The dog howls: conspiracy (quick and strong). From a dog's illness A conspiracy to get rid of a dog

Conspiracies for pet illness

Following the wishes of visitors, I am posting a selection best conspiracies and rituals on the requested topic:

Appeal to St. George

I, servant of God (name), will go to Yegor the Brave.
I'll come closer and bow lower!
Goy you are, Father Yegor the Brave,
accept my request and prayer,
run over my little animal (say the name of the animal, coat color, type: for example, the red cat Marsik with a white tip of the tail)
and unfasten 12 nails from the zealous heart, from the red face,
with black liver, with hot blood,
bone, joint, brain.
Protect my little animal from fire, water and wind (name the animal, color of fur, type: for example, the red cat Marsik with a white tip of the tail).
Forever and ever.

If your animal gets sick

Read the spell over the water, which you then sprinkle on the animal:

I speak, servant of God (name), God’s creature:
From grief, death from stabbing and swelling,
Shakers, fireweeds,
From any damage.
So that (nickname) drinks and eats to his heart's content
And so that from now on I don’t get sick.
Illness, calm down.
Disease, back down.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Spell for treating pets

Props: a bowl of water and a church candle.

    “Our Father” - 1 time

    Prayer for healing an animal (see below) - 3 times.

    “Our Father” - 1 time

Lord, send healing to the animal (name the animal and its name).
Forgive, God, the owners of this animal for their sins and sins, voluntary and involuntary.
Go away the pain, go away the disease, leave the body (name it) and go into oblivion.

Put out the candle without blowing it out (with your fingers, a spoon or a special cap) and hide it in case of such a ritual.

The final stage of the ritual is to wash and water the animal. Regarding giving you something to drink, I want to immediately make a clarification - it is enough for the animal to immediately take at least a couple of sips from the bowl or lick the water from your hand. Place the rest of the water along with the bowl next to his food and let him drink whenever and as much as he wants.

Getting rid of disease and damage to animals

To remove damage from a cat, dog or other small pet, pass a knife over the animal’s back, moving it from left to right with the tip forward. Next, bring the knife under your belly with the handle forward and again over your back. Make three such complete circles with a knife around the animal, pronouncing the spell:

I cut off all the damage, all the evil eye from (name of the animal and nickname).
Recoil from this beast, all your thinness, all your toil,
don’t hide in the fur, don’t take root in the belly,
You've gone across three seas and won't come back.
Let it be so!.

After this, go to a deserted place, stick the knife into the ground up to the hilt and summarize your actions:

Everything said turned into action, everything done was determined in favor.

If you remove the induced evil from large animals... from an elephant, for example, then do it with an assistant, to whom you pass the knife over the back and take it from him under the belly of the animal.

Treatment of pets with spells.

We heal animals with the Word of God. And these words need to be said as often as possible if your beloved family member, a dog or cat, gets sick:

I, servant of God (name), will stand up, blessing myself and crossing myself:
I will go out into an open field under the red sun on the Okiyan Sea.
There is a church of God on the Okiyan-sea. In God's church the throne is golden.
Behind the golden throne is the Lord Himself. Jesus Christ sits and chastises 74 nails, 74 claws, 74 sorrows, 74 diseases.
And the Lord Himself, Jesus Christ Himself, takes three iron rods and beats (the dog, the cat, the gender and the color of the coat).
And kills 74 nails, 74 claws, 74 sorrows, 74 diseases.
What was left unsaid, said over, then there will be a word ahead.
The ring finger does not have a name, and will not have a name.
From century to century, from now to century.

So that the dog or cat does not run away.

Anyone who keeps dogs knows that dogs have days when they run away from home, and the owners, feeling sorry for them, write advertisements and promise a reward for the lost one. four-legged friend.

Cut off the hair of the dog (cat) from the head, back and tail and tuck it into the cracks at the threshold or drive it directly into the threshold with the words:

How this wool will stay in the threshold is how the dog would stay in the house.

Remove damage from animals

Take a cup of salt water. Walk around the spoiled animal three times and say, spraying on the animal:

I cut and salt and don’t give it.
I won’t let anyone spoil mine, someone else’s, or a stupid person.
Not out of stupidity, not out of greed, not out of envy, not out of self-interest, not out of anger.
My foot will stand forward, my hand will fall over, and the damage will disappear.

To prevent the dog from tearing the door in the apartment

If your pet has bad habit tear down the doors, cross out the doors with a candle left over from a big holiday (for example, Easter). You'll see bigger dog there will be no tearing of the door.

Remove damage from a kitten or puppy

Through pets, damage passes to humans. Most often this happens while he is stroking or caressing his pet. Therefore, in order to remove damage from a person, it must first be removed from an animal.

Time spending: Any day.

Required accessories: Milk / icon, church candle


1. So, if you have damaged a kitten, take a saucer of milk and cast a spell over it:

I'll give the kitten some milk,
I will cure you from the evil eye!
If you drink milk, you'll get something good!
Grow big, beautiful,
Playful, not pugnacious!
Don't hurt children, play with kittens!
Down with the evil spirit - be yourself!

After the spell is pronounced, give the kitten milk to drink. Make sure he drinks it all the way to the bottom.

2. If damage has been caused to a puppy, make a small bed for it and put the puppy there to sleep. Then take the icon in one hand and a lit church candle in the other and read the plot:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen!
Go to bed
To the healing bed!
And you will wake up healthy,
Handsome and cheerful!
You will stay awake, play,
Have fun and jump!
You will be safe and sound
Come on, damage, quickly disappear!

Repeat the spell over the sleeping puppy three times and leave the candle to burn out.

Those who have pets: cats or dogs, understand perfectly how important it is for them to be healthy. And if their beloved animals get sick, then the owners worry, worry, turn to veterinarians, spend money on treatment, i.e., do everything possible to quickly get their four-legged friend back on his paws.

There are special spells for animals that can be used to protect them from diseases, cure them, and remove damage. Yes Yes! And it happens that envious people inflict damage on a dog or cat, and then it “passes on” to the owner.

How to cure a dog?

It often happens that the animal becomes lethargic, loses appetite, and does not show interest in its owners. From his behavior it becomes clear that he is unwell. You can contact your veterinarian to make a diagnosis; if your dog is outdoors, he can pick up various infectious diseases playing with other animals.

You can also help your pet with home remedies by reading the plot against the illness of any pet. It sounds like this:

“I, servant of God (name), will go to Yegor the Brave. I'll come closer and bow lower! Goy you are, Father Yegor the Brave, accept my petition and prayer, run to my little animal (name the animal, coat color, species: for example, the cat Matryona gray with a white spot on the forehead) and unfasten 12 nails from the zealous heart, from the red face, from the black liver, from the hot blood, bone, joint, brain. Protect my little animal from fire, water and wind (name the animal, coat color, species: for example, the gray cat Matryona with a white spot on her forehead). Forever and ever. Amen".

Treating a wound with a spell

It often happens that while you are walking, your dog is bitten by other dogs and blood is flowing from the wound. To treat, you need to cleanse the wound of dirt, and then you can resort to magic words.

In this case, the plot is read three evenings in a row. As a rule, after reading it a second time, the wound heals and begins to heal. Dogs are very understanding animals, they understand that you are helping them, so even if it is not your pet, they do not bite or resist. For treatment, you need to cover the wound with your hands and say:

“They tore with my teeth, I spoke with my lips. I cover it with my hands and reprimand with my skill. Once there is no pain, two - heal, three - overgrow. Amen".

It happens that dogs get a splinter in their paws or other parts of their body. This causes pain, the animal gets worried, and the wound can fester. If you cannot remove the splinter in the usual way, then you need to find the tip of the splinter and read the spell:

“God, heal this pain, just as saints Kuzma and Demyan healed five wounds. Amen".

Fracture treatment

It happens that your pet breaks its paw, then in this case it will need help. This plot should be read only on the waning moon. This condition is important to comply with. The words of the conspiracy must be pronounced clearly and distinctly:

“The month is waning, taking it with it. A month passes, the fracture passes. A new month will come, my dog’s bone will heal. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is clear that if a paw is broken during the waxing moon, then it is necessary to help the animal immediately, and then read in the right time and a spell to make the bone heal faster.

If your dog or cat has a sore eye

It often happens that a dog or cat's eyes become watery, fester, and after sleep she cannot open them because the eyelids become crusty and stick together. It is clear that in this case it is necessary to treat the animal, wash the sore eye, or better yet both, but only using different pieces of bandage or cotton wool for this. A conspiracy will also help in this case. Looking directly at the animal, say the following words:

“Clean water, clean eyes, wash away the disease, tears. Amen".

Usually, after reading these words for several days, the eye stops watering and festering.

If barley appears and the eye is severely inflamed, then there is a special spell that is read to treat the animal. When looking at a dog or cat, you need to read three times:

“On a fig! Buy yourself what you want. Buy yourself an axe! Cut yourself across!”

Don't forget to spit after every reading through left shoulder. This plot is read for several days in a row. Typically, the eye recovers within a few days.

Eye diseases in dogs and cats, like in people, are very different. This may be conjunctivitis, cataracts, keratitis and other diseases. If there is discharge from the eyes, especially purulent discharge, then you should consult a veterinarian to treat your pet. After all, if eye diseases are not treated, this can lead to loss of vision.

You need to carefully watch your dog or cat and immediately read the healing spell when a disease is detected:

“Let’s take some clean water, wipe our eyes with clean water, a clean tear will wash away the disease from the eye. Amen".

If it's an eyesore

If a dog has an eyesore, then a special spell that can be read early in the morning, before the first rays of the sun appears, can help. You need to read it in a whisper 3 times, looking directly at the sore eye:

“Saint Yuri rode on a gray horse, in a gray zhupan, three dogs ran after him. One is gray, the other is white, and the third is black. And he drives away the gray thorn, and he drives away the white thorn, and he drives away the black thorn of the gray color, from the yellow mouth.”

“Saint Yegory rode on a horse, three dogs ran after him. One dog licks the dawn, the second the moon, and the third an eyesore. Saint Yegoriy is with them with his spear from the eyesore of the born blessed one (name the color and/or type, as well as the name of the animal.) Amen!”

If the dog howls or lunges at people

It causes a lot of anxiety when a dog howls with its muzzle up. Old people say that this usually happens to the death of nearby neighbors, as well as to a fire. If a dog lowers its head and howls pitifully, then this happens if one of the family members dies soon. If a dog howls while standing or lying down, then death awaits this animal.

A loud and plaintive howl, which can turn into a loud whining, does not allow either the owners or neighbors to sleep peacefully. What to do in this case? Previously, in such cases, in order to ward off trouble from home, our ancestors acted as follows. They left the house behind the gate and said the following magic words:

“Trouble should not come through these gates, the dog barks, but the wind blows. Amen".

In our case, when we most often live in apartment buildings, we should go out of the entrance to the street and say the above words three times, but they should be said out loud. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a time for this when there are fewer people near the entrance; it is better in general that no one is near you during the conspiracy.

Dogs cause a lot of trouble if they lunge at people while walking on the street. A muzzle will not help here, because the child may cry, adults, and especially older people, may become very frightened. If this happens often and the dog cannot be calmed down, then you should read a special spell:

“Silent, Sapun, Ugomon, I give you the commotion from (animal name). Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

What do you need to know to read the plot correctly?

When reading a conspiracy, it is imperative to take into account that these magical words, which have come to us from time immemorial, will be fulfilled if the person who reads them pronounces them with faith in healing.

It is also a prerequisite that the reader of the conspiracy believes in God, because very often, when reading healing conspiracies not only to heal people, but also to cure dogs, cats, livestock, and poultry, the following rule is observed:

  • read a prayer;
  • they pronounce a conspiracy;
  • often it is necessary to take into account the phase of the moon;
  • turn mentally to God and thank Him.

Conspiracies for animals are read as soon as you see that a dog, cat or other pet is not feeling well. For fastest treatment and recovery is very important, as is the case with people. The sooner all measures for treatment are taken, the sooner recovery occurs, the easier it is to overcome diseases, especially for eye diseases.

Dogs and cats will come into your arms and give you the opportunity to put your palms on the wound and, if necessary, stroke it. They understand that you want to reassure them and help them. Proceed carefully, try not to cause unnecessary pain, be careful.

To avoid meeting an angry dog ​​or other animal, have a small blue bag with you, into which throw three pinches of dried and crushed motherwort, plantain and thistle herbs, and then the danger will pass you. A conspiracy to prevent a dog from rushing at people and biting them, and much more for dogs.

To protect against angry dogs and other animals, prepare a strong infusion of thistle and tansy herbs. When taking a bath, add this infusion to the water so that the scent will be absorbed into your skin and repel wild animals. Instead, you can add a few drops of cedar or alder oil to the water.

To prevent an attack by a dangerous animal or avoid meeting it altogether, mix in equal parts Castor oil And camphor alcohol and apply three drops of this mixture to the sole of your left shoe.

Another means. Mix in equal parts Cedar oil and geranium oil and apply three drops of this composition to the sole of your left shoe.

Another means. Hide a sheet of dog tongue under the insole of your left shoe. The full name of the plant is blackroot officinalis or blackroot. If you can't get this plant, use plantain leaf.

Conspiracy from an evil dog

Cross it with the crossed index and middle fingers of your left hand and say:

“By the power of Laron, the law of Fathar, the right of Vegur, I conjure and command: turn into stone, press yourself to the ground, do not open your paws. Lock and key to words and deeds, the lock is on you, the key is in my hand.”

Do not open your fingers until you leave the dangerous place.

A conspiracy to prevent dogs from throwing themselves at people

“I’m pacifying a dog that lunges at people, barks and bites. Let him avoid them now, no one is afraid of a dog. Let it be so. Amen"

“I take the anger off the dog and send him to hell. He won’t growl at people, he will bark and leave behind. Amen!"

Spell for a dog's recovery

“May my dog ​​be healed, may the painful barking stop. He will recover from cancer without food poisoning. Let it be so. Amen!"

Conspiracy for successful mating of dogs

“I will breed a dog for healthy offspring, not frail and sick ones. The puppies will be playful, sales will be widespread. Amen!"

Read each plot an arbitrary number of times. And let your four-legged friend be healthy!

Plot to sell a dog

“I am selling a dog that is faithful, does not bite and is exemplary. New owner he will pet her, buy her, pay for her. Let it be so. Amen!"

“The puppies were born healthy and ready for fair sale. Let a kindly merchant buy them and bring them home with love. Amen!"

Speak canine distemper

Read the following prayer over the water:

“Oh, Saint Joseph, you who had a dog, you whom she saved from the Chaldeans in your dream, you who acquired holy rank and a holy crown, save my dog ​​from death. One tear will resurrect him. Amen."

The dog howls a conspiracy

“The dog howls out of the gate, out of the oak gate and into the spruce forest. To the wolves - and the wolf's song. Amen."

Strictly speaking, the Polkan does not call troubles on your home, he rather voices them. Therefore, I would not advise using specific conspiracies that shift future problems onto the dog’s head (of course not in literally). It’s not his fault that he intuitively senses something bad and suffers from it himself.

In addition, a dog can “howl at the moon” for its own reasons that are not at all prophetic - strong melancholy, a desire to take a walk in the pack, and the like. In a word, if you need a dog alive and healthy, if possible, do not read strict spells about it.

Current page: 41 (book has 74 pages total) [available reading passage: 49 pages]


100% +

For worm wounds in animals

Merciful Lord, stand up to help me. Once Abraham lived, he had seven wounds. From seven - six, from six - five, from five - four, from four - three, from three - two, from two - not a single one, every last one disappeared, and the worms fell to the ground. Amen.

From catarrh in animals

Saint Yuri rode on a gray horse, in a gray zhupan, and three dogs ran after him. One is gray, the other is white, and the third is black. And he drives away the gray thorn, and he drives away the white thorn, and he drives away the black thorn from the gray suit, from the yellow suit.

Whisper three times before sunset in front of the cattle.

To make it easier for cattle to give birth

The Most Holy Theotokos stood on the Throne, asked the Lord God, and remembered all the saints. All saints, God's saints, quick helpers, help in a speedy resolution. Zori-Zarenitsa, there are three sisters in the sky, one is evening, another is midnight, the third is morning, be my helpers. Amen.

So that the cattle are prosperous

Bring the hay into the pen or shed and place it crosswise. Sprinkle it with grain that remains in the house after sprinkling on New Year(Mummers go around Christmas and New Year, pouring grain into houses). This should be done on Ivan the Baptist.

To prevent the dog from tearing the door in the apartment

If your pet has a bad habit of tearing up doors, cross out the doors with a candle left over from a big holiday (for example, Easter). You'll see, the dog won't break the doors anymore.

From dog whining

They talk a dog out of incessant whining in the same way as a restless child. In the first corner of the house they make a cross with a knife and say:

I praise for the peace, I do for peace. Not whine or howl (dog's name). Amen.

After this, the dog will not cause trouble either to you or your neighbors.

To prevent the dog from lunging at people

Some dogs endlessly rush at passers-by, barking. There is little good in this: adults get scared, children cry. One girl even began to stutter out of fear.

If you spray medicated water on an animal for three days in a row, it will not cause you any trouble. The plot is like this:

Silent, Sapun, Ugomon, I give you the commotion with (dog's name). Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

How to treat epilepsy in dogs

They slander the water and sprinkle it on the dog during a seizure.

The disease is tearing, throwing, epileptic, do not tear, do not throw, do not hit, do not throw God’s animal (dog’s name). Beat the dry grass, throw yourself on a stump, but you’d be too lazy to walk to (dog’s name). God help me. God bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For hernia in dogs and cats

They talk about food for the waning month and give it to the animal. The hernia goes away quickly.

Children are prohibited from picking up animals by their front paws and moving them around like dolls. This can cause a hernia to spread to children.

Gnawing, gnawing, don’t gnaw at (animal’s name) belly button. Gnaw the ashes in the stove, stones in the field. There you live, there is your share. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If your dog's eyes are festering

Look into the eyes of a dog (or other animal) and say this:

Clean water, clean eyes, wash away disease, tears. Amen. Speak three times.

To prevent the dog from running away

Anyone who keeps dogs knows that dogs have days when they run away from home, and the owners write advertisements and promise a reward for their lost four-legged friend.

Cut off the dog's hair from the head, back and tail and stuff it into the cracks near the threshold or directly into the threshold with the words:

How this wool will stay in the threshold is how the dog would stay in the house. Amen.

If a dog dies

People have a hard time losing their four-legged friend. Especially children and old lonely people. Anyone who has buried in the ground the ossified corpse of a devoted creature who only yesterday greeted him with a joyful squeal understands the grief I am writing about. But few people know that there are conspiracies for treating dogs. I'll be happy to teach you this.

Speak the plague

O Saint Joseph, you who had a dog, you whom she saved from the Chaldeans in your dream, you who acquired holy rank and a holy crown, save my dog ​​from death. One tear will resurrect him. Amen.

Speak to a dog's wound

Get used to the fact that if you are worthy of mastery, people will come to you for help on all sorts of issues. Dogs will be brought. First, use the curse “From dog bites” (it will be in the book). Treat those who come for help with understanding, as you may be their last hope. Dogs sense when someone wants to help them. In general, don’t be afraid, do a good deed. If your dog is bleeding from a wound, talk to (stop) it. Then read the plot to heal the wound quickly. I noticed that after the second reading the wound healed. Read for three evenings.

Stop the blood:

Two brothers are cutting a stone, two sisters are looking out the window, two mothers-in-law are standing at the gate. You, sister, turn away, and you, blood, calm down. You, brother, humble yourself, and you, blood, lock yourself up. The brother runs, the sister screams, the mother-in-law grumbles. Be, my word, strong to stop the bleeding, to this hour, to this minute. To close the wound, edge to edge, skin to skin, fur to fur, everything must heal. Amen.

How to spell a broken paw in a dog

Read for the waning month:

The month is waning and taking it with it. A month passes, the fracture passes. A new month will come, my dog’s bone will heal. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy to plant bees in a hive

Bees swarm, bees breed, bees humble themselves. I stand on the wax opposite the far side and hear the noise and hum of bees. I take a bee from the swarm, okarai, and put it in the hive. It’s not I who plant you, it’s the white stars, the horned moon, the red Sun who plant you. They imprison you, shorten you. You, bee, swarm, sit near (such and such) around. I close all roads for you, mother, with a key and a lock. And I throw my keys into the ocean-sea, under a green bush. And in the green bush sits all the queens - the eldest queen, holds a sting, stings disobedient bees; and if you do not obey my words, I will send you to the ocean-sea, under the green bush where the womb sits, to all wombs - the eldest womb. And for your disobedience he will sting you with stings. My word is strong. Amen.

To be with honey

They read it in the spring when the bees begin to swarm. There will always be plenty of honey.

In the Church of Heaven there is a crystal table, on the table there is a wedding cup, honey is poured into this cup. Whoever drinks it does not drink it to the bottom; the honey in the cup does not decrease, but more still increases. So the bees would carry honey into my hives, fill the honeycombs, and pour the cups. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For bees (amulet)

To prevent the bees from dying, they brought a lot of honey.

The Lord gave the bee not for destruction, but for joy, for small children for sweets. So that they live well with me, so that I have a lot of honey. Amen.

To prevent the bees from leaving the hive

Walk around the hives from left to right and read:

A root in the ground, fire in a fire, water in a river, a cross on me, a bee in its mansion. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Home routines
For well-being in the home

If not everything is going well in your house, for example, money has stopped flowing or some other troubles have overcome you, do this.

On the new moon, prepare the dough and knead the dough. Once the dough has risen, place it in the oven. Stand with your back to the stove wearing only a skirt on your naked body. Raise your hem above your knees and say:

As you bake bread, raise the goods in my house. Amen.

When the bread is ready, eat it yourself. You cannot give this bread to strangers!

Is it possible to buy a house made of aspen

Of course, it’s undesirable, but if need forces it, then where to go? The bathhouse is made from aspen. And it’s hard to live in a house like that. There can be a lot of troubles. The first ashes from such a house are taken to the market and sprinkled there, saying:

There are as many angels as there are people here. Guardian angels, pray for the aspen house. Amen.

If you whistled a brownie out of the house

From the letter: “I rented a room to a tenant, he is a non-drinker, simple guy, but has a habit of whistling. Whistling from morning to evening. Once I asked him why he whistles all the time. He said that he had already been kicked out of two apartments for this habit, saying that he whistled at them from the brownie's house, and this caused all sorts of troubles for the owners. He lived with me like that for a month. I didn’t react to his whistle because my hearing is weak...

But then I began to notice that bad things began to happen to me: the cat left the house, the cow gave birth to a dead calf, then got sick and died. Every day the chickens got lost or even died.

Then the refrigerator burned out, the TV began to show only stripes. And on Saturday a fire broke out in the bathhouse. So much happened in one month that never happened in a lifetime. I stopped sleeping normally at night. I toss and turn, but there is no sleep or peace. A neighbor came and said:

- You're kind of scared. I ask her:

- What's scary? She answers:

“I don’t know what it’s like to be in an empty grave, it’s creepy.” And she left.

I went to the local healer, took her a chicken, persuaded her to come to me and whisper in the house to sort out the mess. After all, my house used to glow. I love my home, I love order. I always sweep the yard, grow flowers, always whitewash the outside of the hut, and whitewash the inside. Curtains embossed with starch. And then I look, everything seems to be the same, but it’s so bad.

A healer came to me (her name is Daria) and said:

- Listen, the brownie abandoned you. This bad sign, you can die if the melancholy begins to crush.

And me in Lately and so the melancholy began to take hold of my soul. Tears flow for no reason, and there is no desire to live. There seems to be no reason, but my soul hurts. Daria and I were sitting, talking, and then she asked me:

- Who whistled at you?

“My lodger,” I answer.

- Drive him away, he is with you and whistled at the owner.

Then she thought for a moment, shook her head and said:

- No, I don’t remember how to call the brownie back. I’ll give you the address, write to Siberia, one of us lives there, she’ll give you some advice. That's how I found out your address. She described everything as Daria told me. Help".

A well is made from splinters on the table so that a glass of water can fit inside. Then read like this:

My master, come home. Here is your well, here is your water. My master, while I am alive, be with me. Amen.

The water is left for three days, the well is dismantled and burned in a furnace. The rest of the water is drunk at the house, as a sign of respect for him, and no more whistling is allowed in the house.

He won't come back a second time.

When stacking wood after cutting for future use, whisper this conspiracy. It will help avoid a fire, and the wood will burn hotter:

Spell words for firewood so that it burns well and there is no fire

I, servant of God (name), approach this luggage. I put the firewood in width, I stack it in height, I confirm by God's word; Send me, Lord, an assistant, Archangel Uriim, to drive away the fire with a living fire, not on my wall, but in my oven. God bless. Amen.

From bedbugs

From the letter: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna! We live in a shared apartment with a drunk. There is dirt and bedbugs in his room. They climb from him to us. Teach a spell against bedbugs."

Put the bug in a matchbox, put a crumb of bread and a pinch of salt in it and say this:

Bedbug Klopovich, here's some bread and salt for you, go live in the field. There you can wait for your brothers, but I won’t see any bedbugs. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Take the box with the bug to the field. The bugs will go away.

* * *

They throw a bug after the dog and say:

Four are running, and you are following them. Amen.

* * *

They collect bedbugs in a box at night, take them out and bury them deeper in the ground, saying:

The father and mother were buried, and the children will leave on their own.

Very strong conspiracy from bedbugs

They burn a bug on the street and say:

One bug burned, he ordered the second bug to eat the third, and the third to eat the fourth, the fourth to eat the fifth, and the fifth to eat the sixth, the sixth to eat the seventh, and the seventh to eat the eighth. The eighth will eat the ninth, the ninth will eat the tenth. The tenth will eat grandfather, father, mother, brother, godfather, matchmaker, sister, daughter-in-law and children. The whole genus will pass through the bedbug's mouth. Whoever breaks this chain will kill the bedbugs. Don't hide, don't huddle, don't huddle, Abara, my home! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From moths

From the letter: “...I knit shawls, I’m not fit for anything else, I don’t have the strength, I’ve become old. But I had a problem: there were moths. I'm afraid it will eat my fur. I remember that there are spells against moths. I knew it myself, but I forgot. I beg you to write such a conspiracy in your book. I think many will thank you for this.

I really appreciate your books. With your help I am treating my legs. Helps. And in general, be healthy!”

You have an eternal place to sleep forever, don’t fly around the house, don’t eat wool. The needle is iron, the work is strong, my word is molded. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

* * *

On Maundy Thursday sprinkle holy water in the room and say:

One moth, eat another moth, and the last one eats itself. The key is in the mouth, the lock is in the water, my word is with me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to kill rats with slander

Rats and mice are very harmful to their owners. To prevent them from being where there are cattle, they read it on Thursday for the waning month.

I will pray to the Lord God and all the saints. Merciful Lord, help me from this day until Holy Saturday. Tsar Poganin had twelve wives, and from twelve - eleven, and from eleven - ten, and from ten - nine, and from nine - eight, and from eight - seven, and from seven - six, and from six - five, and from five - four, and from four - three, and from three - two, and from two - none. So they transferred and disappeared. God willing, the rats and mice would leave my farm and disappear.

For successful cooking

From the letter: “I heard that there are rumors to make the cooking successful. The thing is that I used to cook well, but now it’s as if I’ve been jinxed - no matter what I try, everything burns, the dough is like rubber, but I still seem to do it the same way. How they got out of hand."

There are also letters from people who run private restaurants or cafes.

I give you a spell for good cooking. (Read on the day they cook, so that no one hears).

Create, Lord, heaven and earth and the entire Universe: water, dry land, mountains, wilderness, grain, and bread. Lord, let me create too, feed people. So that they eat and drink and glorify the Lord. Grant, Lord, that I may be glorified by my deeds. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Spell words for baking bread

Surely you know housewives whose baked goods are always so fluffy and tasty that you could eat them without stopping. She will give you a recipe at your request, and you seem to do everything exactly the same way, but the bread turns out completely different. And the secret is that the hostess just knows the words to baked goods, and that’s why her baked goods come out delicious. Today I will teach you these words. Previously, they were passed from mother to daughter, kept secret from strangers, so that only the daughter would have delicious and fluffy bread. So that she, my dear, would be famous for being a wonderful housewife and needlewoman. And I sincerely want everything to turn out beautifully and tasty for everyone.

They say it twice. Once when the dough is kneaded, another time when the bread is placed in the oven.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Be my concoction holy and winged. Holy Mother of God, bake God's gift from the Lord. Take care of God. Amen.

God grant me sporins. Tall bread and yata. Don’t try to hide, don’t worry, God’s bread. Amen.

* * *

When the housewife puts the kneading bowl on pechevo (bread, baked goods), someone should ask her:

- What's in the kneader?

“Christ is in the kneading bowl,” the hostess answers.

Putting the kvass

While kneading the dough, in the villages they used to conjure illnesses, make wishes, induce sleep in case of insomnia, etc. The family sat down at the table in the evening, not knowing that with a piece of bread from the spoken kneading kneader they would improve their health, restore their strength, in general, fulfill their strength slander.

When you put the dough on, read one of the spells you need. Moreover, if you know that your son or brother or someone else in the family suffers from insomnia at night, cannot sleep and leaves for work in the morning exhausted, say his name in the spell. This conspiracy will not affect others.

To ferment well, pickle

If you learn these words, you will have the strongest pickles and the most delicious corned beef. We must remember that you need to salt and ferment for the new month, the day should be Thursday, the housewife herself is without menstruation, and on this day she should not know about anyone’s funeral. Cross yourself, read, and then get to work.

There is bread and salt on my table. I am waiting for Christ and the Mother of God to visit me, I will treat you with something to eat, and I will ask them: give blessings for my pickles, for my pickles, for berry jam. Lord, bless me, help me in my work. Amen.

On new moon days

Trees and vines are pruned, potatoes are planted. It’s a good time to plant carrots, peas and, in general, all fruits of red and warm colors.

On the days of the waxing moon

Plants are planted that should grow upward: shrubs, trees, flowers, vegetables.

Before the full moon

Transfer indoor plants, tree transplantation, harvesting.

On full moon days

They sow grass for livestock and greens without fruits, plant round vegetables: watermelons, pumpkins, cabbage, etc. These days they don’t give anything from the garden.

On the waning moon

They do weeding and remove pests. They deal with everything that interferes with the harvest. They set traps for rats and mice, and use incantations to remove ants (see “Black Magic”).

For those who go to plant in the garden

Before you leave the house, step on right foot on left leg and say:

I will give to the earth, and the earth will give to me. And no one will stop me from doing this. Amen.

To those who go to mow

When you get ready to mow, place the scythe against the fence so that the tip of the scythe points towards the sunrise. Having crossed yourself three times, say:

God bless the scythe, bless the dew under the scythe. Bless the cut grass. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for those who dig a well

In the desert, O Lord, you gave drink and gave water to the thirsty. He washed me and gave me something to drink and quench my thirst. Bless the place for the well, give this student good health. Grant us water in this place - sweet and tasty and not harmful to us. Holy, magnificent your name, Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Whoever reads this prayer before digging a well always has clean water, which is not covered with silt.

Save the harvest

Saints Joachim and Anna suffered bitter barrenness until their old age, but with the blessing of God they gave birth to the Most Holy Theotokos.

For a long time, before sowing, these saints were prayed for the preservation of the harvest.

Prayer to the Holy Righteous Father of God Joachim and Anna

O holy righteous Godfathers Joachim and Anno! Pray to the Merciful Lord to turn away His anger from us. According to our deeds, he is righteously moved towards us and may despising our countless sins, turn us, the servants of God (names), to the path of repentance and may he establish us on the path of His Commandments. Also, with your prayers in the world, preserve our life and in all good things ask for good haste, everything we need from God for life and piety, from all misfortunes and troubles, sudden death, through your intercession, delivering us and from all enemies, visible and invisible, protecting and Thus, this temporary life in the world has passed into eternal peace, where, through your holy prayer, may we be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ our God. To Him, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, belongs all glory, honor and worship forever and ever.

For a good harvest

By reading this hex in your garden, you will have a good harvest and full bins.

I approach the gates of heaven, I am amazed, I worship the Lord. Would you, Lord, give me the same thing that you have in the Garden of Eden. So everything would bloom and grow, expand and fill. To the angels' delight, to people's surprise. Amen. Amen. Amen.

So as not to spoil the garden

If someone wants to spoil your garden with a conspiracy to harm, use this amulet. Not a single sorcerer will harm your garden.

God help me. Be a fence for my garden, for my land. Amulet-fence, help me. Neither the devil, nor the she-devil, nor the evil witch will cross that fence or spoil my garden. Amen.

Amulet for the harvest (for a worm)

Find a worm in your country house or garden. Wrap it around thumb like a ring and say this:

I crown you a watchman. Until your tribe is exhausted, the world turns upside down, the aspen becomes a flower, urine is boiling water, a stone is milk, a dog is a beetle, you will live in the earth, guarding my harvest in the name of Alani. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Amulet for a potato field (so that strangers do not dig up the crop)

From the letter: “...At the end of August, all the potatoes were dug up in our field. What a lot of work it is for us: digging up the soil, planting, weeding several times, treating it against beetles. And this year my husband almost went to the next world, he was poisoned by chemicals. We went for potatoes all summer, but when we came in the morning, they weren’t there.”

Unfortunately, there are a lot of letters like this. People, mostly elderly, work with all their strength in the fields, in the hope that they will provide themselves with food for the winter. The fight against potato diseases, the Colorado potato beetle, a whole summer of labor - and all in vain. A stranger steals food from the elderly...

Here's another letter:

“...I have four children. The husband died. There is no work. They don’t hire me because of the children, they are afraid that I will be absent often. Of course, children often get sick. The benefit is pennies, and there is no money to pay. My children and I are digging the ground, planting potatoes, hilling and weeding them... You won’t believe it, I wanted to kill myself, I cried and cursed those who dug up our potatoes. May she stand in the way of their throats! Now at least lie down and die.”

I offer you a way to protect your harvest.

An aspen stake is driven into the middle of the potato field after planting. They read the plot, turning to the south, then north, then east. They read loudly, while drawing crosses in the air, tied together with the ring and middle fingers of the right hand:

In the name of Adonai! This land is not mine, but God’s, not a thief’s, but God the Father’s. In the name of Adonai! Let it not be the thief who takes the fruit, but the one who sticks this stake in the ground! Amen. Plague, blood, death, pestilence, thief. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Whoever breaks my amulet will not take a sip of water or chew a piece of bread. He will die an untimely death. Amen.

- At night, take some water and put it under Moonlight and say: “I will bless myself, cross myself in faith, I will go out of the hut, out of the hut, and into the gate, I will go along the right side, bald Egurushka, I will go to the blue river. On a blue river, on a steep hill, lies the white stone Alatyr. I’ll bow to the stone and look into the river. I will say the cherished words, a dog’s illness, a faithful friend, a shaggy friend, a shaggy friend, I will accompany him, I will take him away from his paws and tail. Fly into the blue river: fires, fevers, fevers, all creature ailments. The black thread breaks. I came from the water - go to the water, and fall asleep there. Sleep in both winter and summer. Don't be in trouble. The key word. The key is with Praskovya, the water maiden. Praskovya keeps that key and doesn’t tell anyone to take it. From century to century, now and ever. Let it be so. Amen". And give yours the spoken water to drink.

- “I will go, servant of God (Name), To Yegor the Brave. I'll come closer and bow lower! Goy you are, Father Yegor the Brave, accept my petition and prayer, run to my little animal ( appearance, nickname, coat color) and unfasten 12 nails from the zealous heart, from the red face, from the black liver, from the hot blood, bone, joint, brain. Cover my little animal from fire, water and wind ( appearance, nickname, coat color). Forever and ever. Amen."

- Speak on a broom: “Lord, bless, father! Saint Vlasei, Egory great martyr , Queen Alexandra! In this village, in this yard, with the servant of God ( Name) in the barn sit three wen and three woodsmen, and three fallen forces. For me, servant of God (Name), for wen and for the fallen strength there are distant rods, distant whips and distant damask knives. With these distant rods, distant whips and distant damask knives I chop off, beat off, dissuade the belly of God’s creature ( nickname) from the hut, from the stove, from the yard, from the barn, from the street, from the water, from the forest, from the baenna, from the stone, from the unclean spirit, from fallen strength, from envy, from negotiation, from evil eyes, from one’s own thoughts , forever and ever. Amen." - 3 times. Then spit.

— Read the plot on the waxing moon, early in the morning. Take clean running water, but you can also use it from a tap. Pour water into a cup and place it in the middle of the room and read 3 times: “I pour clean water, I pour fast water. I won’t let anyone be harmed, I won’t let anyone’s health be damaged, my cattle are all strong, fast, my protection from harm is pure. My leg will stand forward, my arm will fall over, and the disease will disappear. Amen". Spray the whole animal with this water and add it to its water.

- “At sea, on the ocean, on Buyan Island stands the Alatyr stone. On the stone is a cathedral within a cathedral, a throne within a throne, and God sits on it. I’ll come closer to him, bow lower, ask for three copper rods, three iron rods, three tin rods, and I’ll beat the beast, the dear beast ( appearance, nickname, coat color) and I will knock out 12 nails from it. Nail meat, bone, articular, cartilaginous, nostril, brain. They will come out through the nostrils, and from the nostrils they will fall into the damp earth. My words will be in full. Amen."

If yours is sick, then this spell needs to be pronounced as often as possible: “I, servant of God, will get up, blessing myself, cross myself, I will go out into a wide field, under the red sun on the Ocean-Sea. There is a church of God on the Okiyan Sea . In God's church there is a golden throne. Behind the golden throne, the Lord Jesus Christ himself sits and reprimands 74 nails, 74 claws, 74 sorrows, 74 illnesses, and the Lord himself, Jesus Christ himself, takes three iron rods and beats ( appearance, nickname, coat color) and kills 74 sorrows, 74 diseases, 74 nails, bone, brain, harness, harness, tprukal, nukal ailments. What was not said, was said. The ring finger has no name, never had a name and never will have one. Century after century from now on and forever. Amen!"

« Elijah the prophet merciful, Peter and Paul, the supreme apostles, thunder with thunder and scorch with fire. So cleanse from the unclean spirit, burn evil spirits fire from heaven. Save and clean 77 veins, 77 bones, 77 joints. Cleanse yourself, good force, establish yourself in all joints, in all veins, in all ribs. The conspiracy disease, cunning, wisdom will leave 77 veins, 77 bones, 77 joints. Disease, cunning-wisdom, get out of my little animal ( appearance, nickname, coat and eye color), return to the old master and old mistress and those who let you in. If it came from the wind, go to the wind; if it came from the water, go to the water; if it came from a dark forest, go to the dark forest.”

- Speak about the water three times, then sprinkle the animal with this water: “I, servant of God (Name), I will be covered with the sky, the earth, the red sun, the new moon. From a sorcerer, from a sorceress, from a sorcerer, from a sorceress, from a witch and a witch, Lord, have mercy on my animal ( nickname and coat color). I wash it off with ( nickname) dashing thoughts and various slander. As a river goes into the blue sea, washes away the yellow sands, tears off the steep red banks, so it would be washed away from my animal ( nickname , coat color) lessons, prizes, dashing thoughts and all sorts of evil spirits.”

— Read the plot above the water, which you then spray the animal with: “I speak, servant of God (Name), God's creature: From grief, death from punctures and swelling, Shakers, fire, From all damage. To (nickname) drank and ate to his heart's content, and so that from now on he does not get sick. Illness, calm down. Disease, back down. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

— The ritual should be performed on the waning moon on Friday. Light a church candle and read on the water (breath should touch water) prayers in the following order: “Our Father” - 1 time, then a prayer for healing the animal - 3 times: “Lord, send healing to the animal (nickname). Forgive, God, the owners of this animal for their sins and sins, voluntary and involuntary. Leave the pain, leave the disease, leave the body ( nickname) and go into oblivion." And again “Our Father” - 1 time. Put out the candle without blowing and hide it until the next ritual. Then wash and drink

— Spell — “As a bird flies into the air, so too, you, unclean spirit, fly out ( name a disease or problem that you need to get rid of). As mother water passes through the river, so pass you, unclean spirit, disease.”
