Urticaria from cold. Cold urticaria symptoms, treatment methods. Is urticaria harmless and what to fear for sick

Urticaria is one of the most common diseases. Most often, it manifests itself in the form of an allergy to a certain irritant. These include food, insect bites, dust, and more. Cold urticaria is caused by frost, dampness, cold and other natural factors associated with lower temperatures. Most often, the symptoms appear when going out into the cold. Cold allergies can appear immediately. The reason for its development is a decrease in temperature. On the surface of the skin, rashes appear pink or whitish. They have a dense structure and can be present for several hours, after which they pass. Treatment of such a disease requires a careful approach and is selected on the basis of individual indicators.

Cold urticaria - cold allergy

Why can a disease appear?

Cold urticaria comes in many forms. It distinguishes two main ones: acute and chronic. In the first case, the symptoms are more pronounced. The appearance of such rashes is not a real allergic reaction. The factors for the development of the disease may be the following:

  • a high degree of stress, which is of an emotional nature;
  • overwork of the body and increased physical activity;
  • taking a shower and bath with low water temperature;
  • drinking cold water and other beverages.

In some cases, the cause of the allergy is not at all in external factors. A rash can appear due to problems with internal organs and various diseases. Sometimes the reason may be one of the following:

A cold drink can trigger hives.

What are the symptoms?

The causes of the disease can be different, but most often it is a low air temperature. Cold urticaria has its own specific symptoms, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish them from diseases such as dermatitis or SARS. Very often, symptoms appear at the time of visiting places where cold is present. As soon as the cold air gives way to warm air, all symptoms disappear. Cold drinks can also cause this. A red rash appears on the epidermis. Peeling and itching appear in the area of ​​the hands and face. They can sometimes appear under the knees and inner thighs. In most cases, the allergy begins to localize in the hands. The epidermis itches and becomes dry. Further, its coarsening occurs, and cracks appear, as well as a rash. In children, in most cases, the rash appears on areas of the face. It turns red and there is a burning sensation. Children begin to rub their face, which leads to a herpes-like rash.

A rash on the inside of the thigh, in most cases, appears when wearing nylon tights or other thin clothing. Swelling of the face, legs and arms may occur.

The patient also faces a runny nose that does not go away for a long time. Itching is felt in the nasal cavity, and sore throat. Sometimes conjunctivitis even develops, in which lacrimation increases and there is a feeling of itching. When going out into the cold, breathing problems may appear. As a result of narrowing of the bronchi, shortness of breath appears. Symptoms may also include fatigue and mood swings.

The disease can also develop against the background of other diseases and disorders. Very often, the cause is a lack of nutrients and vitamins, problems with the thyroid gland and VSD, as well as many other problems. If there are other allergic diseases in the treatment of cold urticaria, the healing process will be more difficult. Here it is necessary to choose a complex therapy that can eliminate all allergens and symptoms of each of the diseases. The main symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • the rash appears almost immediately, in the presence of cold;
  • the rash is presented in the form of blisters, slightly raised above the surface of the epidermis;
  • itching is felt;
  • rashes are localized where there was exposure to cold;
  • sometimes there is a fever, feeling of weakness, and other symptoms similar to a cold.

The reaction to cold can manifest itself in different ways. If you have such symptoms, you need to see a doctor in order to cope with the problem in time.

Due to illness, the bronchi narrow and shortness of breath may occur

What types of disease are there?

Hives from cold very often appear in children, because they have very sensitive skin. There are several types of the disease, each of which has its own characteristic features. Below we will look at the most common ones in modern medicine.

  • Sharp. With this form, itching appears in the areas of the epidermis, to which cold air is provided. Most often, this is the area of ​​the hands, face, or the whole body. After a while, skin swelling and the first blisters appear. Further, the rash spreads to certain areas of the skin and has a reddish tint. It resembles the reaction of the skin to the action of a nettle plant or a mosquito bite. In the case of advanced or severe forms, symptoms may occur that resemble the flu or cold. Feeling of weakness and chills appears.
  • Chronic. With this form of the disease, the symptomatology manifests itself in the form of relapses. It is the same as in the acute form of the disease. Most often, relapses occur in the autumn, winter and spring periods, symptoms can appear constantly only if water is regularly used, with a low temperature.
  • Reflex. A similar form of the disease manifests itself when responding to cold at a specific time. Symptoms can manifest themselves in different ways. Sometimes, it only occurs when the body temperature drops. When the skin reacts to cold, the rash is localized near the supercooled zone.
  • Family. This form of the disease is not common. It is a consequence of a genetic predisposition. Its characteristic features are maculopapular rash, accompanied by a burning sensation. They appear within three hours after exposure to cold. Also on the list of symptoms may be leukocytosis, the appearance of fever and pain in the joints.
  • Erythema. Presented in the form of reddening of the epidermis. With this type of disease, the appearance of the affected areas is accompanied by severe painful sensations.
  • Dermatitis. With this type of cold urticaria, the epidermis begins to peel off and itch strongly. If the disease is severely started and the appropriate treatment is not carried out, swelling of the whole body may appear.
  • Rhinitis. A distinctive feature of cold rhinitis is that nasal congestion appears only when you go out into the cold. When changing cold air to warm air, the symptoms disappear.
  • Conjunctivitis. When exposed to cold, increased tearing begins, and there is also a feeling of stabbing in the eyes.

Cold urticaria, the symptoms of which depend on the form of the disease, can manifest itself in everyone with a specific list of symptoms. Each form of the disease requires special therapy that can correct the specific problem. This is very important if a child has urticaria. Here it is necessary to select the right products that will not harm the child's body.

Treatment of cold urticaria in children is a completely separate conversation, since only a professional specialist must be involved in this event. No parent wants to harm their child, and therefore self-medication in this case is absolutely excluded.

Rhinitis is one of the manifestations of allergy to cold

How is the treatment carried out?

Treatment of urticaria largely depends on the observance of certain rules that allow you to eliminate the negative factor of exposure to cold. Treatment of the disease depends on its form. First of all, it is necessary to provide certain conditions under which symptoms will not appear. The main actions include:

  • before going outside, you need to wear warm clothes that can protect the negative natural factors as much as possible;
  • if the weather is frosty outside, you must use special glasses;
  • it is not recommended to wash your face with water at a low temperature;
  • refuse to eat food and drinks with a low temperature;
  • ensure that there is no contact of hands with cold objects;
  • shower and bath only at the optimum water temperature.

Cold urticaria is caused by an increase in histamine levels, so medications are needed to bring it back to normal. Most often, the complex of therapy includes means, which we will discuss below.

  1. Antihistamine drugs. Most often, Fenkarol, Suprastin, Cetirizin and others are prescribed.
  2. To eliminate the inflammation process, you need to take magnesium sulfate.
  3. Furosemide will help get rid of puffiness.
  4. Urticarial rashes are treated with calcium-based preparations.

Hives can be treated in different ways, depending on what symptoms are present. Unlike other forms of the disease, cold urticaria is not treated with antihistamines. They have no effect in this case. Here anticholinergics are relevant, presented in the form of agents such as Atropine or Platyphyllin. Cold urticaria in children should be eliminated with the means that are as safe as possible for health. It is very important to ensure complete emotional peace at the time of treatment and eliminate all stress factors. It is also prescribed to take sedatives. Most often, these are remedies based on valerian and motherwort.

During the period of therapy, the immune system is also strengthened. It is important to take a complex of vitamins and minerals, as well as play sports and carry out hardening procedures. The method of treating the disease is very similar to the elimination of allergies. A prerequisite is the exclusion of the provoking factor. It is necessary to provide the body with the most comfortable conditions under which it will not overcool. Only with the elimination of cold factors, it will be possible to completely get rid of cold urticaria.

The disease manifests itself sometimes instantly after hypothermia. A light pink or white rash appears that itches, itches, and causes discomfort. Sometimes the arms and legs darken and edema appears. The rash can last for a couple of hours before disappearing imperceptibly.

This ailment is not harmless - blood pressure drops, the patient's well-being worsens. Cold allergy is also dangerous because it can develop Quincke's edema - swelling of the head or parts of it, other parts of the body without changing skin color.

Young people, more often women, suffer from the disease. Teenagers and children also get sick. The disease occurs once in a thousand people. The disease has long been described, but has not yet been explained.

Causes of cold allergy

The disease manifests itself in people with a weakened body, impaired protective functions of the immune system. Chronic and autoimmune diseases lead to this. For example, thyroid disease, blood cancer, systemic lupus erythematosus. Infectious diseases such as measles, mumps, mononucleosis, rubella, pneumonia can also cause such allergies. Chronic mundane sinusitis, caries, cholecystitis and worms deplete the immune system, making it unable to resist external stimuli.

People suffering from common allergies are also prone to cold. In case of impaired blood circulation, narrowed vessels, there is also a risk of encountering such a disease.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of the disease appear very quickly, and disappear rather quickly, in 1.5-2 hours. In more severe urticaria, symptoms persist for two days or more. This is a sign of a serious medical condition that needs to be identified and treated.

The signs of the disease are as follows:

  • blisters, rashes, or sores;
  • chills;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dry, hacking cough;
  • shortness of breath, shortness of breath;
  • joint aches;
  • increased body temperature;
  • darkening (blue discoloration or redness) of the skin of the hands and feet.

Cold urticaria affects exposed areas of the skin - hands, face, neck are affected. They begin to itch, rash or blisters appear. The rash resembles a nettle burn. Hereditary urticaria, which is called familial cold urticaria, is very rare. It is characterized by the fact that symptoms appear only a day after exposure to cold. The rash is common in all types.


To confirm the diagnosis of the disease, provocative tests are performed. Ice cubes are placed in a plastic bag so as not to be confused with aquagenic urticaria when water gets on the skin. After 10 minutes of observation, the test is over. With a high sensitivity of the patient, defining signs appear within 10 seconds. Some have a slower reaction, and appear after 20-30 minutes.

In patients with urticaria, a palpable blister appears at the site of ice application. It is accompanied by burning, burning, itching of the skin. Then they look for the temperature at which the urticaria appears in the patient. To do this, use a special device - Temp Test. The device makes it possible to test the sensitivity of the skin at 32 different temperatures. The patient will be informed about the temperature at which the disease can develop.

There are studies on the dependence of the severity of the disease on the time of reaction to cold. They show that the most severe damage occurs in people whose bodies reacted 3 minutes after applying ice.

Patients are prescribed the following studies:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • determine antibodies to viruses of hepatitis C, B, chlamydia, Epstein-Barr, AIDS, herpes.


People with cold allergies should avoid hypothermia. It is obligatory to wear warm underwear made of natural fabrics, footwear, headwear. The use of cold foods, water, ice cream is prohibited. They cannot swim in open water, play sports and work outdoors during the cold season. Before going outside, you should lubricate your face and hands with special creams that will reduce the risk of hypothermia.


With such a disease, it is usually prescribed. Do not eat fried, pickled, spicy, sour, salty foods, drink carbonated water. It is advisable to steam, boil or bake food. Do not eat citrus fruits, chocolate, strawberries, raspberries, red fish and caviar. The ban applies to instant food and products with chemical constituents - dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers.

Fermented milk products, cereals, boiled lean meat, sea fish are recommended. Vegetarian soups are preferable, without dressings. Raw vegetables and fruits of green and yellow color are very useful (zucchini, cabbage, Golden and Semerenko apples, gooseberries, bananas).

Drugs for treatment in adults

Some of the good ones are:

  • antihistamines: Cetirizine, Desloratidine, Fexofenadine;
  • Bariederm ointment, Cold cream;
  • antiviral drug Interferon-beta;
  • anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs;
  • glucocorticoid drugs Diprospan, Celeston.

"Cetirizine Hexal" is an inexpensive and effective pill for allergies. They do not cause drowsiness, I feel good after taking them. I drank expensive Zyrtec, but they could not cope with allergies. Following the advice of a doctor she knew, she switched to "Cetirizin Hexal" made in Germany. I have been drinking for 5 years now and I enjoy life without a runny nose and choking.

Allergic person with 30 years of experience.

In case of real mortal danger, the patient is injected with adrenaline.

Drugs for the treatment of children


  • antihistamines prescribed by a doctor (not on your own!);
  • drugs that improve blood circulation;
  • a course of vitamins A, C, E, PP;
  • ointment "Uryazh first cream".

"Uryage first cream" remarkably moisturizes the skin, strengthens its protective functions. Suitable for both babies and adults. The ointment is hypoallergenic, practically odorless. Easy to apply, leaves no marks or oily sheen.

T. Orlova, mother and children's patronage nurse.

The duration of treatment is at least two weeks.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional methods of treating cold urticaria are aimed at strengthening immunity and normalizing metabolism:

  1. A wonderful anti-allergenic agent is an infusion of yarrow. One tablespoon of the crushed plant is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 45 minutes. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  2. Celery root will help relieve itching. The dry root is crushed, poured with cold boiled water. Insist in a tightly sealed container for 2 hours. Strain and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.
  3. Rosehip infusion restores the body's defenses. For one tablespoon of rose hips, take a glass of cold boiled water. Insist in a sealed container for 8-10 hours. Having strained, they drink a glass a day. The duration of the course is autumn and winter.
  4. Purifies blood and improves metabolism of stinging nettle infusion. A glass of boiling water is poured over one tablespoon of chopped nettle. Insist 7-8 hours. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day.
  5. Aloe juice, soda solution (1 teaspoon of soda per glass of water) are used as lotions.
  6. A very good remedy for soothing affected skin oil tincture on fresh peppermint plants, calendula flowers and crushed burdock root. Plants are taken in equal parts and poured with olive or linseed oil. Insist for two days, then filter and sterilize. Store in the refrigerator.

Dangers and complications of the disease

The disease is not as harmless as it looks. People with cold urticaria are at serious risk of:

  • after eating cold food or drinking, swelling of the lips, tongue, throat, nasopharynx is possible;
  • there are violations of the respiratory system (shortness of breath, choking, bronchospasm, difficulty breathing);
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system (drop in blood pressure, palpitations, fainting);
  • disorders of the digestive system, diarrhea, pain in the ileum, stomach.

With general hypothermia of the body, nausea, vomiting are possible. Fatalities due to sudden cooling are known. For example, immersing a person in cold water.

In patients with familial cold urticaria, joints are affected, diseases such as polyarthritis, arthralgia, arthritis of large joints develop. There are lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system in such patients. Conjunctivitis is not uncommon, the development of renal amyloidosis is possible - a metabolic disorder in the diseased organ. Due to the autoinflammatory process, sensorineural deafness occurs.

Even simple attacks of the disease are quite painful, they are accompanied by nausea, headache, conjunctivitis, sweating, thirst, drowsiness. An attack can begin simply by airing the room!


Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. With the right approach, cold allergies can be avoided.

List of preventive measures:

  • protecting exposed skin with creams and ointments;
  • warm seasonal clothing - mittens, gloves, hats, scarves;
  • Durable windproof hood
  • the use of fortified infusions and decoctions;
  • proper nutrition, adherence to a hypoallergenic diet;
  • hardening (from summer).

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The manifestation of allergies in the form of nettle spots caused by cold is called urticaria from cold. This common pathology is often chronic in nature, poorly treatable. One third of the female population suffers from allergies.

The disease is not a classic allergy. Frost, ice water are physically acting factors, and this pathology, as a rule, is caused by a chemical allergen. But, in order not to deviate from stereotypes, we will call such a reaction to the effect of frost in the article a medical term: cold urticaria. How to treat it, what to do in case of an exacerbation, will be discussed here.

Cold urticaria is so called because the main cause of it is cold.

Like all similar diseases, it is also of the acute and chronic type. The acute type of pathology lasts 10-14 days, the chronic one sometimes lasts for a year, because poorly cured.

Allergic syndrome appears 10-20 minutes after exposure to low temperature: a rash occurs, nettle spots covering open areas of the body: face, cheeks, hands, lips. A rash of a whitish or pinkish tinge is accompanied by severe itching, often causes severe discomfort, and then disappears.

There are types of cold allergies that appear as concomitants of other diseases of the pathology, their course is more difficult. These types of diseases are considered dangerous. Severe discomfort sharply worsen the state of health, causing a headache, lowering the pressure. In the case of general hypothermia, severe symptoms may appear - Quincke's edema.


As mentioned above, the disease is acute and chronic, some types of its manifestations differ. It is worth getting information about all types of pathology.

An acute type of ailment is characterized by an acute onset, the appearance of severe uncomfortable itching that affects areas of the skin accessible to cold. At the site of the onset of itching, swelling develops, then a rash similar to traces of contact with nettles. If the manifestation of the disease is very strong, the body temperature rises, the patient experiences chills.

Recurrent allergy under the influence of low temperatures manifests itself seasonally: in autumn, winter, early spring. Aggravation also occurs as a result of the action of cold water.

The reflex type is the "response" after exposure to low temperatures. In this case, a rash appears all over the body, and those places that come into contact with cold air are not affected.
The familial type of cold allergy is a rare type of pathology inherited by genes. It is characterized by a rash, a burning sensation that appears some time after contact with cold and wind. A febrile condition, severe joint pain, signs of leukocytosis are possible.

Among the varieties of such a disease, erythema is found, manifested by redness of the surface of the body. This pathology is distinguished by the fact: the affected areas are painful.

There is also a type of cold allergy - dermatitis. In this case, there is a feeling of severe uncomfortable itching, peeling. A severe form of pathology is accompanied by swelling of the whole body.

There are several types of cold urticaria, each with different symptoms and signs.

There is another type of allergic manifestation: rhinitis, which differs from the usual colds by the appearance of a feeling of nasal congestion only when breathing frosty air. After returning to warmth, the runny nose disappears.

A separate manifestation of urticaria from cold is conjunctivitis. After contact with frost, the patient has tears, pain in the eyes.

The described species should not be confused with a simple defense reaction of the body against severe frost or wind, which does not cause any particular inconvenience. They quickly "leave" when entering the heat.

How to make a test

It is very important for the doctor to determine the cause of the disease. For this purpose, complex laboratory studies using equipment are needed, but there are also simple options. The tendency to cold allergies is easy to establish at home by holding the ice at the elbow for a quarter of an hour. In the case of adherence to a cold allergic reaction, the place of contact of the skin with ice shows signs of it, similar to urticaria.

If in doubt, you should consult a specialist. He will prescribe a blood test in the laboratory.


It is difficult to recognize cold urticaria, it often looks like dermatitis, various colds. But there are symptoms that distinguish pathology from others. Symptoms typical after exposure to cold may appear immediately or after a while.

After going out into the street, a person suffering from a similar reaction:

  • the head starts to hurt;
  • reduced the muscles of the face, neck;
  • there was a pressing pain syndrome in the forehead, occiput;
  • runny nose begins, watery eyes;
  • sore throat;
  • a pink, bothersome rash appears;
  • nausea occurs.

Then it is necessary to return to the warmth. After a quarter of an hour, the symptoms disappear. These symptoms can be provoked by a negative air temperature, a cold drink, a cold bed.

Cold urticaria in children is manifested by a rash, which is accompanied by scaling and itching on the face, hands, under the knees, on the thighs. Baby's delicate skin is not able to withstand the cold. More often, the manifestation of allergies occurs in the face, cheeks, chin, nose. Over time, a burning sensation appears, the child rubs the rash. Often this pathology accompanies allergies from chemicals or foods.

In adults, cold urticaria affects the hands that itch at first. Then the skin of the hands becomes dry, rough. It is covered with cracks, rashes similar to urticaria, swelling appears, stuffy nose, tears flow from the eyes. Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath is felt. There is also a feeling of fatigue, mood swings.

Allergy after exposure to cold is often exacerbated, proceeding against the background of other pathologies, for example, atopic dermatitis. Diseased teeth, if left untreated, weaken the immune system, infections, colds.

To prevent cold urticaria from developing, it is necessary to spend as little time as possible in the cold.

Treatment of the disease

Cold urticaria is difficult to treat. It will take a couple of hours to simply relieve the symptoms. But to cure such a pathology forever, it will take much more time, because the mechanisms of its appearance are poorly understood. It is most often impossible to get rid of it completely. Then the treatment is aimed at weakening the allergic reaction.

Cold urticaria is the result of a release of histamine and must be treated with:

  • one of the antihistamines;
  • magnesium sulfate, which relieves inflammation;
  • furosemide, which removes or reduces edema;
  • calcium containing medications that relieve urticaria.

This type of urticaria at any age requires a mandatory visit to the clinic to establish an accurate diagnosis. It is necessary to treat such a disease, strictly following the instructions of specialists, using prescribed antihistamines and strengthening drugs. Before the course of therapy, it is recommended to undergo the required examinations and pass laboratory tests.

Together with drugs, it is necessary to observe preventive measures: avoid the causes of the appearance of the rash, i.e. emotional and temperature tests for the body should not be allowed.

Preventive measures


Cold urticaria treatment and prevention require special: increased immunity to protect the body from the effects of cold. This requires:

  • cover the body with clothes as much as possible before going out;
  • put on glasses before going out;
  • do not use cold water for washing;
  • do not drink cold drinks, eat food;
  • do not touch cold objects with unprotected hands;
  • make the temperature for the shower and bath comfortable.

When diagnosing such a disease, doctors do not recommend "accustoming the body to the action of cold" by hardening the body. Doctors do not discourage hardening, but it is better to perform hardening procedures in summer. The temperature of the water for the hardening procedure is reduced so as to give time to get used to the new one.

Prevention of this type of urticaria is to avoid hypothermia of the whole body, as well as open parts of it. A person with such a pathology needs to dress warmly, wear items of clothing made from natural materials. It is necessary to cover the neck, hands, head with scarves, mittens (or gloves), hats. The body should be protected from the cold as much as possible. It is also unacceptable to eat cold food and drink in hot weather. You can not take cold and cool water treatments. When swimming in a pond, it is not recommended to swim far from the shore in order to avoid the appearance of swelling of the respiratory tract.

It is recommended to relax more often in nature, increase physical activity, and walk. The time spent in the fresh air helps to increase the adaptive properties of the organism. Helps strengthen immunity and nutritional balance.

Today, allergies in various forms are observed in 80% of people worldwide. They can arise for various reasons, which must be taken into account when prescribing treatment. One of the types of allergic reactions is cold urticaria, which currently occurs in one in a thousand people. Therefore, few people know about this disease. But it is important to understand the causes of the pathology, its symptoms and treatment. This allergy occurs as a response to the effects of low temperatures on the human body. It develops quickly, looks like hives, which usually go away on their own after a while.

Description and description of the problem

Cold urticaria occurs due to increased sensitivity of the body to the effects of cold, which manifests itself in the form of rashes (urticaria) or red spots on open areas of the body, accompanied by itching and swelling. This reaction occurs a few minutes after exposure to low temperatures. Rashes usually appear on the face, upper extremities. On the lips, an allergic rash forms after drinking cold drinks. The rash can be present for several hours, and then disappear on its own.

Pathology develops as a result of a violation of the reaction of the vessels, which are located in the surface layer of the skin. Low temperatures provoke degranulation of mast cells, resulting in the release of histamine and various neurotransmitters.

In some cases, blisters appear on the skin, usually this happens in the presence of other diseases in a person, for example, pathology of the thyroid gland or lupus erythematosus. With a hereditary disease, negative reactions on the skin usually arise from exposure to wind. In some cases, the disease is accompanied by headaches, increased blood pressure and even Quincke's edema (with severe hypothermia).

The disease is most often diagnosed in women (both young and old), as well as in children over 5 years of age. Most often, the pathology is of a chronic form and is practically not amenable to therapy.

Varieties of pathology

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish several types of this disease:

  1. Acute chronic pathology. Itching occurs on exposed areas of the skin, followed by swelling and blisters on the skin. Then rashes, red spots form. In severe cases, chills, joint and muscle pain, and weakness may occur. This pathology can be observed from a couple of weeks to several months.
  2. This species develops in the cold season (autumn, winter), as well as when the skin is exposed to cold water.
  3. Family (hereditary) pathology. It manifests itself in the form that is formed half an hour after exposure to cold. In medicine, cases have been recorded when the disease developed 30 hours after exposure to cold. At the same time, the rash is constantly itching.
  4. Reflex cold urticaria. Its appearance is caused by the occurrence of a local reaction to cold in the form of a rash around the area of ​​the skin that has been cooled. In some cases, such a reaction can occur when the whole body is hypothermic.

The reasons for the development of the disease

Cold urticaria is known to be an allergy to cold. But such a phenomenon, according to doctors, is not an independent disease, but a symptom of another ailment that has a somatic nature. The human body gives such a reaction to cold due to the fact that it is weakened by the presence of a latent disease, the causes of which have not been established. Some doctors are inclined to argue that the development of an allergic reaction is associated with the production of cryoglobulins in the body - special proteins that activate histamine, which causes allergies. This is also facilitated by the following provoking factors:

In most cases, cold urticaria (photo attached) develops in those who have chronic infections in the form of sinusitis, bronchitis, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis, and so on. People with intestinal dysbiosis and impaired liver function are also often highly sensitive to cold. Each person has a different degree of sensitivity to cold. In some, allergies develop at an air temperature of -20 ° C, in others at -8 ° C, and in others, the manifestation of pathology is possible even when washing with cold water.

Symptoms and signs of pathology

Typically, symptoms of cold urticaria appear as rashes and red spots (hives) that turn pale when pressed on. Rashes can last from several minutes to several months, depending on the form of the disease. Most often, the rash occurs on the face, arms, inner thighs, and knees. With extensive lesions, hypotension and collapse may occur. In severe cases, asthma, edema of internal organs, chronic weakness and neurosis may develop. In addition, pathology is always accompanied by a burning sensation of the skin, a person's skin constantly itches.

Often the disease is disguised as ARVI, dermatitis and colds. Upon contact with cold, a person begins to have headaches, muscles of the neck and face, and nausea appears. Such phenomena can occur not only when exposed to subzero air temperatures, but also when drinking cold drinks and food.

In rare cases, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, or laryngeal edema may develop. Usually, such phenomena occur with prolonged exposure to cold on people with high sensitivity to it.

Pathology begins to manifest itself with the fact that a person's skin on his hands itches, which eventually becomes dry, covered with cracks and rashes. In young women who wear thin tights in the cold season, rashes appear on the back of the knees and on the inner side of the thighs. After urticaria has appeared, the face and limbs begin to swell, a runny nose, itching in the nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, lacrimation, breathing becomes difficult, shortness of breath appears.

Children have cold urticaria on the face, particularly on the cheeks. The skin begins to redden, then there is a burning sensation and a rash in the form of herpes.

Often, this pathology proceeds against the background of other diseases, for example, vitamin deficiency, VSD, thyroid disease, dermatitis, rhinitis. In this case, the disease will be more severe.

Diagnosis of the disease

Cold urticaria, the photo of which is provided in this article, is diagnosed by an allergist. He studies the medical history, examines and interviews the patient. Further laboratory tests of blood and urine for the level of cryoglobulin are prescribed. Also, the doctor may prescribe such examination methods as analysis of feces for the presence of worms, rheumatic tests, radiography, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, ECG, skin biopsy, as well as a test for antithyroid antibodies. These studies are carried out to identify the causes of the development of pathology.

Cold urticaria: Duncan's test

It is imperative that the allergist conducts a cold test. For this, a piece of ice is placed on the skin of the limb for 3 minutes. Then the condition of the skin is assessed. In the presence of a cold reaction in the form of a rash, they speak of urticaria. If a minor rash appears on the body, then the patient is referred to a dermatologist for additional examination.

After a comprehensive examination, during which the causes of the disease were identified, the doctor develops an individual therapy program.

What's the first thing to do?

Usually, the treatment for cold urticaria is exactly the same as for any other type of allergy. The main thing that needs to be done is to eliminate contact with the provoking factor, that is, the cold. In the winter season, it is recommended to wear clothes made from natural fabrics, avoid hypothermia and prolonged exposure to the street. In case of hypothermia, it is recommended to take a hot bath or shower, to warm the limbs as much as possible.

Drug therapy

Such a drug has not yet been invented that can completely cure this disease. Therapy is aimed at eliminating only the symptoms of pathology. Your doctor may prescribe the following drugs for cold urticaria:

  1. Antihistamines for the purpose of blocking the release of histamine and eliminating the symptoms of the disease. This includes drugs such as Claritin, Suprastin or Loratadin.
  2. Creams and ointments to eliminate discomfort on the skin, relieve swelling and redness. These drugs include "Fenistil".
  3. Magnesium sulfate to relieve inflammation.
  4. Bronchodilators in case of bronchospasm.
  5. Immunosuppressants if hereditary cold urticaria is observed.
  6. In advanced and severe cases, prescribe "Omalizumab" or "Cyproheptodine", which act more purposefully.
  7. Glucocorticosteroids and plasmaphoresis for cleansing the blood from cryoglobulins.

To make the treatment process more effective and faster, the doctor recommends adjusting the diet, excluding citrus fruits, chocolate and smoked meats from the diet.

Unconventional treatment

Traditional medicine can be used after consulting a doctor. The most effective remedy in this case is a pine bath. To prepare such a bath, it is necessary to brew the needles and add them to the water. The bath is taken for about 20 minutes, then the body is rinsed with clean water.

Blueberries also have a good effect. Compresses are made of them, which are applied to the affected areas of the skin to relieve inflammation and redness. The berries are pre-rubbed, applied to the skin and wrapped in a towel, the compress is kept for about 5 minutes.

To relieve itching, use a herbal emulsion. To do this, take one spoonful of celandine, burdock and calendula, pour the mixture with vegetable oil and leave for 12 hours. The finished emulsion is applied to the affected areas 3 times a day.

Shilajit is often used to treat children. To do this, 1 g is diluted in 1 liter of boiling water. This solution is used 50 g at the age of 3 years, and 70 g at the age of 7 years. Adults can drink 100 g of the drug. You can also lubricate the affected areas of the body with such a means, but in this case, the mummy is diluted with 100 ml of boiling water.

Lemongrass juice has proven itself well. This juice is used to wipe the affected areas after the person has returned from the street to a warm room. This remedy helps relieve itching and swelling. Celery juice also eliminates unpleasant symptoms. It must be consumed daily in the amount of half a teaspoon 3 times daily before meals.

Forecast and prevention

Usually cold urticaria has a favorable prognosis. In severe cases, Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock may develop, but this is extremely rare. The disease is treated on an outpatient basis, hospitalization is possible only in extremely severe cases.

For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to prevent hypothermia of the body. It is recommended to lubricate open areas of the skin with a cold cream and always before going outside. It is not recommended to wear synthetic and woolen clothing, as it provokes the development of the disease. If the disease begins to manifest itself, it is necessary to leave the street, warm up the limbs, take a hot bath.

Doctors recommend hardening the body in the summer. In this case, the water temperature must be reduced gradually. It's also important to eat right. The diet should include those foods that contain vitamin E. It is not recommended to eat cold foods and water. In the summertime, swimming in the reservoirs is possible only near the shore.

Doctors do not recommend to abuse antihistamines, as immunity to this group of drugs can develop. It is recommended after the first year of using such medicines to use them in a minimum dosage of 1 time in 7 days.

By adhering to all the rules and recommendations, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing cold urticaria. Those who know about the predisposition of their body to such a disease can prevent its development. When the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to contact a medical institution, since only a doctor can prescribe an effective and efficient treatment that will help to quickly get rid of the rash and redness on the skin.

It is possible to suspect this form of urticaria if the following symptoms are observed after exposure to cold:

  • bronchospasm, heavy breathing, hoarseness;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • discharge of tears and runny nose, passing in warmth;
  • open areas of the skin swell;
  • frequent heartbeat, abdominal pain, arrhythmia.

Attention! Cold urticaria begins to manifest itself as coughing fits, shortness of breath and skin rashes.

The disease is often expressed as nasal congestion, and severe itching will be felt in the nasal passages. The eyes are exposed to conjunctivitis, which causes a flood of tears. Low temperature affects the bronchi, which provoke shortness of breath. And a strong cough over time can cause the development of bronchial asthma.

There are several types of cold urticaria that have certain characteristics.

  1. Chronic.

    With this type of disease, there is severe itching of exposed areas of the skin, but sometimes the whole body. In these places, the skin swells and blisters develop. If the disease is severe, chills appear, soreness in the muscles and an increased heart rate. The aggravation manifests itself in the cold season of the year and lasts for several weeks.

  2. Reflex.

    Typical reaction to cold exposure. It manifests itself as a reddish rash that surrounds the cooled area of ​​the skin.

  3. Recurrent form.

    This hives are seasonal, but cold water aggravates all year round.

  4. Familial urticaria.

    Very rare. The reason is genetic predisposition. Chills appear, joints ache. There is a rare form of the disease in which a rash appears after a day. It is often confused with the manifestation of idiopathic urticaria.

  5. Cold erythema.

    The skin lesion is accompanied by soreness.

  6. Cold dermatitis.

    There is peeling of the skin and unbearable itching. In the acute form, the entire body swells.

  7. Cold coryza. The nose clogs up only in the cold. Symptoms disappear in a warm room.

Attention! These symptoms should not be confused with signs of the body's natural defenses, which disappear in warmth.

Causes of occurrence

The exact reasons for the atypical reaction of the body to the effects of cold have not yet been established. There is a theory that the disease develops due to a defect in proteins. The cold affects the amino acids that stick together.

The resulting lump is perceived by the immune system as a foreign antigen. A conflict develops, which is manifested by an unexpected skin reaction. There is another theory in which platelets stick together, but the manifestations are the same.

Cold urticaria is a manifestation of a disease.

It is possible that they may be:

  • infections;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • lymphosarcoma;
  • chicken pox.

Any somatic illness can provoke this type of urticaria.

Diagnostic measures

Even before the first visit to the doctor, you need to follow basic rules to alleviate the manifestation of symptoms:

  • do not comb the affected areas and lubricate them with oil cream;
  • exposure to cold must be avoided;
  • limit contact with any irritants;
  • for itching, use only antihistamines.

Diagnosing cold urticaria is not difficult.

The following activities are carried out:

  1. examination and analysis of the anamnesis.
  2. Lab tests.
  3. If necessary, instrumental examinations and X-rays are prescribed.

Specific tests are also used.

  • Duncan test. Ice is applied to the forearm. But we must honestly admit that the test is not always accurate. Most patients with hereditary urticaria are negative.
  • The patient is naked for 10 minutes in a cold room.
  • Modified test. It consists in immersing the forearm in chilled water.

Reference! The presence of cold urticaria will confirm the appearance of a rash and swelling in areas that have undergone cold stimulation.


Cold urticaria in the photo:

Treatment features

When cold urticaria appears, first aid is limited to heat compresses. But people with a predisposition to this disease should always have with them: Claritin, Cetirizine, Tsetrin, Ksizal (of course, one of the drugs).

It is also advisable to use Barrierderm protective cream.

It must be remembered that not every reddening of the skin indicates a disease. This is a natural reaction to exposure to cold. You should know the differences so as not to harm the body by taking unnecessary medications.

It is impossible to eliminate the disease only with medicines. Treatment must be directed at suppressing the cause.

By the way, the patient should be informed about medications that are contraindicated for him:

  1. aspirin.
  2. Preparations with codeine, which is found in many pain relievers.
  3. ACE inhibitors. Drugs in this group cause angioedema.

Antihistamines are mainly prescribed:

  • antihistamines work against histamine. Desloratadine and Fexofenadine are popular, which are applied once a day until the rash disappears completely.
  • Antiallergic creams may be used.
  • Cyproheptadine. Relieves symptoms by acting on nerve impulses.
  • Omalizumab. Treats asthma, but is also helpful in combating cold urticaria.
  • Doxepin. Mainly relieves depression, but also alleviates the symptoms of this urticaria.

But sometimes more serious therapy is needed and in difficult cases they are used:

  • antagonists - Akolat, Singular.
  • Cyclosporin - used in the presence of an autoimmune component in the pathology.
  • Prednisolone - when cold urticaria is combined with another disease.

Important! Treatment is usually carried out on an outpatient basis and does not present any difficulties. But if the effect of taking medications is absent, then the dermatologist insists on hospitalization.

Treatment with folk remedies

Do not ignore folk recipes. Many are time-tested and have proven to be excellent.

Here are some that you can use:

  1. The simplest thing is to apply a warm, wet compress to the affected area and hold for 10 minutes.
  2. Aloe juice helps a lot. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the leaf of the plant onto cheesecloth and apply to the painful areas. Duration - no more than 15 minutes.
  3. You should drink a lot of green tea. This natural antioxidant is effective against cold urticaria. Sip some hot green tea before going outside in winter.
  4. Oddly enough, but nettle itself helps to fight urticaria. Pour boiling water over the leaves of the plant, insist for several days and drink this tea before going to bed.
  5. You can also insist on raspberry roots and drink the drink two months before bed. If you don't want to mess around with the preparation of infusions, then you can just use raspberry jam. It is excellent at preventing cold urticaria.


Patients with this diagnosis should follow a special low-histamine diet. Its main principles are:

  • exclusion of foods with excess histamine;
  • forget about fermented food;
  • avoid foods with food coloring.

Remove from the diet: seafood, milk, canned food, tomatoes, beer.

Important! But it should be taken into account that if after a month there is no improvement, then the diet can be abandoned.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for cold urticaria completely. But the disease can be successfully combated, since special drugs and preventive measures have been developed. In order to prevent the development of this type of urticaria, it is advisable to do hardening.
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