Where to find out blood groups: their own and child, free ways and express technique. How to find out your blood group? Analysis on a blood group: where to make in which documents this information contains

In modern medicine, the blood type characterizes the set of antigens arranged on the surface of erythrocytes, which determine their specificity. There is a huge number of such antigens (a table of blood groups with various antigens is usually applied), but the blood type is determined everywhere using the Classification along the Rh Factor and the AV0 system.

The definition of the group is a mandatory procedure when preparing for any operation. Such analysis is also needed when entering service in some contingents, among which military, employees of internal organs and power structures. This event is carried out due to the increased risk of a person's threatening state, in order to reduce the time required to assist in the form of blood transfusion.

The composition of the blood of various blood groups

The essence of the AU0 system consists in the presence of antigens structures on red blood cells. There is no typical antibodies (gamma globulins) in the plasma. Therefore, for the study of blood, you can use the antigen + antibody reaction.

Erythrocytes are glued at the time of the antigen and antibodies. Such a reaction is called hemagglutination. The reaction is displayed as small flakes when analyzing. The study is based on obtaining an image of agglutination with serums.

The antigens of the erythrocytes "A" with antibodies "ά", as well as "B" with "β", respectively.

The following blood groups are highlighted:

  • I (0) - ά, β - the surface of the erythrocytes does not contain antigen;
  • Ii (a) - β - on the surface there is an antigen A and antibody β;
  • Iii (B) - ά - the surface contains in with an antibody type ά;
  • IV (AB) - 00 - the surface contains both antigen, but does not have antibodies.

The antigens are in the embryo already in the state of the embryo, and agglutinin (antibodies) appear in the first month of life.

Methods of determination

Standard method

There are many techniques, but the laboratory usually use definition using standard sera.

The method according to standard serums is used to determine the types of AB0 antigens. The composition of the standard isohemagglutinating serum contains a set of antibodies to erythrocyte molecules. In the case of the presence of an antigen, which is subject to the action of antibodies, a complex of antigen antibody is formed, which launches the cascade of immunity reactions.

The result of this reaction is agglutination of erythrocytes, on the basis of the nature of what is happening agglutination can be determined by the belonging of the sample to any group.

For the preparation of standard serum, donor blood is used and a certain system - by separating the plasma, including antibodies, and subsequent breeding. Dilution is performed using isotonic sodium chloride solution.

Breeding is done like this:

Directly research is carried out in this way:

  1. A special tablet is placed on a drop of each serum (a total volume of about 0.1 milliliter) to a plot where there is an appropriate mark (2 samples are used, one is controlled, the second is designed for research).
  2. Then, next to each droplets of serum place the studied sample in the amount of 0.01 millilita, after which it is individually mixed with each diagnosticum.

Rules decrypt results

Five minutes later, you can evaluate the results of the study. In large droplets of serum, enlightenment takes place, in some, there is a reaction of agglutination (small flakes are formed), in others - no.

Video: Definition of blood group and rhesus factor

Options are possible here:

  • If the reaction of agglutination is not in both samples with serums II and III (+ control 1 and IV) - the definition of the first group;
  • If the coagulation is observed in all samples, except II - the definition of the second;
  • In the absence of an agglutination reaction only in a sample with the III group - Definition III;
  • If the coagulation is observed in all samples, including in IV-control - definition IV.

When serums are located in the correct order and there are signatures on a plate, focus easily: the group corresponds to the places with missing agglutination.

In some cases, gluing is unclearly distinguishable. Then the analysis must be remade, fine agglutination is observed under a microscope.

Cross reaction method

The essence of this technique is to determine agglutinogen with standard sera or civiclons with parallel definition of agglutinins using reference erythrocytes.

An analysis technique by the cross method practically does not have differences from the study using serum, but there are some additions.

A whey tablet must be added droppart standard erythrocytes. Then, from the test tube with the blood of the patient passed through the centrifuge, the pipette is removed by a plasma, which is placed on standard erythrocytes, located at the bottom - added to standard serum.

Just as according to the technique of standard technique, the results of the study are evaluated several minutes after the reaction began. If the reaction of agglutination can be said about the presence of agglutinins AV0, in the case of the plasma reaction, it can be judged by agglutinogen.

Results of blood research using standard red blood cells and sera:

The presence of agglutination during reaction with standard isohemagglutinating serums The presence of agglutination with standard erythrocytes reaction Groups of blood
0 (i)A (II)B (III)AB (IV)0 (i)A (II)B (III)
- + + 0 (i)
+ + - + A (II)
+ + - + B (III)
+ + + AB (IV)


- there is no agglutination;

- The reaction is not carried out.

The cross method was distributed due to the fact that it prevents diagnostic errors arising from the use of standard techniques.

Definition of blood type with zollons

Zoliclons - Synthetic serum substitutes that contain artificial substitutes of agglutinins of types ά and β. They are called the Erytrolestes "Zoliklon Anti-A" (have pink color), as well as "anti-B" (have blue). Expected agglutination is observed between the agglutinins of zoliclons and blood erythrocytes.

This technique does not require two series, it is more reliable and accurate. Research and evaluation of its results occurs in the same way as in the standard method.

Type of zoliclonov Blood type
The result of agglutinationAnti-A.Anti-B.
- - 0 (i)
+ - A (II)
- + B (III)
+ + AB (IV)

The IV group (AB) is necessarily confirmed by agglutination with the Cologone "Anti-AB", as well as the absence of red blood cells in an isotonic sodium chloride solution.

Express method with the help of the "Erythrotest Group"

Although the generally accepted ways of determining the affiliation of blood to a particular group are common everywhere, in modern medicine there is an introduction of express methods, the most common of which is "erythrotest".

When determining the group using the ErythroTest Group Methodology, a set of tools is required, including the following devices:

  • A tablet with five holes, for the product of the group to determine the group by its rhesus affiliation and the AV0 system;
  • A scarifier designed to obtain the sample necessary for the study;
  • Glass wands for mixing samples;
  • Clean pipette for set of solutions.

All listed tools are necessary for error-free diagnostics.

A set for the analysis of blood "Erythrotest-group-up" allows the study of the Rh and the definition of a blood group in all conditions, it is particularly effective in the absence of the possibility of using generally accepted methods.

In the wells on the tablet, Zoliklons are located to antigens (these are the civiclones anti-a, -in, -Av) and to the main antigen, which causes the inheritance of the Rh. The fifth well contains a control reagent that allows you to prevent possible errors and competently define belonging to the blood group.

Video: Definitions of blood groups with zoliclon

Know your blood group and your relatives should every person. After all, it can in case of unforeseen situations save you or your loved ones. Blood can tell about your illnesses, and it is one of the most important elements in the structure of a person. The most accurate and reliably determine the blood group can a medical worker in a special laboratory. When choosing such specialists, it is worth stopping the choice in laboratories located in medical centers. The accuracy of determining the blood type depends on the equipment, the qualifications of health workers. We offer you several options where you can pass similar tests.


Since 1995, this network of multi-profile private licensed medical centers offers its paid services to Muscovites. Their diagnostic laboratories are equipped with modern equipment that meets all the necessary standards. In the laboratory, more than 650 types of analyzes are carried out. Therefore, you may not be doubted, the blood group here will be determined by unmistakably. At the same time, you will rate the service, high quality services. You can get acquainted with the rates on the clinic's website.


The independent laboratory "Invitro" is a clinics network in Moscow, other cities and countries (Kazakhstan, Ukraine). All their diagnostic centers provide a wide range of services, over 1 thousand types of research, the results of which are recognized and are valued by all medical institutions of our country. Of course, you can learn here and your Blood Group on the AVO system. Such a procedure does not take much time and is inexpensive (within 300 rubles).


The Medical Center "Healel" is engaged in both treating and effective disease prevention. He cooperates with major capital medical laboratories. Here you can pass various tests, incl. You can hand over common and highly specialized tests in "Urgent" mode, to a short time to determine the blood group, the rhesv factor. The cost of such services can be clarified by the reference phone or in the medical center itself.

Often people begin to think about their blood group when health problems occur. But a person is obliged to know such important information about himself and his relatives. When treating in the hospital, doctors will conduct this study on their own, but in critical cases, where every minute in the account, this information is essential. We will tell how to determine the blood group at home.

How to determine the blood group

In addition to emergency situations, knowledge of blood group and rhesv factor is required to improve human condition. For example, when making recommendations for nutrition.

There are 3 main ways to find out what kind of blood:

  1. Delivery of analysis in the laboratory.

This method is considered the most efficient. The study is conducted at a professional level with special equipment. The advantage of the method is to obtain an accurate result.

  1. Putting blood for donation.

This method is at the same time the most accurate and fast. In addition, the surrender of his blood can help the patient.

  1. Conducting research at home or tests for a blood group.

Without passing the necessary analyzes, it is very difficult to properly install the blood group, but the probability of the accuracy of the method of determination exists.

The advantage of the method is to exclude the need for hiking. The only thing that is necessary is knowledge of the theory in the field of biological sciences.

There is a special system of antigens AV0. A blood group is a special combination of antigens and antibodies of the AV0 system located on red blood cells. Agglutinins are antibodies contained in plasma. With the help of them, group affiliation is determined. α-agglutinin is characteristic of the I and III group, and β-agglutinin for I and II. In erythrocytes, antigens A or C may be contained separately, together or not at all. From here allocate 4 basic groups:

  1. I group. It is characterized by the content in plasma 2 agglutinins.
  2. The group II is distinguished by the content of β-agglutinin.
  3. The group III is characterized by an α-agglutinin content.
  4. IV Group - Agglutinins are absent.

The most rare group is the fourth. The first and second groups are distributed.

Rh Factor (RH) is an antigen defined with a blood group. It is positive and negative.

Methods for conducting research accessories to blood groups without surrender

The easiest option to find out where the blood group is written is to look for information in the passport. Most people have a seal with the appropriate blood group and the rhesus. If there are no such data in the passport, then you should see a medical map.

In the discharge from the map, group signs should be indicated. Depending on them, it is possible to determine the blood group. If it is indicated 00, then you have the group; 0a, aa - II; 0B, BB - III and AB - IV. The rhesus factor find out even easier, should be "+" or "-".

Remember! Only a specialized doctor will be able to correctly define your group and a rhust factor in analyzing tests.

As linked blood group and taste preferences

Some experts put forward several theories about the influence of the blood group on the taste preferences of people.

According to the studies, they attributed certain classes of products to each group. Thus, finding out that you love most, you can predict your data.

Representatives of the I Group include fans of meat products. For II - is characterized by love for vegetables and various types of porridge. People preferring dairy products belong to III. No obvious taste preferences of representatives of the IV group.

Blood group and psychology

It is believed that the blood group affects the nature and ability of a person. Using this theory, you can compare your character.

Personality with obviously pronounced leadership qualities, a hard character, confident, is a representative of the first group. The second includes people calm, quiet and peaceful. The third - characterizes bright, eccentric and sociable personalities. The characteristics of the fourth representatives are to highlight much more difficult, they are too versatile.

Important! These theories do not give a complete presentation on the required issue. Further application of information on therapeutic purposes may harm your health.

How to find out a blood group and ray factor at a child

There is an opportunity to study on belonging to a specific group of blood until the birth of the baby.

Everyone knows that anyone inherits genes from their parents. A similar situation occurs in the case of this analysis. To determine it, it is enough to know the group of blood of the father and mother. In this case, by overpaying all possible combinations, you can find out the child's belonging to the group in the percentage ratio.

As mentioned above, there are conventions for each group. Using them, you can get the necessary information. Of course, not all cases guarantee a definition with 100% accuracy. But it is worth lifying possible combinations.

If both parents relate to the first group (00), the second (AA) or third (explosive), then with a probability of 100% of the child will be the same. In cases, if one parent I (00), and in the other II (AA) or III (BB), it comes out II (A0) or III (B0), respectively. The fourth group can be a child who is one parent with the second group (AA), and the other with the third (explosive).

With the Rh factor, the situation is much easier. If both parents have a negative, then the baby will be similar. In other cases, it is impossible to predict the result.

Attention! If the father has a positive ray factor, and the mother has a negative, necessarily to consult with a specialist.

Innovative methods for determining blood group and rhesv factor at home

To date, scientists from Austria have developed a unique way to analyze at home, which will help you quickly find out the blood group. They were held very serious work. The method foreshadows not only exact result, but also the simplicity of its overall.

To do this manipulation at home, only a small test strip and a drop of blood is needed. Literally a few minutes later there will be a ready-made result.

Such an innovation will avoid waiting for the analysis and the very result in the hospital. Often the time in such a question plays an important role.

Home Test Factor

Do not lag behind innovations and specialists from Denmark. Express cards developed by them, under the trade name "Eldoncard" allow you to significantly reduce the process of processing this analysis. And they can be used in emergency situations in hospitals, educational institutions and at home.

Based on improved types of "dry" monocloral reagents. With their help, it is possible to determine the AV0 antigens and the rhesus affiliation together and separately.

For analysis, specially trained personnel, laboratories and equipment are required. You will need only water or physical. solution.

Procedure for conducting research:

  1. In each circle with a reagent add a drop of water.
  2. Take blood and apply it for a special wand.
  3. Apply to the card and wait 1.5-2 minutes.

Attention! After the interpretation of the result, you must apply a protective film to the test for its complete safety (up to 3 years).

Express test has a wide range of storage temperature. He passed numerous tests in various premises, in emergency situations, has certification in Russia.

As a result, if you are simply interested to know your blood group and the process of conducting the study, then you will certainly use the instructions shown in the article. Otherwise, it is worth contacting the medical institution to obtain an accurate result. In any case, no matter what causes are, to make a kind of analysis at home yourself quite real!

In addition to emergency situations, knowledge of blood group and rhesv factor is required to improve human condition. For example, when making recommendations for nutrition.

There are 3 main ways to find out what kind of blood:

  1. Delivery of analysis in the laboratory.

This method is considered the most efficient. The study is conducted at a professional level with special equipment. The advantage of the method is to obtain an accurate result.

  1. Putting blood for donation.

This method is at the same time the most accurate and fast. In addition, the surrender of his blood can help the patient.

  1. Conducting research at home or tests for a blood group.

Without passing the necessary analyzes, it is very difficult to properly install the blood group, but the probability of the accuracy of the method of determination exists.

The advantage of the method is to exclude the need for hiking. The only thing that is necessary is knowledge of the theory in the field of biological sciences.

There is a special system of antigens AV0. A blood group is a special combination of antigens and antibodies of the AV0 system located on red blood cells.

Agglutinins are antibodies contained in plasma. With the help of them, group affiliation is determined.

α-agglutinin is characteristic of the I and III group, and β-agglutinin for I and II. In erythrocytes, antigens A or C may be contained separately, together or not at all.

From here allocate 4 basic groups:

  1. I group. It is characterized by the content in plasma 2 agglutinins.
  2. The group II is distinguished by the content of β-agglutinin.
  3. The group III is characterized by an α-agglutinin content.
  4. IV Group - Agglutinins are absent.

The most rare group is the fourth. The first and second groups are distributed.

Rh Factor (RH) is an antigen defined with a blood group. It is positive and negative.

To accurately learn your blood group and its rhesus, you should contact a special medical laboratory. It is here that it will determine with the most reliable accuracy.

It will take a sample of the finger, which is mixed with a small amount of standard antibodies (monocotal, they are produced by immune cells against protein). In the mixing process, a biochemical reaction occurs, due to which the laboratory specialists decipher the results obtained.

So, in some cases, the blood is collapsed in the form of flakes, and in others - no.

Many will say that information about the blood group and rezes is indicated in the passport on the same page. Indeed, this practice exists. Especially in Soviet times, every citizen of the country had to have such a mark.

What does blood consist of

Before proceeding to consider how to find out your blood group, analyze, which consists of a red liquid. Many know that there is plasma and dense uniform elements in it.

Thanks to the first component "Yushka" in the body - liquid, therefore, all organs and systems of vital activity receive nutrients in a timely manner. The uniform elements are leukocytes, red blood cells and platelets that provide blood sharing.

The structure of the platelets also includes the antigens of the two groups "A" and "B".

In the blood serum there are agglutinins, which are also divided into categories "Alpha" and "Beta".

In the process of laboratory tests, different samples are combined with each other and their reaction is just determining how each of them belongs to. Such a research method was named "AVO" system. Experts found that today there are over one and a half million different groups based on the individual characteristics of each person.

At the same time, there is a typical classification according to which four categories are distinguished, inside each of which can be either negative or positive rear factor. Moreover, the second is usually dominant.

For example, if one parent has 1 blood group with positive rezes, and the other is the same group, but the rezes is negative, then their siblos will have a rhesus with a plus sign. This is another reason to ask the question, how to find out your blood group.

Methods for determining the GC

The presence of the policy gives the right to receive:

  • emergency medical care (when calling ambulance or independent appeal for medical help);
  • outpatient treatment (that is, to receive and consult specialists in a medical institution at the place of registration);
  • stationary treatment (treatment in the hospital at day or around the clock)

To pass the analysis for free, you need to get a direction in the medical institution at the place of registration. To do this, you need to get to the reception to a profile doctor. After inspection and evaluation of your condition, the doctor discharges the direction for their surrender. In this case, the following scheme works:

  • the direction is given to surrender in the same medical organization;
  • if there is no possibility of free delivery in this organization, the doctor is obliged to send to another medical institution;
  • if you can not pass this analysis in your settlement for free, the doctor gives the direction of testing in a private laboratory on a fee basis.

The easiest option to find out where the blood group is written is to look for information in the passport. Most people have a seal with the appropriate blood group and the rhesus. If there are no such data in the passport, then you should see a medical map.

In the discharge from the map, group signs should be indicated. Depending on them, it is possible to determine the blood group. If it is indicated 00, then you have the group; 0a, aa - II; 0B, BB - III and AB - IV. The rhesus factor find out even easier, the above should stand "" or "-".

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Remember! Only a specialized doctor will be able to correctly define your group and a rhust factor in analyzing tests.

  1. The child's blood group can be determined by parents. In some cases, the option is possible, in some response will be unambiguous. Parents with the same rezv, the child inherits it with a probability of 100%. If the parents have a rhesus factor different, then the chances of inheriting any of them are equal. In cases where the rhesus-positive mother develops a rhesus-negative fruit, a rhesus conflict is possible, fraught with unbearable and miscarriages in the early stages. It is very important to take action from the doctor.

In the morning clock, an empty stomach you will take blood from the vein and will be transferred to the laboratory, where it will be investigated by a simple immunohematological reaction. The meaning of the analysis is quite simple. A laboratory assistant on a flat plate with the help of a waxy pencil puts eight marks in the number of groups and rhesus factors in each of them.

Next, the serum "standard" is placed near each of them, in the structure of which a small amount of patient's blood is added. If the serum antigen comes with an antibody "red" fluid, and the sand falls into the precipitate - this means that the reaction of agglutination has occurred.

In order to verify the resulting result, it is additionally confirmed by the cross-reaction, which allows you to accurately determine the rhesus factor. Moreover, the rare blood group is the fourth "negative". Information about the results of the analysis is recorded in the passport, since this is the main document for humans.

For the blood type, the definition methodology has several. All of them are based on reactions with the studied samples. But as reagents use various chemical components. Under any circumstances, laboratory research results give a reliable in 100% cases.

The definition of a blood group and a ray factor can be carried out at home. However, over time, it will be necessary to check out your own research. After all, this method of determining the Rh Factor and blood group is not informative for physicians, even has the right to exist.

  1. First define the GC of both parents. If both are the same, then the child can not have another.
  2. If the parent does not coincide - then the offspring inherits one of them. Until recently, it was believed that there was no other interpretation. Recent studies have proven that it all depends on the presence of certain antigens and antibodies.
  3. How to determine the rhesus factor? It is very simple if both parents have a negative rhesus. In this case, it will be the same in the descendants. All other options can give both "" and "-".

A table, which is easily determined by the likelihood of inheriting genetic information by children from parents, will provide an opportunity to navigate in the situation. Answer how to determine the Future Baby Rh Factor, almost impossible.

Blood Groups Parents The likelihood of inheritance by a child (%)
1 2 3 4
1 1 100
1 2 50 50
1 3 50 50
1 4 20 25 25 25
2 2 25 75
2 3 25 50 25 25
2 4 50 25 25
3 3 25 75
3 4 25 50 25
4 4 25 25 50

Rhow-factor - information hereditary, formed by the child in the womb of the mother and does not change all his life, like the GC. To learn the rhesus before the appearance is difficult, only in the case of the tests of cord blood. But such a study is very dangerous and for him need good testimony. For example, in the event of a heavy rhesv conflict for the implementation of timely treatment.

See also: How to check the policy of the CTP to authenticity in the database?

The procedure for providing citizens of free medical devices on MSE polisms is regulated by the following regulatory acts:

  • law No. 326;
  • Resolution No. 1403;
  • laws of subjects of the Russian Federation.

All citizens of the Russian Federation, who received the Policy of the OMS, guaranteed medical assistance, both in the basic and additional (regional) programs. The main program includes not only the treatment of pathologies established by the doctor, but also timely identification of such pathologies, as well as preventive measures.

The list of diseases subject to free therapy throughout the Russian Federation is briefly represented in paragraph 6 of Art. 35 of Law No. 326, but in more detail in the list of section 4 of Resolutions No. 1403.

Free are analyzes appointed for the following purposes:

  1. treatment of pathology present in the list;
  2. diagnosis of this pathology;
  3. diagnostics of possible accompanying pathologies;
  4. prevention of suspect pathology and concomitant diseases.

For example, the doctor according to the described patient symptoms suspects a specific pathology, which is often accompanied by another pathology. If the analyzes for the presence of the main disease are free, then the tests for the presence of a concomitant disease should also be carried out in the framework of services paid by the insurance company.

The main medical standards for which the diseases listed in basic and additional programs are treated on the website of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Among the main free types of analyzes, the following can be distinguished:

  • blood test for syphilis - markers, HIV, and other infections;
    blood tests and plasma on the content of the main elements (red taurus);
  • biochemical blood tests and lymphs;
  • analysis of hormone content;
  • tissue biopsy;
  • high-tech analytical studies of tissues and organs (MRI, CT);
  • x-ray studies;
  • ultrasound tests of tissues and organs;
  • squeezes and smears of skin cover, extreme flesh and saliva.

Only expensive tests may be paid with suspicion of rare autoimmune or genetic diseases, which are less common than 0.01% of cases, as well as analyzes aesthetic medicine.

To determine the legality of the director of the doctor to surrender paid analyzes, it is necessary to find out whether the necessary analysis is included in the list of services provided on the basic insurance program.

It is important to know that the basic list of medical services provided throughout the country can be complemented by:

  • regional medical programs;
  • employer programs.

Regional programs are budget subventions for the payment of services that are not in the All-Russian List, and which are free only in a specific subject of the federation. To obtain these services can only patients with register in the region and received an insurance policy from local insurers.

Is it possible to learn without analyzes

There is an opportunity to study on belonging to a specific group of blood until the birth of the baby.

Everyone knows that anyone inherits genes from their parents. A similar situation occurs in the case of this analysis. To determine it, it is enough to know the group of blood of the father and mother. In this case, by overpaying all possible combinations, you can find out the child's belonging to the group in the percentage ratio.

As mentioned above, there are conventions for each group. Using them, you can get the necessary information. Of course, not all cases guarantee a definition with 100% accuracy. But it is worth lifying possible combinations.

If both parents relate to the first group (00), the second (AA) or third (explosive), then with a probability of 100% of the child will be the same. In cases, if one parent I (00), and in the other II (AA) or III (BB), it comes out II (A0) or III (B0), respectively. The fourth group can be a child who is one parent with the second group (AA), and the other with the third (explosive).

With the Rh factor, the situation is much easier. If both parents have a negative, then the baby will be similar. In other cases, it is impossible to predict the result.

Attention! If the father has a positive ray factor, and the mother has a negative, necessarily to consult with a specialist.

It should be noted that the study of the "red" fluid on the rhesus group is quite common.

The above analysis is necessarily undergoing women in a state of pregnancy, as well as young people calling for service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Russia.

For many years, the agglutination check in the conditions of Invitro was the main methodology for identifying AB0 / RH. With the advent of automatic analyzers, a new methodology has been introduced, including columns agglutination and solid-state test systems.

In a person's life, various unforeseen situations can occur: accidents, accidents. To quickly assist the doctor, you need to know the main medical data of the patient. Experts tell how to find out the blood group easily and quickly.

Why may you need

The group is a sequence number determined by the presence or absence of some antigens in red blood tales. It is necessary to know it in the following cases:

  • when blood transfusion, during the search for a donor suitable for the recipient and exclusion of their incompatibility;
  • when planning pregnancy - to prevent the reserves-conflict of mother and child;
  • during the preparation for the operation.

The blood type will help to find a suitable donor, the definition of which is carried out in laboratory conditions. Only in this case the transfusion will not cause rejection and complications. Not all types of blood can be mixed with each other. So, the carrier of the first group is a universal donor for all people, and the blood of the second group can be overflowing only to patients with a similar or 4 group, the latter are the best recipients, they can be overflowed any blood.

In rare cases during pregnancy, immune conflicts arise between mom and child. The future mom should be given tests for the presence of antibodies and regularly checked at the attending physician.

The indicator is important as a rhesus factor.

The timely definition of the blood factor will allow prevent reserves conflict from the future woman in labor.

How to prepare for test

Before determining the blood type and rhesus, it is necessary:

  • competently build your diet - do not overeat, consume a large amount of clean water;
  • inform the doctor about the reception of medicines and drugs;
  • avoid stressful situations and physical overload;
  • refuse smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Physiotherapeutic procedures will also have to temporarily postpone. Experts recommend abandoning meals 8-12 hours before blood delivery. Analyzes are surreated early in the morning, so such starvation will not bring a person discomfort. Having obtained results, it is recommended to check the blood again. This will help make sure the analysis accuracy.

How to determine the blood group in the clinic

In immunological laboratories, the blood test is inspected to the Rh factor and determine its group affiliation. Lab data operates in special medical centers and some hospitals. Contact these institutions can people who think about how to find out their group.

For fast diagnostics, the patient can consult a doctor to the field of his residence. The doctor will issue a direction with which a person will come on the appointed day into a procedural office. Results will be prepared in 2-3 business days, analyzes are held for free. In private clinics, the direction for testing will not be required: the blood here can be passed to or without pre-recording. About the timing of obtaining ready-made results will say a laboratory assistant, but often they are issued the next day.

For the study, the patient takes a small amount of blood from the elbow vein. In similar purposes in the maternity hospital, newborn children take blood from the vein on the head. In fact, in another case, the algorithm for determining the blood group is the same: blood mixed with a special solution is placed in a test tube, and then in a centrifuge. During this procedure, a precipitate is formed under the action of agglutinins. In the container with the working material is added to the physical concentration of 3%.

When recognizing the blood group, the determination method remains the same. Today, doctors still use the standard AV0 system. This system serves as the basis of a special test to determine the group and the dram. Letters A and B referred to special lipids, also referred to as agglutinogen.

For study requires 2 blood portions.

The first is added anti-A reagent, and to another - anti-c. The presence of an antibody indicates a particular group.

There are uniform methods for determining the rhesus factor. If, after scolding the fluid in the centrifuge, white flakes are distinguished on the surface, RH + is diagnosed. When the pink fluid is formed in the test tube, experts draw conclusions that the patient's rhesus is negative. Such a method for determining the rhesus factor allows you to get a guaranteed correct result.

What technique is used

There is a single technique for defining a group and a rhesus factor. During the study, agglutinogens are used - antibodies. Here is the occurrence of a positive or negative reaction. There are 4 options for final results. It:

  • complete lack of agglutination in 4 working cells indicating the first group;
  • lack of the desired reaction in cells 1 and 3, or the second group;
  • 3 group in the absence of agglutination in cells 1 and 2;
  • the presence of agglutination in cells 1, 2, 3 is 4 group.

The ABO system allows you to find out the necessary information in the shortest possible time. This method of determining the blood group has proven itself and is used in most medical centers.

How to find out a blood group without analyzes

Today, to determine their group affiliation of blood every person can independently, without contacting the medical institution. You can solve the problem, looking at the relevant information in medical maps of your parents. Girls inherit the group of their father, and the boys are mothers. Parents with identical indicators are born children with the same data. Get the necessary information, knowing parent data, will help the following table:

The necessary information may be contained in the personal medical map of the person in the clinic at the place of residence. You can find information in the registration of a medical institution.

You can check your data without analyzing the hospital with a special test. To study at home, you must purchase a set consisting of several components:

  • tablets with 5 holes, with which you can find out the blood rhesus and group;
  • tools for obtaining samples;
  • glass sticks for mixing liquids;
  • pure pipettes for transporting solutions.

The set will allow a person to understand what his blood is. Everyone can conduct an analysis to itself. In the wells on the tablet there are reagents to antigens (Zoliclona -A, -B, -AV), as well as to the main antigen, which allows you to find out your reserves factor (Cologone Anti-D).

The hole at number 5 contains a control reagent. It helps prevent probable mistakes and inaccuracies, competently identify group affiliation and other important indicators. Despite the ease and availability of this procedure, the most proven study way is still considered to appeal to a specialized laboratory or medical center. The probability of error in this case is relatively small.

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