To brush your teeth to the child 1. Do you need to brush your teeth in general? The influence of bad dairy teeth on constant

Despite the fact that the baby's dairy teeth are replaced by constant, they also require careful care. After all, the caries of the milk tooth will negatively affect the root. Without proper teeth care, infections may appear in the oral cavity and develop various diseases. Even if the child does not yet receive lures, caries may arise due to sugar in breast milk, lactose or other components in dairy blends.

Regular and consistent teeth cleaning will save the gums and enamel healthy, ensure the correct oral hygiene, eliminates the unpleasant smell of mouth and yellow raid from the gum. Let's look more in more detail when you need to begin brushing your teeth to the child. We learn more about how to clean your teeth to children.

From what age can brush teeth to children

Dentists advise parents themselves to clean the teeth to children up to six to seven years or at least control this process. You can pass the kid to the cleaning of the teeth after two or three years. But it is important that he makes it qualitatively. Therefore, control the child, help and read your teeth if necessary. At the age of two or three years, teach the baby yourself to rinse your mouth after each meal. And by nine years, children should already use a toothbrush, and tooth thread.

How to teach a child to brush your teeth

You can learn the baby yourself to clean the teeth already in 1.5-2 years. It is important that the crumble is comfortable to keep and use a toothbrush. And also so that the taste of a tooth pasta liked the baby. The best way to teach something child is a personal example. Kroch loves to imitate an adult. Teach the baby from an early age walking with you in the bathroom in the morning and in the evening, show how to wash and clean your teeth.

Make the game elements in the process. For example, clean the teeth in the beat of the song or count. Use interesting toothbrushes with characters from popular cartoons or fairy tales. Let the baby take a favorite toy with him. And, of course, arrange the competition between adults and children, who will faster brushes their teeth. Be sure to teach the child to rinse the mouth after meals, and also teach the water and paste after cleaning.

Look with baby cognitive cartoons and programs that will show in a games form and tell the baby, why do you need to brush the teeth, and how to do it right. Look at the dentist. A hike to a specialist is important not only to maintain the health of the teeth and the gum. Modern dental cabinets and clinics have a lot of interesting cognitive materials, layouts and means, including for the smallest patients. An experienced specialist will be available to the crumb, as and why you need to clean the teeth.

If the child refuses to brush his teeth, do not be discouraged and do not give up. Take care and continue attempts to involve the baby in this procedure. Try different hygiene products, change brushes and pastes. Turn a boring process into an interesting game, competition, use in training poems, songs and fun.

Not all parents know how to proper teeth to children, and after all the state of cutting permanent depends on the quality of the care of dairy teeth. In order to protect the child from problems with indigenous moolers, cutters and fangs, it is necessary to teach it to clean and rinse the mouth after the rubberization of the first tooth itself.

Features of the structure of dairy teeth

Milk teeth are formed on the sixth week of intrauterine development. Normally they are 20:

  • 8 molars;
  • 8 cutters;
  • 4 fang.

Temporary teeth consist of the same fabrics as permanent:

  • dentin (in temporary teeth it is softer and less mineralized);
  • enamel;
  • pulp.

However, dairy cutters, fangs and molars have features:

  • low crowns;
  • a large distance between the crowns;
  • long thin roots, which are resolved before losing the temporary tooth and the delicate of permanent;
  • thin enamel - just 1 mm;
  • wide Channels

On the structure, milk teeth are only a little different from the constant, so they do not least need proper care. You can begin to brush your teeth after cutting the very first cutter. Early teaching of hygiene will become excellent prophylaxis against many dental diseases that can hit dairy cutters, and then formed under them the rigging constants.

If you do not care for your teeth, the baby or care for them is wrong, already in the first three years of life, the baby will have to attend children's dentists. And maybe to endure the drilling of giving teeth by Bor, which is painful and unpleasant for a small child even subject to high-quality anesthesia.

How to clean the mouth nourish

Immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital, it is necessary to start wiper the gums of a newborn baby with a dense gauze tampon, moistened in the water. You can also make the tampon in:

  • nasty chamomile if the baby does not have constipation;
  • bactericidal infusion sage;
  • brummer from the Hypericum, since this plant strengthens the gums;
  • anti-inflammatory brave calendula.
It is not recommended to use bare bare and tinkers of the mouth for processing the oral cavity more often than 2-3 times a week, since the abuse of them can lead to allergic reactions.

Compliance with hygiene, implying treatment of the mouth of the mouth with a gauze tampon, is necessary and the newborn, which are on breastfeeding, and those kids that feed with artificial mixtures. Breast milk does not purify the oral cavity, but pollutes it. If you do not sanitize the mouth of the baby after feeding, it will begin to multiply the pathogenic bacteria, which is fraught with infection of dental enamel.

From what age you need to start brushing your teeth to the child

It is necessary to start brushing your teeth to the baby from the moment when they begin to rub off. At first, it is better to perform manipulations without a paste, carefully processing not only the first tooth, but also the gum itself. You can take advantage of a special soft baby brush or silicone overlay running on a parent's finger. The last device will perform the function of not only the brush, but also a gum massager, which will make it easier to paint pain.

Act in the process of cleaning should be carefully, as the gums near the cutting tooth are inflamed and hurts, so infants can react poorly to the hygienic procedure. But it is impossible to refuse it: local immunity deteriorates during the teething, therefore the risk of enamel infection increases.

More details about the care of the oral cavity of the newborn language is told in the video:

How many times a day you need to brush teeth to children

And dairy, and the indigenous teeth must be cleaned twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Otherwise, under the influence of salts, acids and sugars, which are in the residues of food, caries are formed on the milk teeth, which will have to be treated with the dentist using professional tools.

How to brush teeth to children

There are several common rules for quality cleaning of teeth, depending on the age of the kid:

  • It is necessary to brush the teeth to the child up to a year with the help of a special silicone lining, which is fixed on the index or thumb finger.
  • After a year, you can use a brush with silicone villos and a special limiter, gradually moving to classic models.
  • From three years, an ordinary brush with soft villi is used. It is important that its surface covers only two dental crowns, otherwise the hygienic procedure is not effective enough.
Children's brush must be changed every 3-4 months. If the service life has not yet come out, but the brush has already become rough around the edges, it should be changed, since pathogenic bacteria can begin to begin and multiply.

How to brush teeth to a child under 1 year

For half a year - this is the age when parents must begin to brush their teeth to the child daily. From 6 to 12 months, teeth are cut in children, so during this period you need to sanitize their oral cavity very carefully. Breasts can not take part in the hygienic procedure, but can already express their dissatisfaction with sounds and gestures, so an adult must focus not only on the technique of dental cleaning, but also on the sensation of the baby.

How to clean the first teeth

Key cleaning rules:

On each tooth should have about 10-15 movements. During the procedure, it is necessary to purify not only dental enamel, but also the inner surface of the cheek, language and gum. Also brushing teeth to one year old child with special dental or dental napkins that can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Why you need to teach the child to clean your teeth earlier than from one year

To begin to clean the baby's dairy teeth, it is necessary when the first cutter appears or before it is complete. Full care for the oral cavity will help:

  • form the right bite;
  • well purify the oral cavity from carieselogenic bacteria;
  • prevent various diseases, including caries.

How to brush teeth to children older than a year

A child older than 1 year can be purchased first toothbrush with silicone pilemers. It costs more than normal, but such a waste of funds is justified: a silicone pile brush will not injure the teeth of the child and will help to clean the gums and cheeks. With it, you can clean even the first teeth of the child. However, such brushes quickly become unsuitable for safe operation, so they should not be applied for a long time.

Care rules for a children's toothbrush with silicone bristles

For a silicone brush to light up longer, the following rules for its operation must be observed:

  • it is impossible to boil and even just overload the brush with boiling water;
  • after each use, it should be washed with soap (children's, tar, economic).
You can not put a brush into the case, it should be stored in a closed locker, in a glass, separately from the brushes of adult family members.

Toothpastes for one year old children and infants

To start cleaning children's teeth with the use of pasta, it is not necessary to wait for the child a year or three. Most of the pastes are shown for children over 2 years old, however, there are a number of manufacturers, in the line of goods of which there are good toothpastes without fluorine, suitable for children under one year. They are absolutely harmless, and they can be swallowed. Such funds can be found among the products of the brands:

  • R.O.C.S.
  • Elmex.
  • Splat.
  • Lacalut.

On each paste, it is indicated from what age it is allowed to use - it is necessary to brush the teeth to the child only to the means that it is not contraindicated and is suitable for integrated care of children's teeth.

Starting to brush the teeth to the child to one year with the use of paste, it is necessary to monitor its reaction. In some kids, allergies can begin, so at the first symptoms of the appearance of rash or incomprehensible cumulative, it is necessary to stop using pasta and show the baby to the doctor.

Teeth cleaning technique with pasta

It is possible to begin to brush the teeth with the use of toothpaste when the child appears the first cutter, the deadline is one and a half years old. It is not necessary to wait for him a caries due to the lack of proper care.

Cleaning procedure with toothpaste:

  • a certain amount of pasta is applied to a predetermined brush;
  • the brush at the right angle is made to crowns;
  • cleaning the tooth surface must be redeemed: from roots to the tops;
  • the inner dental surface is purified by short movements, the brush is placed at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • the cutting and chewing surface of the crowns are processed at the very end;
  • after the end of the procedure should rinse with water;
  • approximate duration of each cleaning - 2-3 minutes.

2-3 years old is the age when you need to start teaching the child to brush your teeth on your own.

Rinsers for the smallest

Manufacturers of rod riding liquids do not recommend the use of such funds to children under the six-year-old age, as the risk is the risk that the baby swallows the rinse.

How to teach a child to brush their teeth

Many children under 1 year old, and sometimes older babies, do not want to brush their teeth, in every way expressing their discontent. In this case, it is necessary to attract their attention to the hygienic procedure with one of these methods:

  • buy a bright brush with a favorite cartoon hero and toothpaste with a pleasant fruit taste;
  • suggest a baby to brush his teeth to his toys;
  • brush your teeth with a child and compete with him as and cleaning speed.

Each parent independently decides, from what age to begin to brush the teeth to the child and use Lee to the paste, but the delay may adversely affect the health of the crumbs. Parents should not only brush their teeth to their children, but also teach them to independently correct care for the oral cavity.

In more detail about children's teeth, the care of them and the child's childbirth tells Komarovsky in video:

Parents must pay due attention to personal hygiene of the baby, including this also applies to the care of the oral cavity. That is why the question of how old the children are brushing their teeth, should arise from moms and dop long before they begin to rub off. And do not think that the dairy teeth do not need cleaning, because sooner or later they will still change. In fact, the health of indigenous teeth depends largely on how correctly the care for the oral cavity in early childhood was organized.

When to start brushing teeth to a child

Some parents adhere to the opinions that it is not necessary to clean. In fact, they need to thoroughly clean and treat, as well as constant, since insufficient and late care can lead to the formation of caries, and in particularly difficult cases - to the pulpit and periodontitis. Subsequently, all this negatively affects the formation of permanent teeth.

So from what age do children clean their teeth? It should be started as early as possible, literally with the teething of the first cutter. But the deadlines for the appearance of dairy teeth range from 4 to 10 months. After a year, fangs are beginning to rub off, and for the two-year-old age, the baby already has a complete set of teeth - as many as 20 pieces.

The basics of hygiene, or care for the oral cavity before teething

Many dentists recommend starting to care for the oral cavity of the child even until the first milk teeth will be broken. This is a good prevention of candidiasis, or thrush, and besides, it will minimize the inflammatory process, when the teeth are already broken. So from what age do children clean their teeth?

Not teeth, and the gums are beginning to clean about three months, that is, a couple of months before the start of their teething. To do this, use a gauze tampon. It is wetted for cleaning the oral cavity in boiled water and immediately after eating, they wipe the inner surface of the cheeks, gums and tongues. And about once a week for the prophylaxis of candidias and dental diseases, gauze tampon is recommended to be wetted in a weak soda solution.

Cleaning the first teeth

The very first devices that are used by their parents for cleaning only cutting teeth are silicone overlays. They are designed to massage the gums during the teething and to clean the teeth before the introduction of the first dust. Then another question arises: from what age the child can be brushing teeth

As soon as the baby begins to get acquainted with adult food, the first raid is formed on enamel, which is food for caries and, accordingly, needs cleaning. Then you can buy a baby brush. However, the brush can be with silicone bristles and also put on the finger. But the paste use is still categorically not recommended. For a one-year-old kid, it is enough to moisten the brush in boiled water and walk it on the surface of the teeth.

How to brush your teeth in 2 years

When the child is fully introduced in the fulcrum in full and it will begin to gradually move to the main table, boiled water, which parents wet the toothbrush, will cease to cope with so many plates and food residues. Here is the question of how old to start brushing the teeth to the child should no longer stand in front of their parents. Two years - this is an deadline. And urgently and immediately. Otherwise, the residues of food, which are stuck between the teeth tightly standing in a row (and to this age there will be 20 in the dentition), will become food for caries.

That is why in 2 years your teeth need to be brushed with a special brush with toothpaste. Moreover, if a child from childhood was accustomed to clean the gums, and then the teeth twice a day, then for him a new duty will not be a big problem and to do it only with pleasure.

So, the child turned 2 years old, and the task of parents at this moment is to introduce it with the toothpaste and teach how to properly use the brush. But if the answer to the question, from what age, the teeth are cleaning, no longer arises, then he follows another controversial moment. What pasta to buy a child - with fluorine or without? Is it possible to use paste for adults?

Brushing teeth to a two-year-old child is allowed only by specialized children's pasta. Compared with an adult, it contains less abrasive substances, has taste and aromatic additives. In addition, enzymes, casein, xylitis and calcium are added to the children's pastes, which improve the structure of the tooth and have a bactericidal effect. For children, under 3 years old, no fluorine pastes are produced. The child can even swallow them without harm for their health.


The technique of proper cleaning is as follows:

  1. The procedure for cleaning teeth in children is similar to adults. The brush is applied to the base of the teeth and the sweeping movements are directed upwards. That is, cleaning comes from the gums to the edges.
  2. Similar actions are repeated from the inner and outdoor side, on the right and left. In this way, "sweeping" must be cleaned of all teeth. At the same time, push on enamel must be minimal. It is important not to damage when cleaning neither the teeth nor the gums.
  3. Chewing teeth should be cleaned with circular movements from above.
  4. In the process of cleaning, you should not forget about the language. It is purified by the opposite side of the toothbrush, which is just for this and is intended.
  5. Electrical brushes can be used to accelerate the process. How old do you need to clean your teeth with such a device? About three years old, before this age, it is not even worth trying.

Selection of toothbrush

Another important point concerns the choice of toothbrush. The fact is that the brushes, which brush teeth adults, are not suitable for kids. Special requirements are presented to choosing this tool for children:

  1. Do not buy for a child brushes with natural bristles. The fact is that hazardous microorganisms and bacteria accumulate in it, which simply do not delete water. In addition, natural bristles are rigid and can damage the gentle gums of the baby.
  2. The brush for cleaning the teeth should be chosen according to the age of the baby. If he has not yet been two years old, you can use lining on your finger to care for enamel and tongue, which also perfectly cope with the dental flare.
  3. The size of the head of the toothbrush should be round shape and have a small size. This will reduce the level of injury during enamel cleaning.

Many dentists recommend buying from batteries to clean the teeth. Their advantage is that blooming with enamel and language is removed high quality and quickly. The only drawback is that not all children perceive such brushes adequately. Some vibration causes fear, and they categorically refuse to clean.

From what age to clean your teeth to the child: Komarovsky E. O. and its recommendations

The famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky gives its recommendations for cleaning the teeth. He advises to start this process as early as possible, starting from the first tooth, and recommends using silicone lining for this. But parents do not have to forget that all this should occur in the form of the game, that is, the child himself should like the child. This will continue to develop a positive reaction to the duty to clean the teeth.

Also, parents should not forget, from what age you need to brush your teeth to the child. A maximum of 2 years, they must acquaint it with a brush and paste. At the same time, if the child categorically refuses to carry out such a duty, it is not worth it. If necessary, you can wait until three years. The main thing is not to force to clean the teeth forcibly. It will be better to use such methods in the upbringing in which the child will have a desire to brush their teeth on their own, without pressure from parents.

The key to a beautiful smile of an adult is largely depends on how correctly the care for the oral cavity at an early age was organized. Many parents avoid mistakes in the future will help the following recommendations:

  1. To accustom to the child to care for the oral cavity should be started as early as possible, namely in three months old. Then there will be no extra questions regarding how old the child's teeth should be brought away from the child. Everything will occur gradually, just first the role of the brush will perform a gauze tampon and a silicone pad on the finger, and then a toothbrush with pasta.
  2. The paste should be chosen high-quality, with a slight shelf life and without fluorine in the composition.
  3. Preventive inspections of a dentist should be held twice a year. This will allow you to detect the disease in a timely manner and in time to treat your teeth, which will later positively affect the health of the entire oral cavity.


Dental teething is one of the important periods in the development of the child. When to start brushing your teeth to a child, what to choose a toothpaste and brush? Many parents do not even pay attention to cleaning without giving the milk teeth due value. Meanwhile, the diseases of the oral cavity at an early age may adversely affect the formation of permanent teeth. In this article we will analyze when you need to start brushing your teeth to the child and how to care for them correctly.

Why do you need to care for milk teeth?

Though dairy teeth and are temporary, behind them should also be careful: to clean and treasure themselves daily. Otherwise, the dental enamel is destroyed and caries appears over time.

If infection falls, then they may develop:

  • pulpitis,
  • inflammation,
  • periodontitis.

The need to follow the hygiene oral cavity increases if you like to delight your child candies and cookies. This necessity grows stronger if there are a lot of vegetables and fruits in the child's diet in a fresh form.

Most parents believe that breastfeeding, proper nutrition and the absence of sugar in the menu already guarantee healthy and strong teeth. However, this is not at all. Few people know about harm, which is caused by vegetable and fruit acids. As it turned out, there are a lot of sugar and acids in favorite fruits and some kind of vegetables, which are detrimental to enamel. For this reason, it is recommended after using these products to give the baby at least drinking water.

Clean your teeth right!

Baby dentists strongly recommend starting to clean the teeth from the first discharge. Wipe the first teeth is necessary after feeding with gauze. All remnants of food are removed and the risk of dental plates is reduced. A bottle with a nipple should be removed immediately after the baby attempted.

To the question of what age brushing teeth to a child with paste can be answered - approximately from 10-11 months you can already use a special children's pasta for children. Cleaning without a paste has low efficiency, in addition, the bristles can leave small scratches on enamel. Timely use of toothpaste can save from caries or slow down its development.

Most parents fear toothpastes, considering their "chemistry". But in this case the benefits exceeds the harm. When buying it is worth carefully learning the composition. For babes, it is perfectly suitable: gel for teeth Weleda, R.O.c.S. Pro Baby for the smallest, Xlear Inc (xClear) Kids Spry dental gel with xylitol. They are safe enough with random swallowing.

Children's toothpaste with organic extract of Natura Siberica raspberry extract from 2-3 years, as it still contains Sodium Coco-Sulfate (SLS relative) and Sodium Benzoate. "

Another important point is the amount of paste needed to clean the teeth. The dosage "with the pea" is familiar with the childhood, but for kids it is too much. The recommended dose should be no more grain rice. Children who still do not know how to rinse the mouth normally, this is enough.

To clearly clean the surface of the teeth, you need to led the brush from the gum towards the edges of the teeth. At the same time, the lower row of teeth should be cleaned the top, and the upper one is top. The gums also need to be accurately massaged by rotational movements. It improves blood circulation, and strengthens the gums. Movement when cleaning should be light and without pressure, otherwise the gums are damaged, and enamel is erased.

Also need to be removed and fall from the language. This can be done by wrapped the gauze on the finger, or with the device on the brush.

Which brush to choose

You must say a few words and about choosing a brush.

  • Until a year It is worth a preference to brushes with silicone bristles. In children's stores, you can even find special attacks that are ideal for cleaning the first tooths.
  • After the year You can go on soft bristles. Again, R.O.C.S.s. Toothbrushes are perfectly suitable.

Maksimkin set.
Many kids categorically refuse to brush their teeth. In this case, the behavior of parents is of great importance. It is categorically impossible to scold a child and make forcibly cleaned, so you can finally kill his interest.

Talk to your chad, why do you need to brush your teeth. Read the fairy tales on this topic and see the appropriate cartoons, for example, "Queen Toothbrush", "Three Cats".

In 2014, dental recommendations were updated with this organization. Innovations concern the following points:

    It is allowed to use toothpastes with a fluorine content from the moment of rubbering the first toys. Prior to this, fluorine-containing pastes were not recommended to children under 3 years.

    The required dosage of the toothpaste should not exceed the rice grains, after 3 years, the pea.

The last item is quite controversial. Many doctors do not agree with this and argue that it is enough for sufficient tooth mineralization and regular cleaning paste with fluorine.

Milk teeth are also important. If you suddenly noticed caries, do not let everything go on a sidewall and consult a children's dentist. Teeth in children need to begin to clean immediately after their appearance. Do it with the baby playing to awaken his interest in this process.

The key to success during communication with the surrounding is a healthy smile. Therefore, the daily cavity care is simply necessary. And not only because healthy white teeth are beautiful. Their diseases can cause indisposition and internal organs. That is why it is necessary to start care from the very first milk tooth. It is important not only when you begin to brush your teeth to the baby, but also how to do it right.

Why do baby brushing teeth?

Many parents when answering a questionWhen you start brushing your teeth to the child, it is still erroneous that milk teeth care do not need. They will all fall out and constant, for which you already need to follow the maximum will increase. But this error is very dangerous for a number of reasons:

Clean the milk teeth to children are especially important, since:

  • they are not only permanent correct growth ensure, but also form the right bite;
  • they directly participate in the formation of the bones of the skull and, therefore, faces;
  • if you cannot brush your teeth, then bacteria with food can get into the stomach and cause serious diseases;
  • incorrect and non-permanent care for dairy teeth may cause the development of caries and on permanent;
  • you can kill the baby sense of accuracy and careful attitude to health.

When parents understand the importance of the process, then they begin to worry another question - when to start? The answer to this question is one - when the first tooth appears.

Although during the teething, the child has a weakened immunity. And in the gums, microcracks are formed through which the infection can be applied.

But many dentists agree that it is necessary to care for the oral cavity from an early age, before the appearance of the teeth. It is due to this by the fact that microorganisms and bacteria that accumulate there are accumulated with food in the oral cavity. In addition, the manipulations carried out faster in taking a child to the necessary procedure for cleaning the teeth. Yes, and gums because of the daily massage will be more prepared for teething. Therefore, the most suitable age is 3-4 months.

How to bring teeth to a one-year-old child?

In the year, the baby can already be offered to use a children's brush with a long handle for cleaning. But parents do not everyone know how to brush teeth a one-year-old child. Because of this, a thin tooth enamel may suffer, caries begin.

The cleaning procedure should be carried out very gently in order not to damage the enamel. But at the same time carefullyIn order not to accumulate bacteria causing caries.

Several tips parents about how to brush teeth to a child per year:

Means to help in the care of the oral cavity

When they decided how to brush teeth to children and when to start, it was time to choose the necessary funds. When the baby has no teeth, then he does not need a toothbrush. But to care for the oral cavity, as we have already found out, it is necessary. Moms use different means:

Additionally, a special children's pasta can be used with a brush. For kids who have not yet been entered the lore, it is necessary to choose a gel paste, which has a light dairy or neutral taste.

For kids, who have already tried prikm You can use a special pasta with a taste of fruit.

Parents are often interested in the question, from what age to brush the teeth to a toothbrush. After all, the choice of toothbrush depends Not only from the presence of teeth, but from age:

Children are especially popular electric toothbrushes. It is very good, because the oral cavity is cleaned effectively. Yes, and children are not once again reminded. But it is worth remembering that this is an electrical mechanism and requires careful circulation. Therefore, for children under 5-6 years old, such gadgets should not buy.

When choosing a children's toothbrush, you need to pay attention not only to quality and safety, but also for convenience. Up to 3-4 years should be convenient to keep not a child, but an adult. After all, it is dad or mom that will clean his first teeth to kid. For training you can buy a separate brush to the child. It is worth remembering that the child is not able to conduct a qualitative procedure.

For children, undoubtedly important is the look of the brush. And parents when choosing should pay attention to the brush and bristle head. The latter should be smooth and moderately soft, take the starting position when pressed. The plastic part of the brush should not have a jar.

Even if the manufacturer writes the opposite, it is necessary to change the toothbrush at least once every two months. It is necessary to store it in open.

But how to bring teeth to children without pasta? Of course, all parents want to reduce the number of chemistry, which falls into the kid's body. But the toothpaste is not what you can refuse. After all, the brush without pasta is ineffective. And even can harm enamel. So, if it is impossible, you need to learn how to choose the least dangerous.

The most important thing when choosing a toothpaste is its composition. It should not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, phosphates, dyes, parabens, fragrances and antiseptics. It is better to choose a drug for the smallest. It is safe when swallowing, does not contain harmful substances. May stand on the packaging marking 0+.

The amount of toothpaste is also important. The number of "pea" is suitable for preschoolers. But if the child does not know how to rinse his mouth, he is recommended not more than rice grains.

How do you teach your own teeth yourself?

For about a year, kids are interested in interest and try to brush their teeth on their own. Doing the procedure without assistance can already be two years. The surest way to teach the child's hygiene is your own example. Therefore, go to the bathroom is better with the child.

Another assistant in mastering the skill is a mirror. Consider yourself in reflection, children love. And the child will be able to control their movements independently.

For the youngest, you can pick up a poem-speaker, a song or count. You can come up with a game in which the brush will perform a fastener of the teeth. Or take with you your favorite toywhich will also need to clean your teeth.

To work out and securing skill, you can arrange an intimate competition for speed. Who will cope quickly with cleaning, he won. Do not say that parents are better to succumb.

If the child does not give his teeth

Some children are afraid of this hygienic procedure. This may happen due to the fact that the training began too late. After all, the question is when to start brushing teeth to the childalready resolved. Or he is simply uninteresting this event.

But to force a small person is fraught with even greater complications. To accustom to cleaning teeth need correctly:

  1. turn the procedure into the game. You can even with competitive elements.
  2. Tell your baby about the consequences, if the teeth do not clean. You can come up with a fairy tale.
  3. Organize a hike to the dentist and show patients and healthy teeth on the layouts.
  4. Let the child himself choose a toothbrush and pasta, and you will only help him.
  5. You can find a cartoon on this topic.

How else can you protect the teeth of the child?

The main enemy is for children, and not only, the teeth are sugar. Getting into the mouth, he begins to destroy enamel. It can be recovered for several hours.. But if the kid constantly has something sweet, then she does not have time.

Therefore, it is also necessary to eat sweets at a certain time. It is desirable that the break was for several hours. The perfect option is to give sweetness after eating.

For snacks, give preference to vegetables or cheese.

To preserve healthy teeth, compliance with some rules:

  • in the quality of the drink to give to very little children breast milk or a mixture and boiled cooled water;
  • it should not be carried away by sweet juices and carbonated drinks, as they have a lot of sugar;
  • from the age of 6 months you can begin the baby to drink from the glass, and in a year try to wean from bottles and pacifiers;
  • from early childhood, you need to teach a balanced healthy nutrition. To encourage it is better to choose useful vegetables or fruits instead of sweets;
  • ready baby purees are better to choose without sugar content. When cooking also try to reduce its application;
  • sugar substitutes, such as glucose and fructose, for teeth are also harmful;
  • when choosing drugs, it is better to give preference to those in which there is no sugar.

"Purity - a guarantee of health". And the purity of the teeth is especially. Therefore, you should not be lazy and teach the child correctly and regularly brushing your teeth. It is important to visit the dentist at least 1-2 times a year. After changing the teeth it must be necessary.

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