The mysterious hum of heaven and earth. The strange hum of the earth explained

The previous time it was heard in the UK, in Bristol, and was discussed in the newspapers for a long time. And then he appeared again, this time sweeping across the entire planet. In August 2011, 2012 and early 2013, he was heard in Brazil, the USA, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, Australia, Europe and Asia.

Its main feature is that it causes causeless panic in people. He is the so-called “moan” or “hum” of the Earth. What is this - a sound hallucination, the movement of tectonic plates, the sound of acoustic-gravity waves, mass psychosis or just a newspaper duck? Let's try to figure it out.

We hear groans from everywhere

Doug Shafer, Ontario (Canada):
- These sounds were very intense, it seemed that everything was roaring. It's like a huge ocean.

Natalia and Marina Eroshenko, Rostov-on-Don:
- The noise was so unusual that it couldn’t even be compared with anything. He was powerful
and scary. There was just some kind of roar, as if a plane were flying right over the house.

Tatyana Miteleva, Moscow:
- It seemed to come from the Earth, but it was everywhere. And for me it was a little incomprehensible and scary.

Ilya Bogomolov, Rostov-on-Don:
- It was as if he was everywhere, around. So low, quite frightening, unlike all other sounds.

Roman and Gennady Ovchinnikov, Novokuznetsk:
- He woke me up at night. A strange hum that penetrates even through a closed window. It creates a feeling of causeless panic. And you literally don’t even know what to do at this moment. I really got scared, I thought that I had to pack my things, my child, my documents and run somewhere. It was unclear where it was coming from; it felt as if the sound was enveloping.

This is a compilation of numerous programs and Internet videos. The largest series of such noises swept across the planet from January 9 to January 12, 2012. These four days, the Earth, according to news correspondents from various channels, literally rumbled. Amateur audio and video recordings have been made on every continent. The media assured that no one had ever heard these sounds before.

This is not entirely true. For many years now, residents of the town of Taos in the state of New Mexico in the southwestern United States have been hearing a low-frequency rumble coming from the desert. The phenomenon was called the “Taos Noise.” The sound is similar to the movement of heavy equipment on a highway, although there are no major roads in the area of ​​the small settlement.
This sound is heard only by local residents and extremely rarely by visitors.

Scientists who investigated this hum were never able to find its source. They only suggested that it could be caused by a large power line running near the city. Meanwhile, such noise has been known for a long time, and it is called a sound anomaly.

This is a general name for a number of phenomena associated with a constant or periodic low-frequency hum that is not audible to all people. These noises are recorded in all parts of the globe. In some cases, the source of the sound has been identified. For example, the noise in Hawaii, heard tens of kilometers away, was a consequence of volcanic activity.

Usually the noise is described by witnesses as the idle sound of a running diesel engine. As a rule, they cannot be recorded using a microphone, and most importantly, the source cannot be accurately identified.
However, there were cases when the sound was heard not only by a certain part of the people. An example of this is the "Bristol Rumble", which was allegedly heard in the UK in the 1970s.

“Sounds of the apocalypse” or “creaking of the Earth” is the name given to a sound anomaly that has been noticed in different parts of the planet over the past two years. Unlike other similar phenomena, the hum was audible to most people, and it was perfectly recorded by equipment.


Needless to say, even the most incredulous started talking about the notorious end of the world. The fact is that different beliefs say the same thing: a certain sound will notify people of the apocalypse. The Jews believe that this will happen, and the trumpet is a shofar, from the sounds of which Jericho once fell. Many immediately began to experiment with audio recordings of the “groan” of the Earth and, of course, came to the conclusion that this was the sound of the Jericho trumpets.

Heimdall. Icelandic manuscript "Small Edda", 1760. Heimdall in Scandinavian mythology is the guardian of the gods, living at the edge of the world, the owner of the golden horn Gjallarhorn, the sound of which will be heard in all corners of the world. The sound of his horn will herald the beginning of Ragnarok.

In German-Scandinavian mythology, the beginning of the Scandinavian end of the world with the cheerful name Ragnarok will be announced by the golden horn of Gjallarhorn. The creaking of the planet certainly reminds me of it. In Kyiv, where the Earth also “screamed,” they started talking about “Arkhangelsk trumpets” foreshadowing That Very Day...

In fact, the “noise of the Earth” has been known for a very long time. There are references to a certain “trumpet voice” in both the Bible and the Koran. The ancient Greeks explained the underground groans by the fact that in its depths were imprisoned hundred-armed giants, cast down by the gods into the bosom of the Earth. If you believe mythology, not only they suffered - Mother Earth also “moaned” from them.


The most common. Some geologists, for example, associate the mysterious hum in Novokuznetsk with the development of coal in Kuzbass. The energy of rock explosions supposedly accumulates in the Earth, and provokes either man-made earthquakes or mysterious noises.

A similar version is shared by scientists from the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. In 1982, when the Americans arrived in the town, one of the geological professors, Alexey Dmitriev, allegedly warned them that serious disasters would soon await America, meaning man-made earthquakes and noise. The Americans didn’t believe him then, but in 1984, geophysical rumbles and small earthquakes swept across the entire East Coast of the United States.

Alexey Dmitriev claims that it was not difficult to predict them, since more than a dozen energy-intensive high-voltage power lines stretch along the East Atlantic coast of the United States. The frequency of the transmitted current in the US power supply system is 60 Hz. And since it corresponds to the frequency of natural lithosphere currents, a “short circuit” has occurred...

The man-made version has only two drawbacks. If the cause of the noise was a “production” factor, then how can we explain that the sound was heard in different parts of the planet almost simultaneously? The second drawback is that if you believe, again, the same eyewitnesses, then power lines, thermal power plants, factories, construction sites and other technical facilities were not always located close to the place where the “moan” was heard.


Arthur Conan Doyle has a story called “When the Earth Screamed.” The hero of the story, Professor Challenger, decides to find out whether the Earth is “alive.” To do this, he drills a giant hole in it. And when the drill penetrated very deeply into the earth's layers, the planet... screamed.

In this story, only the ending is fantastic. In other respects, geophysicists agree with the writer - the Earth is indeed “alive”, and it really “screams”.

In the depths of our planet, convection, the movement of magma flows and the displacement of lithospheric plates constantly occur. This leads to the Earth making noise. And scientists learned to record her “voices” a long time ago. To do this, they come to wells drilled for technical or scientific purposes and lower ultra-sensitive microphones into them. Normal human ear in most cases it is impossible to hear this sound.

But there are also exceptions. They can occur, for example, during an earthquake, immediately before tremors. However, this is not surprising: during earthquakes, lithospheric plates move, so the process, of course, can be accompanied by strong noise.

It has been noticed that before a major earthquake the level of earthly noise increases sharply. The earth seems to warn about an upcoming earthquake and gives people the opportunity to assess its strength in advance and localize the epicenter.

In fact, in the depths of the Earth, earthquakes never stop. But it is almost impossible to predict long ago which of them will “break out” to the surface. The chief researcher at the Schmidt Institute of Earth Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Alexey Lyubushin, once succeeded. He predicted the major earthquake in Tohoku (Japan), which occurred in 2011 and killed at least 16,000 people, three years in advance.

The fact that the earth's noises near Japan began to synchronize (according to the scientist's hypothesis, this is the first sign of an impending powerful earthquake) Lyubushin noticed back in 2008 and published several warnings on this topic.

The Japanese didn't believe it. The most unpleasant thing is that even after the disaster, the synchronization of low-frequency noise was preserved. Alexey Lyubushin believes that Japan will face another earthquake, no less devastating, and its epicenter should be located near the capital of the country - Tokyo. That is why the noise of the Earth can and should be studied. With their help, the planet not only reports earthquakes, but also helps, for example, to search for oil and other minerals.

But, alas, not all of the Earth’s “screams” can be explained by impending earthquakes. After all, where they were supposedly heard in the last two years, there were no seismic events! it couldn’t - often these were areas where they don’t exist in principle.


Some scientists suggest that the creaking of the planet is associated with the weather: fog, dampness and rain. When ice melts, some of the hydrogen bonds between water molecules are broken. Each such rupture releases energy and can produce a faint audible click. Therefore, according to the hypothesis of these scientists, if a noise is heard during fog or when there are clouds in the sky, this is the “song of water”, which can be accompanied by a hum. Of course, one snowflake makes only a small noise, but when large quantities of ice melt, everyone hears the sound.
Unfortunately, the version does not answer the question of why noises are heard in the summer, in clear weather.


It is supported by Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Chairman of the Board of the International Committee on Global Changes in Geological and environment, President of the Global Network for Earthquake Forecasting (GNFE) Elchin Khalilov. He studied audio recordings of earth noise made in different parts of the planet and found that they were all remarkably similar. From this he concluded that the noise is a consequence of cataclysms on the Sun.

When streams of solar energy, after the next emission, rush towards the Earth and crash into the magnetosphere, this leads to the emergence of special acoustic waves, which then rush to the surface of the Earth. These waves can only be heard with special devices. However, some people are also able to hear them if the sound is superimposed on low-frequency city noise. The low-frequency wave changes the spectrum of city noise, and then a person can hear a similar ominous “moan”.

On audio recordings you can hear that the hum is indeed similar to ordinary city noise - a crane, an airplane, construction equipment - but amplified many times over. Elchin Khalilov explains that this sound often causes a feeling of panic among eyewitnesses due to its low frequency. It is known that low frequencies, although not distinguishable by the ear, have a bad effect on the human psyche. An example of this is the famous research of the French professor Gavreau, who established exactly which frequencies of infrasound cause rupture of eardrums, cerebral hemorrhage, and even death in humans when exposed to infrasound frequencies.

The negative impact of infrasound on the psyche was recently demonstrated by Dr. Richard Lord and professor of psychology Richard Wiseman, who organized an unusual concert of organ music in Liverpool Cathedral. The sounds of a 7-meter organ, specially constructed for the experiment, were added to two of the four compositions. The peculiarity of the giant instrument is that the sounds it makes have a frequency below 20 kHz, so the human ear is simply unable to hear them.

Thus, the volunteers listening to the concert did not even know when exactly the organ began to play. Scientists were able to establish that among the negative feelings that people had while playing the organ were fear, loss of strength and mood, and sadness. Many people had goosebumps.

In the 1960s of the last century, against the backdrop of a general rise in the economy, science and culture in our country, Soviet scientists conceived a grandiose project - drilling a well of an unprecedented depth of 15 km. This project was supposed to mark another “psychological” victory over the United States. The victory of science was to learn more about the structure of the Earth.

The Americans also thought about the possibility of drilling such ultra-deep well, but after weighing all the pros and cons, we decided that it would be easier to fly to the moon. But the Russians, as usual, did not give up.

And then a well with a depth of just over 12 km appeared on the Kola Peninsula. Soviet scientists did not reach the declared level, but they broke the world record and entered the Guinness Book of Records. These tests literally and figuratively “undermined” all theories about the structure of the Earth that existed until then. It turned out, for example, that there is water even in the deepest layers of our planet, and the temperature at great depths turned out to be not at all as high as previously thought. About Kola well there are a lot of stories going around. One of them says that once geophysicists lowered a microphone there and clearly heard human screams, confirming that hell really exists.

It has long been known that infrasound inevitably accompanies many natural phenomena: hurricanes, tsunamis, gusts of wind, wave noise, volcanic eruptions, thunderclaps, sudden changes in pressure, etc. Poor health during fluctuations in atmospheric pressure is associated, among other things, with infrasound, which is formed in the atmosphere.

According to one version, the mysterious hum is associated with the change of magnetic poles that is now happening on our planet. And University of Chicago psychologist Neil Johnson believes that the noise of the Earth is associated with psychological characteristics those people who hear him.

Researchers from Earthscope USArray have detected a series of infrasonic noises produced when two ocean waves collide. The resulting sound from such collisions, in principle, can spread throughout the globe, so the cause of the hum may not be the earth, but the water.

There is also a version that the “sounds of the apocalypse” is just a massive hoax, a large-scale newspaper hoax using fake videos to promote films such as “Red State” or “Alien Invasion: Battle of Los Angeles 2.” The premieres of these films took place in 2011, almost immediately after earthlings heard the “cry of the planet.” However, it is also known human ability wishful thinking, and a feature of many media is wishful thinking as sensationalism.

Such a number of hypotheses confuses a person who wants to find the only correct explanation for the sound of the planet. By at least, Bye. Perhaps the groaning of the Earth is truly a multifactorial phenomenon, one way or another connected with each of these versions.

NAKED SCIENCE January, 2014

You can argue for ages that our planet is a living organism. Defend your point of view until you are hoarse and still remain completely ignorant. This is how man is made. If you didn’t really see it, didn’t feel it with your skin, it means you weren’t convinced of the very fact of the existence of this or that phenomenon. However, if you have already heard, and even more so seen, then this is no longer subject to any doubt.

Since the beginning of 2012, all over the Earth, people have been observing a very strange phenomenon - they hear sounds or a hum, as if coming from underground or coming from above, from heaven, which no one is able to explain.

What’s surprising is that in some places the noise resembles the grinding sound of giant metal plates rubbing against each other, in others it resembles the roar of a huge jet engine, and in some places it sounds like the loud clatter of wheels of a passing freight train. However, there are no nearby railways.

Nevertheless, this phenomenon has been going on for more than a year and it is no longer possible to brush it aside, just as it is impossible to tell people that these are just the sounds of working construction equipment, as local television correspondents tried to present it in Kyiv.

In a tiny village in the British county of Durham, residents did not sleep for two months due to a strong rumble that occurred every night at a certain time. The sound was so strong that it caused great inconvenience and instilled vague anxiety.

Similar noises have been and are heard in New Zealand, Zurich, in the north of the European continent, in the USA, and Russia. The sound that arose in Woodland was heard by all people located on its territory, unlike Kyiv, where the rumble was heard only by some, and other eyewitnesses completely denied the presence of such sounds.

Woodland locals say the sound was louder in some areas. It seemed that it penetrated from everywhere, as if penetrating the surrounding space and the walls of houses. It could be called background or physiological, arising in people's heads. But it is not like that, because it disappears as soon as you close your ears.

Unimaginable versions arise, one more fantastic than the other, but none of them can explain the nature of the origin of this hum. What kind of sounds does our Earth make? What is she trying to tell us? Our planet has been shaking and feverish like never before for a whole year. Suffice it to recall the earthquake in Japan. What about abnormal weather events? Isn’t this a consequence of the fact that changes are coming soon? According to one version proposed by scientists, this sound is a harbinger of a change in the Earth’s magnetic poles.

Professor Martin Stanville, an academician and member of the International Academy of Deep Geological and Tectonic Problems, believes that such sounds could occur during a possible reversal of the planet's poles. However, he adds that in fact no one knows what can happen with such a global change in the Earth, what the signs of the underlying processes that are occurring may be.

On this moment a general mathematical model of the change of poles is being studied, which assumes their instantaneous displacement, and sounds are only part of the preparatory period. However, this is just a theory. In fact, nature can react differently. At least, descriptions of a similar or analogous phenomenon have never been found in ancient manuscripts, that is, official science has no information about this, and today it has yet to unravel the nature of the earthly hum.

The hum of the Earth and anomalous zones

Valery Moskalev, a researcher of anomalous zones, a person with the gift of psychics, came to anomalous zone at the invitation of the Cosmopoisk organization. This area, full of amazing secrets and mysteries, is located in the Volgograd region. After a couple of nights spent in the tent city, Valery noticed a rumble coming from underground. It could be heard very clearly in the evening and at night.

The surrounding space seemed to be saturated with a slight hum. By one o'clock in the morning the noise had ceased. It seemed that somewhere deep underground some unknown mechanisms were turning on. It made no sense to associate the hum with the local highway, since the camp site was twenty kilometers away.

In the mid-90s, tunnels were discovered in the Medveditskaya ridge that no one had built - there is no evidence that construction was once carried out here. Attempts to get into the tunnels always ended in failure. The impression is that someone simply doesn’t let people in there.

The number of reports from eyewitnesses of an interesting and at the same time alarming phenomenon is not decreasing, but on the contrary, it is increasing, but the mystery of the sounds of the Earth has not yet been solved. All that remains is to speculate and put forward hypotheses.

Phenomena that geophysicists call “sound anomalies” constantly occur on our planet. This concept means constant or periodic low-frequency stationary noise, which not everyone can distinguish (and sometimes without special instruments it is impossible to detect it at all).

It is precisely this sound anomaly that researchers have been “catching” for several decades. We are talking about an unusual noise: in scientific circles it is known as the “hum of the Earth.”

Researchers have been trying to “document” it, as well as discover the source, since 1959, but only 40 years later they succeeded. In 1998, scientists first recorded and described the phenomenon. True, it was not possible to find the source of the “hum of the Earth”.

But geologists learned that, firstly, these low-frequency noises can be detected even with zero seismic activity, and secondly, their audibility is thousands of times lower than the minimum threshold of perception of the human ear. Thus, experts concluded that the “hum of the Earth” is a so-called background vibration signal.

Over the past 20 years, geophysicists have not given up their attempts to “decipher the message” of our planet. And now they have finally achieved what they wanted.

Experts from the American Geophysical Union report that all previous research was simply going in the wrong direction. Scientists looked for vibrations using data from seismometers located on land. But it was necessary to look into the water column.

IN Lately More and more stations are appearing on the ocean floor around the world to collect seismic and acoustic signals. But conventional seismometers primarily detect movement. In addition, the signal from noise related to sound anomalies is extremely weak.

Taking these features into account, an international team of geophysicists analyzed data obtained over the past 11 months from 57 seismometric stations. All of them were installed at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.

The researchers selected two stations with the highest data quality, located at depths of 4540 and 4260 meters. When processing the recordings, they removed all interference coming from identified sources (this could be infragravity waves, sea currents, electronic glitches, and so on).

At the exit, specialists received recordings of the “hum of the Earth.” After comparing them with data from ground stations, the researchers realized that both signals had a similar amplitude. They determined that the detected constant sound waves have a frequency of 2.9 to 4.5 millihertz (the hearing threshold in humans starts at about 20 hertz).

As for the sources of the "Earth's hum", there are several hypotheses on this matter. Some scientists believe that the noise is associated with the constant impacts of waves on the hard ocean bottom. Others believe that the vibrations arise from acoustic resonance between the atmosphere and the earth's crust.

Residents of Rostov-on-Don will not soon forget March 2013. For no apparent reason, a strange hum was heard from literally everywhere. It seemed to come from both underground and from the air at the same time. People froze in anticipation that a terrible earthquake or tornado was about to happen. But the disaster did not happen. One could have forgotten about the incomprehensible phenomenon if it had not been repeated with enviable regularity.

Scientists started talking about the mysterious noise relatively recently. Since 2011, here and there a hum of unknown origin has been heard. After a wave of unusual noises of an unknown nature swept across the world, frightening the inhabitants of the planet, many began to suspect something was wrong. We turned to ancient manuscripts - indeed, not only we, but also our distant ancestors were able to hear something similar.

For example, in the Bible there is an indication of a certain noise, which is called there the sound of a trumpet. And this voice is nothing more than a harbinger of the apocalypse. Maybe noise from underground means approaching cataclysms? Or maybe the Earth has its own voice?

Gul in Rostov in March 2013

Not long ago, researchers discovered that our planet, like other objects solar system, can sing. Moreover, each space object sounds differently: the noise of a pulsar (a neutron star with a magnetic field) resembles the sound of a working helicopter engine, solar prominences hum, one of Saturn’s satellites whispers almost humanly.

However, Saturn himself is not averse to practicing singing. During its exploration of this planet, the Cassini spacecraft identified radio sources above its surface, freely moving in its magnetic field and “crowding” at the poles. Astrophysicists have come to the conclusion that these are charged particles that accidentally entered the atmosphere celestial body. But it was precisely this accident that led to the fact that Saturn suddenly began to cry.

Jupiter echoes him. Powerful gusts of solar wind, colliding with its ionosphere, give rise to the booming sounds of a cosmic gong, which are replaced by the melody of a celestial beacon. Experts claim that Jupiter's rings - huge accumulations of fine dust - give Jupiter a special sound. But previously it was believed that a vacuum was not able to transmit sounds. However, the first sound was recorded by the American Voyager spacecraft. And then a disk appeared, or rather, a record with music from the cosmos. How can this be explained?


Ionized acoustic sound waves are widespread in space, which appear during the interaction of the solar wind and the ionosphere of cosmic bodies. The amazing sounds recorded by aircraft are transmitted in space due to vibration. The sound vibrations of the planets' ions occur in the range of 20-20,000 Hz, so the human ear can perceive this amazing music.

American doctor Jeffrey Thompson discovered that the voices of the planets strangely coincide with the sounds made by human body- heartbeat and breathing - and which surround us in nature. A healer and psychologist, Thompson did not fail to use recordings of these sounds to treat patients. And what do you think? Achieved amazing results!

Trumpet voice

Since 1981 he has been consulting and treating various mental disorders and deflections using sounds made by space objects, and not without success. Thompson called this course of psychological rehabilitation “Music of the Spheres.” His example turned out to be a different science, and today on the Internet you can find many records of planets, satellites, and comets.

In fact, scientists converted the impulses into signals accessible to the human ear, resulting in soundtracks reminiscent of ambient music, the whistle of the wind, the hum of a bell and the chirping of birds. All these songs are very popular among Internet users.


The noise of the Earth is varied: in some places it resembles an unbearable grinding sound, as if metal plates are rubbing against each other, in other places it is described as the roar of some huge mechanism, a helicopter engine or something similar. Someone heard a hum, similar to a whisper and a whistle, and someone described a noise reminiscent of the sound of wheels.

Or maybe the whole point is that everyone interpreted this noise in their own way? Be that as it may, a fact is a fact, and its interpretation, as well as further study, is a matter for specialists. So far, reports of strange noises have come from Ukraine, Belgium, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Tierra del Fuego and other places.

Of course, such a sensational phenomenon could not go unnoticed by scientists. However, while they do not have a final answer to the question of why the Earth sings, versions are being put forward to explain the possible nature of this phenomenon. Of these, two are considered the most plausible, despite the fact that they are completely opposite. Although from the point of view of geophysics they are quite logically explained.

The first hypothesis connects the Earth's hum with processes occurring in the earth's core and solar activity.

Thus, in November 2011, the International Geodynamic Monitoring System recorded an energy release of unprecedented force emanating from the Earth’s core. Why did this happen? Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Chairman of the Board of the International Committee on Global Changes in the Geological Environment GEOCHANGE Elchin Khalilov believes that acoustic-gravity waves do not arise out of nowhere, but are a consequence of large-scale energy processes of various kinds.

For example, they are based on increasing frequency of solar flares, the gigantic energy of which rushes to the earth's surface and destabilizes various earthly spheres. Given this fact, it can be assumed that the Sun is the true culprit of the strange hum. But for now this is just a guess. The hum was observed in different countries, V different time years, at different humidity, temperature and other indicators.

And yet some relationship is discovered between the hum and the activity of the Sun. When the noise of the Earth was recorded for the first time on February 25, 2011, solar activity, in particular frequency and strength solar flares, increased sharply. There is a high degree of probability that it was increased solar activity that became the trigger for this process.

The second version explains the mysterious phenomenon differently. As you know, the Earth's magnetic poles change. This suggests that the energy processes occurring in the earth's core and forming the magnetic field have become extremely intensified.

As already mentioned, in November 2011, a powerful gravitational pulse was recorded by virtually all geophysical stations simultaneously, while the distance between them was tens of thousands of kilometers.

Such a phenomenon would not have been possible if the source of the powerful energy release had not been the core. According to experts, this is how it signals to us that the Earth is moving into a new phase - the phase of activity. The sound waves heard by people living in different parts of the planet are further confirmation of this.

Whatever ultimately becomes the true cause of the rumble - the Earth or the sky - neither one nor the other bodes well for people. Acoustic-gravitational waves generated by an increase in the level of nuclear activity or solar activity can cause numerous cataclysms on our planet.

(geologists V. Larin and N. Larin about the causes of the phenomenon)

Recently, the Internet has been filled with messages about a strange hum that periodically comes from the bowels of the Earth. This mysterious phenomenon has been reported in many regions around the globe. This has never happened before and on such a scale, and it unnerves the inhabitants of the planet.

Below is one such message.

Below we present (in abstract form) individual provisions of the mentioned concept, which will be necessary to understand the causes and processes causing this “mysterious” phenomenon.

So, according to the concept:

1. The Earth’s mantle has a silicate-oxide composition only in the volume of the lithosphere, i.e. under continents to a depth of 100-150 km it is an electrical insulator. Below, right down to the core, lies the metalsphere, made up of intermetallic compounds and alloys that have high electrical conductivity.

2. Inner core The Earth is represented by metal hydrides; in the outer core, hydrogen is present mainly in dissolved form.

3. The primary cause of the planet’s tectono-magmatic activity is the degassing of hydrogen from the core, which occurs in cycles, and this determines the cyclicity of tectogenesis and magmatism.

4. Hydrogen atoms upon occlusion (when entering the metal volume without chemical interaction) disintegrate into protons and electrons and, accordingly, are in the crystal lattice in the form of fully ionized hydrogen plasma.

5. At the same time, metals containing 5-10% (atomic) hydrogen exhibit abnormally high fragility in the pressure range of 0-5 kbar, while at higher pressures they become very plastic, and at pressures of 10-12 kbar (and higher) even flow at room temperature, as if they were molten (established experimentally).

6. The rate of hydrogen diffusion in metals is several orders of magnitude higher than in silicates. For this reason, under the outer silicate lithosphere, hydrogen accumulates in the form of a layer, and thus a layer of high plasticity is created - the asthenosphere.

Briefly about the essence of our explanations:

· Seismicity shakes the metalsphere, which has high conductivity.

· Movements (oscillations) of a conductor in the planet’s magnetic field generate low-frequency electromagnetic waves.

· These low-frequency waves affect magnetite crystals in rocks.

· The earth begins to hum in those places where the frequencies of the waves coincide with the resonant frequency of the blocks of the earth's crust.

Now we are at the beginning of a new cycle of hydrogen degassing of the planet, which is only gaining strength. In the last 20 years, this is evidenced by a clear increase in seismicity and volcanism. In addition, our field work (with hydrogen gas analyzers) revealed intense degassing of deep hydrogen in tectonically quiet regions where there has been no volcanic activity for a long time. In this case, hydrogen degassing has a “jet character”, and at the exits of these jets on the earth’s surface, very characteristic structures three types:

· ring subsidence structures (example in Fig. 1);

· sinkholes (example in Fig. 3 and 4),

· explosive craters (such as Sasovsky ones).

Thanks to the Google Earth program, today we can see these very characteristic structures on all continents and, accordingly, we can say that hydrogen degassing is currently widespread globally.

Fig.1. Lipetsk region. Satellite images clearly show ring-shaped subsidence structures formed at the outlets of hydrogen jets. The sizes of these structures vary from a few hundred meters to several kilometers. Their formation is accompanied by the bleaching of chernozems and the death of forest shelterbelts. The latter (the death of the stripes) clearly indicates the very recent formation of these structures.The length of the scale bar is 800 meters (bottom left).

Rice. 2. Photo from July 19, 2002, 55 km east of the center of Moscow. Just a good forest. The length of the scale bar is 124 meters.

Rice. 3. Same place September 21, 2004. A karst hole has appeared, which is filled with swamp slurry (brown), gray “felt” around the ring - these are trunks fallen trees. Dark edging below - shadows from standing trees. The area of ​​the sinkhole could accommodate 6 football fields.

Rice. 4. Moscow region, 22 km NNW from the Moscow Ring Road, between the villages of Zhilino and Verevskoye. In the center of the photo is a ring structure (dimensions 450x350 m). The old spruce forest was destroyed, the structure sank, became swampy and overgrown with pine trees, the height of which does not exceed 5-6 meters. However, counting the growth rings on saw cuts showed that their age is about 85-90 years. These dwarf pines (as well as normal ones: lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries and junipers) grew on a “peat blanket” that floats, and clearly ripples in waves if you jump on it vigorously. The echo from the bottom arrives after 0.2 seconds (they deliberately hit a log with a sledgehammer and caught the echo with a seismometer). Accordingly, under the “peat blanket” in the center of the depression, the water thickness is 150 meters. Of course, this is a failure and it was formed a little over a hundred years ago. However, even now intensive hydrogen degassing is observed in this place. In 100 years, the failure shown in Fig. 1 will look the same. 3.

Internet and media mass media are literally inundated with reports of sudden sinkholes and sinkholes that have begun to appear with alarming frequency on all continents recently.

In China's central Hunan province, 693 sinkholes have appeared this year. large size, and their number is constantly growing. According to the Department of Land Resources of the city of Iyana, from January to February 24 of this year (i.e., in 2 incomplete months), 693 sinkholes were discovered, of which 537 were in farmland, 150 in river beds and mountain streams, 6 in reservoirs. 167 houses were damaged and more than 1,200 people were injured.

According to the stories of one of the residents of Yuejiaqiao village, such phenomena as sinkholes have been happening for many years, but this year everything is much more serious. There are more and more failures every day, and their size is also increasing. People are afraid that houses could collapse at any time, as more than 200 houses have already cracked due to subsidence. Some families were forced to move to the mountains.

So, hydrogen is currently being degassed from the deep zones of the planet. In this case, hydrogen is collected in jets, therefore, somewhere its concentration is higher, and in other places it is significantly lower. This determines variations in the plasticity of the metalsphere: accordingly, in some places it flows, while nearby (along the boundaries of the jets and beyond) intermetallic compounds and alloys can react to these flows as a brittle medium (see point 5 above) by forming cleavage cracks and slipping on them. And all this should have a “pulse-wave character”: accumulation of stress - flow - slip, accumulation of stress - flow - slip, etc.

In fact, the nature of the deformation of the medium (brittle or plastic) also depends on the speed of application of the load. For readers who are not familiar with the problems under discussion, let us explain this with a figurative example: asphalt bitumen at room temperature can be crushed with sharp blows, but if the same bitumen is pressed down with a weight and left overnight, then by morning it will spread into a puddle. A priori, we can assume that during movements in the bowels of the planet, the speed of application of the load is different and, in the language of geophysicists, “ all deformation processes are characterized by multi-frequency irregular periodicity, and disturbances must have a wave nature».

Judging by the deep-focus seismicity, tectonogens are currently at work; accordingly, large masses of the metalosphere are moving deeper into the planet, which causes a decrease in the “moment of inertia” of the Earth. Proof of this is the acceleration of the Earth’s rotation observed after every major deep earthquake (explanations about “ the work of tectonogens"See in the book "Our Earth"). And this also forces the metalsphere to flow from place to place.

In addition, the asthenosphere, in our understanding, is top layer metalsphere, in which hydrogen accumulates (point 6). Hydrogen degassing occurs in cycles, between which there are breaks. During these breaks, the influx of hydrogen from below stops, but it continues to seep into the lithosphere, and over time the asthenosphere seems to “dry out”, loses its plasticity and ceases to perform the function of isostatic leveling. However, relief erosion and sediment deposition on the surface continue. This creates pressure gradients at the base of the lithosphere. With the beginning of a new cycle of degassing, the asthenosphere is restored, its viscosity sharply decreases (see point 5 above) and it begins to flow from the area of ​​​​high pressures to the area low pressures, performing isostatic equalization.

Our experiments have shown that at pressures above 10 kbar, the compressibility of metals should increase when hydrogen is dissolved in them (increase in comparison with metals without hydrogen). Accordingly, within the hydrogen jets, compaction of the substance (volume reduction) should occur, and the asthenosphere will flow to compensate for this violation. On the other hand, a jet of hydrogen may disappear if a more powerful flow has attracted it or intercepted its feeding zone at depth. In this case, the compaction at the site of the former jet will disappear, the volume will increase and the substance will again move.

So, the substance of the metalsphere moves. But it is represented by conducting intermetallic compounds and alloys, which also contain hydrogen plasma in places (see point 4). And all this is permeated with magnetic lines of force. That is, conductors move in the Earth's magnetic field. Due to induction, these conductors are induced electric currents, which in turn generate their own magnetic fields. And since the movement, as geophysicists put it, “is characterized by multi-frequency irregular periodicity,” the strength of the induced currents will vary greatly, and the intensity of electromagnetic radiation will vary accordingly. So in tension magnetic field On Earth there must be local variations caused by movements of the metallospheric substance.

The frequency range of our hearing ranges from 20 to 20,000 Hertz. Geophysicists have discovered such low-frequency variations in the strength of the Earth's magnetic field that occur periodically. Some are inclined to see the cause of this phenomenon in deformations internal zones planets, and it is believed that their appearance precedes major seismic events, which in a number of cases has been confirmed in practice. Others (who are the majority) believe that these variations are associated with the excitation of the ionosphere of our planet from solar flares. In all likelihood, the opinion of this majority is based on traditional version the structure of the internal zones of the planet, in which the entire mantle is composed of dry silicates. Silicates have no conductivity - they are insulators, and an insulator, no matter how much you shake it in a magnetic field, will not emit any electromagnetic waves.

However, “Our Earth” is structured completely differently (see point 1), and if the conducting metalsphere is forced to move in a magnetic field, then it will certainly emit electromagnetic waves. Thus, the point of view of those geophysicists who see an endogenous (intra-terrestrial) cause in this phenomenon has a right to exist. At the same time, the impact of solar flares on the Earth’s magnetosphere cannot be denied. Apparently, geophysicists will still have to figure out which electromagnetic waves come from the interior of the planet, and which are produced by disturbances in the earth’s ionosphere.

Now let's remember about the ferrous mineral - magnetite (Fe3O4). It has a very high magnetic susceptibility, i.e. it easily becomes magnetic in a magnetic field. Its crystals are attracted to a magnet just like iron filings, and it itself can be a magnet. Inclusions of magnetite crystals in an amount of 2-5% are present in almost all rocks, and in some places it forms monomineral accumulations, accompanied by thick magnetic anomalies. When abraded, the magnetic properties of magnetite are not lost at all. Among light sands and sandstones, dark layers are not so rare - and most often these are sands enriched with magnetite sand grains.

In the old days when modern materials and glues were not yet known, shoes were not molded, as they are now, but were sewn from leather, and the soles with heels were tacked with shoe iron nails, they were produced different sizes and sold in kerosene shops. In the Urals, people believed that you should not walk in places where magnetic iron ores come out in boots lined with iron nails, because you will lose the soles and you will be “barefoot.” In such areas they tried to make shoes using copper nails. Now I don’t really believe in this popular observation. However, I had to hold in my hands pieces of magnetic iron ore (from Mount Blagodat in the Urals), which had north and south poles, marked by “hedgehogs” made of dusty particles of the same iron ore. These samples attracted (and held suspended) steel knives and forks. On the Internet you can find a message that in the Nizhny Tagil Museum of Local Lore there is a heavy steel weight hanging on a block of magnetic iron ore, and it has supposedly been hanging for several decades. In short, magnetite is truly a highly magnetic mineral.

Low-frequency variations in the magnetic field will necessarily affect magnetite crystalline grains. And the strength of this impact will depend on the intensity of electromagnetic radiation, which is associated with fluctuations in the magnetic field strength. The intensity of electromagnetic radiation depends on the distance to the source of electromagnetic disturbance waves. Question about possible places The localization of these sources can be determined by direct observations. We will return to this below.

In addition, solids have the ability to fall into a state of resonance from vibrational physical influence of even very low power, it is only necessary that the periodicity of this influence coincide with the resonant (natural) frequency solid. And then this body, if it is small, will sing in a treble on the note of its frequency, and if it is large, then it will hum in the bass in the gut. Here it should be taken into account that during resonance, standing waves are generated in the body, which are transverse waves. And for a body to “sing” at a certain frequency, it must be within its size to fit at least one half-wave of this frequency.

It should be especially noted that there are a lot of these crystals. If the average diameter of magnetite grains in rocks is 1 mm, then in each cubic meter The breed of these grains will be 55 million (at 5% - the weight of the magnetite content). And they are distributed fairly evenly throughout the volume of the rock. Tens of millions of crystals, evenly distributed in each cubic meter and capable of synchronously vibrating from electromagnetic waves, is an absolutely ideal design for organizing the phenomenon of resonance in rock blocks.

Our ear perceives frequencies from 20 to 20,000 Hertz. Let us determine the size of a monolithic block whose natural frequency is 300 Hertz. Shear wave velocities in crystalline rocks vary around 3000 m/s. At this speed, the wavelength with a frequency of 300 Hertz is equal to 10 meters, respectively, the half-wave length will be 5 m. Consequently, a monolithic five-meter (along the long axis) block will sing at a frequency of 300 Hertz. By the way, in tone this is closest to the note “D” of the first octave.

Few people know that stone blocks can “sing”. We found out about this by accident. Once in Kazakhstan, near our field camp, we came across a body of gabbro, which on the surface looked like a collapse of monolithic blocks of elliptical shape. The upper blocks lay completely free, and some of them touched the collapse with only three points. These “free” blocks, when struck with a geological hammer, began to hum melodiously and for a long time, each on its own note. So, on blocks with dimensions of 3-6 meters, it was possible to select all the notes of the first octave. Just for fun, we even picked out the immortal musical phrase by ear - “chi-zhik py-zhik, where have you been”, and then performed it for the guests with sledgehammers. The success was deafening.

However, will monolithic blocks “sing” from variations in the magnetic field? We don't know if anyone has tried to check this. Maybe the military is aware of this, but communication with them is fraught with problems. Apparently everything depends on the intensity of electromagnetic radiation. Until now, most geophysicists believe that magnetic field disturbances are related exclusively with emissions from the Sun, which “injure” the ionosphere and from here magnetic storms occur on Earth. This phenomenon has been well studied and it would be foolish to doubt the obvious. The scale of this phenomenon raises doubts; they are such that magnetic storms (which come from the Sun) capture, if not the entire planet, then at least one hemisphere, entirely and at once.

At the same time, the Earth's Rum is observed in different places at different times and very locally. This is in no way consistent with the super-global scale of magnetic storms. At the same time, “Our Earth,” in which the conductive mantle begins with the asthenosphere, suggests the presence point sources electromagnetic disturbances at shallow depths in the upper mantle. These point(on a planetary scale) sources may be located at a depth of 100 km from the upper crustal horizons, and in some places even less, since diapirs of the conductive mantle can penetrate into the crust. In zones of modern rifting, individual tongues and ridges are established at a depth of 3-5 km. And this is not an unfounded statement, but the result of our many years of research, confirmed by magnetotelluric sounding. By the way, over these zones there are peculiar “ geological wonders“, which are absolutely impossible to explain within the framework of traditional ideas about the structure of the planet, and even more so it was impossible to predict them. However, within the framework of our concept, predicting these “miracles” turned out to be an everyday task (we will write about this separately).

So, if the planet is structured in our way, then with its modern seismicity it is obliged to create point sources of electromagnetic radiation. The waves diverging from such sources will be spherical. The intensity of a spherical wave decreases in inverse proportion to the square of the distance from the source. This can be recorded with appropriate magnetometers placed along the profile in a suitable place, for example, where the Earthly Rumble has become especially annoying. And if a point source is in close proximity to the magnetometer (at a distance of several tens of kilometers), then it is natural to expect that the intensity of electromagnetic waves will be orders of magnitude higher compared to the intensity of waves coming from distances of thousands of kilometers.

Until now, geophysicists, trying to find out the cause of the Earth's Rumble, use seismometers. As a result, they discover slightly increased microseismic noise in the humming zones, and cannot understand in any way how very weak microseisms cause noise effects comparable to the sound intensity from powerful loudspeakers.

Dear geophysicists, shouldn’t we try magnetometers in this matter? What if anomalously intense electromagnetic radiation is discovered, coinciding in place and time with the Earth's Rumble? And if such a connection is discovered, then why not try to find a monolithic block buzzing from a sledgehammer (with magnetite inclusions) and irradiate it with electromagnetic waves of the appropriate frequency and intensity. What if she starts singing, and then maybe even collapses?

Joke(instead of conclusion)

From the point of view of thermodynamics, you and I, dear readers, are open systems. And, to be honest, we all periodically emit gases - we dump entropy. This is one of the most important conditions sustainable existence of open systems. “Our Earth” is also an open system and also emits gases. Therefore, you should not be afraid of the “Earthly Rumble” and panic. This is something to be rather happy about. After all, if our old planet is still capable of “farting” from time to time, it means that it is still alive and capable of maintaining the living conditions familiar to us.
