How to brush your teeth quickly. How and how many times a day you need to brush your teeth for adults: advice from dentists. The better, how thoroughly and how many minutes do adults need to brush their teeth in time: brushing pattern. When should adults brush their teeth in the morning: before or

  1. Rinse the brush in warm water

  2. Place some toothpaste on the brush

  3. It is advisable to start brushing your teeth from the upper jaw, the vestibular surface of the distant teeth.

  4. Cleaning the vestibular (outer) surface: set the brush at 45 ° (Fig. 1) to the gum and perform progressive sweeping movements from the gum to the edge of the tooth (it is important to move only in this direction so that food debris does not clog under the gum). Perform at least 10 such movements, then move the brush forward 2-3 teeth. After the next 10 movements - another 2-3 teeth. Thus, we clean the entire outer surface and move on to the inner.

  5. Cleaning the oral (internal) surface is carried out similarly to cleaning the external, with the exception that in the area of ​​the frontal group of teeth (incisors and canines), the brush must be positioned perpendicular to the dentition (Fig. 2), since in this area between the teeth a large amount of dental plaque. After you've cleaned the oral surfaces of your upper jaw teeth, it's time to move on to chewing.

  6. The chewing surface is cleaned with forward and backward movements along the dentition (Fig. 3). So, you have cleared the entire upper jaw - it's time to move on to the lower one.

  7. Cleaning the lower jaw is similar to cleaning the upper one. Remember to move only from the gum to the edge of the tooth!

  8. It is also recommended to use a toothbrush, irrigator, and other tools for brushing your teeth.

  9. We finish by cleaning the tongue. It is more convenient to clean it with the back of the toothbrush, which has a ribbing. If there is no ribbing, you can also clean it with bristles.

A few important principles to remember:

  • Choose the right toothbrush and toothpaste.

  • You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day. It is desirable immediately after waking up and in the evening - before going to bed. Brushing your teeth should take at least 2 minutes.

  • To fully clean your teeth, a pea-sized toothpaste is enough.

  • If the gum is bleeding in the area of ​​a particular tooth, it is advisable to thoroughly clean the area where this tooth is located. If the bleeding is heavy, you should definitely see a periodontist.

  • It is important not to forget to thoroughly clean the vestibular surface of the molars (distal teeth) and the oral surface of the lower incisors and canines, because it is there that the ducts of the salivary glands go out and contribute to the greater formation of tartar.

If you start your day with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice (or "green" smoothie), then it's time to kick the habit. And if you have not yet come to her, it is not worth starting. Here's why.

We are talking about dental health, which, as you know, is very costly to treat not only financially, but also emotionally. The results of a study by the notorious British scientists showed that today 3 out of 10 British people brush their teeth only once a day. And their American counterparts came to the absolutely fantastic conclusion that the average mass of millennials (and subsequent generations) after a short time will completely switch to brushing their teeth every 2-3 days. Dentists around the world are sounding the alarm: caries is rapidly getting younger, and today they have to remove children's milk teeth five times more often than they did ten years ago.

Cause? First, the sweets, or rather, the bacteria that desserts leave behind. But you can not sin only on chocolate and carbonated drinks. Even if your family is a strict adherent of a healthy lifestyle, the natural sugars found in healthy snacks, natural fruit juices and smoothies will not spare your teeth. Secondly, poor oral hygiene. It would seem that brush your teeth twice a day for at least 60 seconds (few are able to relax with a brush behind the cheek for 3-3.5 minutes) - and no problem. But not everything is so simple.

A complete guide to how (and what) to properly brush your teeth

Step one: electric brush

No, your dentist is not a “salesperson”: electric devices are indeed many times more efficient than conventional brushes. Plaque on your teeth - an unpleasant sticky substance that you can feel with your tongue if you don't brush your teeth for a long time - is removed much faster and with less effort with an electric brush. You will have to spend money, but there is also good news - standard electric brushes are no worse than improved counterparts. This means that you can buy a device for 12 thousand rubles with a nozzle for cleaning the tongue and the ability to connect to the phone to monitor the correctness of the process online, but in fact it will clean your teeth in the same way as a brush for 2.5 thousand rubles. The secret of the advantage over a conventional manual toothbrush is the rotating head, thanks to which a more effective effect is achieved. That is why the electric brush does not need to be moved "up and down" as usual: just press it firmly against the surface of the tooth for a few seconds, and then slowly move it to the next one. But one useful additional function of electric toothbrushes is definitely a timer, which will sound to remind you that 30 seconds or a minute of brushing your teeth has already expired.

Step two: the simpler the better

Replacing an analog brush with an electric one requires some effort (not only financial). If you are not ready for them yet, choose a regular brush carefully, which needs to be changed every three months (and this is not a myth). Pay attention to the characteristics of the bristles. A hard brush can make your teeth feel completely clean, but research shows that the downside is the likelihood of tooth enamel erosion. Simply put, brushes with stiff bristles can be too abrasive and traumatic not only for the gums, but also for the teeth.

Dentists advise sticking to the golden mean and choosing brushes with soft to medium bristles. Small-headed brushes, as funny as they seem, are also preferable - they are very maneuverable and reach all three surfaces of the tooth (external, internal and "chewing") well.

Step three: rinse aid ─ only between cleanings

If you have a good brush and good quality toothpaste, then tooth rinse is the third option. Dentists advise using it exclusively in between brushing your teeth in order to "freshen up", well, or continue to throw money down the drain. It is also worth mentioning here that in recent years there have been many scary studies that regular use of mouthwash causes cancer of the larynx (allegedly due to alcohol additives in the composition). There is still no convincing evidence that this is so, as well as compelling arguments that it is imperative to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth.

Step four: don't brush your teeth after dinner

Just one caveat: if you had a good walk at this dinner. Brushing your teeth before collapsing on the bed to get rid of the unpleasant aromatic cocktail in your mouth is a natural desire after a great evening. Dentists strongly advise not to do this: it is better to just rinse your mouth thoroughly and brush your teeth in the morning. Otherwise, cleaning can do more harm than good, especially if the alcoholic drinks you drink were fizzy. Sparkling wine or cocktails with soda acidity soften the enamel of the teeth, therefore, while the time has passed, you should refrain from aggressive action with a brush and paste. When you really want to freshen your mouth, you can use a mouthwash - this is just one of those few cases when it will be appropriate.

Step five: check the paste for fluoride

Do you choose toothpaste based on the amount of fluoride it contains? If not, then it's time to start doing it. Dentists explain that it is fluoride that counteracts the process of demineralization of tooth enamel, which occurs in the oral cavity when sugar gets there (from the illusion that you don't get it, since you don't use it in its "pure" form, it's time to get rid of it). An adult toothpaste should have a minimum of 1400 ppm fluoride in the composition, and children should only be offered baby toothpaste (and in accordance with age): when brushing their teeth, they usually swallow some of the foam, and the level of fluoride in an adult paste is too high for their body.

Step six: floss every day (or never)

Flossa is the best way to deal with plaque in tight spaces between teeth. One caveat: doctors say that if you are not going to devote a few minutes daily to cleaning the interdental spaces with dental floss, it is better not to do it at all. Here's the thing: with the help of the floss, you successfully freed the interdental space from food debris, but at the same time, you also slightly disturbed the gums. On average, after 24 hours, plaque - the same sticky film that you feel when you run your tongue over your teeth - has formed again, and if you forget about dental floss for 2-3 days, bacteria can spread to your vulnerable gum. Flossa is a great thing, but be honest about your ability to use it regularly.

Step seven: don't brush your teeth right after breakfast

It would seem, what is the problem? But the time of day when you pick up the brush matters a lot. Brushing your teeth should be the last step in your mouth before bed, and brushing is unusual from our point of view. British dentists advise, after you have brushed your teeth, not to rinse your mouth: just spit the remnants of the paste, foam and saliva into the sink, wash your face and go to bed - let the remnants of the toothpaste work in good faith for another 15-20 minutes while you fall asleep.

Brush your teeth in the morning as soon as you wake up to get rid of nighttime plaque and prevent bacteria in your mouth from proliferating after you eat something. This way you go to breakfast with less risk of tooth decay. If the thought of oral hygiene after a cup of cappuccino does not let go, just brush your teeth again.

Step eight: chew sugar-free gum

Another big mistake is brushing your teeth right after you drink or eat something sour. In this case, it is better to use chewing gum rather than a toothbrush to restore freshness and cleanliness of the mouth. Chewing gum will help generate more saliva in your mouth, which naturally neutralizes acid. Do I need to explain why it should be sugar-free? By the way, you can fight the destructive effect of an acidic environment with the help of calcium: drink a glass of milk or eat a piece of cheese - this will help neutralize the damage caused to tooth enamel.

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Children's tooth gel "Pink Pear", MontCarotte

Chewing Toothbrush for Express Oral Hygiene (set of silicone brushes impregnated with xylitol), Fuzzy Brush

Toothpaste Total Pro "Visible effect", Colgate

Toothpaste "7 Northern Herbs" for the prevention of gum disease, Natura Siberica

Mint cream mouthwash, LUSH

Today we will tell you how to brush your teeth after tooth extraction and when it can be done to ensure the necessary oral hygiene in the postoperative period.

On the one hand, contact of the brush and various cleaning agents with the wound at the site of removal is undesirable. On the other hand, maintaining hygiene and the absence of bacteria is an important factor in avoiding complications and speedy wound healing.

To maintain hygiene and maintain a healthy microflora in the oral cavity, teeth cleaning should be carried out 2 times a day. Dental plaque forms within 24 hours, during which time pathogenic microbes appear in the mouth, which destroy the enamel and cause other unpleasant consequences for the teeth and gums. By brushing every 12 hours, the chance of developing harmful microorganisms in your mouth is reduced to almost zero.

For some time, there is an open wound at the site of the extracted tooth, which means that bacteria can freely penetrate into soft tissues and blood, causing both local inflammation and, spreading throughout the body, provoke complications. Your main task is to maintain a clean and healthy microflora of the oral cavity, especially during the period until a clot appears in the wound that protects it from germs.

Therefore, the answer to the question whether it is possible to brush your teeth after tooth extraction is positive. You just need to follow the recommendations and cleaning techniques.

Basic cleaning rules

It is important to follow simple rules:

How to care for the hole is described in the video below:

If a wisdom tooth is removed

They differ from the rest in that they are located deep in the mouth and gums, they are surrounded by tissues with numerous blood vessels. In addition, the upper wisdom teeth are located close to the sinuses. All this greatly increases the risk of complications when an infection enters the hole: from abscess and sinusitis to death.

Therefore, after removing them, special recommendations must be followed:

  1. Do not brush your teeth or rinse your mouth during the first day after surgery.
  2. The next day, try rinsing your mouth with one of the solutions as described above - carefully draw the solution and tilt your head.
  3. You can use a toothbrush and paste only for 3 days. Continue to avoid sucking in your mouth and aggressive rinsing. Do not allow the brush to come into contact with the removal site, try not to damage the seams.

Pay special attention to symptoms such as:

  1. The pain intensified and does not go away within a day or more.
  2. Edema has appeared or increased and does not go away for several days in a row.
  3. Bad breath is felt.
  4. It becomes difficult to open the mouth, the process is accompanied by pain.
  5. One or more adjacent teeth have become mobile.
  6. Bleeding does not stop for a day or more.
  7. One or more surgical sutures applied by the doctor to the gum have parted.

Symptoms of complications

If, you should be on your guard when you have a runny nose, nasal congestion, discomfort in the nasopharynx, a headache from the removal, an increase in temperature.

Refrain from eating for 2-3 hours after removal. Do not eat hard or coarse foods. Chew on the opposite side. In the first days after the intervention, a special syringe for rinsing the mouth is allowed.

Pay special attention to abstaining from smoking and drinking alcohol during the day - neither one nor the other promotes healing and can lead to undesirable consequences.

In the following video, the dentist answers a number of common and important questions:

If you follow the above tips and doctor's recommendations, the risk of complications is minimal.

Almost everyone dreams of having a white smile. For this it is not enough to have beautiful and even white teeth. They need careful care, otherwise numerous microbes will settle in the dentition, stones will form and an unpleasant odor will appear. Soon the teeth will start to decay.

To prevent this from happening and the breath is always fresh, it is necessary to properly care for the oral cavity. There are a number of preventive measures and one of them is the removal of plaque from the teeth. How to carry out this procedure correctly, what means to use?

Why does plaque appear?

Even after the most thorough brushing of teeth pigment plaque forms on the chewing organs. After a while, yellowness, gray color appears on the tooth enamel, stones and black edging appear in the dentition. What could be the cause of these unpleasant phenomena and how to get rid of them?

Irregular brushing of teeth, frequent consumption of sweets, fatty foods and alcohol most often leads to plaque on the chewing organs.

Strong tea, coffee and other coloring drinks contribute to the appearance of pigmentation. If you use them too often, the stronger and more intense the pigmentation process will be.

Nicotine also contributes to the appearance of yellowness on the teeth... Tobacco has the property of a natural colorant and eats into the tooth enamel during smoking. In addition to plaque, smokers often develop dental calculi.

Damaged enamel (microcracks, abrasion) is a good place for food leftovers after eating. After rinsing, brushing teeth, it is very difficult to remove them from there. Stains appear on them, the enamel looks unattractive.

In addition to the ugly film on the tooth enamel, bacteria begin to multiply. The result is tooth decay, gum problems and other dental diseases.

What does dentistry offer?

Most people most often go to dental clinics to get their teeth cleaned. Experts offer two options for removing plaque on enamel:

  • jet method;
  • ultrasound.

In the first case, sodium bicarbonate under high pressure from the tip falls on the tooth enamel and knocks away age spots and various plaque from it.

Often, except for plaque there are also tartar in this case, it is better to use the ultrasound procedure. The cleaning process takes place with the help of a special nozzle under the influence of vibrations of a high-frequency generator. Vibration waves provoke the destruction of the deposits that have appeared, after which they are washed off the teeth with water. A special saliva ejector removes everything from the oral cavity during the procedure.

These hygiene procedures are uncomplicated, but they cost money. Ultrasonic removal is expensive, therefore not everyone can afford visit your dentist regularly for this purpose. Folk remedies are considered a good alternative to dental procedures. They are less secure, but much less expensive. Special products are also sold for whitening tooth enamel. All these methods can only be beneficial if the oral cavity is monitored daily and in a timely manner.

Special means

Specialists recommend using a hygienic attack at home to restore the lost whiteness to teeth. It is necessary to rinse the mouth with a special liquid at least twice. It is advisable to use dental floss after eating. It is best to brush your teeth with whitening pastes. They contain special substances with an abrasive and polishing effect. In the process of brushing your teeth, they help to remove plaque and not harm the enamel.

Also on sale special preparations, loosening the pigment plaque on the enamel. There is a remedy based on the plant enzyme "Bromelain". All these funds cannot be used daily, but only 1-2 times a week.

Folk remedies

There are many simple ways you can tackle plaque at home. Everything they are affordable and inexpensive... The most common and effective remedy is baking soda. It is necessary to add it to the toothpaste on the brush and brush your teeth. During cleaning, do not press on the enamel, because soda has abrasive properties. How many such procedures to do will depend on the degree of neglect of the enamel. Often you cannot brush your teeth this way.

Hydrogen peroxide has whitening properties. You can always find it in your home medicine cabinet. For the procedure, you need to take peroxide and make a solution:

You should rinse your teeth after brushing your teeth and do it very quickly, no more than 1-2 seconds. If you delay, your gums may suffer. At the end of the procedure, rinse your mouth with clean water.

Peroxide is also used neat, but not for rinsing. A cotton pad is moistened in it and applied to the teeth without affecting the gums. After the end of the procedure, rinse your mouth with clean water.

In the old days, people used wood ash for bleaching. This method is still relevant at home. Ash can be bought at a flower shop... It is used as a fertilizer for flowers. Ash is added to the toothpaste in equal proportions. You can also apply pure ash to the enamel and rub in. The procedure can be carried out no more than 1 time per week, since ash is abrasive.

Strawberries are considered a good remedy. This berry useful not only for its valuable vitamins... It has whitening qualities. It is advisable to grind strawberries within 1 month and apply to a toothbrush instead of toothpaste. After that, take the paste and brush your teeth again with one paste.

Essential oils have very useful properties. For instance, tea tree oil and lemon can be added to toothpaste and brush your teeth. It only takes one drop of each plant's oil for the composition to give a positive result. This will help remove plaque and will also help in the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease.

Unique properties are attributed to horsetail. This herb is recommended to be brewed with a decoction rinse your mouth twice a day before going to bed and in the morning. The procedures must be done within 3 weeks. To prepare the broth, you need to take 30 grams of dried herbs and pour it into 1 cups of boiling water. After the herb is infused, the product is ready for rinsing.

For smokers cleaning enamel is suitable using activated carbon. The tablets are crushed to a powder state, after which you can brush your teeth with a brush with the ready-made powder. The brush should be damp with clean water. The resulting effect is fixed with a toothpaste.

Preventive measures

To make it easier for yourself and do not fight plaque, it is better to prevent its appearance. To do this, you should monitor the oral cavity and try to get rid of bad habits:

  • brush your teeth in the morning and before bedtime;
  • try to quit smoking or occasionally;
  • do not abuse coffee and tea;
  • change the brush every 3 months;
  • it is advisable to rinse your mouth after each meal, drink;
  • do not brush your teeth with the same paste all the time, replace with another;
  • visit the dentist to cleanse the tooth enamel.

Oral hygiene is a guarantee of health.

Excellent oral hygiene is the first and most important component of keeping our oral cavity healthy, the most effective method of preventing the development of tooth decay and gum disease. Personal hygiene, and first of all, home cleaning of teeth is something that depends entirely on us. Let's do it well to get the best results for our health and oral health.

Toothbrushes are a group of personal hygiene products, they are designed for mechanical removal of dental plaque, as well as massage of the gums during hygiene measures in the oral cavity. Today, there is a huge selection of manual (manual) and automatic (electric and ultrasonic) toothbrushes on store shelves. Despite the great advances in scientific and technological progress, the correct brushing of teeth with a manual brush gives better results in oral care.

How to choose the right toothbrush?

The most important parameter that distinguishes toothbrushes from each other is the properties of the bristles. It is desirable that the bristles are soft. These are brushes - "sensitive" (from the English. Sensitive - sensitive) or "soft" (soft).

If you brush your teeth with a brush with stiff bristles, then 1-2 minutes of brushing will lead to microtrauma to the gums, damage to the enamel. Oral receptors signal this to the central nervous system, but the patient interprets this to mean that he did a good job of brushing his teeth. And with a sense of accomplishment, after 1-2 minutes from the start of brushing, he puts the toothbrush aside. The constant use of hard brushes, over the years, leads to gum recession, exposure of the tooth root surface, as well as erasure of tooth tissues in the area adjacent to the gingival margin (in this place the enamel is very thin - a few microns, it is erased quickly, then the brush erases the dentin, much softer structure than enamel). Patients using stiff-bristled brushes often complain of tooth hypersensitivity (soreness from touching these areas or eating cold food). This is a big problem for patients.

It is more correct to brush your teeth with a soft-bristled brush (soft). This eliminates injury, but massages the gums. It is good for soft tissue. This cleaning can take 5-10 minutes.

Some people find that natural bristle brushes are better because they are environmentally friendly. However, dentists advise against using these brushes. The fact is that a large number of microbes collect on them. Opt for nylon bristles.

We brush our teeth correctly

Remember, good oral care involves brushing your teeth in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bed. Brushing your teeth after breakfast, rather than before meals, will keep your teeth free of plaque for at least half a day before lunch.

The cleaning procedure should be as follows:

1) Cleaning the outer surfaces of the teeth. The tufts of bristles should be at a 45 degree angle to the tooth surface. The movements of the brush are sweeping. We brush the teeth on the left and right on the lower and upper jaw.

2) Cleaning the outer surfaces of the teeth. The brush makes circular movements while moving along the tooth row.

3) Cleaning the inner surfaces of the teeth. The brush should make sweeping movements, alternately four segments: the upper jaw on the right and left, the lower jaw on the right and left.

4) Cleaning of the chewing surfaces of the teeth is carried out by reciprocating movements (back and forth).

The entire brushing process should take at least 5 minutes. This is the minimum time required for the components of the paste to have a beneficial effect on the tissues of the gum teeth. Only in this case, the paste strengthens the enamel of the teeth, preventing the formation of caries, prevents the formation of tartar, and prevents the development of periodontitis. Brushing your teeth in less than five minutes is like brushing without toothpaste !!! We recommend having an hourglass in your bathroom, it will help you navigate in time.

Features of brushing teeth in hard-to-reach places

And now let's move on to the most important parts of the teeth - contact. These are the areas where the teeth are pressed against each other, which is why they are the most difficult to clean.

The bristles of a conventional brush are unable to penetrate these areas; dental plaque leads to demineralization of the enamel and inflammation of the gums. As a result, the development of a carious process and local periodontitis.

For good hygiene of the interdental spaces, industrially, special toothbrushes are produced. These brushes have brush heads of various lengths and configurations.

Brushes must be correctly selected in length and diameter (this is done by a doctor). Then the brush fully cleans the interdental spaces, but does not injure soft tissues. Also, brushes are used to remove plaque under the intermediate portion of the bridge and around the braces.

Cleaning with such a brush is not difficult. It is necessary, in turn, to process each interdental space. Reciprocating movements.

Brushing teeth in a dental clinic

Poor personal oral hygiene (daily cleaning) and smoking are the cause of many dental diseases and also damage your image.

In such situations, the help of a dentist is needed. Combined cleaning, in a dental office, using ultrasound, air-abrasive method (sandblasting machine) will help restore teeth to their natural whiteness and shine. After professional teeth cleaning, it will be easier for you to start a new life with a new toothbrush and proper teeth cleaning.

Be healthy!

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