A barbarian is... The meaning of the word “barbarian” and its first mention. Who are the barbarians

BARBARS BARBARS (Greek barbaroi) - among the ancient Greeks and Romans, the name of all foreigners who spoke languages ​​\u200b\u200bincomprehensible to them and alien to their culture (Germans, etc.). In a figurative sense - rude, uncultured, cruel people.

Big encyclopedic Dictionary . 2000 .

See what "BARBARIANS" are in other dictionaries:

    - (in Greek and Latin, foreigners) the ancient Greeks and Romans had a common name for all foreigners speaking a language they did not understand. At the beginning of A.D. it was more often applied to the Germans. In modern times, the word barbarians began to mean a collection of peoples... ... Historical Dictionary

    BARBARIANS, among the ancient Greeks and Romans, the name of all foreigners who spoke languages ​​\u200b\u200bincomprehensible to them and alien to their culture (Germans, etc.). In a figurative sense, rude, uncultured, cruel people... Modern encyclopedia

    - (Greek: Barbara). Initial The Greeks called barbarians representatives of all other tribes and peoples, the language of which was incomprehensible to them and seemed dissonant. Later, the idea of ​​a lower level of education began to be associated with this word... ... Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia

    - (Barbari, Βάρβαροι). In ancient times, this name designated people who spoke a foreign language, and with this name was associated some contempt for foreign-speaking peoples. The Greeks considered themselves superior to barbarians, and little by little the word barbarian became... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    Barbarians. The Greeks called everyone who did not belong to their nationality with this name (barbaroi), giving it a connotation of disdain. The Romans used this expression in the same sense, calling all non-Romans and non-Greeks barbari; but at the end of the empire, in mind... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    - (Greek barbaroi) - the ancient Greeks and Romans called all foreigners who spoke languages ​​\u200b\u200bincomprehensible to them and alien to their culture. Peren. - rude, uncultured people. Big Dictionary in cultural studies.. Kononenko B.I.. 2003 ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

    - (ancient Greek βάρβαρος, barbaros “non-Greek, foreign”) people who were foreigners to the ancient Greeks and then to the Romans, spoke a language they did not understand and were alien to their culture. The word is Greek and apparently onomatopoeic... ... Wikipedia

    - (Greek bárbaroi), among the ancient Greeks and Romans the name of all foreigners who spoke languages ​​\u200b\u200bincomprehensible to them and alien to their culture (Germans, etc.). In a figurative sense, rude, uncultured, cruel people. * * * BARBARS BARBARS (Greek barbaroi), in... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Greek bárbaroi, lat. barbari) an onomatopoeic word that the ancient Greeks and then the Romans used to call all foreigners who spoke a language they did not understand and were alien to their culture. At the beginning of the century e. name "V." especially often applied to... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    The Greeks called this name (βάρβαροι) everyone who did not belong to their nationality, giving it a connotation of disdain. The Romans used this expression in the same sense, calling all non-Romans and non-Greeks barbari; but at the end of the empire, due to frequent... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron


  • Barbarians, Terry Jones, Alan Ereira. "Barbarians" is a story about the peoples whom the Romans considered uncivilized, and at the same time an opportunity to look at the Romans themselves from an alternative point of view - from the point of view of people...

Barbarians Barbarians (foreigners in Greek and Latin) - among the ancient Greeks and Romans, the general name for all foreigners speaking a language they did not understand. At the beginning of A.D. it was more often applied to the Germans. In modern times, the word barbarians began to mean a set of peoples who invaded the Roman Empire (barbarian conquests) and founded independent states (kingdoms) on its territory. The legal documents of these peoples are known as barbarian truths. Barbarians threatened the borders of the Roman Empire for several centuries. Goths, Vandals and other tribes, in search of new lands for plunder and settlement, penetrated into the Roman Empire through its extensive eastern border. During the era of the Great Migration of Peoples (4th-7th centuries), entire peoples moved across Europe, often covering thousands of kilometers. In 410, the Visigoth army led by Alaric captured and sacked Rome. Huns, nomadic people from Central Asia, at the end of the 4th century. invaded Europe. In the middle of the 5th century. under the leadership of Attila they carried out devastating campaigns in the Eastern Roman Empire, Gaul, and Northern Italy. Attila's contemporaries called him the scourge of God. In 455, Rome was sacked by the Vandals, led by King Geiseric, and in 476, the leader of the German mercenaries, Odoacer, deposed the last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus. This event is considered the end of the Western Roman Empire. Until recently, it was believed that after this a dark period of barbarism began in a divided Europe. Although some achievements ancient culture were consigned to oblivion, but in general culture and education were preserved. In Europe, Christianity remained the unifying force; schools, monasteries, and churches were founded, which became centers of learning and crafts.

Historical Dictionary. 2000 .

See what “Barbarians” are in other dictionaries:

    BARBARIANS, among the ancient Greeks and Romans, the name of all foreigners who spoke languages ​​\u200b\u200bincomprehensible to them and alien to their culture (Germans, etc.). In a figurative sense, rude, uncultured, cruel people... Modern encyclopedia

    - (Greek barbaroi) among the ancient Greeks and Romans the name of all foreigners who spoke languages ​​\u200b\u200bincomprehensible to them and alien to their culture (Germans, etc.). In a figurative sense, rude, uncultured, cruel people... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Greek: Barbara). Initial The Greeks called barbarians representatives of all other tribes and peoples, the language of which was incomprehensible to them and seemed dissonant. Later, the idea of ​​a lower level of education began to be associated with this word... ... Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia

    - (Barbari, Βάρβαροι). In ancient times, this name designated people who spoke a foreign language, and with this name was associated some contempt for foreign-speaking peoples. The Greeks considered themselves superior to barbarians, and little by little the word barbarian became... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    Barbarians. The Greeks called everyone who did not belong to their nationality with this name (barbaroi), giving it a connotation of disdain. The Romans used this expression in the same sense, calling all non-Romans and non-Greeks barbari; but at the end of the empire, in mind... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    - (Greek barbaroi) - the ancient Greeks and Romans called all foreigners who spoke languages ​​\u200b\u200bincomprehensible to them and alien to their culture. Peren. - rude, uncultured people. Large explanatory dictionary of cultural studies.. Kononenko B.I.. 2003 ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

    - (ancient Greek βάρβαρος, barbaros “non-Greek, foreign”) people who were foreigners to the ancient Greeks and then to the Romans, spoke a language they did not understand and were alien to their culture. The word is Greek and apparently onomatopoeic... ... Wikipedia

    - (Greek bárbaroi), among the ancient Greeks and Romans the name of all foreigners who spoke languages ​​\u200b\u200bincomprehensible to them and alien to their culture (Germans, etc.). In a figurative sense, rude, uncultured, cruel people. * * * BARBARS BARBARS (Greek barbaroi), in... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Greek bárbaroi, lat. barbari) an onomatopoeic word that the ancient Greeks and then the Romans used to call all foreigners who spoke a language they did not understand and were alien to their culture. At the beginning of the century e. name "V." especially often applied to... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    The Greeks called this name (βάρβαροι) everyone who did not belong to their nationality, giving it a connotation of disdain. The Romans used this expression in the same sense, calling all non-Romans and non-Greeks barbari; but at the end of the empire, due to frequent... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron


  • Barbarians, Terry Jones, Alan Ereira. "Barbarians" is a story about the peoples whom the Romans considered uncivilized, and at the same time an opportunity to look at the Romans themselves from an alternative point of view - from the point of view of people...
barbarian, barbarian(borrowed from Central Greek).

In modern times, barbarians began to mean groups of peoples who invaded the Roman Empire (barbarian conquests) and founded independent states (kingdoms) on its territory.

IN figurative meaning barbarians are ignorant, rude, cruel people, destroyers of cultural values.

Iron Age Europe

In the ancient world, the word was used by the Greeks to designate non-Greek peoples, including civilized ones. IN Ancient Rome the term is applied to peoples living outside the Roman Republic (later the Empire). Thus, in an archaeological sense, the term "barbarians" is synonymous with the term "Iron Age" for peoples who existed during the ancient world, but were not part of the circle of civilizations of that time:

  • Thracians (including Dacians, Getae)
  • Illyrians and Messapians
  • Scythian-Sarmatian tribes, etc.


The theme of relationships with barbarians was entrenched in classical Chinese historiography, starting with Sima Qian. According to him, barbarians are opponents of Huang Di, having the features of chthonic monsters.

Chen An (9th century) argued that “the difference between a Chinese and a barbarian lies in the heart.” According to other thinkers, this difference had a racial basis. The attractiveness of Chinese culture was expressed in the Sinification of the Khitans, Jurchens, Mongols, Manchus and other peoples. The reign of non-autochthonous dynasties (Yuan, Qing, etc.), which largely influenced the appearance Chinese civilization in her modern form, made the issue of barbarism in China a complex cultural problem.

In everyday speech

Currently, this word has become quite a common noun in many languages ​​and is often used in Everyday life However, it must be borne in mind that correct usage does not allow this expression to be confused with the term “wild, savages.”

In India

In China

For foreigners of European appearance in China in different periods In history, local residents used different names or concepts, but in today's China you can most often hear: “Hello, laowai!”

In Japan

Concepts for “foreign peoples” (albeit with the connotation of “savagery”) also exist in Japanese culture (see nambanjin).

see also

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  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Alphan L. Great barbarian empires: from the Great Migration of Peoples to the Turkic conquests of the 11th century. - M.: Veche, 2006.
  • Ancient Europe. Encyclopedia of the Barbarian World. Vol. 1-2. / Bogucki, P. (ed.).
  • Shchukin M. B. At the turn of the era. - St. Petersburg. , 1994.
  • V. M. Makarevich, I. I. Sokolova. Encyclopedia The World History. - Bustard, 2003. - ISBN 5710774316.
  • Musset L. Barbarian invasions of Western Europe. - St. Petersburg. , 2006.


  • - play by Maxim Gorky ()
  • - short articles about barbarians


So who did the Greeks call barbarians? Now the more well-known version is that barbarians are vandals, savages who destroyed the Roman Empire, this “civilized” world. Our history is given to us from other people's words, written by the Germans. Isn’t it time to “unearth” it ourselves, and not repeat, like parrots, German fables and nonsense?

What does the word "" mean? civilization"? We are told that this is the highest stage of human society - savagery-barbarism-civilization. And the word comes from the Latin civilis- civil, state. And here again it’s true, the state came to our lands thanks to Christianity. It turns out that government structure society is civilization. And this civilization began on our lands with the spread of Christianity by fire and sword. Before Christianity, we somehow lived without a state and didn’t seem to bother. There was no exploitation of some by others, we were free people. And now this very state imposes tribute to us in the form of taxes, gives us instructions on what to do and how to live in the form of laws. Civilization. Soon they will extract tribute from us for air and rain. Christianity is a religion that teaches you to give to Caesar what is Caesar's, to be humble means obedient, otherwise you will go to hell, and suffering is the only form of righteous life. For Christians, a person is a sinner, prodigal son and he must constantly repent and suffer for his sins; purification is only thus acquired. And the barbarians lived without a state, fools, however. The laws were not written to them, they did not know the tribute. Oh, and the savages...))) And they did not fear God, but revered them with love, knowing that they themselves were descendants of the Gods.

Let's roll the ball around this concept in order to, thanks to our Russian language, unwind the meaning of the word " barbarian". Our language is hidden in itself and all the keys to unraveling the mysteries are in it!

In ancient Greek the word barbarians sounds like barbaros, in Latin barbarus. In general, this word meant foreigners, people speaking an incomprehensible language. Associated with the expression containers, bars, rastabars- in Russian it’s just chatter, nonsense.

I also remember the word " gibberish" - something incomprehensible, stupid. It turns out that gibberish writing or gibberish letter- This is an ancient Russian secret writing. Used for diplomatic correspondence and sacred purposes. In paintings, drawings, illustrations for books, among images of animals and people, an attentive reader could discern a secret message. What is “Chinese writing” for us, Chinese writing in the form of hieroglyphs, is for the Hellenes our gibberish.) The words were not separated, Arabic numerals were not written before Christianity, the letter meant a certain number. Didn't Kabbalah come from us?

Our alphabet begins with the words “The ABCs of the Vedas speak in small letters.” And in Scripture (by whom it was given and in what language it is not known for certain) it is said that the Word is God. A language hidden within itself, a language in which all knowledge is encrypted.

There is also an expression “to fall into hell” - somewhere far away, almost into the underworld. Among the Hellenes, the word “underworld” was designated as “Tartar”. So our country, which on many ancient maps was designated as Tartary, is a distant and incomprehensible monster. Which civilized people will go to the North, where there is snow, frost and savages whip each other with brooms? :) What cruel people:

What did the barbarians write about the Hellenes? Here is the testimony of Clement of Alexandria from the book “Stromata” (end of the first book):

"The Egyptian priest in Plato put it beautifully: 'O Solon, Solon! You, Hellenes, will forever remain children, for your minds do not retain a single tradition inherited from the ancients, and there is no elder among the Hellenes." By elders, I believe, this priest meant people familiar with ancient teachings, that is, our tradition. On the contrary. , the youths are those who are occupied with relatively recent things, similar to those that primarily interest the Hellenes and which arose only yesterday or the day before, and are presented by them as ancient and revered. That is why the priest added: “Teachings that have grown gray with time,” although Perhaps this barbaric metaphor may seem to you not very coherent, However, knowledgeable people learn from their own experience the art of interpretation. The priest says that Hellenic teachings are not much different from children's stories, that is, fairy tales written for children. He called all these stories “childish”, since even the wisest among the Hellenes are able to see only a little in them. By the teaching “grey with age,” the priest denotes the most ancient and true barbarian tradition. Contrasting it with “children’s fairy tales,” he points out the artificial elements in later teachings, since they are not supported (like children’s fairy tales) by the tradition of antiquity, and therefore their myths and philosophy are just a child’s game.”

So, the philosopher of the second century writes that the barbarian tradition is the most ancient and true, and Hellenic stories are like children's fairy tales.

Well, the Greek word barbaros reminded me of the German name for the plan to attack the USSR - “Operation Barbarossa”. Operation to capture barbarians? Civilized Germans imagined themselves chosen to cleanse the earth of all savages. The operation itself is named after the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I, nicknamed (I laugh, nicknamed) Barboross. They hoped for a lightning-fast capture of the barbarians, but their plan failed and ended in the collapse of the Third Reich. But in the information war, they have practically already won, unfortunately. And if we don’t wake up, our culture will be absorbed by European culture. It’s a shame to watch our people turn into animal-like creatures, thoughtless consumers. Our grandfathers defeated the Germans, but we turned out to be weaklings and European morals suppress ours. Virginity, honor, dignity - this is in modern society outdated concepts. Lepota! In my opinion, the goal of "Operation Barbarossa" is the transformation Russian people into savages, military actions failed to seize territories and establish their own rules, but information sabotage is successfully completed!

Karabas Barabas again comes to mind, the closest friend of the Tarabar King. The one who dreams of controlling all the dolls. These calls in fascist leaflets are Peasants and Workers! Your country is experiencing the consequences of communist devastation, the consequences of criminal communist arson and destruction. Trust Adolf Hitler and follow the orders of the leaders he appointed! You will soon heal the wounds inflicted on you by the Judeo-Communist regime of bloody terror. The land has again been given to private ownership and each of you can pass it on as an inheritance to your children and grandchildren! - do they remind you of anything? This reminds me of something, but I don’t understand what...)

So what does the nickname Barbarossa mean? It comes from the Italian word barba - beard and rossa- ginger. It was with shaving his beard that Peter I began the Germanization of the Russian people.

Summarize. From everything that has been accumulated, the following meaning of the word is obtained: barbarian: This is a red-bearded inhabitant of a distant country, speaking an incomprehensible language, having an ancient and true tradition, living without a state.

Thanks to Papa Carlo, Pinocchio appears in the world, a wooden fool who believes the fairy tales of Alice the Fox and Basilio the cat. He gradually gains experience, becomes smarter, receives the key to the Tortilla Turtle and frees the puppets from slavery.

When will this curious Pinocchio, poking his nose everywhere, appear and free the puppets from Karabas Barabas?)))

We defeated the Third Reich, but the Third Rome is being reborn again.

The whole world is a stage, and the people in it are actors. Yes, theaters are different: either you are an obedient puppet who is constantly being pulled by the strings, telling you what to do, or you are a free actor playing your role without instructions from others..

They were foreigners, spoke a language they did not understand and were alien to their culture. The word is of Greek and apparently onomatopoeic origin. In a number of European languages, the word is borrowed through Lat. barbarus. Russian “barbarian” - through other Russian, Old Slav. barbarian, barbarian(borrowed from Central Greek).

In modern times, barbarians began to mean groups of peoples who invaded the Roman Empire (barbarian conquests), taking advantage of its weakening, and founded independent states (kingdoms) on its territory.

In a figurative sense, barbarians are ignorant, rude, cruel people, destroyers of cultural values.

Iron Age Europe[ | ]

In the ancient world, the word was used by the Greeks to designate non-Greek peoples, including civilized ones. In Ancient Rome, the term was applied to peoples living outside the Roman Republic (later the Empire). Thus, in an archaeological sense, the term "barbarians" is synonymous with the term "Iron Age" for peoples who existed during the ancient world, but were not part of the circle of civilizations of that time:

Y-chromosomal haplogroups R1b (21), I2a2 (8, all from Solad), E1b (2), I1a (2), T1a (2) were identified in 37 barbarians of the 6th century from (Szólád, Hungary) and Collegno (Northern Italy) , R1a-S200 (1, from Solad), G2a1 (1) .

Europe of the Middle Ages[ | ]

In the Middle Ages, the Vikings (Danish Viking, Swedish Vikingar, Norse Vikingene) were considered barbarians - early medieval Scandinavian sailors who made sea ​​voyages from Vinland to North America to Biarmia in the north of Eastern Europe(Karelian Pomerania) and from the Caspian Sea to North Africa. For the most part, these were free peasants living in the territory of modern Sweden, Denmark and Norway, who were pushed beyond the borders of their native countries by overpopulation (after the period of medieval warming in northern Europe) and the thirst for easy money. By religion, the overwhelming majority are pagans.

Reasons for the Viking expansion various shapes(searches for new lands and resettlement, predatory attacks, piracy and large military campaigns, trade trips, closely intertwined with piracy and robbery) were diverse. The disintegration of the communal-tribal system among the Swedes, Danes and Norwegians was accompanied by the strengthening of the nobility, for whom military spoils served the most important source enrichment; many ordinary community members (bonds) left their homeland due to the relative overpopulation of the coastal regions of the Scandinavian Peninsula and the lack of suitable land for cultivation. The progress of shipbuilding among the Scandinavians - skilled sailors since ancient times - made it possible for them to sail not only in the Baltic Sea, but also in the waters of the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea.

China [ | ]

The theme of relationships with barbarians was entrenched in classical Chinese historiography, starting with Sima Qian. According to him, barbarians are opponents of Huang Di, having the features of chthonic monsters.

Chen An (9th century) argued that “the difference between a Chinese and a barbarian lies in the heart.” According to other thinkers, this difference had a racial basis. The attractiveness of Chinese culture was expressed in the Sinification of the Khitans, Jurchens, Mongols, Manchus and other peoples. The rule of non-autochthonous dynasties (Yuan, Qing, etc.), which largely influenced the appearance of Chinese civilization in its modern form, made the issue of barbarism in China a complex cultural problem.

In everyday speech[ | ]

Currently, this word has become quite a common noun in many languages ​​and is often used in everyday life, however, it must be borne in mind that correct usage does not allow this expression to be confused with the term “wild, savages.”

In Armenia [ | ]

In China [ | ]

The Chinese called
