Ashes of divine fire with Anna Chapman watch. Video about soda - useful properties, application. Is it worth watching a movie about soda

About transmission: Anna Chapman, deported from the US because of the Russian-American spy scandal, now hosts a TV show on the Ren-TV channel. The program "Secrets of the World with Anna CHAPMAN" is dedicated to the most mysterious phenomena of our time. It is no coincidence that the most mysterious woman of our time became the host of the program. Only on REN TV will she use her talents to uncover the most intricate hoaxes. The creators of the program claim that this format is experimental. A new intriguing genre. The program is filmed on brand new equipment, with which Russian television has not yet worked when creating television programs. “So far, we can only say with certainty that all materials in this program will be exclusive and can only appear on REN TV on modern Russian television,” adds Mikhail Tukmachev, Director of the Documentary and Publicistic Programs Directorate.
Genre: Documentary, space, research, technology, hypotheses, assumptions, history
Released: Russia, REN TV
Director: Mikhail Tukmachev

Today, for millions of people around the world, soda has become a model of a universal remedy for many diseases. It is generally accepted that its formula was synthesized in 1861. However, now there are irrefutable facts that sodium bicarbonate has been known since the time of the ancient alchemists and healers, who called this white powder "the ashes of the fire of the Gods."

Is it worth watching a movie about soda?

For an ordinary person who does not have time to study health issues, the film about soda, presented by Anna Chapman, will become the foundation of knowledge and a source of answers to the questions that the plot reveals. The main topics are the beneficial properties of the chemical composition of alkali and its balance in relation to the acidity of the body, methods of healing and restoring systems and organs, thanks to a simple and affordable product - soda.

The film says that sodium bicarbonate is a component of human blood, like salt, and the saltiness of its taste is from soda, and not, as we used to think, salt.

Everyone who watches the program will become aware of the fact that soda has always been an object of research for many millennia.
The chemical composition of the divine compound is not "the creation of the era of the last civilization" - it is a substance that has been known and used from time immemorial.

In ancient Egypt, for example, the word "sodium" was pronounced as "natrum" and meant - God, that is, the metal of the same name, and the beginning of God for the ancient Egyptians was close and related concepts.

The place of asceticism of Macarius the Great in Egypt - the Nitrian Desert, it turns out, was a huge alkaline - soda lake, which in a drought makes it possible to extract this healing product, which the Egyptians did for thousands of years before us.

The main uses of soda

The valuable information of the film includes a very wide range of soda applications. For the first time, so massively, from the screen it is told about the intake of soda inside in the form of a solution, about soda baths and even intravenous administration, which truly turns out to be a "brilliant" in the entire alkaline healing system. With the help of soda, quit smoking, heal wounds and suppuration. The composition of soda is the prevention of cancer. Soda was called the ashes of the great fire.

The plot of the film touches on the history of Soviet athletes. Intravenous administration of soda, in addition to the training and nutrition system, added such a surge of energy and strength to the participants in the Olympics in Munich that 50 gold awards turned out to be the fact of 10 new world records.

Egyptian priests and Slavic sorcerers used soda not only as elements included in various healing compositions, but also for a drink that gave strength to warriors.

Benefits of the plot of the film "Anna Chapman on Soda"

For specialists involved in and, the secret meaning and nature of ancient myths and tales about the magical properties of the "ash of divine fire" will be revealed. Viewers will no longer doubt the nuances and options for using soda as a drug that is absolutely not harmful to health.

Anna Chapman's film is aimed at viewing it by a wide audience of our vast Motherland, even where there is no access to Internet services. The plot about soda will provide an opportunity to get more detailed and extended information on the use of soda in your life.

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The plot about sodium bicarbonate (soda), from the series of programs “Secrets with Anna Chapman”, is not only a new discovery for the viewer, it is the concentration of all information, proven by fact, that could be found about soda.

The official medical system, to be honest, is aimed at profit through the sale of medicines, which is futile for restoring true health.

Of course, soda is not only the main component of the reception and a panacea, it works in a dense binding system with other important components. However, it is Anna Chapman who reveals the most basic secret - soda is not only harmless, it is useful and is the sacred divine ashes of the Gods, as a gift for humanity.

"Ashes of divine fire" - baking soda. This time, Anna Chapman will tell us about the history and beneficial properties of this amazing powder.

For many centuries, baking soda has been actively used not only in the culinary industry. You can learn about many amazing, interesting, unusual facts in the program “Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman”.

The issue of the popular program provides information about the properties, capabilities and benefits of the product, which is the best drug in the treatment of many diseases. It is not for nothing that she has a number of names from ancient times: the ashes of divine fire, the tears of angels.

The program "Secrets of the World" is dedicated to the unique and even mystical properties of soda. Anna Chapman uncovered myths, secrets directly related to sodium bicarbonate, which it was even difficult to think about.

Soda - divine ash

Baking soda or ashes of divine fire - is considered the most affordable and unique product of our time. The extraction method was invented by the chemist Solier in 1861, it is still used today.

Anna offers to get acquainted with the amazing magical properties of sodium bicarbonate, thanks to which healers could create a shield from evil spirits, evil spirits.

Hindus believed that it was the white powder that reveals all the hidden and hidden supernatural possibilities inherent in man.

As for Indian yogis, the healing properties of the substance were demonstrated in rituals and meditations. In their opinion, soda is fire, which is a sacred substance. It was accepted among the ancient Indians that baking soda can appear exactly where the gods descend to earth, it is considered their gift.

The famous ancient physician Avicenna noted that the origin of such a powder is a divine, significant event. Albert the Great wanted to invent a special elixir of life in 1280, so he included sodium bicarbonate in the composition.

He was sure that the white powder was able to quickly and efficiently cleanse the human body of free radicals that affect aging.

Oddly enough, but many resuscitators make intravenous soda injections in case of serious intoxication with harmful substances, toxins, and toxic chemicals.

It is also interesting that injections of soda solution help to reduce blood glucose, help to get out of a diabetic coma.

It was the Indians who became the founders of a chic method, thanks to which you can say goodbye to nicotine addiction. The program "Secrets of the World" offers a unique recipe that works even in the most severe and neglected cases.

The recipe for obtaining a white powder, which has a huge amount of positive and valuable qualities, was known to the ancient magi. History shows that soda was used in ancient Egypt and India, but the ancient Slavs also knew about its healing properties.

Already in those distant times, before the battle, the heroes were offered to drink a wonderful drink that gives them remarkable strength and excellent endurance. Our contemporaries call such drinks energy drinks. To prepare a miracle elixir, soda, pure spring water and honey were required.

Amazing Facts

In those distant times, soda was mined by evaporating water taken from certain lakes. Not every water could become a source of a wonderful white powder, so necessary for the preparation of the elixir of life, which was brewed by Albert the Great back in the 13th century. It was possible to prepare a drink only after water from healing springs and lakes was evaporated over high heat, and as a result of a long process, a white powder appeared on the walls of the dishes, which was called the ashes of Divine fire.

In order for drinking soda to be a friend and helper to the body, when it is taken orally, you should follow the simplest rules

The powder, called ash, collected and stored in special waterproof vessels, had amazing power. Regular intake of a drink with its addition could delay aging and help restore strength after a long illness or severe injury. To get the most complete and detailed information about the origin of soda, its use in ancient times and today, methods of treatment with this substance, you need to carefully watch Anna Chapman's film "About Soda".

The plot of the film is not just a story about the amazing properties of soda, it is also a list of scientifically proven facts that have numerous confirmations.

In ancient India, it was believed that soda is a gift from above and it appears only in those places and waters of reservoirs, on the banks of which the Gods descended. Hindus believed that the regular use of drinks prepared with the addition of sodium bicarbonate allows a person to become the owner of supernatural abilities. Anyone who drinks a drink with the addition of sodium bicarbonate for a long time becomes a psychic, as he is one of those close to the Gods.

Soda was added not only to drinking, a small amount of "ash of the Divine fire" was necessarily poured into the bath for washing, thrown into the fire during ritual ceremonies.

The use of sodium bicarbonate today

Learning the truth about soda with Anna Chapman, the viewer is convinced that the “ashes of the Divine fire” not only enhances immunity and activates the work of vital systems, but also helps to get rid of numerous diseases, the occurrence and development of which is associated with a violation of the acid-base balance in the body. human body.

Soda is an excellent antiseptic, it promotes healing of burn wounds, gargling with a soda solution helps fight sore throats, it can be used to whiten teeth, reduce pain from insect bites, it also helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body.

Despite the assurances of various scientists, soda does not harm health, but on the contrary, it is the most important component of numerous healing compounds:

  • drink to increase the body's resistance;
  • an effective means to get rid of excess weight;
  • composition, the use of which contributes to the rapid abandonment of alcohol and nicotine addiction.

With the help of ordinary baking soda, or rather, drinks prepared with the addition of this substance, diseases can be successfully treated:

  • respiratory organs;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart and blood vessels.

Soda has received well-deserved trust in carrying out therapeutic measures during the fight against malignant neoplasms. Today, injections of soda solution are very popular as a drug during the treatment of severe hyperglycemia.

Even the shamans of Indian tribes knew that a person can stop smoking with the help of sodium bicarbonate. Those who are already familiar with Anna Chapman's film know that, in accordance with the existing recipe, it is enough to dissolve 2 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate in 250 ml of warm water and rinse your mouth thoroughly with this composition in order to feel a strong aversion to tobacco after the first puff.

Of course, many people know that the use of soda in medicine is not limited to the ingestion of compounds containing sodium bicarbonate.

Not only small cuts, but also festering wounds can be cured with a solution of baking soda.

You can achieve speedy healing by washing the wound with a composition, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • 200 ml of warm boiled water;
  • 2 tsp sodium bicarbonate;
  • ½ tsp table salt.

With this solution, both clean and purulent wounds are washed. Many patients are actually convinced that such a procedure really noticeably accelerates healing and helps to stop the development of the inflammatory process.

The 21st century is the period of fast food. This is the time of the spread of such a disease as obesity. You can get rid of excess adipose tissue by regularly drinking drinks with the addition of baking soda. After watching the film by Anna Chapman, the audience is convinced that the daily intake of a soda drink in the morning on an empty stomach leads to significant and rapid weight loss. Soda baths are an additional remedy.

These and many other interesting facts that reveal the secret of the "ash of divine fire" will help you understand how to cope with various diseases by refusing to take pharmaceutical drugs or significantly reducing their number.

Watch, friends, 4 videos about soda. You will learn about its origin, application for global health improvement, skin beauty and weight loss. All about soda with detailed explanations of leading scientists from around the world.

Scientists consider soda to be a product of extraterrestrial origin. The most ancient writings describe it as the property of the Gods. Today's Internet and media are full of articles and videos about its benefits, as a panacea for all diseases and body fat. Is it really useful? Let's see and listen to the opinion of scientists.

Video about soda, useful properties, application

Until recently, I thought that soda is a chemistry intended only for wiping off dirt, washing pots and pans. What was my surprise when, in a series of scientific and educational programs, I heard about the true origin of this substance. About the fact that it was used and treated from the most ancient times by the peoples of the whole world! And at first it was available only to the Gods for immortality.

Soda Film Ashes of Divine Fire

Watch the most wonderful film "Ashes of Divine Fire" from the Secrets of the World series with Anna Chapman. It contains a huge scientific information about this miraculous substance. Origin, beneficial properties of soda, contraindications, methods and recipes for use, soda baths for weight loss, treatment of diseases, statements of scientists and much, much more interesting!

Professor Ogulov - treatment with soda

The well-known professor Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov tells everything about soda in the video with a detailed scientific explanation. He is a full member of the international European Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Traditional Medicine, author of a huge number of books and scientific publications.

This is a piece of video recording of his speech at a seminar for medical professionals.

Neumyvakin about soda

In the next film - detailed recommendations on the treatment with soda from the world-famous (read the biography) - surgeon, founder of space medicine with 30 years of experience in the recovery of astronauts. I wrote about my experience of taking it properly for health in an article about.

Other uses for baking soda

Watch another video about soda with Elena Malysheva. About its use to remove dirt and odors in everyday life, to whiten teeth. And most importantly - how to check its quality and freshness.
