Lamb soup. Lamb soup, an oriental guest in your kitchen. Lamb soup in pots

Pumpkin lends itself well to freezing if done correctly.

How to prepare pumpkin for freezing

Any type of pumpkin can be frozen. The main thing is that the pumpkin is ripe, but not overripe. To freeze, you need to take a whole pumpkin, and not the cut piece that has been lying on the counter or in the refrigerator for some time (even cut off by the housewife herself). The pumpkin should be without damage, spoiled barrels or a rotten (even slightly) tail.

  • First, wash the pumpkin thoroughly.
  • Then they cut it in half and scrape out the inner soft part along with the seeds, leaving only the hard pulp.

How to Freeze Raw Pumpkin

The pumpkin is frozen, cut into pieces as needed during the cooking process. For example, if a pumpkin is frozen for manti, then it is cut into small cubes. And if the pumpkin is needed for cooking and further chopping, then it is cut into larger pieces.

  • After the pumpkin is cleaned of the inedible internal parts, the thick skin is cut off.
  • Then the pumpkin is cut into slices, which, in turn, are cut into cubes.
  • The chopped pumpkin is laid out on the table and allowed to dry a little.
  • Then they are packaged in bags - “for one time” - and put in the freezer.

But this method is not as popular as freezing blanched pumpkin.

How to Freeze Blanched Pumpkin

  • The prepared pumpkin is cut into cubes.
  • A small portion of the slices is placed in a colander and lowered into a pan of boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Then the colander is immediately transferred to the pan with cold water for the same time.
  • After this, the pumpkin is laid out on a towel and dried well.
  • To prevent pumpkin pieces from sticking together into one large lump during freezing, they can be frozen in two steps. First, the blanched pumpkin pieces are laid out on a tray in a single layer and placed in the freezer to pre-freeze.
  • When the pumpkin is frozen, it is packaged in small bags, the air is released and sealed. Packages with pumpkin are put into the freezer, not forgetting to label them first, since pumpkin can easily be confused with carrots.

How to freeze grated pumpkin

This pumpkin is well suited for making pancakes or various fillings.

  • The washed pumpkin is peeled, cut in half and the seeds are removed along with the pulp that surrounds them.
  • Then the dense part is cut into pieces, each of which is grated on a medium grater.
  • The grated pumpkin is packaged in bags. Each bag contains as much as is intended to be used in preparing the dish.
  • The bags are tightly closed, given a flat shape so that they freeze faster, and put in the freezer.

How to freeze baked pumpkin puree

This puree will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. It can be used for baby food, as well as for preparing all kinds of dough products, such as muffins or pumpkin buns.

  • Wash the pumpkin for baking, cut it in half and remove the soft inner part along with the seeds.
  • Cut the pumpkin directly with the peel into wide slices (like a watermelon) and place it on a baking sheet, skin side down.
  • Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for about an hour at a temperature of 180-200 °C. During this time the pumpkin will become soft.
  • Remove from the oven and, after cooling slightly, remove the peel.
  • The resulting pulp is ground in a blender to a puree.
  • The puree is placed in small containers (yogurt or sour cream cups) or in molds for freezing ice.
  • Place in the freezer and freeze.
  • When the puree is frozen, you can remove it from the molds and put it into thick plastic bags, tie it well and put it back in the freezer.

In the same way, puree can be prepared from boiled pumpkin. But baked pumpkin puree turns out much tastier.

The bright beauty of the pumpkin always pleases the eye. In addition, it is very tasty and healthy. When you cut a piece from a large, juicy pumpkin, you have to think about what to do with the rest of the vegetable. In this regard, many people ask questions: “Is it possible to freeze pumpkin?”, “How to freeze pumpkin?”, “How to freeze pumpkin for a child?”. I will try to answer all these questions in this article.

The clear answer to this question is: “Yes!” If your family has small children, then, of course, frozen pumpkin should always be on hand. It keeps well in freezer within 9-10 months. However, some features and subtleties of freezing should be taken into account.

Preparing pumpkin for freezing

First of all, you need to wash the vegetable. Then cut in half and remove the seeds with inner fibers. Next, the pumpkin is cut into slices and the skin is removed from them.

Advice: Don't throw away the seeds. They can be washed and dried in the oven.

You can learn how to quickly carve a pumpkin from the following video:

Recipes for freezing raw pumpkin

You need to keep in mind that raw pumpkin frozen in any way ends up flabby and watery, so recipes with preliminary heat treatment are often used.

1. How to freeze pumpkin cubes

For this method, the pumpkin is peeled and cut into arbitrary cubes, the size of which depends on how you are going to use it in the future. For manti, the cubes should be made small, and for further boiling and chopping - larger.

The cubes are laid out on a cutting board or tray lined with polyethylene. Lay out the pumpkin pieces and put them in the freezer for several hours so that the vegetable freezes. Then the pumpkin is transferred into portioned bags or containers and stored.

2. Frozen pumpkin, grated

For this preparation, peeled raw pumpkin is crushed on a coarse grater. Then they put them into bags - one at a time, flatten them to remove as much air as possible, and put them in the freezer.

Advice: When freezing pumpkin in this way, do not forget to label it, otherwise when frozen it can easily be confused with grated carrots.

3. Freezing pumpkin for the winter using a vacuum

For this method, a vacuum sealer and special bags are used. For more information about this method, watch the video.

See video: Preparing pumpkins for the winter. Vacuum the pumpkin.

Recipes for freezing cooked pumpkin

Heat processing of pumpkin before freezing is most preferable, as the texture, taste and aroma of the vegetable are preserved.

1. How to freeze boiled pumpkin

There is no need to remove the hard skin from the pumpkin pieces before boiling. This can be done easily once the pumpkin is ready.

There are several ways to cook pumpkin for subsequent freezing:

  • Boil in water. To do this, place pumpkin slices in a large saucepan of boiling water.
  • Boil in the microwave. Pumpkin slices are placed in a fireproof container and boiled in microwave oven at maximum power.
  • Steam it.

Cook the pumpkin for 10-15 minutes, checking its readiness with a fork. Place the softened vegetable in a colander to allow the liquid to drain as much as possible.

Then the pieces are crushed to a puree state and placed in molds, bags or cups. After complete cooling, the filled containers are placed in the freezer.

2. How to freeze baked pumpkin

Young mothers will really like this method, since baked and then chopped pumpkin will be an ideal complementary food and filler for children's porridges.

There are two ways to bake pumpkin:

  • In slices. There is no need to peel the pumpkin. The pulp is removed after the pumpkin is baked. Baking time – 1 hour.

  • Cubes. Here the vegetable is completely peeled and cut into pieces. Baking time – 40 minutes.

Grind the baked pumpkin with a blender, fork or potato masher. Pumpkin chopped with a blender, of course, has a more delicate consistency.

Pumpkin puree is placed in plastic cups or ice trays. It is better to use silicone molds. The puree is frozen for a day, and then the small cubes are poured into one bag or container, and the cups are packed on top with cling film. After this, the workpiece is sent back to the refrigerator.

Watch video: Frozen pumpkin

If you have a lot of raw pumpkin and want to use these vegetables later, you can freeze them! You can blanch and freeze both pumpkins and zucchini. Blanching pumpkin helps preserve flavor, color, and even vitamins. Pumpkins can also be frozen raw and then added to baked goods and soups. Freeze your pumpkins so you can enjoy them all year round!


Freezing Winter Squash Raw

    Remove the skin from the pumpkin using a potato peeler or knife. Place the pumpkin on a cutting board and cut off the rounded ends on each side. Then take the pumpkin in your non-dominant hand and the potato peeler in your main hand and cut the peel into strips (while moving away from you). If using a knife, place the pumpkin on a cutting board and cut the skin from top to bottom.

    • Once you've peeled one section, turn the pumpkin in your non-dominant hand and peel the other side.
    • If using a knife, cut off the peel in a thin layer on one side. After this, unwrap the pumpkin and move on until you have cut a strip from the entire surface. Continue cutting the skin in long strips all the way around until you have peeled the entire pumpkin.
  1. Cut the pumpkin into cubes about 2-3 centimeters in size. Take a serrated knife and cut the pumpkin into roughly equal sized cubes. You can cut the pumpkin into any size pieces, but it's easier to store 2-3cm thick cubes in a plastic bag if that works for you.

    • Always use a cutting board when cutting vegetables.
  2. Freeze the pumpkin on the baking sheet for 2 hours. Line a baking sheet with parchment or wax paper and place the pumpkin slices on it in a single layer so that they are not touching each other. Place the baking sheet in the freezer and keep it there for about 2 hours until the pumpkin hardens.

    • If you freeze the pumpkin pieces this way, you will reduce the risk of them sticking together when frozen. long-term storage in the freezer.
  3. Transfer the pumpkin to a freezer-safe container. One at a time, remove the pumpkin pieces from the baking sheet and transfer them to a freezer-safe container. Plastic container or package. Make sure there is about 1/2 inch of space at the top before closing the container.

    • Food containers or plastic bags work well.
    • If you are using a plastic bag, try to get as much air out of it as possible before sealing it.
  4. Store raw frozen pumpkin for up to 12 months. Place containers of pumpkin in the freezer and keep them there until you are ready to use them. Mark the bags or containers with the date they were frozen.

    Thaw the pumpkin or add it directly from frozen to some soups and sauces. When you decide to use the pumpkin pieces, they can be added to a hot sauce or thawed first to add to other dishes. To defrost pumpkin, transfer the bag from the freezer to the refrigerator overnight or leave it on the kitchen counter for 3-4 hours.

    • Butternut squash can be roasted directly from frozen without first thawing.

    Freezing Cooked Winter Squash

    1. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Before freezing, the pumpkin should be baked in the oven. Set the baking mode and temperature to 200 °C. If you prefer, you can also cook the pumpkin in the microwave, which means you don't have to preheat it.

      Take a sharp knife with a serrated blade and cut the pumpkin in half. Place the pumpkin on a cutting board and hold it firmly with one hand. Using a knife, cut the pumpkin in half lengthwise. Place the halves on a cutting board, flesh side up.

      • If you are dealing with a large squash, such as butternut squash, proceed carefully and slowly. The knife may slip off the pumpkin if it rolls. A smaller pumpkin, such as a pepo squash, is easier to hold in place.
    2. Pick out the fibrous veins from the pumpkin. Using a spoon or your hands, remove the pulp and seeds from the center of the pumpkin and discard them. A good way to do this is to use a melon scoop if you have one. A grapefruit spoon with serrated edges will also work.

      • Place the extracted pulp and seeds into the compost or discard it.
      • A regular spoon has dull edges and does not cut through the squash fibers as well as a melon spoon.
    3. Place the pumpkin flesh side up on a baking sheet. If you want to enhance the flavor, add a little salt and pepper. You can also add about 1 tablespoon (20 grams) honey and 1 tablespoon (14 grams) brown sugar at this point.

      • If you plan to roast frozen pumpkin later, it is helpful to add it at this step. butter and brown sugar. Otherwise, it is better to bake the pumpkin without any additives - this way it will be better preserved.
    4. Roast the squash for 25 minutes or until the flesh is tender. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 200 °C, and bake the pumpkin for 25 minutes. After 25 minutes, take out the baking sheet and use a fork to check if your pumpkin is soft enough (the fork should penetrate the pulp fairly easily).

      Scoop out the pulp with a spoon. When the pumpkin is cool enough, use a metal spoon and scoop out the flesh from the outer shell. Transfer it to a separate bowl and discard the remaining peel.

      • To make it easier to bite into the pulp, you can use a spoon with serrated edges.
    5. Prepare puree from the pulp. Winter squash puree can be stored in the freezer for many months. Grind the pulp in a blender or food processor until there are no lumps left. Once baked it's pretty easy.

      • You can also crush the pulp with a masher or even a metal fork.
    6. Divide the pulp into small portions and freeze them. Let the puree cool, then divide it into ½-cup portions (about 140 grams) and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet or place in an ice or baking tray. Place the baking sheet or mold in the freezer for at least 4 hours to allow the puree to harden.

      • Pumpkin puree freezes better if you divide it into small portions, but if you are in a hurry, you can skip this step and immediately put the puree in the freezer for storage.
    7. Store frozen pumpkin puree for up to 3 months. Once small portions of the puree have frozen and hardened, transfer them to suitable plastic containers or bags and leave them in the freezer until ready to use.

      • If you use plastic bags, squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing them.
    8. Thaw the puree before cooking. To do this, place the puree in the refrigerator overnight or leave it on the kitchen counter for 3-4 hours. You can then puree it in the microwave or reheat it on the stove and add it to warm dishes. Puree can be added to soups and sauces without prior defrosting.

      • Winter squash puree is great in sauces, soups, gravies, lasagnas, stuffings and baked goods.

    Blanching and freezing zucchini

    1. Cut the zucchini into circles about 0.5 centimeters thick. Take a sharp kitchen knife, trim both ends of the zucchini and slice it into thin rounds about 0.5 centimeters thick. Move along the zucchini.

      • If you want to freeze zucchini and then add it to bread, you need to grind it. Take a four-sided grater and grate the squash into a bowl.
      • IN this method There is no need to peel the squash as you will then blanch it.
    2. Boil water at the rate of 4 liters per 500 grams of zucchini. Pour water into a large saucepan, place over high heat and bring to a boil. Place a wire steaming basket or colander over the pan. In this case, the basket should be lowered into the water so that the zucchini is completely immersed in boiling water.

      • In this method, the zucchini is not steamed. The basket is needed to quickly remove the zucchini from the water as soon as they are ready.
    3. Place the sliced ​​zucchini in the basket and blanch for 3-4 minutes. Do not place more than 500 grams of zucchini in boiling water at a time. Cook them for about 3 minutes. Then remove the zucchini basket from the pan.

Pumpkin is one of the few plants that can survive winter for a long time even with room temperature. In addition to the fact that it is an indispensable element of decor, it is also very useful product. What are its benefits and how to properly freeze this vegetable?

All about pumpkin:

Frozen pumpkin: is there any benefit?

Pumpkin is an amazing vegetable, because it does not bring such benefits to the human body as any other plant. Even when frozen, this product contains:

  • Potassium, iron, fluorine, silicon and other useful elements;
  • Vitamins A, D, E, F, B1, B2;
  • Fiber, which greatly helps with constipation, and also removes toxins from the body and normalizes metabolism;
  • A substance that inhibits the growth of tuberculosis bacillus.

Pumpkin can be consumed:

  • Hypertensive patients and those people with cardiovascular diseases;
  • Suffering from increased acidity in the stomach;
  • People with gallbladder and liver diseases;
  • For those who cannot fall asleep without the help of medication;
  • Having kidney or urinary tract diseases;
  • Suffering from caries.

Pumpkin also helps fight worms and removes them from the body. excess water and salt, promotes the healing of wounds, cuts, and other skin damage.


Any preparatory stage will begin with the harvest. Ripe vegetables that have no visible damage are suitable for storing for the winter.

Then the pumpkin must be thoroughly washed, cut in half and all seeds removed.

If the plant will be frozen raw, the peel should be removed in advance. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • Place the vegetable on a cutting board;
  • Cut off up and down;
  • Peel the pumpkin peel vertically.

ATTENTION: If the vegetable will be pureed, then it is better to remove the peel after the baking process.

Methods for freezing raw pumpkin

Freeze raw pumpkin in the freezer. But first you need to decide what dishes will be prepared. The method of cutting the plant will depend on this. For example, to prepare manti, pumpkin is cut into small pieces, and for cooking - into large pieces.

  • Peel the vegetable from the inside that is not suitable for consumption;
  • Remove the peel;
  • Cut into slices, then into cubes;
  • Leave the pieces to dry a little;
  • Place the pumpkin in bags and place in the freezer.

How to freeze for the winter:

Methods for freezing pumpkin after heat treatment

A fairly popular method is to first blanch the vegetable and then freeze it.

They operate according to the following scheme:

  • Pumpkin is cut into cubes;
  • Place vegetables in a colander;
  • The latter is immersed in boiling water for 2-3 minutes;
  • After this, immediately immerse in cold water for the same time;
  • Place the pieces on a towel and let them dry.

To prevent the pumpkin from turning into one big lump during freezing, the dried pieces are laid out on a tray and pre-frozen in the freezer. Only after this they are portioned out into bags. It is better to label bags of pumpkin so as not to confuse them with carrots later.

Is it possible and how to properly freeze fresh pumpkin:

Packaging and storage

To store this vegetable use:

  • Plastic containers;
  • Plastic bags;
  • Suitable container size.

Pumpkin can be stored in the freezer for up to 1 year.

Preparing pumpkins for the winter. Vacuum the pumpkin:

For a child

Pumpkin is sweet in taste and therefore can be frozen for feeding infants. It can be frozen either separately in pieces or as part of vegetable mixtures, from which puree will then be prepared.

You can puree baked pumpkin and then freeze it.


Thaw pumpkin puree in the microwave or refrigerator.

If this vegetable is cut into pieces, then it is immediately placed in boiling water, milk or broth. Baked pumpkin is added only at the end of cooking, as it is an almost ready-made dish.

How to quickly and easily carve a pumpkin:

Recipes: what to cook from frozen pumpkin

To make frozen pumpkin puree:

  • Cut the vegetable in half, then into slices, bake them in the oven for about an hour;
  • Scoop out the pulp with a spoon and chop;
  • We do not add spices or sugar.

After cooling, spread the finished puree into molds.

You can also freeze grated pumpkin. To do this, first chop it coarsely, then grind it on a grater and put it into portioned bags.

Frozen pumpkin puree:

Pumpkin - beautiful, tasty and healthy vegetable, which can be used in children's and dietary nutrition. That is why it simply needs to be preserved for the winter.

Is it possible to freeze pumpkin in the freezer? The most compact storage method is with pumpkins. Pumpkin pieces dried in an oven at a temperature of 50-60°C or in an electric dryer are placed in layers in an airtight container, covered with parchment paper, and can be stored this way for almost a year.

Read about the opportunity on our website. But The most popular way to prepare pumpkin for future use today is freezing.


How to freeze pumpkin for the winter at home? One of the stages of preparing pumpkin for storage is, of course,. Choose ripe fruit without visible damage. Cut the thoroughly washed vegetable in half and remove the seeds (then separately or fry them in the oven, turning them into healthy treat). Next we proceed depending on the chosen freezing method.

If you decide to freeze it raw (in pieces or grated strips), then the pumpkin must first be peeled.

The peel of this vegetable is quite dense, so first cut off the top and bottom of the fruit with a knife, and then, placing it vertically on a cutting board, completely peel off the skin.

The peeled vegetable can also be steamed for 7-15 minutes.. And if we are preparing puree (baked pumpkin is the most delicious), then it is better to separate the hard peel from the tasty pulp after baking (the pulp is easily scraped out with a metal spoon).

Slicing methods

Very small pumpkins can be cut into quarters or even halves. Large fruits cut into slices 3 centimeters thick (they can be frozen in this form, or used for further preparation of puree) or cubes. Next, cut into cubes with a side of 1-2 centimeters or grind on a grater.

When freezing in pieces, first place the chopped pumpkin in one layer on a flat surface (a baking sheet, cutting board, or plastic lined directly in the freezer) so that the parts do not touch each other, otherwise they will stick together. After a couple of hours, when the cubes are well frozen, you can pour them into a container for further storage (plastic container, plastic bag).

Before sealing the storage container, you need to leave a couple of centimeters of free space. Since a pumpkin expands in volume when it freezes, an overfilled container may burst over time.

Packaging and storage

How to properly freeze pumpkin for storage? There is nothing complicated in this procedure, the main thing is to choose containers that are convenient for storage.

Usually used containers:

  1. Plastic containers (special containers, containers for yogurt, sour cream, etc.).
  2. Plastic bags, regular or special with a latch.
  3. You can use any container of suitable size.

If we are packaging puree, then it is very convenient to place the bag before filling in some container with hard sides (for example, a plastic bucket), and then spoon (or pour) the pumpkin puree into the bag thus shaped.

The bucket reliably supports the shapeless bag and placing liquid puree in it becomes much more convenient.

Next, we release the air from the bag, leaving a little space for possible expansion of the pumpkin, tie it, remove it from our mold and give the tied bag a flat shape. This way its contents will freeze faster and be stored more compactly.

Prepared and cooled pumpkin puree is also pre-frozen in:

  • Molds for freezing ice cubes or silicone for baking. Once solidified, the resulting frozen portions are placed in a large bag or container for long-term storage.
  • Plastic cups. After freezing, their contents can be removed and placed in a common large container or bag. Or cover each cup with foil and then store it that way.

For convenience, prepared packages are signed, indicating the name of the product and the date of packaging.. And then placed in the freezer and stored until use. Can pumpkin be stored in the freezer for a long time?

Pumpkin frozen at a temperature of -18°C and below can be stored in the freezer for up to 10-12 months.

One of the ways to freeze pumpkins for the winter is in this video:

For baby food

Is it possible to freeze pumpkin for the winter for baby purees? Pumpkin has a pleasant sweet taste and therefore children like it. It is well absorbed and is especially useful in the treatment and prevention of constipation.. Contains B vitamins, magnesium, beta-carotene, iron, as well as phosphorus, silicon, vitamin C, carotene, glucose, and of course, vitamin D, which prevents the occurrence of rickets.

How to freeze pumpkin for feeding? Pumpkin for complementary feeding can be frozen either separately or as part of a vegetable mixture, adding diced zucchini, broccoli, carrots (we cut it smaller than the other ingredients, as it takes a little longer to cook). After defrosting, you can make puree from such a mixture, and then, when the child grows up, vegetable stew with the addition of meat and fish.

Is it possible to freeze baked pumpkin for the winter?? Baked pumpkin can be pureed immediately and frozen in individual portions. This is especially convenient for saving time, since further processing of the product after defrosting is not required.

Frozen winter pumpkin is an excellent addition to porridge., especially oatmeal, millet, rice and even semolina (pumpkin cubes are added during cooking without defrosting, and the puree is added at the very end of cooking), a successful component for baking (pies, muffins, pancakes, cookies, various fillings).

Grated pumpkin is good to add to casseroles and stews, soups, borscht, and cutlets. They also make jelly from pumpkin. Pumpkin can be dried, and dried pumpkin seeds are also very useful.

As you can find out on our website.

To prevent the pumpkin pieces from becoming too watery and flabby after defrosting, before freezing you need to let them dry a little in the open air, or even better, dry them in the oven. This will make them sweeter.

The most compact option for storing pumpkin is puree, frozen in layers in bags. In addition, this product will no longer require processing after defrosting.

You can freeze not only pumpkin, but also various other vegetables in the form of puree for baby food. For example, .

And also fruits: apricots, peaches,... You can also prepare a combined puree, for example, apple puree with the addition of blueberries, strawberries, currants or raspberries.


Pumpkin is frozen raw (quarters, slices, cubes, grated) or pre-heat-treated (stewed, blanched or boiled), most often crushed to a puree.

Freezing puree:

  1. We cut the vegetable in half, and then into slices, which we bake in the oven at 180-200°C for about an hour.
  2. Using a metal spoon, scrape out the baked pulp and chop. We do not add sugar, salt or other spices.
  3. When the pumpkin has cooled, spoon it into portioned forms for freezing.

How to freeze pumpkin pieces for the winter? Freeze into cubes for storage:

  • Place the pumpkin cut into pieces of the same size on a flat surface in one layer so that the parts do not touch each other.
  • Place in the freezer for a couple of hours.
  • Pour the vegetable cubes, frozen to a solid state, into prepared plastic bags.

Is grated pumpkin frozen for the winter, and how? Freeze grated pumpkin as follows::

  1. We peel the vegetable, cut it into large pieces, and then grind them on a grater.
  2. We pack with a spoon into portioned bags.

This pumpkin is especially suitable for baking.

Useful tips:

  1. Dishes served in a pumpkin look very impressive.
  2. To get rid of excess moisture when frying, you can pre-salt the prepared pieces of pumpkin and leave for a couple of hours, and then blot with a paper towel.
  3. It is useful to add milk and butter to pumpkin dishes, which help better absorption fat-soluble beta-carotene, which pumpkin is rich in.

Is it possible to freeze raw pumpkin for the winter? Vacuum freezing of raw pumpkin in this video:

Pumpkin is beautiful, tasty and healthy. Great for children and dietary nutrition . In Russia, this vegetable imported from America has been known since the 16th century, 300 years earlier. And he earned himself an excellent reputation.

By the way, pumpkin is perfectly used not only for cooking, but also in cosmetology, as the basis for rejuvenating and toning masks for the skin of the face and hair.

If you don't know what you can cook with frozen pumpkin, we can help you. We have prepared for you a series of delicious and healthy dishes from pumpkin: pancakes, pancakes, muffins, casseroles, first courses and sautés, vegetable and meat stews, porridges and salads, as well as pie fillings and a variety of sauces.

So, a supply, albeit a small one, of this wonderful vegetable is necessary in every home.

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