Manchester Terrier: the nuances of dog care. Description of the Manchester Terrier Description of the external characteristics of the Manchester Terrier

Manchester terrier- one of the noblest and at the same time the most practical dog breeds that have ever appeared in Foggy Albion. This breed is as true to tradition as its homeland - England: for two centuries of its existence, the Manchester Terriers have retained all the original characteristics. A 19th century gentleman, seeing a modern Manchester Terrier, would never doubt the purity of his blood.

Manchester Terriers are distinguished by a regal posture, a fit figure and a characteristic black and tan color. The dogs look like real aristocrats of the canine kingdom. However, the history of their appearance is more than prosaic: they were bred specifically for hunting rats.

To a modern person, this situation seems wild, but in the 19th century, rat hunting was perhaps the most popular hobby of the British. Whole competitions were arranged, bets were made: whose pet will kill more rodents. Such an extravagant activity pursued extremely useful goals. The sanitary conditions of that era are exhaustively characterized by the word "horror". Britain was swarming with rats, which caused epidemics to break out every now and then, including the bubonic plague. In conditions when all English cats could not cope with the amount of "work", rat-baiting was a real holy war.

One English gentleman named Hulme took the problem to heart and developed a special breed of rat-catcher dogs. The "basis" was the Old English White Terrier (this breed has been lost today). Black and tan terriers (as the breed was originally called) turned out to be fast, tenacious, but most importantly - amazingly resistant to infections and diseases that rodents so generously spread across Britain. For greater safety, the ears of the terriers were cropped: during the fight, the rats strove to cling to them.

The breed has shown itself to be a good fellow. The Manchester Terrier quickly became one of the most coveted pets on both sides of the Atlantic. However, times have changed: at first, hunting for rats was banned, and after the Second World War, terriers almost disappeared altogether. Today the Manchester Terrier is a rarity., it is not easy to buy a puppy, and its cost will be fabulous. Of course, modern terriers are no longer used for baiting rats: they have turned into kind and cheerful companions.

Appearance. The height of an adult male rarely exceeds 40 cm, and the weight is 8 kg. However, most dogs of this breed are slightly smaller (average weight - 5.5 kg). Manchester Terriers are notable for their small stature, but strong build. Their neck is long, and their head is elongated, dry, with a flat skull. The muzzle tapers towards the tip of the black nose. A narrow chest with prominent ribs and a toned belly give the dogs a "sporty" look. The paws are rather muscular.

Terriers have beautiful small almond-shaped eyes. One of their distinguishing features is a short tail that tapers towards the tip and triangular ears. In a calm state, they keep their tail down. Earlier it was customary to stop the ears. But today, 2 options are allowed: ears with drooping ends and cropped ears with sharp tips.

The coat of Manchester Terriers is thick, short and shiny. Color - black and tan. The markings must be clearly delineated from the main suit.

Character and habits. Terriers are distinguished by their cheerful, restless disposition, they are friendly and sociable. Terriers are wary of strangers, but they never show aggression. Terriers are very mobile, they love to play, and therefore willingly engage in various types of dog sports. These dogs learn quickly, they catch everything on the fly. In addition, they have one invaluable property: an innate tendency to discipline.

Manchester Terriers are ideal for keeping in a city apartment or a country house. They quickly adapt to any conditions. Terriers get along well with other dogs. However, rodents should be excluded from the number of pets for obvious reasons. Dogs get along great with children, and therefore are suitable for large families. But they tend to choose one master for themselves and are hard at separation. Starting a Manchester Terrier, remember: if you have to give it to "good hands" - it will be a huge challenge for the dog.

Care... Manchester Terriers live about 15 years... These dogs are distinguished by good health, they get sick very rarely and no characteristic ailments are observed in this breed. Care for these terriers is minimal, they are unpretentious. Their coat does not need to be combed out, but you can walk over it from time to time with a stiff brush. To maintain health, it is enough to regularly walk the dog and not overfeed him. Manchester Terriers are naturally endowed with special mobility, so you need to walk with them for a long time, giving your pet the opportunity to run without a leash. If during walks the dog will move and frolic a lot, then at home he will show maximum calmness.

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The Manchester Terrier is a miniature hunter, bred for hunting small rodents by the British in the early 19th century. The description and standard of the breed of those times differs from the modern one, a smooth-haired dog has become a pet, and left a hunting dog in the past.

Now, first of all, it is a wonderful friend, a small and cheerful companion, only for home content. Not burdensome care, made Manchester Terrier dogs very popular in our time, and the ease of keeping in an apartment encouraged breeders to breed more representatives of the breed.

Historical fact: while hunting, the little hunter managed to kill about 100 rats in 6 minutes. They are incredibly fast, agile, intelligent and fast dogs.

An elegant, miniature dog of a bright, rich color. The coat is ideally shiny, cheerful and active dog.

The dog has two types: the Manchester Terrier Standard and the Toy. The breed of the toy does not exceed 6 kg. Toi gained popularity, under the reign of Queen Victoria, the Queen of England had a strong sympathy for small dogs.

Breed standard


An intelligent dog, active, always friendly, cheerful and playful. He is not aggressive, gets along with children. It is not recommended to live with small animals - hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, gerbils, parrots - the blood of a hunter flows in the dog.

The Manchester Terrier, loves long walks, will certainly chase small animals, especially squirrels, pigeons and rodents. A lover of active life, outdoor games, jogging.

Without frequent, active walks, the baby may get bored. It is recommended to let go of the dog from the leash in order to run ample, or even better - to have a four-legged friend for joint games and fun on walks.

Easy to train, representatives of the breed can be trained without problems. The Manchester Terrier is a little selfish, loves the owner, sometimes jealous of other animals in the house. Loves the attention of the owner, affection. Parting is hard.

A bit stubborn, but if you take up education from a young age, then this character trait can be easily smoothed out. In general, the character is quite balanced - ideal for a small, active dog in an apartment.

Care features

Easy care of the little hunter, cheerful character, made him a favorite of house dogs. The Manchester Terrier is in excellent health and rarely gets sick. In a number of rare cases, the most common diseases of the breed are: Blood diseases, dislocation of the patella, cataracts and glaucoma, problems with the hip joints.

Shedding is almost absent, grooming is minimal - as it gets dirty, wipe it with a damp cloth or sponge, and brush it a little during the shedding period.

Black and tan terrier requires constant walking, rather long - this is not a sofa dog.

But beware of rains and long walks in the snow, and if you find yourself in such weather, wipe your pet dry and do not leave it in a draft. Do not leave in direct sun for a long time, prefer walking in the shade, the dog may overheat.

Check your ears, mucous membranes and eyes regularly for any changes.

The eyes and mucous membranes should be clean, there should be no smell from the mouth, it is periodically recommended to brush the dog's teeth with special means. With proper and regular care, animals of this breed can live for 14-15 years.

Nutrition and education

As mentioned earlier, the terrier is a very active dog, spends a lot of energy as a result, has an excellent appetite, loves goodies. If the dog is on natural food, then it must be balanced, correctly calculated along with vitamins and supplements.

Premium dry food is also allowed, but due to the characteristics and needs of the dog, it is not recommended to choose it yourself. Only consult your veterinarian or breeder.

It is forbidden to feed the terrier from the master's table! Food prepared for a person is not suitable for a dog, it is strictly forbidden to give pieces from the table in the form of bread, liver and especially bones. Love for a pet first of all degenerates in its health and good care.


Easily learns commands, it is recommended to take a training course with other animals, grasps everything on the fly. If it is not possible to study with specialists, take up the upbringing yourself.

In this article I will tell you about the Manchester Terriers, their history and purpose. I will give a description of the breed. I will acquaint the reader with the rules of care and training. I'll tell you about the nature and health of these dogs. I will list manchester kennels and puppy prices.

History of the origin of the breed

The Manchester Terrier is native to England and has existed for over two hundred years. Until the beginning of the 19th century, there was the then popular English black and tan terrier, a hunter of rats and small animals.

A prerequisite for the development of a new species was the desire to improve the results in rat catching competitions. This competition consisted of the dog killing all the rats in the pen faster than its rival.

For greater maneuverability and speed of reaction, Whippet blood was poured into the black and tan terriers. Greyhound added a narrow head and more refined lines to the terrier. In the second half of the 19th century, the breed gained popularity among the townspeople, which led to the appearance of a decrease in growth.

At the end of the 19th century, the standard-sized terrier was called the Manchester Terrier, and the miniature terrier was called the English Toy Terrier. In some countries, these breeds are combined into one, with two growing varieties.

Until the end of the 50s of the XX century, it was believed that the Manchester and the Toy Terrier are two completely different breeds of dogs.

Description of the Manchester Terrier breed

The Manchester Terrier is a small dog, 38 - 41 cm tall and weighing up to 10 kg.

It is a terrier with an elegant and lean build. An elongated head with noble lines, long slender limbs, a proud posture. The ears hang on cartilage and are raised above the level of the head.

The dog is designed for active movement and has well-developed muscles.

The animal gives the impression of agility, strength, endurance and excitement. The coat is coarse, smooth and shiny, close to the body. Color - black with bright tan.

Life expectancy is 12-15 years.

Today Manchester is given the role of a companion: he feels good both in an apartment and in a private house. This dog is energetic and requires active walks 2-3 times a day. If it is colder than -10 degrees outside, a warmed overalls are put on the dog.

The diet is selected the most convenient for the owner and useful for the dog. It can be super premium ready-made dry and canned food or a natural diet. The latter does not imply feeding with cereals and soups, but is based on raw meat and fish, vegetables and dairy products.

Due to its short coat, the Manchester Terrier does not tolerate both low and high temperatures

Puppies are fed 4-5 times a day, gradually reducing the number of feedings to 2 times. At a young age, the puppy is introduced to different sources of meat and fiber and is given dry food for small puppies.

Caring for the wool is simple: periodically, the old wool is combed out with a rubber mitten and bathed once every 2-4 weeks. If necessary, claws are trimmed and the ears and teeth are checked for cleanliness.

Manchester character

Manchester's temperament is lively and energetic.

The pet is dexterous and vigilant. Possesses natural curiosity and quick wit. Modern Manchester are dogs without aggression, but they can stand up for themselves, and the enemy will get it in full.

Representatives of this breed are attached to members of their family and are wary of strangers. The appearance of a stranger can react with barking. He loves to spend time with children and is ready to play for a long time and share children's pranks.

Manchester is not devoid of hunting instincts and can react to other people's cats and rodents. Puppy animals are taught from an early age and loyalty is encouraged. Hunting for other animals is adjusted by education.

The Manchester Terrier is bred as a companion by active people who are not against the society of an energetic dog. This dog will be a participant in all household chores, be it cleaning or resting on the owner's lap.

Excitement and speed make Manchester promising for various high-speed cynological sports. The dog is convenient for travel and hiking. At the exhibition Manchester are still a novelty, but they look stylish.

Pros of the breed:

  • Elegant appearance;
  • Easy care;
  • Rare breed;
  • Easy learning;
  • Small size;
  • High activity;

Cons of the breed:

  • Hunting instinct;
  • Possible pugnacity;

It should be noted the intelligence and ingenuity of dogs of this breed.

Dog training

Manchester quickly learns a new lesson, if you take into account his interests in teaching. He is a gambling hunter and a reward in the form of a favorite toy will do. Classic contrast training is ineffective for a terrier: monotonous working out of commands will quickly bore him.

Animal health

Dogs with smooth coats are prone to overheating and hypothermia, so this should be avoided. Manchester people are prone to certain diseases, which tests and analyzes help to identify:

  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • von Willebrand disease;

Responsible and honest breeders test all their breeders and put the information on public display.

Vaccination scheme for puppies and adult representatives:

Breeding features

The Manchester Terrier for Russia is a new, little-studied breed.

To start breeding, acquiring a decent dog is not enough. It is important to learn from the experience of breed lovers abroad, to be able to see the dog and its shortcomings.

In the breed, it is important to maintain harmonious proportions without making them exaggerated. Each breeder forms his own view of the breed, which must remain within the framework of the standard. Much attention is paid to color and correct temperament, as well as health tests.

Manchester Terriers need a fairly early obedience and socialization course

Where to buy a puppy

There are still few Manchester fans in Russia.

The breed is poorly studied and beautiful.

Enthusiasts bring puppies from abroad and build their own breeding lines. Cost - from 50 tr. for a puppy of pet class and above for a promising animal.


  • Gern Ross (St. Petersburg);
  • Black & Bright (Moscow);

The Manchester Terrier is a rare and beautiful breed, but these factors should not be the only criteria when choosing a breed. Manchester is a mixture of sprinter and hunter, where elegance and determination, sensitivity and self-confidence border on it. This is a dog for connoisseurs of strong dogs with a sophisticated appearance.

In medieval England, the rat invasion was considered a national disaster. The animals not only ate food, but were also carriers of serious infectious diseases and a source of epidemics. Manchester Terrier is a rat catcher from birth, with excellent immunity.

The first mention of the Manchester Terrier dates back to 1570 in the encyclopedic notes on the breeds of English dogs. It was mentioned that the Manchester Terrier differs from other terriers in shorter legs and thick, coarse coat.

An interesting fact - the favorite pastime of the poor in England - killing rats and dog racing. Around 1580, to improve fighting and hunting qualities, a miniature greyhound was crossed with the best rat-catcher - a terrier. It is due to this long-standing selection that the Manchester Terriers have a slightly arched back, like a greyhound.

Although the Manchester Terrier was popular in all the counties of England, serious selection and breeding of this breed was taken up in Manchester, starting in 1860. The Manchester Terrier Club in America was created much later, in 1923, at the same time breed standards were developed.

The records and references of the breeders suggest that a lot of hunting and burrowing breeds have been mixed in this breed - dexhund, greyhound, dachshund.

The division of the breed into miniature representatives of the Manchester Toy Terrier and medium-sized dogs took place officially in 1959.

In England, this breed of dogs has always determined the owner's belonging to the elite of society. They were called nothing less than "gentlemen's terrier".

The main characteristics and description of the breed according to the accepted standard

Manchester Terrier - breed description:

  • color - rich black with a well-defined fiery red tan;
  • the tail is thin, even;
  • the body is compact, harmoniously folded, muscular;
  • wedge-shaped, slightly lean head;
  • the mass of that Manchester Terrier should not exceed 6 kg, the standard terrier should not weigh more than 10 kg;
  • height at the withers 38 - 41 cm;
  • the eyes are close-set, black, the eyelids are only black, with an oblique slit;
  • ears are erect, they are cropped. A disqualifying ear is considered a wide ear, a little chattering, not directed straight up.

See also: Australian terrier

The general impression is a light, graceful and strong skeleton, well-developed relief muscles. This is a real London dandy - lean, fit and athletic.

The nature and characteristics of education

Since this is a very mobile, playful and curious dog, it is clearly not suitable for people leading a measured lifestyle. Unless you decide to change the rhythm and do your morning jogging.

The classic Manchester Terrier in the photo has some more character traits:

Since the Manchester Terrier is a rat-catcher, all mouse-like objects - gloves, socks, wallets and scarves - will be taken for prey in the house. Sometimes it is simply impossible to pick up the prey from the dog. Therefore, it is important, starting from the age of three months, to begin to consolidate the important skills of OKOD.

See also: Australian Kelpie - Shepherd dog with dingo dog roots

Content, diet, health problems

Since the ears of the dog are cropped, special attention should be paid to them. Regular check-ups and cleaning of the ears, once a week. It is necessary to clean the auricles with a cotton swab with sunflower oil.

The short coat of the dog does not require serious care and attention. It is enough to regularly bathe the dog once a month and comb it out once a week with a special mitt for hard hair. A big plus is that the dog during the molting period does not cause inconvenience with an abundance of wool.

These dogs have an excellent appetite, but they very rarely gain excess weight, as they are extremely mobile and quickly expend extra calories.

This breed of dogs has very strong immunity, so they rarely get sick and are not affected by common canine infectious diseases. But this fact does not exclude mandatory routine vaccinations.

Manchester Terriers live for a long time - 15 - 18 years, and with good care and proper diet, there are also long-livers - 20 years and more.

The price of a Manchester Terrier is from 20,000 to 25,000 rubles, but in elite clubs you can buy a real London gentleman for 80,000 rubles, with a detailed pedigree up to the seventh generation of ancestors. But, after all, the main thing is not the price, but mutual love and understanding. The Manchester Terrier is an adorable, cheerful and loyal dog.

Manchester terrier

Fri, 12/31/1886 - 12:00

Life span

Manchester Terriers are very good friends and family companions. They are very playful, they are great with children, especially if they constantly pay attention to them and play with them. Take Manchester home to your home and you will have a lot of free time, because children and these wonderful terriers will find something to do together. Manchester Terriers are indeed very family dogs, which also get along great with pets, if they are not rats, of course. After all, these wonderful hunters were created precisely for catching and destroying rats.

History of the breed

England at the beginning of the 19th century was rather dirty, thanks to such unfavorable conditions, an incredible number of rats appeared, which gave people a lot of problems and threatened the health of the nation. But people living on our planet are very resourceful, and completely inhuman. At that time, a new sport was invented: they caught rats, which very much bothered and released them into the arena to fight with dogs specially bred for these purposes. These dogs were Manchester Terriers, which appeared due to the crossing of an Old English White Terrier with a Whippet. The Manchester Terriers turned out to be incredibly fast and with excellent fighting spirit, dogs that were just right for baiting rats. And John Hulme created this breed, probably, was a true fan of rat and dog fights. In the future, they tried to make the terriers smaller, for this they crossed them with Chihuahuas. However, very painful individuals were born.


The Manchester Terrier is a sturdy, compact and elegant dog with a long wedge-shaped skull. The muzzle tapers towards the nose, the lips fit snugly against the teeth. The eyes are small, almond-shaped, dark in color. The ears are set high, small, in the shape of the letter "V", close to the head above the eyes. The neck is long, slightly curved, without dewlap. The ribcage is narrow and deep. The forelegs are straight. The hind legs are strong and muscular with the legs turned inward. The body is short with prominent ribs. The belly is tucked up. The tail is short, thick at the base, tapering towards the end, raised up, but not above the back line. The coat is short, smooth, tight, shiny. The color is black and tan, the color of mahogany.

Character and temperament

Manchester Terriers are very independent and independent dogs with a sharp mind and deep memory. They are gambling and playful. At the same time, they love their master and his family very much, they are infinitely loyal and devoted to these people. On a walk, Manchester people love to run and frolic, it seems that their battery will never run out. However, at home these dogs are quite adequate, they are quiet and calm. Of course, subject to regular long walks and games in nature. Manchester are also very sociable dogs, they should never be left alone. Otherwise, they can become angry and aggressive.

Health and disease

Manchester Terriers are in very good health Occasionally they have von Willebrand disease. It is a blood disease that is hereditary. This disease is characterized by spontaneous bleeding due to a violation of blood clotting. In Manchester Terriers, bleeding occurs quite rarely, their wounds heal quickly. Also, these dogs are at risk of developing glaucoma. This disease is characterized by a violation of the natural outflow of fluid from the eye. This is a very dangerous disease that leads to blindness. It occurs mainly in older dogs. If your pet's eyes are swollen, contact your veterinarian immediately. The fact is that this disease cannot be cured, but it can be stopped for a long period. Examine your dog regularly, especially in old age. Monitor your dog's blood sugar. Manchester Terriers are not recommended for long walks on a hot day - they can get heatstroke.

It is best to keep Manchester Terriers in an apartment. They are not intended for outdoor living conditions, because they have a very short coat, which does not protect these dogs from bad weather conditions. The Manchesters have a fighting spirit and hunting instinct in their blood, so they incredibly love to run very fast. On a walk, it is best to let them off the leash, otherwise they will not be satisfied with it. But, the area must be safe, away from vehicles. The dog must already be well-mannered, it must instantly execute all your commands, otherwise the hunting instinct will take possession of it, and it will quickly dash off in an unknown direction. It is very easy to look after Manchester. Since it has short hair, it only needs to be brushed out once a week with a rubber brush. Do not forget to pay attention to the condition of your pet's ears and eyes, they should always be clean. It is also recommended to keep the dog's mouth clean. To do this, brushing your teeth once a week will be enough. Also trim the claws of the animal.

Dresiruvannya, trenuvannya

Manchester Terriers are very smart dogs with excellent memory and innate hunting instincts. Therefore, it is best to train and prepare Manchester Terriers, for example, for agility competitions. This program is specially designed for fast, agile and agile dogs. In general, such as our Manchester. In this sport, this dog will be able to fully satisfy his needs, both physical and mental. In addition, training of this type is excellent for training and disciplining. In addition, this kind of sport is motivating for the owner, because if your ward becomes a winner, then he can receive a large cash prize as a reward.

The Manchester Terrier's diet should be balanced, enriched with vitamins and microelements. The dog's body especially needs calcium and phosphorus. A good ratio of these elements in chicken legs and necks. During adulthood, animals really need protein foods. Meat, cottage cheese and eggs are very useful. Foods should not be greasy. Do not give pork to dogs. By-products (liver, heart, rumen) will also be useful. Feed fish once a week. Remember that the bones of birds and fish should not be given to dogs. Include kefir and yogurt in your diet, these products normalize the intestinal microflora and improve digestion. Don't forget fruits and vegetables. Give vegetables raw, grated on a fine grater. It is advisable to add a little vegetable oil to such salads. Vitamins are better absorbed this way, and the body receives the necessary fats. The diet should contain cereals - sources of carbohydrates. The healthiest of these are rice and buckwheat. Pearl barley and barley groats are not absorbed by the dog's body. In no case should you give the dog sweets; smoked, fatty and pickled foods; flour products and potatoes. Never add spices or salt to your dog's food. They negatively affect the scent, and for such dogs as the Manchester Terrier, they are the main working tool. Do not forget that your dog should always have clean water.

27. October 2014
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