Ivy leaf extract. Common ivy (Hedera helix L.). Contraindications to the appointment

Formula, chemical name: there is no data.
Pharmacological group: organotropic agents / respiratory agents / secretolytics and stimulants of the motor function of the respiratory tract.
Pharmachologic effect: expectorant, anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, antioxidant, antispasmodic, antibacterial, antifungal, wound healing.

Pharmacological properties

It is a herbal remedy. Ivy leaf extract contains saponins, triterpenoids, hederosaponins, alpha-hederin, flavonoids (kaempferol derivatives, rutin). Reduces the viscosity of phlegm and promotes its discharge. The drug improves microcirculation, increases urine output, exhibits nephro- and hepatoprotective properties, promotes the excretion of uric acid salts.


Chronic and acute infectious and inflammatory pathology of the respiratory system, which is accompanied by a persistent dry cough; pyelonephritis, hepatocholecystitis, nephrolithiasis, gout.

Method of application of ivy leaf extract and dosage

Ivy leaf extract is taken internally, used in the form of inhalation. Dosage, route of administration, duration of treatment depend on the indications and age of the patient.
If there is no improvement, you should consult a doctor.
After the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, in order to consolidate the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to continue taking the drug for another 2 - 3 days.

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity, thyroid dysfunctions, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, lactation, pregnancy.

Restrictions on use

There is no data.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, since there are no data on the safety of using the drug during these periods.

Side effects of ivy leaf extract

Allergic reactions, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, pain in the epigastric region.
Interaction of ivy leaf extract with other substances
Do not use the drug in conjunction with antitussives, as this makes it difficult for the liquefied sputum to pass.


In case of an overdose of the drug, headache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, gastroenteritis develop, blood pressure may increase. It is necessary to cancel the drug, carry out symptomatic treatment.

A cough is a natural reflex phenomenon that occurs when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is irritated by foreign bodies or vapors of certain substances. This is a kind of symptom that manifests itself as a defensive reaction that helps rid the airways of dust, phlegm and other particles.

Cough classification

By its nature, cough is of two types:

  • Dry, that is, without phlegm.

In turn, this type of cough is divided into 2 forms:

Barking, which is accompanied by a sore throat or pain attacks, as well as a decrease in the volume of the voice;

Paroxysmal, which is observed in patients with bronchitis or tracheitis.

  • Moist with expectoration.

With this type of cough, the patient has severe wheezing, as well as discomfort and heaviness in the chest. Most often, this reflex phenomenon occurs with pneumonia and bronchitis.

It should also be noted that there are other characteristics of the symptom in question in the general classification. For example, a persistent cough. Such a pathology can manifest itself with pneumonia, bronchitis, acute respiratory viral infections, etc., as well as with mechanical damage to the respiratory tract through solid food, foreign bodies or dust.

How to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon?


For many people, ivy is a common houseplant. However, experts say that this is not just an ornamental plant, but a real medicine.

Common ivy was known for its medicinal properties in ancient Greece. This plant was glorified by the well-known father of medicine - Hippocrates. He actively and widely used it in his practice.

Common ivy is able to easily eliminate alcohol intoxication, as well as perform the functions of an anesthetic. Also, preparations with the addition of this plant were often used to reduce edema of the brain and lower extremities. In addition, such agents have been used to treat dysentery and hemorrhages.

As for more recent scientific studies, they showed other properties of the plant in question.

Healing properties

The healing properties of ivy cough syrup are due to the presence of saponins and flavonoids in this plant. It is these substances that give such drugs the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiviral;
  • expectorant;
  • antioxidant;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antineoplastic.

According to experts, in many countries, ivy-based medicines are actively used in the treatment of the upper respiratory tract. The antispasmodic properties of such medicines help to relax the muscle tissue, which reduces the frequency of attacks and improves the discharge of mucus from the bronchi. This effect is also very useful in asthma, when spasms make it difficult to breathe.

It should be said that the saponins present in ivy are good at thinning phlegm. It also makes it easier to remove it from the airways.

In the course of long research, it was also revealed that ivy leaf extract accelerates the delivery of oxygen to the lung tissues and is an excellent decongestant and anti-inflammatory agent.

What cough is ivy syrup used in medicine? According to doctors, such drugs are especially effective for dry coughs. The extract of the leaves of this plant is the main active ingredient in the following medicines: "Gerbion", "Gedelix", "Pectolvan" and "Prospan". The ivy cough syrups listed above have similar indications for use. However, there is still a difference in them. Which one, we will find out further.

Herbion Ivy Cough Syrup

Such a drug has a yellowish-brown color, as well as a characteristic odor (opalescence is allowed in the syrup).

The active component of the agent in question is a dry extract of ivy leaves. As for the auxiliary ingredients, they include: liquid sorbitol, aromatic balm, glycerol, lemon oil, sodium benzoate, purified water, citric acid monohydrate, propylene glycol, citral from Litsea cubeba, coriander oil, ethanol, citronella oil.

Herbion ivy cough syrup is sold in 150 ml dark glass bottles, which are placed in cardboard boxes. A dosage spoon is included with the preparation.

The action of the medication

According to the instructions, Herbion ivy cough syrup is a fairly popular and effective drug. Its therapeutic effect is due to the presence in it of such an active substance as ivy leaf extract. They contain many useful components. Among the most significant are saponins of the triterpene series (alpha-hederin and hederacoside C).

Experts say that alpha-hederin is able to inhibit the endocytosis of beta2-adrenergic receptors, as well as increase their activity on the mucous membranes of the bronchi and in the epithelial layer of the lung tissue.

It should be said that taking cough syrup with ivy leaves causes a decrease in the amount of Ca ions in the cells of the bronchial mucosa, thereby contributing to bronchodilation.

When beta2-adrenergic receptors are stimulated, surfactant production from type II alveolar epithelial cells increases. That is why the viscosity of sputum decreases, and subsequently, its removal from the respiratory organs is facilitated.

Indications for appointment

Can such a drug be given to children? What cough is the Herbion ivy syrup given to babies? The agent in question is actively used in pediatric practice. As a rule, it is used for severe and persistent dry cough, which is accompanied by acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. In addition, the medication in question can be used for hepatocholecystitis, pyelonephritis, nephrolithiasis, gout, dermatitis, purulent wounds and burns.

Contraindications to the appointment

In what cases is it impossible to use Herbion ivy syrup for dry coughs? The instructions indicate such contraindications to the use of the drug, such as disruption of the thyroid gland, severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system and hypersensitivity to substances. Also, the drug is not recommended to be taken during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.


We found out above what kind of cough the “Herbion” ivy syrup is prescribed to patients. It should also be noted that such a drug is taken only internally, measuring the required dosage using a special spoon.

Eating food does not have any effect on the effect of the medication in question, so you can take it at any convenient time. During the period of treatment with such a drug, it is recommended to consume more warm liquid.

The dosage of the considered ivy cough syrup, as well as the scheme for its use, should be established only by a specialist, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient, the complexity of the disease and age.

For adults, the average daily dose of the drug is 5-7.5 ml, three times a day.

For children 6-10 years old, ivy cough syrup is prescribed in a dose of 5 ml. As for babies 1-6 years old, it is recommended to give them such a drug in an amount of 2.5 ml, 3 times a day. For children under one year old, this remedy is prescribed in extreme cases (2.5 ml, 2 r / d).

The duration of therapy with Herbion syrup is a week. After eliminating all undesirable symptoms, the medication is recommended to be taken for another 2-3 days.

If, after a week of treatment, the signs of the disease have not disappeared, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Side effects

What side effects can Herbion Ivy Cough Syrup cause? Experts say that patients usually tolerate such a medication well. Although doctors still do not exclude the development of negative symptoms that affect the functioning of the digestive tract (for example, nausea, disturbed stools and vomiting). In addition, against the background of taking the medication in question, a person may experience allergic reactions such as bronchospasm, itching, swelling of the mucous membranes, rash, urticaria, etc.

The development of any adverse reactions requires immediate discontinuation of the medication and urgent referral to a specialist.

It's important to know!

What you need to know before taking ivy cough syrup? Experts say that the mentioned plant is toxic and poisonous. Therefore, in case of an overdose of the drug "Herbion", the patient may experience a feeling of nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and headaches, as well as an increase in blood pressure.

With direct contact with raw materials, dermatitis is likely to occur.

It should also be noted that taking the ivy-based cough syrup in question along with other medicines with an antitussive effect is highly discouraged. This is due to the fact that such a combination can contribute to a decrease in the production of sputum, which makes it much more difficult to cough up it.

Reviews about "Herbion"

Those who often face respiratory problems have long known from which cough ivy syrup is used in otolaryngological practice. In such patients, the medication in question is always available in the home medicine cabinet. They explain their choice by the fact that "Herbion" contains only herbal ingredients, which in the correct dosage are not capable of harming the body.

The majority of patients taking the said remedy note that after taking it, the cough quickly becomes "softer". Also, against the background of its reception, the discharge of mucus improves, and soon all undesirable symptoms disappear altogether. In their discussions, patients indicate that they only need 3-4 days of therapy for a final recovery.

It should also be said that there are messages on the World Wide Web in which people complain that taking Herbion syrup only intensified their cough. In this regard, they were forced to use other drugs, including antibiotics and inhalations with Ambrobene.

The drug "Prospan"

Prospan ivy cough syrup is available as a pale brown liquid with a pronounced cherry aroma. The drug goes on sale in dark bottles with a 100 or 200 ml dosing stopper, which are placed in a cardboard box.

The active component of the drug in question is dry ivy leaf extract. Also, the syrup contains an extractant 30% ethanol.


According to the instructions, Prospan ivy cough syrup is a herbal preparation. Such a medication is capable of providing antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. Saponins contained in said plant exhibit antifungal and antibacterial activity, while hederosaponins and alpha-hederin triterpenoids have mucolytic, antispasmodic and expectorant effects.

Ivy leaf extract also includes flavonoids such as rutin and kaempferol derivatives. Due to the presence of these substances, Prospan syrup improves microcirculation and excretion of uric acid salts, increases urine output and has nephro- and hepatoprotective effects.

What are they prescribed for?

The drug "Prospan" in the form of a syrup is prescribed for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system of acute and chronic nature, which are accompanied by a persistent dry cough. Also, the said agent is highly effective in the presence of diseases such as pyelonephritis, hepatocholecystitis, nephrolithiasis, dermatitis, gout, burns and purulent wounds.

In what cases is it prohibited?

According to the instructions, Prospan ivy cough syrup should not be used in the presence of hypersensitivity to the drug's substances, as well as under the age of 1 year. In addition, this remedy is not prescribed to patients suffering from alcoholism, and in the presence of diseases in which it is forbidden to consume ethyl alcohol.

With extreme caution, the medication in question should be used for traumatic brain injury, liver and brain damage, severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system and impaired thyroid function.

Medication dosage

Prospan syrup is intended for oral administration only. Shake the container with the medicine before using the antitussive drug.

Dosing of the medication should be carried out using a measuring cap. Adult patients are recommended to take 5-7.5 ml, 3 r / d. As for children, at the age of 1-6 years "Prospan" is usually prescribed in a dose of 2.5 ml, 3 r / d, and starting from 6 years - 5 ml, with the same frequency.

The minimum course of treatment with such a drug is seven days, and the time for full therapy is 2-6 weeks.

Adverse Reactions

Patient reviews do not contain information about the side effects of the drug in question (when taken in recommended doses). However, the instructions say that in the process of using such a medicine, a person may experience diarrhea and allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, shortness of breath, rash, swelling of the mucous membranes and itching.

Specific information

When storing the syrup, it may become cloudy, as well as a change in taste and precipitation, but this does not in any way affect its medicinal properties.

During syrup treatment, special care should be taken when driving.

Reviews about Prospan

Most people who take this syrup for a persistent dry cough describe it as an effective expectorant medicine. However, in some cases, when children are taking the drug, there is information about the ineffectiveness of ivy leaf extract.

Medication "Gedelix"

Gedelix Ivy Cough Syrup is marketed as a brown transparent liquid with a characteristic odor. During storage of the drug, the appearance of a precipitate is permissible, which, when shaken, makes the product cloudy. This feature does not affect the properties of the medicine in any way.

"Gedelix" is available in a 50 ml glass dropper bottle, which is placed in a cardboard box. The active ingredient in this syrup is ivy leaf extract. As additional components used: glycerol, macrogol glyceryl hydroxystearate, star anise fruit oil, 70% sorbitol solution, hyetellose, purified water, propylene glycol.

Operating principle

"Gedelix" - ivy cough syrup for children and adults. This medication is of plant origin and demonstrates anti-inflammatory, wound healing and antioxidant effects.

The instructions for use say that the said agent contains saponins, which exhibit antibacterial and antifungal activity. The ivy leaf extract also contains triterpenoids, which have mucolytic, antispasmodic and expectorant effects. As for flavonoids, they not only stimulate microcirculation processes, but also promote the excretion of uric acid salts, as well as increase diuresis and exhibit nephroprotective and hepatoprotective properties.

Indications for admission

Most often, Gedelix syrup is prescribed for acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by a persistent dry cough. However, this drug can be used in the following pathological conditions: burns, hepatocholecystitis, purulent wounds, pyelonephritis, dermatitis, nephrolithiasis and gout.

Contraindications for admission

Contraindications to the use of the medication in question are:

  • tendency to laryngospasm;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypersensitivity to drug components;
  • disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • deficiency of an enzyme such as arginine succinate synthetase.

Dose and method of administration

Cough syrup "Gedelix" is taken orally and only after meals. If the specialist did not recommend a special dosage, then the medication is used in 5 ml (that is, one full measuring spoon), three times a day.

For adults, this remedy should be taken undiluted.

The duration of treatment with this drug depends on the severity of the disease, but it is not recommended to use it for more than one week.

After eliminating the symptoms of the disease, the syrup should be taken for another 2-3 days.

Side effects

Experts say that while taking Gedelix cough syrup, allergic reactions, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, as well as abdominal pain are possible.

With the development of any of the above actions, you must immediately contact a specialist.

special instructions

If, after using the drug, the therapeutic effect is absent on the 4th or 5th day, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. The same applies when the course of the disease worsens (for example, with the development of attacks of suffocation, the appearance of purulent sputum, or an increase in body temperature).

Since the drug "Gedelix" does not contain glucose, people with diabetes can take it.

Syn .: brechetan, serpentine, shalenets.

Evergreen tree vine. Contains useful substances, has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound healing, expectorant, hypotensive, diuretic, antispasmodic properties. Cultivated as an ornamental plant, including indoors. Nice autumn honey plant.

The plant is poisonous!

Ask the experts

In medicine

In official medicine in the form of decoctions and infusions, common ivy is not used, but extracts from it are used in the pharmaceutical industry in some countries for the production of medicines.

The beneficial properties of common ivy (especially high iodine content) are used for medicinal purposes in homeopathy. Recently, on the basis of ivy, various homeopathic remedies have appeared, which are recommended for coughs, bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough, especially in children. The homeopathic remedy "Hedera helix" is extremely popular and versatile in case of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (in high dilutions), scrofula and mucosal catarrh, especially in the area of ​​the accessory cavities (in small dilutions). In homeopathy, ivy is sometimes used for diseases of the stomach, gallbladder and liver, for rheumatism and gout.

Bulgarian dermatologists from pounded fresh leaves of common ivy recommend poultices in the area of ​​calluses. In Germany, common ivy is used for catarrh of the respiratory tract and chronic inflammatory diseases of the bronchi. Common ivy in Georgia is part of the drug "Majuni", which is used for stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Ivy leaf extract is a herbal medicine with mucolytic, antispasmodic and expectorant effects. On its basis, many galenic preparations are made, namely syrups ("Gedelix", "Pectolvan", "Prospan") and drops ("Bronchipret", "Gedelix") for coughs, which are also intended for children. The advantage of these drugs lies in their natural chemical composition, rather pleasant taste and aroma.

Contraindications and side effects

It is important to remember that ivy is a poisonous plant. Any use of ivy, as well as infusions, tinctures and decoctions based on it, is contraindicated without prior consultation with your doctor. In case of an overdose, poisoning is possible, manifested by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness, etc. It should be borne in mind that ivy fruits are especially toxic: if they are accidentally swallowed by children (or animals), severe poisoning is possible. It is also possible to manifest allergies in contact with the plant. It is not recommended to use preparations based on common ivy during pregnancy and lactation.

In other areas

Common ivy, thanks to its evergreen dark ornamental foliage, has long been used for decorative purposes, especially for vertical wall gardening, as well as gardening gazebos, verandas, and sometimes pipes. In the southern regions of Russia, it is used as a beautiful climbing ornamental evergreen plant, decorating the landscape of park and garden areas with it, creating various compositions. Common ivy is also grown as a houseplant. Designers - flower growers create green partitions from it, using it for decorative separation of zones in the interior of houses and apartments.

The antibacterial and antifungal activity of common ivy saponins is actively used in the household, for example, for washing clothes and wool; infusion of leaves is used against cockroaches (in America); wood is used in turning for the manufacture of various products, and gum for varnish in painting.

Common ivy is an excellent autumn honey plant, especially in the Caucasus, as it blooms in September-October. The plant produces a fragrant white stone honey with a mint-menthol flavor.

Common ivy berries in winter are the main food for pigeons, blackbirds and other birds (although they are poisonous to humans); the leaves serve as a valuable green food for herbivores, both wild and domestic, throughout the winter.


Common ivy (Latin Hedera helix) - belongs to the genus Ivy (Latin Hedera) of the Araliev family (Latin Araliaceae). The genus includes 15 species of woody lianas with sucker roots on the stem, widespread from the Canary Islands to the Pacific coast, in Russia - in the Caucasus (4 species). The plant has been bred for a long time, more than a hundred of its cultivars (varieties) are known.

Botanical description

Treelike vine with aerial sucker roots on the stem (up to 30 m long). The roots are characterized by endomycorrhiza, as well as the presence in the cortex of secretory receptacles in the form of tubules and glands. Specifically, young vegetative shoots are attached to the support (tree trunks, walls, rocks) by numerous adventitious attachment roots. With age, the main axes of the stems, thickening, turn into curved, crusty, powerful trunks, sometimes reaching up to 2 m in girth. Leaves are alternate, petiolate, leathery, shiny, heart-shaped on vegetative shoots, 3-5-lobed. Reproductive shoots have a completely different character, they are short, freely rise above the mosaic cover of the plant, are devoid of attachment roots, they bear leaves (diamond-ovate or ovate) so different from the leaves of vegetative shoots that both can be mistaken for leaves of different plants. Flowers are small, actinomorphic, yellowish-green, in globular umbels, single or collected in panicles. The perianth is double, the calyx is almost invisible, represented by small denticles. A nectary is usually developed at the apex of the ovary. Stamens 5. Syncarpous gynoecium. Fruits are berry-shaped, dark (black) blue when ripe. Seeds with a small embryo and abundant endosperm. It blooms in autumn (September-October), pollinated mainly by flies and wasps.


In Russia, it is found in the Ciscaucasia and on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Grows in deciduous, especially beech forests, rising to considerable heights in trees, often causing their death; grows on rocky slopes and rocks, in ravines, gullies, gorges. Ivy is cultivated as an ornamental, including a houseplant.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

Leaves collected during the flowering period or in autumn are mainly of medicinal value, since they contain much more biologically active substances. The rules for collection, drying (preferably in air) and storage are the same as for most medicinal plants. The best medicinal raw materials are considered to be freshly harvested leafy shoots in late autumn. Care must be taken when collecting raw materials, as fresh leaves can cause skin inflammation.

Chemical composition

Common ivy contains saponin glycosides, tannins, resins, carotenoids, tocopherols (vitamin E), chlorogenic, formic and malic acids, high-molecular carbohydrates - pectins, iodine.

Pharmacological properties

The medicinal effect of common ivy is primarily due to its rich chemical composition. The plant has high sorption properties due to the content of pectin substances; also has antibacterial, antifungal and expectorant effects. This is due to the content of saponin glycosides in the chemical composition of ivy, which contribute to the liquefaction of viscous sputum, activate respiration, and bronchial motility. The plant also has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties thanks to its tannins. In addition, common ivy, due to the content of tocopherol (vitamin E), contributes to the normalization of metabolism in muscle tissue, improves the absorption and assimilation of vitamin A, and also exhibits antioxidant properties.

Application in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, ivy leaves collected during flowering are mainly used for medicinal purposes. An infusion of leaves is used for bronchitis, liver and biliary tract diseases. A decoction of ivy branches is used as an expectorant, as well as for gout, rheumatism. An aqueous infusion of ivy leaves is used internally for gastrointestinal diseases, rickets, pulmonary tuberculosis. Fresh young ivy leaves are popularly used to treat purulent wounds, boils, burns, and the juice from them is used for washing with skin rashes and dermatitis of the head. Ivy leaf gruel is used to relieve swelling. A decoction of ivy leaves is also used for mycosis of the scalp, lice, scabies, as well as for strengthening hair and dandruff. In the people, to remove warts, they make poultices (daily) from ordinary ivy leaves. Traditional healers after long-term serious illnesses recommend common ivy as a tonic and invigorating agent.


1. Biological encyclopedic dictionary / Ch. ed. M.S.Gilyarov) 2nd ed., Corrected. M .: Sov. Encyclopedia. 1989.

2. Yelenevsky A.G., M.P. Solovyova, V.N. Tikhomirov // Botany. Taxonomy of higher or terrestrial plants. M. 2004.420 p.

3. Plant Life / Ed. A. L. Takhtadzhyan. M .: Education. 1981. T. 5. Part 2. 425 s.

4. Peshkova G.I., Shreter A.I. Plants in home cosmetics and dermatology. M. 2001.684 p.

5. Poyarkova AI Plusch - Hedera // Flora of the USSR / Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; Started under the leadership and under the main editorial board of Acad. V. L. Komarova; Volume editor B.K.Shishkin. M.-L .: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1950.T. XVI. S. 3-17.

International name

Trade names

Gelisal ®. Gedelix ®.

Dosage form

pharmachologic effect

The drug is of plant origin, has an expectorant, mucolytic and antispasmodic effect due to glycoside saponins from the group of triterpene glycosides. Facilitates (liquefies, accelerates and softens) the separation of phlegm, improves breathing.


Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi with difficult to separate sputum (acute and exacerbation of chronic): bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, bronchospasm, difficult sputum separation and / or an increase in its viscosity, cough (including "dry") ...



Cancellation of the drug; symptomatic therapy.

special instructions

Clouding and a change in the taste of the solution due to the content of extractives in the preparation is acceptable. Patients with diabetes mellitus should take into account that 5 ml of syrup contains 1.75 g of sorbitol (0.15 XE) - for the syrup.


Simultaneous reception with antitussive drugs makes it difficult to discharge liquefied sputum.


  • This article was written based on information taken from the Clefar Medicines Database.
  • Full information about the drug Gedelix on the drug website

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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Latest consultations

Ivy leaves have been used in both Western and Eastern traditional medicine since ancient times. Historically, ivy has always been prized and widely used.

The ivy wreath, along with the laurel wreath, was a symbol of the poet's triumph. According to myths, ivy saved the Greek god Dionysus from death, and then became his symbol. Greek priests presented an ivy branch to the newlyweds as a token of loyalty. Ivy was a sacred plant among the Druids, and at Christmas Catholics use it to decorate their homes.

Traditional medicine has used ivy leaves to treat diseases of the liver, gallbladder and spleen, gout, arthritis, rheumatism, and dysentery. Outwardly, ivy leaves were used for burns, warts, inflammatory diseases (dermatitis), ulcers and inflammation of the veins.

Ivy leaves in the treatment of respiratory diseases

Today, ivy leaves are most commonly used for the natural treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. First of all, they are useful in acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the bronchi and trachea (bronchitis and tracheitis). Ivy leaves contain saponins that can relieve airway spasms. In addition, by reflex, irritating the stomach receptors, they stimulate the mucous glands of the bronchi and trachea. This contributes to the liquefaction and easier discharge of phlegm. Studies have shown that ivy leaf extract increases the amount of oxygen in the lungs and also has an anti-inflammatory effect in bronchitis and bronchial asthma. The German Commission E, a prestigious medical association that publishes monographs on medicinal plants, has confirmed the medicinal properties of ivy leaves. According to her, it is a remedy for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract and an herbal decongestant.

The effect of ivy on the respiratory system has been confirmed by a number of studies. In one study, the effectiveness of dried ivy leaf extract was compared to that of a popular synthetic phlegm thinner. It has been shown that a herbal remedy for chronic bronchitis demonstrates results that are not inferior to the results of a synthetic one. Over the course of the study, participants experienced significant relief from their coughs, decreased sputum production, and improved lung function.

Other properties of ivy leaves

Components of ivy leaves have been shown to have other effects as well. So, one of its components (falcarinol) has antibacterial, analgesic and sedative effects. Alpha-heredin and saponins secreted from ivy leaves are active against the candida fungi that cause thrush.

Scientists continue to prove more and more beneficial properties of ivy in animal studies. Experiments in mice have shown that ivy leaf extract destroys melanoma cells, one of the most malignant tumors, so it is a potential cancer drug. It has also been shown in scientific studies on animals that ivy leaves can protect the liver and help with venous insufficiency (varicose veins). Much new research is needed to determine if ivy leaves will have the same effect on humans.

Ivy leaf extract - a component of the herbal preparation

As you know, the medicinal potential of medicinal plants is often better revealed in combined preparations. The fact is that herbs are able to enhance each other's action, significantly increasing the healing effect. In addition, modern technologies make it possible to accurately select the dose of active substances in herbal preparations, which makes their effect more venous and predictable. The technologies that allow to maximize the potential of medicinal plants include phyto-toning, developed by the specialists of the Bionorica company.

It is according to this technique, which ensures maximum efficiency and safety, that Bronchipret is produced. This syrup and drip formulation contains ivy leaf and thyme extracts. The components of Bronchipret dilate the bronchi, thin phlegm and have an anti-microbial effect. Studies comparing its effect with that of synthetic drugs show that their effectiveness is comparable. At the same time, Bronchipret is much better tolerated and has fewer side effects.

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Medicinal plants

Common ivy is a climbing evergreen shrub, shoots can reach up to 30 meters in length. It has adventitious roots that help it to anchor on surfaces (trees, walls, drainpipes).

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