Analyzes at 45 years old. What tests for female hormones need to be taken with menopause: basic research. PSA test - prostate specific antigen

It is generally accepted that health problems in men begin after 40 years. This statement leads to the fact that many of the stronger sex go to the doctor with already advanced diseases. But this could have been avoided by going through an ultrasound scan only once a year, which includes an examination of the male genital organs and literally several types of tests.

Urologist's appointment - 1000 rubles. Doctor's consultation based on the results of an ultrasound scan and tests - only 500 rubles. (at the request of the patient). Complex ultrasound of the small pelvis - 1000 rubles. Complex ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - 1000 rubles.

When a man needs to be examined

Urologists and other specialists who treat men argue that after 30 years, men's health cannot be 100% perfect. By this age, pathologies associated with complications accumulate. , which, in their youth, many Don Juans could not avoid. Joints in men hurt, the spine is a consequence of physical exertion. Almost everyone has problems with the lungs and organs of the digestive tract - a consequence of bad habits and poor nutrition. hereditary diseases are manifested.

It is important not to miss the onset of the disease at an early stage, especially if parents or close relatives have fallen victim to cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular pathologies.

Regularly checking your health is the norm, even if a man feels completely healthy. Moreover, this can be done very inexpensively and very quickly by visiting a specialized clinic.

What ultrasound and tests you need to undergo: a gentleman's kit for a comprehensive examination

The number of necessary preventive procedures is growing every year. The body does not get younger, the propensity for diseases increases, therefore, more and more organs require research. But examining the body from head to toe is a utopia, because there are countless possible pathologies. A reasonable solution is to limit ourselves to the organ systems that are most fragile in terms of susceptibility to disease.

The minimum examination schedule for a man without a particular pathological heredity is as follows:

Age Surveys Specialists
30 years Blood tests (general,),, fluorography, , smear for infection Therapist, dentist,, ophthalmologist
40 years + blood test for sugar concentration, ultrasound of the heart, , , + gastroenterologist
50 years+ x-ray of the lungs (instead of fluorography), , dopplerography, gastroscopy + cardiologist, vascular surgeon
60 years + ECG, EEG, rheoencephalography, colonoscopy The same

Comprehensive examination of men aged 25-30

At this age, the list of recommended examinations is small. Taking tests every 1 - 1.5 years will allow you to timely identify diseases of the blood system or an asymptomatic chronic inflammatory process.

Main ... It is he who identifies and treats all pathologies of the genitourinary organs, , genital infections. You need to visit a urologist even at a young age at least once a year. Mandatory examinations for the program at least:

  • - insurance from.
  • If a man has an active sex life or is not indifferent to a tattoo, it makes sense to pass and .

Annual blood pressure measurements will make it possible to timely suspect hypertension, and the passage of fluorography will exclude tuberculosis and lung cancer. It is recommended to make a visit to the dentist and ophthalmologist. Diseased teeth in the future can cause disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or provoke infection of the whole organism.

What organs are ultrasound done for men at the age of 30 - 40

All previous examinations are supplemented with a mandatory ... After age 30, men may experience unwanted weight gain, usually due to hormonal imbalances. The risk of type 2 diabetes is increased. The endocrinologist will definitely refer you to .

In men of this age category, the processes for the formation of atherosclerosis, provoking a heart attack and stroke, are activated. The risk of myocardial infarction is especially high in patients with intense workload. In addition, age-related changes in blood vessels and heart begin. Possible manifestation of varicose veins, hernia.

Adenoma and prostatitis are a huge problem, the threat of which has only increased at this age. Complex will prevent chronic pancreatitis, peptic ulcer or gallstone disease. If you have bad habits, poor nutrition and , you must go .

Comprehensive examination of men at the age of 40 - 50

The main enemies of male health at this age are and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, the importance of the annual and the heart is saved. The peak mortality rate from heart failure in men is between 45 and 55 years of age.

Often, after 40 years of age in men, vision decreases, and if, in addition, headaches appear, it is a symptom of glaucoma. Therefore, we must not forget to visit an ophthalmologist.

An annual study of the state of the heart remains mandatory, and Doppler ultrasonography of the lower extremities will prevent the development of thrombosis or varicose veins.

During this period, the risk of developing cancer of any part of the gastrointestinal tract increases due to the great adherence of men to alcohol and tobacco, that is, ultrasound of the abdominal organs is more relevant than ever. Once every 50 years, you need to undergo an intestinal examination to exclude the development of an oncological process. Nice to get through .

Things to check for all men in 50+ years

With age, the state of health should be under special control, since the risks become much greater. Tendency to thrombosis and their complications, hearing impairment, threat intestines and others are only part of the impending threat.

Once every 2 years it is necessary to take ... The heart and blood vessels should be examined at a similar frequency (to assess the blood supply to the brain and lower extremities). It is recommended to replace fluorography with an X-ray of the lungs. It is also imperative to be tested for sex hormones, this will prevent ... What organs are done for men over the age of 50, we will consider ultrasound below.

Modern ultrasound techniques allow examining any male organ cheaply and painlessly. Moreover, it is ultrasound diagnostics that is considered the most informative and safe of all modern methods.

TO Of course, it is desirable to undergo an examination of all organs, but even a comprehensive examination of the small pelvis, abdominal cavity and male genital organs, can detect up to 90% of all pathologies at the initial stage.

Ultrasound of the prostate, scrotum and testicles

The procedure can be carried out in several ways:

  • Transabdominal- external method, scanning takes place through the abdominal wall. The most comfortable, but not informative enough method;
  • Through the skin of the perineum- recommended as a basic examination.
  • Transrectally- through the rectum. This is the most common method due to the accuracy and information content of the results;
  • Transurethral- through the urethra. It is used extremely rarely due to the risk of damage to the urethra.

The study is able to identify a number of serious pathologies:

  • prostatitis;
  • prostate cancer;
  • adenoma;
  • cyst.

To improve the quality of the study, special preparation for the procedure is required:

  • Studyoutwardly- fill the bladder. To do this, 1 - 1.5 hours before the ultrasound, drink 1 liter of non-carbonated liquid. If you feel the urge to urinate, go for an examination;
  • Transrectal method- 2 hours before the ultrasound, cleanse the intestines with an enema, microclysters, glycerin a candle or laxative to feces did not interfere with visualization of the gland.

The duration of the procedure is 15 - 20 minutes.

Ultrasound of the heart

There are several ways to conduct research:

  • Standard echo-KG procedure - external examination, special sensors are placed on the patient's body in the chest area to obtain an image of the heart, cardiac vessels and blood flow;
  • Transesophageal echo-KG - the device is inserted through the esophagus, the oral cavity and pharynx are treated with lidocaine to reduce discomfort;
  • Stress echo-KG - examination of the heart during stress on the heart muscle. It is carried out using a treadmill or bicycle ergometer (pedals can be turned while lying down). Sensors are attached to the chest that continuously record the work of the organ.

The procedure is performed to identify various cardiovascular diseases, heart defects, dystrophic and structural changes.

Before an ultrasound of the heart, it is forbidden to: physically overload, overeat, take stimulants or sedatives, consume caffeinated drinks.

If the study is carried out through the esophagus, then 2 - 3 hours before it is necessary to refuse food. The duration of the procedure is about 20 minutes.

Complex ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys

The study is carried out in a standard external way - by scanning organs through the abdominal wall. If a kidney ultrasound is performed, the patient will be asked to lie on his stomach.

With the help of the procedure, a number of pathologies can be detected:

  • acute and chronic hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • fatty infiltration;
  • cysts;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • abscesses;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • acute and chronic cholecystitis;
  • violations of the outflow of bile;
  • acute and chronic pancreatitis;
  • developmental anomalies;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • signs of hypertension;
  • the presence of plaques, stenoses, blood clots.

Special training is required to obtain accurate results:

  • 3 days before the ultrasound, a complete exclusion from the diet of black bread, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes, sweets, flour, carbonated drinks. During this period, take enterosorbents (activated carbon, espumisan, etc.) and food enzymes (festal, mezim, etc.);
  • Before the procedure, you need to empty your bowels naturally. With an increased tendency to constipation, use an enema, laxative, glycerin suppository or micro enema;
  • Before the ultrasound, give up bad habits and the use of chewing gum;
  • with ultrasound of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, abstinence from food for 8 - 12 hours is necessary. The procedure is performed on an empty stomach. Patients with diabetes mellitus are allowed a light breakfast of sweetened tea and 1 - 2 crackers;
  • With ultrasound of the gallbladder, additionally you need to take a choleretic breakfast with you: 200-300 ml of cream, sour cream or cottage cheese (20-25% fat) and 2-3 eggs (boiled or raw);
  • With ultrasound of the kidneys, the bladder must be full, therefore, 1 hour before the procedure, you need to drink 1 - 1.5 liters of non-carbonated liquids and not urinate.

On average, the duration of an ultrasound scan is about 30 minutes.

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland

The procedure allows you to quickly and accurately determine:

  • the number of small nodes;
  • the presence of cystic and tumor formations;
  • varieties of goiter;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • thyroiditis.

The method is completely safe and extremely informative. After it, there is no need for CT or MRI.

Ultrasound is performed using an external sensor. The patient lies down on the couch and throws his head back, while the doctor examines the gland through the surface of the neck. There may be discomfort during the procedure due to the uncomfortable position of the head.

There is no need to prepare for the study. To prevent the gag reflex, an ultrasound scan on an empty stomach is recommended for elderly patients.

Bowel ultrasound

This study is extremely important for the health of men due to the threat of the possible development of rectal cancer. In the list of oncological pathologies, this disease occupies 10% of all cancers in men in the world. Lung cancer has been in the first place for many years.

Ultrasound of the intestine allows you to identify serious pathologies:

  • fluid in the abdomen;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • adhesive processes;
  • cystic and tumor (malignant and benign) formations;
  • organ localization anomaly;
  • narrowing of the lumen in the intestine;
  • abscesses of the abdominal cavity;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • intestinal diverticulosis;
  • hematomas in the abdominal cavity;
  • diffuse changes in the intestinal mucosa;
  • ischemia of the intestinal area, etc.

The procedure can be carried out in several ways:

  • Transabdominal- through the anterior abdominal wall. The study can be carried out in a standard way or using contrast (ultrasound irrigoscopy). The disadvantage of the method is that it is not always sufficiently informative due to the limited possibilities of visualizing the organ. Since the procedure, unlike the endoscopic technique, does not cause discomfort, it is recommended to go through it first. If the specialist still has suspicions, they are confirmed using endoscopic ultrasound.
  • Endoscopic- by introducing the sensor into the anus. To improve visualization, the procedure can be performed with contrast (sterile fluid is injected through the transducer catheter). This is the most informative method that can quickly and accurately identify the pathological focus, but it causes discomfort.
  • If a transabdominal ultrasound is performed, 1 liter of non-carbonated liquid should be drunk 1-1.5 hours before it. The urge to urinate is the green light for the procedure.
  • If an endorectal ultrasound is planned - 2 hours before the ultrasound, cleanse the intestines from feces using an enema with cool water, microclysters, a glycerin suppository or a laxative.

The research lasts about 20 minutes.

Doppler ultrasonography

Doppler ultrasound is a type of ultrasound in which the condition of the arteries and veins is assessed. Regularly undergoing the procedure will protect a man from ischemic stroke by 80%.

Vascular ultrasound allows diagnosing pathologies: aneurysms, stenosis (narrowing of the lumen), the formation of blood clots and occlusions (blockages), vascular kinks, malforations (vascular glomeruli), etc.

Doppler ultrasonography can be performed in several ways:

  • Ultrasonic doppler - used to assess the direction, intensity, nature of blood flow in the vessels.
  • Duplex study - differs from the previous method in greater accuracy and informational content. It is used to assess the blood flow of blood vessels and their anatomy.
  • Color mapping - the state of even the smallest vessels and their patency is color coded.

No special preparation for ultrasound is needed. It is advisable only to follow some recommendations:

  • on the eve of the procedure, avoid stuffy and smoky rooms;
  • refuse to eat salty foods;
  • do not drink energy and caffeinated drinks, refrain from smoking and alcohol.

These factors affect the tone and filling of arteries and veins.

Where to undergo a comprehensive examination for a man in St. Petersburg

p style = "text-align: justify;"> and analyzes are carried out in St. Petersburg. A new apparatus for ultrasound diagnostics with Doppler is installed here. In addition to standard studies in the clinic, you can take a spermogram and undergo complex examinations for infections, oncological and hormonal diseases.

Most men do not like to go to doctors - every woman knows this. Only when there is no longer any urine to endure, they agree to visit a doctor. And often they have serious and neglected diseases. But all this can be avoided if you monitor your health, regularly undergo preventive examinations and be examined.

1. Analysis for PSA - prostate specific antigen

This test can rule out or suspect prostate cancer. If the PSA level in the blood is elevated, then this is not necessarily associated with cancer. It can also be inflammatory diseases of the genital organs or benign prostate adenoma. But in cases of deviation of the indicator from the norm, it is imperative to visit a urologist.

2. Testicular examination (examination of the testicles)

Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men under 35. A testicular examination detects a testicular tumor at the very onset of the disease, when symptoms are still absent. It is advisable to carry out such a survey annually for boys and men aged 15–40 years.

3. Research for the prevention of bowel cancer

Bowel cancer usually begins to develop after 45 years of age and progresses rather slowly, so visible symptoms are detected only 10-15 years after the onset of the disease, when treatment is often ineffective. Therefore, preventive examinations should begin at the age of 45-50 years. They include:

  • fecal occult blood test - annually;
  • a blood test for tumor markers - once every 2 years;
  • colonoscopy - once every 10 years.

If there is a hereditary predisposition, then it is necessary to be examined more often, and start at an earlier age.

4. Blood pressure control

Constant high blood pressure - hypertension - is a very insidious ailment. It may practically not be felt or assert itself as a headache, weakness, which is often attributed to overwork and no measures are taken. And the result can be myocardial infarction, stroke, thrombosis.

Risk factors for hypertension - unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, stress. All this is in abundance in modern men, so the risk of developing hypertension in them is quite high, and already from the age of 40.

5. Examination of the eyes

After 40 years, a man is recommended to go to an ophthalmologist and undergo a complete visual examination: check visual acuity, measure intraocular pressure, determine the state of all structures of the eye. Such an examination is necessary, even if nothing bothers you from the side of your eyes. If all is well with vision, in the future it is necessary to check the eyes once every 2-4 years.

6. Analyzes for cholesterol and sugar

After 30-35 years, it is necessary to donate blood every 5 years to determine the level of cholesterol. This is especially important for men, since, unlike women, they are more frivolous about their health, are addicted to heavy fatty foods, and do not like vegetables and fruits too much. And malnutrition is one of the main risk factors for hypercholesterolomia, which threatens atherosclerosis, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases.

A very important indicator is the level of glucose in the blood. It helps to identify such a serious pathology as diabetes mellitus, which has been going on for a long time without any symptoms. Diabetes mellitus - a violation of carbohydrate metabolism - is dangerous for its complications: renal failure, loss of vision, gangrene. With regular blood sugar tests, you can determine if you are prediabetes and stop the disease from progressing through diet and physical activity.

Doctors recommend donating blood for sugar up to 40 years of age once every 5 years, after 40 years - once 3 years. With a hereditary predisposition, overweight, a sedentary lifestyle, this should be done more often - once every 1-2 years.

7. Cardiogram

ECG is a very simple, affordable and harmless study of the heart muscle. Due to the fact that today cardiovascular diseases have become younger, after 40 years, it is recommended to conduct an ECG annually. With heart problems, as well as at a more mature age, this study should be done more often, once every 3 months.

8. Preventive medical examination

Do not neglect regular visits to a general practitioner or family doctor for preventive purposes. Usually, at such an appointment, the doctor asks and examines the patient, listens to the heart, measures the pressure. If necessary, he can write a referral for additional examinations or for a consultation with a specialist. Sometimes, during such examinations, diseases are found that the patient did not even suspect.

There is no consensus on how often it is necessary to undergo a preventive examination, but over the years this should be done more often.

According to medical statistics, men's health is much weaker than women's- life expectancy in men is shorter, they get sick much more often and more severely, they do not tolerate stress well, and their pain threshold is much lower. Men are no less vulnerable in terms of intimacy. They are much more likely than women to become infected with all kinds of sexually transmitted infections, and poor ecology, unhealthy diet, harmful radiation, preservatives, promiscuous sex life and much more have a negative impact on men's sexual health.

Male physiology is very susceptible to all kinds of negative factors, and in order to always be in great shape, a man just needs to be regularly examined, carefully monitor his health, and in case of illness, do not delay treatment, strictly following all the recommendations of doctors. Most of all men are susceptible to negative factors after 45 years, at this age the body can be said to have practically exhausted its resources of protection, and the body has practically lost its protective "cocoon" - immunity.

What risks and dangers threaten men after 45 years

Of course, all people at any age have a risk of getting sick, but men who have passed the age limit at 45 most often acquire a certain set of diseases. More than 50% of carriers of the Y chromosome (men) of this age group have a weakening of male strength, in medical terms - erectile dysfunction. Potency is influenced by many different factors - here and nutrition, stress, irregular sex life or promiscuous sex, bad habits and much more. Therefore, it is better immediately, as soon as you notice any disruptions in your sexual health, rush to the doctor, undergo an examination and get rid of the trouble.

Another disease that often occurs in men of this age group is prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate. The causes of this ailment lie in the same area as erectile weakness. It does not always manifest itself immediately, therefore, we advise you to regularly be examined for the presence of this ailment for reinsurance. The thing is that such a disease is asymptomatic at the beginning, which means that when it makes itself felt, the disease will already be quite neglected and it will be much more difficult to get rid of it.

In addition to sexual ailments, men aged slightly over 45 are also threatened with problems with the cardiovascular system - stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis, and so on. Often, diseases of the joints and bones are formed - gout, as well as male menopause, the symptoms of which are similar to the female menopause.

What examinations are necessary for men of any age

Blood pressure: it is imperative to measure the blood count, because it is his indicators that are a reflection of the work of the cardiovascular system. Having passed the turn of 30 years of age, men, and women also, need to be examined annually for the state of blood pressure. Remember, ideally the reading should be around 120/80 or 115/75.

Cholesterol and triglycerides: it is also very important to check the level of cholesterol, because it is his readings that indicate the state of the cardiovascular system and the health of the liver. An LDL (low-density lipoprotein), HDL (high-density lipoprotein) test, and a triglyceride test are three basic blood tests that ideally should be taken every 4-5 years, and after 45 years of age generally every year.

  • In a sitting position, spread your arms in different directions, spread them, then begin to bend, feeling how the pelvic muscles move. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.
  • In a standing position, lift one leg and place it on a chair, bend over, bending the leg to failure in the knee joint. Do the exercise 5-6 times on one leg and the same on the other.
  • Standing at attention, make bends in different directions without lifting your arms from your body. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.
  • In the supine position, bend your knees, wrap your arms around, release, lie on your back again. Repeat the exercise 9-10 times.
  • In the supine position, place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach, do deep breathing exercises, controlling body movements with your hands. Do these exercises 5-6 times.
  • Perform squats, stretching your arms forward with each movement. Do about 10-12 squats at a time.
  • Do stretching and flexibility exercises.
  • Lying on your back, do the Bicycle, Leg Extension, and Press Exercises.

In general, judging by the statistics, observing the correct diet, following simple recommendations for maintaining health, keeping in mind the main rule “a healthy mind in a healthy body”, you can feel young at any age.

Our top tips for men:

  • Observe, if possible, the regularity of sexual activity, do not conduct promiscuous sexual intercourse. The main thing is that in your sex life, do not try to be especially zealous, setting love records, everything should be normal.
  • Give up, if possible, even if you cannot get rid of them completely, then at least reduce alcohol consumption as much as possible and smoke less.
  • If possible, give preference to one sexual partner, constant so to speak, or get used to using a condom.
  • Make sure to undergo regular medical examinations, men, especially those over the age of 40, are recommended to donate blood for analysis twice a year. Be sure to undergo an examination for cancer, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Do not overuse medications to increase potency, even if they are prescribed by a doctor, strictly adhere to dosages, do not exceed the permissible dose.

Men are often negligent about their health. Therefore, it is extremely important for a woman to know what examinations to send her beloved to in order to identify possible health problems in the early stages and successfully solve them.

Although a man is considered the stronger sex, this does not in any way affect the diseases that affect them. Because of their busyness or banal forgetfulness, men do not pay due attention to preventive examinations. But in vain. After all, this can help identify several serious diseases that often affect men. Therefore, women should pay attention to this issue and send their loved one for examination. Today Estet-portal will tell you which examinations are the most important for men.

Comprehensive examination for a man

Considering that men are very nervous creatures and are unlikely to want to visit a medical facility twice, unless absolutely necessary, everything needs to be planned out in detail. To do this, you need to find out the work schedule of all the necessary specialists and, if possible, visit each of them during just one day. You need to understand that most likely you will have to go with your man. But even if he goes by himself, you will still have to find out the schedule of doctors' appointments.
Here is a list of specialists to visit during a male due diligence:

  • therapist;
  • urologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • dentist;
  • dermatologist.

In addition, the man will need to be tested. Referrals for tests are often given by a therapist, so you need to go to him first. Also, the therapist at the same time measures the pressure and will send it to the doctors, if any signs of illness are revealed to them.
A trip to narrow specialists is due to the possible occurrence of a number of diseases that appear with age. We will discuss some of the problems below.

Urological examination of men

The first narrow specialist to whom a man should go is a urologist. All men know who it is and at least once in their life have been at his reception. But often, if a man does not have urological problems, then he may not visit a urologist for years. And this is wrong. After all, a preventive examination by a urologist must be done once a year.

The most serious consequences of this neglect can be prostate or testicular cancer. Experts recommend getting screened for prostate cancer annually starting at age 35. Testicular cancer is a rarer disease and occurs mainly in men with a genetic predisposition or an undescended testicle.
In addition, there are many different problems that can also be identified on a urological examination. All tests for their determination are prescribed directly by the doctor.

Ophthalmic examination of men

Vision decreases over the years. If a man does not have vision problems, then it is enough for him to undergo a comprehensive eye examination every five years. It is better to have your vision checked by an ophthalmologist once a year. The number of visits to the ophthalmologist should increase if the person suffers from chronic eye diseases, diabetes and other diseases that affect the eyes.
One of the worst age-related eye diseases is glaucoma. The essence of this disease is that the optic nerve is damaged under the influence of intraocular pressure. This is fraught with partial and even complete loss of vision. Therefore, a comprehensive eye examination necessarily includes an examination for intraocular pressure.

Visit to an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist

Type 2 diabetes is the most common of all. Surprisingly, about a third of patients were unaware of the presence of this disease. Statistics show that most of them are men. Undefined diabetes, which is not controlled by anyone, is the cause of heart problems, kidney problems and impotence. Therefore, a visit to an endocrinologist for preventive purposes is so important. He will prescribe a number of tests and, if a disease is detected, he will tell you how to deal with it.
A visit to a gastroenterologist is especially important for men after 45 years of age. After all, it is at this age that intestinal cancer is often detected. It is important to undergo an examination, since 10% of men over 45 years old have polyps, which become the cause of the development of intestinal cancer. It is not out of place to say that this type of cancer is in second place in mortality.

Of course, these are far from the problems that men can develop with age. But if you undergo regular examinations and do not neglect the preventive recommendations of doctors, then you can protect yourself from complications associated with them. Estet-portal hopes that men will heed our recommendations and will devote enough energy and time to their health.

To undergo a timely examination is the first and most important thing that a man can do for his health. Detection of the disease at an early stage, even before the onset of symptoms, contributes to the most successful treatment and early rehabilitation. The required set of tests that must be passed depends on age and risk factors.

Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer after skin cancer. Typically, this is a slow growing cancer, but very aggressive. Timely examination helps to identify the disease at the earliest stage, sometimes even before the first symptoms appear, when the treatment is most effective.

If you do not belong to a group with an increased risk of developing prostate disease, then regular check-ups are recommended from the age of 50; if your family has a history of prostate disease or you have symptoms of the disease, then from the age of 40.

Methods for diagnosing the prostate gland:

  • Digital rectal examination is the simplest, most intuitive and common method for determining prostate diseases;
  • Blood test. A small amount of blood is drawn from a vein in the arm and tested to determine the levels of total and free prostate specific antigen (PSA - PSA) in serum.

Testicular cancer

The disease is rare. Most cases are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 54. Men at high risk, with a family history of the disorder or men with an undescended testicle, should have regular self-examinations. To do this, you must carefully probe: are there any hard lumps or soft formations, are there any changes in the size and shape of the testicles.

Bowel cancer

Bowel cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death. According to research by the American Cancer Association among people over 45, about 10% suffer from intestinal polyps. In 1% of patients, polyps develop into malignant formations. Colon cancer develops from growths of polyps on the inside of the colon. It is important to find and remove polyps in time.

Colonoscopy is a common method for detecting polyps. The doctor uses a flexible tube and a camera to examine the surface of the colon; detected polyps can be removed immediately during the procedure.

Rectomanoscopy allows you to examine the inner wall of the intestine at a height of 25 cm from the anus.

Irrigoscopy- X-ray examination of the large intestine with a contrast agent, allows you to identify polyps of more than 1 cm in the upper colon.

Skin cancer

The most dangerous form of skin cancer is melanoma. It develops from melanocytes - cells that synthesize the skin pigment melanin. In older men, the risk of developing melanoma is 2 times higher than in women of the same age. Prolonged sun exposure, sunburn, and overuse of tanning beds increase the risk of skin cancer.

Dermatologists advise you to regularly examine yourself, paying attention to all formations, to monitor changes in their color and shape.


The risk of high blood pressure increases with age. Your weight, your lifestyle, and your diet are of great importance. High blood pressure can lead to serious complications without prior symptoms, including the occurrence of an aneurysm (saccular protrusion of the wall of an artery), which is dangerous, possible hemorrhage and often fatal.

When measuring blood pressure, we get two numbers: the first shows the systolic pressure (the pressure in the arteries during the heartbeat), the second shows the diastolic pressure (the pressure in the veins between the heartbeats). Blood pressure is normal at 120/80. High blood pressure is considered a value of 140/90.

Blood cholesterol

A high level of cholesterol in the blood leads to adhesion of a fat-like substance on the walls of blood vessels, and then to the formation of an atherosclerotic plaque. Atherosclerosis is one of the most common diseases and causes of death; it can develop asymptomatically for many years. Over time, the risk of developing a heart attack or stroke increases. In order to prevent the appearance of atherosclerosis, one should avoid fatty foods, bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking), lack of physical activity and, as a consequence, overweight, systematic pressure drops (especially increased pressure), stressful situations.

From 35 years of age, men need to measure their blood cholesterol level every 5 years. A blood lipid panel test will show total cholesterol, good and bad cholesterol, and triglycerides (fats in the blood).

Type 2 diabetes mellitus

A third of people with type 2 diabetes are unaware that they are sick. Uncontrolled diabetes leads to cardiovascular disease and stroke, kidney disease, blindness (damage to the blood vessels of the retina), impotence. These complications can be avoided by early detection of type 2 diabetes. Medication, diet, exercise, and weight loss will help keep the disease under control.

Plasma glucose testing can help detect diabetes mellitus. The doctor may also order a hemoglobin A1C test, which shows in dynamics how your body controls blood sugar levels. From the age of 45, men are advised to undergo a blood glucose test.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS, which affects the body's defense system against infections. The main mechanism of infection transmission is blood contact. The immunodeficiency virus can exist in the human body for ten to twelve years without manifesting itself in any way.

The main method of laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection is the detection of antibodies to the virus using enzyme immunoassay. If a person is already infected with the virus, the test result may be negative, so you should re-test after 3-4 months.


A disease that gradually damages the optic nerve, leading to significant or complete permanent loss of vision. To identify a developing disease, it is necessary to undergo an examination to determine the intraocular pressure, which is one of the causes of damage to the optic nerve.

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