Global game. The best political simulators

Want to rewrite history? Make Scotland a superpower, pit Mexico against Europe, save Joan of Arc from burning, or simply repeat the feat of famous military leaders of past centuries? This is only possible with the help of global strategies. Companies involved in the development of computer toys provide a wide field for activity, so it is not at all necessary to get involved in politics “in real life” - no one is stopping you from conquering fantasy worlds or outer space.

The dominance of shooters, open-world RPGs, and other projects labeled “online” have made the genre almost exotic. Even smart indies come out almost every day, unlike good global strategies. Organizations and private projects on Kickstarter are trying to revive the genre, but they are not succeeding. All we have is, in fact, continuations of already existing ideas and universes with a prefix in the name - 2, 3, 4, etc., and something new and fresh, alas, is represented by isolated samples or is completely absent in the game year.

So, let's try to identify the best global strategies that have distinguished themselves by their quality component, interesting plot, entertaining gameplay and positive user ratings. The list was compiled based on reviews from gaming publications, but ranking projects for the most part is pointless, because they all deserve attention, and a specific setting is not for everyone. Some people like space, some cannot live without a sword and armor, and some don’t even care where or how - as long as they conquer something.

The top global strategies look like this:

  • Total War: Shogun 2.
  • Crusader Kings 2.
  • Europa Universalis 4.
  • Sid Meier's Civilization 6.
  • Stellaris.
  • Endless Legend.
  • Endless Space 2.
  • Anno 2205.

Let's take a closer look at the games.

Total War: Shogun 2

Almost all the Total War series are divided into two main components - real-time battles and a global economic strategy in turn-based mode. The player, in addition to mass massacre, needs to develop settlements, hire military leaders, deal with taxes, conduct diplomatic negotiations and send special agents on risky missions.

The global strategy with the economy in “Total War” may not be as well thought out as in other projects, but this part cannot be called a “tick” at all. In Shogun 2, both components turned out to be well developed. And even though the turn-based mode on the global map is just a prelude to epic battles, it is no worse than massive battles.

On the plus side, you can add a very beautiful and well-recreated setting of 16th century Japan, as well as perfect balance and atmospheric musical component. The world of global strategies “Total War” has always been easy to master, and “Shogun 2” was no exception: the barrier to entry for new users is minimal.

Crusader Kings 2

As for the second “Crusaders”, the game interface and the process itself cannot be called friendly for beginners. The threshold for entry into the international global strategy is quite high, and in the first hours of the game the lion's share of the time will be spent studying the menu branches, maps and other tactical possibilities. But the material is correctly reinforced by a training campaign, so serious problems there is no.

Once you understand the controls and thoroughly understand the process, you will realize that Crusaders 2 is one of the best global strategies among other representatives of the genre. Describing the game, we can say that it is an excellent generator of addictive stories and adventures, dedicated to family squabbles, betrayals, conspiracies and other intrigues that took place in medieval Europe.

In this global strategy, you can become a petty lord from some godforsaken Scottish county and, walking over the bones of your enemies, as well as through the diplomatic jungle, unite your lands and become a contender for the royal title. Each new campaign generates a chain of random events, so there is no need to talk about monotony. It is especially popular among fans of the series “Game of Thrones” due to its similar setting and similar intrigues. The latter feel at home in the Crusaders.

Europa Universalis 4

If in the previous game you had some individuals, then in Europa Universalis 4 you will control entire empires. There is no place for small conflicts here - only grandiose military campaigns.

At your disposal are entire states that will need to be led to victory in various wars, be it colonial feuds or religious ones. In this case, the player becomes not the king of his subjects, but the leader of the nation, so there is no time to unravel the intrigues - you need to have time to conquer the world before someone else does it.

Sid Meier's Civilization 6

The Civilization series can be called a classic representative of the global strategy genre. Sid Meier managed to create an original and addictive product that you can lose yourself in for weeks, or even months.

Unlike other games of this type, Civilization is not tied to any specific period. The strategy takes the user through a whole chain of eras, starting from small ones. At first, you build a small settlement, engage in hunting, farming and fight with careless neighbors using spears, bows and axes.

Features of the strategy

But after a few hours or even days, under your leadership is no longer a small village, but an industrial developed country where skyscrapers grow and Atom stations. The instruments of influence on neighbors, naturally, are also changing: tanks, fighters, laser weapons and nuclear warheads.

As for the sixth “Civilization” specifically, beginners will relatively easily master the basic controls and, thanks to a competent training campaign, will quickly get involved in the process. This is an extremely high-quality strategy, taking only from previous series best ideas and bringing them almost to perfection. “Civilization” is truly a place where you can disappear for a long time and enthusiastically build your own world.


This is a global space strategy for those who are cramped and stuffy on the small planet Earth. An ambitious player is given the opportunity to conquer the entire galaxy for any of the presented races.

The player will have to colonize new worlds, develop existing ones, improve technologies, and also devote a considerable part of his time to diplomacy. If the last option does not suit you at all, then you can go exclusively along the military branch and, having assembled a huge fleet, exterminate all those undesirable and conquer the rebellious.

Distinctive features of the strategy

Random generation of events will not let you get bored in the huge universe. You never know in advance what awaits you on a particular planet. You may meet someone you don't know alien race, find a valuable artifact or activate a whole chain of additional quests, the completion of which will bring you or your interstellar empire useful bonuses.

Just like with Civilization, you can get stuck here for a very long time. Equipping one planet after another and getting involved in military feuds, you will not notice how the whole day (or night) flies by. This is a very thoughtful and high-quality project that can be recommended to all ambitious conquerors.

Endless Legend

"Endless Legend" is a kind of similarity to the above-mentioned "Civilization". But this doesn’t make the game any less quality. Both products have similar gameplay, but Legend is distinguished by its original and memorable setting.

Here we have a pun from science fiction and fantasy with a very competent implementation. "Endless Legend" is devoid of similar factions. Each separate group has some of its own distinctive features. For example, Lords of Dust (ghosts) do not require food and instead absorb energy resources. While monsters or necrophages do not have diplomatic relations with other races at all, they obtain food by devouring conquered tribes.

One of the main features of the “Endless Legend” is, first of all, survival, and only then wars and other feuds with neighbors. Seasons in the game change quite quickly and chaotically. The winters are harsh, and the ruler, who spent six months running away to neighboring tribes and did not pay enough attention to the internal economy and peaceful industry, risks not living until next spring.

Endless Space 2

"Endless Legend" and "Endless Space" are games from the same developer. And if the rulers of the first strategy did not leave the Earth, then for the second there are no longer any obstacles. The manner in which the campaign and development branches are presented are somewhat similar in the games, but there are still specific and critical differences.

The game attracts with its graphical component, which has been noticeably improved compared to the first part. You can choose which way to develop your empire. If you want to defeat your opponents with technical superiority, please invest in the appropriate branches, and not a single enemy military ship will even come close to your planets. The enemy fleet will simply disintegrate its defense systems into atoms. If you like managing beautiful interstellar ships and forcefully solving all pending conflicts, then the aggressive development branch is just for you.

At the beginning of the game, each player is given an equal number of planets and opportunities. By developing basic and specific skills, you choose your own play style, and “Endless Space” does not limit you in anything, but only indulges your desires.

Anno 2205

The Anno series is a city planning and economic simulator. The previous games in the series took place on land and underwater, but on planet Earth. New strategy allows us to explore our satellite - the Moon.

But in order to get there, you will first have to build several factories, scientific centers and launch silos on the ground. After the resources have been collected and the necessary buildings have been built, you can proceed to the development of the satellite with all the attendant cosmic realities such as weightlessness, meteor showers and anarchists who always confuse the plans.

Game Features

Despite the fact that the game is positioned by the developer as a city-planning and economic simulator, there is more than enough combat action in it, where global strategists can express themselves to the fullest.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the visual side of the project. Magnificent panoramas general view along with the meticulous detailing of the small details are simply amazing. Despite all its beauty, the game only slightly added to the system requirements, and the level of acceptable FPS was largely achieved through competent optimization.

As for the entry threshold, a smart training campaign will not let you get confused in the interface and will guide you step by step through all the hot spots of Anno. After an hour or two, the newcomers’ discomfort disappears, and they already feel at ease, ready to conquer the earth’s satellite.

A true classic - the first 3D game from Blizzard and one of best strategies basically.

When it released in 2002, Warcraft III had it all. Wonderful graphics, which, thanks to the unique style, look good even now, exciting gameplay with role-playing elements that influenced the entire RTS genre, a gorgeous plot in a well-thought-out universe, and support for mods.

If it weren't for Warcraft III, there would be neither DotA nor the MOBA genre as such.

2. XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Tactical strategy on PC in which you need to defend the Earth from aliens.

The main thing about XCOM is the constant need to take on challenges. Who should you send on a difficult mission: a veteran who will have a better chance of winning, or a newbie who you won’t mind losing? Which one should be given more powerful armor or a gun? Should you order the fighters to attack the strongest alien or deal with the smaller enemies first?

Every aspect of the game - managing the base, changing character equipment and the battles themselves - is incredibly exciting.

3. Company of Heroes

In appearance this is the most ordinary strategy game, but in reality Company of Heroes is one of the most humane games about war. This is because the player rarely has more than a few squads under his command (unlike several dozen units in traditional RTS). You worry about the fighters as much as you do about yourself and build tactics in such a way as to ensure their survival.

With an advanced graphics engine for its time and thoughtful missions, Company of Heroes shows the brutality of war. No matter how hard you try, people still die - this is the price of victory.

4. StarCraft II

StarCraft II is the world's premier eSports strategy game. Every millimeter of the map, every character's special ability, every building available for construction - everything is mathematically verified to generate the most exciting matches. It’s not for nothing that tournaments in the game take place almost every couple of weeks, and the prize pools in them reach up to $700,000.

If you don't really like microcontrol and multitasking, then StarCraft II also has a great single-player campaign. It has an excellent plot about the confrontation between three races and various types of missions. Plus, you don’t have to click the mouse so much to complete it.

5. Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak

6. Supreme Commander

The spiritual successor to Total Annihilation, which improves and expands on the ideas of the original. Essentially, this is a game about leisurely battles of huge people on giant maps.

Matches in Supreme Commander rarely last less than an hour. This time is needed to build a base with a balanced economy and prepare enough combat units to destroy the enemy.

Supreme Commander is a grand strategy game in every sense. The number of fighters on one side sometimes reaches a thousand, and you need to think through your actions at least 10 minutes in advance.

7. Total War: Shogun 2

Among the games in the Total War series, it is difficult to choose the best, but Lifehacker settled on Shogun 2. Of all the modern parts, it is perhaps the most complete, concentrated and understandable even for beginners.

In Total War: Shogun 2, the player takes on the role of the head of a clan in medieval Japan. The goal is to take over the entire country. To do this, you can use diplomacy, economics, and even intrigue - sending assassins and spies.

But the main thing is, of course, epic battles, in which it is very important to correctly place your troops on the location.

8. Age of Empires II HD

In Age of Empires II, the player needs to lead a civilization through several eras: the Dark Ages, feudalism, the castle era, and so on. You can play as one of several factions, such as Japan, Mongolia or the Celts.

The main feature of the game is the combination of resource management with military operations. When fighting in Age of Empires II, it’s not enough to just raise an army; you also need to build a powerful economy by building houses, quarries and sawmills, and cultivating fields.

The term “global strategy” comes from the English “grand strategy”, and is applied to games that give the player the opportunity to control an entire state, planet or even civilization. Unlike their closest relatives (classic and), in which the gamer has to solve purely tactical problems, also divided into separate missions, global strategies provide the opportunity to launch larger-scale activities, including economic, political, research and military components.

More details

A classic example of this very popular genre is the Civilization strategy series. It is considered a classic not only because it was at the origins of the genre, but also because its gameplay lacks the tactical component that dominates other strategies. This means that the player has access only to a global map, where all actions take place in a step-by-step mode, while the player takes minimal participation directly in battles. This feature has made global strategies a niche product, which, however, is in great demand among a certain audience of users - those who are leisurely, integrated development more important than constant action and endless wars.

The Total War series of games revolutionized the genre. In 2000, the first game in the series called Shogun was released, which combined two strategic modes: global turn-based and real-time tactical. In Shogun, armies were no longer abstract units, but were made up of concrete units that could be controlled on tactical maps. The project created a real sensation among gamers and for a long time determined the vector of development of the entire genre. The idea of ​​combining the two modes was consolidated in the sequel Medieval: Total War, in which the global map was noticeably expanded and the tactical component became much more diverse. Today, the practice of combining tactical and strategic modes is used by all the best global strategies, although the details of the gameplay, of course, may differ.

Global space-themed strategies are no less popular. Projects such as Galactic Civilizations II, Master of Orion, Space Empires are familiar to every self-respecting gamer. In such games, the player has control over entire solar systems and even constellations, and the economic, research and political components are so deep and complex that game process they drag on for months.








The best grand strategy games on PC

1. Sid Meier's Civilization Series

One of the best strategic franchises in principle: Civilization is the development of humanity from space flights, complex relationships with neighbors, which are often resolved with nuclear salvoes, an endless race for the possession of wonders of the world and cultural masterpieces, espionage, sabotage, revolutions and other delights of a civilized society .

2. Total War series

Total War organically mixes the gameplay of global strategy and real-time strategy: on the general map, you move your troops in turn-based mode, manage cities and build diplomatic relations with competitors, and on the tactical map, you fight enemy armies, leading squads of fighters as a military leader.

In this series you will find games for every taste: historical, fantasy - the only thing missing is space. Individual releases of the Total War line will allow you to change the course of the Napoleonic Wars, influence the conquest of Europe by the Huns, fight for the British Isles, unite the feudal and even take part in a bloody war between people, dwarves, and other fairy-tale factions.

3. Europa Universalis Series

A line of strategy games in which you can completely redesign political map Europe. Moreover, it is proposed to do this not by military means (although this possibility is also present), but through complex diplomacy, concluding alliances (including dynastic marriages), establishing a strong economy, control over religion and other opportunities.

Different installments of the franchise take players to different time periods. When choosing a game, you choose the time with the appropriate historical events: you can colonize America, start a revolution in France, take part in the Hundred Years' War, and so on.

4. Hearts of Iron Series

And this franchise, placed in our top, is dedicated to a very small but very important segment of human history (as well as short periods before and after it). The action still takes place in Europe, and you are given the opportunity to completely change the course of events: for example, conquer Germany, playing as Poland, or having reached Berlin as the USSR, continue moving west.

5. Stellaris

A 4X strategy that can truly be called “global”, because the events here cover neither more nor less – the whole galaxy! Hundreds of star systems can come under your control if you expand wisely, paying attention to both diplomacy and scientific research, and a strong economy, and a powerful army. Otherwise, you will inevitably be absorbed by a stronger galactic civilization.

6.Victoria II

In this global strategy, one of 200 countries falls under your control during a difficult period for humanity from the second half of the 19th century century before the outbreak of World War II. This is a time of industrial revolutions, social upheavals and insoluble contradictions between empires. Will you be able to raise the rating of your state above all rivals or will you perish under the yoke of external and internal problems?

7.Master of Orion 2

A classic (released back in 1996), but a strategy that is still beloved by fans who never stop releasing patches, mods and other content for it. Master of Orion 2 is dedicated to the conquest of space, and rest assured: it will surprise you more than once with its detailed gameplay, smart AI and an abundance of unusual situations. In 2016, the Master of Orion series received a remake from the company, but although it was made very well, it does not reach the level of the original games.

8. Crusader Kings 1-2

9. Endless Space

Another strategy about space conquest on our list. In accordance with the name, space here is almost endless - there is enough space for expanding the galactic strategy. Interestingly, Endless Space (as well as its sequel) is part of the Endless Universe line, which includes several games in 2018 different genres: In addition to the 4X strategy Endless Space, on PC you can download the global strategy Endless Legend in the spirit of Civilization and the hybrid and Dungeon of the Endless.

10. Galactic Civilizations Series

The last franchise in our ranking is also dedicated to the conquest of galaxies. Don't be fooled by Galactic Civilizations' cartoonish visual style: challenging gameplay awaits you with planetary engineering, multi-layered diplomacy, and epic battles.

How do global strategies differ from ordinary ones? Its scale. In them we control a huge state, an empire or the whole world, deciding a large number of problems. The most popular are global strategies on a regular PC. There were attempts to transfer such projects to consoles, but the controls were not so hot, and gamers did not particularly like it.

Even such a niche category of games has hundreds of projects that are difficult to understand just by reading the description. So that you don’t waste time and choose a game to play within a few minutes, we have selected the best global computer strategies. Read their short review and then make your choice. Go!

Stellaris - conquering space

Let's start with a global 4X real-time strategy, where you need to develop in outer space, populating planet after planet. The game world is procedurally generated, and therefore each new playthrough will be unique and bring fresh impressions. In addition, with procedural generation, the gamer influences the development of the world. So, the realism of the game is worthy of praise.

Here you will be engaged in construction, influencing political life empires, control one or more planets at the same time. You will also have to ensure that each faction lives in peace, happy with its position. The role of a galactic emperor is a million times more complex than that of an earthly emperor. Therefore, get ready for real tests.

If you have not encountered the grand strategy genre before, you will almost certainly have difficulties in terms of control and understanding of what is happening on the screen. In order to understand all this, you will have to read guides and watch video after video from experienced gamers explaining the intricacies of the gameplay. At first it will not be easy to watch and play, but as soon as your knowledge becomes deep, you will be happy to delve into the development of the space state and achieve considerable success.

Galactic Civilizations 3 - feuds on a galactic scale

The third part of the popular series continues what the developers laid down from the very beginning. There won’t be any here either, but, on the other hand, the player’s role in fleet construction has been increased. Now you can control much more processes and influence the quality of finished mechanisms. This game can be called both a simulator and an economic strategy. But, first of all, this is a global military strategy in a space setting. You choose a planet with warlike inhabitants, and then lead your charges to victory over numerous enemies.

The project is worthy of adding to our list of the best global strategies, because the mechanisms of government management are well developed here. You can control the smallest processes, from mining minerals to installing additional armor shields on warships.

You may have to spend a lot of time learning all the functionality, but a life-saving video or written guide will help you figure it out. As expected, there is a cooperative here, so feel free to call your friends and start building a new wonderful world in the vastness of the vast galaxy.

Master of Orion - manage colonies

This game was released in 1996, but can still bring a lot of pleasure to fans of grand strategy games. Here the player can take control of one of the races and lead it to prosperity, extracting resources, fighting enemies and capturing new territories. The project is suitable for those who do not pay attention to graphics and value gameplay first.

The gamer will have to do important choice at the very beginning - choose the ideal race. The fact is that each race has features, using which you can achieve good results. On the other hand, if you lose sight of these features and “bend” your line, nothing will work out. Good advice— before starting the game, study all the information about the races. And then move on.

Interestingly, some of the processes here are borrowed from a more popular member of the “Association of Global Strategies” - “Civilization” became the inspiration for the developers who created a similar management system. Thus, it became possible to redistribute the inhabitants of the planet and set a specific occupation for each group. Someone will take care agriculture, someone will be entrusted with industrial production, and so on.

Total War Warhammer 2 - the perfect strategy

Since the news appeared about the creation of the second part of the sensational fantasy offshoot “Total War”, the game has become the main object of discussion on thematic forums. Articles on popular resources, one after another, talked about how large-scale and fantastically spectacular the project would be. It was argued that the developers took all the best from the first part and decided to create the coolest strategy of our time. In fact, that’s what happened!

What are the strategies from “Total War” so famous for? In them, you not only manage your wards on a global map and take care of the economy. When they come Hard times, you can take an army and go cut down the enemy in real time on a real map with the participation of tens of thousands of units! That's why the series' projects always top the top global strategies. Those same cinematic massive battles that sent shivers down your spine, thanks to “Total War”, became available on the computer. From year to year, developers created new engines and improved them. With the release of the second part of “Warhammer” based on the legendary universe, it became clear that now this is one of the most advanced strategies in all respects. The graphics are off the charts, the functionality is excellent, and the musical accompaniment is amazing.

Of course, there are some small bugs and shortcomings, without mentioning which the review and description of the project would be too biased. But it is worth noting that the creators are in close contact with the community and quickly respond to all comments. The result is that updates with fixes are constantly coming out.

Sid Meier's Civilization VI - build a civilization

Already the sixth part of the strategy that has conquered the world has been released on personal computers and is delighting fans of the genre. For those who have never heard of “Civilization” - this is a global economic turn-based strategy where you can play as different cultures and civilization. The gameplay is not real time, so there is some time to think. Conquer the world section by section. There are an incredible number of strategic possibilities:
- control construction;
- arm the army;
- conduct research;
- create new technologies;
- distribute resources wisely and so on.

This is probably the best turn-based simulator of the development of the world from ancient times to the space age. It is unlikely that there will be a project that can compete with “civa” in this regard.

Of course, a good player learns first. This rule works perfectly here. First, you need to find a training video on all the functions of the interface. This will be a good foundation for the future ruler of the world. But you don’t have to watch the video, figuring everything out on your own. If you wish, you can invite your friends and arrange a showdown on a global scale in the co-op.

Europa Universalis IV - huge map

In the genre of top turn-based global computer strategies, this is a real gem. When gamers are asked how Europa Universalis differs from the rest, they answer: “It has a very developed economic component.” Indeed, although war has a special meaning in this game world, it requires a large amount of funds to wage it. Using many interface functions, you will manage the economic life of the state on the global map and lead it to victory over the rest of the participants in the global conflict.

For the PC platform, Europa Universalis is well optimized, but weaker computers may experience difficulties - too many scripts are executed after each move.
