Blessed Virgin Mary unexpected joy meaning. Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”

Icon Mother of God "UNEXPECTED JOY"

The ancient miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” - one of the shrines of Moscow is located in the Church of the Prophet Elijah the Ordinary.The time and place of origin of the prototype are unknown.

Currently, the icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” enjoys great veneration among believers; copies of the image are found in almost every Orthodox church, although the spread of the holy icon in Moscow began in the mid-19th century.

The Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” is named in memory of the healing of a certain sinner through the holy icon through the prayers of the Most Pure Mother of God.

The history of this icon is told by St. Demetrius of Rostov in his work “Irrigated Fleece.” According to legend, one robber, spending his life in sins, however, had the habit of praying for a long time before the image of the Mother of God, asking for help in his affairs.
Each time he began his prayer with the Archangel’s greeting: “Rejoice, O Blessed One!” One day, as he was preparing to go on a sinful deed, during prayer he was suddenly attacked strong fear, and he saw that the Mother of God and the Child appeared before him alive. Christ's wounds opened on his arms, legs and side, and blood began to flow from them, as during the Crucifixion. The robber was horrified and exclaimed: “Oh, Lady! Who did this?” The Mother of God answered him: “You and other sinners; with your sins you again crucify My Son, like the ancient Jews.” The amazed robber began to pray to the Mother of God to have mercy on him.
Then, before his eyes, She began to ask Christ to forgive his sins, but He refused. Then Holy Mother of God came down from her throne and wanted to fall at the feet of the Child. “What do you want to do, O My Mother!” - exclaimed the Son. “I will remain at Your feet along with this sinner,” She answered, “until You forgive his sins.” Christ said: “The law commands every son to honor his mother; and justice requires that the legislator should also be the executor of the law. I am Your Son, and You are My Mother. I must honor You by doing what you ask Me to do. according to Your desire. Now his sins are forgiven for Your sake. And as a sign of forgiveness, let him kiss My wounds." Then the shocked sinner stood up and touched with his lips the wounds of Christ open on the icon. With this, the vision ended, and it was not in vain for the man: from that time on, he corrected himself and began to live pleasing to God.
Shocked to the depths of his soul, with a contrite heart, the man prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos to be his Intercessor before God and Intercessor for the forgiveness of his sins. That man realized the depth of his fall and, with the help of God, left his sinful life. Until the end of his days, with tears and gratitude, he prayed to the Mother of God, through whose intercession he received the unexpected joy of repentance and forgiveness of sins from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This image, very revered in Orthodox Moscow, can be found in almost every church in the city.

By type, the icon “Unexpected Joy” refers to Hodegetria - a guide to Christ. It depicts a sinner kneeling in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and stretching out his hands to her with a plea for mercy. Sometimes from his lips, in the form of ribbons, icon painters depicted the text of prayers addressed to Her. It turns out an icon within an icon: the Mother of God holds Her Son on her left hand, and the Infant Christ raised His small hands up. The face of the Mother of God is turned to the sinner. Under the image there is an inscription outlining the story of the sinner’s salvation...

Hodegetria “Unexpected Joy” once again testifies that everyone who sincerely wants to be forgiven will be forgiven. Moreover, the story about the icon says that the repentant sinner prayed for the gift of a vision of his sins, and this does not mean that he was going to lead a vicious life again. Any person is a sinner - this is our dual nature, but if sin suddenly occurs due to human weakness, then, seeing it in person, we get the opportunity to repent and, possibly, complete repentance, which will become another step of salvation in the spirit.

This image has many lists distributed throughout Russia. He is glorified for his miracles, we are revered and loved everywhere, because Unexpected Joy is the Mother of God Herself, immeasurably loving, persistently in prayer before Her Divine Son for the entire human race, not leaving people without hope for forgiveness of the most serious sins, giving the unexpected joy of meeting and faith , love.

Miracle-working icons of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” arein the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” in Maryina Roshcha (Sheremetyevskaya st., 33)and inTemple of Elijah the Prophet in Obydensky Lane (metro station "Kropotkinskaya", 2nd Obydensky lane, 6).

Temple of the Prophet Elijah in Obydensky Lane

The most famous revered icons of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” are located in the Church of the Transfiguration on the Sands (metro station Smolenskaya, Spasopeskovsky lane, 4a) and in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word in Danilovskaya Sloboda (metro station Tulskaya, Danilovsky Val, 2 2) .

Many who with faith and love resort to the help of the Most Holy Theotokos receive through this icon the unexpected joy of forgiveness of sins and grace-filled consolation. This icon awakens in every believer a comforting faith in the help of the Queen of Heaven and, through Her, in the mercy of the Lord in all our affairs, as well as in prayer for children.

Days of celebration of the icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”b" - May 14 And December 22.

Troparion, tone 4:
Today, faithful people spiritually triumph, glorifying the zealous Intercessor of the Christian race and flowing to Her Most Pure Image, we cry out: Oh, Merciful Lady Theotokos, grant us unexpected joy, burdened with many sins and sorrows, and deliver us from all evil, praying to Your Son, Christ Our God, save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 6:
There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, unless You, Lady, help us, we hope in You and we boast in You, for we are Your servants, let us not be ashamed.

Prayer of the Mother of God before the icon of Her “Unexpected Joy”:
O Most Holy Virgin, All-Blessed Son of the All-Blessed Mother, Patroness of the city of Moscow, Faithful to the Representative and Intercessor of all who live in sins, sorrows, troubles and illnesses! Accept this prayer song from us, unworthy Thy servants, offered to You, and like the sinner of old, who prayed many times before Thy honorable icon every day, You did not despise, but You bestowed unexpected joy on him and You bowed down Your Son with many and zealous intercessions towards Him. for the forgiveness of this sinner and erring one, so even now do not despise the prayers of us, Thy unworthy servants, and beg Thy Son and our God, and grant to all of us, who with faith and tenderness bow before Thy celibate image, unexpected joy for each need: to sinners , mired in the depths of evils and passions - all-effective admonition, repentance and salvation; for those who are in sorrow and sorrow - consolation; to those who find themselves in troubles and embitterment - a complete abundance of these; for the faint-hearted and unreliable - hope and patience; to those who live in joy and abundance - unceasing thanksgiving to the Benefactor; to those in need - mercy; those who are in illness and long illness and abandoned by doctors - unexpected healing and strengthening; for those who were waiting for the mind from illness - return and renewal of the mind; those departing into eternal and endless life - memory of death, tenderness and contrition for sins, a cheerful spirit and firm hope in the mercy of the Judge. O Most Holy Lady! Have mercy on everyone who honors the all-honorable your name, and show everyone Your all-powerful protection and intercession; abide in piety, purity and honest living until their last death in goodness; create evil good things; guide the erring one on the right path; Make progress in every good work that is pleasing to Your Son; Destroy every evil and ungodly deed; in bewilderment and difficult and dangerous circumstances, those who find invisible help and admonition were sent down from Heaven; save from temptations, seductions and destruction; from evil people protect and preserve from enemies visible and invisible; floating float; for those who travel, travel; Be the Nourisher for those in need and hunger; for those who do not have shelter and shelter, provide cover and refuge; Give clothes to the naked; for those offended and unjustly persecuted - intercession; invisibly justify the slander, slander and blasphemy of those who suffer; expose slanderers and slanderers before everyone; Grant unforeseen reconciliation to those who are bitterly at odds, and to all of us for each other love, peace and piety and health with long life. Preserve marriages in love and like-mindedness; spouses who exist in enmity and division, die, unite me to each other and establish an indestructible union of love for them; to mothers and children giving birth, grant permission quickly; raise babies; For young people to be chaste, open their minds to the perception of every useful teaching, instruct them in the fear of God, abstinence and hard work; Protect from domestic strife and enmity of half-bloods with peace and love. Be the Mother of motherless orphans, turn them away from every vice and filth and teach them everything that is good and pleasing to God, and bring those seduced into sin and impurity, having revealed the filth of sin, from the abyss of destruction. Be the Comforter and Helper of widows, be the rod of old age, deliver us all from sudden death without repentance, and grant us all the Christian end of our lives, painless, shameless, peaceful and a good answer at the terrible Judgment of Christ. Having ceased in faith and repentance from this life, with the Angels and all the saints, make them live, begging for the mercy of Thy Son to be merciful to those who passed away by sudden death, and for all the departed who have no relatives, begging for the repose of Thy Son, Thou thyself be a ceaseless and warm Prayer-maker and Intercessor May everyone in Heaven and on earth lead You as a steadfast and shameless Representative of the Christian race, and, leading, glorify You and Your Son, with His Originless Father and His Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayers always help believers. People turn to the Mother of God in moments of despair, when there is nowhere to get help. One of the icons that can help in healing and give peace to the soul is the icon of the Mother of God Unexpected Joy. Many people turn to her in the hope that she will provide joyful relief from troubles. This image is highly revered by the people.

In contact with

Historical facts about the miraculous icon

The first mentions of the miraculous image go back to early XIX century, but the exact date of painting the face is still unknown to anyone. This is one of the holy images whose verbal description appeared earlier than its incarnation itself. You can find it in the work of the Russian enlightener Dmitry Rostov, which he called “Irrigated Fleece.”

This book tells the amazing story of one repentant sinner. In the image of the shrine itself there is usually a sinner who stands before the Mother of God with a feeling of incredible repentance. After this, he receives God's forgiveness and a chance to start a new prudent life. In the work, the author also described twenty-four cases of miraculous healing.

Churches where the image is kept

Not all churches have the icon of Unexpected Joy. Photos of her can be seen on the Internet, but an image of her can be found in:

During the revolution of 1917, many miraculous images were exported abroad. But many were mercilessly destroyed. Fortunately, some of the icons have been preserved, and in certain churches you can see them with your own eyes and also pray to them.

The Temple of Elijah the Prophet is one of the places where various relics from those churches that were not spared by the Soviet regime are kept. Thus, the miraculous icon ended up there, which has been preserved there to this day.

The meaning of the shrine and its help

With the appearance of the first icons in the 18th century, their miraculous properties. With the help of the image of the holy Heavenly Queen, various unusual things happened. These included:

  • miraculous healings of the infirm;
  • recovery of patients;
  • people tried to protect themselves from various misfortunes, etc.

For all this, people turned to Our Lady for help through prayers.

A person’s whole life consists of various small joys and victories. But they do not always remain noticed by people. In pursuit of an imaginary dream, they forget about the need to pay attention to loved ones and thank them for everything. Because of this they are not implemented cherished dreams. They, becoming an obsession, do not give a person the opportunity to enjoy the new day.

The essence of the icon is in hope of the will of the Lord and renunciation of sinful deeds and thoughts and immoral actions. The day should be spent in peace and gratitude should emanate from each day. It is necessary to repent of bad thoughts and criminal acts, bitterness, envy and anger, because they are so often present in the hearts of people and overwhelm them.

It is not difficult to pray near the holy face, but it is much harder spiritual work that is needed daily.

It is difficult to learn to pacify your own envy, pride, anger and other sins. You need to learn to restrain yourself and understand when it is better to remain silent..

You always need to be calm and restrained and remember to have a friendly attitude towards your loved ones and relatives and not only.

By his nature, a sinful person has a tendency to weakness, but when one treats this with humility and gets used to it, then, calling on the help of the Intercessor, even the most fallen person can deserve a chance to be forgiven.

The divine holy face represents the essence of transformation into spiritual sense . By working hard on oneself and one’s deeds, as well as reading prayers, everyone is allowed to choose the right path, where love and goodness will be present.

What can the “Unexpected Joy” shrine help with?

People are always interested in what prayers should be read in front of the icon of Unexpected Joy. You can pray to her for many things. You can highlight a whole list of problems with which people turn to the icon. What does it help with:

Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”

Akathist to the icon

Every believer knows that each icon has its own Akathist read. Akathist are words of praise and joy that can convey how strong gratitude is. Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos Unexpected Joy consists of several prayers, which are usually read while standing. It should be noted that the Akathist is not read on those days when church people fast.

Usually the Akathist is pronounced on Sundays before the icon. However, there are days when it is read for several days in a row. Before reading, a blessing from the priest is required. He can tell you on what days you will need to do this.

Prayer words must be pronounced before the divine face. Akathist is considered one of the strongest prayer appeals. This is a kind of prayer for help in various matters, cases, addressed to the Mother of God, who appears in the form of the icon of Unexpected Joy.

The Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of the icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” on May 14, June 3 and December 22. The first part of the image is a man standing in front of the icon, whose gaze and hands are turned to the Mother of God. It is located in the lower left corner. The image of the Mother of God herself belongs to the “Hodegetria” type. At the bottom there is usually either the beginning of the story about the miracle of St. Demetrius of Rostov, or part of the prayer to the “Unexpected Joy” icon. The Divine Infant is depicted in the icon with open wounds on the body.

The history of the icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”

The legend tells of the appearance of the Mother of God with the Child of God to a man. It was described by the saint of Rostov in his work “Irrigated Fleece.” The man suffered from a problem that he could not overcome. After each violation of a promise, he asked for forgiveness from the icon of the Mother of God. One fine day, before committing a sin, the man again turned to the icon and, leaving, he noticed that the Mother of God had turned her face to him, and wounds appeared on the body of the Infant of God, from which blood flowed. This event seriously affected the man, and he felt spiritual cleansing and forgot about his sin forever. This story became the basis for painting the famous icon.

The most famous image is located in the Church of Elijah the Prophet, which is located in Moscow. Several copies were made from this icon, which also showed their power and worked miracles. Every day people come to the image and turn to Higher powers with their problems.

How does the “Unexpected Joy” icon help?

During life, a person commits different actions and experiences feelings, for example, envy, anger, etc. All this negatively affects the internal state. By turning to the icon, a believer can find joy, peace, and find his true path and purpose. For example, in different historical periods during wars, women prayed to the image for the return of their husbands, and as a result, the desired became a reality.

To receive help, you need to read a prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”, and then state everything that lies like a stone in your soul. Many women who want to get pregnant make this request and soon the wish comes true. The icon helps to heal from various diseases, for example, there is evidence that people got rid of deafness and blindness. The icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” will help strengthen faith and give hope in better times. If you read a prayer for the family before this image, you can improve relationships, get rid of hostility, conflicts and other problems. You can pray in front of the icon about various family problems, the main thing is to do it from the heart. Lonely people can ask Higher powers help in finding your soulmate. Prayers about earthly affairs are read in front of the icon. For example, you can get protection from existing enemies, gossip and various troubles. The face will also help in solving material problems.

There are no specific rules for how to act in front of the “Unexpected Joy” icon. The clergy say that the main thing is to do it from the heart. It is recommended to first contact the priest to receive his blessing. If the text of the prayer is difficult to remember, then you can read it from a page, but it is important to write everything yourself. It is also allowed to address the face in your own words, the main thing is to speak from the heart without any thoughts.

The prayer to the icon “Unexpected Joy” sounds like this:

This is the most important prayer for addressing this icon, but there are also other texts that are used depending on the situation, that is, taking into account what exactly needs to be asked from the Higher Powers. You can also read the Akathist to the icon “Unexpected Joy”.

Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”

The icon is named so in memory of the healing of one sinner. A certain lawless man spent his life in sins, but he used to bow before the image of the Mother of God and bring her the Archangel’s greeting: “Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with You." Once, getting ready to go on a sinful deed, he, without even thinking about his blasphemous act, again turned to the Mother of God with prayer. Suddenly, fear and trembling overwhelmed him: the Mother of God appeared alive on the icon, and the Divine Infant had ulcers on his arms, legs and sides, and blood flowed from there.

Falling to the ground, the sinner cried out: “Oh, Lady, who did this?” “You and other sinners,” the Mother of God answered him, “you are crucifying My Son again. You call Me merciful, why do you insult Me with your lawless deeds?” Shocked to the depths of his soul, with a contrite heart, the repentant sinner prayed to God for the forgiveness of his sins and asked the Mother of God to beg Her Son to forgive him.

Since then, the former sinner began to live a pure and godly life. Thus, the Mother of God gave the sinner the unexpected joy of forgiveness and remission of sins, and these events served as the reason for painting the image “Unexpected Joy.” It depicts a man on his knees praying before the image of the Mother of God with Her Eternal Child. The first words of the story “A certain lawless man...” are usually placed under the image.

Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”

There are known surviving miraculous copies of the “Unexpected Joy” icon, for example, in Moscow churches: in the Church of the Prophet Elijah in Obydenny Lane and in the church in honor of the “Unexpected Joy” icon of the Mother of God in Maryina Roshcha.

The iconography of the icon arose on the basis of the story of St. Demetrius of Rostov about a thief who received the unexpected joy of forgiveness of sins, included in his work “The Irrigated Fleece,” dedicated to the glorification of the icon of the Mother of God from the Chernigov Ilyinsky Monastery (published in Chernigov in 1680). According to the story, the icon depicts a sinner kneeling before the image of the Mother of God with the Child Christ in her arms. Under the image of the Mother of God on the pedestal is written a text from the story, beginning with the words: “A certain lawless man...”.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” was in the royal rooms of the Kremlin palace. After 1817, it was moved to the Church of the Annunciation on the Zhitny Dvor near the Kremlin wall; The icon became one of the most famous Moscow shrines.

After the church was closed in 1918, the icon was saved by believers. The now revered icon “Unexpected Joy” from the Church of Elijah the Prophet in Obydenny Lane in Moscow probably comes from the Church of the Annunciation on Zhitny Dvor (according to another version, from the Church of Constantine and Helena near the Kremlin wall).

Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”


Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”

Prayer before the icon

Prayer in front of the icon and knowledge of the events that are associated with the birth of the image inspire a person to moral rebirth, and prayer for loved ones helps those in despair find unexpected joy and gives hope for a sudden joyful deliverance from troubles and sorrows, if they are present in their life.

With her holy intercession through our prayers before the icon of Her “Unexpected Joy,” the Mother of God protects us from all sorrows and troubles that may be in our lives, since, as it is said in the kontakion (see section “How to pray in front of an icon”), we do not have there is no other hope, no other help than Her. Unexpected joy - one that we no longer expected or expected. The icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”, the prayer to the Mother of God in front of it will protect from diseases, especially those related to hearing, and here we mean not only physical, but also spiritual hearing - to the extent that we hear the Lord and His answer to prayers through the Mother of God and the saints.
And a prayer to the Mother of God in front of the “Unexpected Joy” icon will protect you from many misfortunes. This list of sorrows is expressed in a lengthy, heartfelt prayer to Her. In all sorrows - separation of spouses, lost relatives, in hardships, in salvation from slanderous slander, in all difficult situations you can ask the Mother of God in front of Her icon “Unexpected Joy” for protection. For example, when praying for those sailing at sea or traveling on land in any difficult conditions, it is worth asking Her icon “Unexpected Joy” to protect them from danger, asking for their speedy and successful return.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” helps to find peace of mind and inner spiritual strength. As Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva wrote in “Poems about Moscow”:

To Unexpected Joy in the Garden
I will bring in a foreign guest.

The domes of red will shine,
The sleepless bells will ring,

And at you from the crimson clouds
The Virgin Mary will drop her veil,

And you will rise, filled with wondrous powers...
“You won’t regret that you loved me.”

Prayer in front of this icon helps us get everything that we have wanted for so long, that we no longer expected to receive, each according to our own desire: for a priest it can be the repentance of a sinner in the flock and the salvation of his soul, for someone asking for the forgiveness of sins it can be forgiveness. It helps parents in cases where it is necessary to bring some sense to children who have lost their way, gone vicious path. At the request of people, someone finds lost loved ones, someone reconciles with someone with whom reconciliation seems impossible, and much, much more happens, even a seeming failure can turn into a happy accident.

It is believed that prayer in front of the “Unexpected Joy” icon helps in healing from diseases, especially those associated with deafness. Here, physical deafness is probably subconsciously associated among believers with spiritual deafness, with the loss of moral guidelines, which obviously manifests itself at the bodily level.

Also, prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected joy” helps to find just such a joy, the most amazing, because it is unexpected, sudden. It is known that during the Great Patriotic War many women in the rear prayed in front of this icon (there is information about this) for the missing men of their family, and others even for the fallen, after the funeral. And it happened unexpected joy– information about the death turned out to be erroneous, the fighter returned home.
Many believers know: ask Her icon “Unexpected Joy” for everything that your soul grieves about, and She, the Intercessor, helps everyone who comes with faith and prayer, even in what seems almost impossible, returning lost hopes.

Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”

Troparion, tone 4

Today, faithful people spiritually triumph, glorifying the zealous Intercessor of the Christian race and flowing to Her Most Pure Image, we cry out: Oh, Merciful Lady Theotokos, grant us unexpected joy, burdened with many sins and sorrows, and deliver us from all evil, praying to Your Son, Christ Our God, save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 6

There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, unless You, Lady, help us, we hope in You and we boast in You, for we are Your servants, let us not be ashamed.

First prayer

Oh, Most Holy Virgin, the All-Blessed Son of the All-Blessed Mother, the Patroness of this city and holy temple, faithful to the Representative and Intercessor of all who are in sins, sorrows, troubles and illnesses! Accept this prayer song from us, unworthy of Your servants, offered to You, and like the sinner of old, who prayed many times before Your honorable icon, You did not despise him, but You gave him the unexpected joy of repentance and You bowed Your Son to the many and zealous towards him. intercession for the forgiveness of this sinner and lost one, so even now do not despise the prayers of us, Thy unworthy servants, and beg Thy Son and our God, so that all of us with faith and tenderness who worship before Thy celibate image will grant unexpected joy for each need: as a shepherd to the church - holy zeal for the salvation of the flock; a sinner mired in the depths of evil and passions - all-effective admonition, repentance and salvation; for those who are in sorrow and sorrow - consolation; for those who find themselves in troubles and bitterness - a complete abundance of these; for the faint-hearted and unreliable - hope and patience; in the joy and contentment of those living - unceasing thanksgiving to God the Benefactor; to those in need - mercy; those who are in illness and long illness and abandoned by doctors - unexpected healing and strengthening; for those who were waiting for the mind from illness - the return and renewal of the mind; those departing into eternal and endless life - memory of death, tenderness and contrition for sins, a cheerful spirit and firm hope in God's mercy. Oh, Most Holy Lady!
Have mercy on all who honor Your All-Honorable Name, and show everyone Your all-powerful protection and intercession; abide in piety, purity and honest living until their last death in goodness; create evil good things; guide those who are lost on the right path; Make progress in every good work that is pleasing to Your Son; Destroy every evil and ungodly deed; in bewilderment and difficult and dangerous circumstances, invisible help and admonition were sent down from heaven; save from temptations, seductions and destruction; protect and preserve from all evil people and from enemies visible and invisible; floating float; for those who travel, travel; Be the Nourisher for those in need and hunger; be the Cover and Refuge for those without shelter and shelter; Give clothes to the naked; for those who are offended and suffer from untruths - intercession; invisibly justify the one who suffers slander, slander and blasphemy; expose slanderers and slanderers before everyone; Unexpectedly grant reconciliation to those who are bitterly at odds, and to all of us - love, peace and piety and health with long life for each other.
Preserve marriages in love and like-mindedness; spouses who exist in enmity and division, die, unite to each other and establish an indestructible union of love for them; to mothers and children giving birth, grant permission quickly; educate infants, young ones to be chaste, open their minds to the perception of all useful teachings, instruct the fear of God, abstinence and hard work; Protect from domestic strife and enmity of half-bloods with peace and love.
Be the Mother of motherless orphans, turn them away from all vice and filth and teach them everything good and pleasing to God; those who have been seduced into sin and uncleanness, having revealed the filth of sin, bring them out of the abyss of destruction.
Be the Comforter and Helper of widows, be the rod of old age.
Deliver us all from sudden death without repentance, and grant us all a Christian end to our lives, painless, shameless, peaceful, and a good answer at the terrible judgment of Christ.
Having ceased in faith and repentance from this life, create with the angels and all the saints the lives; to those who died a sudden death, beseech the mercy of Thy Son, and for all those who have died who have no relatives, begging for the repose of Thy Son, Thou thyself be a ceaseless and warm Prayer Book and Intercessor; may they lead Thee to heaven and earth as a steadfast and unashamed Representative of the Christian race, and glorify Thee and Thy Son with Thee, with His Originless Father and His Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages.

Second prayer

Oh, Most Holy Virgin, the All-Blessed Son of the All-Blessed Mother, the Patroness of this city, faithful to the Representative and Intercessor of all who are in sins, sorrows, troubles and illnesses! Accept this prayer song from us, unworthy of Your servants, offered to You: and like the sinner of old, who prayed many times before Your venerable icon, You did not despise Him, but You granted the unexpected joy of repentance, and through Your zealous intercession with Your Son for the forgiveness of the sinner Thou hast bowed thus, and now do not despise the prayers of us, Thy unworthy servants, but pray to Thy Son and our God, and to all of us, with faith and tenderness before Thy celibate image, who, according to each need, grant unexpected joy: may all in heaven and on the lands lead You as a steadfast and unashamed Representative of the Christian race, and this leading, they glorify You and Your Son with His Originless Father and His Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages.
Amen. - Tuesday of Holy Week, February 25, April 13, May 6, October 26
- April 16, January 13.
- April 17.
- April 17, October 17.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional love

Orthodox believers especially venerate her, calling her protector, intercessor, and helper. Almost every day in churches, according to the calendar of Orthodox dates, one or another icon of the Mother of God is remembered with a prayer request. Twice a year, on May 14 and December 22, the miraculous image “Unexpected Joy” is celebrated. Please note that both words in the title are capitalized, because Joy refers to the Most Pure Virgin herself. What does unexpected joy mean? - the one they didn’t expect, didn’t expect. Such an unexpected heartfelt feeling once touched a sinner.

How was the image “Unexpected Joy” revealed?

The exact date and place of appearance of the icon is unknown; it became widespread less than three centuries ago.

It is surprising that an icon is usually called miraculous after it has performed numerous miraculous healings and phenomena. Only the image “Unexpected Joy” precedes a wonderful event. Saint Dmitry of Rostov mentions it for the first time in his work “Irrigated Fleece”. This book was written by the Saint to glorify the locally revered Holy Mother of God Icon of the Elias Monastery in the city of Chernigov.

The last chapter described the following story: one unrighteous man lived wickedly, but always treated the Most Holy Theotokos with special reverence. One day he was about to commit lawlessness once again, and as usual, he said the words of prayer, addressing him with an angelic greeting: Rejoice, full of grace. Suddenly the icon seemed to become alive; instead of joy, sorrow was reflected on its face. She held in her arms the Infant of God, whose shirt was torn and bleeding wounds opened on his arms, legs and under his ribs. The wicked man was amazed at what he saw. He bent down and knelt down, asking who could do this to our Lord Jesus Christ.

The answer he received floored him. The Mother of God replied that this was the work of his hands and other sinful people who crucified her Son again and again. The sinner prayed for a long time, without receiving forgiveness twice. The Mother of God together with him asked the Divine Child for help. For the third time, after the heartfelt repentance of the wicked man and the desire of the Mother of God to pray with him at the feet of the Son, the Lord said that the law commands that the Son honor the mother, let it be as she says. The forgiven one kissed the icon, falling unconscious. Having come into himself, he felt unprecedented joy in his heart, hope for forgiveness for his actions. The man was reborn spiritually and began to lead a righteous life.

This event formed the basis for painting the icon “Unexpected Joy”. It received an incredible response in the hearts of believers; by the end of the 18th century, a copy of the miraculous image was in almost every Orthodox church. It can still be found today in many churches; it is especially revered in Moscow in the Church of Elijah the Prophet. Initially, this icon was kept in one of the Kremlin churches, in the mid-20th century it was transported to Sokolniki, and since 1959 it has been in Elias Church Elijah, it is known that Patriarch Pimen often prayed before her.

What type of Mother of God icons does it belong to?

On the icon “Unexpected Joy” the Mother of God is depicted with the Infant Christ in her arms, this is a type that, translated, means a Guide, she, pointing with one hand at her Son, asserting which way a Christian should go. The unique image differs from most canonical images. This is not just an icon, but an iconographic composition (an icon within an icon).

The action takes place in the temple. In the lower left corner there is a man who knelt in prayer before the image of the Mother of God. Sometimes the letters from his mouth are depicted as ribbons to show his earnest prayer. The head of the Queen of Heaven is slightly tilted, her gaze is indirect, directed at the person praying. She points to the Son with one hand, and holds Him with the other as if on a throne. The Divine Infant has wounds from which blood flows, one hand is raised, it blesses all believers. A number of theologians classify “Unexpected Joy” as a type of akathist icon.

Below the image are words from the book of the Saint of Rostov: A certain lawless man. Think about it, after all, each of us daily commits lawlessness, sins: discussing, despondent, shouting, swearing, being proud, performing seemingly harmless actions, thereby becoming an accomplice in this distant history, again and again crucifying the Lord Jesus Christ, the way out is in repentance, hope for forgiveness and prayer help.

What should she pray for?

Often a person finds himself in a critical situation when he can only rely on God’s help. Then they pray to the Mother of God, asking her to cling to the heart of her Son and ask for spiritual joy, help in business, strengthening in faith, for the return of the lost and the preservation of children.

Parents prayerfully ask the Mother of God for their children, so that they are healthy and walk in the right direction. life's path, about their confirmation in faith, about spiritual and physical insight. The image of the Mother of God helps spouses to establish peace and mutual understanding, eliminate divisions, and reconcile those at war. This icon is approached with a request to protect from enemies and spiteful critics. Through prayers from the image of “Unexpected Joy” many healings and miracles occur, but most often people receive healing from deafness. This means not only a physical illness, but also a spiritual one: the inability to hear the words of Holy Scripture, loved ones. Cases have been established when women prayed for a quick marriage, for the return of their husbands from the battlefield, from travel, received help, prayer is effective against serious adversity, unjust accusations.

There are several prayer rules, which are read depending on life circumstances. When time permits, it is better to read full text prayers or even an akathist. There is a lot of evidence that reading the akathist helps infertile women: despite the diagnosis, they get the opportunity to experience the joy of motherhood.

Prayer for pregnancy to the Mother of God in front of the icon “Unexpected Joy”:

Oh, Most Holy Virgin, the All-Blessed Son of the All-Blessed Mother, the Patroness of this city, faithful to the Representative and Intercessor of all who are in sins, sorrows, troubles and illnesses!

Accept this prayer song from us, unworthy of Your servants, offered to You: and like the sinner of old, who prayed many times before Your venerable icon, You did not despise Him, but You granted the unexpected joy of repentance, and through Your zealous intercession with Your Son for the forgiveness of the sinner Thou hast bowed thus, and now do not despise the prayers of us, Thy unworthy servants, but pray to Thy Son and our God, and to all of us, with faith and tenderness before Thy celibate image, who, according to each need, grant unexpected joy: may all in heaven and on the lands lead You as a steadfast and unashamed Representative of the Christian race, and this leading, they glorify You and Your Son with His Originless Father and His Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

If there is a lack of time, you can limit yourself to a short call to the help of the Mother of God the Virgin Mary. The clergy emphasize that the main thing is that the prayer comes from a pure heart. It is important to first say the words of prayer, after which formulate a petition in your own words.

Prayer (short):

To the Mother of God and the Queen, chosen from all generations, who sometimes appeared to a lawless man to turn him away from the path of wickedness, we offer a song of thanksgiving to Thee, the Mother of God: But You, who have unspeakable mercy, free us from all troubles and sins, let us call to Thee: Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.


Today, return to the people who glorify the zealous Intercessor of the Christian race, and who flow to Her most pure image, we cry out to the Lord: Oh, Merciful Lady Theotokos, grant us unexpected joy, burdened with many sins and sorrows, and deliver us from all evil, praying to Your Son, Christ God ours, to save our souls.

What does the name of the icon say?

Unexpected joy is an image that reminds us that forgiveness of sins is possible with heartfelt repentance and prayer. A joyful feeling does not immediately fill a person; he read the prayer and immediately became happy, no. After heartfelt labor and repentance (remember that Jesus Christ did not immediately forgive the sinner), when it would seem there is no more strength, forgiveness comes, and at the same time, unexpectedly, the heart becomes light and joyful. The icon teaches you to remain true to your word. A person, after repentance and received forgiveness, does not go further to lawlessness, but begins to lead a righteous life.

It is no coincidence that according to legend, the first to go to heaven with Christ was a robber who sincerely repented. No matter what circumstances happen in life, the Most Holy Theotokos becomes the first intercessor of every person. And you need to be able to notice joy in every moment. It is that there is a family, children, a favorite job, that you can hear birds singing and admire nature, it is that there is hope for healing, help, eternal life, there is a heavenly Intercessor ready to help everyone to her to the person who applied.

Rejoice, you who grant unexpected joy to the faithful!
