Linden blossom preparation and storage. Collecting linden for tea. Linden flowers for cholesterol

How to properly harvest linden blossom?

The flowering period of linden lasts about ten days. Therefore, first of all, do not put off the workpiece. When the linden tree fades, its flowers are no longer suitable for harvesting. When dried, they turn brown and crumble. Secondly, the best time to harvest raw materials is noon, when the flowers are open. Do not pick linden blossom after rain or dew. Thirdly, linden blossom cannot be harvested along highways, near industrial enterprises and roads. You should also not collect damaged inflorescences, with rust, yellowed or darkened bracts, affected by pests and diseases.

It is forbidden to cut a tree, break its branches, collect flowers from lindens that grow near apiaries.

The inflorescences can be plucked by hand, cut off one at a time with scissors or a garden cutter, always together with the bracts.

How to dry and store?

The collected inflorescences should be spread out in a thin layer on paper or burlap. Dry under a canopy or in the attic, in a dryer or oven (while the air temperature must be maintained at 40-45 degrees).

Drying takes 2-3 days on average. It is necessary to stir up the flowers so that they dry from all sides. This will preserve the healing essential oil in the inflorescences.

Peduncles are dried correctly if they have become brittle, have acquired a yellowish color and have almost lost their pleasant smell.

Linden cannot be dried in the sun, because in direct sunlight it becomes discolored and loses its medicinal properties.

It is better to fold the dried raw materials in paper bags: they provide good air access. You can use ceramic pots or linen bags. But glass and plastic containers are not suitable for this purpose. In such dishes, the pollen dies out and loses its healing effect.

Proper storage allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of linden blossom for 2 years.

Useful properties of linden:

- strengthens the immune system,

- treats colds,

- knocks down the temperature,

- helps to heal kidney disease,

- lowers blood sugar,

- removes toxins from the body,

- eliminates menstrual irregularities,

- has spasmodic and diaphoretic properties,

- improves digestion function,

- fights diarrhea, belching and bloating,

- relieves ulcers,

- eliminates headaches,

- copes with diseases of the respiratory tract,

- heals hemorrhoids,

- relieves joint pain,

- eases the condition with oncology,

- eliminates inflammation of the oral cavity,

- soothes the nervous system,

- relieves insomnia,

- rejuvenates,

- heals burns,

- heals skin diseases,

- reduces swelling and inflammation of the skin,

- tones and improves skin condition,

- strengthens the hair.

Linden tea is an aromatic and healthy drink, familiar to everyone from childhood. This is the main remedy that mothers and grandmothers gave us at the first sign of a cold. What is the use of this fragrant flower, how and when to collect it correctly, and how to make healthy tea?

Properties of linden tea

Linden flowers are a source of essential oils, vitamins E, C, flavonoids, antioxidants, natural antimicrobial components. They contain effective phytoncides, tannins, antipyretic components. In folk and official medicine, this is a recognized medicinal raw material, and it is very tasty and aromatic. How, why and when to collect linden for tea?

They collect it in order to use it in the autumn-winter period to combat colds, malaise, and strengthen immunity. A pleasant tea is prepared from it, which even children drink with pleasure.

This drink has the following properties:

  • relieves headache;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • has antimicrobial effect;
  • relieves swelling and facilitates nasal breathing;
  • makes it easier to cough up phlegm;
  • stimulates immunity;
  • relieves joint pain.

Linden blossom period - maximum 2 weeks

The combination of linden tea with honey is a classic of the genre. This company will perfectly cope with hypothermia, the first signs of a cold, relieve the condition with flu, migraines, while simultaneously stimulating the immune system to fight the virus. For one family of 3-4 people, 1 kg of dried linden blossom is enough for the cold season.

How to procure raw materials

There are several varieties of linden, which differ in flowering time, flower size and crown volume. The early varieties begin the flowering season in mid-June, the late ones in July. It is not for nothing that the month of July is called lipenem in the Belarusian and Ukrainian languages. The collection of linden begins a few days after the beginning of flowering. By this time, most of the flowers will fully bloom, they will smell good, filling many more meters around with their aroma. Linden blossom is the middle of summer, when herbs and trees have already gained strength after winter and delight the eye with a riot of greenery and aromas.

Better to pick flowers with your hands

Linden is collected together with the yellow bracts, it also has medicinal properties. The inflorescences can be plucked or cut with scissors. It is not permissible to break or saw branches. By the way, the tree is curative with its bark and kidneys, the gruel from which well relieves inflammation on the skin, bruises, heals wounds.

To collect it, you need to choose a clear sunny day, wait until the dew melts or the wind dries the raindrops on the tree. Collect the linden tree away from roads, railways, cities or industrial enterprises. It is best to find a tree at the edge of the forest, in the garden, in the country, they will be less polluted, which means they will bring more benefits. It is not advisable to collect damaged flowers, with rust spots on the bracts, with traces of insects. Sick raw materials by themselves can no longer be good.

When collecting, you can pay attention to the abundance of insects on the tree, among which are the main bees. You have to be careful not to get stung. It is for this reason that linden cannot be harvested near apiaries. If you clearly formulate the answer to the question of when to harvest linden blossom, then this period stretches from the second half of June to the end of July.

How to dry and store

After harvesting, the linden must be dried naturally. To do this, it is laid out on a horizontal surface on a cloth or newspaper and turned daily for airing.

To properly dry flowers, you need to provide them with air circulation and the absence of bright sunlight. This can be a table in the attic, a gazebo, a balcony. If drying is carried out in the oven, the temperature inside should not exceed 40 degrees.

Natural drying time 3-4 days. During this time, the flowers will partially lose their aroma, become crispy and brittle. After that, they can be packed in paper bags, ceramic jars, linen bags. Once harvested and properly packaged, linden blossom can be stored for 2 years.

This is what a properly dried linden tree looks like.

Linden can be used to make aromatic mono tea or add it to other herbs and flowers. It goes well with rose hips, sage, chamomile, clover. For brewing, take a thick-walled mug with a lid, pour 1 tsp into it. dried linden and poured with hot boiled water. Close with a lid with a hole and leave for 3-5 minutes. This tea can be drunk with honey and lemon.

You can drink 2-3 cups of linden tea per day. This is a healthy and safe norm. You can drink a cup of tea before bed, it will calm the nerves, stimulate muscle relaxation and fall asleep faster.

Linden tea is the most aromatic of all medicinal drinks

You can drink linden tea as a diaphoretic at temperature and intoxication. It is good for bloating, as it relieves the symptoms of dyspepsia. Since flowers are rich in antioxidants such as coumarin and querticin, tea or a decoction from them can act as a preventive measure against cancer.

There are no categorical contraindications for drinking tea. It is taken with caution by pregnant women, people with allergies and heart problems. The whole family can and should collect linden and drink fragrant tea from it, it is pleasant, useful, because no one has canceled aromatherapy yet.

Linden- one of the most widespread plants in our latitudes. Our distant ancestors knew about the healing properties of its flowers. Perhaps it is not worth reminding about the benefits of linden tea. In addition, gold-colored flowers have found practical application in cosmetology.

Today we will talk about, and also learn how to prepare, store and use it.

The benefits of linden blossom

This is a source of various biologically active substances, given to us by nature. They are rich in essential oils, phytoncides, tannins and ascorbic acid.

Linden blossom is famous for its antiseptic, bactericidal, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Funds based on it are widely used for colds, sore throats, diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Tea with flowers helps with neuroses, depression, increased irritability. The pleasant aroma of flowers soothes and gives a good mood, normalizes sleep.

Also linden blossom has proven itself well in the fight against migraines, neuralgias of various origins, dizziness. It is also useful for CVS pathologies. In particular, for the normalization of blood pressure in arterial hypertension and the fight against arrhythmias.

Linden flowers can also be used for diseases of the digestive tract. For example, they help the stomach to secrete juice, promote peristalsis, and are also recommended for diarrhea, constipation.

Means with linden blossom normalize many metabolic processes, which is especially important for hormonal changes in the body during menopause.

As an external agent, it is used for various injuries of the skin and mucous membranes: wounds, abrasions, burns, as well as gingivitis, stomatitis, glossitis and others. Thanks to this, redness and swelling disappear, and tissue healing is accelerated.

Linden color is also used in home cosmetology for skin care: primarily to combat premature aging, acne and cellulite.

Collection rules

A popular ingredient in folk remedies will only work if it is properly collected, dried and stored. Consider tips that are relevant in this regard.

The lime blossom is harvested in that short period when in one inflorescence there are already both blossoming flowers and buds. The raw materials collected at this moment are considered the most valuable and useful.

It is best to harvest linden blossom from trees that grow away from busy highways, city streets and industrial enterprises. Thanks to this, the flowers will not contain toxins and heavy metal salts.

Linden flowers must be dry, so don't pick them right after rain or fog. Also, the plucked parts of the plant do not need to be washed.

The collected flowers are dried spread out in a thin layer on paper or gauze in a well-ventilated area. After a few days, the dried raw material is turned over and mixed so that it does not start to rot.

Linden blossom cannot be dried in direct sunlight, as ultraviolet light destroys many biologically active substances, which naturally negatively affects the healing properties of flowers.

When linden flowers become brittle, it means that they are dry and ready for long-term storage. It is best to put them in a canvas bag and leave in a dark place with good ventilation.

When properly harvested, the linden blossom remains useful throughout the year.

Folk remedies

Linden flowers are used for the preparation of decoctions, infusions, lotions and other traditional medicine.

Linden blossom is used alone or together with other ingredients. This is determined by the nature of the problem. The most popular are the combinations of linden flowers with chamomile, raspberry leaves, mint sprigs, elder flowers. Such a neighborhood with other plants only enhances the beneficial properties of linden.

Side effect

Do not forget that linden blossom is a medicine. Therefore, it should be applied only when there is evidence for this. Do not replace the lime infusion with regular black or green tea, as it is dangerous for the body.

Linden is a large tree with lush foliage and fragrant flowers. It is often called the "health tree" among the people due to its numerous healing properties. Linden decoctions and teas not only strengthen the immune system, relieve colds, but also relieve inflammation, spasms, have a diuretic, antibacterial effect. To make natural medicinal supplies on your own, you need to figure out how, when and what to collect from linden.

Since the twentieth year of life, the linden blossoms every summer. From that moment on, it becomes not only a bright, aromatic-smelling tree, but also the most valuable plant in the field of traditional medicine. As a medicine, not only flowers act, but also buds, tree bark. In order to preserve all the properties and enjoy healthy aromatic tea, you should adhere to some rules when collecting raw materials.

Linden blossom

Linden blossoms are the most common part of the tree used in medicine. In addition, dried flowers added to tea create a unique sweet aroma and saturate the taste. You can brew dry linden flowers, as a monocomponent, or mix with black tea, adding a slice of lemon or honey. To correctly collect linden for tea, certain conditions must be observed:

If it is not possible to collect and dry the linden blossom, then you can purchase a ready-made one at the pharmacy.

Linden buds

Harvest in March only. As soon as the first buds appear on the branches, do not rush to collect them. Swollen they will be much healthier and richer in vitamins, microelements. They also shouldn't have time to open up. Depending on future use, the buds are cut with or without young leaves. In addition to making medicinal decoctions, compresses, ointments from them, skillful housewives find use in cooking. Having prepared a special marinade, they may well replace capers in sauces and salads.

Linden bark

Only the lower part of the bark - sapwood, is widely used in medicine. In early spring, the trunk of the tree picks up the maximum amount of sap. This period is the best for collecting the bark, since it is undesirable to touch it during flowering. Another good time will come only in the fall. At this time of the year, the bark will be just as rich and suitable for further drying and making medicinal tea.

Drying features

Dry the collected raw materials properly under a canopy outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. In direct sunlight, all potential benefits are reduced to zero. Whether it's lime blossom or buds, spread them out in a thin, even layer and cover with gauze. Instead of the latter, you can use any other material that allows air to pass freely. Flowers or buds should be mixed thoroughly two to three times a day. Otherwise, the entire stock may rot.

With a special dryer, the process can be greatly facilitated. The duration of action depends on the model, and the temperature should not exceed 35-40 ° C. Also, for lime bark, this will be the best option. If you dry the bark for a long time, it becomes crumbly and loses its strength.

Storage rules

Ideal for storing dried flowers, buds or bark:

  • glass jars;
  • sacks and bags made of burlap;
  • ceramic pots;
  • paper bags.

If using a jar, it should not be tightly closed. For unobstructed air access, it can be covered with a linen cloth and tied with an elastic band to secure it. To keep all the necessary, herbs must "breathe". Store them in a dry place, away from sunlight, at room temperature. Subject to all recommendations, collection and drying rules, the stocks made retain all their qualities for 2 years. The bark can be stored for one more year.

It is worth noting that the technology for collecting and preparing lime blossom for tea is absolutely identical to that used for medical purposes. When, its color should be saturated red. The absence of such speaks only of poorly preserved flowers.

photo:, daffodil

Summer is in full swing, so many natural gifts surround us, and we should rejoice in this and use them wisely. Berries, vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruits - all these can give us food and health for years to come. On the eve of the time of home preparations for the winter, millions of people are collecting everything that the vegetable garden, the garden gave us, and, of course, in addition to their own plot, there are places where a lot of useful things grow by themselves. And this applies to linden, which they just do not do with it. It has been known since ancient times, but we will start with the basics and figure out when to collect linden.

A bit of history and beautiful legends

Well, how can we go without myths, legends, because our ancestors lived at the expense of natural gifts - it was both food and therapy, and they looked very good outwardly, which they were famous for in all centuries. The beauty and power of our man has always evoked admiration, and there were no salons, no expensive beauty injections, no pharmacies at every turn. People have been collecting linden for thousands of years, honored it, and now its relevance has not diminished.

Just think, the tree was treated as sacred, no one chopped it down or broke it. Lindens were planted exclusively in fertile places, often next to temples, which can still be seen somewhere in the outback. Under linden groves, residents made decisions and held various events. If a person was sick, then a cross made of tree branches was hung around his neck, and the ailment receded. A delicate aroma attracted bees and other insects, they pollinated the linden blossom, and then produced valuable honey, which was also a doctor and food.
And the linden has always been a talisman against the evil spells of witches and demons. Not only an aspen could be hidden above the door to protect your home and family from negativity, but also a linden tree. Happy was the man who sat down to rest under a tree, and then fell asleep. The Slavs believed and appreciated, and knew that if in a thunderstorm they hide under a linden tree, then lightning will never strike it. The tree was considered native to the mother of God, many poems were composed, wonderful canvases were written that are shown to us lindens. We are sure that you did not remain indifferent and also want to collect linden blossom, it's time.

It is interesting! On average, a linden tree will live for one and a half hundred years, but there are "old people" whose age, according to rough estimates, is 350 years old.

Do you know when to collect and harvest linden, and how to do it?

Collection time

There are no difficult answers here, they collect the color of the tree when it is covered with yellow flowers, while most of them have blossomed. In different regions, these are different terms, and the period may also shift due to specific conditions in a given year. For example, if the summer is cold and very rainy, then the tree may bloom a little later. But you will immediately understand that flowering has begun, because a sweetish, very pleasant, honey aroma will blow in the air. Yellow flowers will be visible from afar, there are always a lot of bees around.

Everyone can recognize lindens, because they are powerful, spreading trees, they can grow in any area - in the forest, in city parks. If you do not know where to find such a tree, ask any elderly resident of the area, and he knows for sure. Flowering begins around the first decade of July, sometimes at the end of June and until the middle of the second summer month. There are some subtleties that will help you with the collection:

  • flowers should bloom in the majority, this is the optimal time;
  • never follow the linden blossom if it has just rained or in the morning when the dew has not melted;
  • fees are carried out in the first half of the day when it is sunny;
  • you need to cut off not only the flowers, but also the leaves adjacent to them;
  • when it is not very hot outside, about 23-26 degrees, the nectar is released more intensely, there will be more benefits and taste;
  • in order to drink linden, delicious and such a healthy tea until next summer, you need to approximately collect a kilogram of color;
  • do not pluck a linden tree if there are signs of disease.

For information! Do you know why it is recommended to collect plants, herbs, flowers in the morning? Scientists have their own opinion, but the opinion of folk healers is much more interesting. They say that after four days nature prepares for sleep, but in the morning it is as strong as people - they rest at night, in the morning and in the afternoon they are at the peak of activity.

Collection method

It is important not only to know the timing, but also how to pick the linden tree correctly. After all, it so often happens that people got to the place, found a long-awaited tree, but it is not possible to pick up a linden blossom. The tree can be very tall and all flowers are much taller than a human being. Gardening tools can help with this. And, in general, they pick flowers by hand or carefully cut them with scissors.

Attention! Never collect natural gifts near roads, cemeteries, sewers, factories. You will not get any benefit, but you can also harm your health.

So, how to pick linden flowers, if the tree is not tall, is understandable on an instinctive level, do not forget only about the leaves next to the flowers. But if the tree is very tall, then you can use a special garden pruner. Do not rush to the store, this is not a familiar tool. This pruner has a powerful knife, a stick hole and a rope. The longer the stalk, the higher you can cut the color. You can take this device with you in the car, but the stick can be built up from 2-3 parts on the spot, as it may interfere in the cabin or not fit at all.

Important! Never break branches, do not saw, so that it is convenient to collect raw materials, this will not benefit either yourself or nature. Treat everything with care and gratitude.

Now you know when to pick linden for tea. The drink turns out to be unique, reminds us of childhood, has great health benefits.

All materials on the site are presented solely for informational purposes. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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