 28%, in developed countries - 42%. In the United States, 150 thousand deaths from cardiovascular diseases associated with smoking are recorded annually, in Germany - 80-90 thousand due to the same cause. The number of deaths from passive smoking from coronary heart disease (hereinafter - IHD) in the UK is about 5 thousand people. In the Republic of Belarus, 30-40% of all deaths from coronary artery disease are associated with tobacco smoking.

Pulmonary diseases. A large number of chemicals enter the human blood through the lungs. Cigarette smoke, coming into direct contact with the lungs, significantly increases the risk of pneumonia, emphysema, chronic bronchitis and other lung diseases.

Diseases of the stomach. The negative effect of long-term smoking is the development of various chronic diseases of the stomach in humans, up to the development of peptic ulcer. In addition, smoking slows down the healing of ulcers and promotes their recurrence.

Smoking and pregnancy. Nicotine has a detrimental effect not only on the physical, but also on the mental state of the unborn child. German scientists have proved that children of smoking mothers already at an early age are characterized by inattention, impulsivity and useless hyperactivity, their level of mental development is below average. Most often, the so-called "Fidget Phil" syndrome develops - these children, as a rule, are aggressive and prone to deception. British doctors have concluded that children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy have a 40% increased risk of developing autism. Women who smoke are more likely to end up in preterm labor, miscarriage, or stillbirth. Also, studies do not rule out that children born to mothers who smoked during and after pregnancy are more likely to have sudden infant death syndrome.

The dangerous consequences of the influence of smoking for the development of diabetes, atherosclerosis, endarteritis obliterans, infertility in women, impotence in men, and autoimmune disease have also been proven.

Smoking and cancer. In a special place among the diseases associated with smoking, there are malignant neoplasms. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the list of malignant neoplasms associated with tobacco smoking increased from 9 to 18 neoplasms from 1983 to 2004. The 58th World Health Assembly (April 7, 2005) noted that in addition to lung cancer, tobacco use leads to cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, kidneys, ureter, bladder, cervix. WHO experts have calculated that in developed countries, approximately 30% of all human tumors and deaths from cancer are associated with smoking. The same statistics is observed in the Republic of Belarus.

- Lung cancer.

Modern works covering the issue of the relationship of tobacco smoking to the incidence of lung cancer show with great persuasiveness that: 1) smokers get lung cancer much more often than non-smokers; 2) the incidence of lung cancer in smokers is directly related to the degree of smoking, i.e. more heavy smokers get sick more often than light smokers; 3) tobacco smoking has primarily a local effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, mainly through exposure to tobacco tar, the carcinogenicity of which is firmly established; 4) Smoking has not only a local, but also a general effect on the body, lowering its resistance and predisposing to the development of cancer in general.

Among those with lung cancer, smokers make up more than 90%, and among the rest, the majority were passive smokers, i.e. have been smokers since childhood. At the same time, it is extremely important that smoking cessation reduces the risk of lung cancer: after 5 years, the incidence rate begins to fall, and 20 years after cessation, it approaches that of non-smokers.

- Bladder cancer.

The risk of bladder and kidney cancer among smokers is 5-6 times higher. It increases with the number of cigarettes smoked per day and the duration of smoking, as well as among those who started smoking at a young age.

- Prostate cancer.

According to British and Canadian researchers, the risk of prostate cancer increases in proportion to the duration of smoking and the number of cigarettes smoked per day. Men who have smoked more than 15 packs of cigarettes per year in the past 10 years have an increased risk of disseminated prostate cancer compared to non-smokers.

- Kidney cancer.

According to American researchers, 17% of the increase in kidney cancer is associated with smoking (21% in men and 11% in women). A 30% reduction in the risk of developing kidney cancer occurs 10 years after quitting smoking.

- Oral cancer.

Smoking and alcohol consumption are factors in the development of oral cancer in 75% of cases.

Everyone is free to choose between the fleeting pleasure of smoking and the reduced health risks associated with quitting the habit.

Do not smoke! Smoking is the most important cause of premature death.

If you smoke - stop! Stopping smoking before the development of cancer or other serious diseases prevents an increased risk of developing tobacco-related diseases later in life, even if smoking is stopped in middle age.

If you cannot quit smoking, do not smoke in the presence of non-smokers. Your smoking can adversely affect the health of those around you.

When you quit smoking, your body will undergo significant changes, such as:

20 minutes after the last cigarette, blood pressure returns to normal, cardiac activity is restored, blood supply to the palms and feet improves;

after 8 hours, the oxygen content in the blood is normalized;

after 2 days, the ability to taste and smell will increase;

complexion will improve in a week;

after 1 month it will obviously become easier to breathe, fatigue will disappear, headache, especially in the morning, cough will stop bothering you;

after 6 months, the heart rhythm will be restored, you will feel the desire to live and work;

after 1 year, the risk of developing coronary heart disease compared to smokers will be reduced by half;

after 5 years, the probability of dying from lung cancer will be significantly reduced;

after 15 years, the risk of developing cancer in general will decrease.

The decision to quit smoking is hard but inevitable if you want to be healthy and beautiful.

Smoking is POISON!

Prepared for G.I. Zhlobich based on medical articles.
