Pressure response to exercise. Types of reactions of the cardiovascular system to physical activity. The concept of active versus passive flexibility

Physiological type... During the load, the possibility of increasing the intensity of the load is subjectively felt; Heart rate - within the limits established for this individual; free rhythmic breathing. Immediately after the load, you feel good, a feeling of "muscle joy"; decrease in heart rate within three minutes to 120 beats / min. and less. The feeling of general fatigue lasts no more than two hours after the lesson, local fatigue - more than 12 hours. In the interval between loads, the heart rate is less than 80 beats / min., The orthostatic reaction of the pulse is not more than 12 per minute.

"Border" type... During the load, the feeling of extreme load; the appearance of an unpleasant sensation or pain in the chest; an increase in the usual rate of breathing. After exercise - mental depression, heart rate in three minutes more than 120 beats / min; pain and discomfort even with low intensity loads. The feeling of fatigue persists for more than two hours after exercise; interest in classes decreases; sleep and appetite are disturbed; Heart rate between loads - more than 80 beats / min.

Pathological type... During exercise - impaired coordination, pallor, pain in the chest area, heart rhythm disturbance. Immediately after exercise, chest pain persists; feeling of severe fatigue, which lasts more than 12 hours, malaise, dizziness. Heart rate within three minutes after exercise - more than 140 beats / min. In the future, there is aversion to training, malaise, sleep disturbance, appetite, decreased resistance to habitual physical activity, orthostatic pulse reaction in the interval between loads - 20 or more in 1 minute, heart rate - more than 80 beats / min.

The nature of the blood pressure response to the load

Normotonic type... Along with an increase in heart rate, systolic pressure clearly increases (no more than 150% of the initial); diastolic pressure does not change or decreases slightly; pulse pressure increases.

Asthenic (hypotonic) type characterized by a more significant increase in heart rate; systolic pressure is weak or does not increase at all, and sometimes even decreases; pulse pressure decreases. An increase in the minute blood volume is provided mainly by an increase in heart rate. The appearance of an asthenic reaction is explained by a decrease in the contractile function of the heart ("hyposystole syndrome" in the clinic). This is an unfavorable weakness of the body.

Hypertensive type characterized by a more pronounced increase in heart rate than with a normotonic reaction, and most importantly, a sharp rise in systolic (more than 160-180% of the initial) or diastolic (more than 10 mm Hg) pressure. This reaction is observed in the initial stage of hypertensive neurocirculatory dystonia, with overtraining.

Dystonic type the reaction is characterized by an increase in heart rate, an increase in the maximum A / D, a sharp decrease in the minimum A / D, the appearance of the phenomenon of "infinite tone" (Korotkoff's tones are heard when the pressure in the cuff drops to "0"). It should be borne in mind that the definition of the phenomenon of "endless current" in the first 10-20 seconds after a load of significant intensity is not a deviation from the norm, but a consequence of a change in the nature of blood flow in large arterial trunks. "Endless tone", determined after 20 squats, indicates asthenization of the body (overwork, overtraining, etc.), a violation of the state of the autonomic nervous system and the emergence of neuroses.

Step type the reaction is characterized by the fact that the systolic pressure reaches its maximum level not immediately after the load, but in the second or third minute of the recovery period; characteristic of overwork and overtraining.

Treadmill test (treadmill)

Treadmill (treadbane) - a device that allows you to reproduce walking or running at a certain speed at a certain incline (see Fig. ). The speed of the belt, and therefore the subject, is measured in m / s or km / h. In addition, the treadmill is equipped with a speedometer, slope meter and a number of adjusting devices.

The regularity of monitoring the main clinical and physiological parameters is the same as in the submaximal step test and the test on the bicycle ergometer.

1) horizontal level of the belt with increasing speed from 6 km / h to 8 km / h, etc .;

2) constant speed with a stepwise increase in the slope of 2.5 o, and, in this case, two options are possible: walking at a speed of 5 km / h and running at a speed of 10 km / h.

Thredban reproduces the usual human activities. It is preferred when examining children and the elderly.

A group of labor physiologists at the WHO noted the coincidence of the results of various tests with an identical load. Thus, in the examined young healthy men the BMD was 3.68 ± 0.73 in the step test, 3.56 ± 0.71 on the bicycle ergometer, and 3.81 ± 0.76 l / min on the treadmill; HR, respectively, 188 ± 6.1; 187 ± 9; 190 ± 5 in 1 min. The content of lactic acid in the blood - 11.6 ± 2.9; 12.4 ± 1.7; 13.5 ± 2.3 mmol / L.

The definition and assessment of the functional state of the body as a whole is called functional diagnostics.

In connection with the intensification of the educational and training process and the growth of sports results, frequent starts, especially international ones, it becomes obvious the need for a correct assessment of the functional state of athletes, and on the other hand, the importance of determining the adequacy of training for a given individual.

The study of the functional state of people involved in physical education and sports is carried out by using various functional tests. In a functional test (test), the reaction of organs and systems to the effect of a factor, more often physical activity, is studied.

The main (prerequisite) condition for this should be its strict dosage. Only under this condition it is possible to determine the change in the reaction of the same person to the load at different functional states.

For any functional test, first, the initial data of the studied parameters characterizing a particular system or organ at rest are determined, then the data of these indicators immediately (or during the test) after exposure to one or another dosed factor and, finally, after the termination of the loads until the subject returns. to the original state. The latter allows you to determine the duration and nature of the recovery period.

Most often, functional diagnostics use tests (tests) with such physical activity as running, squatting, jumping, climbing and descending stairs (step test) and others. All these loads are dosed both by pace and duration (duration).

In addition to tests with physical exertion, other tests are also used: orthostatic, clinostatic, Romberg's test.

It should be noted that it is impossible to correctly assess the functional state of the athlete's body using any one indicator.

Only a comprehensive study of the functional state, including testing with physical activity, ECG recording, biochemical analyzes, etc., makes it possible to correctly assess the functional state of an athlete.

Functional tests are divided into specific and non-specific. Such functional tests are called specific, the influence factor in which is the movement characteristic of a particular sport. For example, for a runner, such a breakout would be running (or running on a treadmill), for a swimmer - on a water channel, etc. Nonspecific (inadequate) tests include tests that use movements that are not characteristic of a particular sport. For example, for a wrestler - a bicycle ergometric load, etc.

Classification of functional tests

Classification of functional (stress) tests (tests). Functional tests can be simultaneous, when one load is used (for example, running in place for 15 seconds, or 20 squats, or throwing a scarecrow in a fight, etc.); two-moment - when two loads are given (for example, running, squats), three-moment - when three tests (loads) are given successively one after the other, for example, squatting, 15 s. jogging, and a 3-minute jogging in place. In recent years, one-time tests (tests) are more often used and estimates (preliminary competitions) are carried out with the measurement of various indicators (heart rate, blood pressure, EKG, lactate, urea and other indicators).

It is very important when performing tests (tests) with physical activity is the correctness of their performance and dosage in terms of pace and duration.

When studying the body's response to a particular physical activity, attention is paid to the degree of change in the determined indicators and the time of their return to the initial level. A correct assessment of the degree of reaction and the duration of recovery allows a fairly accurate assessment of the condition of the subject.

According to the nature of changes in heart rate and blood pressure (BP) after testing, five types of reactions of the cardiovascular system are distinguished (distinguished): normotonic, hypotonic (asthenic), hypertensive, dystonic and stepwise (Fig. ).

Types of reactions of the cardiovascular system to physical activity and their assessment: 1 - normotonic; 2 - hypotonic; 3 - hypertensive; 4 - dystonic; 5 - step

Normotonic type of reaction the cardiovascular system is characterized by an increase in heart rate, an increase in systolic and a decrease in diastolic pressure. Pulse pressure increases. Such a reaction is considered physiological, because with a normal increase in heart rate, adaptation to the load occurs due to an increase in pulse pressure, which indirectly characterizes an increase in the stroke volume of the heart. An increase in systolic blood pressure reflects the effort of left ventricular systole, and a decrease in diastolic blood pressure reflects a decrease in the tone of arterioles, which provides better blood access to the periphery. The recovery period with such a reaction of the cardiovascular system is 3-5 minutes. This type of response is typical of trained athletes.

Hypotonic (asthenic) type of reaction the cardiovascular system is characterized by a significant increase in heart rate (tachycardia) and, to a lesser extent, by an increase in the stroke volume of the heart, a slight rise in systolic and a constant (or slight increase) in diastolic pressure. Pulse pressure decreases. This means that increased blood circulation during exercise is achieved more due to increased heart rate, and not an increase in stroke volume, which is irrational for the heart. The recovery period is dragging on.

Hypertensive type of reaction on physical activity is characterized by a sharp increase in systolic blood pressure - up to 180-190 mm Hg. Art. with a simultaneous rise in diastolic pressure up to 90 mm Hg. Art. and higher and a significant increase in heart rate. The recovery period is dragging on. The hypertensive type of reaction is assessed as unsatisfactory.

Dystonic type of reaction the cardiovascular system on physical activity is characterized by a significant increase in systolic pressure - above 180 mm Hg. Art and diastolic, which after the termination of the load can sharply decrease, sometimes to "0" - the phenomenon of an endless tone. The heart rate increases significantly. Such a reaction to physical activity is regarded as unfavorable. The recovery period is dragging on.

Step reaction type characterized by a stepwise rise in systolic pressure at the 2nd and 3rd minutes of the recovery period, when the systolic pressure is higher than at the 1st minute. Such a reaction of the cardiovascular system reflects the functional inferiority of the regulatory circulatory system, therefore, it is assessed as unfavorable. The recovery period for heart rate and blood pressure is delayed.

The recovery period is important in assessing the response of the cardiovascular system to physical activity. It depends on the nature (intensity) of the load, on the functional state of the subject and other factors. The response to physical activity is considered good when, with normal baseline heart rate and blood pressure, the recovery of these indicators is noted in the 2-3rd minute. The reaction is considered satisfactory if the recovery occurs in the 4-5th minute. The reaction is considered as unsatisfactory if, after exercise, hypotonic, hypertensive, dystonic and stepwise reactions appear and the recovery period is delayed up to 5 minutes or more. Lack of recovery of heart rate and blood pressure within 4-5 minutes. Immediately after exercise, even with a normotensive response, it should be assessed as unsatisfactory.

The Novakki test is recommended by WHO for widespread use. To carry it out, a bicycle ergometer is used. The essence of the test is to determine the time during which the subject is able to fulfill the load (W / kg) of a specific power, depending on its own weight. In other words, the load is strictly individualized.

In fig. the test scheme is shown: the load starts from 1 W / kg of mass, every 2 minutes it increases by 1 W / kg until the subject refuses to perform work (load). At this moment, oxygen consumption is close to or equal to the MBK, the heart rate also reaches its maximum values.

Novakki test: W - load power; t - time

In the table Novakki test parameters the estimates of the test results of healthy persons are given. The Novakki test is suitable for studying both trained and untrained persons, and can also be used in the selection of rehabilitation remedies after injuries and diseases. In the latter case, the test should be started with a load of 1/4 W / kg. In addition, the test is also used for selection in youth sports.

Novakki test parameters

load, W / kg
Working hours
on each step (min)
Assessment of test results
2 1

Low performance among untrained (A) *

3 1

Satisfactory performance in untrained (B)

3 2

Normal performance in untrained (B)

4 1

Satisfactory performance in athletes (G)

4 2

Good performance in athletes (D)

5 1-2

High performance in athletes

6 1

Very high performance in athletes

* See picture .

Cooper's test

Cooper's test (K. Cooper). The Cooper's 12-minute test involves covering the maximum possible distance by jogging in 12 minutes (on level ground without ups and downs, usually in a stadium). The test is terminated if the subject has signs of overload (severe shortness of breath, tachyarrhythmia, dizziness, pain in the heart, etc.).

The test results are highly consistent with the MBK value determined when testing on a treadmill (table. Physical condition grades based on 12-minute test results).

Physical condition grades based on 12-minute test results *

* The distance (in km) covered by women in 12 minutes is shown in brackets (according to K. Cooper, 1970).

To assess the functional state of the organism according to the value of BMD, various gradations have been proposed. G.L. Strongin and A.S. Turkish (1972), for example, based on the use of maximum stress tests in men, four groups of physical performance are distinguished: low - with an MPK less than 26 ml / min / kg, reduced - at 26-28 ml / min / kg, satisfactory - at 29- 38 ml / min / kg and high - at more than 38 ml / min / kg.

K. Cooper (1970) identifies five categories of physical condition (very poor, poor, satisfactory, good, excellent) depending on the value of the BMD, taking into account the age. The graduation meets the practical requirements and allows taking into account the dynamics of the physical condition when examining healthy people and persons with minor functional impairments. Criteria K. Cooper for various categories of physical condition of men according to the value of BMD are given in table. Assessment of physical condition by the magnitude of the MBK.

Assessment of physical condition according to the value of BMD (ml / min / kg)

Cooper's test can be used to select students in the section for cyclic sports, as well as to control fitness (tab. Correlation between 12-minute test results and MPK). The test makes it possible to determine the functional state of an athlete and people involved in physical education.

Correlation between 12-minute test results and MPK (by K. Cooper)

Samples and assessments of the condition of athletes

Flak test(determination of the indicator of physical performance). The patient inhales into the mouthpiece of the air manometer, holding his breath at a manometer reading of 40 mm Hg. Art. The duration of the breath hold is noted, where every 5 s the heart rate is calculated in relation to the resting level. Assessment of the test: in well-trained people, the maximum increase in heart rate does not exceed 7 beats in 5 s; with an average level of fitness - 9 beats; with a mediocre condition - 10 beats. and more. An increase in heart rate, followed by a fall, indicates the unsuitability of the subject for intense muscle stress. A significant increase in heart rate, and then its slowdown, occurs in persons with increased nervous tone. They can be highly efficient.

Flack's test reflects the functional state of the right heart.

V.I. Dubrovsky tests resistance to hypoxia. The subject is placed on the chest and on the abdominal wall of the cuffs connected to the scribe. After a deep breath, the breath is held and the first ascillations are recorded on the kymograph, indicating a contraction of the diaphragm. The longitude of the breath hold indicates the degree of resistance to hypoxia. The higher it is, the better the functional state of the athlete.

Krampton test... The subject from the supine position goes into the standing position, and immediately within 2 minutes his heart rate and blood pressure are measured. The results of this test are expressed using the formula:

Krampton exponent = 3.15 + RA = Sc / 20

where RA is systolic blood pressure, Sc is heart rate. The data obtained is evaluated according to the table:

Orthostatic test is carried out as follows. The athlete lies on the couch for 5 minutes, counts the pulse. Then he gets up and the pulse is counted again. Normally, when moving from a prone position to a standing position, there is an increase in heart rate by 10-12 beats / min. Up to 20 beats / min, a satisfactory reaction, more than 20 beats / min - unsatisfactory, which indicates insufficient nervous regulation of the cardiovascular system.

Clinostatic test- transition from a standing position to a lying position. Normally, there is a slowdown in the pulse, not exceeding 6-10 beats / min. A sharper slowdown in the pulse indicates an increased tone of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Blood circulation efficiency factor (KEC) is essentially a minute volume of blood.

KEK = (BP max. - BP min.) X HR

Normally, KEK = 2600, with fatigue it increases.

Temporal blood pressure (VAP) is measured according to Ravinsky-Markelov a special cuff 4 cm wide. Normally, it is equal to 1/2 of the maximum blood pressure. With fatigue, the temporal pressure indicators increase by 10-20 mm Hg. Art.

Endurance factor (KV) determined by the formula Kvass. The test characterizes the functional state of the cardiovascular system. This test is an integral value combining heart rate and systolic and diastolic pressure. Calculated using the following formula:

CV = (heart rate x 10) / pulse pressure

Normally, KV = 16. An increase in it indicates a weakening of the activity of the cardiovascular system, a decrease - an increase.

Valsalva test is as follows. The athlete, after a full exhalation and a deep breath, exhales into the mouthpiece of the manometer and holds his breath at around 40-50 mm Hg. Art. During exercise, blood pressure and heart rate are measured. With tension, diastolic pressure rises, systolic pressure decreases and heart rate increases. With a good functional state, the duration of stress increases, with fatigue it decreases.

Kerdo Index (IR) represents the ratio of blood pressure, D and P, that is:

ИK = 1 - [(D / P) x 100]

where D - diastolic pressure, P - pulse. In a healthy person, it is close to zero, with a predominance of sympathetic tone, an increase is noted, parasympathetic tone decreases, becomes negative. When the state of the autonomic nervous system is in equilibrium, IK = 0.

When the balance is shifted under the influence of the sympathetic nervous system, diastolic blood pressure falls, heart rate rises, IK = 0. With increased functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system, IK< 0. Исследование необходимо проводить в одно и то же время суток (например, утром после сна). ИK информативен в игровых видах спорта, где высоко нервно-психическое напряжение. Kроме того, этот показатель надо рассматривать в комплексе с другими показателями, в частности, с биохимическими (лактат, мочевина, гистамин, гемоглобин и др.), с учетом активности физиологических функций. Необходимо учитывать уровень подготовки спортсмена, функциональное состояние, возраст и пол.

Mean arterial pressure

Mean arterial pressure is one of the most important hemodynamic parameters.

SBP = BP diast. + BP pulse / 2

Observations show that with physical fatigue, the average blood pressure rises by 10-30 mm Hg. Art.

Systolic volume (S) and minute volume (M) calculated by the formula of Lilienstrand and Zander:

S = (Pd x 100) / D ,

where Pd is the pulse pressure; D - average pressure (half of the sum of the maximum and minimum pressures); M = S x P, where S is the systolic volume; R - heart rate.

Reaction quality index (PKR) Kushelevsky and Zislin are calculated by the formula:

PKR = (RA 2 - RA 1) / (R 2 - R 1)

where R 1 and RA 1 are the values ​​of the pulse and pulse amplitude in a state of relative rest before the load; Р 2 and RA 2 - the values ​​of the pulse and pulse amplitude after exercise.

Ruffier index... The pulse is measured in a sitting position (P 1), then the athlete performs 30 deep squats for 30 s. After this, the pulse is counted while standing (P 2), and then after a minute of rest (P 3). The index is estimated using the formula:

I = [(P 1 + P 2 + P 3) - 200] / 10

The index is evaluated:< 0 - отлично, 1-5 - хорошо, 6-10 - удовлетворительно, 11-15 слабо, >15 - unsatisfactory.

Functional test by Kverg includes 30 squats in 30 seconds, maximum running in place - 30 seconds, 3-minute running in place with a frequency of 150 steps per minute and jumping rope - 1 minute. Complex load lasts 5 minutes. Immediately after the load in the sitting position, the heart rate is measured for 30 s (P 1), again - after 2 (P 2) and 4 minutes. (R 3).

The index is estimated by the formula:

[duration of work (in seconds) x 100] /

> 105 = very good, 99-104 - good, 93-98 - fair,< 92 - слабо.

Skibinskaya index... Measure the vital capacity of the lungs (VC) (in ml) and breath holding (in s). Using the combined test, the cardio-respiratory system is assessed according to the formula:

[(VEL / 100) x breath hold] / pulse rate (in min.)

Index score:< 5 - очень плохо, 5-10 - неудовлетворительно, 10-30 - удовлетворительно, 30-60 - хорошо, >60 is very good.

For highly qualified athletes, the index is more than 80.

functional tests- functional tests
test on treadmill (treadmill)
classification of functional tests
Novakki test - test Novakki
test Kupera - test Kupera
tests and assessment of athletes
mean arterial pressure

There are 5 types of blood pressure response to exercise:

1. normotonic- systolic blood pressure rises no more than normal (150%) from the initial; The heart rate rises to 60–80%;

2. hypotonic(asthenic) - systolic blood pressure does not change or decreases; The heart rate rises more than 100% of the initial;

3. hypertensive- systolic blood pressure rises by more than 160-180%;

4. dystonic- a sharp decrease in diastolic blood pressure to 0 mm Hg, the appearance of the phenomenon of "endless tone";

5. stepped- an increase in blood pressure develops after a long period after exercise - 2-3 minutes.

Only type 1 is normal. Hypotonic (2nd) type indicates low physical fitness of the subject. Hypertensive type (3rd) is detected with NCD, beginning hypertension. Types 4 and 5 indicate fatigue syndrome.

In addition, there are three type of reaction to physical activity.


- during load: subjectively felt the possibility of increasing the intensity of the load; Heart rate - within the limits established for this athlete, free rhythmic breathing.

- good health, a feeling of "muscle joy"; decrease in heart rate to 120 beats / min or less within 3 minutes.

feeling of general fatigue lasts no more than 2 hours after training; Heart rate less than 80 beats / min; local fatigue persists for more than 12 hours; orthostatic pulse response no more than 12 in 1 min.

2. "Borderline"

- during load: feeling of extreme load; the appearance of discomfort or pain in the chest; an increase in the usual rate of breathing.

- immediately after exercise (training): mental depression, after 3 minutes, the heart rate is more than 120 beats / min; pain and discomfort even with low intensity loads.

the feeling of fatigue persists for more than 2 hours after class; decreased interest in classes; sleep and appetite disturbance; A heart rate of more than 80 beats / min is maintained up to 12 hours after training; local fatigue persists up to 24 hours; orthostatic reaction of the pulse 13-19 in 1 min.


- during load: impaired coordination, pallor, chest pain, heart rhythm disturbances.

- immediately after exercise (training): Heart rate within 3 minutes after training exceeds 140 beats / min; persists chest pain; feeling of extreme fatigue, malaise, dizziness.

aversion to exercise; malaise; sleep disturbance, appetite; feeling of general fatigue for more than 12 hours after class; Heart rate more than 80 beats / min; reduced resistance to habitual physical activity; orthostatic pulse response 20 or more in 1 min.

Functional changes in the athlete's body depend on the nature of the physical activity. If the work is performed with a relatively constant power (which is typical for cyclical exercises performed at medium, long and ultra-long distances), then the degree of functional shifts depends on the level of its power. The more power of work, the more oxygen consumption per unit of time, minute volume of blood and respiration, heart rate, release of catecholamines. These changes have individual characteristics associated with the genetic properties of the organism: in some individuals, the response to stress is strongly pronounced, while in others it is insignificant. Functional shifts also depend on the level of performance and sportsmanship. There are also sex and age differences. With the same power of muscle work, functional shifts are greater than in less prepared individuals, as well as in women compared to men and in children compared to adults.

Especially noteworthy is the directly proportional relationship between the power of work and heart rate, which in adult trained individuals is observed in the range from 130 to 180 beats min -1, and in the elderly - from 110 to 150 - 160 beats min -1 (Fig. 4). This regularity makes it possible to control the power of athletes' work at a distance, and it also forms the basis of various tests of physical performance, since the registration of heart rate is most accessible in natural conditions of motor activity.

Types of reactions to physical activity

It is very important when performing tests with physical activity is the correctness of their performance and the dosage in terms of pace and duration. When studying the body's response to a particular physical activity, attention is paid to the degree of change in the determined indicators and the time of their return to the initial level. A correct assessment of the degree of reaction and the duration of recovery allows a fairly accurate assessment of the condition of the subject. According to the nature of changes in heart rate and blood pressure (BP) after testing, five types of reactions of the cardiovascular system are distinguished.

The normotonic type of reaction of the cardiovascular system is characterized by an increase in heart rate, an increase in systolic and a decrease in diastolic pressure. Pulse pressure increases. Such a reaction is considered physiological, because with a normal increase in heart rate, adaptation to the load occurs due to an increase in pulse pressure, which indirectly characterizes an increase in the stroke volume of the heart. An increase in systolic blood pressure reflects the effort of left ventricular systole, and a decrease in diastolic blood pressure reflects a decrease in the tone of arterioles, which provides better blood access to the periphery. The recovery period with such a reaction of the cardiovascular system is 3-5 minutes. This type of response is typical of trained athletes.

The hypotonic (asthenic) type of reaction of the cardiovascular system is characterized by a significant increase in heart rate (tachycardia) and, to a lesser extent, an increase in the stroke volume of the heart, a slight rise in systolic and a constant (or slight increase) in diastolic pressure. Pulse pressure decreases. This means that increased blood circulation during exercise is achieved more due to increased heart rate, and not an increase in stroke volume, which is irrational for the heart. The recovery period is dragging on.

The hypertensive type of reaction to physical activity is characterized by a sharp increase in systolic blood pressure - up to 180-190 mm Hg. Art. with a simultaneous rise in diastolic pressure up to 90 mm Hg. Art. and higher and a significant increase in heart rate. The recovery period is dragging on. The hypertensive type of reaction is assessed as unsatisfactory.

The dystonic type of reaction of the cardiovascular system to physical activity is characterized by a significant increase in systolic pressure - above 180 mm Hg. Art and diastolic, which after the termination of the load can sharply decrease, sometimes to "0" - the phenomenon of an endless tone. The heart rate increases significantly. Such a reaction to physical activity is regarded as unfavorable. The recovery period is dragging on.

The stepwise type of reaction is characterized by a stepwise rise in systolic pressure at the 2nd and 3rd minutes of the recovery period, when the systolic pressure is higher than at the 1st minute. Such a reaction of the cardiovascular system reflects the functional inferiority of the regulatory circulatory system, therefore, it is assessed as unfavorable. The recovery period for heart rate and blood pressure is delayed. The recovery period is important in assessing the response of the cardiovascular system to physical activity. It depends on the nature (intensity) of the load, on the functional state of the subject and other factors. The response to physical activity is considered good when, with normal baseline heart rate and blood pressure, the recovery of these indicators is noted in the 2-3rd minute. The response is considered satisfactory if recovery occurs within 4-5 minutes. The reaction is considered as unsatisfactory if, after exercise, hypotonic, hypertensive, dystonic and stepwise reactions appear and the recovery period is delayed up to 5 minutes or more. Lack of recovery of heart rate and blood pressure within 4-5 minutes. Immediately after exercise, even with a normotensive response, it should be assessed as unsatisfactory.

Hypertensive (atypical) reaction - pathophysiological stress response of the body to an excessive physical stressor, which is evidence of dysadaptation of the cardiovascular, nervous and other systems of the body (state of distress). This type of regression occurs in athletes with overwork, underrecovery, overtraining, subacute colds and other diseases. According to our observations, such a reaction occurs in more than 80% of cases of atypical response.

In this case, the pulse usually rises to 180-230 beats. min., which indicates an excessive increase in the tone of the sympathetic division of the ANS. Sometimes, the pulse response to the load is completely normal - 170-174 beats. min. but, at the same time, there is an inadequate change in the value of systolic blood pressure, which increases to 190-220 mm Hg. The “scissors phenomenon” is often observed, when the values ​​of the pulse and systolic blood pressure differ significantly.

Diastolic pressure may decrease or remain at the initial level - this is the best response option, within the framework of the hypertensive response. In more severe cases (overwork or overexertion), diastolic pressure also rises.

The recovery time of the heart rate, the level of systolic and diastolic blood pressure (to the initial level) is significantly slowed down.

The hypertensive type of response to physical activity occurs with disorders of autonomic regulation of the heart associated with the occurrence of pre-pathological and pathological conditions in athletes. This is a pathophysiological manifestation of the body's stress response, indicating an excessive deficiency in the supply of blood and oxygen to the periphery. The consequence of this deficiency is excessive hypoxia in muscle and other cells. Excessive hypoxia, in turn, over-activates the pathobiochemical process - lipid peroxidation (LPO). The end product of LPO is free radicals, which, when they are overproduced, damage or destroy cell organelles (cell membranes, mitochondria, cell nuclei, ribosomes), cellular enzyme systems.

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