What a blood clot looks like. Signs of thrombus in the leg, causes and treatment of pathology, forecast. Which contributes to the occurrence of vascular diseases

What is thrombophlebitis? Inflammatory reactions in venous walls, accompanied by the formation of blood clots in their lumen, received the name - thrombophlebitis (thrombosis). In 90% of cases, blood vessels are susceptible to surface and deep venous networks and connecting their perforable veins.

As a nearby disease, phlebotromboosis can be noted, characterized by the same features (thrombus in venous cavities), but without influencing inflammatory reactions. Such a disease is not distinguished by a long flow, because any vascular pathology is always completed by the processes of inflammation and the development of thrombophlebitis.

Most often, pathology is manifested by thrombosis of superficial subcutaneous veins, developing, accompanied by or (violating venous outflow). In this case, the disease is often repeated, progresses, fraught with various complications.

Ethiology: causes and conditions for the development of thrombophlebitis

Before the middle of the last century, the formation of blood clots inside the vessels was an absolute mystery. Why, the same blood, in some cases runs through the vessels unhindered, in others - clogs with bunches of their lumen?

The famous German doctor, Rudolph whirlwind, working in the Berlin clinic Sharic, was engaged in the study of various mechanisms affecting the change in the structure of the formation elements of the plasma and the identification of prerequisites for the development of thrombosis.

He allocated the main components of the development of the disease, which remained in the practice of modern medicine under the definition of the trinity of Vekhrov (Trias) its component is due to:

1. By changing the vascular structure, directly inner vessels

An important factor is any destructive changes in the inner vascular shell, including traumatic impact. It was observed that the accumulation of blood clots always occurs in the zones of obvious structural changes in the vascular walls. Initially smooth, the healthy surface of the endothelium acquires roughness in painful and damaged places.

Small blood clots, floating by, fasten on the rough surface and settle on the wall of the vessel. The bunches accumulate, intertwined with each other, forming a thrombus, completely overlapping vascular lumen. Pathological changes in endothelium can cause various reasons:

  • inflammation of venous walls (phlebitis);
  • inflammatory reactions affecting arteries (arteritis);
  • inflammatory processes in the heart structure (endocarditis).

Protect destructive changes in the epithelial intravascular layer, microorganisms of various infections. Due to the entry of a huge toxic mass in the blood plasma, the possibility of the formation of thrombos is sharply increasing, which may well be the cause of thrombophlebitis

2. Changing the speed of blood flow

Dr. Vikhrov was established: the most frequent places in vascular ruses, where the bunches are formed - the zones of the uneven flow of blood plasma and the change in its speed. For example, the flow in the central part of the lumen is fast, and along the edges of the vessel, the course slows down, forming twists.

Such a feature of blood flow is characteristic of the places of narrowed, or extended zones of the vascular bed. What can be a consequence of aneurysm or varicose. The most predisposed to the formation of thrombosis - the venues of vascular branches, where blood flow swaps are frequent phenomenon.

Bleeding rate impaired:

  • injuries of the lower extremities, as a result of which squeezing soft or gypsum bandages are superimposed;
  • long immobility limbs;
  • blood stagnation in heart pathologies caused by inconsistency of pumping the total blood volume;
  • system and vascular diseases affecting the blood flow process.

3. Hyperviscosic syndrome (thick blood)

Another reason for the whirlwind called "thick blood". Today there is no such term in medicine, the level of its viscosity is said. The reference standards do not exist, each of us, the level of viscosity is different. But, there are circumstances when one patient has a blood plasma viscosity on different vascular sites is different.

The main cause of thrombophlebitis is an anomalous loss of fluid due to insufficient receipt or excessive release: strong sweating, heavy loads that cause thirst, or diseases accompanied by heat. In addition, the development of thrombophlebitis is influenced by the indicators of plasma factors of an antosvety and coagulation system.

With completely identical circumstances, the level of hypercoagulation (coagulation) can show different indicators - very high, elevated or low, each specific case is due to the special properties of blood formation (hematopoix), exchange processes, a disadvantage of a specific protein, tightening the plasma coagulation process (sometimes, it is congenital defect).

The frequent cause of the development of thrombophlebitis, blood with a hemostasis impaired (the dissolution of the thrombus). Violation of hemostasis functions contribute to:

  • infectious diseases;
  • hormonal dysfunctions;
  • oncological diseases.

By nature, thrombophlebitis are infectious and non-infectious (aseptic). Which in turn manifest themselves in various kinds.

Infectious form Diseases manifests itself:

  1. Postpartum or postoperative thrombosis;
  2. As a consequence of purulent-inflammatory pathologies (phlegmon, furuncules, corrosive lesions);
  3. In case of infectious diseases (raw tit, flu, tuberculosis).

Non-infectious (aseptic) Form:

  1. Thrombophlebitis of varicose veins;
  2. Thrombosis migrating;
  3. Post-traumatic;
  4. Thrombose formation due to vascular and heart disease.

By the nature of the clinical picture, the sharp thrombophlebitis and the form of chronic flow.

According to the manifestation zone (localization) - the lesion of the surface and deep network of veins on the limbs, the form of the iliac and femoral lesion

The first signs of thrombophlebitis, photo

manifestations of thrombophlebitis, photo

The beginning of the disease can manifest unexpectedly - with excellent well-being, the first signs of thrombophlebitis are quickly formed.

  1. Painful syndrome during movement;
  2. Subfebrile fever and general malaise;
  3. Effect in the field of clock formation - the closer the thrombus is located to the groin, the expression of swelling;
  4. At palpation, the density and soreness of the veins are noted;
  5. Leather over the lesion zone red with a blue tint, edema and warm;
  6. The strengthening of the swelling indicates.

If at this stage does not start treatment in time, inflammatory reactions quickly apply to the vascular channel, significantly worsening the patient's condition.

It should be noted that there are thrombosis related to "silent" forms that are generally no symptoms. The deterioration of the patient's condition occurs in postfactum - when the thrombus completely overlaps the vascular lumen.

Symptoms of thrombophlebitis, clinical picture

The picture of the clinical manifestation of the disease mainly depends on the location of the thrombus, the prevalence of the inflammatory reaction, the level of damage to the surrounding tissues.

Symptoms of the defeat of the subcutaneous veins

Already existing large nodular varicose formations exacerbate the situation by manifesting themselves with structural changes in vascular walls. The nodes are subject to spawn with skin, injury and bumps, which causes trophic changes in skin cover, contributing to the light penetration of infection. As a result, inflammatory processes are formed and thrombophlebitis of superficial veins is developing. Symptomatics is characterized by:

  • restriction of the prevalence of inflammatory process with local location of thrombosis;
  • rare deterioration of the overall state;
  • a change in the structure of the subcutaneous veins - soreness and density in the form of heavy
  • immobility caused by the adhesive process between them;
  • inflammatory processes of subcutaneous fiber and skin;
  • compacted hyperemic leather with glossy tide.

The venous network of hip and lower legs are subject to the greatest defeat. There is a prevalence of swelling on the ankle and an increase in the inguinal lymph nodes. Usually, the overall state is not disturbed, the soreness when moving moderate, does not prevent the patient to keep the patient.

In advanced cases, the spread of inflammatory reactions exacerbates the symptoms of thrombophlebitis. There is a sharp increase in pain and an increase in temperature to high indicators. Preservation of acute symptoms can last up to one and a half.

Special attention deserves subcutaneous migratory thrombosis. The nature of the disease is due to the formation of a large number of thrombotic clots in subcutaneous vessels. Symptomatics is characterized by a moderate manifestation without a violation of general well-being.

A positive aspect is due to the lack of any trophic changes or traces. After a certain time, the inflammatory response migrates to another zone of limbs than completely justifies the name of the disease.

The development of such pathology is characteristic of the hips or legs affected by bone fractures, the treatment of which was carried out by operating techniques. Or with curriculous operations and surgical treatment of chest pathologies. The formation of thrombosis contributes to the increase in the coagulation factor necessary to prevent bleeding during the operation.

The symptoms of thrombophlebitis during localization in the deep venous system are manifested:

  • the severity and fatigue of the legs, a sense of cutting;
  • strongly pronounced;
  • blue skin;
  • sharp impaired pulmonary circulation (sometimes the first symptom);
  • febrile fever and glossy skin;
  • painful intra-articular syndrome;
  • changes in local temperature (cold limb);
  • sometimes signs of peritonitis and functional obstruction of the intestine.

With the background support of the disease (), frequent relapses occur each time exacerbating trophic changes in tissues and violation of the blood circulation process. If there are clear symptoms of thrombophlebitis, treatment is not desirable to postpone in a "long box."

The main threat is purulent complications in the form, abscess or. As well as the development of thromboembolism. The outcome can be expressed in two embodiments - the obstruction of small blood vessels or blockage of vital arteries, which leads to mortality.

Diagnosis and treatment of thrombophlebitis

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the accurate diagnosis, which includes:

  • diagnostic examination by the surgeon;
  • examination of ultrasound vessels with dopplerometry;
  • x-ray-contrast phlebography - studying the promotion of a contrast agent introduced into Vienna;
  • the use of special functional trials, allowing to identify venous lesions in the earliest stages.

Treatment is due to an integrated approach that combines drugs and surgical techniques.

The conservative treatment method of thrombophlebitis includes:

  1. The use of physiotherapy techniques is the introduction of anticoagulants with electrophoresis, hydrotherapy with variable baths, UHF procedures.
  2. Drug addicts are anti-inflammatory, anticoagulants for plasma liquefaction, antispasmodics and antibiotics.
  3. Application of compression linen preventing vascular expansions damage to their walls - special purpose bandages, tights and golfs for compression of affected venous walls.

In the insolvency of conservative therapy, radical and minimally invasive surgery are used.

  1. The radical surgical method implies the removal of the affected vein to prevent the pathological process to prevent the pathological distribution. Today it is applied in exceptional cases, with an extensive process that threatens the life of the patient.
  2. Method of endovascal laser coagulation. As a result of the treatment with venous walls and thrombose bunches, the vessel is glued, completely withdrawing it from the blood circulation process, guiding blood along a healthy bed.
  3. Removing thrombus endoscopic method. With the help of endoscopic tools entered in the vessel, the thrombus is removed and a special capturing filter is installed or a vessel's upload is made.
  4. Bonding the affected channel by the method of sclerotherapy is the introduction into a vessel of a special composition.
  5. The venous thrombeectomy method is used to extract thrombose zgushkov with a special catheter

All these methods are quite effective. Allow patients to return to normal painless life.

Compression linen during thrombophlebitis

Golden standard for treating thrombosis during pregnancy - compression linen. Its wearing is due to the effect of squeezing the surface venous system, causing an increase in pressure that improves the venous outflow.

The varicose plot squeezed by tights or stockings will not allow a thrombose to settle in it, which dramatically reduce the risk of developing inflammatory reactions and the formation of thrombosis.

When using compression linen, swelling and convulsive manifestations are excluded, the legs are practically not tired and the pregnancy is not complicated by anything. Pregnant women are recommended:

  • specially selected exercises that improve the venous outflow;
  • long hiking;
  • in chronic pathology - evening walks at least half an hour;
  • diet is saturated with fruit and vegetables, as they are stimulants of hemodilution (thickening breeding).

In order to avoid swelling, it is not recommended that the use of a large amount of liquid and drugs affecting the vascular system (phlebotonic). The selection of compression linen during thrombophlebitis should be carried out on the recommendation of the doctor, taking into account the view and degree of product compression.

Thrombosis of deep veins of the lower extremities is a sharp disease that affects veins located under the muscles. Blood clots are formed in the veins, narrowing the clearance of the vessel up to its complete blockage. The blockage of vessels is observed in 15% of cases. Sometimes venous thrombosis develops rapidly, can lead to disabilities and even a fatal outcome.

The most susceptible to thrombosis deep leg vessels. The formed clots are attached to the walls of the vessels. During the first 3-4 days, the thrombus are weakly held, they can break down and migrate with blood flow.

Gradually, blood clot solidifies and firmly fixes on the vein wall, provoking - inflammation of the venous wall in the region of the thromba. Inflammation leads to the formation of new thromboms, which are settled above the primary bunch. The transition of thrombosis into the inflammatory stage occurs approximately during the week.

The main causes of the disease are increased blood coagulation, slowing the venous blood flow and damage to the walls of the vessels (Virchov Triad). Trombosis development can provoke:

  • Congenital abnormal abnormalities;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Infections;
  • Injuries and surgical interventions;
  • Paralysis of the limbs;
  • Reception of drugs that increase blood coagulation;
  • Long bed;
  • Obesity;
  • Phlebeurysm.

Additional risk factors include smoking, strong exercise, long-lasting, sitting or standing in positionassociated with the peculiarities of professional activity, age more than forty years.

According to statistical data, every 10 years after the achievement of the forty years of age, the risk of developing vascular pathologies is doubled.

Signs and symptoms

Thrombosis deep veins in the early stages can pass asymptomatic And its first manifestation is (thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery, TEL). A typical development of the disease occurs about each second patient.

Classical symptoms of deep veins thrombosis are:

  • Local increase in temperature in the field of lesion.
  • Increase the total temperature to 39 degrees and more.
  • Driving pain along the affected vein.
  • Heaviness in the legs.
  • Edema below the area of \u200b\u200battaching a bunch.
  • Glossy or blue skin.
  • A part of the blood volume of blood-grained veins is directed to the surface vessels that become well visible.

During the first two days after the formation of a deep vein thrombosis of the lower veins or hips, the symptoms are weakly pronounced. As a rule, these are mesmer pain in the calf muscle, increasing during the movement and when palpation. There is a slight swelling in the lower third of the leg.

When suspected thrombosis tests of Lovenberg and Homans are held. The patient is asked to bend the foot up. Confirmation of the diagnosis is the pain in the shin. When squeezing the affected leg with a tonometer with the values \u200b\u200bof the pressure of 80/100 mm Hg. Art. There is pain. The soreness in squeezing a healthy extremity is felt by the meaning of the pressure of 150/180 mm Hg. Art.

With the defeat of all deep veins, the symptoms are enhanced. The pain is characterized as a sharp, strong swelling develops, the skin acquires a blue shade (cyanosis).

The severity and localization of symptoms depend on the location of the thrombied area. The higher the zone of the defeat, the stronger the cyanosis, swelling and pain appear.. At the same time, the risk of tearing thrombus and the development of TELL increases.

When thrombing the femoral veins, the edema is localized in the hip region, thrombing at the level of iliac and femoral veins (Ileofemral thrombosis) is accompanied by an edema of the entire limb, ranging from the groin fold. The skin of the affected limb acquires milky white or blue color.

The development of the disease depends on the location of the thrombus. Ilequofemral thrombosis develops rapidly, pain appear, then the foot swells, the skin color changes.

The thrombing of the vessels at the bottom of the shin is manifested by non-coal pain. The intensity of pain during movement and exercise increases. Amazed the foot swells below the location site of the tomb, the skin pale, becomes glossy, later acquires a pronounced shiny shade. For several days after the formation of blood clots, surface veins appear.

For greater understanding that the patient is waiting for ignoring the symptoms and signs of the thrombosis of the deep veins of the lower limbs and the absence of treatment, take a look at the photo:

When contact your doctor

Venous thrombosis is a cunning and deadly disease. Most serious raise for a visit to the phlebologist - increased blood coagulation without reference to injuries, surgical interventions, injuries, etc.

It is not worth postponing a visit to the doctor and when characteristic pains in the legs appear on the background of one or more risk factors for the development of the deep vein trombo. Alarming should and changes in the color of the skin characteristic of vehicle thrombing.


Basic methods for diagnosing vessel damage - duplex scanning and blood test onto d-dimer. If a doctor has doubts about duplex research or thrombus results above the groin fold, the X-ray-contrast phlebography method is used.

An X-ray-contrast drug is introduced into the venous bed and an ordinary X-ray is made. This method gives more reliable data than an ultrasound study and allows you to accurately determine the location site of the tomb.

In some cases, the patient additionally prescribes MRC or CT angiography.

The clinical picture of the disease resembles the development of other pathologies, including those who are not associated with the lesions of the vessels. Differential diagnosis is carried out with, a baker, acute emblem of the ileal-femoral arteries.

The cause of pain in the ion muscles can be neurutors of the sciatic nerve of various etiologies. Pains of neurological origin are constant and often accompanied by impaired sensitivity, motor reactions or tissue trophics.

The clinical picture, which resembles the lesions of the deep veins of the lower extremities, can develop during lymphostase, arthrites, malgias, mositis, injuries, surveillance from the outside (including tumor processes), pathologies of surface veins, arterial or venous insufficiency and a number of other diseases.


When identifying the disease treatment begin immediately. Depending on the specifics of a particular clinical case, the severity of the patient's condition and the development stage of the disease treatment is carried out outpatient or in the hospital of the surgical separation conservatively or operational method.

Conservative therapy

In the primary detection of thrombosis, treatment lasts up to 6 months, during relapses - up to a year or more. Patient diseases are placed in the hospital and assign 10 days of bed regime. The bed in the population is raised by about 20 degrees, to improve blood outflow from distal limbs.

Patients prescribe heparinic therapy, thrombolytic and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Thrombolytics are prescribed in the early stages of the development of pathology, while there is no risk of fragmentation of bunches. The course of treatment includes preparations of prostaglandin row, glucocorticoids, anticoagulants. If necessary, the affected foot can be immobilized, in some cases, the patients appointed a compression knitwear.

After sickness, the healing physical culture is assigned to the patient to activate blood circulation.


Operational treatment is subject to cases of fluttering thrombosis, i.e., such under which there is a high probability of tomb tomb, as well as the full blockage of the lumen of the vessels.

In the practice of surgical treatment of thrombled veins, apply:

  • Cava filter. It is installed in the lower hollow vein to capture the tomb clots or their fragments and serves as prevention of blockage of vessels.
  • Plugation of the lower hollow vein. The wall of the affected vessel is stitched with metal paper clips.
  • Fogarty catheter. It is used to remove poorly fixed thrombov during the first five days after the formation of a clock.
  • Thrombectomy. Operation to remove thromboms in the early stages of development. When transitioning thrombosis to the inflammation of the veins caused by blood cloth, the thrombecomy is contraindicated.

Learn more about methods from a separate publication.


With timely adequate treatment, the forecast of the disease is favorable. In the absence of treatment, about 20% of cases lead to pulmonary thromboembolism, in 10-20% of cases of TEL, death is recorded. Among the possible complications of the unclean thrombosis of the veins - Gangrena, stroke, myocardial infarction. The unrealized venous thrombosis leads to the development of TEL in three months in about half of the patients.

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If damage to the blood vessel occurs, thrombocytes come to the rescue, which are sent to the place of damage. They glued together and stick to the wall of the vessel. As a result, the blood clot is formed, preventing further bleeding. Over time, the body restores the normal function of the cardiovascular system, and the clutch is dissolved as only injury heals. As we see, the formation of thromboms is a protective reaction of the body aimed at stopping bleeding. However, in some cases, blood clot is not resolved, and attached to the walls of the vessels and impede normal blood circulation. At any time, this clutter can come off and such a course of events, unfortunately, can become fatal.



    The thrombosis of the vessels of the digestive system is manifested by strong abdominal pain. Localization of pain will depend on the location of the thrombus in the body. If the intestinal vessel thrombosis occurs, the symptoms tend to include sharp, painful pain in the stomach. In addition, the following symptoms are possible:

    • Vomiting. Trombus irritates the mucous membrane, and the body responds to it vomit.
    • Diarrhea. The lack of full blood supply leads to a change in the functions of the digestive system, as a result of which the diarrhea occurs.
    • Bloody chair. Any irritation of the mucosa of the digestive system can cause bleeding. Therefore, you can notice blood in a chair.
  1. Thrombus in limbs can cause pain, swelling and other symptoms. Blood clots are partially or completely blocked blood flow. This also causes inflammation of the vein. You can notice a sudden, sharp pain caused by circulatory disorders. In addition, there may be the following symptoms ::

    The thrombus is formed both inside and outside veins or artery. When the thrombus is inside the blood vessel, it can partially or completely block blood flow or shift and lead to complications, such as stroke, pulmonary embolism or heart attack. When the thrombus is formed outside the blood vessel, it can still partially or completely block the bloodstream, providing pressure on nearby vessels.

    It is no secret that the brain thrombosis has different symptoms. The brain controls almost all the functions of our body. If the thrombus prevents blood flow to the brain, it can affect vision, speech on other functions of the body, which is fraught with stroke. As a result, it may occur::

    • vision impairment;
    • weakness;
    • paralysis;
    • convulsions;
    • violation of speech;
    • loss of orientation.
  2. Pain in the chest, shortness of breath and sweating can speak about the formation of a thrombus in the heart. When the thrombus is formed in the heart, the correct heart rhythm and blood circulation is disturbed. This leads to chest pain (which can irradiating into the left hand), difficulty breathing, and sweating.

    • The blood clots can cause a heart attack.
  3. The thrombus in the lungs can cause chest pain and a number of other symptoms. As in the case of a heart, the thrombus in the lungs causes a sharp pain. In addition, the following symptoms are possible:

    • Heart palpitations. Problems in the circulatory system The body is trying to compensate for a rapid heartbeat. As a result, the pulse is read.
    • Cough with blood. Thrombom can irritate the lungs, causing bleeding, and cough blood is possible.
    • Labored breathing. Thromb blocks the passage of air into the lungs, which leads to breathing.
  4. Dehydration may cause thrombom formation. Drink enough water, thanks to which the blood circulation system will work correctly. When the body is dehydrated, the blood becomes thicker, which increases the risk of thrombosis.

    Methods of hormonal contraception may cause thrombus formation. Estrogen and progesterone affect blood clotting, which leads to an increase in the risk of thrombom formation. Hormonal contraception (for example, contraceptive pills) and hormonal therapy may cause thrombosis.

    The catheter installed in Vienna for a long time can cause irritation of the veins walls and lead to the formation of blood clots. The catheter may affect blood circulation, which leads to the formation of a thrombus.

    Some diseases can lead to the formation of thromboms. Some diseases can irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder, causing bleeding and the development of thrombus. Among such diseases can be ::

    • liver diseases;
    • diseases of the kidneys.
  5. Operations and injuries can be provoking the formation factors of thromboms. Due to accidental damage or surgical intervention, excessive bleeding can lead to the formation of thrombus. In addition, the long period of rest, which usually follows after surgery or injury, increases the risk of thrombus.

    Obesity increases the risk of blood clots. People who have overweight or suffer obesity are usually increased cholesterol levels in the body. As a result, the artery is narrowed, which leads to the formation of thrombov.

    Smoking may be the cause of blood clots. Smoking causes a narrowing of blood vessels, which leads to a violation of blood circulation and to the formation of thromboms.

    Heredity. If among your family members were or there are people who have problems with blood clotting, are susceptible to increased risk of thrombosis. Blood coagulation disorder causes a narrowing of blood vessels, which leads to the formation of thrombov.


    Refer to the doctor. If you have noticed any symptoms of thrombosis, immediately consult medical attention. Troms can lead to life-threatening diseases.

    Tell your doctor in detail about your condition. The doctor will ask you questions about the symptoms, lifestyle, the history of your health and heredity. Answer these questions in detail, thanks to which your doctor will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis.

    Get ready for a medical examination. The doctor will conduct a full survey of the body, pay special attention to the symptoms that may indicate the presence of thrombus.

    Test analyzes. Depending on the symptoms that you experience, your doctor will most likely direct you to surrender blood analysis. In addition, it can recommend:

    • Ultrasound examination. Ultrasound examination allows you to detect the formation of blood clots in the veins.
    • Phlebography - method of radiographic examination of veins by their artificial contrast.
    • Arteriography. Arteriography is an artery x-ray after administration to its intelligence of the X-ray infertility. Thanks to this diagnostic method, the doctor can see the presence of thrombus.
  1. Make ventilation and perfusion scanning (VP scan). If your doctor suspects that a thrombus is in the lungs (pulmonary embolism), it will recommend VP scanning. The survey may include:

    Establishing diagnosis. After the relevant diagnostic surveys are made, the doctor will be ready to diagnose. Treatment will depend on the type and location of the thrombus. The main types of blood clots:

    • Thrombus. Thromb is a blood clot, which is formed in veins and arteries.
    • Embolism. Embolia occurs when the blood clot enters the bloodstream and stuck in the vessel of one of the vital organs.
    • Deep veins thrombosis (TGV). The TGV is a pathological disease characterized by the formation of thromboms in deep veins, most often in the legs (although sometimes thrombus are formed in their hands, in the pelvis area, or in other parts of the body). Thromb blocks blood flow, causing pain and edema.


  1. Start the treatment immediately, how the diagnosis is made. The presence of thrombus is a danger to life, therefore, it is necessary to break the treatment immediately.

    Take anticoagulants. Among the medicines are most often prescribed anticoagulants. Anticoagulants affect the various stages of blood coagulation process. Anticoagulants prevent the growth of the resulting thrombus. There are several types of anticoagulants ::

    • Enoxaparine sodium - preparations based on this substance are prescribed for blood dilution. The usual dose for adults is 40 mg; As a rule, it is introduced under the skin of the abdomen.
    • Warfarin. Warfarin is an anticoagulant that acts as a blood diluent. The dosage depends on the particular patient. To determine the dosage, the doctor will send you a blood test for coagulation to determine the MNA (international normalized attitude) - one of the most important indicators of blood consumption.
    • Heparin. Heparin is a traditional anticoagulant. Preparations based on heparin are administered intravenously to prevent the growth of the already formed thrombus. The dosage depends on each specific case; Your doctor must fulfill the blood test to determine the dosage in your particular case.
  2. Talk to the doctor about thrombolitics. Thrombolytics are medicinal preparations that can quickly dissolve the thrombus. The dosage varies depending on the specific case. The doctor must choose the dosage yourself.


Knowing the first signs of the presence of a thrombus in the body, one can prevent potentially fatal situation.

Thromb, as a rule, is formed in the legs of the feet and leads to deep veins thrombosis. The danger of thromba is that he often remains unnoticedBut may suddenly tear away and lead to death.

Trombus is a blood clot, which has acquired a thick or semi-solid state from a liquid state.

In general, it is necessary to understand that blood coagulation is a necessary process that prevents greater blood loss in certain situations, for example, when you were injured or cut.

When the thrombus is formed in one of the veins, it does not always dissolve, which may further lead to a dangerous and even deadly situation.

The fixed thrombus usually does not represent a threat, but if it breaks off and on the veins falls into important organs, such as heart or lungs, it can cause death.

Here are a few signs that a dangerous thrombus formed in your body.

The first signs of thromba

1. Inexplicable fatigue

Sudden fatigue often indicates various health problems, including thrombus. When our body is forced to work more than usual, it has negative consequences for the body.

If the feeling of fatigue does not pass for a long time, there is a reason to think about the fault of everything can be a thrombus in hand, leg, brain or chest.

2. Punching in the limbs

At the site of the formation of a thrombus may appear swelling or swelling. If the thrombus is in hand or leg, the limb can be completely swollen, which arises due to poor blood circulation.

At the same time, the affected place can change the color, redden or shoot, become warm or itch. Such a situation is very dangerous, as the thrombus can come off and at any moment to get into the vital organ. For example, if it turns out to be in the lungs, it will lead to an embolusion of the pulmonary artery.

3. Lubricated breathing

This symptom can be quite frightening, as it may mean that the thrombus moved to the lungs. According to experts, if difficulties with breathing are accompanied by a permanent cough, this can be the first sign of the pulmonary embolism - blockage of one of the arteries in the lungs.

To such a situation, it is necessary to treat very seriously and causing ambulance as soon as possible.

4. Breast pain or breathing pain

As mentioned above, the pulmonary embolism is potentially fatal. It occurs when the thrombus formed in the lower limbs falls and blocks one of the lung vessels. One of the main symptoms of this is the pain in the chest and the overall discomfort during breathing, in which you can hardly take a deep breath.

It is also important to remember that the pain in the heart may indicate that the thrombus is in the field of the heart, and this can lead to a heart attack.

5. Fever and sweating

This symptom is very often appearing during kidney thrombosis.

The main danger of it is that the thrombus can interfere with your body get rid of waste products, which leads to high arterial pressure and even kidney failure. At the same time, blood clot often leads to a fever or an increased sweating.

Symptoms thromba

6. Dizziness or fainting

The combination of chest pain and difficulty breathing can cause a feeling of dizziness and lead to a fainting.

7. Student heartbeat

If your heartbeat accelerated, it can be a dangerous symptom of a pulmonary embolism. When the thrombus gets to the lungs, the lack of oxygen occurs, and your heart tries to compensate it, amplifying heartbeat. This is a warning sign that cannot be ignored.

8. Inexplicable cough

If coughing bouts appeared along with the feeling of shortness of breathing and accelerated heartbeat, it may say that a thrombus was formed in your body. Cough can be accompanied by blood, and this serious reason will turn to the doctor.

The fault of such cough can be a thrombus in the lungs, which leads to the absence of respiratory tract and manifests itself in the form of cough.

9. Strong headache

Many people suffer from chronic headaches, but this pain is often stronger than usual. Such unbearable pain can completely withdraw you, because of which you cannot concentrate on something.

At the same time, ordinary preparations from headaches may not ease the symptoms. In this case, urgently consult a doctor, as this may indicate the presence of a thrombus in the brain, which can lead to a stroke.

10. Pain or sensitivity in the limb

It is very difficult to understand that you have a thrombus, without having medical knowledge, but one of the most frequent symptoms of this problem are pain in hand or leg.

If this is not related to injury, painful sensations can warn about deep veins thrombosis. In this case, it may be sophisticated when pressed or touching the affected area. To distinguish it from muscle cramps, pay attention to whether pain is enhanced when walking or flexing the leg. If so, there is a likelihood of a thrombus.

Even if the thrombus is present in one leg, you can feel pain in both legs. This is due to the fact that you are trying to alleviate discomfort in one leg and straighten another leg more, which can lead to tension and pain.

Trombo in Vienna

11. Warm to touch leather

With thrombosis, the skin temperature may vary, especially in a place where the thrombus is present. You will feel that this area is warmer to the touch.

Such a feeling occurs due to blood flow and can also be accompanied by ripples and itching.

12. Red bodies on the veins

Thromboms can lead to the appearance of red streaks, which go along the length of the veins and are often warm to the touch. When you run into them, they are warmer skin around and quite noticeable. You can take them for skin rash or bruises, but if they are warm to the touch, it is worth consulted with a doctor.

13. Pain in Icrah Foot

When the thrombus is formed in the legs, one of the common symptoms becomes pain in caviar. The pain is often confused with muscle spasm or convulsion, and for this reason often ignore a dangerous symptom.

However, unlike a convulsion, which arises sharply and lasts a few minutes, pain in calves from thrombus increases gradually and can remain within a few days or weeks.

14. Changing skin color

Redness is one of the most frequent symptoms associated with the presence of a thrombus, and it, as a rule, appears in a place where the thrombus is present. However, you should be alert and any other change in skin color. For example, the type of clomba formation may be pale due to reduction of blood flow.

As the state deteriorates, the skin can purchase a bluish shade and be colder to the touch. In this case, it is necessary to appeal to the doctor right there.

15. No symptoms

One of the reasons why thrombosis is so dangerous is the fact that there is often no symptoms previously observed. At least there are no obvious signs that require operational appeal to the doctor, and before we have time to learn about them, it happens irreparable.

For this reason, it is important to take preventive measures to not happen. Avoid sitting for a long time in one place, do physical activity, adjust your weight and follow the nutrition, so as never to know what thrombosis is.

The blockage of blood clot vessels, the so-called thrombosis of deep and superficial veins, is often found in people with overweight abusing smoking, in pregnant women and people in old age.

Disturbance of blood flow due to thrombus may occur in the body after suffering injury, operating orthopedic intervention, when taking oral contraceptives and malignant formations.

First symptoms

Thromba as a cause of violation of arterial or venous blood flow, can manifest:

  • painful sensations of stupid, pulling and driving character;
  • local shiny-red edema and leather tension;
  • a feeling of burning and numbness.

With thrombophlebitis of surface veins, the formation of blood clots is a consequence of the inflammatory process. It is accompanied by ailment, general intoxication, increased temperature, severe weakness and sweating.

With phlebotrombecue, blood clot is formed on the inner walls of deep veins. For them, symptoms of intoxication and inflammation are not characteristic. The main reasons for this defeat veins are recognized:

  • infectious or purulent disease;
  • injury;
  • autoimmune disease;
  • coagulopathy.

Phlebotrombosis is more often developing in bed patients.

A trombus not detected in the body in a timely manner, with a further course of the disease become a serious danger to life. Pulling out from the inner surface of the deep veins, the blood flower with blood stream rushes up and clogs the pulmonary artery.

The pulmonary artery thromboembolism is the main cause of the sudden death of man. How to recognize Trombus?

What to pay attention to

The status of the legs cannot be left without attention. The beginning of the disease usually proceeds asymptomatic, so more often inspect the legs for the presence of skin-covering inhomogeneity.

Of course, it is possible to detect thrombus visually, but in very rare cases. Sometimes it can be groping his fingers. If the resulting blood clot is large enough, its location gives blue skin color.

More often, the problem occurs in the lower limbs and less often in the upper. If the cause of its formation in the inflammation of the walls of the veins on the tibia, then the muscles are usually swollen, the grid of surface veins is visible, and when it is lowered down, a very strong pain appears down.

If the thrombus developed in the hip it can be found in the swelling of the skin, swelling close to the veins surface. Usually it is accompanied by a strong pain, blue limb and veins swelling in the groin area.

The secondary signs of the presence of a thrombus in the body is malaise, weakness and elevated temperature.

With the manifestation of one of the listed features, you need to consult a doctor for conducting a survey and appointment of treatment. It is impossible to slow, as the thrombus is able to grow rapidly.

Along with a sharp course, the disease can take a chronic shape and is often confused with varicose veins, so the doctor phlebotics will help.

Specialists doctors will be able to know the presence of a vascular problem with the help of a hardware examination and on special tests (for example, some sign of Gomans). Ultrasound, phlebography and angiography will determine whether there is a thrombus, as well as all the slightest blood flow disorders.

TROOMB in heart disease

Thrombus may form at shimmer arrhythmia. In case of violation of the rhythm, the movement of blood via the heart cavities changes, it is stirred, its cells are deposited on endocardium, forming a thromb. But it can be formed and with other heart diseases:

  • with congenital or acquired heart defect;
  • with acute myocardial infarction;
  • chronic heart aneurysm;
  • with infectious endocarditis.

Trombus in the heart is especially dangerous by subsequent complications. Running around, it moves along with arterial blood and at any time can break the blood flow in the unforeseen place. So arises:

  • stroke - with obstruction of the brain vessels;
  • myocardial infarction - if the abnormal arteries will close in the heart;
  • mezentheral thrombosis and peritonitis - when blocking the intestinal vessels;
  • the embolism of the arteries of the lower extremities is the cause of their gangrene.

Avoid complication with patients with heart disease and risk factors of embolism and thrombosis, the reception of antiagregants and anticoagulants will help.


This is quite accessible to everyone, if you understand the reason for the appearance of thrombus and eliminate the possibility of its education. The main thing is to lead an active lifestyle, not allowing blood stagnation. If most of the day is required in one posture, take breaks, perform exercises.

Risk factor are injuries, infections, surgical operations - try to avoid them. Healthy nutrition, blood pressure monitoring and good mood will help avoid thrombosis.

The hardware examination will make it possible to accurately diagnose the state of the veins and vessels:

  • the method of ultrasound dopplerography (USDG) is estimated to estimate the state of the vessels walls, the intensity of blood flow, the presence of a thrombus is detected;
  • echocardiography (Echo-kg) will reveal the problem in the heart.

Conducting a coagulogram will show a blood viscosity assessment and will allow to identify the predisposition to the formation of thromboms. For the disease, an increased viscosity is characterized and the high value of the D-dimer thrombosis marker.

The timely identification of the problem in the circulatory system will allow you to cope with it and avoid serious complications.

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