Designation of the name lion. Would you name your child this name? Love and family relationships

Meaning of the name

Leo is a committed, persistent, sincere and conscientious man. He is responsive, friendly and tolerant of the shortcomings of others, which is attractive and captivating. However, one should not abuse his restraint and tolerance, which can develop into hot temper and rudeness. In general, the owner of this name is a rather contradictory nature: he is both smart and simple-minded at the same time, cunning and trusting, obligatory and frivolous. Wisdom in life, strength of character, openness and honesty - these are the qualities that fully characterize the character of Leo.

Characteristics of the name Leo

Winter Lion impatient and hot-tempered, while he tries to avoid conflicts. But if you show rudeness and rudeness towards him, he will definitely respond in kind. In addition, an honest and fair Leo tries to recognize these qualities in those around him (he does not accept meanness and lies). Among negative qualities Winter Leo can be noted for his pride and vanity: thus, for the sake of fame and recognition, he may well transgress the norms of morality and ethics. In a woman, this man values, first of all, fidelity and calmness.

Spring Lion ambitious, boastful, calculating, but at the same time frivolous and short-sighted. He does not deny himself anything, because he believes that one should live for the sake of pleasure. Spring Leo chooses a profession that will bring him not only material well-being, and also fame. His woman should also be the most beautiful, the most intelligent and interesting - men should envy him, and women should look at his chosen one with admiration. In general, this man can easily be called a ladies' man.

Summer Lion - nature is kind, sensitive and responsive. You can trust him with any secret, you can always turn to him for help. He will not betray or deceive. But often the kindness of the summer Leo turns against him, which over time kills his faith in people, which can lead to the development of depression. In relationships with women, this man is attentive, caring and faithful, and he expects the same from his chosen one. He is a wonderful family man for whom the interests of his loved ones come first.

Autumn Lion - a man of principle and true to his ideals. He is energetic, active and purposeful. Thanks to his analytical, sharp mind, he manages to achieve material well-being, professional growth, and family happiness. This man has many friends, but everything is his own free time he prefers to devote to his family. For the autumn Leo, a woman is the keeper of the family hearth, and therefore she should be gentle, affectionate, calm and kind.

Stone - talisman

The stone that brings luck to Leo is a diamond that has extraordinary magical properties.

This gem protects against illness, gives courage and courage in battle, protects against the evil eye and magic, gives health and longevity, brings prosperity and success to life in all endeavors.

Diamond symbolizes courage, determination, innocence and courage. This stone can improve mood and ward off sadness and failure.

Important! Diamond brings good luck only to honest people, because at all times the beauty and value of this stone awakened in people such base qualities as greed and envy. Sinfulness and intemperance of the owner will lead to the stone losing its power.

Interesting fact! Diamond brings happiness to powerful and powerful people, while to to an ordinary person he will be indifferent (with the exception of cases when the stone was given as a gift, but the effect of the diamond will appear only after 7 - 10 years).



Four is a number that promises well-being for Leo (you can read more about the influence of this number in the article).



The element of Leo is considered to be Fire (you can read about this element in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).


Animal - symbol

The totem animal of Leo is the lion, symbolizing speed, speed, durability, strength, power, glory, greatness, vigilance, beauty and perfection.

In Egypt and Greece, this animal was considered a conductor of the sun and personified light, invincibility and fertility.

In India, the lion is a symbol of peace, order, courage and faith.

In Buddhism, this king of beasts is the personification of courage and nobility.

In the Slavic tradition, the lion was a symbol of war, courage, but at the same time generosity and mercy.

In Christianity, the lion is identified with a person who has curbed his irrepressible energy and transformed it into courage and strength. In addition, this animal symbolizes hermitage and loneliness.

But! A lion holding a person or lamb in its power symbolizes evil. Thus, victory over dark forces (prince of darkness) is depicted as victory over a lion or dragon.


Cedar and rose hips are symbolic plants of Leo.


Cedar symbolizes strength, nobility, honesty and integrity, youth and longevity.

In the Christian tradition this is conifer tree represents greatness, dignity, faith, beauty and Christ.

It was believed that a cedar amulet could awaken feelings and strengthen love.

Rose hip

This plant symbolizes health, abundance, fertility and success.

From time immemorial, rose hips have been used as an amulet that protects against evil spirits and neutralizes the effects of magic.

The Slavs believed that diseases lived under the rosehip, so it was forbidden to harm it (it was undesirable to sleep or sit under a rosehip bush, so as not to attract illness to oneself). At the same time, rose hips were kept in the house, believing that it would scare away the plague.


Tin, being the metal of Leo, represents flexibility, ductility and diplomacy. Tin is also a symbol of sociability and tact.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Leo

Name translation

WITH Greek language The name lion is translated as “king of beasts”, “lion”, and from Hebrew - as “heart”.

History of the name

The name Leo is a form Greek name Leontes or the Latin name Leo (both versions of the names are translated as “lion”).

Forms (analogues) of the name

Common forms of the name Leo: Leo, Leka, Leon, Levchik, Lion, Levushka, Leva, Levunya, Levusya, Levonka, Levochka, Levka.

The secret of the name Leo

Patrons of the name

  • Bishop Leo of Katansky.
  • Holy Martyr Leo.
  • Pope Leo I of Rome.
  • Martyr Leo Patarsky.
  • Reverend Lev.
  • Archimandrite Lev.
  • Hieroschemamonk Lev Optina.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 12th.

February: 2nd number.

March: 3rd, 5th, 13th and 14th.

May: 31st.

July: 14th.

August: 31st.

September: 24th.

October: 24th.

November: 25th.

December: 20th.

The legend of the name Leo

Leo of Catania was from the city of Catana, located on the island of Sicily. He was the son of noble and pious parents, who nurtured in his soul faith in Christ, which he carried throughout his entire life. This saint passed through all the sacred degrees before he was elected bishop.

Having accepted the episcopal rank, Leo of Katansky took care of orphans, beggars and widows, the sick and holy fools. He healed the illnesses of the afflicted with his prayers, and was patient and merciful to his flock.

There is a well-known legend about the sorcerer Iliodor, who renounced Christ (although he was raised by pious and righteous parents) and went over to the side of Satan. Iliodor had amazing powers of persuasion and suggestion: for example, he turned stones into gold, and deserts into rivers (according to at least This is how it seemed to people who succumbed to the influence of this sorcerer). Iliodor was captured and sentenced to death more than once, but always miraculously, becoming invisible, he managed to avoid death: he disappeared from the place of his detention.

Saint Leo tried more than once to convince the sorcerer to move away from evil deeds and turn to God again, but he could not persuade Iliodor. Moreover, he intensified his sorcery, aimed at trampling faith in Christ. So, during the Divine service, Iliodor secretly influenced the believers present in the church: they began to stomp in the church, laugh furiously and growl like animals.

But Saint Leo of Catania understood the insidious plan of the sorcerer, and therefore he knelt down and began to pray fervently. Then he grabbed Iliodor with the help of an omophorion (an amice worn by priests on their shoulders), took him to the middle of the city and ordered the people to light a fire in which the apostate sorcerer was supposed to burn like in hell. Leo Katansky went into the fire with Iliodor so that the apostate could not disappear again. The saint held the sorcerer until he was completely burned, while Leo himself remained safe and sound.

This miracle strengthened all those gathered in the faith of Christ. It must be said that Leo of Katansky performed many other miracles: he restored sight, cast out demons and overthrew idols.

Famous people

Famous writers named Leo:

  • Lev Tolstoy;
  • Lev Gumilev;
  • Lev Oshanin;
  • Lev Uspensky;
  • Lev Kassil.

Famous actors and artists named Leo:

  • Lev Durov;
  • Lev Leshchenko;
  • Lev Borisov;
  • Lev Prygunov.

Famous scientists and educators named Leo:

  • Leo the Mathematician - educator from Byzantium who lived in the 9th century;
  • Lev Landau - Soviet physicist;
  • Leon Trotsky - an outstanding figure in the communist movement;
  • Lev Artsimovich - Soviet physicist.

Famous film directors named Leo:

  • Lev Kuleshov;
  • Lev Kulidzhanov.

Famous musicians named Leo:

  • Lev Oborin - famous Soviet pianist;
  • Lev Shulgin - Soviet composer;
  • Lev Mikhailov - Soviet clarinetist-saxophonist.

Lev Yashin - famous Soviet football player, goalkeeper.

Lev Bakst - painter, graphic artist and theater decorator-innovator.

Lev Anninsky - Soviet literary critic.

Lev Golitsyn - founder of the industrial production of sparkling wines on the territory of the Russian Empire.

Meaning of the name Leo

For a child

Little Leo is a calm and kind boy, looking at whom you cannot say that he can become an imperious leader (and this is precisely the imprint that his strong name). He easily makes contact with other children, and his correct concepts of true friendship and honor make him a very attractive friend. Leo is never the first to go into conflict, but as soon as he is offended, the quiet and balanced boy turns into a vengeful and irreconcilable enemy.

At the same time, you should not relax, because as he grows up, the boy’s character will become more and more contradictory. So, Leo, with his courage, will be afraid of the dark or heights, he will be energetic and tireless, but not when he needs to complete some task, he reacts sharply to justice and is ready to come to the aid of a friend, but at the same time he can be with strangers selfish and even cruel.

Prohibitions and punishments are not the method by which you can achieve what you want from Levushka, but you shouldn’t anticipate all the boy’s desires either, if the parents do not want to raise a domestic tyrant. In raising a Leo, it is necessary to use the “carrot and stick” method.

Studying is quite easy for Leo, although he is lazy, so it is better to instill in him such qualities as hard work, discipline and perseverance from early childhood.

Leo experiences his defeats calmly and without much hysterics: he knows how to analyze the situation and draw the appropriate conclusions that adult life makes his path to the cherished heights much easier.

For a teenager

Young Leo is ambitious, ambitious, active and determined. He always keeps his word, even if it puts him in trouble. The balanced character, authority and conscientiousness of this young man are always appreciated, so he has many friends who see the owner of the name Leo as an example to follow. Leo’s sense of humor, thanks to which he can defuse the most tense situations, cannot but please us.

Sometimes in the character of Leo one can discern a certain phlegmatic nature, behind which lies ordinary laziness, which this young man can cope with without problems if desired. If the goal set is truly interesting to Leo, he will do everything possible to achieve it.

Already in his youth, Leo shows excellent organizational skills: he actively participates in the life of school and university, since he has not only leadership qualities, but also ingenuity, the ability to correctly set priorities and systematically build a model of behavior in a given situation.

In general, young Leo does not like the sharp turns that fate sometimes gives us; he prefers a calm and measured life, without sudden ups and downs (although he will never miss the chance to show his heroism, thereby satisfying his ambition).

Important! If in his youth Leo can gain self-confidence, then his character will fully correspond to his name. If this fails, then there is a high probability that a calm and good-natured teenager will grow into an irritable and suspicious man with an intolerable character.

For a man

Leo is a patient, reserved, attentive and diplomatic man who takes other people's grief to heart. But if you hurt Leo’s pride, you can witness the transformation of this man, who can turn into a real predator who does not spare anyone on his way.

It should be noted that Leo is quite tolerant of people’s shortcomings, because he believes that everyone (even such an ideal person like him) tends to make mistakes. The main thing is to be able to work on mistakes.

An adult Leo is reliable, decisive and consistent, and he shows these qualities both at work and in personal life. Although in the life of Leo there are periods characterized by an extreme degree of frivolity, this is especially evident during periods of falling in love. Knowing this, Leo tries to control his feelings and emotions in order to maintain the image of a serious and powerful man.

The demanding owner of this name does not like vanity, especially ostentation, and he will not appreciate bragging, because Leo himself can be called a modest person. He will put boors, liars and hypocrites in their place with great pleasure, although he himself can sometimes embellish his importance.

Description of the name Leo


A fair and honest Leo values ​​decency and responsiveness in people, since he himself possesses such qualities. In life, he tries not to violate established standards of morality and morality.


Leo is the owner of extremely good health, which he maintains in almost perfect condition until old age.

And all thanks to the fact that this man is trying to lead healthy image life, which implies the absence of bad habits.


Leo is a loving and temperamental man, but only until the moment when he truly loves. He is faithful and devoted to his beloved, and Leo really values ​​sincere relationships in which there is no place for lies. He most often ends his hasty affairs peacefully, and his former partners often remain on friendly terms with him.

It is quite natural that this man will turn his attention to a kind, calm and open woman devoid of guile and hypocrisy. But cold women push him away.

Let us note that on the love front, Leo is afraid to fail, so when problems arise in a relationship with a woman, he immediately tries to break off the affair.


Leo gets married quite late, and even then for the reason that it is already time to start a family. At the same time, when choosing a partner, he is most often guided by reason and even cold calculation: thus, Leo will choose a strong, sexy, attractive, bright and talented woman, whose presence will not go unnoticed in society. At the same time, his chosen one should be caring and gentle.

Leo tends to make mistakes when choosing a life partner, so there may be several marriages in his life.

Family relationships

Leo is an ideal husband for an imperfect wife: so, he for a long time is tolerant of creative clutter in the house, unwashed dishes in the sink and a hastily prepared dinner. But you shouldn’t relax, because one day he may go to a woman who knows how to create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the house.

As a father, Leo is kind and gentle, and often too much, which can negatively affect the upbringing of his children. It must be said that the contradictory character of this man is also manifested in raising children: today Leo will allow the children to do whatever they want, and tomorrow he will punish them for the slightest mistake.

It is interesting that Leo chooses an energetic and impulsive woman as his wife, who tries to tame Leo and turn him into an affectionate pet cat. But thanks to his diplomacy, this man quickly makes it clear who is who (conflicts in the Leo family are also resolved quickly).

The main thing in family relationships for Leo is sincerity and loyalty.


In the sexual sphere, Leo is very vulnerable: he has a hard time experiencing disappointments in his intimate life, so he values ​​very much those partners who are completely satisfied with him and with whom he is satisfied.

For Leo, variety in intimate relationships is important, so he gives preference to experienced and relaxed partners who are not averse to fantasizing.

And one more thing: for Leo, the concepts of sex and spiritual intimacy are inseparable, so he is looking for not only a passionate and temperamental, but also a gentle woman who can surround him with care and love.

Mind (intelligence)

Leo is smart, but lazy, so he often does not complete his plans. In addition, it can be difficult for him to focus his attention on the main thing, as he scatters it on secondary things.


An honest and fair Leo enjoys unquestioned authority among those around him, although in difficult situation may be confused, but will never show it.

He is easily given professions that require responsibility, dedication and even self-sacrifice. Therefore, Leo often chooses the career of a doctor, military man or journalist. He is not shy about developing, which helps him grow in his chosen field, which is also facilitated by his qualities such as hard work and discipline. It must be said that when choosing a profession, opportunity is important for Leo. career growth.

In work, as in life, this man always adheres to strict moral and ethical principles, which helps him establish excellent relationships with both his subordinates and his superiors.


Leo will make an excellent businessman who knows how to adapt to modern realities in a timely manner and adapt if necessary. He knows how to lead, which is important in business. And, of course, the owner of this name cannot be taken away from his communication skills.


Leo is fond of fishing and loves to relax in nature in the company of friends and family.

Character type


Leo is a peaceful and calm nature if left undisturbed. But as soon as you touch his pride or doubt his abilities, a cold-blooded and vengeful man will appear before you. In general, he is a kind, lively and sincere person, whom it is quite difficult to imagine in anger.

This man is courageous and courageous, straightforward, purposeful and responsive. The only thing he lacks is support, because often even relatives identify Leo with the king of beasts, mistakenly believing that a strong-willed person does not need words of approval.


Leo rarely puts his well-developed intuition into practice, preferring to rely more on reason.

Horoscope named Leo

Leo - Aries

This is an active, energetic and adventurous man, whose life is unthinkable without risk. Leo-Aries, who has a cheerful disposition and a wonderful sense of humor, does not accept monotony, so he tries to bring the maximum into his life positive emotions. Leo-Aries is loving and passionate: whirlwind romances, romantic impulses and temperamental nights form the basis of his life. But most romances end quite quickly, despite the fact that this man wants a stable and long-term relationship.

Leo - Taurus

He is a vain egoist, whose shortcomings include straightforwardness and harshness towards others. The demanding Leo-Taurus does not forgive anyone (even himself) for mistakes, although he often acts impulsively and thoughtlessly.

No wonder this man is hard to find mutual language, especially since Leo-Taurus tries to subjugate people to his will. This man's woman must have truly angelic patience if she wants to maintain the relationship.

Leo - Gemini

This merry fellow and joker, with incredible charm, deservedly wears honorary title"the soul of the company." This is a wonderful friend who will always lend a helping hand, and in return only requires participation and attention to himself (Leo-Gemini generally loves praise and compliments). This is very amorous man, who finds it difficult to focus his attention on one relationship, because today he likes blondes, and tomorrow - brunettes. If you want to keep Leo-Gemini, you will have to try to constantly maintain interest in yourself.

Leo - Cancer

Emotional, straightforward, but at the same time vulnerable, sensual and insecure, Leo-Cancer can show not only kindness towards others, but also aggression (only if he is offended). Moreover, his aggression is nothing more than one of the ways to protect himself from disappointment in people. In order for Leo-Cancer to trust a woman, she needs to show affection, tenderness and care towards him. A cold and pragmatic woman will not be able to win the heart of this man.

Leo - Leo

High self-esteem, ambition and practicality are the main character traits of Leo, born under the zodiac sign of the same name. He is always firmly convinced that he is right, while he takes criticism hard, even if it is fair and justified. Leo is flattered by the attention of the fair sex, so he takes it for granted. But women expect reciprocal manifestations of feelings from him, so when they don’t find them, they simply leave.

Leo - Virgo

Shy, modest and taciturn Leo-Virgo tries to overcome his weak sides, and if he fails to do this, then he simply puts on the mask of an uncompromising and tough man. He hardly trusts people, which is why he has practically no friends. Leo-Virgo does not like crowded events and tries to avoid noisy companies, preferring loneliness to them. In women, he values ​​calmness, intelligence, prudence and the ability to create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. Impulsive and temperamental tigresses frighten this man.

Leo - Libra

This is a man with a complex character that not everyone can withstand, let alone understand. Sometimes Leo-Libra seems overly emotional, and sometimes, on the contrary, too cold, aloof and indifferent. At the same time, this man will not miss the chance to be in the center of everyone's attention, because he loves to receive compliments and praise. The Leo-Libra woman should be his worthy complement, while main role in their relationship she may not even qualify.

Leo - Scorpio

Purposefulness and ambition are integral qualities of Leo-Scorpio, who by nature is a born leader who is not ready to take second or third place. But this man is prevented from achieving success by his temper, impulsiveness and aggressiveness. In addition, this man absolutely does not know how to take criticism, which interferes with his work. Next to Leo-Scorpio, only calm woman, devoid of any ambitions and ready to devote all her time to her family.

Leo - Sagittarius

The straightforward and sharp Leo-Sagittarius always says only what he thinks, although he does not want to offend anyone with his statements, because he himself has a vulnerable and tender soul. He is characterized by romance and sentimentality, vulnerability and softness, so it is very easy to fool this man around your finger. If this happens, then Leo-Sagittarius can withdraw into himself for a long time. In a woman, he values ​​such qualities as fidelity and non-conflict.

Leo - Capricorn

Hard work, responsibility and discipline of Leo-Capricorn are the key to his rapid career growth. He places very high demands on both those around him and himself, believing that there is no limit to the perfection to which one must strive. Leo-Capricorn often idealizes people, which is fraught with disappointment (especially in relationships with the fair sex). It’s easy to deceive this man, but making him fall in love with you is not an easy task.

Leo - Aquarius

The sincerity, gullibility and openness of Leo-Aquarius turn against him, because this man absolutely does not know how to understand people. He treats everyone well, not noticing their small and large shortcomings at all. Leo-Aquarius is betrayed more than once, which does not prevent him from trusting people again and again and making new friends. A woman who can understand and accept Leo with all his shortcomings will be happy in marriage, because this man will surround her with care and love.

Leo - Pisces

The emotionality, impressionability and vulnerability of Leo-Pisces are combined with such qualities as self-doubt. Therefore, this man needs a strong friend and a reliable adviser who can, if anything happens, defend the interests of his comrade. A woman for Leo-Pisces is a muse that inspires him to “great achievements.” He is ready to move mountains for such a woman, if only she loves him and supports him in all his endeavors.

Compatibility of the name Leo with female names

Lev and Olga

This is an alliance that is unlikely to take place unless Leo and Olga learn to give in to each other.

And for this you will have to realize the fact that two strong character cannot coexist peacefully on the same territory. Someone will have to give the palm.

Lev and Anna

The meeting of the owners of the names Leo and Anna is already something extraordinary, not to mention the emergence of a relationship between them. But if this did happen, then the practical and active Leo will become a wonderful husband for the dreamy and sometimes frivolous Anna.

Lev and Elena

The diplomatic and impressive Leo easily wins the heart of the independent and freedom-loving Elena. But such a rush can become an obstacle to building a truly strong and reliable relationship that this couple strives for.

Lev and Julia

The emotionality and temperament of both partners affect the development of the relationship of this couple, who have many things in common (for example, interests and life guidelines), but also many things that separate them (both Leo and Julia have warlike and strong characters).

Lev and Anastasia

Leo and Mary

Calm and balanced, Maria is also modest and shy, so she perceives the advances of the persistent Leo with a degree of caution. But it’s simply impossible not to succumb to Leo’s charm, so sooner or later she gives in, and a serious relationship begins between them.

Lev and Irina

They say about this couple that their relationship was blessed from above, because Ira and Leo are a couple whose relationship has no flaws.

To the envy of others, no adversity or trial can destroy their love.

Lev and Svetlana

Sveta and Leo can look closely at each other for a long time, so their relationship develops quite slowly. The willful Svetlana is in no hurry to give up her independence, while the energetic Leo also takes a long time to decide on a serious relationship.

Lev and Christina

Christina is carefree, smart and has a cheerful disposition, which appeals to the serious Leo, for whom it is important that his woman shines in any society and is his adornment. This position suits Christine, so their union is most often strong and long-lasting.

Lev and Victoria

Surprisingly, sometimes absolutely different people can create a truly harmonious and fruitful union, in which there will be no place for mistrust and deception. Refined Vika appreciates calmness and practicality in Leo, which she herself sometimes lacks.

Lev and Ksenia

For some, love is primarily a passion, but not for Ksenia and Leo, who converge on the basis of friendship and common interests, and only then a deep feeling arises between them, which they are able to carry throughout their lives.

Lev and Daria

The tender, sensual and sincere union of Leo and Daria cannot but be strong, because these people love each other and value their relationships, despite the fact that there are also quarrels and misunderstandings between them, in the process of which people get to know each other.

Lev and Alina

For Leo, spiritual unity with his chosen one is extremely important, and Alina knows which strings of the soul should be influenced in order to win a man. Therefore, this union can be predicted to have a happy future in which there will be very few clouds.

Lev and Lyudmila

This couple is rarely able to preserve the feeling that arises between them at the first meeting. And this is all due to different views on life: for example, it is important for Lyudmila to start a family, while Leo values ​​freedom more, while family ties scare him.

Lev and Galina

If Galina and Leo show wisdom and patience, then they will be able to create a strong and harmonious family. If both partners claim leading roles, then their couple will break up very quickly, despite the feelings they have for each other.

Leo and Love

The chances of this union, unfortunately, are slim, since Leo and Love are too different people, and in their case, opposites do not attract, but repel. When passion passes between them, their relationship ends.

Lev and Evgenia

Well-being, happiness, peace and tranquility - this is how one can characterize the relationship between Leo and Evgenia. They talk a lot with each other, there are no taboo topics between them, which has a beneficial effect on the development of their relationship.

Leo and Nadezhda

Active Nadezhda and ambitious Leo are a wonderful couple who are not used to living a monotonous life. On the contrary, noisy companies, fun and new emotions are what their lives are empty and gray without. It is also important that they intimate life is also multifaceted.

Lev and Alena

This is a fatal union for Leo, in which he falls into the net of the calculating Alena, who knows how to competently build her line of behavior in such a way as to win the most unapproachable man. The result: a union in which everything rests solely on the woman’s enthusiasm.

Leo and Alexandra

Real passions are seething in the union of Leo and Alexandra, so many predict collapse of this relationship. Surprisingly, this couple can live a wonderful life together, despite the emotional outbursts that happen between them from time to time.

Meaning and origin: the name has Greek roots, where it meant the same as in Russian - lion.

Energy and Karma:

The name Leo speaks for itself; a person who calls himself Leo must either at least slightly correspond to the power of this image, or his name will take on the character of ridicule.

First of all, even during childhood, Leva can become the object of a childish game of teasing, when neighboring children will try to drive him to white heat with their ridicule, so that Leva will chase them a little. However, many parents who give their child such a name prefer to isolate the boy from the harmful, in their opinion, influence of the street and often thereby do Leva a real disservice. In the end, in adult life, Leo will still have to deal with those who grew up on the same street, and his absolute ignorance of these people may affect this. For example, they will suddenly seem rude and angry to him, which is why Leo himself may become thoroughly embittered.

Secrets of communication:

Unfortunately, in a close circle, Leo is often inclined to point out to people their shortcomings, forgetting that he could have been mistaken in his perception. The same often applies to Leo the boss, who is difficult to convince of his good intentions, but it can easily be called too picky. However, if you discuss conflict issues with him in some detail and without emotion, then it is quite possible that his nagging will change sign to the opposite. If you have a balanced Leo in front of you, then these questions will not arise at all.

  • Zodiac sign: Leo.
  • Planet: Saturn.
  • Color name: light green, sometimes blue.
  • Talisman stone: emerald.

Meaning of the name Leo option 2

It originates from the Latin word “leo” - lion.

He is growing up as a calm and somewhat phlegmatic boy. Leo does not whine over trifles, and if he is hysterical, it means that he was very offended.

He's not a bully at school, but he can defend himself and his friends. Enjoys swimming, loves to fish and pick mushrooms.

He is persistent in achieving his goals, very conscientious in his deeds and promises, and thanks to these qualities, over time he occupies a good position in society. He has few envious people and ill-wishers. And this is not surprising: he seems to radiate warmth and kindness, a willingness to always come to the rescue. Leos are especially friendly towards the elderly and the sick, so they often choose the profession of a doctor. They also have such valuable qualities as tolerance and flexibility, the ability to give up what they want. But the restraint of Leo the boss is not unlimited, and after a series of soft, correct and polite comments, he can suddenly burst into anger. His wife should feel the moment when her husband’s patience runs out... It’s not for nothing that Leos value fidelity most of all in their wives. and kindness.

They are preoccupied with sexual problems and panic at the slightest setback. The love of love, which is sometimes noted in them teenage years, most often explained by lack of confidence in one’s potency. Leos are not brawlers, but for some reason they get quite impulsive people as wives. They drink occasionally and rarely become alcoholics. They love to play noisy games with children.

Leo can count on a happy marriage if his chosen one is called Aurora, Agnia, Anna, Ada, Veta, Victoria, Dina, Olga, Ella. Very problematic strong alliance with Agnes or Lydia.

Meaning of the name Leo option 3

Leo - "lion" (Greek)

Levushka grows up as a calm and somewhat phlegmatic boy. He doesn’t whine over trifles, and if he is hysterical, it means that he was really annoyed.

He's not a bully at school, but he can protect himself and his friends. Enjoys swimming, loves fishing and mushroom picking.

He is persistent in achieving his goals, very conscientious in his deeds and promises, which allows him over time to occupy a good position in society. There are warm relationships at work, he has few envious people and ill-wishers. Yes, this is not surprising: Leo to all his appearance radiates warmth and kindness, a willingness to help everyone who needs it. He treats the elderly and the sick with special tenderness, which is why he often chooses the specialty of a doctor. He also has patience and flexibility, the ability to give up what he wants. He's not a brawler. But Leo’s restraint, including as a boss, is not unlimited, and after a series of soft, correct and polite comments, he is able to allow himself a flash of anger. Leo's wife should feel the moment when her husband's long patience runs out...

He is preoccupied with sexual problems and tends to panic at the slightest setback. The love of love, sometimes noted in his youth, is most often a manifestation of uncertainty in his potency.

What he values ​​most in a wife is loyalty, kindness and patience. However, for some reason, his life partner often becomes a rather impulsive person. He drinks occasionally and rarely becomes an alcoholic. Loves to play noisy games with children.

IN early childhood prone to lung disease.

“Autumn” is true to his ideals, energetic, and purposeful. He can become an aircraft designer, a radio and television technician, or a military man. The name matches patronymics: Borisovich, Leontyevich, Alekseevich, Mikhailovich, Nesterovich, Pavlovich.

“Summer” is kind, sensitive, responsive.

“Spring” Leo - in addition to everything that has been said, he is also ambitious and boastful. Likes to live large. Can become a hairdresser, surgeon, radiologist, ophthalmologist. The middle names correspond to the name: Vladislavovich, Vitoldovich, Afanasyevich, Evgenievich, Lazarevich.

Meaning of the name Leo option 4

Honest, touchy, irritable.

Conscientious: they will lay down their heads for the task assigned. Smart. They know how to appreciate the trust placed in them. They know how to make money. Good deputies and organizers.

They often suffer because of their softness, sick pride and lack of confidence in their sexual capabilities. They are terrified of random failures, which almost every man has experienced at least once in his life, so in middle age they often engage in self-satisfaction. Prone to morbid jealousy. Children are treated with tenderness.

Meaning of the name Leo option 5

Leo - from Greek. Lion is the king of the animals.

Derivatives: Levushka, Levunya, Levusya, Leva, Lenya, Lesya, Leka.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

  • Lyovka does everything cleverly.
  • On Lev Katansky, March 5, you should not look at the shooting stars, otherwise you will be tormented by visions.


There is so much warmth and kindness in him, Leo responds so vividly and sincerely to other people's troubles and problems that it is almost impossible to imagine him in a state of anger and rage. Nevertheless, this is so, it is better not to tease Leo, not to anger him, not to test his patience. This should not be forgotten by children, wife and colleagues. In a state of balance, he is an impeccable worker, tolerant of the shortcomings and weaknesses of others. In acute situations, Leo is open, courageous and bold to the point of recklessness, be it a natural element or an element of feelings, a sharp turn in work or in fate.

Meaning of the name Leo option 6

A LION- lion, king of beasts (Greek).

Name day: March 5 - Saint Leo, Bishop of Catania, healed the sick with the power of prayer (8th century). December 20 - Holy Martyr Leo, destroyed for the faith of Christ.

  • Zodiac sign - Leo.
  • Planet - Sun.
  • Color - gold.
  • Auspicious tree - cedar.
  • The treasured plant is the rose hip.
  • The patron of the name is Leo.
  • The talisman stone is diamond.


Leo is generally calm and even phlegmatic: He does not like to complain, but willingly consoles others. Persistent in achieving goals, conscientious worker. An extrovert who radiates warmth and kindness, a willingness to help. He is tolerant of people's shortcomings, flexible and diplomatic, but all this is for the time being. It is better not to anger Leo; his wife and subordinates should always remember this. Leo is brave to the point of recklessness: danger intoxicates him like wine! He is also reckless in love, and this especially attracts women to him.

Meaning of the name Leo option 7

Leo is a conscientious person. He can be smart and simpleton, cunning and simple-minded, but he is always obligatory and punctual. A reliable comrade, but Leo is somewhat uncollected and gets scattered over trifles.

Talented; acquires good professional knowledge and skills. Can reach high leadership positions. Leo is very calm, it is difficult to anger him, but it is better not to do this. It explodes rarely, and then it is not easy to stop it. As the head of an enterprise, Leo may fail to notice a thousand times someone’s negligence and negligence at work, and one fine day invite such an employee to write a letter of resignation.

Leo - like a husband - can completely ignore the mess in the house and the mountains of unwashed dishes, but one day he will go to a woman in whose house there is coziness and comfort. Leo - the father - for a long time is lenient to all the tricks of the children and suddenly grabs a belt and punishes everyone. Leo's temper is sudden. He is inquisitive. Patient. Leo has been married several times. It should be borne in mind that the psychology of Leo is greatly influenced by the patronymic.

Leo has been a very popular name for several decades. Indeed, there is a sense of strength and authority in him. Affectionate addresses - Leva, Levushka. And even though some consider him old and not entirely suitable for a Christian, such opinions can be rejected, since they are erroneous, because Leo’s name days occur several times a year.

Meaning of the name Leo

It is very difficult to go wrong with the meaning of the name. Lion is the king of the animals". Otherwise, you can designate him as “The Strongest”.


Happening given name from the Greek language, since no one knew such an animal in the Slavic lands. By naming their child Leo, parents hope that their son will grow up to be a strong and successful predator of human society.

In the Middle Ages, this name meant a symbol that spoke of a return to life thanks to one legend. It said that lion cubs are born stillborn, but the breath of the King of Beasts revives them to a new life.

When is Leo's name day according to the church calendar?

Unlike most Christian names, Leo can celebrate name days many times. It must be remembered that the angel’s day will correspond to the saint whose name is closest to the ward’s birthday on the calendar. So, Leo can be patronized by saints whose name days were such days:

Characteristics of the name

A man bearing this name is both unique and predictable. Nobody can understand how all this fits together in him.


Most Leos are active people with enviable physical fitness, however, there are exceptions. If Leo is diligent and not very temperamental, then problems with the joints and spine may occur. Some of them may have ailments that affect cardiovascular system or nerves. Weak points Leo can be considered bones and ligaments, heart and stomach.

Interests and hobbies

Leo is a very gambling person. In sports, he likes to devote time to activities that show individual endurance, strength, and agility. These include:

  • struggle;
  • swimming;
  • fishing;
  • mountaineering.

Despite the frenzy of excitement, Leo has a very developed sense of proportion. He always knows when to stop so as not to do anything stupid.

Family and love

In his youth, Leo often suffers from self-doubt in the presence of ladies. With age, he becomes confident in his capabilities, but youthful fear can sometimes manifest itself throughout life. This leads to Leo trying to prove that he is an excellent lover and a desirable man. In this regard, Leo often changes partners, which does not indicate instability of character. He can cheat, but only until his gaze catches on the very woman who is ideally suited to this Leo. With her, Leo will be happy for the rest of his life.

A woman who will become the best for Leo must have the following qualities:

  • accuracy;
  • moderate passion;
  • eccentricity;
  • love of experimentation;
  • lack of desire to compare men with each other;
  • loyalty.

If Leo has truly fallen in love, he will be completely immersed in the feeling. He will gallantly look after his chosen one, giving her all of himself. Very jealous, he will never forgive the perfect betrayal.

Trying to find his one and only, Leo can create a family several times. Most suitable woman often does not cause an explosion of passions, which worries a man. When starting a family, he simply exudes pedantry and stubbornness, which often works against him. In addition, any encroachment on Leo's dominance in the house causes a negative reaction.

Despite all this, Leo is a great family man. He approaches family responsibilities with all responsibility. Children are a special joy for him. Leo loves them with all his heart, and accordingly, he tries to spend as much time as possible with his family, introducing the kids to his own hobbies.

If Leo has found his woman, then his fidelity is guaranteed. He will always protect his pride and its members, becoming a true protector and leader.


The most striking character traits:

  • deals only with things that interest him;
  • economical, bordering on pedantry;
  • demanding both of himself and of those around him;
  • clear leader;
  • knows how to organize leisure time;
  • perfectly smoothes out disputes;
  • proud to the point of unpredictability;
  • brave;
  • has great fortitude;
  • conscientious;
  • persistent;
  • neat;
  • sociable;
  • not very assiduous;
  • often lazy;
  • unpredictable;
  • generous;
  • talented;
  • caring;
  • stubborn;
  • passionate.

Even if not all qualities can be called good, but all these contradictions coexist peacefully in one character, each time giving rise to a unique and extremely interesting personality.

When choosing a name for a child, its meaning, which is not always known to parents, plays an important role. The origin of many names does not allow a Russian-speaking person to associate them with any concept. One of the exceptions is the name Leo, in which its royal meaning is immediately discernible.

Unlike many other names, to find the meaning of which you have to look in dictionaries and look for foreign language interpretations, a lion- not only a name, but also a word in Russian. This is its highlight: when you look at Leo, you remember the corresponding predatory animal. This is one of the most understandable male names in terms of meaning.

It came from Latin language, where the word leo means "lion". This, however, is only the most popular version. Some sources indicate that it came from the ancient Greek name Leontes or even from the Hebrew word that means "heart." Thus, the origin and meaning of the name Leo is unclear even now, although it can be established with greater accuracy than the interpretation of many other names.

Although this name is not very popular in Russia, it has found its way into many other languages, where it is always easy to recognize. Leo, Leo, Leon - cannot be confused with anything else. Even with baptism it does not change: in Orthodoxy the name Leo belonged to several saints.

general characteristics

The name Leo endows its owner with many pleasant character traits. He is a reliable and honest person, polite and courteous. Usually he becomes the center of the company, easily takes leadership positions, and stands out from the crowd.

His self-esteem is rather inflated: he loves himself very much and strives for an appropriate position in society. His methods are usually honest: he knows that the outside reflects the inside, and maintains the image of an elegant, well-groomed person. And although he can be lazy and selfish, he usually works conscientiously and achieves his goals.

His passionate nature and quick changes of mood do not give him peace, so friendships and close relationships with him can be difficult. Sometimes he can seek someone’s attention for a long time, and then decide that he doesn’t need it and leave. Even he himself does not always understand what he wants in a close relationship.

The bearer of this name also has his own secret: no one deals with enemies better than him. He uses this skill only in the most extreme cases, and then his enemies will be in trouble. This is the person who should not cross the road.

Leva in childhood

A child bearing this name may differ from other children by being somewhat slow and phlegmatic. He cannot be called active or a tomboy - as a rule, he does not play pranks or play around, wanting to engage in more meaningful activities. Because of this, he often looks older than his age.

In her actions, Leva is guided by her own concepts of honor and justice: the name Leo for a boy means that he will always be able to judge what is right and what is wrong. Often he defends those who themselves cannot cope with their offenders, which attracts new friends. He is unlikely to get involved in other people's feuds, but he will try to stand up for his friends.

Striving to be smart, Leo never stops there and strives to gain maximum knowledge and skills. His laziness is compensated by his excellent learning ability, which allows him to quickly master new material and easily cope with school assignments. Even before school, it becomes noticeable that he can achieve a lot in several areas of knowledge at once. He is talented, smart and ready to continuously develop.

Physics and literature, mathematics and history are equally easy for him; he has no favorite or hated subjects. However, this can cause difficulties in choosing a career and path in life. His desire to show everyone his mental capacity often leads him to study science. The specific area is not important, since his inclinations allow him to achieve a lot in the area to which he devotes a lot of time and effort.

He is usually popular at school. He can become a talented leader and take leading positions in any company. An excellent student, a favorite of other children - these are not uncommon characteristics for Leo. However, this does not always happen: in unfriendly teams, he can become aggressive, unsociable, uncontrollable and unwilling to try at what he cannot do. It is important that parents monitor his communication with classmates and participate in his life, since the opinion of mom and dad always plays a big role for this boy.


Leo's innate qualities give him many advantages during this difficult period. By this time, he is already gaining a reputation as a fair leader and a person whose opinion needs to be listened to, and his goodwill and courtesy are capable of defeating, if not all, then many of the surrounding teenagers. These years often become decisive for him: right now he can turn off the beaten path and begin to use his influence on people. By avoiding this temptation, he can become an honest, just person.

One of the important factors influencing his self-esteem is the attitude of the opposite sex towards him. Close connection The meaning of the name Leo and fate for a boy leads to his high popularity among girls, who see him as an ideal partner: kind, caring, noble. They are also attracted by his certain detachment, sublimity, and in some cases, royalty. Therefore, if she wants, Leva can quickly find a girl and start dating her as one of the first in the class.

But this is not always included in his plans, especially at this age. A person with this name will always have his own view of his future, and he will not back down from his plans. In this situation, maintaining his leadership position and the respect of his peers may be more important to him than romantic interest. If all his thoughts are occupied with how to become the first in everything he does, he may decide that having a girlfriend will only hinder him. At this age, love may seem like a stupid and unnecessary thing to him.

Grown man

Having met this person and talked with him for some time, it is difficult to avoid his charm. In adulthood, all of his blossoms best qualities. At long and medium distances it may seem ideal. He has a great sense of humor, he is friendly, sociable and open, and his responsibility turns him into great friend, whom you can always rely on. There are always many people around him who adore and idolize him. He himself likes to give the impression of a knowledgeable and authoritative person and enjoys his leadership position.

A serious disadvantage of communicating with him can be his temper: he sometimes cannot restrain himself and behaves emotionally even in minor quarrels, and does not forgive even small mistakes of friends and lovers. What for another would be nonsense, unworthy of mention, for Leo can cause a break in the relationship.

To a friend who needs urgent help, you can safely rely on Leo: he is able to rush to someone’s call even at night and support. But in less emergency situations he can be forgetful and even irresponsible. This is due to the fact that he has too many friends and acquaintances to whom he promises something, and then places these things in order of importance. Sometimes he would like to help, but there is not enough time in the day.

Business relations and business

A broad outlook and attention to detail allow this person to choose almost any profession and achieve great things in it. He should focus on his desires and aspirations, because once he sets a goal, he will definitely achieve it. A unique gift of intuition also helps him in this: sometimes it seems that he can see the future, choosing in advance events that lead to the desired outcome.

Leo is usually attracted to status things and organizations, and in choosing a career, prestige and society’s attitude towards this field of activity mean a lot to him. Money plays an important role for him, and usually he manages to combine these two aspirations. He does not tolerate any restrictions, and financially he wants to live large, so he often quickly moves up the career ladder.

Most often, he chooses professions in which he can show his best qualities: responsibility, erudition, leadership. In addition, he can choose the area in which his artistic abilities and passion for narcissism will manifest themselves. Here are some possible areas of activity for him:

  • medicine - he can choose professions such as radiologist or ophthalmologist;
  • style and fashion - for example, can become a hairdresser, stylist, tailor, fashion designer;
  • such are not alien to him technical specialties, such as aircraft modeling and radio mechanics;
  • artistic and writing abilities may lead him to the idea of ​​becoming a journalist or writer;
  • Often he chooses a military career, which for him is associated with the honor and dignity of a person.

Whatever Leo decides to work for, he will in any case move up, strive to take the post of boss and become someone who is respected and obeyed.

Gallant, charming, kind - this is how you can characterize a man named Leo. The meaning of his name and his fate are predicted accordingly: he is used to being a leader in relationships and loves to be obeyed. Often he manages to hide it or disguise it as caring or traditional masculine qualities: courage, dominance, determination. But a relationship with him is always a swing, especially while he is still young.

In their youth, Leo can often be imprudent and overly loving. He has many partners, with none of whom he managed to develop a deep and trusting relationship. Until he decides to settle down, you cannot trust him: passionate and prone to betrayal, he can quickly change his opinion about a person and rush away, towards new adventures.

The interpretation of the woman’s name can help him in finding his chosen one. Here are some examples of compatibility of female names with the name Leo:

  • suitable partners for him: Lara, Laima, Carolina, Elvira, Teresa, Rimma, Valeria, Angelica, Kaleria, Isabella, Diana;
  • unwanted union: Eva, Valentina, Susanna, Iya, Sati.

The ideal wife for him would be the one whom he would not even look at in his youth, since she does not evoke such a strong attraction and outburst of emotions. However, you can’t even call her a gray mouse: she is ready to take risks and experiments, knows her worth and is pleasant to talk to.

Having entered into marriage, Leo takes his wife and children who bear his patronymic name seriously. He can be overly jealous and hot-tempered, but over time he calms down if his chosen one suits his character. Otherwise, the union may quickly fall apart.

Health and Wellness

As a child, Leva has good health and good nervous system. There is little that can unsettle him, he looks at everything quite optimistically and is calm even in the most stressful situations.

A significant contribution to his well-being is made by his love for sports, which, if he does not practice constantly, he certainly does not miss the opportunity to play outdoor games with his friends. Physical education at school is on the list of his favorite subjects; he willingly does it, although he rarely devotes time to classes in sports sections.

In adulthood, his condition directly depends on the lifestyle he leads. If he diligently exercises and generally moves a lot, he may have practically no pain. He is unlikely to become overweight, since from birth he is not prone to gaining excess weight. But a sedentary lifestyle takes its toll on him bad influence, and various problems are possible:

  • diseases of the spine and joints, musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • heart problems;
  • nervous disorders.

Yes, over the years, Leo’s nerves become less strong, especially if he spends a lot of time in a stressful environment. Like all of us, he should take care of his health and take care of it from a young age.

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