How to train a dog to give the paw command. How to teach a dog the “give paw” command: we train it like a professional. The dog has learned to give its paw: what next?

Most puppies and adult dogs are somewhere between a master of destruction and an ideal service animal, which way the scale tips depends on the owner. A dog’s adequate perception of the world, obedience and mental health directly depends on the quality of walks. One of the ways to diversify your walks and increase physical exercise pet - carrying abandoned objects, . Behind the game form of execution there is a serious logical chain that teaches the pet a number of skills. There are several methods for teaching a dog to fetch a stick, if you are interested - details below!

Many people shake their heads with sympathy and fear, listening to yet another “fable” about a killer dog, but only a few wonder whether that unfortunate dog lived on a chain or in a permanently closed enclosure, whether the pet walked on the street, whether the owners played with him . That’s right, the more you actively play with your pet, the more balanced, adequate and self-sufficient his character is.

Let’s make a reservation right away: the team is not on the list of mandatory ones – whether to teach or not is up to the owner. If your pet is involved in search, rescue and other types of work, it is imperative to teach it! (included in the standards) When executing a command, the dog must find, bring and give the thrown object to the owner. There are a number of breeds that do not obey “useless” commands – “If you want a stick, don’t throw it,” they think. However, puppies walking in the company of “relatives” will never refuse to frolic with a stick or ball. By teaching your puppy the “Fetch” command, you are engaged in the diversified development of the dog’s skills, namely:

  • Search and orientation - to find a thrown object, the dog needs to use its sense of sight and smell.
  • Building logical connections – the owner’s command and a certain action has a positive effect.
  • Training in endurance, the “Fetch” command in combination with “Place” - the dog runs after a stick only with the owner’s permission.
  • Control of emotions - no matter how exciting the game is, the stick must be returned to the owner.
  • The ability to build relationships, dominate, obey – group games of puppies with a stick are always accompanied by growling, barking and “make-believe” fights. In the future, the ability to defend oneself or give in in time will save the pet from unnecessary conflicts.

Beginning dog breeders are interested in the question of how to teach a dog the command “Give me a paw!”, as well as others: “Place!”, “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Face!”. Many people want to know when is the best time to start training a puppy, what methods, techniques and exercises to use. About how to teach “Voice!”, “Face!”, “Lie down!”, “Give me your paw!” and others, this article will tell you.

Start date

It is best to start raising a puppy at one and a half months of age. Although most dog trainers determine the beginning of training a dog on commands at the age of 4-5 months. But practice proves that many animals willingly learn in early childhood, and quite effectively.

In fact, the upbringing of any animal begins from the moment it first reaches its owner. The intonation with which a person addresses his pet, what words and phrases he pronounces, how, when and where he feeds him is already upbringing. Therefore, from the first minutes you need to be attentive, and first of all to yourself.

The importance of intonation and precision of phrases in relation to the animal

You should not raise your voice in the presence of an animal; the small creature may take it personally and become upset. Or it will get used to the fact that the owner often swears, and later will not react to his dissatisfied intonation.

Also, you should not coo with the puppy or say too many words towards him. Already with early childhood the dog begins to remember some words, so all actions should be commented briefly and clearly.

For example, if a novice dog handler is given the task of teaching a dog the command “Give me a paw!”, then this is the phrase you need to say. And certainly not “Give me your sweetie, my friend!” And in the case when you want to achieve a feed specifically from the left and separately from the right paw, then you need to start with the words “Give me your right paw!”, “Give me your left paw!”

Three options

There are three main areas of teaching animals commands:

  1. Incentive method (carrot principle).
  2. Punishment or threat (the whip principle).
  3. “Cat education” (the use of ready-made habits and desires of the animal, his personal initiative).

Most people know about the principles of “carrot and stick”. But only a few know what “cat education” is. Therefore, it is worth talking about it in a little more detail.

"Cat Education"

In fact, this is the simplest version of education, when you just have to carefully observe the animal. For example, you need to guess when it will choose a place for itself and go to bed. It is there that you need to equip him with a lounger and constantly repeat the word “place” when he is laying down.

If a puppy happily runs up upon seeing its owner and tries to attract his attention to itself with its paw, there is nothing easier than teaching the dog the command “Give me your paw!” exactly at this moment, repeating this phrase every time.

At the moment when the pet lies down on the floor, resting its head on its front paws, the attentive owner will definitely state: “Lie down!” And when a puppy barks and attacks a fluffy toy bear, of course, you should not laugh merrily at him, but pronounce the word “Fas!” in a stern, serious voice, as if it was not the dog acting out on its own, but the owner demanding that he carry out the command.

And at the time when a pet will start barking loudly, you should definitely remind him that this should be done when the owner says “Voice!” Oddly enough, even very young children quickly grasp this.

Noticing that the animal is happily spinning around the room, chasing its tail, you can come up with your own command, for example, “Dance!” or “Spin!” Later, you can make a cool number with music, which includes an episode of “catching a tail.”

Encouraging way of education

However, you should not rely solely on the fact that the puppy will always tell his owner what to teach him. There are things that a person wants to teach his pet last one or not. And sometimes the question of how to teach a dog the command “Give me a paw!” cannot be resolved by simple “cat education.”

Then the owner uses the “gingerbread” option. And in fact, before teaching a dog the command “Give me a paw!”, the dog handler must take care of giving the dog a treat. Of course, you can also use gingerbread - dogs love sweets. However, this type of food is not that healthy for puppies. It is best to use a piece of dry food.

But a well-fed puppy will not want to work for regular food. Therefore, before teaching your dog the command “Give me your paw!”, you need to wait until the pet is slightly hungry.

Method “Get something tasty!”

The teacher gives the food to the puppy to sniff and holds it in his fist. Naturally, the animal wants to get it, it will start poking its nose and spinning around. At some stage, the dog will try to help itself with its paw, trying to straighten the owner's closed fingers. Here you need to take your paw into your palm, repeating the command and give the puppy a treat.

Some owners manage to achieve success quite quickly. It is enough to repeat this procedure 4-5 times. If it is not possible to teach a puppy this way, then other dog trainers give other advice on how to teach a dog to give a paw. The techniques and exercises that reinforce the execution of this command are just as simple.

Hint method

Dogs are extremely intelligent animals. Unlike cats (which, by the way, are not inferior to dogs in intelligence, but are more difficult to train), they with all their essence want to please a person, are devoted to him, considering him the leader of the pack. Trying to guess what the owner wants from him, dogs are very attentive.

And since teaching a dog to give a paw using the “Get a treat!” method If it doesn’t work, you should use the hint method. The treat should also be clenched in your fist, but not shown to the puppy ahead of time. After saying the command, you need to lightly touch the animal’s paw near the elbow with your free hand. The puppy will instinctively raise its paw, because the owner apparently wants this. Here the person should quickly take the pet’s paw in his palm and praise him with the word “Well done!” or “Okay!” And then, without letting go of your paw, put the tasty treat in his mouth. Now you can let go of your paw - it’s not very convenient to eat in such an unnatural position.

And it should be clearly understood that the most important thing when raising any animal is:

  • goodwill;
  • patience;
  • constancy of requirements.

Owners of “serious animals” are often condescending towards the desire of novice dog breeders to teach their pet the “give paw” command, considering it meaningless and useless. Our article will dispel this misconception and tell you in detail how to teach a dog the “give paw” command and explain why it is so important.

Whose paw is better: who suits the team

“Give me your paw” is a phenomenal command: it is not included in any training course standards, but in terms of popularity it is on the list of leaders (after “sit” and “come”). The secret is very simple, “give me a paw” is a simple and universal element of trick training, equally suitable for both the rugged mastiff and the tiny Chihuahua.

Offer of paw and heart: why is the command to give paw needed?

  • A dog of any size needs to feel “good and needed”. Owners of decorative babies and companion animals sometimes do not attach importance to this component dog happiness. The skill of giving a paw is as important for a small dog as it is for sled dogs to pull a sleigh or for hunting breeds to fetch game. In human translation it sounds something like this: “I can do something. This means I have meaning in life.”
  • The learning process strengthens emotional connection between animals and humans, increases the master’s authority and is the key to discipline. Giving a paw and leaving it in the owner’s hand is also one of the signs of the pet’s trust.
  • Some dog breeders use the command to inspect the pads for damage, trim the nails or perform hygiene procedures. We recommend that you come up with your own speech markers for each action (for example, “let me look, cut my hair, wash it”). “Give me your paw” is a separate requirement and its auxiliary use is possible only in the first stages. The more words the dog learns, the better.
  • It is common for four-legged pets “raise your paw” at a person, demanding attention or delicacies. Animal psychologists suggest that in this way dominant individuals are trying to increase their hierarchical status, and recommend taking control of the process - developing the habit in the dog of performing actions only on command.
  • A simple trick can become the first step towards more complex elements. Dogs love to learn and the success of their tailed charge depends only on the owner.

General rules for self-training a dog

By properly raising and training a dog, the owner becomes for it the most important creature in the world, a source of emotions and new knowledge. Such trust is priceless. The better you cope with the role of leader, the more successful your further training will be. How to teach a dog to give paw? You will need desire, time, patience and our advice from professional dog handler.

Calm, just calm

  • The main tool of influence is voice. The command is given in an even, calm tone, each with its own intonation. The dog does not yet understand your words literally, but reacts to the sound.
  • Never yell at your dog. You can’t take your irritation out on her if something doesn’t work out at all. The dog will become isolated and will only work worse. It is the tone that affects, not the volume. Severity and anger are two different things.
  • You can't hit a dog for failure to follow commands! Your four-legged friend should respect you, not fear you. Doesn't obey? You are making a mistake somewhere. The main credo of proper training is persistence without violence.
  • You can issue the same command no more than two times. The demand has been made - achieve its fulfillment. You are much more cunning and smarter than your pet. Careful observation of the animal will help you choose the appropriate tactics.
  • Undesirable behavior is stopped using safe words(no, bad), said calmly, but sternly.

A kind word pleases the dog too

  • Praise from the bottom of your heart for correct behavior even in small things. Come up with a few “reward markers” (well done, good, bravo).
  • You should not pat the animal on the head or ruffle the dog. Some four-legged students perceive rough petting as violence.
  • The lesson should end on a positive note. For example, by following a favorite, well-practiced command and sincere encouragement from the owner.
  • Always have a treat on hand. Don’t be afraid that the dog will start to cheat and work only for treats. The need for food rewards will disappear over time. The treat is given immediately after the order is completed, along with praise. It is advisable to pronounce the command so that the dog understands why he is being praised (“okay, give me your paw, okay”).

Not a moment of peace

  • Before starting work, let the animal run around a little. Alternate training and “unloading”. We worked, played or walked. The dog should not get tired from training. If you notice that your pet has become distracted and has difficulty concentrating, it’s time to end it.
  • Training should be approached in stages(mastered one technique, move on to the next). A new element is introduced after familiar ones have been practiced, but not at the very end of the lesson.
  • To increase motivation, older dogs are trained 6-8 hours after feeding. But the main criterion is that the pet must be actively interested in receiving the treat.
  • Show kindness and energy. If you start studying without desire or in bad mood, the dog will experience the same.
  • By training your dog from time to time, you run the risk that it will only occasionally obey you: whenever she wants. Only multiple repetitions form sustainable skills. Communicate with your pet as much as possible. You will not regret it and as a result you will purchase four-legged friend who understands everything perfectly.

At what age to start training

Dogs are trainable any age category , but for positive result It is important to take into account the characteristics of each group.

  • Training puppies from 1.5 to 3 months carried out exclusively in game form with a minimum number of repetitions (3-5 times). This is not a waste of time, as many people think, but a useful and exciting activity for both. By three months, the baby is quite capable of mastering such useful skills as “sit”, “come to me”, “give me a paw”, and get used to a collar and leash.
  • From 4 months onwards The real dog school begins. Everything here is like with people: there are primary classes, middle classes and senior groups. The older the puppy becomes, the more serious the requirements and the stricter the trainer.
  • There are situations when an adult dog comes into the house that has never been handled. Of course, it’s sad if the most productive period of upbringing is missed, but this is not a reason to give up. Work with adult dog possible and necessary. It just takes more time, patience, and repetition to achieve results.

How to teach a dog to give paw: three main ways

Learning will go faster if your pet first learns the “sit” command. This will make it easier for you to keep his attention. Sit the dog in front of you (if we are talking about a puppy or small dog, squat down to be on the same level as your pet). The student must focus on your actions. To do this, you can snap your fingers and make an unusual sound.

When the goal is achieved, start the lesson. To teach your dog a command, we recommend using one of the presented methods of your choice.

Pointing method

The essence of the method is to evoke the desired behavior in the animal using treats or gestures.

  • show the dog a treat;
  • make sure the student is interested in receiving encouragement;
  • hold the piece in the fist of your left hand and bring it to the dog’s nose;
  • do not unclench your hand, stopping the gourmand’s attempts to reach the food with his nose;
  • voice the demand “give me your paw”;
  • at the moment when the dog picks it up to get the treasured piece, substitute right hand, as if the dog itself put its paw in it, and unclench your fist with food;
  • At the same time, enthusiastically praise your pet: “ok, give me your paw, good.” Show up as much as possible positive emotions. And let others think you are crazy. Your aim - make the learning process enjoyable for the dog.

Passive inflection method

Enough effective method, if the animal does not experience negative emotions from exposure. The trainer “sculpts” the desired pose of the dog with hand movements.

  • after showing the dog a treat (interesting in the result), give a command;
  • lift the dog’s paw with your hand, fix the pose;
  • give a treat, praise.

The paw should not be lifted too high (up to the level of the animal’s shoulder is quite enough) or squeezed too hard. Any discomfort can cause a four-legged student to have a negative attitude towards the team.

Behavior selection method

How to teach a dog to give paw , without resorting to training? Pay attention to this method. It consists of encouraging behavior that is useful to the trainer in various everyday situations.

  • For example, a dog wants to play and touches you with its paw. Before he repeats this gesture himself, give the command;
  • put your hand on your paw and give it a treat and praise.

How to teach a dog to give the other paw

It is enough to show a little patience, and soon your pet will delight you with its successes. But don't rush to relax. Only when the dog learns to give both paws in turn is the command considered mastered. So let's move on.

  • practice a trick you’ve already learned, praise your pet;
  • show the treat and say “give me another”;
  • the dog, out of habit, will try to hand you the same limb;
  • show that now you need something different (for example, “no, give me something else”);
  • tell the dog right action(touch the desired paw with your finger or use the sculpting method - lift it yourself);
  • At first, the dog may get confused: give the same limb several times or perform a connection without waiting for the command “give another.” Gently correct the student using safe words (no, don’t) and praise only for correct actions.

The dog has learned to give its paw: what next?

There are as many methods of training and types of tricks as a trainer can come up with. If you are interested in further developing the skills of a four-legged artist, we advise you to learn other interesting elements, the basis for which is the simple ability to give a paw.

  • "high five"— raising its paw high, the dog touches the owner’s open palm with it;
  • "give me both"— the dog gives both paws at the same time;
  • "Okay"— a funny element that imitates a child’s game;
  • "hold"- after raising the paw, the animal holds it in weight;
  • "Give me the back"- not the most convenient trick for a dog, performed from a standing position;
  • "Spanish step"— the tailed comrade strides, raising his front paws high. It's hard to believe that performing this difficult element of freestyle (dancing with dogs) is impossible without the ability to give a paw. But, who knows, maybe your pet will become a star not only in a narrow family circle, but also at prestigious sporting competitions?

Teaching your dog the “give” command is not difficult. On the command “give” the dog will give the specified object or thing. If you want your dog to quickly learn this command, then start teaching it from the age of three months. You will find it easier to train a puppy than a large dog.

The “give” command is used not only in the game, when your pet has taken the toy and does not give it back, but it will also be very helpful for those owners whose dog picks it up from the floor or from the ground. The “give” command can be temporarily replaced with the “fu” command (how to teach a dog the fu command) and taught to a puppy from the age of 1.5 months. Only the "give" command will be used in a milder form. If your puppy does not listen, check out the article: how to punish a puppy.

First way. If your puppy takes the toy, you can cheat and give him a piece of treat, he is unlikely to refuse it if he is a little hungry. Once you have provided the treat and the puppy is about to get hooked on it and give up the toy, give the command “give” and then praise him for following the command.

Also, with this command you can wean your puppy from picking up from the floor or ground. In exactly the same way, you can exchange what your dog picked up from the ground for a treat. Give the command “give” and add a treat. Don't forget to praise and pet the animal profusely.

Second way. Not as easy as the first one, but during the game, when the puppy has taken the toy in his mouth, you give the command “give” and open his mouth and take the toy. Then praise him.

How to teach the “give” command to an adult dog.

An adult dog may not succumb so easily to the first two methods, so you need to resort to a more cunning method.

Third way. During play, when the dog has taken a toy in its mouth, pinch it on the area above the left or right foot, which is shown in the picture and give the command “give”.

The dog won't exactly like your actions, but as soon as he gives up the toy, praise him and give him a treat. Praise should last no longer than three seconds.

Fourth way. To broaden your horizons, you can use this method, although it is rarely used. When the dog takes the toy into its mouth, you lightly slap the bottom of its chin with your palm and say the command “give.” Once the dog gives the toy, praise him again.

Every dog ​​in mandatory must know basic commands. However, to teach her this, you need patience and desire. Train your dog with small age and do it regularly. There should be no breaks in training so that the dog does not forget what he has already learned.

In this article, you will learn how to teach your dog commands and what basic commands your dog should know.

List of commands for dogs and how to teach them

If you don’t know how to teach your dog commands at home, then don’t despair; it’s not difficult, the main thing is to want to.

Team "Voice"

This is one of the most important and basic commands, and if you do not know how to teach your dog a voice command, then follow the following actions: Train your dog in a quiet place where you won't be distracted. For training, take a piece of meat or some other food that the dog likes.

Command "Sit"

How to teach a dog the command to sit?

In order for the dog to learn this command, you must bend your arm at the elbow with your palm facing forward. Then, give the command and press the dog’s croup with your left hand, and pull the leash up with your right. When your dog sits, give him a treat. Repeat the command regularly.

Command "Lie down"

How to teach a dog the command to lie down?

This command is learned when the dog has learned to sit. Command the dog to sit down and say the command “Down.” So that the dog understands what is wanted from him, take the dog’s leash so that it hangs between the collar and your hand. Press the part that is sagging lightly with your foot and pull the end toward you. After this, the dog will lie on the ground. Repeat the exercise for 30 minutes daily.

Team "Place"

To teach your dog this command, take your pet for a walk and feed him beforehand. Then choose a place for the dog, and when the dog gets tired, take him there and say the command. If he gets up and walks away, say the command again. When your dog settles down, treat him to a tasty meal.

Team "Fas"

Every owner should know how to teach a dog the front command. Take a toy and, repeating the command, make the puppy want to grab it with his teeth. The command must be repeated daily.

Team "Die"

If you don’t know how to teach your dog the die command, then do the following: lay your pet on its side, repeating the command, and do not let it get up. When the dog freezes, give him a treat.

Team "Nearby"

How to teach a dog a nearby command? It’s very simple, when walking with a dog, when he gets tired and runs around, put a leash on him and if the dog walks faster or slower, repeat the command and pull the leash. After some time, the dog will remember this command.

Command "Give me a paw"

How to teach a dog the give paw command? Take your pet's favorite treat and squeeze it in your fist. Place your fist at the level of your dog's chest, and when he starts to make a fist, give him the treat and say, "Give me your paw." Repeat daily.

To ensure that your pet learns with pleasure, praise him after each command he completes. And your dog will very quickly remember all the necessary commands.
